Technologies "Knauf": installation of drywall. New building technologies

The Knauf company is a family-owned German company, which, having begun its history in 1933 with the production of gypsum building mixtures and having gone through almost a century of development, today it is not only materials, but also technologies. Knauf, producing drywall, gives recommendations on how to build walls and partitions using original technology that guarantees quality.

Drywall can serve not only for finishing the room, such as walls or ceilings, but also as a separate building material for creating partitions.

Drywall is used everywhere today, it is an inexpensive and practical material. It is hard to imagine how much he made life easier for modern builders. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of its use in interior and finishing works. After all, in addition to leveling the walls and creating figured ceilings, in addition to building various niches, arches and other architectural forms, GKL (plasterboard sheet) can also serve as an independent building material used for the construction of walls and partitions indoors.

And in this respect, Knauf offers its own drywall installation technology, offering to start first of all from what result you need to get.

The main types of structures

The installation technology of the Knauf GKL is slightly different depending on the type of partition used. O characteristic features, if they are, we will talk separately, for each specific structure. There are the following basic systems GKL "Knauf".


This is the most simple design, which is a supporting frame made of a steel profile, sheathed on both sides with sheets of drywall, filled with insulating material. The thickness of such a GKL partition is minimal and equals the sum of the width of the carrier profile and the thickness of the sheets of material. Such a design is rather decorative in nature, since it is not able to withstand heavy loads and can easily be destroyed by physical contact. GKL partitions according to the Knauf s111 system are used in those places where there is no need for a high level of heat and noise insulation and the structure itself is needed, rather, for the visual division of space.


Partitions from GKL according to the Knauf system c112 are performed in a similar way, their main difference is that drywall is sewn in two layers on each side. This increases the strength of the finished structure, improving its performance. More durable to mechanical stress, they, however, cannot replace full-fledged walls.


This variety differs from the first two in that it is sheathed with three sheets of drywall on each side. This approach is usually used where a combination is needed. different types GKL.

Types of GKL Knauf:

  • normal;
  • moisture resistant (wall color is green);
  • fire-resistant (wall color is red);
  • combined GKLVO.

Depending on the application, they can be used in various combinations. For example, the walls of corridors intended for evacuation in case of fire are sheathed with fire-resistant sheets.


Plasterboard partitions "Knauf", made according to this system, are a double metal carcass, sheathed with a double layer of drywall sheets. This approach makes it possible to increase the thickness of the final wall, as well as to increase its insulating characteristics by applying a double layer of insulation inside. The double metal frame, in turn, makes such a wall strong enough. The Knauf ceilings made using this technology can already be considered a full-fledged wall.

When using this technology, it is necessary to lay a heat-insulating tape between the joints of the metal frames.

An important point is the laying of a heat-insulating tape at the junction of two metal frames, this is necessary so that the wall does not freeze, condensation does not form in it and it maintains high performance properties.


Unlike system 115, GKL transverse spacers are used here, designed to increase the thickness of the wall and leave room inside for wiring all necessary pipes and communications. In fact, inside the walls form an artificial cavity for technical use.


This type of partitions is made according to technology 113, with the only difference being that between the layers of drywall the wall is sheathed with galvanized steel half a millimeter thick. This design is designed to maintain its consumer properties even when trying to break it. Of course, such a wall will not stand against the grinder, but it will take time to demolish it, so the use of structure 118 in order to protect against penetration is fully justified.

121 and 122

The partitions of the Knauf GKL, made using this technology, are practically the same as systems 111 and 112, with the only difference being that here the frame is made of wood.

General rules

Important to remember. Separately, it is worth talking about the installation of all the indicated GKL partitions using the Knauf tigi technology, this method involves the arrangement of sheets of different layers overlapping each other. Or on the run, as they say. That is, the joints of the sheets at different levels should not intersect. Instructions for the construction of partitions using this technology indicate that the joints of the plates different levels should be at least half a meter apart. This applies to both vertical and horizontal joints. By following this rule, you will multiply the strength of the finished structure.

Choosing Knauf systems you get not individual elements, and ready engineering systems.

