English landscape garden. English landscape style - traditional British aesthetic

by the most the best gardeners considered British. It was they who founded a new landscape style in the region from the 18th century. landscape design. To date, the English garden is finding more and more adherents. And this is no coincidence, because when you look at such a beautiful landscape, you get the impression that all this was done by nature itself, and not by human hands. In fact, this is painstaking and fruitful work. professional artist. You can see this if you look closely.

The English garden is characterized by the absence of neglect and negligence, as is the case in other styles (country). But there are no strictly straight lines and sharp corners here either, the garden looks well-groomed and somewhat resembles a corner of wildlife.

Characteristic features of the garden in the English style

Before you decide to create an English garden in your country house, you should take into account some features. First of all, you need to strive for maximum naturalness. This means that the planted plants, shrubs and trees should look like they themselves have grown in their places.

You need to take care of the garden imperceptibly, as if everything goes by itself. But the garden should not be left unattended. It is necessary to regularly mow the lawn, maintaining the territory of the garden in its normal form.

As experts in the field of landscape design note, a full-fledged English garden can only be created on a large plot. But do not immediately give up if the area is not large enough. small natural and cozy corner can be created in this case.

To create an English style, you need a pond, even if it can cost a lot of money. Water lilies, duckweed or other similar plants must swim on the pond.

The English style is characterized by the use a large number colors. Choosing unpretentious varieties, you can provide yourself with more or less easy care.

Ways to create a corner of untouched nature

To create a landscape style on your site, you need to imitate nature itself as naturally as possible. This is not as easy as it might seem, it is much easier to plant plants in a row. Therefore, special perseverance and patience are needed.

garden in English style involves the free arrangement of trees and shrubs in groups. You can’t do without paths, in addition, they must fully comply with the design of the landscape. A pond or stream will be a great addition to the landscape. Thus, it is possible to create good atmosphere country life in the English manner.

However, it is worth dwelling a little more on how you can equip English beauty in your country house. To do this, consider several interesting ways.


The traditional garden style of the British does not welcome high fences. The British in this regard are building a small and neat fence. Whereas a good half of domestic gardeners, if not all, prefer to hide behind a high fence.

Since an English park is being created, then the fence should be of the appropriate style.

The most common version of the fence is the use of wooden fences or openwork gratings. You can resort to combined option, combining various materials. For example, stone or brickwork combine with metal arrows. If funds allow, you can make a fence in the form of forged patterns.

To create even greater beauty, it is worth using climbing plants, which for certain time completely hide the fence underneath. Good candidates for this purpose might be:

  • ivy;
  • honeysuckle;
  • decorative grapes;
  • climbing rose and others.

You can make the fence even more beautiful if you use hedge. They not only look aesthetically pleasing, but are also able to protect against street noise and dust. In addition, it is a great background for planting different flowers.

If funds are not enough, then you can make an English garden budget option. To do this, you can use modern artificial materials such as glass fiber reinforced concrete or polyceramics. They can perfectly imitate the structure of natural stone or wood. Significant advantages are low cost, unpretentiousness in care and a rich color palette. Of course, such materials are significantly inferior to natural ones, but in the case of a small budget, they are quite suitable.


In any garden it is impossible to do without paths. The English park is no exception and they need to be given Special attention. Besides the fact that they look beautiful, the paths are functional, dividing the site into several zones.

It is not so difficult to pave the paths with your own hands. For this, it is advisable to use natural materials. Mainly natural stone, gravel, in some cases wood is used. The main thing is that the shade of the material used organically fit into the environment of the site.

Such a track in the English style is certainly within the power of everyone to do.

As for the dimensions, you should not make them too wide and strictly straight. To make it comfortable to move around the garden, it is enough to make them small and winding.

The paths in the garden should have a culmination, that is, they should not end suddenly, but lead to a house or to some building. Sometimes steps are made in such cases.


Plants form the basis of the English garden, so they should be selected with special care. No need to chase foreign varieties of flowers, even if they are very beautiful. The local plants are already adapted to the climate and are therefore practically easy to care for. There are no specific restrictions on the choice of plants, but it is better to use flowers with bright colors.

Usually, any English garden begins to be equipped with a lawn, along the edges of which you can create various compositions from shrubs, meadow plants, trees and flowers. It is the group arrangement of plants that creates all the splendor. The central part of the garden can be decorated ornamental shrubs like daphne, rhododendron and dwarf sakura.

Since the English style is characterized by an abundance of vegetation, as mentioned above, it is desirable that the house is buried in greenery. To this end, the facade is woven with climbing plants, climbing roses or vines. If there is an arch in the garden, then it can also become a support for such plants. And if there are several arches, then in this way you can create a whole green tunnel.


