How to mount a ceiling from hl. We make a plasterboard ceiling using Knauf technology

Installation use false ceiling from drywall using Knauf technology guarantees the strength and durability of the structure. This is German development, which uses only the materials of the High Quality. Despite their popularity, they are quite reasonably priced.

In Russia, they are actively used in the decoration of residential premises, office and industrial construction. The method does not require much time, and the result is excellent.

Necessary materials

Required to complete the work ceiling drywall and frame elements ( wooden beam or metal profile). You also need fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowels), crabs, various hanging elements.

In addition, you will need a set of tools. It includes:

  • hydraulic level;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • cordless screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • a special planer for processing the edges of the sheet;
  • knife for metal for processing ends or grinder;
  • laser level;
  • paper reinforcing tape.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technology has many advantages:

  1. Variability. It is possible to perform different variants structures (single-level or multi-level).
  2. Creating ceilings various forms according to the drawings of designers, the ability to adjust the height of the ceiling and hide flaws.
  3. The ability to lay layers of material on the ceiling for additional sound insulation and insulation. This will save energy and provide good conditions for living.
  4. Ease of processing.
  5. Drywall is an ideal material for installing recessed spotlights.
  6. The ability to use any materials.
  7. Small time investment (work can be done in one day).

Of the minuses, only a significant decrease in the height of the room after the installation of the ceiling can be noted. But this actual problem only for small spaces.


The use of this technology implies the presence of some features that you need to know. More about them:

  1. The system can be applied to the following types of frames: metal, wooden, covered with materials.
  2. Sheets are fastened in the transverse direction relative to the carrier profile.
  3. Mandatory processing drywall sheets with chamfer removal.
  4. Work is carried out using a lifting mechanism, or with an assistant.
  5. Provide expansion joints in increments of fifteen centimeters so that the finishing surface does not deform due to temperature changes.

Preparation of conditions for installation

Before starting installation, it is necessary to complete all the work on finishing and leveling the walls. An important condition is to maintain a normal or dry humidity regime. In no case should the room temperature be below 10 degrees, the optimal range is 15-20 degrees. If work is carried out in winter time, then you should take care of heating in advance.

Highly milestone- performing the correct marking around the perimeter of the walls. To do this, you will need to retreat from the finished ceiling by about 10-12 centimeters. The frame should be installed as accurately as possible, as it will serve as a starting point.

If a laser level is used in the work, then it will be very easy to cope with the task. Using a hydraulic level, two points should be marked on one of the walls and connected with a chopping cord. A similar procedure is repeated on all four walls in the room. In no case should communications interfere with work. Otherwise, they can be easily damaged by a sharp corner of the profile or by an incorrectly driven nail.

Frame installation

The Knauf company has released special brochures that describe in detail all the processes for installing plasterboard suspended ceilings according to their technology.

A number of holes are drilled according to the marked lines. Dowels are hammered into them and guide elements are installed to make the base. They will serve as a support, and their location determines the position of the ceiling plane.

Before installing the transverse and longitudinal frames, markings are made and U-shaped suspensions are attached. Optimal distance between fasteners is considered 40-50 cm.

The next step is the installation of the elements of the crate. Here you will need the use of suspensions and guides around the perimeter.


At the end, the frame is sheathed with plasterboard sheets. Knauf technology requires compliance with mandatory requirements to increase the reliability of the design. Here they are:

  1. Competent cutting of pieces of gypsum into fragments desired shape special tools.
  2. Installing drywall sheets in a run-up in compliance with a certain step. This action helps to strengthen the plane and prevents the formation of cruciform joints.
  3. Mounting plaster on the frame in compliance with the gaps (5-7 mm each). This prevents the appearance different kind damage.
  4. During the work, standard self-tapping screws are used. They must be screwed in carefully so that the sheet does not tear.

Seam sealing

  • surface preparation (removal of dust that prevents high-quality adhesion of materials);
  • priming seams (for good adhesion);
  • laying putty between the seams;
  • applying the first layer of putty directly to the seam;
  • sealing the seams with a special tape with a reinforced action (press into the putty layer, holding it in a taut position);
  • rubbing the dried layer of putty with sandpaper;
  • applying a second layer of putty;
  • grinding (to give a holistic, monolithic ceiling).

