Photoshoot with a Christmas tree. Family New Year's photo shoot: interesting ideas and examples

New Year for each of us is a special holiday, which is associated with the fulfillment of desires, a lot of sweets, gifts, as well as unforgettable emotions. This day unites everyone: both adults and children, surrounds with magic and magic. On New Year's holidays, a miracle happens, in which we all, without exception, believe.
On the eve of the holidays, each family hurries to decorate the Christmas tree, cook delicious dinner, pick up gifts. Of course, the festive mood is best preserved in beautiful photographs. For this, a New Year's photo session with an experienced family photographer is best suited. Photos with the right light and a beautiful angle will emphasize the peculiarity of the event. New Year's photos filled with laughter, joy and magic can be placed in a family photo book, a beautiful photo frame or social networks.
Every New Year's photo session is interesting project with search individual solutions. You can organize a magical shooting for children, parents with children, couples expecting a baby, several generations (photo shoot with grandparents). Also, if you wish, you can take your pet with you so that the whole family is present in the photo.
A New Year's photo shoot is a creative process during which different sources lighting, props, backgrounds, scenery. You can also submit your ideas for shooting. New Year's photo session can be held in different halls and studios. All the nuances of photography are discussed in advance. That is why a new New Year's photo shoot is always different from the previous one.
Task New Year's photo session- show family personality, create a suitable mood and relaxed atmosphere so that each family member can open up. Therefore, in the photographs you can see a sparkle in the eyes, a reverent attitude towards each other, joy and a lot of natural emotions.

New Year's photo. From our childhood, we remember pictures in a carnival costume of a bunny or a snowflake against the backdrop of a Christmas tree from the kindergarten. Now such photos are also being taken. But this is absolutely not what is called a New Year's photo shoot. How to make the shooting turn into a holiday, and the result - cool photos - become the pride of your family photo album? After reading the article, you will learn all the secrets and features of organizing a New Year's photo shoot, as well as find ideas for creating your own family history. Let's get ready together!

Why do you need a family New Year's photo shoot?

How to prepare for a family New Year's photo session?

  • Decide who will be photographing. For you, a photo shoot is a pleasant festive occasion to get together with the whole family, and for a photographer, it is his daily work, so you need to find a congenial master. Choose according to the main criterion - the results of the work - beautiful photos. We read the reviews, looked at the photos, talked on the phone and liked everything - arrange a family New Year's photo shoot!
  • Choose a place for a New Year's photo session. There are many options: it can be your house, decorated for the holiday, and a snow-covered park with fir trees nearby, and photo studios, in which festive decorations are always created for the New Year.
  • Pick a day to shoot. Let it be Saturday or Sunday, when there is no need to run anywhere and rush. And appoint the first half of the day, when everyone is full of strength and energy. At home, everything is simple - they decorated the Christmas tree and you can invite a photographer to your place. With street shooting it is more difficult: you need snow, a little frost and sun. The combination of these three factors will give good pictures.
    With studios, the difficulty is different - before the New Year there is a hot time and everything can be busy. Let's reveal a secret - the days between New Year and Christmas are also good for a New Year's photo shoot with children - everyone is in a festive mood, and in the studios the influx has already subsided. So call now.

  • Take care of hair and makeup in advance. Sign up to the salon yourself and take care of the haircut for your loved ones. After that, the husband, children and you will look beautiful, stylish and well-groomed in the photo. By the way, this rule is valid for all photo shoots.
  • We proceed to the most important thing - to the images during the shooting. General rule there is one thing - since the photo session is family, then the style of clothing of the whole family should be the same. For a photo session lasting one hour, two images are enough. The first image is secular and festive. Choose for yourself elegant dress or a suit, for the husband - a festive shirt. For children, choose outfits similar to yours - then you will get cute photos of mom and dad's copies.
    Families dressed in the same tone look very nice (mother's dress matches the color of dad's shirt and children's outfits). The second image is homemade, denim. It can be plaid shirts and jeans, or maybe everyone will have plain T-shirts with New Year wishes or a family motto.
    Knitted things look cool - sweaters with New Year's symbols - deer, snowflakes. If you manage to get the same sweaters for all family members, generally cool photos will come out.

A family New Year's photo session is a great occasion to get together, show your love and tenderness, hug and fool around. And the result is kind and funny photos, let them please you long years.

