Major Arcana sun meaning. Tarot Card Meaning - The Sun

There is no doubt that this Tarot Arcana is the lightest card in the deck. She is bright both in the literal sense and in terms of the predictions that she carries. The picture shows a large sun, with rays diverging to the sides.

The sun is the brightest card in the tarot deck.

And under it are children or a child, as a symbol of carelessness and happiness, the ability to enjoy life and everything that it presents. If the Sun falls during the scenario, then this is a guaranteed positive answer. The bright Sun brightens any life situation, envelops with warmth, brings clarity and peace.

What the Tarot Card Says

The usual meaning of the Sun Tarot card is:

  • wish will come true;
  • conquering an important peak in life;
  • awakening of internal forces, desires;
  • opening of new horizons;
  • the beginning of a white stripe in all areas;
  • the arrival of good luck, success and happiness.

These are 19 Arcana from the Major Arcana squad.

Following the Moon, a period of sleep, a pause in life, the Sun gives rise to the awakening of life cycles, the birth of new relationships, the apogee, the happy top of any process.

A person can get more than he wanted or expected, more than he deserves. You need to accept it with gratitude and not analyze whether you deserve it or not.

Map of the Sun as an image

In a person, the Tarot card of the Sun reveals his bright side, characterizes good deeds, the ability to clearly assess situations and easily find ways out. The person is positive, optimistic, cheerful, has bright ideals and confidently moves towards them. In life, everything is fine with him: material abundance, recognition at work, a strong family union, excellent health.

inverted symbol

The inverted Sun Tarot card has the same meaning as described above, but only in the subdued light of events. All these benefits are given to a person hard and not to the extent that he wanted, and not at the time he expected. Because of this, they do not bring bright joyful emotions from receiving them.

Since the card always has a positive meaning, even when turned upside down, it portends good luck, happiness and success, but before that, trials, obstacles, and troubles await a person. In most cases, this is due to excessive arrogance and self-confidence, setting unrealistic goals and high expectations. Everything conceived will come true, but not completely or not when you want.

The meaning of the Sun card in love affairs and relationships

If the nineteenth Arcana falls in a love scenario, then this symbolizes the beginning of the happiest period of life on the personal front:

The Sun card, when dealt with in a relationship, symbolizes happiness. For example, talking about the birth of a child

  • successful and lasting marriage;
  • birth of a child;
  • absolute happiness, peace, euphoria;
  • mutual understanding between partners;
  • warmth and care for each other;
  • fiery passion;
  • satisfaction in sex;
  • affection and tenderness in relationships;
  • lack of conflict in the family.

19 Arcana The Sun in the sector of love speaks of harmony in relationships, when partners accept each other for who they are, and do not try to adjust to themselves. If there is an unresolved problem, the Sun promises that everything will be clarified and successfully resolved, and the partners, as a result, will become even closer. A person feels necessary, valuable, loved in the union and gives the same feelings in return.

For those who do not yet have a soulmate, the Sun card indicates in relationships, pure and bright relationships that await them ahead. The life partner will be sincere, loving, honest, fair, the best of the best! And love will be bright, exciting, bringing a feeling of absolute happiness, without any grief.

Advice from the card: become the Sun for a partner, give warmth, affection, illuminate his life with yourself, love, support in everything. In an established family, Arkan promises the well-being of the couple's children, from which parents are infinitely happy.

Upside down

An inverted card in love indicates that now there is a period of addiction for partners. Rather, the joyful event that you are waiting for is postponed. Some authors interpret the meaning of the card for personal relationships as a mutually agreed end to the relationship, which does not bring bitterness and resentment.

The brightest and most joyful moments will remain in memory. Another interpretation is the relationship between people with a big age difference, where it is difficult to understand the authenticity and sincerity of the feelings of partners.

Health sector

The state of health of the person to whom this card fell is excellent. There is enough vitality and strength in his body. The state of mind is also excellent. For those who are sick, Arkan Tarot 19 portends a full recovery and even victory over mortal danger.

In an inverted form, it reports that a person has depression (mainly from a lack of sunny days), heat or sunstroke, and burns. Spiritually, it can be interpreted as an emotional burnout at work.

Profession, career, financial condition

In professional terms, the Sun speaks of success, a successful undertaking, achieving career heights and material rewards. What you will receive will be even more than you expected and could imagine.

In addition to the expected benefits, a person will receive a bonus, in addition, he will receive even more powers for a new position, and the result of new undertakings will exceed the expected one.

The Sun card in the scenario for a career - a person necessarily receives joy and pleasure from his work

Work brings satisfaction, pleasure. A person has enough strength, knowledge and enthusiasm to achieve his goals, and the accompanying luck and success only add more joy. There is a risk that some honors, universal recognition, awards are coming.

In financial terms, the Sun is a symbol of high prosperity, the cessation of material problems, business prosperity, improving the quality of life, well-being and satisfaction with what you have.

An inverted card in the layouts for a career also reports success, recognition, getting a position, but not to the extent that you want, which you expect. Because of this, there is no joyful feeling from the received. A person will achieve what he wants, but he will have to overcome difficulties, make concessions. Rather, the achievement of the desired is slightly delayed.

Card tip: now is a period in life when you need to believe in yourself, in your luck, rely on your own strengths, knowledge and success. Act boldly and enjoy the results!

Combination with other Arcana

In order to more accurately interpret the meaning of the card, it is necessary to take into account the cards that fell next to it. So the Sun in combination with other Tarot cards has the following interpretations:

The first ten Arcana

  1. In combination with the Mage, all card values ​​are enhanced. You can safely carry out your plans, because the period of life has come when luck and success accompany everything.
  2. With the Hierophant, the Sun can characterize a person with high ideals, pure and bright thoughts.
  3. With the Jester card - extraordinary sincerity and admiration for a partner.
  4. With the Empress - catch your luck, it's time for this.
  5. With the Emperor - the desire to rule over others.
  6. With the Hermit - the end of the period of loneliness.
  7. With Death - renewal takes place in life, a new understanding, wisdom comes. Soon it will be filled with light and harmony.
  8. An inverted card in combination with the Devil indicates that a person has addictions, because of which happiness does not come to him. The direct position indicates that a person is not satisfied in sex, pays too much attention to achieving material well-being.
  9. With the Tower - rebirth, insight. Temporarily there may be minor difficulties in the financial sector or illness, depression.
  10. With the Star - triumph and achievement of the goal are very close.

Second ten Arcana

  1. With Peace - the most beneficial combination. Man is patronized by the Universe itself in all spheres of his life.
  2. The inverted Sun next to the Chariot threatens with problems that are caused by a person’s lack of concentration, inability to bring things to an end, and a tendency to get involved in adventures.
  3. With the Priestess, the inverted Arcana reports upcoming troubles associated with the love of gossip, reconnaissance of other people's secrets, and attempts to tell fortunes.
  4. With the Moon, the inverted Sun is interpreted about groundless bad forebodings, fears and doubts that prevent you from feeling happy.
  5. With Justice - the receipt of a proposal to legitimize relations.
  6. With the Ace of Wands - a wedding.
  7. With the Two of Swords - the onset of a period of happiness that a person deserves with his stamina.
  8. With the Six of Wands - getting approval, promotion.
  9. With the King of Cups - a respectable man born under the Water sign of the Zodiac will help in business.
  10. With the Six of Swords - you need to act slowly, calmly and not look back at the past. Now I feel weak and depressed.

