Beautiful landscape design in pictures. Landscape design of a summer cottage with various photo ideas

landscape design suburban area we will consider some photo options in our article an unusually fashionable trend of the last decade, which literally captivated Russian summer residents. It is curious that the history of landscape design began at the beginning of the 20th century, while such a fashion came to Russia recently.

Among the millions of ideas and variations, a person will find a design option suitable for a summer cottage. If there is a creative vein, the approach to the issue is different - to design your own style, drawing ideas from the presented projects. The key to success lies in harmony and convenience.

Decorative techniques - improving our own skills

To decorate the summer cottage, consider a few design techniques. Consider the methods of designers that will help in further work:

Note! The use of a "dry stream" would be appropriate along with bridges. They will complement the landscape design and create harmony.

The basics of creating a project - choosing the right options

It should be remembered that landscape design should be inviting, neutral and at the same time attractive, have a relaxing effect, which is so necessary during the rest period. That is why, experts present landscape design as a complex task designed to solve several issues.

The project is the first component of landscape design, the creation of which should be approached with utmost attention. Initially, it is required to study the area (summer cottage) and clarify all its features (soil type, vegetation, climatic features, the presence of natural reservoirs and ravines, etc.). After “reconnaissance”, a composition is drawn up - the location of paths, flower beds is thought out, boundaries are drawn different zones, the possibility of installing a pool or an artificial reservoir, etc. is being considered. As a creation of a “green” atmosphere, planting options are being considered tall trees and shrubs. It is necessary to provide for the center (or several centers) of the composition, from which the entire design of the site will “dance” (this can be a pool, a fountain, a tree in the middle of the site, etc.).

Don't forget about color scheme, which is designed to create harmony in the summer cottage. Variegated colors and incorrectly chosen tones will only annoy. Absolutely everything should be in harmony - fences, grass, plantings, paths and recreation areas.

When choosing a set of plants, one should study in detail their qualities, compatibility with other plants, their needs and care features.

Attention! It should be remembered that a summer cottage with a well-thought-out landscape design looks attractive and well-groomed at any time of the year.

If you are not a supporter of long, painstaking work, then it is recommended this work entrust a landscape designer who will competently and as quickly as possible make all your dreams come true.

Features of working on a summer cottage of a small size

A standard summer cottage does not exceed 10 acres, which somewhat limits the flight of design ideas. landscape design with your own hands you will have to think through to the smallest detail, because you want to get not only beautiful decoration, but also leave space for beds and a small garden.

Experts recommend not to take radical measures, but to bring only indirect changes that will help change the style and the whole general look. It is not recommended to clutter up the site with decorative elements (garden gnomes, fountains, etc.), borders, flower beds and ponds, as they only spoil the overall impression. Harmony in everything - do not forget this rule.

Landscaping is a whole science. Let's see what is meant by this concept:

Improvement of the suburban area - the secrets of professionals

What falls under the concept of landscaping a suburban area? Let's get a look.

In this article, you can get acquainted with the main points of creating landscape design, as well as get acquainted with interesting examples and photos of finished solutions.

Have country house dreams of any person who wanted a little warmth and tranquility. And if you are no exception, then congratulations - your property can delight in its appearance. You can experiment by creating a design with my own hands. If you have excellent computer skills and want to work with 3D images, then there is no price for you. You can use or create your own. The most important thing is the process of work, which should give you pleasure.

The main options for decorating the site include the following:

  • Choosing a flower garden;
  • Organization of green spaces;
  • Buildings - gazebos, baths;
  • Water;
  • Other decorative elements.

You can zoning the site of your cottage. To do this, you need to visually estimate the location of the buildings. You also need to determine where the place for the lawn will be allocated, and where you need to plant a garden, lay out flower beds and make beds. Further, places for recreation and for the placement of decorative elements are determined. You may want to make a pool and put sun loungers, but all this is real.
The stages of decorating a summer cottage are as follows:

  1. Choosing a place and type for buildings;
  2. Creation of plantings;
  3. Organization of the reservoir;
  4. Construction of arbors, decoration;
  5. Organization of flower beds.

We carry out construction

After zoning, you need to come to the second stage. This is a construction that can be done with your own hands. You can make a wonderful bathhouse, build a shower and a gazebo. If you have children / grandchildren, then a playground for children would be a great option. Landscaping of the suburban area is presented on different photos people who made it with their own hands, so if you do not have enough imagination, you can use ready-made solutions in .

Carrying out construction, you need imagination and, of course, strong male hands that have taken on heavy male work. Being engaged in construction together with your other half, this activity will become exciting and turn into a real family adventure. If you involve children and grandchildren in light work, then 100% rapprochement of your family is guaranteed! After all, in the process of such work, you can get maximum pleasure.

Turn on fantasy

Before you start laying paths, you need to decide on the buildings and important elements of the site. Next comes the construction of paths, and then - plantings. Tracks can also be made by hand, and fantasy is your faithful assistant in this difficult task. In order to make a trail, heavy or supernatural elements will not be needed, it will be enough to include the work of fantasy.

If you had to dig a pit in the process of work, then an embankment remained after it gray color. You don’t even need to think about where to put it, it can turn into a real masterpiece, you just have to want it. For example, thanks to it, you can create an alpine slide, and if the terrain allows, and there is water on the site, then you can put a slide with a pond, which will be decorated at your discretion. In general, the spectacle should be very impressive. With the right approach, the landscape design of the summer cottage will be like in a beautiful photo, taken in the most heavenly corners of the planet. Therefore, it is very important to correctly approach its design.