Photos for the New Year 2015 you can get wonderful! The celebration, beloved and expected by many, will soon come. New Year is a wonderful time when you can gather in a warm family circle and have fun.

In addition, it is possible to capture joyful, unforgettable moments of life and fill them with photographs. family photo album. So, doing a photo shoot on New Year's Eve is a great idea and I would like to offer some interesting stories on this occasion.

Plots of the classical direction

Photo session "Celebration of the New Year with your family"

The best shots are spontaneous, when the family is busy preparing for the gala event. It can be table setting or home interior decoration.

You can do hanging holiday garlands or flags, get together in a noisy company, where there are children and invited friends. As a result of such pleasant pre-holiday troubles, you will have good mood, which will be reflected in the photographs.

In addition, you can also capture the moments when New Year's presents are presented to each other.

Of course, this will especially please the little participants in the celebration. It's a good idea to create some colorful gift wrapping, and when it's handed out, take a few photographs.

"Snowy" photo shoot

This idea is tempting, especially if snow falls during this period.

After all, then you can take wonderful photos as a keepsake!

The family album will be replenished with funny photos of family members who are sledding, making a snowman and just throwing snowballs.

For lovers extraordinary ideas There are also new offers for New Year's photo shoots.

Photo shoot with numbers

In this case, as an option, you can offer a photo with the presence of numbers representing the coming year. Such a photo will look very original.

It is most convenient to cut the numbers out of foam or colored cardboard. The created image can be “diluted” with a Santa Claus hat or funny horns. Those who do not want to use numbers can just take a glass of champagne.

New Year's Tangerines

For many, these fruits are directly related to the celebration of the New Year. Together with a decorated Christmas tree, they will become a real symbol of the celebration, they will also add brightness and variety to photographs.

Photo session "New Year's holiday near the Christmas tree"

This plot is completely win-win. The photo will reflect a magnificent picture - the whole family is located near the Christmas tree and a peaceful atmosphere reigns around. To ensure a special originality of the pictures, you need to choose clothes that would be in harmony among the family members, you can also wear Santa Claus hats.

Christmas tree decoration in the photo

Very impressive and touching are the shots in which the child, together with his parents, or grandparents, helps to decorate the Christmas tree.

Everyone considers the New Year one of the most significant holidays. The most fabulous and inspiring memories, wonderful emotions and feelings are associated with it. Also, this holiday makes it possible to feel the family warmth that any person needs.

From childhood, we are instilled with the expectation of miracles, magic, surprises. Would you like to arrange a real fairy tale for your child? A New Year's photo shoot will help this a lot. The child will be captured by this interesting fun game, and parents will have the opportunity to preserve his vivid emotions captured by a specialist photographer.

Family home photo session for the New Year

The atmosphere of New Year's photography for a baby is various holiday accessories, original outfits, laughter, smiles, fabulous feelings. Exist big number various ideas. An older child can already express his desires on his own. The nuances of the proposed photography should be discussed with the photographer in advance.
A festive photo shoot, taking place in a friendly family atmosphere, can bring people even closer. And it doesn't matter which place is chosen for the shooting - house, studio, street. The most important thing is that there is a wonderful opportunity to translate into reality the most fantastic ideas and wishes. Everything can be done to provide an atmosphere corresponding to the spirit of the most important celebration of the year.

On New Year's Eve, almost all photo studios involved in professional activity, create on filming platforms the most interesting and original interiors. And you should take advantage of this good opportunity. Just do not be surprised if later on the Internet you suddenly see a large number of photographs of these interiors.

Another option, also very interesting, is to create a photo shoot at home. It will be warm and comfortable here, and the furnishings will reflect the individual style of the family.

But if it turned out that you did not have time to organize a photo session for the New Year, then you should not be particularly upset - you still have a chance to carry it out during the Christmas holidays. Here you can choose the style yourself, using your own imagination. You can use the features of national traditions when celebrating Christmas, or just take a walk on a frosty evening, going to a quiet and cozy restaurant to relax and warm up.

And do not limit your own imagination, start from the desired number of shots and the volume of the entire photo shoot. As an option - a modest cozy shooting within a certain place. You can also change places, make a varied plot. Just keep in mind that such a photo session will tire the baby.