Three Arcana

  1. With the Ace of Swords - liberation from encumbrance, childbirth.
  2. With the Eight of Cups - fatigue.
  3. With the Five of Pentacles - burnout, exhaustion.

The Sun in general definitions is a positive card, but its meaning largely depends on how it falls. The combination of cards in the layout determines their general interpretation of the whole divination.

Many tarologists consider the meaning of the Sun tarot to be the brightest and most positive among all the cards.

This card is able to minimize the harm from any negative alignment. In addition, she encourages a person to develop and grow further, despite the apparent hardships and difficulties. Higher powers now favor a person.

A distinctive feature of the Rider-Waite deck is that there is no image of playing children on the lasso of the Sun. The lasso depicts a joyful child on a horse with a red banner in his hands. Above is the sun, which brightly illuminates the child. The card conveys a sunny and joyful mood.

There are not so many other names for the lasso - Radiant Light, Lord of the World Fire, Radiance.

Astrological correspondence the cards are Leo and Virgo, and planetarily she is patronized by the celestial body itself - the Sun.

The General Meaning of the Sun Tarot Card

A straight lasso symbolizes all the best features and qualities that can happen to a person. The main meaning of the Sun in tarot is the solution of even painful problems with the help of higher powers, and spiritual uplift is also often observed.

Keywords for the map:

  • harmony;
  • clarity of thought;
  • prosperity.

Reversed position many tarologists compare cards with a kind of temporary cloud. Even though it blocked the sun, it will soon recede, and a person will be able to enjoy the warmth again. The card does not carry a negative connotation by itself, it only warns that the plans will come true, but not without additional efforts.

Map keywords:

  • foggy prospects;
  • health problems;
  • temporary difficulties.

Danger warns a person if, in the scenario for a certain area of ​​life, negative arcana of any level are observed.

The meaning of the Sun card in the Manara tarot - the card shows the flight to the Sun, the realization of one's divine principle. However, the lasso also says that by flying too high, a person runs the risk of singing his wings.

Meaning in the tarot of Thoth- realization of the human need for the development of the divine principle. However, the card gives the same warning as in the Manara tarot, urging the querent not to turn up his nose too much after another success.

The inner (sacred) meaning of the card

The figures (usually 2) depicted on the lasso are a symbol of the human subconscious and consciousness.

If we look at the decks depicting a child sitting on a horse, it becomes clear that the consciousness is unclouded, trusting, like the depicted child.

If two children are depicted on the 19th lasso of the tarot, then the consciousness is symbolized by a boy, and the subconscious - by a girl.

Vegetation on the map is a symbol of well-being, lack of need.

The sun is a sign of fulfillment of desires, a symbol of generosity.

The meaning of the sun tarot card in love

The straight lasso shows the period when the couple simply enjoys each other. Often the lasso symbolizes the candy-bouquet period. Also, the lasso speaks of an upcoming wedding or engagement. If there are difficulties in finding a soulmate, the card promises a quick meeting.

Reversed position does not have a pronounced negative meaning. It only symbolizes the temporary cooling of feelings. If a divorce is taking place now, then in most cases, after it, the partners will feel relief and maintain a warm relationship with each other.

The meaning of the 19 tarot lasso in health layouts

In a direct position, the card speaks of a high level of human life potential. There is no reason to worry much, the questioner feels just perfect.

With an existing illness, the lasso predicts a general complete restoration of strength and health.

Under the influence of an inverted card, burns and sunstroke are possible, especially if a person is planning a vacation. Symptoms of emotional burnout and seasonal depression are not uncommon.

Interpretation for psychological characteristics

The direct position of the 19 tarot lasso speaks of a person who knows what he wants from life, thinks in a positive way. Such people are distinguished very often by the presence of natural magnetism. The querent feels cloudless happiness and enjoys life.

Reversed position characterizes people who have the above qualities, but reveal them only after close acquaintance.

Also, the lasso can symbolize an arrogant person, prone to a strong exaggeration of their existing merits. Psychologically, a person seems to be calm, but feels internally insecure.

The meaning of the Sun tarot when divining for finances, work

The direct position of the lasso speaks of overall financial success, as well as obtaining promising results of labor. A favorable atmosphere reigns within the team, a person can count on career growth.

Reversed Sun- a sign that life does not give a person finances from heaven. To achieve success, which is quite likely, he will have to make a lot of effort. Arkan shows incomplete job satisfaction, but this negative point does not affect the general state of affairs too much.

Sometimes tarologists say that the lasso advises to make a little more effort or improve your skills.

Meaning when fortune-telling a situation and a question

A direct map in the layout of the situation helps a person move along the path of life, successfully overcoming any troubles. Even significant difficulties on the way to the goal will be overcome thanks to the divine help of the lasso.

The meaning of the direct lasso of the tarot is the Sun when asked "yes - no" - "yes."

Inverted lasso says that it is better not to think about a bigger person for the time being. He should stay at his current level of success for the time being. There are certain obstacles that prevent a person from quickly reaching the goal. Success is possible, but you have to try hard.

The combination of the card with other arcana

With Major Arcana:

  • the combination with the Devil symbolizes an empty man who lives for show;
  • alignment with Death symbolizes psychological burnout;
  • the combination with the Tower advises to show less experiences in public.

With the Minor Arcana tarot:

  • the combination with the Ace of Cups is characterized as mutual love;
  • the combination with the Two of Swords is best interpreted by the saying "Dog in the manger";
  • with 10 Pentacles - speaks of the birth of a long-awaited child.

Map of the day

The lasso symbolizes the day that will pass for a person without any problems and worries. It will become successful and promising. But do not forget that joy must be shared with others.

flipped card The Sun says that today you do not need to count on serious success. It is better not to try your luck, otherwise failures or losses, including financial ones, are possible.

The advice of the card of the day is to believe in yourself and your own success in any field. Arkan says that now is the time to trust fate and realize your most secret ideas, which at first glance may seem crazy.

Card of the day warning- soon you will receive a well-deserved reward. However, remember that you can not abuse the energy of the Sun.

What questions should be asked if the lasso fell out:

  1. Does a person like to devote time to creativity?
  2. Does he feel happy?
  3. Can you enjoy every moment?

Other names for the nineteenth arcana of the tarot: Well-being, le Soleil, die Sonne, Q - Earthly Happiness, Earthly happiness, Veritas facunda, Truth of eloquence, Veritas humana, Truth of a person, Aurum philosophae, Gold of philosophers, Lux Respiendes, Light of circumstance

The Sun card expresses love of life, joy of life, warmth and confidence in the future. In our consciousness, it corresponds to the forces that help to gain clarity, overcome fears and deep fears, and overcome delusions. In addition, the Sun personifies youth and such freshness of feelings, as if a person was born again. This is the bright, sunny side of life. On a deeper level - advice to overcome our dark side, let our sunny nature open up, recognize our "shadow self" in ourselves and bring it into the light of God.


