Name day love according to the church calendar. Angel of Love Day according to the church calendar: features, history and interesting facts

The name Love took root very deeply, back in the Old Slavic era. In Russian, it is identified with the name of one of the three saints (Vera, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia), respectively, the owners of this name have their patroness in heaven.

Meaning of the name.

The name speaks for itself, it is love in all its manifestations. In addition, love is one of the main Christian virtues. The Gospel says that God is Love. Accordingly, the name carries a very positive and ancient energy, and its owner spreads love and light around. A woman bearing this name is simply obliged to be loved and adored. Love will always have many friends of both sexes, she will attract people like a magnet, but she will not be able to be equally frank with everyone. The name Love evokes only joyful associations, reminds of a wonderful feeling and all the good that can be in our world.

What is the nature of love?

Behind the outward prettiness, calmness and poise lies a very strong character. When it comes to personal interest, Love is able to show her fighting qualities and win a worthy victory over the enemy.

The owner of this name is a very sensitive, vulnerable person, able to succumb to lightning-fast emotions and experiences. She will be a good keeper of the hearth, as she loves order, cleanliness, although household chores can inspire melancholy, the girl will be able to turn them into joy.

She is very accurate, even pedantic. Love loves the attention and will do anything to shine once again. Love pays great attention to her appearance, likes to look beautiful and elegant. Sometimes, without knowing it itself, Love is able to change people's opinions, change them imperceptibly. Love is a very complex and ambiguous nature.

Love is remembered by others once and for all, both for good and for bad. With age, she changes, becomes wiser, more confident, more carefully selects her social circle, becomes more closed in herself.

positive character traits.

In the first place will be diligence, Love simply cannot sit idly by and do nothing. Love has extreme patience, love of life, optimism and infects everyone around with them. Thanks to her diligence, Love is able to achieve very great results, even if the initial data or inclinations are very minimal. Love is interested in everything that happens within a radius of several kilometers, always watches the news, weather forecasts, has a fairly large erudition. A girl with this name can do several things at the same time or sit for hours on difficult tasks. Love is extremely attentive to details, attaches great importance to them. She is an absolutely non-confrontational person. In any quarrels, Love tries to maintain relations with both opponents.

negative character traits.

Sometimes Love can be a little slow or very pedantic. Love can get lost in big companies or noisy gatherings, but in her circle of friends she will do everything to be noticed. With strangers, she can be quite intractable, closed in herself, but with friends it is easy to agree to the role of the soul of the company. At an early age, it can be dependent on the opinions of relatives (for example, mothers or grandmothers), but over time it gets rid of their pressure. The authority of the mother will always occupy a very important place in her system of values. He thinks over every step very carefully, all the time he doubts the adoption of this or that decision. Love is quite independent in its judgments, so the opinions of other people care very little about it.

Love relationship.

It is difficult to find a middle ground in love, and if someone succeeds, it is definitely not a girl whose name is Love. Love always has many admirers, even if she does not suspect their existence. Often the first relationship can end in a fiasco, but Love quickly finds its true destiny, but prefers to test its relationship for a long time. If love loves someone, then it gives itself entirely and without reserve, regardless of reciprocity or non-reciprocity of feelings. To love and be loved is her natural element.

She is always open to experiments in bed and has an amazing imagination. For Love, the family is really an unshakable shrine, for which she is able to sacrifice a lot. If Love loves you, then you will be the happiest person in the world.

Health issues.

A woman named by this name can have both a colossal supply of vitality and very fragile health. The nervous system of Love is quite strong and hardy. If Love takes control of its sores, then it will be able to overcome them very soon. May suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular, gastric tract. There may be frequent fractures or intramural diseases, menstrual irregularities. Love is inclined to use traditional medicine, believes in the healing of thought and gets very decent results.
Relationships with other people.

Love will be very pleasant in conversation, she knows how to listen, ask a practical question, support with wise advice. Despite external playfulness, Love is very well erudite in various fields of science and, when necessary, is ready to show off her knowledge. Relationships with other people are difficult for her, but with the closest people she reveals herself completely. Love may be afraid of new acquaintances, but with age, she understands her price and is happy to make contact.

Do not forget that Love has a good memory, which means that it will be good to remember both good and bad things. Be careful with the words when communicating with this girl. An aura of friendliness, calmness and understanding reigns around love.


Since Love is hardworking and persistent, any career peaks can bow at her feet. Love strives to become self-sufficient and independent from a very early age, and it succeeds. Everything related to finances and income goes well with Love. The personification of efficiency and employment - this is how you can characterize the owner of this name. Love is able to lead the team and lead others, it also has pedagogical inclinations, the ability to learn. The owner of this name can easily work with people, bring them positive and not be exhausted herself. Love always strives to keep a high bar, therefore it regularly improves itself, reads and analyzes a lot.