A little about the entourage and costumes. There are a number of common color combinations that can appropriately emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday. These are colors such as white, red, green, white with gold, white with a milky tint, soft pink, silver.

A New Year's holiday photo shoot for a child is always inspiring. After all, I want to do the best for the baby, so that he visits fairy tale and remember this long time. Great importance has a choice of a suitable photographer.

Maybe you can choose a children's Rooster costume for a child?

Interesting offers for a photo shoot for the New Year

As soon as the snow fell, it was time for holiday photo session! Photographers who are just starting their own activities have to solve the following problem - where and how to take a photo session?

I would like to suggest a few simple ideas that will make the photo session impressive.

The most entertaining are the photos taken in the photo studio. And it doesn’t matter who the participants in the photo shoot are - married couple, friends or children. The photographer needs to find a studio equipped with holiday accessories. There must be a dressed-up Christmas tree, but you can take Santa Claus's hat, costumes and tinsel with you.

If you, as a photographer, have to shoot a cheerful friendly company, romantic couple, guy, girl, then an informal atmosphere of fun is suitable here.

We need to prepare champagne and glasses. A red cap on the head plus a glass of wine are simple but quite appropriate accessories for a photo shoot.

In the process of filming, a glass of champagne can be exchanged for a red bag or for boxes where there were gifts. Someone can even dress up as Santa Claus.

Some ideas for a photo with the presence of a large company

You can capture a photo with glasses;

Fix the exchange of presents, joy and surprise on the faces;

Photograph friendly kisses;

- “models” lie on their stomach and take a photo at the level of their eyes;

- "models" lie on their backs in the "head to head" position and take a picture of the whole company from above;

Capture jumps up;

To fix the driving of a cheerful round dance around the Christmas tree ...

Family New Year photo

At family new year photo it is best to use postures and images of a more restrained nature. Naturally, children are the leading faces of the shooting. If the photo is shared, then the children should be planted between the parents. The photographer needs to focus on conveying the maximum of positive emotions and the feeling of love and warmth that reigns in the family. To do this, if necessary, change the dark background to a light one. A family photo will look great on a white background. If the photo is taken in the style of the New Year love story, then you need to use red and blue colors in the general background. For very young children, a small rug should be laid around the decorated Christmas tree and toys and gifts should be laid out. We need to focus on taking pictures where the kids play with toys against the background of a colorful Christmas tree, touch it. Most importantly, give them freedom and not ask to pose for the camera. During the shooting, parents should join the child's games. And at the end of the shooting, you can ask everyone to pay attention to posing in front of the camera. Then you get a standard general family photo, which must be present in any family photo album.

Personal photo can be created using a wide variety of ideas. You just need to fantasize a little.

For example, dress the “model” in a kind of Snow Maiden dress, a cheerful costume of Santa Claus, a gray bunny, or any desired fairy tale hero. Use, during the shooting, furniture, gifts, Christmas tree decorations, artificial snow. If it is not possible to find snow, then it is enough to cut a finely silvery rain and cover the floor with it.

Scenes, as well as body positions for single photography can be very diverse. For example, sit on a chair, lie on your back or stomach, hide behind a Christmas tree or boxes, throw artificial snow or silver rain into the air, hug a big plush toy etc.

In the evening, you can use the lights as a background, beautifully illuminated night city, or a bright city Christmas tree. During the day, it’s worth visiting a park or going outside the city for a change. Street items for New Year’s photography can be, again, gift boxes, tinsel, caps. Well, a snowman or a Christmas tree will be the best accessories for open sky. You can even dress up a live street tree, taking toys with you first. And such an entertaining process simply needs to be captured!

Photo shoots for girls for the New Year

Winter is just as romantic as autumn. Unprecedented beauty reigns around - the trees are "dressed" in snow "fur coats", the windows are decorated with intricate patterns. Such beauty is simply mesmerizing - you want to constantly admire and enjoy the wonderful view.

A photo shoot in winter is very exciting, especially when there is fresh snow. The photo comes out natural. Even those who do not feel free while shooting on camera will be able to completely liberate themselves by playing snowballs, skating or sledding.

On the street, you should choose the most deserted area, for example, go to the forest. There, branches covered with snow or hoarfrost will serve as a wonderful decoration. Such a moment should not be missed - it is necessary to capture a photo among the snow-covered fairy-tale trees.