Proper sealing of joints is very important and sets the strength of the structure.


When the surface is ready, you can veneer it with almost any finishing materials. Most often they are pasted over with wallpaper or covered with paint, but if desired, other options can be considered.

Installing a plasterboard ceiling using Knauf technology is not difficult if you follow the instructions clearly. Having the necessary skill and basic skills in handling tools, it is quite possible to do the work with your own hands.

Many masters who install suspended ceilings have mastered the technique of work in practice, adopting the necessary experience and knowledge from more experienced installers. But when the work requires the preparation of a project of work, and at the end it is necessary to provide reasonable guarantees technical compliance constructions to the norms of SNiP, many experience difficulties. Masters of any reputable organization perform the design and installation of drywall on the ceiling in accordance with the recommendations contained in the standard routing Knauf.

Purpose and content of the technical map

If for an amateur GOST and SNiP are a “dark forest”, then for a professional, the technological map is a universal guide on how to technically competently and quickly mount the frame and fasten drywall.

  • This instruction will save the master from studying these very norms and requirements, and will speed up the delivery of work to the customer. If you follow all the recommendations, the work will comply with fire regulations, environmental safety, the requirements of GOST, SNiP.
  • The Knauf technological map contains tables with ready-made initial data of the main components of the frame structure for the ceiling.
Ceiling Knauf

Important! If the work is carried out under a contract, then when placing and submitting an order, one cannot do without the recommendations of the Knauf technical card for the preparation of project documentation.

  • The manual states necessary material and an algorithm for assembling a frame of one type or another; ways to perform individual structural tasks are described.

The latest valid Knauf worksheet (series 1.045.9-2.08.1) is comprehensive on how to design and install a suspended ceiling structure for plasterboard and gypsum fiber boards. All work is divided into separate successive stages, so it will not be difficult to understand the technology.

Types of ceiling structures

The frame on the ceiling is made of metal profile Knauf, and from wooden bars.

There are 5 types of suspended ceiling structures:

  1. Ceiling P 111 (the technology is known among the masters as the "system 111"). The biaxial frame is assembled from wooden blocks.
  2. Ceiling P 112. Biaxial frame made of metal profile.
  3. Ceiling P 113. Uniaxial frame made of Knauf metal profile.
  4. Ceiling P 131. A frame in which a wall profile is used with fastening not to the base of the ceiling, but to the walls.
  5. Architectural and decorative ceiling P 19. A complex multi-level frame.

Frame guides

For wooden structure P 111 use coniferous bars with a moisture content of not more than 12%. Before installation on the ceiling, they are treated with an antiseptic and flame retardant. The recommended section of the bars is 50 × 30 mm.

The metal frame for the ceiling is made of long rolled elements made of sheet steel.

Frame with fastening to the base (P 112, 113). To assemble it, take a regular ceiling profile. It consists of the following elements:

  • Guide profile PN. In cross section, it has a size of 27 × 28 mm. There are factory holes in the wall through which the installation to the base of the wall is carried out.
  • Complete with PN, a supporting PP profile is mounted. In cross section, it has a size of 60 × 27 mm.

The ceiling of the P131 system with fastening to the wall is made of a more powerful profile for the installation of partition structures (PS).

To reinforce the structure at the joints of the premises, a reinforced UA profile is used on the ceiling.


Work on connecting the profile is performed using the following elements:

  1. Multi-level cross connector for PP profile (60×27). It is sold in a straightened form, therefore, before installation, it must be bent.
  2. Single-level cross connector "Crab".
  3. One-way cross connector. With its upper side, it clings to the carrier profile.
  4. Swivel multi-level connector that allows you to connect the carrier profile at any angle.
  5. Longitudinal single-level connector. It is used when it is necessary to increase the bearing profile.
  6. Universal connector. It is necessary in order to connect the carrier profile in one plane at any angle.

The work on mounting the frame on the Knauf ceiling is carried out using the following elements:

  • Direct U-shaped suspension.

Important! Not everyone knows that U-shaped suspensions are produced under the profile and under the timber. With external similarity, they have a different nominal size after bending the side strips. For wood, it is 50 mm, and for a profile - 60 mm.

