Gray color in the living room: interior in neutral colors (67 photos). Pink color in the interior of the living room Interior of the hall in the color of a tea rose

The atmosphere of the room intended for guests should be warm, cozy, hospitable. A family comes here after a hard day to have dinner together, watch the news, discuss the events of the day.

It is important to choose the right color for the interior of the living room. Each shade gives its own feeling and mood.

The beige living room creates a neutral background for confidential communication, a feeling of warm acceptance. The general aura of the room is much more important than the color and design preferences of the owners of the house.

How shades of beige are perceived in the interior

Experts say that muted pastel shades, in particular beige color, in the interior of the living room - appeasement, a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Such an interior normalizes pressure, balances the emotional state, helps to restore strength, activate muscle tone.

However, all positive traits beige colors are minimized if there is no harmony in the setting. When 1 detail in the design falls out of the calm color, the feeling of discomfort does not leave.

Beige, like White color, has an amazing ability to combine cold and warm shades in one palette. Against the background of these colors, other tones seem more saturated and cheerful, even green and purple.

The living room in beige is equally conducive to relaxation and activates thought processes, depending on the time of day and lifestyle. Balanced design in beige colors suggests a neutral style with a comfortable upholstered furniture, which is not "a lot" in the living room, even if it is minimalism.

How to combine colors in the living room in beige tones

Bright colors are out of place in the rest room, especially when the living room is the main room:

  • in a studio apartment;
  • small "Khrushchev";
  • and one-room apartment;
  • in a house without walls and a pronounced zoning of space.

The beige gamma is unique, and the very expression about the beige color is a little wrong, or rather, “ beige shades". This color is pleasing to the eye, but it is neither in the warm nor in the cold part of the spectrum, and therefore "non-spectral".

It is born from the mixing of several colors, which are also not pure. In interior design, it is not pale pastels that look most impressive, but mixed shades of beige and brown.

Best of all, this color looks with "tasty" shades:

  • coffee and chocolate;
  • caramel and boiled milk.

From rich tones to beige interior the living room looks good combination with raspberry and wine-burgundy, emerald green and honey yellow. Much depends not only on the combination of shades, but also on the saturation of the contrasting color.

However, the complementarity of colors in the interior of the living room should be based not only on your preferences, but also on the general feeling. For example, the beige interior of the living room in beige tones goes well with chocolate-colored upholstered furniture.

And with black additions, a certain imbalance, a restless feeling is often felt. But this duet can soften white or milky color.

Choosing furniture for a beige living room

When buying a soft corner or a furniture set, it is important to focus on the general background. Reviewing the photo of the beige living room, you understand that the white color of the walls and ceiling is the best option for furniture in this range.

Such a room seems more spacious, the walls are wider, the ceiling is higher. She is equally good natural light and under artificial lighting.

The light beige walls in the living room are also a good backdrop, especially when there is a lot of furniture in the room. natural wood. All shades of wood harmonize wonderfully with the beige palette.

But against a light background, dark brown furniture looks most luxurious, especially with an expressive wood texture. This color is self-sufficient, and in the design of a beige living room it can be played in all shades without using another palette.

Beige with the addition of pink is one of the latest trends designer fashion 2017. This is a great suggestion for wall decoration. It goes well with white upholstered furniture in leather upholstery (or eco-leather).

Beige upholstered furniture in the interior of the living room can be decorated decorative pillows brighter colors. This is also one of the latest trends in designer fashion this year. Sofa cushions can be of different shapes and colors, but brown and dark green shades look best against the beige upholstery of a large sofa.

What to choose curtains in a beige living room

The perfection and harmony of the design of the living room largely depends on textiles. Traditionally choose white tulle and yellowish curtains to the beige living room. They will fill the room with light and warmth, a positive attitude, especially on north side. Amber and honey, caramel and pineapple shades are well suited for curtains.

It is important to combine shades of the same saturation and “warmth” so as not to introduce some imbalance into a balanced beige interior.

Beige textiles with a “gradient” effect look especially luxurious, this is when one color gradually flows into another or, as it were, dissolves. It is good if brown through beige turns into a milky shade or pale yellow.

But the combination of beige with red or orange must be done carefully. important good taste and a sense of proportion bright accents did not seem superfluous in the calm beige interior of the living room. Lots of good examples combinations of this range with other colors - in our photo gallery.

Photo of a beige living room

Many people say that pink is too banal, girly and sugary, but a gray-pink living room smashes these accusations to smithereens.

In combination with gray, pink looks completely different: not so infantile and more serious, noble. Yes, and gray itself next to pink is cleared of its shortcomings - dullness, formality and emotionlessness.

Gray and pink living rooms became fashionable in the 80s, then they were forgotten for a while, and now this combination is again relevant.

In hand professional designers pink and gray colors create very stylish and visually expensive interiors.


Initially, you need to decide on shades of gray and pink, while you need to take into account the actual dimensions of the living room, its lighting, the desired style of the interior and the character that you want to give it.