An English garden can be decorated with mixborders, which, in fact, are traditional attributes. When creating them, they use different kinds plants. Of course, they require difficult care, but this is offset by the beauty emanating from them. On the background The mixborder is usually focused on various shrubs, and the foreground is given to low-growing flowers, separated from the lawn by a winding border.

Often so wide vegetable strip stretches along a path. For example, the one that leads from the house to the entrance gate.


It is good when an English garden is created on a site where there is already some kind of reservoir. In this case, a certain front of work can be skipped. Otherwise, it is worth taking care of its arrangement. Since a corner of wildlife is being created, there are no correct geometric shapes, the contour of the pit should be done as naturally as possible. Preference should be given to a round or oval shape. The banks of a pond or stream can be decorated with sand, gravel or planted with flowers.

If there is a desire to make a fountain or a spring, then they should not be the central objects of attention. Of course, all these water decorations are only aesthetic, rather than practical. Therefore, you should not take water from here for irrigation.

Place to rest

With all the splendor that an English-style garden has, it would be a sin not to allocate a small place for comfortable rest. Here it is desirable to install a bench or arrange a small gazebo. If necessary, this place can be fenced off from the rest of the site with a hedge of medium height shrubs. In this case good wall obtained from cotoneaster, yellow acacia, currant. Climbing plants such as wisteria, honeysuckle, liana are also suitable as a screen.

In such a place, in any case, it is desirable to plant roses. They allow you to create a romantic atmosphere when couples need to be alone. The atmosphere will be more relaxing if a small stream flows in this recreation area.

But the sight of roses alone is not conducive to romance, because an English park should be diverse. Therefore, it is desirable to add some types of small perennial flowers to roses. Deciduous plants will not overshadow the beautiful view of roses, but rather, on the contrary, will make them the epicenter.

Landscape style in landscape design imitates the natural landscape. Therefore, at first it may seem that when creating such a park there will be no particular difficulties, in fact, here you need to take into account and know a lot: the local flora, landscape features, have a sense of proportion and artistic taste. All elements placed in the landscape garden should look natural, the lines of the natural park should be soft and smooth. The English style in landscape design is in many ways the opposite of the regular one. If symmetry, regularity and clarity of lines and geometric shapes prevail in a regular park, landscape park the compositions are asymmetric, straight lines are replaced by winding ones, you will not find geometric shapes in this type of park either. We invite you to understand these tricks in more detail.

The romantic style in art and the landscape style of landscape design developed in parallel, because. The natural world has served as sources of inspiration for artists and writers.

Typical English garden - perfectly manicured lawn, flowers and trees planted in such a way as to create the most natural impression

The landscape in the English style allows you to be in the bosom of nature immediately outside the threshold of your home. The landscape garden will help to recreate the atmosphere of the old manors, noble nests of the romantic 19th century. The natural park has always been a source of inspiration and harmony for a person, where you can listen to birds singing, the quiet murmur of a stream, fall in love and write poetry.

The main features of the landscape style

The reproduction of the natural landscape should be natural - the paths have a winding shape, if there is a reservoir with a bridge on the site, it should form a single whole with the natural landscape of the site.

Of course, an English-style garden requires the same care as any other, but the traces of maintenance should be invisible. This has nothing to do with lawns, since the tradition of mowing lawns and constantly maintaining their neat appearance in England has been observed for more than one century, people from Foggy Albion also brought it with them to America and Canada.

Well-groomed lawn, bench, natural composition - typical English landscape

Plants for an English garden must be chosen carefully, it should be based on plants from your region that are well adapted to this climate. They will look good in the garden at any time of the year - in summer in the rays of the bright sun, and in winter under a snow cover, to please bright colors autumn and fresh greenery in spring.

Advice. If you want to create an English backyard garden, start with a lawn. Various compositions should be located around it - lawns, groups of shrubs and trees, flower beds.

A full-fledged English landscape garden can only be created on a large plot. If the area of ​​​​your site is small, you can recreate the natural landscape in one of its corners.

In both English and Russian estates of the 19th century, the park always had a pond in which water lilies grew, duckweed floated, and thin, picturesque willow branches leaned over its surface. If your pond is small, plant one or more dwarf weeping willows near the edge.

If there is a natural pond on the site, you only need to clear its banks a little, you can plant plants according to your taste and take care of the grass carpet

A small pond in the English style - the shores are lined with gray stone, there are no clear outlines, the plants near the shore look like a natural composition

The different areas of the garden are combined with winding paths, which are used to create natural materials- sandstone, saw cuts, cobblestone.