This, perhaps, is the main meaning of the Sun map. This is the awakening, flowering and maturation of our solar nature, identified with our true self. Solar nature includes, firstly, such qualities as self-confidence, self-confidence, self-knowledge and self-awareness, independence. Secondly, the rejection of oneself, from selfishness, selfishness at the lowest level and the transition to awareness of one's Self at the highest level. This process has nothing to do with the flight from oneself that underlies the sacrificial impulses of lovers to help everyone. The true path to oneself begins with Dirkheim's paradoxical question about Josef Müller: "How can Josef break through Müller?" Here, the surname Müller, as one of the most common in Germany, symbolizes the impersonal external self, and the name Josef symbolizes the individual essence, the inner self of a person. Try asking yourself the same question and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Work and Business

The sun means that work gives us joy, and we do it with enthusiasm and success. In addition, it symbolizes a warm, friendly atmosphere in the team, good relations with partners, superiors, colleagues, a good aura and the ability to express one's ideas and thoughts in an accessible and intelligible way.

Relationships and love

Here the Sun personifies the most cloudless, warm relationships, a minimum of problems, enterprise and all sorts of joys of life. At the event level, it can mean vacation. At a deep level - generosity, generosity, the ability to give oneself without losing oneself at all. This is a symbol of cordiality, kindness, light that disperses clouds. Partners take care of each other, even pamper each other, mutual understanding and love reign between them.

The inner meaning of the card

Now you can see your path clearly. What you have worked so hard for is about to bear fruit. You may even receive gifts that you did not deserve and that you may not have expected. Don't analyze them, don't question them, don't break them into small pieces, trying to understand their real meaning. Just accept and enjoy them.

You have worked very hard. You deserve to enjoy what you have earned and what you have received as a gift. Take the time to at least taste the fruits of your labor. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements and enjoying the results of your work. If until now you did not know this simple truth, now is the time to know it: you do not live in order to work. You work in order to live.

The moon shines with reflected light, it is not bright enough to illuminate the hidden knowledge. But the Sun is a source of light and heat, illuminates knowledge, gives understanding, clarity and happiness.

Halfway between Heaven and Earth, the Sun serves as an intermediary between God and humanity. At the same time it is the lowest aspect of the divine and the highest aspect of the mundane. The Sun Tarot card symbolizes the transition between the visible light of this world and the spiritual light of the world you are striving for. If you are able, with a childish heart, wise in your innocence, simplicity and willingness to enjoy life, to accept the gifts of the Sun, this will be the next step towards the divine.

This is not a command to stop using the mind! Not at all. Children are constantly learning. This is, in fact, a prescription to follow the instructions not only of the mind, but also of the heart. You are receiving a huge gift. What you have learned so far allows you to simply rejoice without plunging into introspection.

Perhaps the lesson taught here is no less difficult to put into practice than Temperance. Throughout all the previous stages of your quest, you had to strive for a very important goal and achieve it. The Sun card teaches that sometimes there is a need to stop and inhale the scent of roses. You are allowed to enjoy what you have learned and achieved!

As a midpoint between the divine and the mundane, the Tarot Sun is an allegory for the seeker's self-identification and his joy of living here and now, as well as the hope that life will pass to a higher stage of being.

Combinations with other cards


6 of swords: depression, lethargy

8 of bowls: exhaustion

Moon: confusion, disorientation, illusions

5 of Pentacles: overwork, fatigue


Tower: illumination, rebirth

World: completion of something, great achievement

2 of Wands: Personal Strength, Vitality, Wit

6 of Wands: Approval received, position attained



Sun. Source of independent (individual) action, intention, energy of life.

Letter Resh. Hieroglyph Head. Peace. Left nostril. Orange color. The name Rode is commanding. Forms plants. It is attributed to the first principle of God, which is applied to the animal kingdom and gives it life. Number 200.

Give your light to all, without hesitation, clouds and shadows will not extinguish you. Generate speech and silence, energy and peace, the dual forms of your play.

Glory, gain, wealth, triumph, joy, sincerity, truth, selfishness, recognition, insight, recuperation. Success in everything. Glory. Acquisition. Achievement. Satisfaction. Fulfillment of desires.

Reversed: All the same, but with a delay in time.

Description of the lasso

The old man depicted on this card radiates joy into the world, like a child's. He is surrounded by a sense of well-being. He feels at home with himself and with what life has brought him. He seems to playfully interact with the praying mantis that sits on his finger, as if they were best friends. The cascade of pink flowers surrounding it represents a time of release, relaxation and freshness. They are a response to his presence, a reflection of his own qualities.

Direct position

The innocence that comes from the deep experience of life is like a child's, but it is not a child's. The innocence of children is beautiful, but ignorant. It will be replaced by distrust, doubt as the child grows up and learns that the world can be dangerous and frightening. But the innocence of a fully lived life has the quality of wisdom and acceptance of the ever-changing wonder of life.

The meaning of the card

Zen says that if you drop knowledge and everything that is contained in this knowledge - your name, identity, everything that has been given to you by others - if you drop everything that has been given to you by others, your being will have a completely different quality - innocence . It will be the crucifixion of the personality and the resurrection of your innocence, you will again become a child, reborn. (Osho)

A huge round-faced Sun, whose golden rays interspersed with flowing curls of hair, shines on two children in loincloths hugging against a stone wall. The fact that the children are almost naked means that they have nothing to hide from each other. The wall behind them depicts the efforts and events of the past, which took place in a spiritual and physical sense, but now everything is calm. Children hug each other, which means happiness and contentment. The sun shines victoriously over them, and its rays touch the earth. Strong and positive solar energy emanates from the sun's rays, which penetrates into all living things and causes feelings of joy and satisfaction. Two children symbolize the reward for harmonious interaction between two people, as well as enlightenment and happiness, which can be the result of what has been accomplished. This card depicts the satisfaction of love and friendship, love and devotion between two people. Day comes after night. After the moon comes the sun.

Value for divination

Satisfaction. Achievement. contentment. Success. Favorable relationship. Love. Joy. Devotion. Selfless feeling. Engagement. Auspicious omen. Happy marriage. Pleasure in everyday existence. Earthly happiness. The satisfaction that comes from giving yourself to another person. Good friend. A good mood. Heat. Sincerity. Reward in the form of a new friend. Pleasures that give simple things. Achievement in the arts. Liberation. Appreciation for small favors. The ability to accept life as it is and live contentedly.

Reversed value

Misfortune. Loneliness. Perhaps a broken engagement or marriage. Canceled plans. Victory delayed, not necessarily all lost. Foggy future. Lack of friendship.