For a small living room up to 20 sq.m. light gray-pink tones are recommended. From the range of pink, shades such as pale purplish pink, pastel pink, zinnwaldite pink, “pink pig” are suitable.

In the photo - small living rooms in gray pink colors.

In a spacious living room, intense and bold colors are possible, for example: American pink, deep carmine pink, Georgian pink, Persian pink. The same strong gray - for example, graphite - will suit a deep pink tint.

The photo shows an example of the implementation of a gray-pink combination in the interior of a spacious living room. For complete perfection, perhaps, one large item in pink is missing here - suppose a third armchair. This chair would serve as a reference point for the rest of the pink details.


The degree of natural light depends on which side the living room windows face - south or north.

A sunny-side south living room that's brightly lit all day needs cool gray-pink hues. For example, metallic gray and grayish pink or lavender pink are suitable for such a living room. Gray undertones, like lavender, add coolness and neutrality, which is just what you need for a stuffy sunny room.

The northern living room on the darkened, dimly lit side needs, on the contrary, warming shades. On the pink side, accents in a moderate, bright or deep yellow-pink tone are welcome. It's three different shades, but they all contain pronounced yellowness and are perceived as warm. Any of these shades in the interior of the northern room can be combined with the same visually warm and soft gray-beige tone.


Also, when choosing pink and gray shades for the living room, you need to consider the style of the interior that you plan to take as a basis. IN classic interiors more often muted pink tones are used - for example, pink antique or old pink. And in modern youth interior it is more logical to use a bright shade of fuchsia.

If you want to fill the interior with femininity and romance, take pastel colors. Bright colors will help create a more rigorous interior that will suit the head of the family.


These things should be remembered by everyone who is engaged in interior design on their own.


To maintain balance, it is necessary to choose shades of the same saturation. By following this simple rule, you will create nice interior even without the involvement of a designer-colorist. Although expert advice would not hurt. Perfectly mastering the art of working with flowers and their endless shades, a specialist is able to find the perfect colors for you and your living room.


To dilute the overall picture, add lightness, airiness and spaciousness to it, use an additional neutral color - ideally white.

Beige is also suitable, but it will not refresh the room as much - rather, it will add "cuteness", which makes it a good companion for gray and pink in women's interiors.

For a more rigorous interior fit gray-beige shade - it is calm, neutral and at the same time brings some kind of pleasant breath.


Combine materials with different textures and textures, plain and patterned surfaces, different forms furniture - rectangular and square with oval and round.

Do not put objects of the same color side by side, but alternate: let the pink vase stand against the background of a gray sofa, and the pink ottoman against the background of a gray armchair, etc. The exception is if the room is small. In a modest room, a monochrome color plan is allowed: a gray sofa against a gray wall. And to revive the picture, the sofa is decorated with pink pillows.

See how ordinary upholstery, quilted upholstery, aged wood, zebra skin and traditional herringbone parquet coexist in one space - this is multi-texture.


When you decide on the shades, consider each component of the interior separately: base surfaces(walls, floor, ceiling), furnishings, lighting, textiles and decor.


If you want to make all the walls solid, choose a light shade of gray or pink. Dark gray walls are possible only in the large living room.

One or two walls can be pasted over with gray-pink wallpaper with a classic, floral or geometric pattern. vegetable drawing will give the interior feminine features, and geometric (stripes, zigzags, triangles) will make it stricter and more serious.

Select the floor covering depending on the chosen interior style. A traditional brown wood flooring is also suitable for a classic living room, and for a modern one, you should choose the lightest wood with a subtle “brownness”, white or grayish material.

It is better to make the ceiling in an apartment with low ceilings white - matte or glossy, and gray or even pink is allowed in an apartment with high ceilings. stretch ceiling. The colored ceiling will slightly reduce the height of the living room at the visual level, which will make the atmosphere more comfortable.


As we have already said, one of the main rules for designing a living room is diversity and alternation. Following this rule, put an elegant light pink or pretentious hot pink sofa against a gray wall, or a calm gray sofa against pink wallpaper.

Gray-pink upholstery with a classic, geometric or floral pattern will look great.

In a small living room, a traditional wardrobe should be replaced with a design with open shelves which visually looks lighter.


The darker and richer the shades of gray and pink in your living room, the more light fixtures you will need. When using just such intense, deep and bright tones, carefully consider the layout of the fixtures: spotlights, floor lamps, sconces, table lamps.

At least in addition to ceiling chandelier buy floor and table lamps.


Curtains are also selected according to the alternation rule: plain gray or gray with a pink pattern to pink walls, pink or pink with a gray pattern against gray walls.

In a small room, you can follow the monochrome principle - hang gray curtains on the background gray walls so that by merging the background of the fabric and the surface of the wall, the space becomes a little more voluminous.


Living rooms in a pink and gray color combination take on a special chic with the addition of silver decor.

At the expense of accessories in foreign colors, be careful. The intervention of a third color can spoil or even destroy the idyll of a gray-pink interior. The safest are blue, light green and olive details.

There is also a combination of gray, pink and yellow, but working with this trio of colors requires artistic flair. Look for similar photos from famous designers and implement their features.