English houses are buried in greenery and flowers. Therefore, in order to recreate the English style in landscape design, you can plant many unpretentious flowers in the garden and directly near the house. In our conditions, mallows, roses, pansies, delphinium. In spring - crocuses, tulips, daffodils.

This is how you can create an English flower garden - the flowers are planted in dense groups, the flower garden smoothly passes to the porch of the house

Flowers in flowerbeds are planted in groups and very densely, so that flower patches on high and low stems are beautifully combined. In English flower beds, the plants are lush, as the climate in England is humid.

Selection of decorative elements

The landscape garden will be perfectly complemented by pergolas, trellises and arches for flowers and vines covered with ivy and grapes. climbing plants, benches installed in recreation areas.

Materials that will help create an English-style garden - wood, natural gray stone and various forged items. Forging elements can be widely used everywhere - benches, an arbor, a bridge over a pond, a hedge of graceful curls forged metal combined with wood, they form an integral ensemble in the English style.

At the entrance to the house and directly in the garden, you can place tubs and ceramic pots with small trees and ornamental shrubs.

The original composition near the house looks quite English, the British love bicycles. Old bikes have flower boxes that grow climbing plants.

Today on sale there are a wide variety of hanging flower pots, with which you can decorate the English garden and courtyard of the house. Pots are suspended from the porch, cornices, arbors. And you can plant hanging petunias, geraniums, pelargoniums in them.

This variety of petunias hanging pot turn any place in the garden into a beautiful corner

The walls of an English house are often covered with ivy. There are different types of ivy - with pure green and variegated leaves, a combination of a couple of views on the wall of the house will add an English flavor to your garden.

When creating a landscape garden, try to ensure that each of its elements is part of nature, not conspicuous, but forms a single harmonious whole with the overall composition.

The English landscape style is characterized primarily by large lawns surrounded by groves of trees near a body of water. Beautifully fit here and the ruins of centuries-old buildings. Such gardens are most common in the UK itself, Canada and the northeastern states of the United States. The same style was taken as the basis for the Australian style of landscape design, which, however, subsequently acquired significant differences.

An English garden is a plot at a cottage, with mass, almost uncontrolled planting of annuals and perennials. There is no clear geometry here, as in French ornamental garden, or some system, as in German. There is no Mediterranean aesthetic here either. Only British, pure and practical natural beauty.

The first "English traditional" gardens appeared spontaneously in the early 1700s due to the mass migration of the Dutch to the island. Thus was born a whole popular movement of adoration for gardening. Along with their knowledge and skills, the immigrants brought their native flowers, which have now become an integral part of any English home garden. By the way, it was they who brought the red maple to the UK, which you can often see in photographs of reference British gardens.

Under Henry VIII, British horticulture entered a new stage of development, when huge orchards of peaches, apricots, almonds and figs were planted almost simultaneously throughout the country. With the development of navigation in the following decades, oranges were also brought to the UK, which still grow on large areas under London. Any self-respecting British gardener dreams of planting each of these trees on his own plot. In general, the British tend to dream about the development of their site, constantly adding something new and more southern to it.

Interestingly, the modern look of the British garden was also influenced by Gothic architecture renaissance, and Chinese traditions. For many centuries, England collected and assimilated all foreign influences at home, turning its gardens into a storehouse of all the most interesting, as far as the climate allowed.

For many people, the term English garden is synonymous with traditional design. And since by weather conditions Great Britain is very similar to Russia, unlike the same Italy or Spain, we often imagine an English garden as a country standard.

The most important thing about traditional British gardening is having perspective. It is especially good if the location of the site helps you in this, when you see hills or mountains on the horizon, or if there is a reservoir on the edge of the site. The British always try to use multi-level plants in order to create a kind of visual "corridors" and equip their site like a landscape park. Natural conditions they help with their work, placing both plants and buildings with beds in the right places.

The British are used to masking everything that stands out from the natural landscape - for example, fences. If their yard ends in a wall rather than, say, a small pond, they prefer to plant medium-sized dense shrubs near it to improve the view.

Particularly prominent features of the area are either trying to hide, or somehow distract attention from them in order to balance the overall impression. Thus the entire English garden is made up of curves, not straight lines or geometric patterns. Arbors, arches, paths, as well as plants, create a single theatrical production, which is pleasant to look at, first of all, from the backyard.