The use of Knauf drywall systems implies the work of a complete closed cycle, in which all materials and components are used only by this manufacturer. This approach is very helpful. The fact is that Knauf does not just produce various elements, this company supplies ready-made engineering systems in which everything is thought out.

Each small part individually, in its place, forms a common monolithic result. Here is what is needed to work on this technology:

  • profiles. At Knauf, the bearing and guiding profiles are made in such a way that when mounting one to the other, distortions, distortions and other anomalies do not occur. The finished frame, built from the specified material, is always even, strong and reliable.
  • filler or insulator. It is recommended to use only mineral wool from the specified manufacturer to fill the inter-wall space. It does not spread fire, does not rot, does not support organic life forms, which means that mice will not start in such walls. In addition, such wool is made to fit the width of the inter-wall space and does not require additional processing.
  • The drywall itself of this manufacturer, which meets all European quality standards, in combination with the rest of the elements of this designer, is capable of carrying out many years of good-quality service.
  • Draft and finishing compounds for grouting and sealing, created taking into account the composition of cardboard and gypsum filler of this particular brand, successfully complement drywall from this manufacturer, showing excellent adhesive properties with its surface. Thus, the finished wall with a rough finish already looks complete.
  • An insulating tape of the required width for a specific profile, as well as all hardware for work, should also be chosen from the products of the specified brand. After all, the quality of these elements is checked and certified, as well as tested by many years of use. Don't question the quality finished wall saving on fasteners. After all, it is on it that all these components are kept.


As can be understood from the foregoing, the Knauf technology for plasterboard walls and partitions is a reliable and calculated engineering system, which is purchased in parts, but, when mounted on site, represents a direct integration German quality to the Russian interior.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Drywall is widely used in the renovation of apartments. With its help, walls and ceilings are leveled, niches and boxes are constructed, doorways are modernized, and many decor elements are performed. There is certain rules installation of these structures, which must be observed. Leading drywall manufacturers have developed entire kits for the convenience of consumers. The Knauf technology has gained particular popularity in our country.

Benefits of Using Technology

Knauf produces a whole line of ready-made kits that differ depending on the type and size of the structure.

The main advantage of the Knauf kits: they include everything you need to mount a wall or partition, from drywall to fasteners. This provides the consumer with several benefits, including:

  • Guaranteed to use only high quality materials. This is facilitated by a strict system of company control, designed for minimum tolerances in the manufacture of plasterboards and other elements.
  • Ease of calculating the consumption of drywall and other parts of the structure. A simple online calculator available on many sites is enough. You need to enter the dimensions of your wall or partition into it, indicating the number of doors and windows, and it will give full list all necessary elements indicating their number.
  • The manufacturer provides each kit with detailed assembly instructions, so that even an unprepared person can carry it out.
  • Buying materials separately, you can forget some details. Using the kit solves this problem.

The procedure for installing Knauf kits

Required preparatory work: alignment and marking. After that, a partition is placed:

  • Guide profiles are attached to the dowels.
  • Through the selected optimal intervals are set vertical racks. Their fixation is recommended to be done using a cutter with a bend.
  • Horizontal jumpers are mounted.
  • If necessary, communications are stretched, insulation is laid.
  • GKL frame is sheathed with special proprietary self-tapping screws.
  • Spend finishing corners and joints of sheets.

Mounting Features

The system for assembling walls and partitions using this technology has its own nuances that must be taken into account in order to achieve the optimal result:

  • To ensure high strength, individual frame elements are reinforced by nesting one profile into another.
  • The guides are attached to the dowels at least three points. The plane of the profile adjacent to the base is preliminarily pasted over with a damper tape.
  • Often it is necessary to join insufficiently long elements of a metal structure. In this case, you should space out the junctions, for example, place them in a checkerboard pattern. This will reduce the likelihood of vibrations or various deformations of the structure.
  • Racks are placed at a distance of 600 mm from each other. Thus, each sheet will be fixed on three profiles. If necessary, the step between the racks can be reduced.
  • The profiles are fastened together with a cutter or branded self-tapping screws. Crab connectors are used at intersections.
  • GKL sheathing elements are fastened end-to-end with the necessary gaps to compensate for the thermal expansion of the material. Later they are filled special composition, produced by the same company "Knauf".
  • When building partitions from gypsum boards with window niches or doorways, it is forbidden to join sheets above them. Otherwise, there is a risk of seams coming apart due to vibrations that occur when using windows and doors. Docking of elements is carried out closer to the corners of the room.

