Landscaping of a suburban area of ​​6 acres.

6-hundred plots are now more and more actively passing from hand to hand, are acquired by inheritance and new ones are allocated for sale. Their prices are acceptable. Having a piece of your own land, at least for recreation, is attractive, but modern methods agriculture makes it possible to organize a profitable commercial economy or an effective support for the family. But planning, arranging and designing a plot of 6 acres with your own hands is not an easy task. In contrast to them, in everyday life, the rules for arranging building plots are much more strictly normalized. Small plots are located and distributed not one by one in an open field. Violations of regulations on them are immediately visible, and their consequences for third parties affect quickly and clearly. This publication is intended to help readers solve the problems that arise in this case on their own.

What's first and what's next

It would seem - what are the problems here? In the free distribution there are many computer programs for landscape design. Winter is more than enough to design an earthly paradise for yourself in any of them, but warm weather has come - dig, build, plant. And enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Yes, a computer with suitable software is the most powerful assistant in a matter that quite recently drove experienced urban planners to despair - the dense development of compact arrays of small plots. On fig. - examples of landscape design of small areas, made in various computer programs available for development by unprepared users. And we will still remember them. But, firstly, the computer does not know how to think. It is only a means to quickly and simply get the end result, which the user must clearly imagine in advance. Simply: before asking the computer - but how? - you need to ask yourself - what do I want? And give yourself a clear answer to it.

Secondly, beauty is the result of landscape design, and comfort is the result of technically correct arrangement of the site. Design is art. Any art is founded on a material basis and its fruit will not be worthy if the basis is bad. That is, we again run into technology. BUT technical equipment plot of land is strictly regulated. Your house is your fortress, but the site on which it stands already affects neighbors and strangers, just like they do to it. The mutual influence of small closely packed pieces of earth is especially strong. Therefore, the complete arrangement of 6 acres with your own hands is carried out in the next. order:

  1. Surveys are carried out on the ground and according to the documents for the site;
  2. A sketch of the layout is drawn up in compliance with regulatory requirements, see below;
  3. Distances to places sensitive to pollution are determined: open water bodies, children's institutions, places of mass recreation, recreational establishments, and its external sourcestreatment facilities, livestock farms, industrial enterprises that give harmful emissions and effluents;
  4. A scheme of building and arrangement is being developed;
  5. The original layout of the site design is created;
  6. Based on the results of paragraphs. 1-5 a development project is being developed;
  7. If the site is in individual use, the project is approved by local authorities sanitary control, firefighters, then in the bodies of land management, urban planning and architecture;
  8. For visas from paragraph 7, a building permit is issued in the local municipality;
  9. If the site is part of a dacha partnership, an array for individual development, a low-rise village, etc. collective property, instead of paragraphs. 8 and 9, a building permit from the board or other governing body is sufficient;
  10. On the basis of permissions under paragraphs. 8 and 9, design and on-site work is being carried out.

Note: a development project is not a project for a house, utility block, or, say, a bathroom. Projects of buildings on the site are developed separately and must comply with the requirements for them developed during the development of the development project. That is, the development project is a primary document with a higher priority.

The material of this article contains recommendations for the independent implementation of paragraphs. 1-4 and partially (up to and including the draft design), item 5. Detailed design in accordance with all norms and rules and subsequent ordeals by authorities are other big topics. The best way out for an average developer is to send their sketches to a specialized construction and design company for revision. After 2 weeks - 3 months. you will receive a ready-made project with all necessary permissions and additional paperwork.

Surveys on the spot and in the papers

A 6-hundred piece does not create difficulties in everything. Due to its small size natural conditions within it can be considered constant. Therefore, expensive geological surveys on the spot will not be needed, unless the documents for the land indicate that development is possible only based on the results of geology. The case is not so rare - plots with weak and / or unstable soil are sold very cheaply. Therefore, if you are just planning to acquire land for development, be sure to check it in the papers - what about geology? If everything is clean, preliminary investigations include:

  • Reconciliation in place of the plan-scheme on a scale with an orientation to the cardinal points. There is no such thing - milestones, a tape measure and a survey compass, a compass, self-shooting and drawing.
  • Determination on the spot of the direction, nature and magnitude of the slope of the soil. Tools - milestones, mooring cord, building level, roulette.
  • Determining the direction of the prevailing winds separately in the warm and cold seasons. Method - we are looking for a climate map of the area and / or a wind rose for it on the Internet. Check with the local weather service. They are required to provide information free of charge.
  • Determining the direction and magnitude of underground runoff on the site. Information must be in the board of the association or village, the owner of the massif and the construction department of the municipality. They should also give it free of charge: the cost of this information is always included in the state duty and commission when acquiring land for development.

Norms and requirements

Building sites is regulated by SNiP 2.07.01-89 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements "and SNiP 2.01.02-85" Fire regulations". To some extent, the recommendations of SNiP also take into account the norms of agricultural technology and traffic rules. But, for your information, the dense development of tight arrays of small plots is such a Gordian knot of problems that you won’t get by with SNiPs alone - either you won’t be able to place everything that is desirable according to modern comfort requirements on the site, or you will have to deliberately violate something, hoping what will take out. To meet the norms (which is still possible), you must, firstly, follow the rules for the location of buildings on the site (see also the figure on the right):

And what does it mean?

In practice, these formal requirements should take into account the following:

  • Distances are considered not between the geometric centers of objects in the plan, but between their nearest points. That is, if, for example, a cesspool with a diameter of 1 m is located exactly on the side of a house 4x6 m, then the distance between them along the ground should be from 15 + (6/2 = 3) + (1/2 = 0.5) = 18.5 m.
  • Standard dimensions of the garage passenger car 4x7m; so established based on the safety requirements of people in the garage. Even if you have an old “Zhuzhik” or you managed to purchase a Ford KA on the go and built a close-fitting garage for it, in case of any complaints about this, a 4x7 m contour will be drawn on the ground and they will already consider from it whether you met the standards location of buildings or not.
  • The minimum allowable width of the road is the initial vehicle clearance of 2.7 m plus 1 m of the right-of-way on both sides, i.e. 4.7 m. Which is limited by the same red lines.