  • Anchor hanger with adjustable clamp, quick suspension. They have similarities due to the presence of a mounting rod. Its length can reach 1500 mm, which allows you to adjust the required overhead gap in a wide range. The disadvantage is the limitation in the load up to 25 kg. This is considered a low figure, since all average calculations in the Knauf data sheet are based on a load of 40 kg.

  • Adjustable vernier hanger. It is a telescopic design of two parts. Designed for a load of 40 kg.
  • Combined suspension, in which there is both a rod and a retractable element of a vernier suspension.
  • For connection metal elements the necessary LN screw (with a sharp tip) and an LM screw (with a self-tapping tip).
  • Installation of a heavy profile in the P131 system is carried out with FN self-tapping screws.
  • Mounting the guides to the wall is carried out with metal or nylon dowels.
  • Installation to hollow structures in a Knauf drywall sheet is performed with multifunctional dowels or butterfly dowels.
  • Installation attachments to the sheets is carried out with a dowel with a screw thread.
  • Drywall is screwed with TN screws (in a standard profile) or TB (in a thick sheet profile). The MN screw is used for screwing into a gypsum fiber sheet.

Types of drywall

Depending on the operating conditions, required drywall Knauf is chosen from the following varieties:

Type A. Regular construction drywall. This sheet is used for heated rooms with a normal level of humidity (up to 60%).

Type H2. Drywall with increased moisture resistance. The sheet has a low level of water absorption (up to 10%). Humidity can be up to 75%.

Type D.F. Gypsum board resistant to open flame.

Type DFH2. Drywall, which has the properties of the two previous types.

Important! Initially, it is customary to calculate the frame specifically for ceiling drywall with a size of 1.2 × 2.5 m and a thickness of 9.5 mm. But drywall comes in other sizes as well.

Drywall has a factory longitudinal edge. The most technologically advanced and therefore common is the semicircular thin one, but there is drywall with other types of edges:

  1. Sheet with a straight edge.
  2. Sheet with a cut corner.
  3. Sheet with a thin edge.
  4. Sheet with a rounded one-sided chamfer.
  5. Sheet with a semicircular edge.

Each type of edge is needed to solve specific structural problems. In particular, the installation of figured corner ledges.

Work is carried out in a dry and heated room at an air temperature of at least +10 degrees.

Work on the implementation of any frame begins with marking the design position of the ceiling surface. Using a level and a chopping thread on the walls around the perimeter, mark the corresponding line.

Further, depending on which Knauf drywall is selected for the suspended ceiling, work is carried out to mark the location of the guides and mounting points for the suspensions. The lines of the bearing guides are marked in accordance with the length of the sheet so that the end joint falls on the profile.

At the marked points, suspensions are attached to the ceiling with dowels or anchors.

The wooden frame is mounted in two ways:

  • Mounting the guide rail to the base using a direct hanger or a quick-mount hanger. When using a quick suspension, alternately change the side of attachment to the beam.
  • Installation of the guide bar with anchor dowels directly on the ceiling. At the same time, in places of differences in the base, linings are used.

Mounting the frame from the profile:

  • The P112 ceiling is mounted in the same way, only in order to connect the guide and the supporting profile, two-level suspensions are used. When cutting guides, a compensatory gap of 10 mm is made. It will prevent deformation of the surface with temperature changes.
  • The installation of a single-axis Knauf P 113 system is different in that the technology provides for laying a sealing tape under the guide profile.
  • The work on assembling the P 131 system differs from that described above in that a wall profile is used, and the installation of the guides is carried out along the long wall of the room. These structures are usually mounted under a heavy ceiling, so necessary step dowel fastenings - no more than 30 cm. Guides use only solid ones. The carrier profile must be at least 3 cm into the guide.

Fixing drywall sheets

Important! The edge of the sheet, not pasted over with cardboard, is processed with a planer in order to chamfer.

The manufacturer has prepared a video in which the craftsmen demonstrate the principle of assembling a suspended structure

Screwing work sheets Knauf performed in pairs or using a lifting mechanism. Drywall is mounted on the ceiling without T-shaped joints, apart. At the same time, the sheet is shifted by a step of the carrier profile. Installation is carried out so that in the longitudinal direction the sheet lies without a gap, and in the transverse direction a small gap is obtained. So the putty will completely fill the joint, and the seam will turn out to be strong.