The sun is shining in the sky, looking at you calmly and sternly. Below is a peaceful landscape. In many versions, this card depicts a child (or children) in front of a low stone wall. In the Rider-Waite maps by Pamela Smith (1910), a child is seated on a horse while sunflowers rise from behind a wall.
One way or another, this card depicts that long-awaited world of light and joy that we have been striving for throughout our journey. We were able to get to it only because we were led by a force higher than human, thanks to which the spark of life does not fade away at all its stages, no matter how many there are. The end of the next stage is coming, but it no longer frightens us: we know that the next one will come after it. Our mind is clear, it has learned to comprehend the main thing, cutting off the superfluous. Much is available to us, much is within our power; but reason is a formidable weapon, and it must be used with great responsibility.

Meaning of the card:
You have reached a high level of consciousness. You have a rich, wise soul, and now you know what happiness is. You have procreated, raised a tree, and killed a snake. You understood what your destiny is, paid off your karmic debt, and now you can help others with this. Be kind to them.
The sun is one of the best cards in the deck. When answering almost any question, she gives a favorable answer. As a rule, she speaks of good health (recovery), the well-being of children, good luck in business. Sometimes confirms the indication of the birth of a child. And even in an inverted form, it retains its meaning, except that it indicates a light cloud that has run into the Sun; but this cloud will soon dissipate.
And, because the Sun circles the sky in a year, this chart can indicate a period of time lasting one year.

For businessmen:
Oddly enough, nothing good, unless they invest in pharmacology or education, even primary, even higher. If not, then they are not personally in danger, but their business will experience difficulties due to government policy.

The sun is a symbol of rebirth and light that replaces darkness.

The two figures represent the two sides of our soul and symbolize their integrity and unity.

Energy. Optimism. Joy. Confidence.

Traditionally, this card depicts a child or children in a beautiful garden with a shining sun overhead. The Sun balances and complements the Moon, but if the latter reflects the dark depths of the unconscious, then the Sun is a symbol of consciousness illuminated by a bright light. It sheds light on the surrounding darkness and gives us clear vision in the most complex and uncertain situations. We are able to discern our path, determine where we are, and not worry about what lies ahead of us.


The sun means our ability to clearly understand the meaning of what is happening and bring order, organization and consistency into our lives. It is a source of energy and strength for us and helps us realize the purpose of our life. This card embodies the clarity of mind, spiritual purity and the beauty of good deeds. The Sun endows us with the gift of foresight and allows us to move forward, realizing the consequences of each step we take. Intuition tells us that we are on the right track. The sun is associated with the ancient Greek god of poetry and music, Apollo. It also symbolizes the power of the mind and the male function of the rational use of one's experience. Without this function, we will be subject to the vagaries of our mood and will not be able to adequately assess our place in life. This card fills us with optimism, energy and ambition to achieve our goals and desires. It often means a period of intense creative work, self-expression and the manifestation of one's unique abilities. It is not surprising that the Sun heralds joy and happiness, as well as a feeling of deep satisfaction.


The Sun card signifies happiness and contentment. The darkness surrounding you has dissipated, and you clearly see the path to solving your problems. You think clearly and clearly and have the energy and optimism to successfully achieve your goals. You radiate warmth and well-being. You love and respect yourself and are ready to teach this to others. You become aware of the conflicting aspirations of your soul and find a way to channel them into a single direction, which gives you a sense of freedom and wholeness. Your positive attitude means that you are able to fully enjoy life. You have a reason to celebrate, or you simply experience the feeling that you have reached the pinnacle of mental and physical development. You can go forward, confident in the complete success of all your endeavors.


Thought Form: Happiness.
Number: nineteen.
Hebrew letter: cof.
Yellow color.
Stone: diamond.
Astrological analogy: Pisces, Sun in Leo.
Other names: "Radiant Light", "Shine".


The Sun Arcana is the best card of the Major Arcana. The symbolism of the card is very simple and does not require lengthy explanations. After all, everyone knows that the sun is a source of light and heat, a symbol of life and joy. The warm, bright yellow color of the card, symbolizing earthly happiness, is not obscured by unnecessary details and characters. It penetrates into all fields of the map, and even the letters and symbols depicted there seem like cheerful children's pictures. The only character is the great Ra himself, appearing before us in all his splendor.

Mythological dossier

Ra in Egyptian mythology is the god of the sun. Like many other solar deities, he was embodied in the form of a falcon (sometimes a huge cat), depicted as a man with a falcon's head crowned with a solar disk. In many texts, Ra is called the daytime sun, in contrast to Atum - evening and Khepri - morning. Ra pushed aside the more ancient Atum and, identified with him, became the head of the Heliopolis ennead of gods. He began to be considered a demiurge, the creator of the world and people (arising from his tears), the father of gods and kings. Ra was identified with many other gods: Amun (Amon-Ra), Horus (Ra-Garahuti), Montu, Ptah. Many other gods are associated with him. Ra created Thoth-moon as his deputy at night, Thoth was also considered the heart of Ra. According to the myth, in the daytime, Ra, illuminating the earth, sails along the heavenly Nile in the Mandzhet barque, and in the evening transfers to the Mesektet barque and descends into the underworld, where, fighting the forces of darkness, he sails along the underground Nile, and in the morning reappears on the horizon. There are other myths that explain the sunrise and sunset. The Pyramid Texts speak of Ra as a golden calf born from the Cow-sky. There is a myth according to which Ra arose from a fiery island, which gave him the power to destroy chaos and darkness and create order in the world based on truth and justice (her incarnation is Ra's daughter Maat). Ra rules the world like a king. From his barge, he sees everything that is happening on earth. According to one of the myths, when Ra grew old, people stopped revering him and even "planned evil deeds against him." At the council of the gods, it was decided to punish people. The Eye of Ra Sekhmet in the form of a lioness killed and devoured people - until the lioness was cunningly drunk with beer red as blood. She fell asleep and forgot about revenge, and Ra, having proclaimed Geb as his deputy on earth, climbed onto the back of the Heavenly cow and from there continued to rule the world.

The sun sends us not only heat and light, but also a whole spectrum of various kinds of radiation. In addition, it breathes heavily. Every two and a half hours, the surface of the sun rises and then sinks as much as eight kilometers. So really the sun is life. It gives us warmth and light, gives us life. The sun loves us, but if we disappear tomorrow, it will also love others. There will be no one - the sun will remain just as festive and will just as generously send its life-giving warmth into the void. His business is only to be, only to shine. The light of the sun symbolizes divine absolute, altruistic love. The lasso "Sun" symbolizes human sublime love, in which we not only receive another, but also give ourselves completely. Without the complete death of one's own egoism, there can be no resurrection for a new spiritual life.

Throughout all the previous stages of your quest, you had to strive for a very important goal and achieve it. The Sun card says that sometimes there is a need to stop and inhale the scent of flowers. You are allowed to enjoy what you have learned and achieved. The moon shines with reflected light, it is not bright enough to illuminate the hidden knowledge. But the sun is a source of light and heat, illuminates everything, gives understanding, clarity and happiness. The Sun symbolizes the transition between the visible light of this world and the spiritual light of the world you are striving for.

What you have learned so far allows you to simply enjoy life without being introspective. Perhaps the lesson taught here is no less difficult to apply than all the others. Remember what your head is full of during the holidays or rest, how difficult it is to let go of all worries, anxieties and fears. If you are able, with a childish heart, wise in your innocence, simplicity and willingness to enjoy life, to accept the gifts of the sun, this will be the next step towards the divine.