Creation of green spaces

Landscaping involves the construction of green spaces. They sit down having decided on the main aspects that play an important role in the design process. To make the site as green as possible, it is necessary to prepare the site on which the lawn will be placed. Cleaning is carried out by cleaning from weeds, grass, stones. Next, the area needs to be dug up. The dug up soil is compacted using a special roller. Further, the site in this form should stand for some time, the next stage is sowing.

Instructions for sequential actions when planting a lawn

If you want to make flower beds, rock gardens and microborders on the site, then you can be congratulated on the emergence of a flight of fancy. To get a beautiful picture, it is enough to turn on the imagination, perhaps you have items in your dacha that you will no longer use, and which can turn into a real miracle. These are plastic bottles, elements of dishes, paints and old furniture that is in utility rooms. Perhaps what you were going to send to a landfill will be a great help in designing a uniform style on the site.

Pond execution

It is difficult to imagine a good and high-quality landscape design in a country house without a pond. It can be a pond, a pool or a small attractive garden fountain. Such a reservoir can be made independently. To make a pond, you need to dig a hole up to 1.5 meters deep in a lowland and outline the contours of the pond using spray paint. Pond walls can be sloping and filled with old linoleum. The edges of the pond can be decorated with stones or decorated with colored plastic bottles. The result is a small pond, and plant original plants along the contour.
Of course, we can come up with something of our own, the main thing is to be guided by the ingenuity and features of the site. The beautifully made landscape design of the summer cottage is presented in the photo, displaying all the originality and incredible beauty of your own imagination. Creating a design is not an easy task, but if you approach it correctly, we will achieve excellent results.

Choosing a flower garden

There is a variety of options for arranging flower beds. A beautiful flower garden bordered by an original border or other structure, which should look very original. If you want to plant flower beds bordered by borders, then for these purposes it is better to choose low crops, the height of which is not more than 40 cm. Flower and deciduous plants are grown for such purposes. ornamental crops. These can be hosts, coleuses, Byzantine chistets and others. This option is advantageous in comparison with other cultures.
The main function of the border is framing landscape element, should have clear contours. If this kind of flower garden is used to decorate the lawn, its borders can be marked with a decorative border tape, which allows you to keep the outline and does not allow the plant to grow. If you make the right choice, then the landscape design of the summer cottage will show itself as the most beautiful photos made abroad.


The landscape design of a summer cottage, the photo of which can reflect any ideas, must have some special features. To give it such features, a mixborder is often used - one of the popular types country flower garden. It is a mixture made up of a variety of perennial and annual plants. And it is designed in such a way that its decorative properties are preserved throughout the season. This type of flower garden can be located along the fence, the wall of the house and along the do-it-yourself sidewalk, but there is no uniformity and strict geometric values, which in fact is the main feature of the mixborder.
As a rule, the width of the mixborder is from 1.5 to 4 meters. If it contains tall plants, then they are planted at the back. The basis of this flower garden is presented perennials. The grouping of flowering and deciduous plants is carried out taking into account the timing of flowering, as well as the color of the flowers, so that it is in harmony with the color of other flowers. The entire flower garden can be either contrasting, or have additions of some colors to others.

rocky gardens

This type of flower garden is quite popular, and the creation options are endless. The owner of a summer cottage can make such a structure on his own, choosing for himself the most suitable option. In such a situation, you need to focus on the terrain and on the style features of the garden. Of course, the gardener's personal preferences, which are important to focus on, do not go unnoticed. If the entire site is located on a slope, then practical solution building will become retaining walls and arrangement of terraces. Sometimes you can combine these options with each other.
If you want to complement a rocky garden with something incredible and original, then you can make a stream or a waterfall, and the combination of flower beds with such elements is common and beautiful. Running water will look very attractive against the background of boulders. For a rocky garden, you need to correctly and carefully select stones, otherwise it can become a pile of cobblestones. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the most common breeds in your area. If you correctly combine stones with different sizes and shapes, this can make the composition more original.

Construction of a gazebo

Excellent and convenient presence of a gazebo at their summer cottage. It will be a great place to relax, and if you meet guests, you can gather them at one table for fresh air serving delicious kebabs. The gazebo will be an excellent option for evening gatherings with the family. Imagine: after a hard day's work, you can dine outdoors, as in the best restaurant in France. The competent design of the gazebo for the summer cottage will bring special joy to the picture.
Photos are different, accompanied by the construction of a good gazebo. Made from wood or cast. It can be any color, depending on your preference. You can always contact the companies specializing in the sale, offering you ready-made arbors High Quality in great variety. The stage of building a gazebo is quite important and responsible, so it must be approached with caution.

The choice is yours

A bright and colorful garden with beautiful flowers, like from famous works of literature or art - now this is not a dream, but a real reality, the choice is always yours. Each owner of a summer cottage can turn their lands into a nature reserve, you just have to have the desire, ingenuity and a rapidly working imagination. With the right choice of design option, you will get high-quality work that will not leave you indifferent.
You can choose from a huge variety of options, among which there are the simplest, and if more expensive, the most important thing is that your summer cottage not only pleases the eyes, but also the heart, and what could be even more beautiful. Making an original design, as in the photo, is quite simple, you just have to want it. You can build whatever you want to build gazebos, outbuildings and other options for elementary and original buildings, the most important thing is that both the process and the result bring a lot of pleasure.