If you remember that a plot of 6 acres is in best case a rectangle of 20x30 m, it immediately becomes clear that it is impossible to fulfill all the specified requirements on it exactly. Therefore, let's think about how we can contrive here so that, at least de facto, we do not interfere with our neighbors and not make claims on ourselves. In this regard, both technical and design tricks are possible.


The use of discrepancies in regulatory documents is based on knowledge of the generally recognized system of priorities for territories and objects on them. Legislatively, it has not yet been clearly spelled out anywhere in the world, but in the case of civil proceedings or an economic dispute, weighty arguments in your favor can be substantiated on it. The priorities, in descending order, are:

  1. Especially important civilian life support facilities;
  2. Strategic defense facilities;
  3. Protected natural areas;
  4. farmland;
  5. Children's, medical and recreational institutions;
  6. Wildlife;
  7. Residential houses and adjacent territories;
  8. Infrastructure;
  9. Private outbuildings;
  10. Industrial facilities, except for vital ones;
  11. Military installations other than strategic defense ones.

It is possible to ensure the improvement of your 6 acres, formally without violating anything, using paragraphs. 7-9. Land for private development is supposed to be allocated no closer than a certain distance from industrial enterprises. If the withdrawal was made with violations, then it is unrealistic for one homeowner to correct the situation on his own, so we omit clause 10. P. 11 - taboo. Priorities are valid for newly created objects, but not already existing ones. To cross on a military unit with a bulldozer - the sentry has the right to shoot and will be right.

It should also be taken into account that the “right of primacy” in terms of time in legal practice effectively operates only between neighboring priorities. Through an item or more in the list - no. Assume that the adjacent area is not built up. You have built a cesspool (item 9 in the list) as you like. The neighbor decided to build a house (p. 7) and requires you to move it so that it would be easier for him to build. He has more legitimate chances to get you to do it than you have to defend yours.


A strip of land 1 m wide inside along the contour of the site is your boundary. The neighbor has exactly the same strip - his boundary. The boundary of the site is not the line of its demarcation with the neighboring one, but the boundary. Thus, when calculating the sanitary "fields of action", their spread to neighbors can be reduced by 1 m. But this does not apply to fire restrictions: fire rules, like fire, do not recognize formal boundaries.


The red line of the road cannot come close to the border of the site. Even if there are no poles between you and the road, there must be at least 1 m between the red line and the border of the site. This is a pedestrian path provided for by the SDA. Since, according to the same traffic rules, a pedestrian has an advantage over vehicles, the “field of action” of any objects towards the road can also be shifted by 1 m. The road is not a fire hazard. Household sanitary restrictions are also invalid for her. Recall also that on the other side of the road there is also a footpath, between the local areas, and their owners should not move their buildings closer than 1 m to their borders. Total: 1 + 1 + 4.7 (the width of the road between the red lines) + 1 ( “your” footpath) = 7.7 m. Subtract them from 15 m (“area of ​​influence” latrine and barnyard), we get 7.3 m. This is the minimum possible distance to which you can safely move the toilet, etc. to the border of the site, passing along the road.


Reduce the "radius of action" de jure, i.e. formally impossible. But de facto, i.e. in reality, their harmful impact can be reduced or its nature can be taken into account by the objects that act on the surrounding environment. through drains - a cesspool and a bathhouse. In this case, the possible damage to yourself is your business (if other people have not suffered), and the neighbors and regulatory authorities simply will not have grounds for making claims.

Cesspool and toilet

Nothing can be done about the "toilet type" toilet, he and sanitary norms may not be enough. An individual local sewerage system with a septic tank on a plot of 6 acres is an unrealizable dream - there is not and cannot be a place for a discharge field Wastewater. An air-flushed septic tank can be attached directly to the house and the drain from it is suitable for irrigation, but it is expensive, volatile, and without a regular inflow nutrients for activated sludge dies. The same (except for energy dependence) applies to country dry closets: if you go to the site only on weekends, each time you will need to take a new absorber cassette with you - the old one, after opening, will die of hunger in a week.

Ideal technical solution- Collective local sewerage. But, firstly, it is difficult and not always possible to find places for her drop field. Secondly, if there are less than 15-20 subscribers, then the collective local sewerage system becomes by no means ideal in terms of initial investments “from the nose”.

A good individual solution for giving a day off is powder closet with peat filler. It does not drain into the ground, does not contribute to the spread of infection carriers, and practically does not exude odors. The filler is cheap - the usual agricultural peat. The developed filler can be thrown into a compost heap or an ordinary trash can. The only drawback is regular self-service; not a very pleasant process.

Note: modern dry closets were invented precisely on the basis of peat powder closets.


The flow from the private bath is, firstly, irregular and not plentiful. Secondly, not fecal, but so-called grey. Gray drains do not contribute to the development of harmful soil microflora and microfauna and are quickly neutralized by useful ones. If the sewer pit of the bath is arranged under its floor, then in fact it will have a harmful effect on the environment and will not give grounds for making claims. In this case, a bath without water folding devices (that is, not connected to a water supply) can be considered an ordinary residential or outbuilding with a “radius” of 3-5 m.


The design of the site by landscape design methods aims, firstly, to improve its ergonomics - internal routes of movement and access for processing and maintenance. Secondly, to hide the technical means of arrangement and internal infrastructure - poles, wires, pipes. Thirdly, create comfortable conditions for recreation. Fourth, visually expand the boundaries of the site and free spaces on it. The main landscape design techniques that have been successfully used in small areas are as follows:

  1. assignment of a residential building deep into the territory;
  2. corner filling;
  3. enclosing the site in whole or in part with a green fence;
  4. installation and construction of auxiliary products and buildings - benches, swings, children's slides and corners, arbors, pergolas, etc.;
  5. decorative (and possibly productive) partitioning off the site with trellises.