With temperature changes, the drywall sheet expands, so in large rooms it is necessary to provide for expansion joints in increments of 15 m.

For the convenience of puttying self-tapping screws, they are twisted with a slight recession of the cap into the sheet - by 1 mm. Work on sealing joints is carried out using reinforcing tape.

Drywall - versatile material, and the Knauf technological map will help to perform high-quality installation of any design, even for a novice master.

GKL, also known as sheet gypsum cardboard, is a fairly cheap material based on cellulose and gypsum. It is lightweight, easy to mount on any plane (using aluminum profiles). Directly during its installation, a small indent from the base of the plaster is made. If necessary, the lines are aligned along the perimeter, which makes it possible to hide the visual defects of the main ceiling without parsing it.

The most best technology installation of sheet drywall on the ceiling is the application of the KNAUF system. That is, fixing each sheet separately on a pre-mounted aluminum profile. That, in turn, can be rigidly attached to both the walls and the main ceiling.

Hangers on belts are made if necessary (for example, if the length of each span is more than 4-5 meters).

It should be mentioned that the GCR is allowed:

  • paint;
  • cover with trim;
  • cover with PVC film;
  • bleach.

Mounted box of plasterboard on the ceiling

What will the mounted box give? Possibility to create a two-level . In one of the parts (the base of which will be below) you can mount all the necessary lighting. Other communications (cable for the Internet, meter output) will also fit there without any problems. The hardest part is the calculation. Installation implies that the first level will be completely fixed initially. From above - the boxes are fastened along the new guide profiles.

It should be borne in mind that the final mass of the structure will turn out to be quite large, so additional fastening must be provided in advance.

But for this purpose, the best fit:

  1. partitions (in compliance with SNiP);
  2. fake lining, behind which the hats of self-tapping screws are hidden;
  3. hard binding of the second level.

Which of the options would be ideal for a given situation? It is better to entrust this choice professional builders or designer.

Painting plasterboard ceiling: options

Painting ceilings based on drywall sheets is best done with paint on water based(emulsion). Its key advantage is absorption into the cellulose base. Accordingly, in the future it will not fade under the sun's rays, do not increase the surface roughness. It also has similar properties acrylic paint, but it should not be used indoors. In addition, painting should be done with a spray gun, and not with traditional rollers. After the latter, visually noticeable dents will remain.

Is it necessary to paint plasterboard ceilings at all? This gives several advantages:

  • great mechanical stability;
  • protection from insects (if any are found in the house at all);
  • steam waterproofing.

The disadvantages can only be attributed to the fact that re-painting will have to be done every 3-5 years. And if with ordinary ceiling there will be no problems, then at two levels you will have to tinker a lot.

GKL or GVL for the ceiling: differences

GVL, also known as gypsum fiber, is the same drywall, but also produced using a slightly different technology. Its thickness is almost the same, but it is used mainly in those rooms where there are increased requirements for fire safety. And them exterior finish not recommended. However, many manufacturers, even in factory conditions, decorate such sheets with figured cutting and carving.

Detailed differences between moisture-resistant GVL boards are presented in the article:.

Advantages of GVL:

  1. reliability;
  2. higher moisture absorption coefficient (up to 12 liters per square meter);
  3. absolutely smooth surface.

Mounting of GVL sheets is also carried out according to a predetermined metal frame from profiles. The fastening device is identical to that used with drywall (Knauf).

Do-it-yourself installation of plasterboard on the ceiling

Do-it-yourself installation of GKL is not difficult. The main task for a specialist is to determine the nominal level of fastening profiles. As a rule, the indentation is from 3 to 10 centimeters. If it is planned to install lamps or equip all this with lighting, then the distance can be increased. If at the top is wooden ceiling, then it is recommended to knock it out with a layer of fiberboard.

Even in the event that it is planned to make two-level ones, the first step is to completely set the first level (with a solid canvas). The box is stuffed already on this layer. A simple calculator and a few mathematical formulas will let you know exactly how much all this material will require.

Detailed instructions for creating two-level ceilings in the material:.

The procedure for installing the ceiling from the plasterboard:

  • markup;
  • plaster of the main ceiling;
  • installation of aluminum profiles that will hold the structure;
  • alternate installation of sheets;
  • installation of cornices at the base of the walls.