Types of structures provided by Knauf

The sets differ from each other in the number of skins, thickness and frame design. All partitions use branded insulation based on mineral wool. There are the following kits:

  • C 111 - with one layer of sheathing. The minimum thickness and instability to loads do not allow such a design to replace a full-fledged wall, its function is decorative and zoning.
  • C 112 - sheathing in two layers on each side on a single frame.
  • Sets C 121 and C 122 are similar to the two described above. The difference is that instead of profiles, they use wooden bars for the crate.
  • C 115 - a set with a double frame, lined with two layers of drywall. This allows, by increasing the thickness of the partition, to place a double layer of mineral wool in it. According to its characteristics, this design is close to a conventional wall.
  • C 116 - also performed on a double spaced frame. The internal cavities remaining inside it allow for hidden installation of communications. The two-layer sheathing removed from the wall is implemented in the C 626 kit.
  • C 113 or C 367 - sets with triple skin. Designed for those cases when it is necessary to use drywall of different types: moisture resistant, fireproof and ordinary in many combinations.
  • C 118 - used for extra-strong walls and partitions. In it, sheets of galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick are laid between the layers of drywall.
  • C 361, C 362, C 363 - sets on a single frame, sheathed, respectively, in 1, 2 or 3 layers with Knauf gypsum fiber supersheets. C 365–369 - modifications of partitions with gypsum fiber on different frames.
  • C 386.1 and C386.2 - kits that provide for the laying of ventilation or other communication channels.

Various combinations of frames and skins are possible. All of them are presented in the Knauf product line.

A single frame is used when it is not planned to hang anything heavy on the wall, and also if significant insulation or soundproofing is not required. But to attach to the wall household appliances, which has a solid weight, you will have to make a double frame with reinforcement.

Features of the formation of corners from drywall

Corners play an important role in the installation of drywall construction. If they are assembled incorrectly, then through a short time cracks will appear in these places, and the fastening of the sheets will be unreliable.

GKL structures can have both internal and external corners. For the formation of each of them, their own methods are used. First of all, the frame is assembled.

External corners are made as follows:

  • Two vertical posts forming a rib are installed in the rails so as to form a single angle. It is unacceptable to mount them with an offset: in this case, there will be a void under the junction of the drywall sheets.
  • The racks are fixed in the guides with a pair of self-tapping screws at each attachment point. Professionals prefer to use a cutter: such a connection does not contain bulges that interfere with the tight fit of the GKL.
  • Fragments plasterboard sheathing are screwed end-to-end, so that the plane of one element overlaps the end of the other, and are reinforced with a special corner profile. You can fix it with putty or PVA glue.

Curvilinear ribs are reinforced with a flexible plastic corner.

To date, drywall is the most popular material for finishing partitions, decorative installations, niches and arches in rooms. But it is worth noting that these structures need a strong support. Wooden or profile frames are used.

PPR Knauf is in the greatest demand today. The frame of such a base is exclusively metal, and the installation itself is made of drywall sheets. But the manufacture and installation requires compliance with certain rules in order for the design to be integral and reliable.

Material for thermal and sound insulation

Knauf technology - the installation of drywall partitions - involves the use of practical and high-quality materials: profiles, drywall sheets, screws, cutters and fillers.

Installation of PPR partitions gives high results, because at the junction of the rack and rails, bumps and protrusions do not form. This results in additional savings since there is no extra costs for finishing mixes.

Plasterboard installation sheets Knauf- It is mandatory to use moisture resistant materials. It is important that the manufacturer indicate the moisture-resistant PPR indicators on the packaging. in the assortment of this kind of products there are five standard sizes, which speeds up the construction of drywall installations. If it is planned to increase heat and sound insulation in the room, then builders recommend using mineral wool.

It should be noted that Knauf fasteners and hardware are made of durable look plastics, and metal parts treated against corrosion.