Landscape design of a summer cottage - photo gallery

It is not difficult to make your own landscaping of a summer cottage. By following a few rules, you can even turn an ordinary cottage into a wonderful garden with your own hands.

How to get started

More recently, some 15-20 years ago, a summer cottage was only a place for planting vegetables and berries. They came there to weed, water and collect bountiful harvest, which was certainly canned, salted or pickled. A rare piece of land was not planted with "useful" plants. Flowers and ornamental plants there were few, they sat only in front of the house or along the path, there was no question of landscape design.

But not all summer residents sought to collect only a large harvest. There have always been gardeners who made out original flower beds, which involuntarily attracted the eyes of passers-by, aroused the admiration of neighbors. Apparently, it was these people who began to actively “introduce” new ideas into our consciousness. design ideas for home improvement. Gradually, the craving for beauty began to wake up in every summer resident.

Today, almost every owner of the site wants to have at least a small recreation area in his garden, decorated with original plants, flowers, a picturesque pond or an alpine slide.

Looking at a photo of some landscape design, the layman will decide that it is unrealistic to do it yourself. But if you follow the saying “the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing”, then you can gradually arrange your site quite decently.

Main stages of work:

  • think about what we want and where we will place it all
  • sow the lawn;
  • pick plants.

You can arrange a gazebo, a barbecue area, a pond or an alpine slide. In some areas there is a place for all this, and someone will have to limit themselves to a couple of elements.

IMPORTANT! The lawn is an indispensable part of landscape design, simple weed grass looks sloppy, it will break the harmony of the entire exposition.

Do-it-yourself landscape design from coniferous trees

For the improvement of our cottage without fail need to take a few evergreen trees. Thuja, yew, juniper and cypress have already become favorite companions (it is only suitable for a warm climate). They don't grow too high, so they won't create much shade, and they can be shaped into any shape with scissors. Having landed them around the perimeter, we will get an excellent hedge. These trees fit perfectly into any flower garden, decorate an alpine hill. If there is a wide path on the site, thuja or juniper bushes can be placed along it.

Rules for planting and caring for conifers:

  • These trees can be planted in autumn or early spring.
  • The soil should consist of peat, sand and sod.
  • Seedlings need to be well watered.
  • When planting several trees, leave at least 1.5 m between them.
  • Young plants require feeding with mineral fertilizers.
  • For the winter coniferous trees Under the age of 5 years, you need to cover.

It happens that the thuja begins to turn yellow after disembarkation. This happens with poor soil, damage to the roots or rare watering.

Designing with waste materials

It looks very nice in the country figurines made from improvised means or unnecessary things. Also old furniture decorated as a flower bookcase looks original.

What seems like rubbish at first glance can be easily turned into a wonderful interior detail by connecting a little imagination. It is difficult for a homegrown designer to come up with something right away or to realize his ideas. Then the tips of experienced craftsmen and photos of their work can help.

What will we use?

We will need:

  • plastic bottles, large and small;
  • old dishes (kettles, pots);
  • boxes, etc.

For crafts, you need to stock up on multi-colored paint and glue. And, of course, you need to be patient!

We make flower beds

What's the secret beautiful flowerbed? How to plant flowers correctly so that from spring to autumn appearance area was bright?

Landscape designers came up with several ways to design flower beds:

  • discount;
  • border;
  • mixborder.

Rabatka called the strip of flowers that borders the lawn. Often it is planted in parks where there are large lawns. Rabatka can be made in one, two or more colors, flowers of different heights can be used, forming a "ladder".

Border- This regular fit plants along the path. For this, annual or perennial flowers are taken. But creeping, densely growing varieties look best. When considering how to effectively arrange flowers in the country, it is better to choose plants of various shades for the border and the main composition.

Mixborder- This is a flower bed consisting of a wide variety of flowers planted in groups. The essence of its creation is to combine not only bright contrasting tones, but also plants blooming in different time. Mixborder should always bloom!

This is not easy to achieve. To create such a miracle, you need to work more than one season.

We arrange the flowers in the order of seasonal flowering. We divide the flower bed into three main parts. Each of them should consist of plants, blooming in spring, summer and closer to autumn.

Video about creating a flower bed with your own hands

To create such a mixborder, you need to work hard! But then you can enjoy continuous flowering the whole season.

How to plant a lawn with your own hands

As we have already said, the lawn is the basis from which we will build. There are several types of lawns. For beginners, it is better to make a universal one, it does not require serious maintenance and is quite suitable for any purpose. And the main goal is beauty, accuracy and convenience for relaxation.

If the land where the lawn is planned is clean, it will need to be dug up, leveled, tamped, and then sown with seeds. From above they need to be covered with dry earth so that the birds do not peck.

Very often, the desire to equip the lawn appears even when the cottage has been built for a long time, and you want to finally highlight and decorate a corner for relaxation. Usually there is a place where the company constantly gathers, barbecue is fried and there are sun loungers. The grass grows there in patches, no one has touched it for many years, and the ground is already heavily rammed.

This is a "hard" case for a novice landscape designer.

First of all, we get rid of weeds once and for all!

Now, chemicals are used for this, which are watered with weeds, and then dug up. The substance penetrates to the very roots, and the plant dies. After this procedure, the soil should rest for at least 2 weeks.