Value in the layout
In a straight position

The lasso "Sun" symbolizes earthly happiness. The card portends good health, material well-being, great successes and achievements in any field of activity. In a word, the flowering of life. Can mean achieving any kind of happy union in love, marriage, friendship, fellowship. Perhaps the birth of a child or the emergence of a new project, idea or career. Sometimes this card means a celebration after achieving something important - a triumph, an award, a well-deserved respect from others. Symbolizes the long-awaited fulfillment of desires. If luck has not yet come to you, then it is already close and quite real. In general, the card speaks of the rebirth, transformation and realization of the individual. Brings happiness, success and prosperity. You are completely safe.

Advice. Think about what you lack for happiness? And when you have it, will you definitely become happy?

In an inverted position

The lasso "Sun" does not lose its positive meaning, but the beneficial effect of the sun is somewhat weakened. The card portends success, but after considerable effort. Hopes and dreams in relation to matters of the heart will not come true completely. A temporary separation from a loved one is possible. Sometimes minor health problems or family chores, defeat and emptiness. Your sun has set, but maybe it just went behind a cloud?

Advice. There are no objective parameters of happiness. The healthy, the rich, and the loved ones are known to cry too. Happiness is your subjective feeling. So if you want to be happy - be it.

The sun gives a joyful, radiant feeling of happiness and well-being. This card can be described in one word: "YES!" The source of happiness can be something concrete or it can be the joy of being alive and simple pleasures. Sometimes the sun portends success, honors, prosperity, the triumph of the mind and the prosperity of the individual - at least for a short time. Perhaps you have just reached a goal that you have been striving for for a long time, for example, a family has been replenished or a new business has been founded. The sun suggests a natural playfulness and spontaneity, your perception will be characterized by a childlike freshness and innocence. This card can mean working with children or animals, as well as with the inner child. Despondency is dispelled, life is full of brightness, tasks are small, things are simple, and problems are insignificant. You become an optimist, and this allows you to freely express your individuality. Work and play outdoors are fun. Perhaps you are captured by a brilliant new idea, or you are making the best use of your talents and abilities. Now you are able to make the lives of others happier and inspire them with your optimism, creativity and bold ideas - and thus promote a product or concept that you truly believe in. This card suggests that there is a center in your personal universe around which everything revolves - whether it be a child, work, relationships, home, health, or any other matter. Also, the Sun is self-confidence and self-confidence.

Wherever the Sun shines, hidden facts and motivations become clear, and the situations in question lie before you in full view. The source of enlightenment can be a sudden insight or an unexpected realization of the truth. You can openly and consciously join any alliance, confirm friendly relations or achieve reconciliation in any conflict. Now you can and are ready to generously share your luck with others. Or maybe you just plan to go on vacation somewhere where there is a lot of sun.

Traditional meanings: enlightenment, revelation, clarity. Happiness, contentment, joy, contentment. Success, honor, glory, achievements. Effulgence. Triumph of reason. Sincerity. material wealth. Marriage, happiness in marriage. Good friendship.

Reversed Sun

In general terms, an inverted sun acts the same as a direct one, but it is either not enough or too much. In either case, pleasure and satisfaction are somewhat weakened. Perhaps you refuse to see the joy in your life, or something overshadows it. Do not understand or misunderstand what is quite obvious to others. Perhaps you are afraid to please yourself, accept good things, or fear that it will not last long or that it is "too good to be true." You may lack self-confidence or the belief that you deserve recognition and success. You are probably hiding your inner light from yourself and from others.

On the other hand, your life right now may be too intense. Perhaps you are too busy with yourself or trying to splurge on others, you may be too energetic and domineering, overwhelming others with your self-confidence and inflated ego. Or you yourself feel burnt out and exhausted. Perhaps the weather is too hot or, on the contrary, impenetrably cloudy. If other cards confirm the presence of problems, these will most likely be broken agreements, terminated contracts, or some kind of dirty spot on a seemingly excellent situation. However, if a divorce happens, it will be peaceful. At worst, you will put on a false guise full of bluster and arrogance, fake optimism and insincere enjoyment of life. Or you will begin to ascribe to yourself other people's merits.

You may act childish and immature, or afraid to flaunt your vulnerability and playfulness. One of my tarot reader acquaintances believes that the inverted Sun indicates a romantic relationship with a person younger than the querent in age, in which there are more external manifestations than genuine feelings. For one of my clients, this turned out to be a profound way of life-in-death, for the card represented his recently deceased spouse, who was born in the Year of the Horse in the Chinese calendar. Throughout the house he had figurines of horses. And now his girlfriend smiled at him from the card, reborn and free from pain and suffering.

When you project this card onto another person, you see them as a creative leader, full of youthful optimism and enthusiasm, but at the same time either too self-centered or gullible and naive. Such people illuminate the world around them and generously share their happiness with others.

In terms of health, it can be heat stroke, heart attack, skin cancer and sunburn. It is par excellence a card of good health, vitality and rebirth; it relieves symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, fears and anxiety.

On the inner plane, the card represents the ability to lovingly accept yourself as a unique person.

Shamanically and magically, it is enlightenment, the completion of the Great Work, hierogamy or sacred marriage, the creation of alchemical gold, the outpouring of the Spirit, and the awakening of the divine inner child, free and devoid of sin.

Traditional inverted meanings: happiness, joy and success, but less than in the upright position. Heat, flame. Passion. Enlightenment. Vanity, pride. Deceptive grandeur. Bluff, facade. Misunderstanding. Troubled future. Broken engagement or canceled marriage. Delayed triumph.

1 - Thanks to Elizabeth Hazel of TarotL. - Note. author.

Astrological meaning:
Sun in the 5th house as a symbol of the joy of life, creativity and enjoyment of the game.

The Sun card expresses love of life, joy of life, warmth and confidence in the future. In our consciousness, it corresponds to the forces that help to gain clarity, overcome fears and deep fears, and overcome delusions. In addition, the Sun personifies youth and such freshness of feelings, as if a person was born again. This is the bright, sunny side of life. At a deeper level - advice to overcome our dark side, let our sunny nature open up, recognize our "shadow self" in ourselves and bring it into the light of God.

Sun + Jester (XIX + 0)
Creativity, inspiration. creative fame.
Acting, acting, the ability to transform.
Child. "I'm a genius" attitude.
Requiring more attention.

Sun + Mage (XIX + I)
Genious idea.
Reward for work. Victory.
Recognition for your skill.
The beginning of a new life.
Go to college, get a job.
Maybe a victory over a man. Marriage.
Birth of a child.

Sun + High Priestess (XIX + II)
Everything hidden becomes clear.
Secret knowledge.
A woman in a man's profession.
Witch (Hecate).
Proud man, romantic.
Thirst for sympathy.
Fall for flattery.
Great desire to be loved because of the wrong relationship with the mother.