The British always try to plant plants where they like the more. They never expose the sun to the flowers that they like to grow in the shade of big trees, and so on. And in general, their gardening is based on cooperation with nature, not competition. They only help the plants bloom, and do not make them work for the beauty of the site.

When creating an English-style garden, it is worth determining the formal and natural area. In the first, you can afford (in the British view) "civilized excesses" - even rectangular paving, new garden furniture big size. In the natural zone, only objects in rustic style, which often do not stand out from the landscape at all.

Another one distinguishing feature English gardens - ancient artifacts. It can be a classical statue, a small Chinese house with a pagoda, an old red brick gazebo. All this is presented as a respect for history, traditions and formalities. If a brick shed or a fence is lopsided somewhere, this only adds charm to the English garden.

Small bridges are also a popular element in this landscape style. They can be laid both through a real-life pond or river, and on a lawn with decorative imitation reservoir.

A special sense of order and harmony is present in any classic English garden. Neat beds and flower beds, not too lush vegetation and extreme cleanliness - this is what makes the British garden perfect.

Perennial plants occupy most of the territory, as they are easy to care for and delight the eye at a clearly appointed flowering time. The site is brightened up, diluted and decorated with annuals. So every year you can change color scheme garden to the one that you like best this season, leaving only a couple of especially favorite shades in perennial flowers.

A place of honor in such a garden is occupied by a rose garden. This is the pride of both the hostess and the owner of the house. Roses are carefully looked after for decades, calling them by their proper names and raising them to a number of pets. Testing new varieties, constant conversations about growing methods, exchange of experience and rose seedlings with neighbors - characteristic any English suburb or village.

No matter how big or small your English garden is, the results of a landscape approach will delight you. It creates a certain calmness and serenity on the site and makes it a place where you want to linger. What more could you want from a garden?

The article is posted in sections:

A garden created in the English style should create a feeling of antiquity. Despite the "aristocratic" origin, he will perfectly fit into the backyard of the cottage. The best option would be if the English garden is located on a flat, slightly shaded area. This may be the edge of the forest, where they grow tall trees. As for the form, such a creation should be located on an area with blurry boundaries and it is good if it occupies a large area.

How to plan everything?

To create an English garden with your own hands, you must adhere to several rules:

  • the house must be located deep in the territory between the trees;
  • there must be sculptures on the site that are clearly visible from any point (see photo);
  • the entire garden should not be clearly visible at the entrance to the territory;
  • gazebos should be located at intersections created by paths;
  • the lawn should be as spacious as possible;
  • near buildings it is necessary to plant bright beautiful flowers, and on the rest of the site - more inconspicuous;
  • trees are planted along the edges of the lawn, as, for example, in the photo;
  • old trees must be located on the territory.

Basic site requirements

The area where the English garden is planned should be large enough and shaded. Optimal size The plot is at least 12 acres. Well, if he is in the forest, or at least on its edge. It is desirable to grow on the territory big trees, and also at least in some places increased humidity was observed.

Plant selection

A house located in an English-style country house should not be very conspicuous. Well, if its walls are suitable for landscaping. Among plants for these purposes it is better to choose parthenocissus(see photo). There must be several lawns or lawns on the territory, which are interconnected by paths. The paths are sometimes also made "green" by planting grass between the pebbles from which they are made. The grass variety must be resistant to trampling.

Bushes and trees that bear fruit are usually planted along the perimeter of the lawn. In an English garden in a country house, there must be a pond. It can be both natural and artificial reservoir. In any case, it should look a little unkempt, and on its banks should grow a lot of different plants, among which there must be a willow, as well as perennials: forget-me-nots, marigold, as well as cattail and bathing suit. A perfect picture can be made thanks to the reed, as well as irises and sedge.

Most suitable trees for an English garden, one can consider those that have a pyramidal crown. The most popular are chestnut, hazel and birch, as well as larch, mountain ash and oak. As for shrubs, mock orange, lilac, euonymus and deren can be planted in the country. There should be few flowers in such a garden. Basically, they are located near the house itself, where they surprise with a variety of colors, and unremarkable perennial plants are planted on the territory (see photo). So, fern, bergenia, rhubarb, columbine, foxglove, as well as delphinium, wormwood and phlox will look very beautiful and natural. An English-style area is simply unthinkable without roses that can be presented. different types and colours.

Choice of colors and accessories

The main color of the garden in the English style should be green and its shades. Thus, it is best to plant plants with light green, dark and light green, as well as silver leaves with your own hands. A similar style involves the use of paving in the country. So, you can use ceramic tiles, natural or artificial stones or do-it-yourself fake stones made of concrete and painted in any chosen color. Benches and arches made of brick or stone should be located on the territory. You can decorate them with curly elements made of wood or metal. It is best to place benches on small elevations, near walls or under trees.