House in the deep

It is technically difficult and not always possible to locate a house on 6 acres in the depths of the site, see below. But taking the house inland is a very effective design technique, equally effective both for exclusively commercial farms and for purely recreational and decorative dachas, see Fig. , and the area itself is larger.

Walkway and driveways

Attributing the house inland immediately sharpens the issue of organizing access roads (see above) and poses the problem of allocating usable area (which, to put it mildly, is not in excess on 6 acres) for permanent walking paths. However, in fact, the area under the paths and vehicular paths on the site is quite possible not to be rendered useless: being unproductive in itself, it can increase the productivity of the cultivated areas so that land acquisition for the paths will be more than compensated. Moreover, it is even possible to reduce the costs and labor costs of maintaining soil fertility. On 6 acres, where it is very difficult to organize the correct circulation of crops and soil reclamation, this is especially true.

A way to make paths not only comfortable, but also useful is perforated polypropylene block pavement for garden paths, which turns them into lawn paths. In public places, it does not really justify itself, but for your dacha, this, as they say, is the very thing.

Plates should be taken with wide perforation and narrow partitions; if the coating is also passable (for example, the entrance to the garage), then with thrust bearings, designed also for loads from vehicles, at the top in fig. on right. the slabs are laid simply on the leveled ground (below in the same place) on the built-in locks. Then the path is covered with a mixture of humus with sand 1: 1 or earth for lawns, sown with lawn grasses and watered. When the grasses start up fresh leaves, earthworms are released onto the path. It is better to dig up wild ones, they are more tenacious and more active than those pampered from vermiculture.

Trample the grass on such a path is very difficult and on purpose, because. growing point and tillering node are securely protected. Worms under the lawn path reproduce perfectly, overwinter well, spread throughout the site and do their useful work. But slugs, bears, wireworms and other soil pests avoid areas with lawn paths; most likely, due to their good ventilation - the soil under the lawn path does not self-heat and does not suffocate, which is necessary for the reproduction of pests.


The open corner of the site immediately shows 2 of its boundaries, and the covered one eliminates them from the field of view; this is the basis of the action of the “angle hiding effect”. Covering the corner can be complete, or physical, and virtual, visual. The first is more suitable for decorative and recreational areas; in this case, a recreation area is placed in the most visible corner, see fig. on right.

On commercial and auxiliary recreational plots, the allotment of a large area with decorative purposes unwanted. In this case, only one artificial mini-reservoir will help solve the problem; preferably with a stream or cascade. Let's remember Aksakov: "Water is the beauty of nature." Babbling jets, as it were, take the site out of the technogenic environment and distract attention so much that an unpainted wooden fence stuck to a stone wall does not rush into the eyes, see Fig.:

green fence

The green fence and the trellis do not visually expand the site, but reduce visibility (the green fence removes it completely), muffle sounds and absorb odors. A green fence is made either around the entire perimeter, or partially where it is needed. The basis of the green fence is the usual one with additions inside, see fig.:

In the shade, along the green fence, they let the so-called. vines-petrophils ("climbers"), attached to the support with suction cups-haustoria, for example. ivy. In the light - stem vines (wrapping around a support), for example. clematis, or clinging to it with thorns-hooks, for example. climbing roses. Legumes are not very suitable - they do not form a continuous green veil.

You can’t let the green fence, firstly, edible grapes - it needs 2-sided lighting and ventilation. Secondly, the so-called. wild grapes with 5-lobed compound leaves and small black caustic (and poisonous) berries - it is a ferocious root aggressor, releasing substances harmful to cultivated plants into the soil. Thirdly, any kirkazon - they are completely toxic, and their pollinators are flies, which is why kirkazon flowers and plants in the mass smell unpleasant.


A standard plot of 6 acres is a rectangle 20x30 m, with its short side facing the road. Trapezoidal and wedge-shaped sections are formed at the convergence of the paths inside the building array. Along its edges, many sections are obtained in the form of an unequal trapezoid with an irregular oblique side - a curve or a broken line. The layout of a particular site, depending on its configuration, is based on one or another typical scheme 6 acre layouts. Not regulated, but in practice their very, very desirable principle - the toilet (drain, cesspool) should be located below the house and cellar along the groundwater flow.

Layout schemes for plots of 6 acres, modified from the standard ones, taking into account the possibilities of easing regulatory requirements (see above), are given in fig. dotted circles show the “zones of action” of certain objects. The green dotted line along the perimeter shows the green fence, the thick blue line shows the demarcation line of the plots; the thin blue dotted line marks the neighboring boundaries and the footpath. Designations on the diagrams:

  • B - a bathhouse with an internal drain without running water.
  • G - garage.
  • D is a house.
  • KK - compost heap (pit, box).
  • PO - a recreation area with a fire.
  • T - toilet (cesspool, sewage pit).
  • KhB - hozblok with a poultry house and, possibly, a barnyard.
  • Sh - trellis.

At pos. 1 - the most frequent and severe case: neighbors on all sides, slope from the road. Its features are, firstly, a minimum area for productive plantings. Secondly, a 3x4 m country house can be taken no more than 3-4 m deep, but it is impossible to make a playground in front of it - there is a road behind the fence. Thirdly, the most convenient fire is quite safe in 6 points of wind out of 8, fairly safe in 7 points, and one point is only relatively safe. It will become completely safe for a residential building if it is moved to the opposite long side, but then the comfort of rest will decrease.

Pos. 2 - border area correct form. You are lucky: the fire is quite safe, and the productive area is 15-20% more than in the previous one. case. Pos. 3 - a commercial area without serious design requirements. In general, it is good: in which direction the slope does not matter, and the productive area is 20-25% larger than in the first case. Places common use and the utility block are additionally fenced off from the road by trees.