Those who deny any gross intervention in the affairs of nature can simply uproot the grass from the ground and wait until it begins to sprout again. After 3-4 weeks, the sprouts that have appeared are again removed and carefully dug up. The soil should be loose, without lumps. Before digging it is desirable to add mineral fertilizers. They will help the new young grass grow quickly and gain strength.

Then we sow the area with lawn grass. We choose universal lawn mix. Why is it suitable for us?


  • unpretentious in care;
  • normally withstands shade and lack of moisture;
  • frost-resistant.

Note! Get a good lawn immediately is unlikely to succeed. It will take a couple of seasons.

Until the cultivated grass has grown, it will be necessary to constantly remove the weeds, otherwise they will "clog" the young. You may have to sow the areas where the seeds were pecked by the birds, or for some reason it did not rise.

But having gone through all the difficulties, it will be possible to walk barefoot on a dense lawn every year.

Care rules:

  • We mow in dry weather (wet grass is difficult to mow evenly).
  • We do not give much to grow (it will be difficult to align).
  • Water during drought (but do not flood!).

How to equip the entire garden plot

We know that there are many ways to transform a boring garden or empty lot. You can add a flower garden or an alpine slide to the free space in front of the house, or you can completely redraw the entire plan and arrange everything beautifully. Here the house and the bath are in their places, there are beds, greenhouses, but I want something else. After all, we saw how interesting and picturesque some craftsmen equip their weave.

First, let's decide what we would like and what we can afford.

There is a place for a decorative pond - great! Is there a place for a barbecue? Better! Well, let's not forget about the design of the site with plants, they will be the soloist throughout the season.

In a store for a garden and a vegetable garden, we purchase a container that will serve as an artificial reservoir. Dig a hole under it in the chosen place. Be sure to plant undersized trees around the pond ground cover plants and flowers. You can put a toy frog, duck or swan in the water. You can make them yourself or buy them.

It would be nice to have a gazebo and a place for barbecue next to the pond. If you don’t want to make a stationary gazebo, you can pull up an awning, place a table and chairs under it, and put a barbecue nearby.

All areas for recreation, playgrounds are sown with lawn grass.

Be sure to decorate the path with a border of flowers and allocate a place for a mixborder, albeit a small one. Next to it, as well as throughout the site, we will place coniferous trees. various forms and sizes. They still give some special style to landscape design! Without them, it seems incomplete.

Well, of course, you can’t plant trees and shrubs near the barbecue, they will turn yellow and dry.

If there is a fence, it can be wrapped around with wild grapes or beans.

On the spacious plot easy to find a place for a famous Alpine slide , the blue dream of every summer resident.

Design Key Points:

  • lawn;
  • mixborder;
  • coniferous plants;
  • small architectural forms ( decorative ponds, gazebos, various figures).

Design of plots of various sizes

Landscaping for 5 acres

Yes! Although he is small, he is his! And on five acres you want comfort!

Just want to point out what can not be done in small areas.

  • No need to put up a high fence
  • Refrain from planting pine or spruce
  • Don't try to cram in everything you like.

The fenced area seems even smaller. It will look more like a cage.

Any hedge can be planted with climbing plants, they will smooth the borders and serve as an additional decoration.

A pine or spruce will sooner or later grow and create a large shadow. And in general, it will take up a lot of valuable space.

With only 5 acres of land, it is best to make a large lawn and plant small shrubs and islands of various colors.

Landscaping for 10 acres

This area allows you to place more useful objects.

In addition to a house, a bathhouse, a parking space for a car, this will include a children's pool and a cozy gazebo. You can leave room for fruit trees and shrubs, as well as a greenhouse and garden beds.

But even on such a site, you still have to prioritize and focus either on the garden or on the recreation area.

Having bought a new site, you should always think over in advance not only the development plan, but also the design. Decide where you will gather with friends, where you will organize a playground, how much space the plantings will take up.

12 acres is not 10, and on additional meters you can put a swing and even a trampoline. If there are no children, then a tennis table or a couple of alpine slides will not interfere.

Someone likes free space, a clean lawn and beautiful shrubs along the perimeter. At any time, you can put something there or plant it.

On the one hand, such a site is good, because almost everything your heart desires can fit on it. But, on the other hand, it is very important to correctly distribute all functional areas so that there is no feeling of desolation or chaos.

Acquiring such a quantity of land, it is unlikely that we plan to plant it all with potatoes. Therefore, a clear development plan is needed. We need to understand how we will occupy each piece of free space.

The area allows you to divide the plot with a hedge (thuja, juniper). Fruit trees and shrubs can be planted along the fence.

In the middle of the site, you can equip a large stationary pool, and place everything else around it.

Any free space should be well-groomed. Let it be an ordinary lawn, but without rubbish and weeds.

Particular attention should be paid to the paths. They can be laid out with paving stones, stone or wood. Along it you can place small lamps that will effectively burn at night.

When creating the design of your site, calculate your strength. Let the care of the cottage bring only pleasure.

The individuality of a backyard or summer cottage is given by the design of paths, flower beds and recreation areas.

When designing the landscape design of a summer cottage, you can use the configuration of a circle, a ball and a hemisphere. These templates are considered the most ideal for decorating a site, especially a small one. Making circles or hemispheres gives the garden dynamism and solves the problems of rational use space. Most citizens own 6-10 acres of land. Most of the land is allocated for the construction of a house, a garage, outbuildings, and for planting fruit trees and vegetables.