Colors named after Love.

Contrary to the first associations, the main color that ideally suits the girl Luba will not be red, but dark blue. It is the color of depth, wisdom, mystery. Love is also favored by dark green and blue. Wearing a dress of such colors, Love feels like a real queen and is ready to conquer new hearts.

What kind of man does love need?

In a relationship, Love seeks protection, warmth, comfort and tranquility. It is important for her to find a person with whom she will be like behind a stone wall, who can be soft, calm, a real keeper of the hearth. Love is looking for a confident, intelligent man who is able to do real things and bring her desires to life, support her in difficult situations or guide her on the right path.

How can you surprise Love?

Since the girl Lyuba is used to being the center of attention, it will not be so easy to surprise her. Love will always appreciate good intentions and sincere impulses of the soul. Small surprise gifts, wild flowers, pleasant SMS, invitations to a cozy place can melt the heart of love. Say compliments to Love more often, she will definitely appreciate it. For her, care and attention that come from a pure heart is important.

What does love not forgive?

The girl Luba has a very good memory, especially for small details that are usually overlooked. Therefore, she will definitely remember a harsh word, a rude memory or an ugly gesture. Love does not forgive when they lie to it, hide the truth, or discuss it behind their backs. But she can easily turn a blind eye to being late, inaccurate statements, long pauses in conversations, or a rumpled shirt. For Love, the very attitude towards it is important, and if it feels insincerity, then it immediately closes into itself, like a turtle in a shell.

Love is a popular Russian name that has Greek origins. Like many other Greek names, the name Love came into the Russian language along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Russia. However, this name is unusual. When transferred from another language, the name Love was transferred not phonetically, but in meaning. In Greek, the name Love (Ἀγάπη/Agape) and the word love are also identical. Linguists call such a transfer from one language to another - tracing. I.e The meaning of the name Love is "love". The names Vera and Nadezhda were also transferred. These three names are associated with three sister martyrs - Faith, Hope and Love, who suffered for the Christian faith in the second century AD. However, this principle of transfer did not affect the name of their mother Sophia, which in Greek means "wisdom". This name was transferred by the phonetic method familiar to us.

The meaning of the name Love for a girl

Girls named Love grow up as kind and sociable children. They are quite emotional, although they like to flirt and seem modest. Little Lyuba loves to help her parents, but this help is not free. For any good deed, Lyuba considers praise to be obligatory. For her - this is the kind of deal, I work - you praise.

Lyuba does not like studying. She has a hard time concentrating and has a hard time keeping her attention. Although, of course, there are exceptions among the owners of this beautiful name. At the same time, you can’t call a girl stupid. Lyuba has excellent intellectual abilities, but unfortunately study is rarely included in her priorities.

Luba's health is strong, but as usual, there is also a weak point. The weak point of health named after Love is the nervous system. Lyuba has a hard time enduring stressful situations, so it is advisable for her to avoid them in every possible way.

Short name Love

Lyuba, Lyubanya, Lyubakha, Lyubka, Lyubchik.

Diminutive names

Lyubochka, Lyubonka, Lyubushka, Lyubava, Lyubasha, Lyubusya, Lucy.

Name Love for passport- LUBOV, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Love into other languages

in Serbian - Cuba
in Slovenian - Ljuba, Ljubinka
in Ukrainian - Lyubov
in Croatian - Ljubana, Ljubica
in Czech - Ljuba, Ljubica

Church name Love(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Love.

Characteristics of the name Love

For bearers of the name Love, characteristic features can be called quite pronounced egoism and purposefulness. She often neglects relationships with others in order to achieve her goal. At the same time, Love is characterized by the manifestation of melancholy and some fatigue. She doesn't like people, but she likes to be the center of attention, so she likes noisy parties. Love has almost no close friends, but there are more than enough comrades in a fun pastime.

Love does not find itself in work. Works with enthusiasm, but only for money. For her, work and pleasure lie in different planes. Quiet work is more suitable for her, she can hardly endure a sharp change in the working environment. All this does not at all make Love a bad worker. If there is earnings for her goals, then few people can achieve such perseverance and efficiency from anyone else. Successful in the profession of a merchandiser, accountant, etc.

In family relationships, Love becomes softer and more giving. It is in the family that she learns to listen to loved ones and is attentive to their interests. Laba loves children very much, but tries to appear strict. It usually doesn't work out very well. She is a good housewife, although she does not enjoy household chores.