Take the snow with your palms and blow - beautiful snowflakes will scatter in different directions, and you will look great among them!

By the way, when going to a winter photo shoot, you need to dress warmly, as this exciting activity can last a very long time. But, you can try to take a picture in the snow, dressed in a white sundress. You will get a wonderful photo of a charming Snow Maiden that you want to warm up!

Another option for winter shooting is to build a small fire and capture a photo near it. The combination of cold and warmth will create a great effect.

The decor for a winter photo shoot can also be skis, sleds, accessories such as bright mittens, hats, scarves.

Unleash your own imagination, "invite" the beauty of nature to participate with you, and you will have bright, impressive pictures that you will admire long time and then share these fabulous experiences with others!

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If you want to remember all the fun details of family holidays for many years to come, then the best assistant for you in this matter is a camera. To make beautiful photos, it is not necessary to have a familiar photographer at hand. Just think of a couple original templates and persuade everyone to pose a little.

website I picked up a few ideas that will make your holiday pictures bright and impressive.

We decorate the Christmas tree

You don't have to just take a photo in front of the Christmas tree. You can catch shots already when you just started dressing up your green beauty. Well, if it is already ready, then the photo can turn out more magical if you turn on the garland and turn off the light.

As from the picture

It would seem an ordinary frame, but with its appearance in the frame, the photo has a special, unusual atmosphere. A great attribute for original photos, which can also be supplemented with many nuances like New Year's stickers, tinsel and garlands.

Chic and shine

Who said that the purpose of the garland is to decorate the Christmas tree or hang on the window? She will do just fine to make you shine like never before.

Cook together

Joint cooking, especially with young children, is, of course, a double responsibility, but at the same time good opportunity get natural and entertaining pictures for memory.

New Year's masquerade

You can buy themed costumes, or you can come up with something similar from improvised things. Such a "carnival" will certainly dilute the collection of your photographs.

Sweet Kisses

Romance is not forbidden on this holiday. If you are celebrating the New Year with your loved ones alone or with friends, do not forget to take photos together. Years later, you will be very pleased to remember these romantic moments.

Long-awaited gifts

Gifts are one of the most important attributes of the New Year. Catching sincere happy emotions on the faces of the kids when they unpack the long-awaited toys is a pleasure squared.

Christmas ball

Maybe this option is more difficult, but the result is worth it. All happy family placed in Christmas tree toy, - there is something metaphorical in this idea.

snow games

Snowmen, snowballs, sleds - fool around and have fun until you drop, and let each of the family members make a few of their own. unique photos your snow fights.

Favorite pets

It seems that fluffy pranksters deserve to be on holiday photos. Yes, and photogenic they do not hold. Don't forget to take a couple of shots of your pets as they "help" decorate the tree or ride down the hill with you.

The New Year is rightfully considered the most domestic holiday that unites hearts. A joint New Year's photo shoot is a great occasion to remember your loved ones. Family photography will give a festive mood, create a long-awaited New Year's atmosphere, and leave a memory for many years to come. But if it is not difficult to decide on a photographer, a location, the choice of a common wardrobe and subject matter for photography becomes a serious problem for many. Properly selected clothes for a New Year's photo shoot for a family can emphasize individuality, a deep connection between its members, and will also allow you to replenish your family album with truly interesting, high-quality photographs.

Modern family sets have many different, unusual variations that play on the hobbies, character or cute features of each family. Also, New Year's ensembles can be distinguished by the same cut, color, identical material or original decor. So that the New Year's photo session leaves only pleasant memories, take care of the choice of clothes for each family member in advance. This will avoid many misunderstandings during the shooting process.

Remember that during a location photo session, the nature of the shooting may change several times, so prepare at least 2 changes of a variety of stylistically consistent clothing sets.

For men

The choice of clothes for a man for a family photo shoot can vary significantly, depending on his status:

  • clothes for the head of the family. A warm sweater, polo shirt, plain or themed T-shirt will do. It is advisable to choose trousers in light shades, it is permissible to wear well-fitting jeans. If the family is chosen classic style, then dad will suit a casual suit, a pastel-colored shirt;
  • clothing for a young man or a young spouse. A couple who does not yet have children may opt for a more informal style of clothing. It is allowed to pick up a bright shirt, bow tie, jumper, chinos or slacks.