Pos. 4 - section-wedge or trapezium. Such areas, according to the rules of land management, are allocated from the massif so that the slope and underground runoff go to the narrow side of the trapezoid or the tip of the wedge, so there is no need to deal with geology at first. But still, not very lucky: the productive area as in pos. 2 and conflicts with neighbors because of the cesspool and utility yard are unlikely, but the house, garage and recreation area are placed with a creak. The optimal layout of the wedge site is possible only if its size is from 10 acres, see Fig.:

An example of the layout of a small wedge-shaped land plot

Note: plots - oblique trapezoids are planned like wedge-shaped - "useful indecency" in an acute corner.

If possible together

You are extremely lucky if the neighboring plots adjacent to any of the corners far from the road are either not built up, or their complete re-arrangement is planned. The second condition is that the owners of these sites are understanding and accommodating people. In this case, be sure to agree on cesspools, poultry houses and pens to bring everything to the junction of corners.

The principle of collective planning of plots of 6 acres is shown in the figure:

Gives the joint layout the following:

  1. Design and building permits can be done by one organization in a package. It will cost each of the participants 20-30% and up to 50% cheaper than individually;
  2. Approx. 10% more productive area than pos. 3 above;
  3. The slopes and direction of underground runoff in all areas lose their decisive importance;
  4. The influence of effluent sources on other neighbors is completely excluded - their claims will simply not be accepted for consideration;
  5. Without difficulty, there is a place for such a necessary building as cellar P;
  6. Sand wells (see above) in all areas, in all but exceptionally poor geological conditions, can be placed so that they affect underground flow to a safe extent.

About house planning

Having determined the location of the house, it is necessary, without delay for later, to sketch and analyze preliminary options for its layout - this is an insidious stage that most often leads inexperienced developers to a dead end. The fact is that the natural illumination of residential premises is also normalized. Of course, no authorities will evict you from your home, but isn’t well-being and health more important than paper regulations?

First of all, we determine in which illumination zone the house turned out to be, see fig. on right. Then we estimate its layout and check whether it corresponds to the standard for light:

  • The house has more than 3 rooms - at least 2 residential windows should receive direct sunlight continuously for at least 2 hours a day.
  • A house with 2-3 rooms - at least one of the residential ones should also be continuously insolated from 2 hours a day.
  • One-room house - the room must be continuously insolated for at least 2.5 hours a day.

Note: the times of morning and evening insolation do not add up! Only continuous insolation counts! Children's rooms are highly desirable to place under the morning insolation.

Corner instead of zone

To get out of the impasse of design, which arose due to insolation, most often it helps to abandon the fire in the recreation area. The refusal is formal, in the documents: there are no prohibitions anywhere to replace a stationary flame device with a movable one, for example. welded metal. The main thing is that there should be no building structures in it, a foundation under it, and capital buildings above it.

Formally, a mobile fire can stand in its place for centuries, but here a formal miracle happens: formally, the recreation area turns into a recreation area, for which there are no standards at all. And the adjoining recreation area is decorated can be no worse than a formally full-fledged recreation area, see Fig .:

About the basics of phytodesign

Phytodesign of individual plots, especially small ones, is a separate issue, and a very difficult one. Plants should shade each other and the house as little as possible. but, on the other hand, tall plants should cover the low and all from the cold winter winds: they dry up the soil, because. ice sublimates - evaporates without melting. In places with little snow with a continental climate (Central and Eastern Siberia) or in temperate latitudes with a monsoon climate (Far East, Kuriles, Kamchatka), it is better to plant tall plants from the side of the prevailing winter winds - an increase in productivity in summer due to illumination on average over several years will be “eaten » freezing in winter.

It is also necessary to take into account the daily rhythm of plant life. Before the daytime peak of insolation, they are most actively engaged in biosynthesis, and after it they begin to prepare for the night. That is why watering, spraying and foliar feeding is best done in the evening. AT general plants on the site they line up, as it were, with terraces in the direction of the action of the most active light:

  • Lawn, ground cover and low flower beds.
  • Potatoes, herbaceous berries.
  • Other garden, cut flowers.
  • Shrub berries.
  • Tapestry vineyards.
  • Trees.

Around the world approx. from the latitude of Kursk to Moscow region. it is desirable to arrange the tiers of plants in ascending order from the southeast to the northwest. From Moscow to St. Petersburg - from south-southeast to north-northwest. To the north - along the south-north line. South of Kursk to Rostov-on-Don in the direction from east-south-east to west-north-west. To the south, the direction of the growth of the tiers again changes to the southeast - northwest; this is affected by the reduction of summer daylight hours at low latitudes compared to high latitudes.

Design and layout

Free computer programs for landscape design are easily found in the search for the links "landscape design software download free" or "landscape design software download free". However, none of them, incl. paid professional, does not fully take into account all the troubles between different sets of rules and, moreover, does not understand how to get around them, so do not forget all of the above. And to understand what was found, watch a selection of videos:

Overview of popular software of this kind:

Familiarization with the application ScetchUp 8 (Russian version). Advantages: a large library of primitives (houses, trees, etc. figurines), fast rendering of 3D layouts. The disadvantage is that it is unsatisfactorily considered with Russian standards:

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

With the advent of the warm season, a significant number of people rush out of the city closer to nature, as there is no more pleasant activity than relaxing in their own summer cottage. In turn, the quality of this type of recreation directly depends on the competent and efficient use of a small area, usually 6 acres of land. Very often the question arises - how to plan a plot of 6 acres and create your own unique little paradise on it?

Usually there are two initial options: the site is empty and some objects are located on the site. With any of these options, the scheme of actions for the improvement of the territory begins with thinking through and drawing up a layout plan.

Mandatory on a preliminary scheme during planning garden plot 6 acres, it is necessary to provide for the location of the main building, additional buildings ( outbuildings, baths), toilets, places of rest, as well as communications. It should be noted that when preparing the scheme, it is necessary to take into account a number of standards, including sanitary and hygienic ones, which are established for collective gardening.

Most lovers of summer vacations prefer to relax with a guy in their own bathhouse. A bath broom is an essential attribute of a real summer resident. It is for this reason that it is worth considering various options Layout Of A Plot Of 6 Acres With A House And A Bathhouse. A bathhouse or sauna can be located either directly in the main building itself (an extension or basement), or be made as separate buildings. After determining the place where the bath will be located, it is imperative to attend to the issue of laying the necessary communications - electricity, water, as well as sewerage for the removal and collection of waste. Holding earthworks is the first step in the implementation of planning ideas suburban area.

