When to stop watering onions before harvesting. How to properly and often water onions in the open field, when to stop watering

It only seems at first that growing onions is a simple matter that does not require special knowledge: stick the onion into the ground and water it, that's all. But in practice, it turns out that various top dressings are required, the choice of which depends on the purpose of growing onions - to obtain green feathers or large and juicy turnips. For those decided to land on personal plot onions, tips and recipes for top dressing, proven in practice, will come in handy.

For growing onions, loamy soils with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction are preferred. acidic soils also suitable for growing bulbous plants, but the yield will not differ high rates. That's why great importance given to the preparation of the soil, the illumination of the place for planting and the choice of planting material.

To avoid the appearance of arrows, the day before planting, the seedlings need to be warmed up, for example, near the battery

If sevok will be used for growing onions, it is recommended to choose an arbazheyka of the first group with a diameter of onions from 8 mm to 1.5 cm, and the second group, in which the bulbs are slightly larger - their diameter is 1.5–2.2 cm.

Arbazheyka is called an onion set weighing 2–5 g, which is obtained in the first year after sowing nigella - small black onion seeds.

Sweet onion of the Exhibition variety can reach 900 g and, when cut, does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye

When purchasing seeds for planting, you should pay attention to their expiration date: if the seeds are stale, it is likely that they will not sprout. It is also necessary to choose the right onion variety suitable for growing in the local climate. If you do not follow this rule and put in southern region a variety adapted for the northern regions, then the plant will constantly increase its leaf mass, and the size of the bulbs will remain underdeveloped. When planting an onion variety zoned for the north of the country, the formation of bulbs will occur faster, and the growing season will be reduced, which will eventually also lead to a halt in their growth.

Effect of plant spacing on bulb size

Bulb size is also affected by the distance between plants. To obtain a large underground part, planting material must be placed at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other, and the row spacing must be at least 25 cm. Subject to these conditions, as well as weekly loosening, weeding the soil and ensuring regular watering with soil moisture to a depth of up to 30 cm (at least 1 time per week), the bulbs will develop faster and increase their mass.

To build up a large mass of bulbs between planting material a distance of at least 10 cm must be maintained

Unlike other garden crops, onions do not require hilling, as it inhibits the ripening of the bulbs.

To bulbous plants gave a good increase, you need to take into account the rules of dressing.

  • First, try not to use fresh manure. Many types of onions simply cannot tolerate it and begin to hurt, resulting in reduced yields.
  • Secondly, when using dressings, do not allow them to get on the onion greens.
  • Thirdly, observe the dosage of organic fertilizers, otherwise an increased growth of the aerial part will begin, and the bulbs will remain small.
  • Fourthly, after each top dressing, you need to water the plantings and loosen the ground, so fertilizers are better and faster absorbed into the soil.
  • Fifth, stop fertilizing and watering 3 weeks before harvesting, otherwise the onion will ripen for a long time and deteriorate faster in the future.

Even fertile soil depleted over time, so the use of fertilizers is a mandatory onion care item

The optimal time of day for top dressing is evening, and the ideal weather is dry and calm.

Fertilizers for spring onions per head

If used as a feed yeast nutrition, then a large underground part will grow at the onion. For the preparation of such a fertilizer, it is allowed to use both dry and raw yeast, which must be dissolved only in warm water.

  1. First you need to dissolve the yeast: 10 g granular in 10 liters of water, or 100 g raw in 5 liters.
  2. Add to the resulting solution 2 tbsp. crushed and sifted ash, as well as 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  3. Leave the fertilizer for 1 hour to infuse.
  4. Use top dressing for watering under the root of the plant.

Thanks to yeast top dressing, the soil is saturated with nitrogen and oxygen, and the work of yeast fungi improves soil structure by displacing pathogenic flora. The effect of the impact of yeast top dressing is especially noticeable on soil poor in humus and on depleted land.

Top dressing for onions in June

In June, onions need fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. A lack of potassium manifests itself in the form of yellowed leaves, and with a deficiency of phosphorus, the tops of the bulbs begin to dry. When using such dressings, bulbous turnips are formed, their ripening is accelerated and the quality is improved - they increase in size and become denser, due to which they are better stored.

Recipes for potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which are enough to feed 2 square meters. m of onion plantings:

  • A solution of nitrophoska, for which you need 2 tbsp. l. top dressing for 10 liters of water.
  • 1 st. l ammonium nitrate and salt dissolve in 10 liters of water and add 10 g of 1% iodine.
  • Herbal tincture - pack a bucket of water by 30% with green weeds or nettles, pour 3 liters of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. yeast and leave to infuse for 3 days. Dilute the resulting concentrate with 9 liters of water.

A large bulb is formed when using potassium-phosphorus fertilizers

To accelerate the growth of onions, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are also applied to the soil. Can be used as a fertilizer ammonia: for 1 bucket of water, with a volume of 10 liters, you will need only 3 tbsp. l. ammonia. For 1 sq. m of onion plantings, 1-2 liters of the resulting solution is enough.

A good effect is observed when using organic fertilizers: in 10 liters of water you need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. urea and add 1 tbsp. mullein or chicken manure. It's even easier to make another one. organic feeding- dissolve 1 tbsp. manure in 10 liters of water. For 1 sq. m of the plot on which onions are grown, you will need 3 liters of fertilizer.