For women

Festive sets for the beautiful half of humanity are distinguished by great variety and freedom of choice:

  • clothes for mom - for New Year's, cozy photography, the mother of the family can choose both a voluminous knitted jacket and a knitted dress, a short pullover, a T-shirt, light trousers, jeans, a funny hat or a beret. Home boots or colored knee-highs look good. Don't miss out on the beautiful evening dress- flying silhouettes with small sleeves and a minimum of decoration look especially impressive;
  • clothes for a grandmother - at a venerable age, elegant loose-fitting dresses, trousers, warm sweaters, ponchos and midi skirts are suitable for a woman;
  • clothing for a young wife or young girl. In addition to traditional jumpers, shirts and jeans, young women can opt for cocktail or flowy evening dresses. If a family photo session without children is expected, the option of delicate airy negligees and silk underwear for shooting a “love story” is possible.

For kids

Children's clothing should please not only parents, but also small models. In beautiful and favorite costumes, children feel more comfortable and enjoy posing in front of the camera:

  • clothes for girls - you can not do without knitted colored things, cozy blouses, shoes. Embroidered felt boots, hats and mittens look very nice. A girl who dreams of the image of a princess can pick up a beautiful and elegant dress;
  • clothes for boys - the boy will be delighted with the original suit, bow tie or trousers and sweater, like dad;
  • clothes for babies - for the smallest photo models, prepare funny New Year's caps, bonnets and headbands, any cute children's clothes, soft blankets and blankets, and it's also a good idea to choose cute jumpsuits in the form of different animals.

family look

Family look is general style, a single image, when the outfits and accessories of all family members, young and old, are united by one idea, which creates an ideal, harmonious ensemble. The same, thematically seasoned clothes for a New Year's photo shoot for the whole family will show that you are one. A win-win type of New Year's family look is the choice of sweaters that are similar in color, texture or pattern. For a more economical option, it is permissible to use individual elements: identical scarves, caps or mittens. Also for New Year's photography in home style the same pajamas, bathrobes or democratic T-shirts with characteristic inscriptions will do.

Ideas for a thematic photo shoot

Do not think that New Year's photography is limited only to the traditional symbols of the holiday. A festive family photo session may differ in the bright color of the plot. Fresh, win-win ideas for a family Christmas photo shoot might include:

  • street locations with forest paths, winter garden, horseback riding, ice skating - if the weather allows for such a photo session, in choosing clothes it is best to stop at bright down jackets, ski suits, mittens, long scarves, warm hats with pompons;
  • country or country house, gatherings by the fireplace with pets - traditional knitted sweaters and scarves, jeans, warm colorful socks and leggings, as well as cozy blankets and envelopes for the smallest participants in the photo shoot will come in handy here. If pets are planned to participate, you can prepare in advance for your beloved dog or cat a mini-copy in the general style, for example, a cap or bow tie, like the whole family;
  • photography of a young family, love story or photo “Waiting for a miracle” - it is permissible to use not only home clothes, but also evening romantic dresses, flowing dresses, thin lace peignoirs;
  • costumed New Year's photo shoots, a masquerade ball - for atmospheric New Year's photography in the studio, the costumes of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden will come in handy, snow queen, outfits of elves and snowflakes for kids, a variety of half masks, caps, festive clothes, and Christmas tree decorations and tinsel are used as decoration.

Features of outfits, taking into account the location of the photo shoot

New Year's photography is of great importance in choosing family sets:

  • for street photos, prepare warm clothes and shoes, put on thermal underwear. As winter clothes often monotonous, dim, and the winter background is monotonous, take care of color accents: scarves, hats, scarves and gloves, bright, cheerful colors. Sets should be comfortable, not restrict movement;
  • if the New Year's photo shoot takes place in the studio, be sure to take change of shoes for all family members. Do not take clothes that are too overloaded with details. Try not to be too boring business style, dark clothes, formal suits, even if they are actively used in Everyday life. A New Year's photo shoot should symbolize joy, a festive mood.

If you plan to install a decoration depicting a winter street or courtyard in the studio, take with you not only scarves and hats, but also clean boots or light felt boots. Since shoes and socks on impromptu snow look rather out of place.


A photo