Layout options

The first option is the most common due to its simplicity both in construction and in operation. The second option involves the installation of a container in the ground, usually made of several concrete rings in which waste products will accumulate. The second option is most preferable when planning a plot of 6 acres with a toilet located in the house, due to hygiene and safety for people's health. We must not forget that the septic tank must be cleaned periodically. This work is done by a special machine. To this end, in order to be able to carry out such a function on the garden plot, it is necessary to provide for a check-in for a car, with the help of which, among other things, the septic tank will be cleaned.

Location of objects on a plot of 6 acres

Well, what kind of vacation in the country without beds, flower beds and barbecue? Places for the arrangement of these zones are distributed after the placement of the main objects. As practice shows, even on 6 acres of land it is possible to locate all of the above. The recreation area is usually sown with lawn grass, paths are laid out on it, places with fruit plantations are visually and structurally separated from the main area for the purpose of ease of care and watering. In the recreation area, a gazebo with barbecue or barbecue can be installed. A small pond can also be dug or a frame or inflatable pool installed. The final touch in a unique country look is landscape design, which is created in accordance with the characteristics of each particular site. Landscaping is available to both experienced summer residents and beginners.

Examples and layout options for plots of 6 acres can be found in this article. Below you can see photos of the layouts of finished garden plots and draw ideas from them for your own inspiration.

Summing up, it is worth noting separately that a competent layout of a summer cottage of 6 acres is available to everyone with their own hands. A little creativity combined with a little effort will allow you to create your own unique dream site.

Video how to plan a plot of 6 acres with your own hands

And in Soviet times on the coveted 5-6 acres, people lovingly created comfort and beauty, skillfully interspersing all this with paths of beds. Vegetables happily coexisted with simple flowers and ornamental shrubs. With the development of a market economy, gardeners have new opportunities and other needs. Landscape design of a country house of 6 acres - 55 photo ideas in our article.

The garden plot is gradually being transformed into a dacha, as a place for summer holidays. The beds are replaced by lawns, rocky hills are lined up in flower beds, and reservoirs are organized. And the very diversity of the decorative flower and plant world is simply pleasing to the eye. Beautiful landscape design of a country house - pronounced recreation areas appeared with gazebos, barbecue facilities, benches, tables, pergolas, entwined with roses, clematis and grapes.

Watch the video: Landscape design of a country house 6 acres

The children were not forgotten either. Playgrounds with swings, sandboxes, bright towers, wall bars, basketball baskets are increasingly taking their rightful place on our summer cottages. Homes, too, have ceased to be a place to store garden tools and change into work clothes. Coziness, convenience and comfort - these are the main criteria for a garden house. Landscape design of a country house photo:

Much has changed for last years. It is not for nothing that a new trend in design art has penetrated and spread widely in Russia - the landscape design of a country house of 6 acres. After all, there is no end to wonderful novelties for our garden. Wherever you look: ideas for paths, seeds and seedlings, gates and fences, construction and Decoration Materials, landscape gardening sculpture, lighting fixtures and much, much more that cannot be used all together without building harmony, without subordinating the elements to a coherent system, without having an initial logical intent and design solution plan. Therefore, they create a landscape design project for a country house in order to visually delimit the entire territory.

Modern landscape design of a country house requires a lot of attention, landscape design specialists will help turn a piece of land into a unique complex, taking into account climatic conditions, terrain, soil, and most importantly all the wishes of future owners. Landscape design of a country house plot photo:

Landscape design of a country house plant

AT dry regions tamarisk (bead, comb, comb) is very popular - it not only decorates garden area, but also fixes the surface layer of the soil, restraining the spread of deserts.

Tamarisk is a graceful shrub with many small shoots, the foliage of which has a pleasant rich green color with a bluish tint. The flowering time of the plant is in the spring - tamariks dotted with small pink flowers make up a magnificent ensemble with any trees or shrubs on the site. Landscape design of a country house photo:

The love of landscape designers and amateur gardeners for this plant is explained by its unpretentiousness - even severe drought is not afraid of tamarisk, and it takes root on almost all types of soil. Fertilization of the soil with organic substances contributes to the full growth and rapid development of the shrub, but the endurance of an adult plant is largely determined by the quality of the planting material - purchase seedlings ornamental plant follows in specialized shopping malls or directly from manufacturers.

Features of landscape design

Landscape design of a country house of 6 acres - features of growing gerbera in landscape design. Gerbera is very often used for landscape design. Such frequent use is due to its very beautiful flowering, unpretentiousness in cultivation. Landscape design of a country house plot photo:

Gerbera represents perennial belonging to the Compositae family. Can be dropped off special varieties gerberas grown in pots. They can be placed along the tracks. There are also large and tall gerbera varieties, they are used to decorate flower beds, their flowers are cut into bouquets.

Beautiful landscape design of a country house will provide beautiful flowers. Gerbera likes to grow on bright sides, where there is a lot of light and heat. The location must be chosen so that the sun's rays fall on the plant. In this case, the plant will not stretch, I will reach for the light, and the flower itself will be bright and large.

In order for flowering to last longer and many buds to bloom, it is necessary to cut off the faded plants. To make bouquets, gerbera flowers are broken out, not cut. Gerbera is very susceptible to various fungal diseases. If you plant a gerbera in the ground, you need to water it with mineral fertilizers so that the plant receives all the trace elements it needs. Modern landscape design of a country house photo projects:

It is necessary to water the plant every other day, only in this case your landscape design of a country house of 6 acres will delight you with beautiful flowering. In order for the gerbera to bloom as abundantly as possible, it is regularly fed. For this use complex fertilizers, which are very high in potassium and calcium. It is also necessary to fertilize with fertilizers containing iron to rid it of chlorosis.