Sun + Empress (XIX + III)
Birth of a child or work.
Great artist, creator.
The fruits of enlightenment.
Healing. Recovery.
New business, work.
New house.
New marriage.
Fulfillment of dreams, desires.
Luck, happiness, prosperity.
The sphere of art, bohemia, high fashion.
A painful need for comfort.
Narcissism, nymphomania.

Sun + Emperor (XIX + IV)
New job.
New position.
Thriving business.
High political rank.
New connection.
Marriage with a man.
fruitful union.
Happiness in the family.

Sun + Hierophant (XIX + V)
Happy marriage.
Perfect family.
Great wealth.
Exceptional chance.
Control over the situation.
Classic authority.

Sun + Lovers (XIX + VI)
New opportunity.
Lucky Chance.
The right decision.
Mutual understanding in a relationship, true love.
You will marry for love.

Sun + Chariot (XIX + VII)
Clear path to the goal. The right way.
Moving with children.
Happy travel.
Trip to the resort.
Communication with other people.
Pleasant acquaintance.
Problem resolution.
Tides of inspiration.
Organizational talent.

Sun + Strength (XIX + VIII)
Control over negativity, bad habits, anger.
Physical exercise.
You are fighting for a place in the sun.
You have tamed your "inner beast".
Self-love is satisfied.
Double strength.

Sun + Hermit (XIX + IX)
To achieve wisdom, to find the truth that I have been looking for for a long time.
Find yourself.
You need to start active actions after a long break.
The chance to change something in life.
Work hard and luck will smile on you.

Sun + Wheel of Fortune (XIX + X)
The situation will change for the better.
Happy change, promising glory and success.
Clear perspectives.
New opportunities. New place.
Rest in pleasant company.
It all ended in marriage.

Sun + Justice (XIX + XI)
The facts of the case are clear. There will be no difficulty in making an objective decision on it.
Get justice.
Victory in a lawsuit.
The acquittal.
Signing a profitable contract.
The emergence of new opportunities.
After a delay, a chance to take advantage of.
New start.
official marriage.

Sun + Hanged Man (XIX + XII)
The Hanged Man (Neptune) extinguishes the sun.
Relationships are cool.
Your vindictiveness bothers you.
Lost again at the casino.
Luck has turned its back on you.

Sun + Death (XIX + XIII)
There is a risk of burning or burning.
You will have to seriously change, no matter how much you want it.
New opportunity.
Died. Resurrection
New stage.
The operation is successful.
A new phase has begun in your life.

Sun + Temperance (XIX + XIV)
favorable conditions.
Gradual change in material well-being. Accumulation.
Happiness over the edge.
Fast and successful situation.
All at once.
Return to someone to something.
The return of a man, to a man, to a family.

Sun + Devil (XIX + XV)
Something is abnormal in a family or business with outward well-being.
The need to bring clarity to what is hidden.
Light up everything that is dark.
Pull the "skeleton" out of the closet.
Dependence on a man, male energy. He controls you.
Fight for a man. They want to fight off, take away the man.
The struggle of dark forces, but the Sun can help.

Sun + Tower (XIX + XVI)
Lots of light. Don't get burned.
Not good for the military. Trauma (Sun Mars)
People are constantly arguing.

Sun + Star (XIX + XVII)
Implementation of the plan. The stars are benevolent.
A flight of creative imagination.
Receiving an award.
Good luck for the player.
Meeting with a man.

Sun + Moon (XIX + XVIII)
Look for inspiration within yourself. Your imagination, the best assistant.
Illumination coming from the depths of the subconscious.
Love triangle.
Two luminaries, two enemies.
Crossroads, fork.
All in halftones. Work, life, relationships.
There is a chance to make money.
Good doctor and psychologist.
Family origins.

Sun + Judgment (XIX + XX)
Recognition of creative merit. Fame.
Destiny decision.
The opportunity to change a lot in your life.
Decide to change.
Second marriage.
New job, business.
There is power to make a decision.
himself a participant in his own process.

Sun + World (XIX + XXI)
Implementation of a creative project.
Opportunity to realize your ideas.
Luck. Success. Imminent wealth.
marriage abroad. The man is a foreigner.
The dream came true.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - incredible optimism.
With the card "Two of Wands" - there is not enough clarity; no complete certainty.
With the card "Three of Wands" - success in business.
With the card "Four of Wands" - the appearance of the "sun" in the house.
With the card "Five of Wands" - consideration of the case from all sides; constructive conversation.
With the card "Six of Wands" - successful promotion of the project; merit recognition.
With the card "Seven of Wands" - minor difficulties.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - the opportunity to bask in the rays of glory; enjoy love.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - do not believe the dazzling smile; doubt luck.
With the Ten of Wands card - get tired of fame and popularity; there is no way to hide from annoying attention; burn out.
With the Page of Wands card - generate an idea.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - reach the boiling point.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - faith in yourself; incredible optimism.
With the "King of Wands" card - share the light.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Sun upright with Major Arcana

Magician - Active life position. Unique man
Magician (per) - Thirst for self-expression
Priestess - Successful undertakings in all areas. Unique woman
Priestess (per) - Complications
Empress - Wealth of plans, ideas. Ideology. Unique woman
Empress (trans.) - Journalism. Article
Emperor - Discipline, exactingness. positive behavior. Unique man
Emperor (per) - Flowers, applause. Ovation
Priest - Unique Male / Lustful Attraction
Priest (per) - Harmony, peace
Lovers - Sunshine, sincerity. Freckles
Lovers (lane) - The collapse of love plans, separation
Chariot - Transition to a new level of activity. Pyramid
Chariot (lane) - Lack of balance
Justice - High degree of responsibility
Justice (trans) - A lengthy lawsuit
Hermit - Return to your origins
The Hermit (per) - Passing Troubles
Wheel of Fortune - Happy change
Wheel of Fortune (lane) - Multiplication, prosperity
Strength - Life-affirmation
Strength (lane) - Deprivation of the patron
Hanged Man - Some fatigue. Sun burns. Overheat
Hanged Man (lane) - Unpreparedness for action. Surrender without a fight
Death - Reunion, turning ice into steam. Unity
Death (lane) - Failure of undertakings. fading light
Moderation - Balanced Union
Moderation (per) - Quick marriage
Devil - Summing up "under the monastery." deprivation
Devil (per) - Abuse of money
Tower - Path to true freedom
Tower (lane) - Dependence on existing circumstances. Wounds
Star - Higher mind. Saint Sophia. Full fulfillment of hopes
Star (lane) - Delusion. Darkness
Moon - Uncertainty in success
Moon (per) - Impermanence
Judgment - Treasure Discovery
Judgment (trans) - Insurmountable Difficulties
World - The true beauty of the world
World (transl.) - Advances in Theosophy. Knowledge of God
Jester - Insincerity, "crazy"
Jester (per) - Crazy House

Sun upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Clarification of the fatal diagnosis
2 of Wands (per) - Amazing Surprise
2 of Cups - Somewhat darkened feeling
2 of Cups (lane) - Jealousy, big problems because of it
2 of Swords - Betrayal of two friends
2 of Swords (lane) - White lies
2 of Pentacles - Explanation with an old enemy
2 of Pentacles (per) - Harmonious relationship with brothers and sisters