The secret of the name Love

The secret name of Love can be called her ability to manipulate people. She can use the people around her in a variety of ways to achieve her goals. Quite a lot of people on their way Love disappoints with this approach to life.

Another secret of Lyuba can be called her propensity for conflict situations. She is a good comrade for rest, but as soon as your interests collide in any trifles, expect trouble.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

totem animal- Mantis.

Name color- Dark blue.

Wood- Linden.

Plant- Lovage.

A rock- Lapis lazuli.

Love is beloved (staroslav).

Name days: September 30 - The Holy Martyr Love, together with the sisters Vera and Nadezhda, after suffering for the faith of Christ, were beheaded before the eyes of their mother (137).


Planet - Saturn.

The color of Love is dark blue.

Auspicious tree - linden.

The treasured plant is lovage.

The patron of the name is a praying mantis.

Talisman stone - lapis lazuli.


Love is outwardly charming, playful, flirtatious. However, she has a manly strong will and a strong sharp mind. This is an extraordinary person. Loves...

Saints with the name Love according to the Orthodox calendar 2019 are commemorated 2 times a year.

Upcoming name days of Love

How to correctly determine the spiritual patron and the name day of Love according to the Orthodox calendar? Options to consider are:

  • by birthday;
  • on the day of naming (the eighth day of life);
  • on the day of baptism (fortieth day of life);

It happens that on a particular day the names of the saints are not indicated, or the birthday of Lyubov does not coincide with the day of commemoration of “her” saint. Then they look through the calendar three days ahead of the birthday or baptism, and decide on the choice - the day of the name day of Love according to the church calendar will be considered the next memorial day of Saint Love.

Traditionally, Christians called children strictly according to the charter of the church, so there was no confusion between Name Day and Angel Day. Today, not everyone distinguishes between these two memorable dates.

Love Angel Day This is the day of her christening. It is called so because after the Sacrament, a Guardian Angel appears at the baptized, who accompanies and protects the ward.

BUT Name day of Love- This is the day of veneration of one of the saints with the name Love.

Birthday greeting cards 🖼 for Lyubov

You can please the birthday girl with a congratulatory picture on the day of the angel or the birthday of Love, accompanied by a poetic congratulation, the options for which you will find below.

The patron saints of Lyubov are women with great fortitude. Their lives were selflessly given to God. Lyuba's name day is the day of remembrance of one of the holy Loves.

What to give 🎁 Love for a birthday

For jewelry that you want to give Luba, an emerald is best suited. It will help a woman find peace and harmony, attract prosperity and abundance into her life. An emerald ring is the best gift for Love before the wedding, a symbol of a long and happy family life. Of the semi-precious stones, opal and lapis lazuli are considered the patrons of women and girls named Love.

If you decide to choose clothes or accessories as a gift for Love, try to choose natural, vibrant and rich colors, such as orange. Love is almost always indifferent to nature, feels good in blue and green.

Congratulations 🥳 with name day for Love

Always remain the most beautiful
Don't be sad and don't worry.
Love, smile lightly and brightly,
Think happiness, so that it comes true soon!

Let good people surround
Joy in the soul certainly lives,
Life brings luck on a platter
And there is only beauty ahead!

Love, I wish you from the bottom of my heart
For you to be loved
So that fate gives good,
Happy holiday to you!

Happiness, joy, fun,
Peace to your house
To be in the mood
I hasten to congratulate you!

On the birthday of Lyuba dear
We wish you to be happy in everything.
A joy to always be for us,
Conquer everyone with the radiance of the eyes.
charming, cute,
There is no soul.
Flirtatious, playful
Everyone knows her like that.
Sad with her heart and laughs,
But that's what makes her good.
And Lyubushka is not called in vain -
The Russian soul sings in it.
Oh, Lyubochka, Lyubasha,
You are our beauty!

Love, in your name is bright,
There is something that others do not have -
Marked by gentle light
As in honor of your sincere verse.
Happy Angel Day, I congratulate
You, and I want to wish
To have fun - without end!
And in life, do not know sorrows!

On the birthday of Lyuba dear
We wish you to be happy in everything.
A joy to always be for us,
Conquer everyone with the radiance of the eyes.

charming, cute,
There is no soul.
Flirtatious, playful -
Everyone knows her like that.

Sad with her heart and laughs,
But that's what makes her good.
And Lyubushka is not called in vain -
The Russian soul sings in it.

Patron saints 😇 Love according to church calendar

In the Church Orthodox calendar - the calendar contains the names of saints who were glorified for their ascetic life.

Every Christian can find out in memory of which ascetic the day of his birth is consecrated. In order to find answers to important questions of one's own life and to realize what destiny is prepared for oneself, it makes sense to get acquainted with the details of the life and ascetic deeds of "one's own" saint.