And finally, a small inspirational selection of ideas for decorating the living room:


Pillows in faux fur covers and sofa covers kill two birds with one stone - they enhance the feeling of home warmth and coziness and add glamor to the atmosphere.


Now it is fashionable to decorate living rooms not with classic canvases, but with such modular paintings, divided into two, three, four, five blocks. At the same time, handmakers also came up with modular paintings with three-dimensional elements - as in the second photo.

For most people, pink seems not the best color. the best option for registration home interior, except for a children's room for a girl. Such an unfair opinion is associated with the peculiarities of color, which can turn any room into Dollhouse, as well as with unfortunate designers who do not know how to properly handle it.

With the right approach to choosing a shade and style, you can create not only an attractive, but also trendy interior living room in pink tones, in which every household will feel as comfortable as possible.

Features of using shades

The main difficulty with using pink in the interior is right choice shade. Like any complex tone, pink has a rich range - from delicate and light to deep and saturated shades. Each of them is unique and multifaceted in its own way, able to create a special mood in the living room.

ADVICE! When choosing a pink shade for a living room, there are a lot of factors to consider: the size of the room and the height of the ceilings, the style of the room, the size of the windows, their orientation (north or south) and the amount of natural light.

Psychologists note positive influence of this color per person: a long stay in a room decorated in pink colors can set you up for positive, give peace and confidence in tomorrow. A pink living room is a corner of optimism in an apartment or a private house, so this approach to decorating a room is especially relevant for residents exhausted by the city rhythm and bustle.

Companion colors for pink

With all its magnificence, pink does not look too harmonious in splendid isolation, but with the right choice of companion colors, it guarantees the most pleasing to the eye and nervous system picture.

Among the most popular and considered practically classic combinations should be highlighted:

IMPORTANT! The softer and lighter the shade of pink in the interior, the more soft and calm his companion should be: too harsh combinations will be inappropriate.

We select a harmonious style

Choosing the right style for a pink living room should ensure that the room doesn't look like a princess's boudoir or a dollhouse. The uniqueness of the pink tone lies in its ambiguity: each of the shades is able to reveal itself in a new way in certain conditions. Same style direction can radically change the mood of the room, depending on which shade of pink is chosen as the main one.

In the photo: Living room interior with beige walls

It's no secret that the color palette is one of the main components of any interior design project. The perception of the room largely depends on the color accents. When choosing colors for interior design, not only the preferences of the customer are taken into account, but also fashion trends, functionality and style of the room. Today we have selected for you photos of living room interiors demonstrating current color combinations. Perhaps this selection will help someone when choosing color accents or even a general background.

The combination of colors in the interior of the living room with beige walls

If you look at the photos of the interiors of 2017, you will notice that in the design of living rooms the most popular color continues to be beige. Cream, sand, creamy tones often become the background for the entire interior composition. These basic shades, as a rule, are “mixed” with brighter accents. In the interior of a living room with beige walls, you can now often find the color combinations listed below.

1. Beige and blue in the design of the living room

Pictured: Beige living room design with blue accents

3. Pistachio accents in the design of a beige living room

Pictured: Beige living room design with pistachio accents

If you are a fan of pistachio ice cream, then the color scheme of this living room design will seem very attractive to you. Designers of Olga Kondratova Studio dilute light beige monochrome with bright green accents. Except himself kitchen set stylish ones also stand out from the general color palette sofa cushions. Pistachio accents bring the composition closer to nature.

4. Beige and purple in the design of the living room in the house

On the picture: Purple in the interior of the living room in the house

14. Living room design with lavender shades

Pictured: Large living room design with lavender accents

Light lavender textiles in the interior of the living-dining room in the photo are the best solution for creating a light, weightless space. In this case, they contribute to the creation of an aristocratic salon atmosphere in the room. Candelabra and comfortable chairs with lavender upholstery in the dining area allow you to host dinner parties here. And for afternoon tea and friendly conversations in the room there is a sofa area with a fireplace, decorated with a clock in the spirit of the era.

Brown color in the interior of the living room

15. Assorted chocolate in an art deco living room design

Pictured: Art Deco Living Room Design with Chocolate Shades

Hot chocolate, tiramisu, marzipan placers - all these desserts are often reflected in the interior of the living room. Chocolate shades in design are now found in their most diverse interpretations. The color palette of the living room interior can be built on a combination of colors reminiscent of milky, bitter and White chocolate. Such a coloristic solution is often used in art deco design projects. For example, in the interior of the living room in the photo above, you can see a combination of chocolate shades with beige variations such as cream, cream and coffee.

16. Living room interior with shades of natural wood

In the photo: Design of a kitchen-living room with a fireplace and shades of natural wood

Brown color in the interior of the kitchen-living room in the photo it is used due to the use of natural wood furniture (coffee table, shelving), which is “accompanied” by a fireplace portal. To create accents for this beige-brown composition, designers use textiles with a greenish paisley pattern for the upholstery of pillows and an armchair.