In more detail, this process can be seen in the photos and videos below.

Option: plasterboard ceiling using Knauf technology

Using the Knauf system, you can also create a so-called floating ceiling, that is, which is not attached to the walls around the perimeter. On the sides, as a rule, LED backlighting is attached there.

The soaring ceiling mount rests on:

  1. profiles with elongated edges;
  2. belts;
  3. beams (if necessary).

Suspended ceiling from Knauf sheets (video)

What is the advantage of the Knauf system? In that it fits any home, while after the installation of the ceiling it will not be noticeable at all. This also applies to the installation of GVL sheets.

Knauf ceilings are considered the most popular in our time, because with their help you can seriously transform the ceiling surface of any interior. In this article, we will try to adequately answer questions about how the ceiling is installed according to the Knauf system, as well as what the Knauf technological map is and tell you about its purpose.

When installing a plasterboard ceiling, you need to follow some instructions that will help you do the job efficiently and correctly. They differ little from the requirements for standard installation plasterboard ceilings, but have their own characteristics.

Features of installation of false ceilings from plasterboard according to the Knauf system:

  • Ceilings can be installed on an unprepared ceiling surface.
  • Ceilings of the Knauf system are installed on ready-made ceilings finished with plasterboard.
  • Application of the system is possible on metal, wood and already covered with materials frame.

Marking the plane of suspended ceilings

Having determined the materials and tools for installation decorative finishes, we need to correctly mark the ceiling plane. According to the requirements of the technology, it is necessary to retreat from the finished ceiling at least 10 - 12 cm, because this distance is necessary for the installation of special load-bearing suspensions, laying communications, installing decorative lamps, etc.

Marking is carried out along the perimeter of the walls, using a water or laser level, as well as dyeing laces, which will put even lines on surfaces.

After marking the walls, we understand at what level the Knauf plasterboard ceiling will be located, but now we need to make markings for the supporting metal profile, on which the sheets will be fixed.

The longitudinal bases of the frame are marked in steps that depend on the load of the ceiling, but it is most correct to place them at a distance of 60 cm from each other. The transverse bearing profile is marked with the same step, but the distance may vary, depending on the requirements of the technology, the weight of the ceiling, subsequent finishing, decorative finishing and other parameters.

Frame device

Frame for plasterboard ceiling metal profile mounted on walls and ceilings. Initially, along the lines marked on the walls, we install the carrier profile. Further, according to the markings on the ceiling, with the help of rods and suspensions, we install the main carriers of the ceiling frame. Here it is very important to work correctly with the length of the profile, its uniform laying in relation to other parts of the frame, as well as its level. To do this, you can use leveling threads, a laser or magnetic level.

It is very important to know that the profile can always be cut or lengthened, pulled up or lowered from the ceiling, the main thing is that the frame is in a single plane, which will allow further work build a really smooth and beautiful ceiling.

Stiffening ribs, or a transverse support profile, is installed on the main carriers using a single-level connector, which is very simple, since special fasteners easily snap into place on the profiles. After its installation, it is necessary to check all levels, and if the work is of high quality, fasten the longitudinal and transverse profiles together with metal screws.


Knauf ceiling technology does not imply simple sheathing, and by mandatory requirements that will improve the quality finished construction and ensure its reliability.

  • So, each piece of gypsum must be cut correctly using a special tool. It is also necessary to make a chamfer with outer side, which will be further sealed.
  • All sheets for plasterboard ceiling Knauf are installed in a run-up with a step in the transverse fastening of the profile. Most often, this is a standard step of 60 cm. This is necessary to strengthen the plane and to avoid cruciform joints, which, one might say, are even prohibited when installing GKL sheets on a profile.
  • Gypsum should be mounted on the frame with a certain gap between the pieces, which should be 5-7 mm. This will help remove the mechanical load from the sheets and prevent cracks and chips, which often appear when ceilings and walls are incorrectly finished with gypsum.
  • Sheathing takes place with standard self-tapping screws, in increments of 20-30 cm, depending on the requirements and load of the structure. Sheathing can be done with a mechanical, electric or pneumatic tool, depending on which one you have access to.