† Lyubov Ryazanskaya (Sukhanovskaya), Holy fool for Christ's sake

"Lyubushka, Ryazan dove" is one of the most revered saints in the regional center. She was born into a poor bourgeois family in 1962, for the first fifteen years of her life she was seriously ill. From childhood, Lyuba did not walk and did not even get out of bed, but she never grumbled at God, she had a calm and patient character.

In childhood and adolescence, Lyuba prayed a lot. Her favorite icon was the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, located in the small family house next to her bed. On the eve of the girl's sixteenth birthday, a miracle happened: her mother, who came home, found her standing on her feet in front of the image and praying fervently. The girl told her mother about her vision: Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared before her and said that from now on she would walk around the city and play the fool for Christ's sake.

After that, Blessed Lyubov Ryazanskaya lived for more than fifty years, but remained true to her destiny: the holy fool went around the city from house to house, helping the people of Ryazan and supporting them in difficult days. She had a bright gift of foresight, she understood people well, she could tell everyone his sins, pains, predict fate, for which the pure in heart loved and accepted her, and the rest were afraid. She sometimes conveyed her prophecies in words, but most often she used figurines or objects that, after a request or question, she cut out of paper with scissors.

Especially strong support was Lyubushka for the townspeople during the years of the revolution and the civil war. People who lost their bearings recognized her as a spiritual authority, listened attentively to the prophecies. Lyubushka saved many townspeople from wrong steps, from death and despair. When the blessed one died in February 1920, half the city accompanied her to the cemetery. In Ryazan, holy fools have always been valued, invited to their homes and welcomed, but Lyubov Sukhanovskaya was a special authority due to her kindness and insight.

They buried the blessed one at the Sorrowful Cemetery, in a modest grave, which was completely destroyed and almost lost in the difficult post-war years. It was restored by an elderly military man from another city, to whom the saint, according to him, appeared in a dream, asked to find a grave, to erect a new monument. After fulfilling the request, this man was cured of a serious illness. In 1992, a chapel was built next to the grave, where the townspeople come with requests and prayers. In 1998, Lyubov Sukhanovskaya was included in the Ryazan Cathedral of Saints.

† Love of Rome, martyr, maiden

In the second century AD, the faith of Christ continued to spread in the Roman Empire, inspiring people to exploits. One of those who sincerely believed was the noble Roman woman Sophia, who had three beautiful daughters of the same age.

The woman was such a zealous Christian that she named her daughters Fidos, Spes, Karitos. These qualities (faith, hope, love) were the most important for the followers of Christ.

The fame of the wise girls grew with them, forcing the inhabitants of the empire to think about the greatness of the Lord. When the youngest of the girls Lyubov was nine years old, the news of the young ascetics who did not hide their faith, and their wise mother, reached the head of the region Antiochus, and then to the emperor Hadrian himself.

The pagan ruler ordered the whole family to come to the palace. The wise Sophia understood what was waiting for the girls, but was not afraid and ordered them to pray. The girls read prayers for a long time until they realized that they were ready to go to the palace and defend their truth.

The king saw the beautiful intelligent faces of the girls, calmly and clearly looking at him, and was amazed to the core. He began to exhort them, saying that the goddess Artemis would accept their sacrifice, give them wealth and happiness. Girls one by one refused to perform pagan rites, glorifying Christ.

Having failed to achieve his goal, Adrian sent the Christian women for three days to his approximate Palladia, who also could not persuade either the mother or the children to renounce their faith: they were still ready to die for her.

Adrian felt weak. It was difficult for him to torment and destroy the blossoming beauty of the sisters, but their example could be dangerous for other subjects. In case of renunciation of the faith, the emperor promised to become a father to the girls, promised them all earthly blessings. But the holy virgins remained firm and adamant, despite their childish age.

Then the torture began. The eldest of the sisters was stripped of her clothes, severely beaten, her nipples were cut off, from which instead of blood milk began to flow. She kept a smile on her lips, as if in no pain. The emperor demanded that she be roasted alive, but miraculously young Vera did not suffer from the flames: such was the strength of her love for Christ. Even immersed in a cauldron of boiling oil, the holy virgin did not suffer and continued to glorify the Lord. Those present at the execution began to grumble loudly, unable to endure the cruelty of the emperor and the torment of the child. To avoid final defeat, Adrian gave the order to cut off the girl's head.

Mother and younger sisters were present at the execution, maintaining complete composure. The king turned his eyes to the middle sister and asked her only to bow to Artemis in order to save her life and become his daughter and heiress, but the girl refused to renounce Christ. She endured excruciating torture, did not suffer from fire and hot oil, calmly watched how her tender body turned into shreds. Suffering for Christ seemed to give her incredible joy. The tormentor could not stand it and ordered to cut off the girl's head.