3 of Wands - Catching a criminal
3 of Wands (per) - Happy End
3 of Cups - Sheer Luck
3 of Cups (Ln) - Achieving Success
3 of Swords - Appearance of happiness
3 of Swords (lane) - Antipathy. skew
3 of Pentacles - President of the firm
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Pregnancy, triplets

4 of Wands - Blooming garden of life
4 of Wands (lane) - Does not change meaning when reversed
4 of Cups - Sadness will pass
4 of Cups (per) - Innovations
4 of Swords - Recovery
4 of Swords (lane) - Truce, reconciliation, consent
4 of Pentacles - Rich gifts
4 of Pentacles (per) - Fencing, disengagement, contention

5 of Wands - A career like the Sun
5 of Wands (per) - Termination of litigation, quarrels
5 of Cups - Receiving a huge inheritance
5 of Cups (per) - Good news, happy change
5 of Swords - Violent resistance, tears
5 of Swords (lane) - Abuse of power. Blindness
5 of Pentacles - Material loss
5 of Pentacles (per) - Vulnerability, sensitivity

6 of Wands - Glory. Triumph Award
6 of Wands (trans) - Radiant Hope
6 of Cups - Way to the distant future
6 of Cups (lane) - A new path to the cherished goal
6 of Swords - The path to the light through the fall, death. Icarus
6 of Swords (trans) - Examination, exposure of the slanderer
6 of Pentacles - Wealth, success
6 of Pentacles (per) - Honors

7 of Wands - Relationship imbalance, shadow of sadness
7 of Wands (lan) - Dispelling fog on a foggy morning
7 of Cups - Seven strokes of fate
7 of Cups (per) - Brilliant idea, discovery
7 of Swords - Inappropriate panache
7 of Swords (per) - Good news, joy
7 of Pentacles - Profits beyond expectations
7 of Pentacles (lane) - Lack of lightness, burden

8 of Wands - Love, fast attachment
8 of Wands (lane) - Danger of loss of prestige
8 of Cups - A young lover, tender and beautiful
8 of Cups (Ln) - The displeasure of fighting, although victory is guaranteed
8 of Swords - Misunderstanding the situation
8 of Swords (lane) - Overcoming Pain
8 of Pentacles - Master - golden hands, bold undertakings. Sun in the house of Sagittarius (crafts)
8 of Pentacles (per) - Absence of certain desires. Swimming with the flow

9 of Wands - Victory over you by a more powerful person
9 of Wands (trans) - Some disorientation, loss of touch with reality
9 of Cups - Defeated feeling
9 of Cups (pen) - Wealth does not please, but upset
9 of Swords - Exposure (any)
9 of Swords (per) - Quick easy death. Priest
9 of Pentacles - Innocent Victim
9 of Pentacles (per) - Deception, insignificant, but unpleasant

10 of Wands - Overcoming difficulties
10 of Wands (per) - Duplicity
10 of Cups - Getting the best apartment, buying a cottage
10 Cups (lane) - Outrage of order, a deal with a guilty conscience
10 of Swords - Passing suffering, complaints, sorrow
10 of Swords (lane) - Resting on our laurels
10 of Pentacles - Home Improvement
10 of Pentacles (lane) - Luck, happy occasion

King of Wands - Patronage in the best traditions (Tretyakov, Morozov, etc.)
King of Wands (per) - Deserved, hard-won happiness
King of Cups - Success in mathematics, banking, banker
King of Cups (per) - Success is complete, unconditional
King of Swords - Prudence. Night watch, watch
King of Swords (per) - "Big ship - big voyage!". Promises success
King of Pentacles - Rich lover, ideal spouse
King of Pentacles

Queen of Wands - Initiative. Creation. Understanding
Queen of Wands (per) - Extreme Eccentricity
Queen of Cups - The Ideal Wife
Queen of Cups (per) - Desdemona. Victim in love relationships
Queen of Swords - Getting an advantageous place, excellent prospects
Queen of Swords (per) - Passing sadness, parting with loneliness
Queen of Pentacles - Luxury, groupie
Queen of Pentacles (per) - "Inflated" prosperity

Knight of Wands - The culmination of glory, success
Knight of Wands (per) - Reconnected
Knight of Cups - Maturity, becoming
Knight of Cups (per) - Movement to victory
Knight of Swords - Arguing with a fool, winning a case, a dispute
Knight of Swords (per) - Energetic, agile entrepreneur
Knight of Pentacles - Useful deeds for the benefit of the Fatherland
Knight of Pentacles (per) - A successful businessman, young but promising

Page of Wands - Messenger of the Gods - Hermes, Mercury. Young admirer, first love
Page of Wands (transl.) - A wondrous messenger. Success in ballet art
Page of Cups - First Love / Young Admirer
Page of Cups (per) - Favor of a high-ranking friend
Page of Swords - Business Manager. Infantilism
Page of Swords (trans) - Psychological training
Page of Pentacles - Cadet. pupil
Page of Pentacles (lane) - diligence, accuracy

Ace of Wands - The male path in the universe. Helios
Ace of Wands (lane) - The Shadowy Side of Glitter
Ace of Cups - Happiness, full cup
Ace of Cups (lane) - The eve of happiness. You are on the threshold
Ace of Swords - Release from a burden
Ace of Swords (lane) - A great event, a seed of change. goodness
Ace of Pentacles - Wealth
Ace of Pentacles (lane) - Unexpected profit

Sun Reversed with the Major Arcana

Mage - Reliable protection of the mage. magic circle
Magician (per) - Identity is questionable
Priestess - Best Traditions
Priestess (per) - Derogation, humiliation
Empress - Room for creativity
Empress (trans) - Profits not as planned
Emperor - A sober approach to a difficult situation
Emperor (per) - Dependence on more power than you have
Priest - Love, passion
Priest (per) - Will, courage
Lovers - The path of fidelity to ideals
Lovers (per) - The attraction of vice
Chariot - The beginning of a new relationship
Chariot (lane) - Unfavorable influence
Justice - New age, new time
Justice (per) - Incompetence, anger, aggression
Hermit - Feeling like a grain of sand in the universe
Hermit (trans) - A storm in life, but in a teacup
Wheel of Fortune - Happiness, success, unclouded joy
Wheel of Fortune (per) - Delay with happy change
Strength - You can "move mountains"
Strength (lane) - Pressure from the authorities. Taxation. Tax police
Hanged Man - Knowledge of one's essence. Understanding the higher in yourself
The Hanged Man (trans) - Rejection of failure
Death - Happy long-awaited change
Death (per) - Mental Discomfort
Moderation - Peace of mind
Temperance (per) - New Connections
Devil - Blinding the Devil
Devil (per) - The need to take action
Tower - Crown of Thorns. Crucifixion
Tower (lane) - Destruction of the former status, position, position
Star - A career completely different than planned
Star (per) - Pessimism
Moon - Uncertainty in the main
Moon (per) - Tears
Judgment - Win
Judgment (trans) - Unrighteous Judgment
Mir - Purchase of real estate (villas), possibly abroad
Peace (per) - The inability to peacefully resolve relations
Jester - Zeal, the desire to accomplish a feat
Jester (per) - Redemption

Sun Reversed with the Minor Arcana

8 of Wands (lane) - Danger of "losing" face
Page of Pentacles - A person does not honor family too much

Tarot cards are a symbol system that allows you to look into the future. This system was invented in the Middle Ages and is popular to this day. It helps to find out the answers to exciting questions and protect against rash decisions. Through fortune-telling, you can find out reliable information about those events that await in the future.