Suspended ceilings made of Knauf plasterboard can be laid with special materials from the inside to ensure energy savings and increase sound insulation of the room in which the decoration takes place. Can be used for insulation special materials or the standard mineral wool with which we are already accustomed to work. It can also act as soundproofing for the Knauf ceiling, but a sealing tape for a metal profile will also help to ensure it.

Finishing work

Suspended ceilings of the Knauf series are provided for a variety of finishes, and therefore they can be covered with wallpaper or painted with your chosen paint. Also, the ceiling plane can be finished with other materials, but the possibility of this should be provided for even before the start of installation, because not only the requirements of the room where the work takes place are important here, but also the conditions for the production of the ceiling, which directly depend on the size of the finishing material, its weight and the weight of the subsequent decoration.

Decorative finishing occurs necessarily after plastering or puttying the plasterboard ceiling.

Technological map Knauf

Typical technological map for Finishing work using complete systems Knauf was designed for ease of compliance right technology ceiling structures. Integrated systems help installers in calculating the required amount of material for a plasterboard ceiling, drawing up a map - a drawing and properly assembling the structure.

The purpose of a typical technological map is the development of projects for the work performed with gypsum plasterboards, the organization of the construction of structures. In addition, the technological map is an information tool for professionals involved in the installation of suspended plasterboard ceiling structures.

The Knauf technological map has a number of specific requirements that must be observed during the production of work, indicates the consumption of materials for different sizes of structures being erected and the exact order of work during installation.

Suspended ceiling according to the Knauf system - interesting job and the ability to qualitatively diversify and provide the most exclusive projects, because you can always work not only with single-level and multi-level ceilings and planes, but also to use interesting architecture in the work. If you work with drywall regularly, the technological map developed according to the Knauf system will be an excellent assistant in your actions and undertakings.

Complete systems Knauf (video)

European building technology always distinguished by thoughtfulness and comparative simplicity. Now they are already well known and available to domestic customers. One of these technologies is in the center of our attention today, namely, a series of suspended ceilings of the Tigi-Knauf system p112 and p113. Although there are some differences between them in general, the constructive similarity between them is quite obvious. This technology was developed by German specialists from Tigi-Knauf and today even ordinary home craftsmen who do not have much building experience can handle their installation. Suspended ceiling Knauf is widely used not only in the arrangement of residential premises, but also in the construction of industrial, public or office buildings.

On a note: Affordable cost and ease of installation make them more and more popular.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons for such great popularity. hinged cover Knauf and look at the main points of their installation.

Advantages of Knauf coating

Let's turn to the list of the most significant advantages of Knauf ceilings:

  • installation height change suspended ceiling system depending on the preferences of the customer;
  • masking of all communication systems and technological protrusions, for example, the corner parts of old-style floor slabs;
  • creation of various forms in several tiers according to design developments;
  • the possibility of installing built-in lighting elements;
  • combination with other types of finishing materials;
  • the admissibility of installing an additional layer of heat and sound insulation.

Some conditions for starting installation work

Let's pay attention to them:

  1. It is better to start a complex of works on the installation of false ceilings "Knauf" at the stage of finishing the premises. However, there is one condition that is contraindicated to be ignored: installation drywall construction do not start until all work related to wet processes has been completed. It is also desirable, but not necessary, to level the walls before installing the coating, especially when it comes to cement-sand plaster.
  2. Work should only be carried out under conditions normal humidity in accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003. The temperature indicator when installing a ceiling made of plasterboard should not fall below 10 ℃.
  3. The beginning of the installation is preceded by calculations and drawing marking lines. The profile system must be designed for a certain degree of load.

Knauf ceiling assembly accessories

in number necessary elements for the construction of a suspended ceiling structure includes:

  • guide profiles PN 27×28 mm -UD. Of these, a perimeter contour is formed that serves as a support for load-bearing profiles and creates general level the plane of the installed canvas;
  • load-bearing profiles PP60×27 mm - CD. They are used for direct fastening of gypsum boards. They connect opposite walls and are parallel to each other at a clearly marked distance;
  • connecting elements П60×27 mm. The elements called "crabs" are used to connect the supporting CD-profiles in straight or perpendicular directions;
  • metal hangers: anchor and straight. Their role is to keep the carrier profiles aligned in the same plane. They are attached on one side to the ceiling base, on the other to CD profiles;
  • extension cords (connectors). Very convenient when building guide profiles;
  • plasterboard sheet (GKL) "Knauf". Several modifications of GKL are possible with the same dimensions: GKL (regular), GKLO (fire-resistant), GKLV (moisture-resistant);
  • fasteners: piercing self-tapping screws with LN, used to connect profiles without drilling; self-tapping screws TN 25-30 for fixing plates to profile frame; anchors used when installing suspensions on the ceiling.