Nine-year-old Love, without a doubt, went all the way of suffering after the sisters. She was crucified, tormented with iron hooks, tortured with fire, boiled alive, burned and beaten again. Christ gave the little child a power incomprehensible to the human mind. Sophia experienced the most terrible torment: to see the suffering and death of children. She endured the impossible, buried her daughters, and on the third day she died herself.

Angel Day in the name of Love according to the church calendar. What patronymic is suitable for a girl with the name Love?

There are a huge number of names in the world, and they all differ in their origin and meaning. Also important is the fact that each name has its own unique characteristic, which directly affects the life of a person.

Today we will talk about the wonderful female name Love and try to understand the character of the fair sex, named by this name, and also understand their preferences and predispositions.

What does the name Love mean according to the church calendar?

Almost any name that a child is called has its own church version. Sometimes the forms of names coincide, sometimes they differ somewhat, and it happens that the name chosen by the parents is not in the church calendar at all.

  • The name Luba has the full form of the name - Love
  • In the church version, the name also sounds like Love

Now let's talk a little about the meaning of this name:

  • If we consider the meaning of this female name in the literal sense of the word, then we get the following result: the name Love means nothing more than love
  • This is primarily due to the fact that the name Love was transferred from another language, and it was not transferred phonetically, but only in meaning, because in Greek this name sounds like Agape. It is identical to the word "love" familiar to everyone.
  • According to the church calendar, the name means "love." The name means a bright feeling, not platonic love and not exactly the love of a man and a woman, but a feeling that should fill the heart of every person, regardless of his relationship with someone
  • This is love for life, love for relatives, oneself, nature and the whole world around.
  • Love is also the gratitude that every person should feel towards all the people present in his life and towards God.

Saint patron named Love

The name that parents call the baby must be in the Orthodox faith and, accordingly, in the Church, because at baptism the child is given the name of one of the saints, who will be his patron, protector and helper.

  • A bit of history. It's no secret that the name Love is inextricably linked with other female names - Faith, Hope, and Sofia
  • Faith, Hope and Love were sisters who suffered for their faith at a very young age - Lyubov was only 9 years old
  • At the same time, the sisters were beheaded right in front of their own mother, who died of grief on the 3rd day.
  • So, after these sad events, all 3 girls and their mother Sophia were recognized as holy martyrs
  • The patroness of the name Love is the same girl - Roman Love

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Love according to the Orthodox calendar?

Surely you have heard more than once that one of your friends has a name day on such and such a day. No matter how strange it may sound, not everyone knows what a name day is and often confuse this day with a birthday. At the same time, it is important to say that the name day is the day on which it is customary to honor the memory of the saint whose name a person bears.

Angel Day is, in principle, a synonym for a name day, but sometimes this day can be called the day of the baptism of a child, and it, in turn, may or may not coincide with the day of memory of the saint whose name the baby is named.

  • The fair sex, bearing the name Love, celebrate their name day and Angel Day only once a year
  • This day falls on September 30, according to the old style on September 17 - the day of memory of the martyr Lyubov

Name Love, Lyuba: origin and meaning, popularity

The name Love and its short form Lyuba are so familiar and familiar to us that most people are sure without a doubt that the name is originally Russian.

  • The origin of this wonderful name is Old Slavonic, but the name is really Russian
  • The name came in the form of "Love" with the advent of the Orthodox faith
  • The name came, of course, along with the names Vera and Hope

We have already talked about the church meaning of the name, now let's figure out what is put into the name Love in "ordinary" life:

  • The name Lyuba, Love has a bright common sense. Like it or not, but the name means in all cases only love
  • Even not in the church calendar, the divine meaning of this name is emphasized, because love is God
  • Love is the most tender, bright, quivering and important feeling that a person can feel. It is to this that everyone who explains the meaning of this name is inclined.
  • If we consider love as the ability to give in, to some extent to sacrifice, if not yourself, then at least your interests, to forgive, then the meaning acquires a meaning corresponding to these conclusions.
  • That is, the name Love means nothing more than love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness.