The sun is one of the 74 cards of the tarot divination system. Its image is very symbolic: at the zenith is the Sun, which strictly looks at the fortuneteller. The children are playing below. A brick wall is often depicted in the background. This card symbolizes peace and harmony, which is so often lacking in a vain world.

Classic card interpretation

The alignment, when the Sun falls, is considered the most successful, which is only possible on tarot cards. The sun personifies the desire for light and harmony. If this card fell out to you, then this indicates that a white streak will soon come in life, luck and success will be faithful companions. A tarot card means auspicious development and insight. When interpreted, the Sun can mean a new stage in life, which will be accompanied by success and harmony.

The significance of this alignment suggests that all the things that were conceived will be carried out in the best possible way. The card says that all fears and obstacles will disappear from the life of a fortuneteller. It symbolizes the sunny side of human life, and its active development in the near future.

The value of this layout indicates the desired change in the style of thinking to a more friendly and positive one. It also means good health and good luck in any field of activity.

A tarot card may indicate that soon all innermost desires and dreams will come true. It can be a rapid promotion at work or the birth of a child. The card symbolizes the joy that will surround the fortuneteller's life. As well as new beginnings, which will undoubtedly be crowned with success.

What to do if the sun fell out in the layout?

This period should be used as productively as possible. To do this, you should not sit still, you need to claim new heights, because fate is on your side. It would be quite appropriate to try to master a new activity that has long attracted. The stars are now in a position that promises only success.

Take on any task with self-confidence and a positive mindset. You shouldn't be alone. This period is recommended to be spent in society. New acquaintances and connections can turn out very well. This applies to both work and personal life. Now is the time to think about family and procreation.

It is necessary to bring the matter to the end, even if it seems to you that it is too complicated and it is easier to refuse it. You need to make the last push, after which it will bring the desired result.

Personality characteristic

If the fortuneteller got the Sun card, this symbolizes the person as an unthinkable lucky person. Fate has always been on the side of this man, and is not going to turn away in the future. And this is no coincidence, because this person has always had a frantic energy and a desire to move forward.

The meaning of the card reveals a person as a great optimist who always takes on any business with a smile. Such a person is diligent, which is why the stars so often encourage his work with good luck. Such a person has creative abilities and an excellent reputation. Good deeds spread glory very quickly.

But such a person also has a number of shortcomings. For example, a highly developed sense of vanity and arrogance. Such a person is characterized as an arrogant person who values ​​his own achievements too much and therefore puts himself above others.

This tarot card characterizes a person as capricious and touchy. Such a person very sharply perceives any criticism and may be offended by mere trifles. He needs to have a weak enemy, whom he will periodically defeat, thereby towering in his own eyes.

Reversed card interpretation

The meaning of the reversed card remains very positive. It indicates a bright future that is delayed, but will surely come to you. During this period, it is not recommended to master new ranges of activities and be very careful in existing ones. Since luck is only on the way to the fortuneteller, some disappointments and failures may await him.

The meaning of this tarot layout indicates the small joys that await a person. Fate is not yet ready to give major victories, but shows its favor to the fortuneteller, which is expressed in the form of a little luck. The interpretation of fortune-telling speaks of possible success, but at the same time warns of minor failures. It is not recommended to start large projects or make life-changing decisions at this time.

The value of the sun card remains positive even in an inverted form and promises success, but not as significant as when it is upright. This may mean striving to achieve great results.

In combination with other cards, the Sun may not have such a positive value. It can mean a series of failures and bad luck. Also warn of possible difficulties that stand in the way of achieving the goal. This tarot spread indicates a vague future that is full of problems.

Relationship breakdown

The meaning of a tarot card in the correct position speaks of a cloudless future with your soulmate. The alignment characterizes the relationship as strong and stable. Showing care and love in a couple. The sun can talk about the rebirth of feelings and the strengthening of the family. It indicates the absence of problems in a couple and shows complete harmony and mutual understanding.

Such fortune-telling shows that you have found your soul mate and live in complete harmony. You admire your partner and enjoy every moment with him. The same goes for the second half. Relationships are characterized as mutual and durable.

Value in an inverted position, speaks of major problems. Do not be afraid, this can only be the stage of grinding in a couple and in the future everything will turn out fine. The tarot card indicates frequent disagreements and conflicts. Possible doubts and reflections on the continuation of the relationship. If such a value fell on the subject of a wedding, you should think about the correct choice.

Career breakdown

The direct position indicates rapid growth and career advancement. This value indicates an inexhaustible supply of internal forces of a person, which he uses to achieve his own goals. Any heights can be submitted to him, one has only to make efforts and attention.

The sun reports that you can expect help from colleagues. You are the soul of the company, and you are highly valued in the workplace, so they will be happy to help. The tarot card also indicates that it is worth going to your goal measuredly, and not rushing headlong. Haste can lead to errors that can later spoil the result.

An inverted meaning indicates that you will not be able to achieve the desired level of success and will have to be content with average achievements. The alignment also warns that external factors that can ruin everything will interfere with the already practically obtained result.

The meaning of the card reveals the future difficulties that stand in your way. It can also be employees who are jealous of your rapid development and put a spoke in the wheel. It is necessary to be very careful during this period and not to commit rash acts.

Combination with other cards

Depending on which cards the Sun falls with, it can have a completely different meaning. If the sun fell with the card:

  1. magician - success in a new business and the desired results after its completion;
  2. high priestess - possession of secret information, finding out a secret that will shed light on many events;
  3. empress - success in new affairs and undertakings, new relationships are possible, which will later develop into a family;
  4. emperor - the ability to make your family or partner happy;
  5. hierophant - financial addition, career growth, the birth of a child is possible;
  6. lovers - good luck and happiness in a couple;
  7. chariot - knowledge of how to achieve your goal and reach your goal;
  8. strength - the ability to control oneself even in the most tense and irritable situations;
  9. hermit - the achievement of wisdom, gaining inner confidence;
  10. wheel of fortune - a change in the current situation for the better;
  11. hanged man - a sacrifice that must be made to achieve the goal;
  12. death - the likelihood of exhausting one's strength and losing the desire to move on, possibly losing a loved one;
  13. moderation - reciprocity in relationships and career success;
  14. devil - abnormal events in relationships and affairs;
  15. tower - warning of possible dangers;
  16. star - success for creative ups;
  17. moon - the ability to discard all fears and quickly move towards the desired result;
  18. court - good luck and success in creative affairs, your work will be highly appreciated;
  19. peace is a symbol of victory and success in all endeavors, harmony in love affairs;
  20. fool - an opportunity to show a brilliant sense of humor.