Characteristics of Knauf products

The standard set of metal profiles includes prefabricated parts for frames (rails, bearing and rack parts). The length of the profiles is 3-4 meters. If the length of the frame is insufficient, then it can be increased without problems, you just have to take into account the unified dimensions of the sides of the profile. The extension is carried out in an overlapping manner. But the masters say that its length should not exceed the height of the side profile side.

Partition wall mounting technology

If this connection is equipped additional elements, then the overlap is also twice as long. For the installation of such profiles, self-tapping screws are used, holes for which are made along four edges and two in the middle. Be sure to stick the sealing tape on outside profile. This foam rubber tape isolates the joints.

The distance between fasteners depends on the design of the frame, but cannot be more than one meter. Professionals recommend taking a step no more than 0.3 meters. The structure is fixed with dowels and self-tapping screws.

Installation of Knauf partitions: advantages

This company's products are durable and high quality, therefore, the installation of such partitions should be carried out at the proper level. . There are several rules that are recommended to be followed in order to achieve excellent construction results:

  1. The outer part of the profile is completely glued with thermal insulation tape before fixing the PPR sheets. If the profiles freeze, then the moisture from the condensate will not reach the walls.
  2. If you do not plan to hang anything heavy on the wall, a sufficient profile step is 60 centimeters. Otherwise, this distance is reduced.

PPR partition reinforced according to the described technology
  1. The construction of Knauf plasterboard partitions is provided only on solid walls. To achieve this result, they work exclusively with a double profile (one profile is inserted into another, covering about ten percent of the width of the product).
  2. Docking long drywall sheets performed in a checkerboard pattern to achieve the maximum aesthetic appearance walls to finished construction did not vibrate and did not deform over time.
  3. For good connection parts between each other according to the rules of this technology, it is necessary to work with a cutter or with Knauf screws.

The device of drywall partitions, their types, insulation and soundproofing

There are several types of partitions, depending on how many skins are present on the product:

  • Partitions with lining in one layer;
  • In two or three layers;
  • sheathing combined type: two-layer on both sides of the product;
  • Three-layer sheathing: moisture resistant sheets with steel intermediate sheets.

Partition single type double layer

If structures are installed simple type, then additional materials are not needed. But if there is a desire, the gap between the wall and the frame can be filled special material with soundproofing or insulating properties.

Master class from the manufacturer:

Masters claims that the pricing policy of such materials is not at all an indicator of their quality. To get wonderful soundproof material, it is enough to use egg cartons in the work, and the heat in the room will best help to keep mineral wool. Also, the base of the foil acts as a heater, which, on the one hand, perfectly retains heat, and on the other, repels it.

- This turnkey solution from drywall and insulation, going along with fasteners. They are easy to install and are famous for their high quality and fire-fighting properties.

In contact with

One of the most technologically advanced and economical solutions for construction or repair of an apartment is the installation of GKL sheets. With their help, you can easily fix all the defects of the walls, achieving a perfectly flat surface. GKL efficiency in manufacturing decorative elements, arches or boxes is proven by numerous design incarnations. Among total number manufacturers of drywall material favorably stands out the German company Knauf whose products meet all international standards. The components used in production do not contain any toxic elements and do not provide harmful influence for human health.

General information

Gypsum board is a three-layer structure consisting of two outer layers from cardboard and domestic from gypsum mixture . Depending on its composition drywall Knauf and its price are divided into:

  • normal(GKL);
  • moisture resistant(GKLV);
  • fire resistant(GKLO);
  • moisture resistant with increased resistance to open fire(GKLVO).

Sheet types can be easily identified by outward signs: moisture resistant varieties have green color cardboard, a ordinarygrey.

The technological composition of the first type differs from others in the presence of antifungal and hydrophobic additives, as well as special cardboard.

By appointment GCL are divided into three types:

  • arched– thickness 6.5 mm;
  • ceiling– thickness 8 mm;
  • wall– from 10 mm thick.

In addition, sheets may have Various types longitudinal edge, which Knauf drywall installation technology used for subsequent puttying of joints.

The dimensions of the rectangular material are 2,000 to 4,000 mm long and 600 or 1200 mm wide.