Well, now a little about the popularity and relevance of this female name:

  • From the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century, this name actively came into use and gained its popularity. By the end of the 20th century, the name Love had become one of the 30 most common names that were popular not only among the lower strata of the population, but also among nobles and merchants. By the way, during this period of time, among “ordinary” people, this name was not so in demand
  • Fast forward to the distant 1953. According to statistics, the name Lyubov took 14th position in the ranking of the most used in Moscow
  • However, over time, interest in the name began to fade, as is usually the case with other names. Already in 1995, the name occupied only 30th position in the same ranking
  • And statistics for 2006 suggests that the name is completely losing its popularity, because only 20 parents a month name their daughters with it
  • To date, the name is included in the 100 most common names in our country, but it is already considered rare

Love - deciphering the name

Any name consists of a set of letters that also have their own characteristics and meanings, so we consider it appropriate and interesting to draw your attention to the spelling of the name Love.

  • L- this letter is responsible for the creative potential of a person. Based on the fact that creative people are often fickle, we can say that Lyubov are true seekers of adventure and opportunities to satisfy their needs, and we are talking not only about physical needs, but also moral, material
  • YU- the letter characterizes a person in terms of romance, emotions, feelings. And here it must be said that the letter " Yu”Adds women named Love cravings and a penchant for actions that provide them with the necessary emotions. However, actions are always different.
  • B- the letter expresses the character of a person. These are very persistent individuals, whose actions are always aimed at the result.
  • O- a letter symbolizing the inner world of a person. Women bearing the name Lyuba are endowed with good intuition, they have a well-developed ability to feel and feel
  • AT- is responsible for the presence in the character of such feelings as sociability, openness, readiness to comprehend, learn something new
  • b- a soft sign, gives women softness in relation to all the people around them

That is, the name Love is very romantic, creative and "deep", but at the same time it is very strong.

Name Love, Lyuba in English: how is it written in the passport?

Of course, most often we write and use the name Lyuba in our native language, Russian. However, there are times when it is necessary to be aware of the correct spelling of the name in English, as well as in a foreign passport.

To understand how to write the name Love in English, we will use the Cyrillic transliteration for the Russian alphabet:

  • L - L
  • Yu - IU
  • B - B
  • O - O
  • B - V
  • b - -

The name Love in English will look like Liubov. The same name will appear on the passport.

It is important to know that when applying to authorities for issuing a passport, employees themselves clarify information regarding the spelling of your name and surname.

Love: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

It will not be a secret to anyone that the full form of the name is used quite rarely. Most often this happens during official appeal, filling out documents, but in everyday life we ​​all use short and diminutive forms of the name, which are more familiar to our ears.

  • The name Love has the most common short form Luba.
  • As diminutive forms, the names Lyubasha, Lyubanya, Lusya, Lyubushka, Lyubusha, Lyubka, Buska are most often used.
  • Also on behalf of Love there are other names, in the root of which there is “love” - Lyubava, Lyuboslava, Lubomir

It is important to understand that, despite the fact that all of the above forms are considered and refer to the name Love, it is advisable to call a person them only if he does not mind and really considers them his “second” names.

Love: the meaning of the name, character and fate

A lot has been said about the meaning of this name today, so we will not repeat ourselves once again. It is important to remember only one thing, that this name means a bright, sincere feeling, which is familiar to us under the name "love". But the character and fate of the fair sex, who bear the name Love, is still a mystery to us. Therefore, let's not waste time in vain and proceed to the study of these issues.

Let's start, perhaps, with the character of the owners of the name Love.

  • Despite their prettiness, tenderness and outward fragility, women named Love have a "male" character. Self-confidence, their strengths and capabilities - this is definitely about these women. Willpower and the desire to achieve your goals is a hallmark of the character of Love.
  • Love is a versatile person, there is no such thing in which she would not be able to prove herself if she had a desire for it.
  • Love are very sociable personalities and know how to find a common language with people, however, despite this, women who bear this name are often secretive and closed in themselves and their inner world
  • In principle, Lyuba are peaceful and calm, but if their interests are hurt or their plans are hindered, expect trouble. From a calm, balanced, sweet woman, Lyuba will turn into a screaming personality defending her position. Therefore, it is definitely not worth bringing these women into conflict and dispute.
  • Lyuba is a good hostess, in her house, as a rule, since childhood, cleanliness and order, things are always in their place. The girl does not disdain to help strangers, for which she is always bestowed with attention and gratitude.
  • Representatives of this name always have their own opinion on any account, and it is extremely difficult to convince them of something
  • Studying is not Lyuba’s strongest side, if she wants, she will quickly learn her lessons and answer the lesson without hesitation, but if she doesn’t want to, she won’t lift a finger, citing the fact that she doesn’t need this study at all
  • Often creative personalities are loved, so it is necessary to observe hidden talents from childhood. Most often, choosing something in childhood and sincerely loving it, Love will do business all his life.