Project landscape design of a country house. Gerberas can be grown all year round using hydroponics. Gerbera is especially susceptible to the negative influence of insect pests - ticks and thrips. In the fight against pests, it is necessary to use special preparations. Gerbera can be planted in a flower bed and along the paths, decorate the edge of the pool with it - in any case, it will give you a pleasant mood and the landscape design of a country house of 6 acres will only benefit from its use.

Every happy owner of the notorious six acres dreams of placing on them not only a garden and buildings, but also fruit trees, and a flower garden, and a bathhouse with a greenhouse, and a pond with an alpine slide. What is the best way to arrange a garden plot so that there is enough space for everything?

In order for a small area to contain everything you need and visually seem larger, you have to follow certain rules and even resort to tricks.

  1. Primarily, do not build a house and a garage in the middle of the site or on the opposite side of the entrance. The access road will take up too much space in this case. To save space, try to compactly combine buildings. For example, a house - with utility blocks and a garage, and a bathhouse - with a "woodcutter" and a barbecue area.
  2. Do not place tall buildings and trees along the southern border of the garden plot. The midday shadow will not allow you to place beds or a full-fledged flower garden here. Well, if parking for a car can be arranged outside the site, a place will be freed up for a recreation area. But in the absence of extra meters, it can be organized on flat roof some major building. If desired, a greenhouse can also be placed there.
  3. A garden in a small space is better to arrange in landscape style . Retaining wall, laid out in an arc, shrub groups, a rounded contour of the lawn, winding paths for walking will optically expand the boundaries of the garden. Round gazebos, recreation areas, terraces will visually appear more spacious.

If you like rectangular shapes, at least turn them into diamonds. They are more organically perceived in a small space.

  1. Tiny apartments always have furniture "on the wall". Use the same principle in organizing space small area. In other words, free up the central zone of the garden and do not spoil its “ceremonial” appearance with random plantings. The best option for the parterre is a neat lawn. All landings and small forms are best placed on the periphery. Firstly, this technique creates the impression of more space. And secondly, it is easier to move around in this area.

Separate zones in the garden will add volume to the space

  1. The area of ​​​​the site is visually reduced not only by the walls, but also by the corners. Get rid of them - that is, use them! In each corner, provide for the placement of some kind of decorative element. It can be a corner gazebo or a podium, a recreation area, a bench, a composition with a sculpture, and the like.
  2. Organize the space in the garden so that it is not visible all at once. The guest who enters should not at first glance assess its area. Some part of the garden should always be hidden so that you want to know: what's next? The best solution is garden partitions: screens, vertical structures, arches, pergolas, hedges, groups of tall plants. Let winding garden paths appear and disappear behind these barriers, giving the impression of a large extent of space. For the same purpose, you can do.
  3. Visually expand the boundaries of the garden. These boundaries are usually marked by a fence. If it is completely visible, you experience a feeling of tightness, tightness. The easiest and most aesthetic way to hide a fence is to decorate it with trees, shrubs, and flowers. A variety of shapes, textures, shades of foliage, bright color spots will do their job. The clear outlines of the borders will disappear, giving the impression that further is also a garden.
  4. Make a fence in the country combined using various materials matching with each other. As a result, homogeneity disappears, the feeling of limited space is lost.

Paint the fence light tone, better gray. It looks organic in the garden at any time of the year. It's even better if you give the fence in your area a little "openwork". Of course, a completely openwork fence is not the best option. But the “windows”, decorated in various ways, imitation of arches with mirrors will help to visually make the site larger. Against the background of a solid fence, make inserts of a different texture. For example, in the form of large rhombuses with wooden diagonal weaving. Even an insert from an ordinary chain-link mesh can become an original design solution!

A fragment of a fence in the form of an imitation of a house wall

  1. Arrange terraces in the garden located at different levels. If the site has at least a small relief, the garden seems larger and more spacious. Creating a "difference" of only half a meter can completely change the impression of the site! Therefore, plan a retaining wall, alpine slide, flooring, steps or a podium, at least a small one. You can also move "down" - that is, make a "drowned" garden or a recreation area located below the level of the garden.
  2. Optically push the boundaries of the garden plot will help play with color. The garden will gain depth and volume if you place light-colored plants in the foreground: white-edged derain, yellow-orange flowers, red-leaved barberry bushes, purple species of vesicle. Behind, group plants of cold and dark shades, such as conifers. Closer plant flowers and shrubs with large foliage, and behind them - with small ones.

There should be few large trees and shrubs in a small area. The size of the crown can be adjusted from time to time by pruning.

  1. From a variety of fruit trees for a small size, choose semi-dwarf and dwarf varieties . They are specially grown for areas with a harsh climate. They are compact, and the harvest from them is much easier to harvest. Try to get varieties of different fruiting periods - summer, autumn and winter. Then you can enjoy fresh fruits at different times of the year, and keep them well.

When planting plants such as pears, plums, cherries, sea buckthorn, remember that they need a partner for pollination. If neither you nor your neighbors have it, take care of grafting branches of a different variety into the crown of your plant.

  1. On a plot of 6 acres, you can not do without a small garden equipment. It is better to cut grass on a tiny lawn with a trimmer, and process plant waste with a chopper (shredder). The crushed raw material will take much less space in the compost compartment, under which you can take a small patch in the farthest corner of the garden.

  1. With an acute shortage of space on the site, you can organize mobile mini-garden. That is, to place crops in the landing modules. Such modules are temporarily placed in those places of the site where there is no fertile land. On any vertical surfaces- fences, walls of sheds and houses - you can arrange hanging "beds". To do this, use pieces of wide sewer pipes or any container with a drain hole.

Comment on the article "6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands"

How much to pay employees? Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings But then we dug out all the small roots ourselves. Uprooting a stump from 300 to 500 rubles, depending on what kind of stump.

There are even fewer mosquitoes than our neighbors, the wind somehow blows stronger here. there are ticks, I want to put a fence in the back this year right to the ground so that they don’t crawl on the grass. I don’t know about the neighbors, how with ticks, I didn’t ask, but at “6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving with your own hands.”