The desire to increase the suburban area, at least visually, arises from any owner of the land. To achieve an increase in space, the shape of a circle is suitable. If the site for the recreation area is designed in the form of a sphere, the paths will fit with smooth lines, and the garden will become more spacious.

The shape of circles, hemispheres and smooth lines for the design of flower beds, ponds, recreation areas are taken from nature, where there are no strict straight lines.

Maintaining the chosen style, it is necessary to choose the right materials for decoration and plants corresponding to this chosen style. Lush flower beds, free-growing shrubs in the summer cottage, stone paths are suitable for a garden in the style of romance.

Entry zone

Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so does a garden begin with an entrance. It will look good arch above the gate, entwined with greenery. At the foot of the arch, it is desirable to plant shrubs that can be rounded. There is a front garden in the entrance area. Placing an alpine slide there will not count good decision, with the exception of the elevated suburban area.

Here the slide will look natural, when on flat areas the alpine slide will catch the eye with its unnaturalness. The front garden is made out in simple style, nothing extra. Plants trimmed to look like balls or sculptures made of round stones will be able to revive a strict landscape.

garden paths

Designers recommend planting bushes with a spherical shape along the path, placing beautifully round boulders and placing round-shaped lanterns. from paving stones from it is best to lay on the lawn.

Playground for the whole family

The recreation area is a favorite place in the summer cottage. For decoration, you can use tiles laid out in a circle or overlapping circles from different materials: gravel, sand, tiles, grass, stones. The flooring made of wooden strips also looks spectacular.

To mark the boundaries of the recreation area, trees are planted with a crown, which can be given a round shape. Willow is best suited for this purpose. Plants with a round shape can be harmonized with contrasting plants that grow upwards. These are swamp iris and some cereals. Caring for plants in the garden requires patience. Young shoots should be trimmed at least twice a year.

Lawn decoration

If space permits personal plot, then in the center you can make a round lawn, gravel, sand, tiles, grass, stones, surrounding it with tall shrubs and creating an ideal place for solitude and relaxation.

If area land plot does not accommodate a large lawn, a way out can be found in the creation of a terrace or patio near the house.

In the garden, it is dangerous to plant everything according to the principle "when necessary and where necessary." Seedlings may not take root, seeds may not sprout. And in the end - the money is spent, the mood is spoiled, and the garden-garden is infected with weed plants.

Risk is not a noble cause when we are talking about the beauty and health of the family garden. Agricultural problems will not fall on your shoulders if the design garden plot create according to the rules.

Let's be honest: from morning to evening, digging and watering the garden is not what you dreamed about when purchasing a summer cottage outside the city. Instead of inhaling the smell of petunias and listening to the singing of nightingales, one has to work in the dust under the hot sun. So that 6, 10 or 12 acres of land do not become a burden, you should carefully work on a garden project before landscaping.

The image of a beautiful garden design is not formed in one day. Here you need to catch the line between splendor and simplicity. Find inspiration on the Internet by browsing photos of the work of famous landscape architects. Garden design should turn out like a picture in which there is nothing to take away or add.

Garden design "by the rules"

Choosing a place for the garden

Landscaping and landscaping work begins with an analysis of the territory. It is important to study everything: from the relief, illumination and soil type, to the location of buildings and utilities.

Garden design options need to be thought out taking into account the slopes, heights and marshy areas in the summer cottage. The main criteria for the selection of trees, shrubs and flowers in the garden is the study of soils and the depth of groundwater.

Best of all, gardens develop on gentle, southern, southwestern and southeastern slopes with a slight steepness. For garden with fruit trees hollows and closed basins are completely unsuitable.

Garden planning - project development

On paper (computer), visualize (draw) in detail how the design of the garden should look after the work is completed. Write down everything, even minor details (down to the color of the tiles for paving the path).

At the stage of preliminary design, combine your desires with the real possibilities of the territory and already growing plants. For example, if you dream of a garden with rhododendrons, keep in mind that bushes do not grow well next to birch, willow and maple. For rose trees best neighbors- These are pines, pears and apple trees.

The sites, flower beds, green spaces, lawns applied to the sketch are provided with explanatory captions and photos. For example, a decorative garden in the garden, you plan to plant it behind the house behind the playground and it should look something like this - attach a photo:

Choosing plants and trees for the garden

When deciding on a list of vegetation that you would like to see in your garden, give preference to zoned varieties.

Before buying seedlings, make sure that they have labels indicating the variety, plant type and commercial class. When purchasing packaged seeds, be sure to check the expiration date, variety name, number of seeds and weight in grams. When choosing corms and flower bulbs, make sure they are dry and firm, free of cuts and mold spots.

The location of the garden on the cardinal points

The degree of illumination of the site is important to consider when choosing places for the location of a house, garden, flower bed, pond, gazebo, alpine slide or playground.

The correct orientation of the site to the cardinal points when developing a garden design will allow plants to develop well. If the bedroom windows face south, then a light-loving flower garden is laid out in this place. The windows of the kitchen on the northwest side can look at the recreation areas with a gazebo, barbecue and small pond. An orchard is being planted in the southwestern sector.

Zoning of the garden and vegetable garden in the landscape design of the site

Before forming a garden near the house, it is necessary to carry out functional zoning of the site, which consists of:

  • front area (the entrance area begins with a gate and a front garden with a lawn, flower beds and conifers);
  • orchard ( orchards, most often, arrange in the depths of the site on an elevated, unshaded place);
  • recreation area (a place to relax can be adjacent to the main building in the form of a terrace, paved with deck boards or stone);
  • economic zone (a shaded corner of the garden is suitable for the utility block);
  • playground (the playground should be well lit, i.e. located on the sunny side, and be remote from the main flower garden or garden).