Preparing for the installation of GKL

The preparatory phase includes an assessment of the work surface for installation and choice necessary tool . The company's specialists advise to prepare:

  • utility knife, chisel or round cutter;
  • , trowel and grinder;
  • mixing nozzle and solution container;
  • building level, marking cord and tape measure;
  • screwdriver, square;
  • metal scissors;
  • putty Knauf Fugenfuller;
  • self-tapping screws, suspensions;
  • galvanized profile or timber.

Inspection of the surface is carried out in order to determine the material of the walls and their operating conditions. After that, a specific choice of GKL and consumables is made.

Highlights of Knauf drywall installation technology

Depending on the type of construction, as well as its purpose, plasterboard sheets can be attached both on glue and on metal or wooden frame . It must be said right away that wood is not the most the best choice especially in areas with high humidity.

The use of adhesive for fastening is permissible with wall irregularities that do not exceed 4 mm. In other cases, it is recommended to use a galvanized profile.

GKL installation option with glue

For an average room you need to prepare about 30 kg dry adhesive mixture Knauf Perlfix. She will provide secure fastening without extra structures, medium mix price for drywall Knauf 285 rub. for a pack of 30 kg. Mounting technique sheets as follows:

  • pour the mixture into a container with water and mix;
  • cut sheets to size;
  • apply finished glue on the reverse side of the sheet with stamps with a pitch of 350 mm;
  • press the sheet against the wall and level it.

Important! The mixture begins to harden after 10 minutes. During this period of time, the plates should be leveled with a rubber hammer and a bar.

Installation of plasterboard on a metal frame

This drywall installation technology from Knauf allows for high-quality insulation and soundproofing of walls. After the measurements are taken, the process is the points:

  • cut the starting UD profile to size;
  • attach the UD profile to the ceiling and floor with dowels in increments of at least 1 m;
  • install direct hangers for fastening the CD-profile to the wall, not forgetting to put a soundproof tape; step not less than 1.5 m;
  • install the CD-profile with a pitch of 600 mm and fix it with screws with direct hangers and a starting profile;
  • install the sheet insulation and fix it on the frame with self-tapping screws with a pitch of 250 mm.

Important! To improve sound insulation performance, it is recommended to attach a special self-adhesive tape to the UD profile. The heads of the self-tapping screws must be recessed into the mass of the plate, it is advisable to use a special bit for a screwdriver with a limiter.

The average price of Knauf drywall sheets in the construction market

The cost of GKL, first of all, is influenced by its type and parameters. For example, the average prices for different kinds material:

  • ceiling 1200x2500x9.5 mm - 250 rubles / sheet;
  • wall 1200x2500x12.5 mm - 290 rubles / sheet;
  • arched 1200x2500x6 mm - 570 rubles / sheet;
  • GKLV 1200x2500x12.5 mm - 350 rubles / sheet;
  • GKLO 1200x2500x12.5 mm - 400 rubles / sheet.

When buying, you should think in advance and calculate the total amount of material, profile elements and fasteners. This will make it possible to organize a bulk purchase that will make price of Knauf drywall sheets a little lower.


  1. The technique of using gypsum boards in construction has a significant advantage - here there are no so-called "wet" processes, which are associated with the preparation and application of a significant amount of plaster.
  2. The installation technology is quite within the power of any novice builder and has no special secrets; the purchase of a tool kit does not require significant financial investments.
  3. Thus, for little money and with minimal labor costs, we get smooth and aesthetic walls, plus the possibility of embodying the most daring architectural delights.

Drywall is used to create arches, various decor rooms, partitions, recesses in the wall, etc. Creating beautiful decorative elements will not do without a strong support, which is the Knauf partitions. What is a Knauf partition? In fact, she looks like drywall construction, in which the frame consists entirely of a metal profile. The design is created using a special technology that excludes various unforeseen circumstances.

Partitions Knauf can be different. They are installed in various premises, with different sound insulation, for different purposes. Partitions can be of different types and are divided according to certain parameters.

According to their design, partitions are divided into:

  • Partitions with one layer of sheathing;
  • Partitions with two layers of sheathing;
  • Partitions with three layers of sheathing;
  • Partitions with one layer of sheathing, consisting of moisture-resistant Knauf supersheets on a single-type frame.