On the personal plot, drawn up in this style, in addition to the above, it is desirable to place antiques, small elevations made of stone, on which, for example, a gazebo or various sculptures will be located (see video), hand-made products, tall flowerpots on a leg, separate large stones, as well as several African accessories or Chinese design.

Create neat blooming garden, which will please the eye, no doubt, every owner wants country house Or at least a piece of land. However, such desires are fraught with a lot of difficulties and even fears: what, where and how to plant and what to do if you want to plant everything and more, but there is only enough space for a couple of flower beds? No panic! The most important thing in the matter of arranging a garden is to hear what your soul really desires. And if you have always liked cozy little gardens with rose bushes and winding brick paths, then our today's article is for you, because it will focus on just such a garden - English.

A garden in a similar style resembles a picture from fairy tale: curvy flowering shrubs, an abundance of greenery, arches twined with jasmine, and pretty benches, on which it is so pleasant to relax on a hot afternoon. In addition to aesthetic merits, the English garden is also surprisingly practical, as it is suitable for arranging on uneven terrain, and also suggests a maximum of naturalness.

Therefore, if you are the owner of a hilly piece of land in an open field, then do not rush to ennoble it, because all the shortcomings can play into your hands. The English garden is characterized by a free layout and unity of plants and decorative elements - such an arrangement allows him to have a blooming and well-groomed appearance all season. In addition, you will not have corners on the site that are scary to look at.

The first thing to remember - An English garden should be adequately framed. Therefore, immediately forget about the chain-link mesh or corrugated fence, which will spoil the whole picture with one of their looks. Best Option framing for an english garden- a low wooden picket fence or a fence in the form of cross planks. The gate can be wooden or supplemented forged elements that will add romance to your garden. The fence itself should not be "bare": a great solution would be to plant climbing rose, lilac or climbing shrubs.

A distinctive feature of any English garden is a neat green lawn and paved paths. Despite the fact that the paths are scattered around the garden in a very chaotic manner, they always lead somewhere: for example, to a bench, arch or gazebo. Tracks don't have to be perfect. - Ordinary multi-colored pebbles or paving stones are perfect, through which grass will break through in some places.

If your site is extremely miniature in size, then we recommend that you pay attention to the house itself, because the garden is in the English style - this is primarily a house surrounded by a garden, and not both separately.you can decorate the house climbing ivy or wild grapes, and next to it, lay out several flower beds or mixborders. Pthe latter are a wide ribbon of flowers and plants that harmoniously complement each other in color and season.

You can also surround the house with potted plants or decorate the terrace in the appropriate spirit.– you will get both an ideal place to relax and a mini-garden at the same time. Creeping shrubs can be planted close to the house, especially if you have exposed beams for them to "cling to".

Flowers in an English garden are first and foremost roses. And not just one bush: roses should be everywhere - fragrant, lush and blooming wildly. Remember the pictures for Andersen's fairy tales, which almost always abound with luxurious rose bushes, and pretty children frolic around them. It is on this image that you should rely when planning landings on your site. We recently talked about all the intricacies of choosing roses for the garden in.

As a rule, there should be at least one arch entwined with roses on the site:it can serve simply as a decoration, or it can additionally play a functional role - to zone the space or serve as a canopy.

When choosing other plants, be guided by the climate and overall compatibility: your garden should resemble a motley carpet that blooms without your special participation. It is no coincidence that the second name of the English garden is landscape.

A fairly common occurrence is the use of evergreen shrubs, such as boxwood, in combination with perennial flowers. Tiered planting is also used: it seems that your garden is literally flowing with flower waves. However, this is only appropriate for a particularly hilly terrain; if you don’t have one, limit yourself to just a bright floral mix.

As for the decorative elements for the garden, most often these are various benches, small tables or even miniature gazebos. An English garden, even the smallest, must keep some element of mystery: where does this narrow winding path red brick? It is worth going along it to find yourself in a secluded elegant corner, where everything is served for tea.

A great solution would also be wicker furniture, small decorative figurines of angels or gnomes peeking out from behind a bush, as well as various vintage textile elements. If you love decoupage, then here it will also be very useful.An English garden always gives a feeling of comfort and habitation, so even an empty chair in it looks like you just left it and are about to return back to continue dreaming under roses.

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Photo: huffingtonpost.com, pelfind.net, interiorsbystudiom.com, jigsawplanet.com, samdizajner.ru, liveinternet.ru