Combine all areas of the garden in landscape design into a single whole, and at the same time make each of them an independent "green room", you can divide the site with hedges of different heights. Evergreen molded and unshaped softwood or a combination of deciduous trees. Visually separate different zones with the help of pergolas, trellises, screens with climbing plants.

Budget planning for garden design

Based on the design sketch of the garden design, calculate the estimated cost of all work and materials. Wouldn't it turn out that your funds are only enough for a garden drainage device and an automatic irrigation system, and for planting material no money left?

Garden design for the poor is not limited to planting trees on the site and laying lawns with your own hands. You can artificially recreate natural beauty with the help of inexpensive, but beautiful varieties colors in spectacular groupings and combinations.

How to make a beautiful garden design inexpensively?

You can completely change the look of your garden and not get into debt with the help of:

grassy lawn

To do this, you need to cultivate the soil from weeds and plant all the free land of the site with a mixture lawn grasses from fescue, bluegrass and bent grass. Imagine a garden with neat beds, beautifully flowering trees, and an emerald carpet around them. Perfect. And budget.

Dense compositions of shrubs, flowers and ornamental grasses

Flower beds are the subject of endless creativity for summer residents. On the green background of the lawn, periwinkles, nasturtiums, delphiniums, astilbes, anemones, poppies, irises, stonecrops, cornflowers look in contrast. The backbone of mixborders, borders, flower beds and rabatok is best formed in the design of the garden from perennial flowers. Hardy, outwardly beautiful and easy to care for.

Climbing plants for the garden

When all the vertical surfaces of the garden are in the possession of vines, it acquires a special charm. Need to disguise a peeling facade of a house? Make a support and plant a winter-hardy climbing rose. And better ivy - so capital. Veranda walls, country fences, gazebos are framed with problem-free plants: bindweed, decorative beans or wisteria. In "climbing" plants, the potential is huge. Some flyers change the scenery of the garden every year, others decorate it once and for many years.

Garden styles in landscape design

From a combination of flower arrangements, fences, paths, water structures, gazebos and sculptures, a simple summer cottage turns into a stylish garden, with inner meaning and harmony. There are several main styles in landscape gardening art. Consider the most popular of them in the photo.

Design of a classic parterre garden-maze

In the design of parterre gardens in the entrance group and along the perimeter of the site, sheared conifers are planted symmetrically: spruce, juniper, thuja, yew. Topiary objects of the most complex shapes are created from coniferous shrubs and trees. Beginners in landscape design should not set themselves the goal of cutting a chess piece or a lion out of an overgrown bush with needles. To get started, learn to cut the lungs in a formal garden geometric shapes- cube, cone, ball, square, cylinder or pyramid and form a garden maze from them.

The free space between the conifers in the parterre gardens is filled with flower beds of intricate shapes, gravel or colored sand.

The photo shows a classic garden on a rectangular plot with trimmed conifers.

In the photo on the right, a rose garden in a formal (regular) style

In the photo on the left, the zoning of a classic garden in landscape design

The charm of the rural garden captivated more than one owner suburban acres. Once, having invested time and soul into its design, in the future, a country-style garden will not have to be spent much time.

What is needed to create a harmonious rural landscape on 6 acres?

First, forget about a clear layout, trimmed lawns, blatantly neat flower beds and works of topiary art.

You can clearly show all the charm of rural life through wild wildflowers, beds with your favorite vegetables and aromatic herbs.

Decorate gardens in a rustic design unpretentious and simple: irregular flower beds, fruit trees, shrubs, decorative equipment.

The material was prepared for the site

All buildings, including the gazebo and fences, are braided with vines, hidden behind dense bushes of honeysuckle, lilac and jasmine. A blooming Moorish meadow with bluebells, daisies, columbs, phloxes and multi-colored lupins fits into the design concept of a rural garden.

Design orchard with apples, pears, cherries, raspberries, red and black currants in rustic style allows every bush and tree to grow freely.

In order to create a compositional stylistic effect, fruit plants are placed in the depths of the plot (varieties with decorative fruits and flowers are an exception). The near-stem circles of trees are left free, and bent grass, meadow bluegrass or bulbs are sown around them: tulips, crocuses, daffodils. The photo shows the design of the orchard with bird feeders, which emphasize the overall stylized focus of the rustic style.

Modernist garden design

The beds of abstract forms are located on a sun-kissed, windless area. Vegetables in a modular garden are planted both in rows and in curtains - small islands. Edible flower beds are separated by garden paths made of small stone, borders of low-growing cut shrubs, modules different forms, logs or bricks.

To implement an ornamental garden in the garden landscape design, such useful crops are planted as: parsley, basil, lettuce, tomato, zucchini, thyme, dill, cabbage, pepper, garlic, celery, arugula, beans, carrots and beets.

On the left in the photo is a landscape garden design with picturesque flower beds of vegetables and herbs

On the right in the photo is a decorative vegetable garden with cabbage - best plant for garden bed

In the photo on the left, a garden design with neatly crafted rectangular beds that protect decorative borders

In the photo on the right is a vertical flower bed in the landscape design of a country garden

The scheme of the garden in the landscape design of the garden (photo)

The plan shows an example of planting an ornamental vegetable garden.