In addition to these types, there are partitions with built-in special channels for ventilation and communication. The next parameter by which the partitions are divided is the frame, or rather its type. Frames can be double or single.

The use of partitions based on a double frame is recommended if you need to create a strong, reliable wall that can withstand a heavy one.

The creation of partitions with single frames is recommended in places where sound insulation is not so important, and the walls will not be burdened with heavy pieces of furniture or appliances. It can be concluded that the double frame is more durable.

Knauf drywall partitions: main advantages

Why is drywall and Knauf partitions so popular? Since the 90s, drywall has been almost synonymous with the word renovation. On the Russian market this material appeared thanks to the firm Knauf. The material was accompanied by instructions that explained in detail how to create various designs from plasterboard sheets. The technology has gained great popularity due to the excellent quality of the product.

The main advantages of Knauf drywall partitions are as follows:

  • Installation of partitions can be carried out independently without the involvement of specialists; detailed instructions are included in the product;
  • Very easy to calculate required amount material and its cost;
  • Each set has the required number of parts, it is impossible to forget anything;
  • The kit will provide a quick and easy process of creating a partition;
  • Knauf material is very durable, so that the partition can withstand even an earthquake.

The use of Knauf partitions is popular to this day. The correct selection of a set of partitions can provide excellent sound insulation, high strength and reliability of the walls. As mentioned above, there are different strengths and sound insulation, depending on the type of room, you should choose the right kit.

Installation technology of partitions made of drywall Knauf

Mounting technology according to Knauf system little different from the standard installation procedure. However, there are still some differences, which will be discussed below. Together with drywall material Knauf company brought special technology and general recommendations for the installation of partition walls.

They look like this:

  1. Each baffle set has top and bottom rails and posts. These racks can have a different width, which depends on the height of the room where the installation is supposed to be, as well as on the weight of the overall structure.
  2. To attach the guides, it is recommended to use dowels, it is necessary to fix at least 3 points.
  3. To install rack profiles, a distance of 600 mm must be observed, in some cases the distance can be reduced.
  4. To fix the racks, you should use the “cut-out with a bend” method, it is allowed to use special Knauf self-tapping screws.
  5. To attach a device to false ceiling, it is necessary to comply with the fire resistance class.
  6. Mineral wool can be used for soundproofing.
  7. For mounting sheets, use the "butt" method, that is, lay them without a gap.

In addition to the above recommendations, it is necessary to take into account the features of the installation of the frame. In order for the entire system to serve for a long time, it is necessary to ensure that the joints from the GKL-partition above the doorway are not located on the racks attached to the box. Instructions for assembling the frame for fastening the GKL in our material:.

In addition, the seam must be made so that it is in that part of the intermediate guide that is above the horizontal beam. The horizontal beam serves as the upper boundary. Compliance with these recommendations will help you make a long-lasting quality design.

High-quality GKL partitions according to the Knauf system: what will affect the choice of kit

There are various types of partitions that are suitable for different parameters premises. On the this moment there are about 25 sets for the installation of partitions according to the Knauf system. All sets are marked with the letter "C", which is combined with a specific set number.

To choose suitable set for installation, consider the following factors:

  • The height of the room or room;
  • Desired noise level;
  • Possible load on the wall in the form of furniture or appliances;
  • Availability of communication systems;
  • Type of door or its absence;
  • Desired partition height;
  • The temperature in the room and the level of humidity;
  • Type of room and its purpose (bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room).

Having decided on the parameters of the room, it will be much easier for you to choose a partition. For example, a bedroom adjacent to the kitchen or living room requires a high degree of sound insulation, so the appropriate installation kit should be selected. If the bedroom is adjacent to the wall of the neighboring apartment, then all the more so the partition should be with a high degree of protection against unwanted noise.

Modern Knauf technology and drywall: walls and partitions (video)

Plasterboard partitions Knauf - worthy and reliable way to build a wall at the desired location. Simplicity and ease of use, installation will help make the installation process easy and enjoyable. With this technology, the issue of excess noise will be closed to you forever.