6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands. Is the price per plot reasonable? Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (11 acres for a lot or a little). Found a piece of land for a cottage. But now we can’t decide - we can take 10 acres or two at once ...

Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables Draw a site plan if there is land with south side at home, it is better to plant a garden there. Dacha and country plots: purchase ...

Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and a large, 3-storey house. 9 windows look at our site back to back. It's not all very pleasant. Or a screen of some kind of greenery? How to equip it? Maybe someone had such a problem?

Abandoned cottage. Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds What to plant in a small summer cottage. On them you can find out where to start planting, when to weed the weeds.

Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds At least approximate? Manpower is required for a variety of jobs in the country, but I can’t imagine how to pay.

6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands. Every happy owner of the notorious six acres dreams of placing on them not only a garden and buildings, but also fruit trees, a flower garden, and a bathhouse with a greenhouse. In other words, free up the central ...

Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables. There is no money for the arrangement yet, maybe in 3 years ...

6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands. It seems to me that if there is a dacha, then less than 10 - 15 - 20 (? depending on the distance from Moscow) acres is not enough. After viewing 2-3 plots of 6 acres, we realized that 6 acres is VERY small: (We had a choice ...

Construction. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables I have one side of the site runs along the ditch. The ditch is wide, overflows in the spring, washed away the ground in a few years and the shore became ...

I'm selling a cottage. Dacha, land plots. Real estate. Buying and selling housing, rent, realtor, agent, agency. 6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands. Small suburban area: design. Fence, paths, flower beds in the country - how to fit everything.

6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands. ... the notorious six acres dreams of placing on them not only a garden and buildings, but even if it is a dacha, then less than 10 - 15 - 20 (? depending on the distance from Moscow) acres is not enough.

Dacha and country plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. small plot- this is a problem. But why should others solve your problem ?, but you have no right to interfere with people.

landscape design for 6 acres. I really need advice. It is necessary to ennoble the site in the spring. In October, they dug everything up, uprooted the old raspberry and currant bushes left over from the previous owners. 6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands.

Tell me how to level the area!. Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, garden beds Today, rarely in any summer cottage you will not see at least a small lawn or its likeness.

6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands. Small suburban area: design on 6 acres. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement of a plot overgrown with undergrowth of 3 meters in height 6 acres. How much does it cost to uproot this site, who knows?

does anyone know a company that takes care of landscaping small plots (6 acres?) Need to make a lawn. tidy up existing plantings, make a couple of flower beds - the scale is small, who are 6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands.

6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving your own hands. Every happy owner of the notorious six acres dreams of placing on them not only a garden and buildings, but also fruit trees, a flower garden, a sauna with a greenhouse, and a pond with an alpine slide.

Do we need a cottage? How to proceed?. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. On the site there is a small self-made house with a potbelly stove inside - a summer option.

If construction is completed country house, then you need to think about the surrounding area. The easiest way is to make a country landscape design. What if you have limited space? adjoining territory six hundred? In this case, we will share with you interesting tricks and secrets on how to independently plan and implement landscape design on 6 acres. This will help you avoid common mistakes, only beginner summer residents.

Planning is the key to success

So, in order for the country landscape design on 6 acres to come out as in the photo in this article, you need to think through everything clearly so that nothing gets out of your attention. And given that the area is limited to only 6 acres, it is important to make a good zoning of the summer cottage.

First of all, you need to understand what kind of area is in front of you. 6 acres will take 600 m 2. This area may have different shape. For example, a square or a rectangle. In fact, there are a large number of options for how to make landscape design on 6 acres so that it is practical, functional and beautiful. Therefore, of course, first of all, it is necessary to make a project of a landscape plot of 6 acres.

The design project should include the following important elements:

  1. Location on the site of your house.
  2. Outbuildings. It must be clearly indicated whether they are adjacent to the house or stand as separate rooms.
  3. Bathroom on the street.
  4. Summer shower.
  5. Car parking. Be sure to indicate whether it is open or closed. Also where it will be, at the gate or in the back of the yard.
  6. Leisure area. There may be several such zones at once. This includes a gazebo, benches, benches, a pond, a rocking chair and the like. That is, all the places where you can take a breath.
  7. Decorative buildings. The landscape design of a summer cottage of 6 acres may not include such structures, but their presence will give the entire landscape design some zest.
  8. Decorative plantings on the site. Be sure to indicate on the project the places where bushes, trees and other plants grow. Or where you want to drop them off.
  9. Flowerbed. Landscaping on 6 acres must necessarily include a flower bed. She will decorate the entire local area, like a cherry on a cake. You can plan so that the color does not stop all year round.
  10. Garden. Immediately think about whether you need a garden. If yes, then allocate a separate place for it. You may decide to use current trends by making a vertical vegetable garden.
  11. Trees. Here it is important to consider the fact that the existing trees on the landscape design of the summer cottage photo 6 acres do not obscure the whole picture.

As you can see, the project will consist of many elements. You can draw a landscape design project for a summer cottage of 6 acres on a special computer program or on a large landscape sheet.

Advice! Draws up a landscape design project on 6 acres, be sure to observe the proportions. So that everything you have conceived without any problems can be transferred to land plot.

Secrets of competent planning

So, having considered the features of creating a project, let's get acquainted with some tricks for the competent planning of a house adjoining territory with an area of ​​​​6 acres. So, first of all, you need to think about whether something can be modified in your territory. You may be able to expand usable area for a recreation area, a children's corner or just for planting a lawn. That is, if several buildings for different purposes are planned at the summer cottage, then think about whether it is possible to combine them or build them on one side of the summer cottage.

Among other things, you can resort to other original solutions. So, if you want to plant trees with a spreading crown, then do it with north side suburban area. Thanks to this, such trees will be a shield from cold winds. Plus, a source of natural vitamins. If you are looking for a shade, then plant an apple tree on the east side, because after lunch you will definitely have a shade, and you can put benches or a gazebo in it. As for dwarf trees, plant them so that they visually separate your house from the street.