Tip: if you refuse to plant vegetables and herbs in dense rows, and experiment with curtains (small island plantings between narrow stone paths), then take care of ornamental garden it will be much easier.

Modern garden landscape design

A distinctive feature of Art Nouveau gardens is the rejection of right angles and lines in favor of natural forms and new technologies.

A feature of country gardens, gravitating towards the Art Nouveau style, is the active introduction of picturesque flower groups, tapeworms, small architectural forms and means of vertical gardening.

The construction of wooden terraces is a necessary touch in the design of the Art Nouveau garden

French garden in landscape design

garden project in french style This:

  • a cool color palette, with an emphasis on green, white, blue and purple;
  • intricately trimmed boxwood hedges;
  • neat flower beds with large flowerpots;
  • stone paving curbs, terraces and recreation areas;
  • gravel for paving in the design of garden paths;
  • repeating elements arranged symmetrically to each other;
  • a cozy resting place with a wooden bench, surrounded by a wall of evergreen and flowering shrubs.

It is a mistake to think that French gardens are only good for large spaces. A French-style formal garden is easy to organize and small dacha in 12 acres. Yes, it will require much more maintenance than a country or forest style garden.

Landscape design of the garden in the English style

Perfectly trimmed green lawns are a true English fad. The lawns of English gardens are adorned with bright patches of crocuses and daffodils in spring. Maximum naturalness is achieved with the help of group plantings of bulbous.

At home landscape style, shrubs and trees have free groups, enlivening the relief with a water surface artificial ponds and streams.

In the photo, the design of the garden in English style. Hydrangea bushes and soft lawn give a special atmosphere of simplicity and naturalness.

In the photo, an obligatory element of the English garden - whether it be a small cottage garden or a large suburban area, - vertical gardening on a support for climbing plants

The favorite flowers of the British, which can be found in the garden literally at every step, are roses. The photo shows an English garden with a bench that stands under a wooden canopy arch entwined with roses.

chinese style garden landscaping

A large plot with uplands and lowlands is the best place to create a Chinese garden. Its essential elements that exist in harmony with each other are stones, water, wooden bridges, weeping willows, plums, daffodils, pines, pagodas, viewing platforms.

Water organizes the space of the Chinese garden and gives different character to its individual sections. Rock slides in garden design are arranged with a minimum amount of vegetation.

In the photo, the Chinese garden, which embodies peace and tranquility, is conducive to concentrated contemplation

Aroma garden in landscape design

Admiring the compositions of luxurious flower beds in the garden is one thing, but getting drunk on their magical smells is quite another. “Aromatherapy sessions” in the country will bring only pleasant impressions if you combine plantings of different varieties into fragrant flower beds.

Create a fragrant mixborder of perennial flowers near the house and flowering shrubs. Phloxes, monards, meadowsweet, grayish-blue carnations, evening primroses, lilacs, wild roses and jasmine will not cause much trouble, but at the same time they will fill the garden with dizzying smells from the slightest breath of wind.

Next to the resting place - a gazebo, a veranda or an open terrace, organize a flower garden of bulbs: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, lilies. Plant a perennial vine next to the support - honeysuckle honeysuckle. A flower with double pink and white flowers smells at half strength in the morning, enhancing its aroma in the late afternoon.

In the photo, a rock garden of pleasant aromas. Melissa, thyme, fragrant tobacco, mint, lavender, catnip and orange poppies create a light fragrant veil on the summer cottage

In the photo of the garden, a fragrant mono-flower made from spicy thyme

Landscape design of a garden plot with flower arrangements

Garden design with roses

Roses in garden nurseries in the spring scatter at the speed of hot cakes. Hybrid tea, climbing, shrubby, remontant and English roses dictate the color of the modern garden, filling it with new textures and forms. Green lawns, bushes and trees act as a background element of the rose garden.

The creation of a rose garden in the garden in the country begins with the development of a planting scheme, taking into account:

  • the composition of the soil in the garden;
  • site illumination;
  • features of the rose variety (shape, height, flowering time).

AT flower arrangements low-growing rose bushes are placed in the foreground, medium-high ones are planted behind them, and tall varieties close the composition. You can complement the overall picture with "architectural" cereals, dwarf conifers or ferns.

If roses of the same height are used in the rose garden, then the main layout factor is the color scheme of the plants.

Pictured is a romantic rose garden in garden design

The photo shows a cheerful rose garden in garden landscape design. formal style

The photo shows a hedge of high shrub roses and ferns in the design of the fence of the garden plot

Phlox garden design: calico meadows

Creeping phloxes are actively used by landscape designers in rock gardens, panicled ones - in mixborders and discounts. Styloid phloxes are spectacular in combination with bulbous and coniferous. Stolonosny, splayed and lovely phloxes are simply indispensable in the design of reservoirs and semi-shady places - here they grow well with bathing suits, primroses, lungworts and dicenters.


The photo shows a landscape garden flower garden with phlox, echinacea, daisies, yarrows and bluebells

Flower garden design scheme with phlox

  1. pink phlox "Youth";
  2. pink astilbe "Straussenfeder";
  3. pink daylily "Double Challenge";
  4. silver-lavender geykhera "Regina";
  5. pelargonium ivy.

The best flowers for the garden

Everyone's tastes are different. It is difficult to single out the most-most for garden landscape design. But the most popular colors according to statistics, there were those that did not require special care.

What flowers are best to plant in the garden?