Much can be said about fate, but we decided to say the most important thing:

  • For representatives of this name, fate can turn out completely differently, and all because of the inconstancy and versatile personality of these women
  • Having found their true mutual love, Lyuba can become wonderful wives and mothers. However, having made a mistake in choosing a partner at least once, Love can withdraw into itself and renounce female happiness altogether.
  • Having noticed Lyuba's creative abilities in childhood, and developing them, you can get a talented person who can prove himself in absolutely everything. However, having missed this chance and moment, you can push Lyuba to idleness and even worse to bad companies.

The fate of a person depends not only on the name, but also on which family the child grows up in, on his environment, upbringing, on whether he receives due attention and love - these factors must be taken into account when studying this issue.

Name Love: sexuality, marriage

Having understood what kind of character and preferences Lyuba has in general, let's talk about her relationship with the opposite sex and sexuality.

  • Representatives of this name rarely experience a lack of attention from men. Even at an early age, Luba become enviable girls and brides
  • However, Lyuba is a very domineering woman, and often being popular, they simply fool men's heads, and by the way, they sometimes leave their families.
  • The skittish and domineering method of building relationships with men often results in an unsuccessful first marriage, however, upsetting Love is not always
  • After a while, Love marries a second time and in this marriage, perhaps she will “slow down” a little, but she still won’t let herself lead
  • As for sexuality and sex, here Love behaves somewhat more modestly and calmly, her shyness is to blame. Sex prefers only with a lover or a permanent partner, fleeting flirting - please, but sex with the first person you meet is hardly
  • Lyuba needs a sensitive partner who can show her all the delights of an intimate life, without putting pressure on her or forcing her to do anything.

Name Love: health and psyche

Human health is also of no small importance in determining fate. So now let's talk about this.

  • From birth, girls named Love cannot boast of good good health. Most often they are affected by infectious diseases.
  • You can also sometimes meet Lubs who have skin problems.
  • The liver often suffers
  • "Winter" Lyuba are characterized by weakness of the lungs
  • But "Spring" Lyubov suffer from brittle limbs and a weak nervous system
  • Already being an adult woman, Lyubov should pay maximum attention to her “female” health, because it often fails her.
  • Otherwise, Luba is an ordinary child who cries because of pain in the tummy, when teething
  • The condition of the nerves and psyche can be affected by frequent illnesses of the child, therefore, from the very birth, the baby needs to be surrounded by care, love and positive emotions. If possible, you need to take the child to recovery every year

Name Love: intuition, intelligence, morality

It's time to talk about the inner world and the ability to study:

  • As mentioned earlier, studying is not the strongest side of these girls. Most often, they tend to manifest themselves in creativity, and not in science.
  • Generally speaking, Lyuba thinks like a man, and her mindset is analytical.
  • Love is studying averagely, deuces very often “please” her diary, however, this does not upset her at all, because she knows perfectly well that, if she wants, she can easily correct them

Name Love
  • If Lyuba is really interested in studying, she will be an excellent student, but this happens extremely rarely
  • As for intuition, Love has a very strong one. Intuition for Lyuba is her assistant, her compass. Women with this name believe in everything mystical, therefore they trust their inner voice and most often do as it tells them
  • Regarding morality, what is there to hide. Any cunning woman, in order to achieve her goals, will not disdain by any means, including manipulation, meanness and embellishment of the situation.

Name Love: hobbies, activities, business

Lyubov's hobbies and her penchant for doing business deserve no less attention.

  • Love is an attractive and beautiful woman, and this, as you know, requires certain efforts and time.
  • So, Lyuba spends almost all her free time near the mirror, perfecting herself.
  • These women love to bring beauty, make up, dress beautifully. Therefore, shopping is another hobby
  • Flowers - that's what gives Luba genuine joy. She loves to buy them, grow them, take care of them.
  • Traveling is also a hobby of this woman.
  • It is impossible not to say about needlework, very often representatives of this name find themselves in this

Regarding activities and business:

  • To say that Lyuba will make a successful business woman is an open lie.
  • In principle, this woman has all the makings, but she cannot use them because of her indecision and uncertainty
  • It’s better for Lyuba to be led, so she finds just such a job for herself.

What zodiac sign fits the name Love?

Children can be named, starting not only from the consonance of the name with the patronymic and surname, you can also focus on whether the chosen name is suitable for the baby's zodiac sign.

The name Love is most suitable for such zodiac signs:

  • Scorpion
  • Capricorn

It is the combination of one of these zodiac signs along with the name Love that will give a person health, strong character, the ability to stand up for himself and many other positive character traits.