You should carefully consider and design a place for leisure activities on a landscape summer cottage of 6 acres. Beautiful shrubs will look original near the playing area. As for the play area for children, it should be as close to home as possible. This is important as the children will be in control. Near the children's area, you can also land beautiful plants in boxes.

Advice! Near the game part, plant those plants that children can actually take care of without the help of adults. So, children will simultaneously play and learn how to care for plants.

On the edge of the suburban area, you can install a barbecue, gazebo. A lawn or beautiful flowers are planted around. As you can see, there are many simple tips about how to beautifully design a landscape design for a summer cottage on 6 acres. However, with all this, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. This will be discussed further.

Norms in landscape design

If you are at the stage of planning a house adjoining territory of 6 acres, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing standards. For example, SNiP 2.07.01-89, SNiP 2.01.02-85. The first SNiP refers to the planning of the local area, and the last SNiP allows you to comply with fire safety techniques. Let's take a look at some of these requirements.

  • Residential buildings should not be located closer than 3 meters from the border of a neighboring suburban area. As a result, when developing a landscape design project on 6 acres, be sure to consider this fact.
  • Residential buildings should not be closer than 5 meters from the street.
  • Outbuildings from the neighboring territory should be no closer than 1 meter.
  • Residential buildings must be constantly exposed to sunlight for at least two and a half hours a day.

Plus, it is necessary to plan the landscape design in such a way that the windows from the bedroom, kitchen, living room overlook a beautiful area of ​​​​the adjacent territory.


The quality of lighting also plays an important role. landscape area and overall design. Considering that the territory is only 6 acres, it is extremely important to think over everything so that the lighting is functional and zoned. Plus, do not forget about the installation of decorative lighting. The lighting method should also be included in the design project.

So, if you correctly think over the lighting design, you can achieve the following results:

  • Make an expressive emphasis on any individual zones. For example, you can highlight paths, paths, a pond, and the like.
  • Highlight beautiful plants. For example, you landed exotic tree, so why not highlight it against the general background with the original backlight, possibly with color backlight.
  • The presence of lighting in the landscape design of the suburban area allows you to observe the entire surrounding area. As a result, you will feel much safer, because thieves are more likely to get into dark places.

As for the quality of lighting, it is important to understand one point here - you should not buy those light sources that are very expensive to maintain. For example, you can buy solar-powered lamps. These are the ones that accumulate energy during the day and release it at night. You can also purchase energy-saving lamps. As a result, you will be able to save on light and indulge in creating a special effect in the local area.

So what about the choice? lighting fixtures So here are some helpful tips:

  • For landscape design of a summer cottage on 6 acres, buy light bulbs of lower power. In most cases, on the street you just need to organize the backlight.
  • Be sure to think about how the lights will turn off. It would be nice if separate switching off / on is provided. Due to this, it will be possible to save money, because it will not always be necessary to highlight the entire territory of the summer cottage at once. Therefore, switches can be divided into zones.
  • All wires conducted along the street must be reliably protected from the negative effects of moisture. It would be nice to hide the wires underground in a special sleeve into which moisture will not be available.

How to visually expand

On the one hand, 6 acres is quite a lot. But if you are used to space, then you should pay attention to the possibilities of how to visually expand the landscape design of a summer cottage on 6 acres. To do this, there are several original tricks at once.

First of all, straight lines should be avoided. Their presence will not cause a very pleasant visual impression. After all, straight lines emphasize the isolation and limited space. As a result, landscape design professionals advise using smooth lines, curves, for example, the shape of a flower bed can be round or oval. This also applies to trails. They can be twisty. In no case should the paths be made square, triangular and similar shapes. The emphasis is on fluidity.

Advice! If a gazebo is being erected or a pond is being made, then give them smooth lines, perhaps a round gazebo will look good.

Another secret of how to visually expand the space is to eliminate blind fences. Rectilinear walls, blind fences create the effect and the illusion of isolation. Therefore, in order to visually expand and prevent all this, there should not be high and deaf fences on the site. For example, large fences to replace decorative fences, which will serve as an additional decoration to the created landscape design on 6 acres. Alternatively, plant a hedge. As for its shape and height, here you can build on personal tastes and preferences. So, hedge can be 500 mm or full height person. Some replace the live fence with an imitation. For example, a chain-link mesh is installed. You can pull special strings. At its base, a climbing plant such as grapes or something else is planted.

Among other things, when planning landscape design on a summer cottage on 6 acres, it is better to avoid high saturation in plants. Greens and flowers are good, but the abundance of plants will create a cluttered effect. Perhaps, instead of abundant plants, plant a beautiful lawn and take care of it. And if there are plants, they should be ideally combined with lawn grass.

But what if you like floral ensembles and you dream of a lot of flowers? In this case, it is necessary to think over such compositions that will create the effect of lightness and space.

Another interesting technique is to create a major focus in the preparation of a landscape design project for a summer cottage of 6 acres. But you need to do it wisely. These accents should be catchy and large. Their goal is that the gaze, willy-nilly, rests on them. For example, these could be the following elements:

  • Alcove.
  • Water.
  • Flowerbed.
  • Openwork arches.
  • Liana plants.
  • Alpine hill and the like.

You can focus on these and other elements with the help of lighting. Spot diffused light on landscape design of 6 acres will also visually expand the space.


So, as we have seen, creating a landscape design for a summer cottage on 6 acres is not an easy task. It is necessary to pay special attention to the design, because it will turn out to achieve such a desired effect. This article also revealed the secrets of zoning and planning. And if you want to avoid isolation, then use the tips on how to visually expand the space on 6 acres.

We hope that this article was useful for you and you were able to get useful information for yourself regarding how to make a beautiful landscape design on a summer cottage of 6 acres. In addition, we offer you to view the prepared video material. If you have your own ideas on this issue or have already completed a similar project, you can share your experience at the end of this article. This will help beginners to make a beautiful and unique landscape design of the site on 6 acres.