Top unpretentious and charming plants:

1st place - Marigolds

2nd place - Kosmeya 3rd place - Nasturtium 4th place - Peonies 5th place - Irises 6th place - Petunias 7th place - Daisies 8th place - Daisies 9th place - Pansies (violets) 10th place - Asters

Non-trivial use of colors and ornamental grasses it would be right to consider the work of famous landscape designers as an example: Christopher Lloyd, Roberto Berle Marx, Jean-Paul Ghanem, Charles Jencks, André le Nort, Lancelot Capeability Brown and others. The manner of working, the styles of garden artists are completely different. But each of their gardens inspires.

Photos of landscape design of garden plots from architects of the highest rank

Christopher Lloyd

(not to be confused with American actor)

The photo shows a landscape design with lush vegetation from the famous Englishman Christopher Lloyd. The landscape designer was an adherent of mixborders and was convinced that the proximity of shrubs, perennials, climbing plants, biennials and annuals contributes to the decorative expressiveness of the flower garden.

Roberto Burle Marx

In the photo on the right unique image garden by Roberto Burle Marx. All the private gardens of the Brazilian architect, gardener and artist are abstract paintings that the maestro transferred to landscape projects. He liked to use cobblestones, stones, mosaics and concrete

In the photo on the left is a garden project by Roberto Burle Marx, in which the water-mirror emphasizes the beauty of unusual flora

Jean-Paul Ghanem

In the photo of a French landscape designer, the garden is the canvas, and the plants are the paints. To fill a lifeless lot with color, Jean-Paul Ghanem sows the gaps between the slabs of the garden path, uses local and inexpensive flowers for the garden to create a river that runs, crossing obstacles, through the entire garden.

Charles Jenks

The photo shows the space design of the site by Charles Jencks with depth of contrasts and clear line graphics.

André le Notre

The photo shows the Castres garden in the style of French classicism from the king of gardens Andre Le Norte

Lancelot Capeability Brown

Pictured is the landscaping of an English garden by iconic architect and artist Lancelot Capeability Brown

Todd Longstaffe-Gowan

Tom Stuart-Smith

Pictured are Trentham Hall Gardens by Tom Stuart-Smith and Piet Oudolf. The basis of garden design is the contrast of chiseled strict forms coniferous plants and boxwood borders with luxurious flower beds, huge curtains of cereals

Pictured is the work of Tom Stewart-Smith

On the picture beautiful garden late-flowering herbs and perennials, including: stonecrop, catnip, agapanthus, spurge, thyme, viola, irises, onions, hosts, echinacea, rudbeckia, syringa, yarrow, epimedium

Anthony Paul

Pictured is Anthony Paul's terraced garden

In the photo, Anthony Paul decorated the hills of the garden with colorful flowers

In the photo of the design of the garden plot from Anthony Paul, a pool, a place to relax and a dining area on the terrace

In the photo, the canopy in blooming garden and wicker furniture from rattan, which is not afraid of the vagaries of the weather

Bunny Guinness

Pictured is a project from Bunny Guinness, who makes her gardens the main gathering place for all family members.

The photo shows a geometric composition of the garden with paved paths, trimmed shrubs and laconic sculptures. Landscape by Bunny Guinness is in perfect harmony with the facade of the building

Arne Maynard

In the photo of the regular garden design from the Englishman Arne Maynard, the soloist tree is the main soloist

Pete Audolf

The photo shows a laconic and ingenious garden design by Piet Audolf with a seating area

Pictured is the work of Piet Oudolf. Paved stone paths create a sense of permanence and comfort in the garden

Diremude Gavin

In the photo of the landscape design of the garden, Diremud Gavin fully revealed the theme of daisies - their shape repeats and garden furniture, m paving, and even a glass gazebo

Andy Sturgeon

Arabella Lennox-Boyd

Philip Nixon and Marcus Barnett

Jeannie Blom

Landscaping of a recreation area in the garden

You need to relax in the arms of nature, and even at your own dacha with comfort. Consider the most successful combinations decorative and practical solutions for recreation areas, designed to give peace of mind and positive emotions.

In the photo, one of the most fashionable garden trends is a resting place on wooden terrace. It does not adjoin the garden, but, on the contrary, is lost in thickets of flowering shrubs and deciduous trees. Notice the soft cushions on the wicker chairs. In case of rain, you can take them home with you.

Sitting in such an arbor, you enjoy the coloristic game in halftones. Smooth transitions from dark green, purple and burgundy, the designer achieved with the help of group plantings. Compositions of mixborders are made up of plants different heights, different cut sheet and different colors.

The photo shows a separate "garden relaxation room", which was set up on a very tiny piece of land. During the construction of the partition, a natural material - wood - was used. In the center of the composition is a garden art object - a box mushroom made of dry grass, flowers and stones.

Garden zoning in landscape design

By dividing the garden into separate zones, we add a lot of advantages to its design, both from the aesthetic side and from the practical side. Zoning is especially important if the site is small and every hundred square meters matters.

Consider examples of garden zoning in landscape design in the photo:

The photo shows the design of the front garden area with a front garden, lawn and elegant flower beds

Pictured is an orchard area. The near-trunk circles of trees are decorated with tulips. After the bulbs have faded, annuals are sown: balsam or nasturtium The photo shows a garden area for preschool children with a sandbox In the photo there is a recreation area, a dining area and a play area The photo shows the design of the economic zone, decorated with climbing vines and shrubs.