Talisman stone for the name Love

It has long been known that stones are able to protect people, endow them with spiritual strength. For women bearing the name Love, the following stones would be suitable:

  • Opal. This stone in different countries symbolizes completely different character traits. Even in ancient Rome, it was customary to call opal the stone of impermanence. Europe has chosen a different meaning for itself - faith, purity, inviolability. A stone can calm a person, instill faith and hope in him, protect him from bad thoughts. In the East, they believe that opal symbolizes joy, happiness, positive emotions. Anyone can choose any opal - white, jasper, fire

Talismans for Love
  • Emerald. This stone symbolizes constancy, calmness, confidence in the future, wisdom and prosperity. The stone acts as a guardian angel, because it is considered a heavenly stone
  • Lapis lazuli. Symbolizes friendship, openness and sincerity, pure intentions. Lapis Lazuli brings luck, success and confidence to the wearer.

Famous people, celebrities named Love: photo

It is simply impossible to list all the celebrities bearing this name, so we chose the most popular in our opinion.

  • Lyubov Polishchuk - the most famous and beloved actress
  • Lyubov Sokolova is a famous actress
  • Lyubov Orlova - the star of the Soviet screen
  • Lyubov Voropaeva - poet, producer
  • Lyubov Uspenskaya - famous singer

Lyubov Uspenskaya
  • Lyubov Egorova - famous athlete, skier
  • Lyubov Popova - Russian artist
  • Lyubov Kabo - Russian writer
  • Lyubov Germanova - theater and film actress

What patronymic is suitable for a girl with the name Love: compatibility with male names

Almost all parents choose a name for their children depending on its consonance with the patronymic and surname, so we simply could not help but talk about it.

The name Love is best combined with such patronymics:

  • Iosifovna
  • Klimovna
  • Konstantinovna
  • Kondratyevna
  • Rudolfovna
  • Andreevna
  • Filippovna
  • Sergeevna
  • Vadimovna
  • Arkadievna

Regarding compatibility with male names. The name Love is most compatible with:

  • named after Alexander. Such a couple has every chance to become strong and build a happy family. As a rule, these two know how to understand each other and do not rush things.
  • In the name of Eugene. According to Lyubov, this is exactly the kind - a strong, calm, balanced and self-aware man should be next to her. Most often, the relationship of such a couple ends in a happy marriage.
  • named Andrey. These two look in the same direction, so they are almost perfect for each other. Often their family becomes a common model of a decent, happy, friendly family.

Name compatibility

The name Love is least compatible with:

  • named Yuri. Quarrels, scandals, constant resentment - this is what awaits this couple in a relationship. Most often, the couple breaks up almost immediately, but sometimes the union lasts as long as Love has the patience
  • named after Oleg. Oleg is inherent in looking for something new, he is not stable in relationships, which hurts Love very much. She, giving all her feelings only to him, wants to receive the same in return, however, with Oleg's nature this is impossible, so the union is doomed from the very beginning
  • named after Vladimir. People look at life in completely different ways. No one wants to yield in such an alliance, and as a result, the couple simply scatters

It is also worth saying that the name Lyuba is compatible with the name Mikhail, Nikolai, Ruslan. The name Love is worse compatible with the name Denis, Anton, Artem. Any name is fraught with many mysteries and mysteries that we still cannot fully unravel. When choosing a name for a baby, be guided primarily by your desires, preferences and inner voice.

Video: The meaning of the name Love

September 30, on the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love,. They are wise, know how to create comfort and attract well-being.

According to tradition, birthday girls celebrate their Angel Day for three whole days in a row. It is customary for them to give amulets and personalized icons, and in return they treat the donors with pies.

Congratulations on the birthday of Love

Dear Lyubochka, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish you bright and joyful moments of life, happy events and great ideas, wonderful mood and vivid emotions, true love and the fulfillment of your cherished dream.

Love, I wish you from the bottom of my heart

For you to be loved

So that fate gives good,

Happy holiday to you!

Happiness, joy, fun,

Peace to your house

To be in the mood

I hasten to congratulate you!

Dear Lyubushka, I heartily congratulate you and wish you always love and be loved, in no case lose hope and faith in yourself, strive for high successes and cherished desires, never miss your happiness and good luck.

My sister, Lyubasha,

Today is your Angel Day.

May your life be a full cup

And all the troubles with her!

And let there be laughter and smiles

And happiness swirls around!

Let mistakes bypass you

And next to the most reliable friend!

Dear Lyubonka, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you dawns of happiness and love, great victories and successes, sincere and cheerful emotions, good luck and great mood, wonderful ideas and cheerful well-being.

Always remain the most beautiful

Don't be sad and don't worry.

Love, smile lightly and brightly,

Think happiness, so that it comes true soon!

Let good people surround

Joy in the soul certainly lives,

Life brings luck on a platter

And there is only beauty ahead!