Technical description

Finished 1 sq. m. suspended ceiling "Knauf" weighs about 13.5 kg. Some change in mass is possible when using drywall sheets various types, because they can change the density and thickness.

For the construction of 1 square. m. hinged structure will need:

  • UD-profile (guide) - the footage is equal to the perimeter of the room + a small margin equal to 1-2 m;
  • CD-profile (bearing) - 2.9 linear meters;
  • connector "crab" ~ 2 pcs.;
  • direct or anchor suspension ~ 1 pc.;
  • profile connector - used only when it is required to increase the missing part of the UD profile;
  • drywall sheet - 1 sq. m.;
  • fasteners - their number may vary depending on the tiered structure, the nature of the walls and ceiling;
  • self-tapping screws LN 9 - 2 pcs., but it is better to always have a small supply on hand;
  • self-tapping screws TN 25 - 25-30 pcs. They fix and then hold the drywall on the frame;
  • anchor fastening ~ 1 piece;
  • dowels K 6/40 - 2-3 pcs/1 line m UD-profile;
  • reinforcing mesh-serpyanka about 10 cm wide - 1.2 m;
  • gypsum mixture "Knauf-Fugenfüller" - 0.3-0.5 kg. It is used only for careful sealing of tile joints, self-tapping screws and damage, for example, broken corners, holes in the sheet, etc .;
  • primer "Knauf-Tiegengrund" - 100 ml.

Preparatory work


When conducting installation work You will need the following toolkit:

  • stepladder;
  • perforator with a drill ∅ 6 mm;
  • metal scissors;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • long rule;
  • choline (color marking cord);
  • tape measure, square, pencil;
  • regular or laser level, which is even preferable;
  • sharp and hard construction knife;
  • planer for chamfering at the ends;
  • set of spatulas.


For high-quality markup, it is better to use not one, but several tools. The markup is done as follows:

  • after determining the lowest point of the ceiling and taking into account the height of the body of recessed luminaires, a base mark is placed on the wall, which is later transferred to all corners. When using a laser level, marks can be placed immediately in all corners;
  • all markers are connected solid line applied with a marking cord;
  • on the base ceiling we draw a geometrically correct grid with a cell size of 60 × 60 cm.

Arrangement of the frame

Due to the fact that all the marking lines have already been applied, you can proceed to the main part of the installation work:

  • we fix UD guide profiles around the entire perimeter. Normal fastening step 40-50 cm;
  • we drill holes for plumb lines with a perforator along the lines marked on the ceiling, and fasten each suspension with two fasteners;
  • we install the bearing profiles CD according to the ceiling marking and fix them to the suspension elements;
  • check the correct installation of the bearing part by applying long rule and, if necessary, correct inaccuracies. You can use a transversely stretched thread for these purposes.

Fastening plasterboard sheets Knauf

It is desirable that, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks, the sheets are fixed staggered with a longitudinal displacement of at least 30-40 cm. Each individual self-tapping screw must be screwed in, sinking it into the GKL by at least 1 mm. And a few more subtleties:

  • the end of each sheet must be placed in the middle of the CD profile;
  • all ends of sheets that do not have a factory chamfer must be pre-treated with an edge planer at an angle of 22-45 °;
  • first you need to mount all the whole sheets, and then you can proceed to the installation of fragments;
  • GKL fixation is carried out in increments of 10-15 cm;
  • after the drywall is fixed, all tile joints are carefully sealed with the help of a strong Knauf-Fugenfüller putty. A serpentine mesh is laid on top of the putty layer in the wet state, the edges of which should overlap the joint with a margin of several centimeters. Usually, standard rolls 10 cm wide are used for these purposes. Protrusions of the mesh and the layer of joint putty below the level of the ceiling plane are unacceptable.

Now it remains to complete the last part of the ceiling decoration, applying two layers of Knauf finishing putty to it with a drying break.

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