When fertilizing, it is important to observe the dosage: if it is exceeded, the growth of green mass will increase, and the onion head will remain underdeveloped. And the lack of nitrogen in the soil can be determined visually - onion feathers will be underdeveloped and pale.

Fertilizers for onions

To get an excellent harvest of onions, you will need to carry out at least three top dressings during the growing season.

  • The first feeding is carried out 12 days after planting. As a rule, this happens after the feather reaches a length of 10–15 cm. In 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp should be diluted. l. complex top dressing "Vegeta" or "Ideal", and add 1 tbsp. l. urea. This amount is enough for landings occupying 5 square meters. m. of land. Another feeding recipe that is easy to prepare with your own hands: in 1 ten-liter bucket of water, you need to dissolve 20 g of potassium chloride, 40 g of superphosphate and 30 g of ammonium nitrate.
  • The second - after 26 days have passed after planting the bulbs in open ground. For 1 sq. m of beds occupied by onions, you will need 4-5 liters of fertilizer for onions or garlic. good recommendations among gardeners deserved "Agricola No. 2", which is also suitable for the second top dressing.
  • The third top dressing should be carried out after the formation of bulbs with a diameter of about 4 cm. In this case, you can use a complex mineral fertilizer, for example, Effekton-O. For 10 liters of water you will need 2 tbsp. l. "Effekton-O" and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Instead of a complex mineral fertilizer, you can prepare another nutrient solution: dissolve 30 g of potassium salt and 60 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is enough for 2 square meters. m landings.

"Agricola No. 2" is a special harmless fertilizer that improves the taste and yield of onions

Immediately before top dressing, the ground must be moistened, and then the aisles should be loosened with a flat cutter.. After loosening, top dressing is better absorbed into the soil and will not spread. Liquid fertilizers are more convenient to spill into the aisles with a watering can.

When fertilizing, weather conditions must be taken into account: if the weather is rainy, then superphosphate with potassium salt is applied without dissolving in water. Dry fertilizers should be applied to the soil to a depth of 6-9 cm, at a distance of 8 cm from the bulbs themselves.

For root dressing of onions, this solution is perfect: in 10 liters of cold water you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. ammonium nitrate, salt, and then add a few crystals of potassium permanganate until a solution of a moderate pink color is obtained. You can water the onions with the resulting fertilizer abundantly, but carefully so as not to burn the aerial part. After 3-4 days, you need to shed the plantings cold water. This fertilizer will have a double effect: in addition to the formation of large bulbs, it will scare away the onion fly and protect against diseases.

Folk remedies for better bulb growth

Adherents of organic fertilizers can use slurry: for 1 bucket of 10 liters you will need 1 tbsp. manure. This top dressing should be applied during the first top dressing of onion plantations.

For the second top dressing, which directly affects the size of the bulbs, you can use herbal slurry: the weeds growing in the summer cottage will benefit - they need to be filled with water, and oppression, for example, stones or bricks, should be placed on top. After three days, the nutrient liquid is ready for use.

Herbal slurry - effective remedy for the growth of bulbs, which is prepared from weeds growing at their summer cottage

Ordinary ash is useful as a third top dressing: 250 g of the substance must be poured into 10 liters of boiling water, and left to infuse for four days.

The use of organic fertilizers is a harmless and proven method used for bulb growth.

Difficulty finding a vegetable garden country cottage area, on which they would not organize watering onions, because all vegetables require moisture when they grow and ripen. AT different periods Vegetables need different amounts of water to grow. Therefore, how to water the onions, and even the first time after planting, is not an idle question at all.

Usually, all vegetables are watered after planting, some more, others less. Some farmers also suggest planting onions in very moist soil or watering well as soon as they are planted. They explain this by the fact that small roots must find nutrients, and without water this is impossible. Others say that the onion does not need much moisture, as it comes from the arid climate of Central Asia.

In the homeland of wild onions, it receives moisture in the spring, manages to grow a few leaves, and then a dry hot summer comes - the onion falls into a dormant state until the winter rains. So our varietal onion grows intensively, receiving moisture, and with its lack, it slows down growth and can fall asleep, that is, stop growing a turnip and form leaves. So watering, of course, is necessary. The intensity of irrigation and the amount of water depend on the climate, the amount of rain, the time and method of planting. There are different approaches to this issue in the case of sowing seeds and planting sevka, when planting in spring and before winter. Each case requires its own amount of water and method of watering after planting.

How many times to water

Onions definitely need moisture to grow and ripen. Otherwise, where will the turnip get its mass and juiciness from? But everything should be within reasonable limits. If the site is in the area high humidity, better to do high bed with good drainage so that water does not stagnate. Otherwise, the owner risks getting rotten onions with the whole set of fungal diseases. If the rains a rarity, and the onion does not threaten to be in the middle of a puddle, the bed can be on a flat area, not higher than other vegetables.

At early landing before winter, when they plan to get several fresh green leaves before frost, after placing the seedlings in the soil, the bed is watered abundantly. Since the onion has to grow, it can be moistened a few more times if necessary. It is easy to check by simply touching the ground with your hand to the depth of your palm, the main thing is simply to prevent drying out. When sevok is planted in the ground just before the frost, it should not grow until spring, on the contrary, it should be at rest. This means that they plant it in specially unmoistened soil, after which they do not water it. It doesn't matter if it rains - that's why it's autumn, but special watering is not needed.

At spring planting or sowing, you must immediately allow the plant to take root and begin to grow, so watering is needed. But here it is important not to overdo it. In the spring, not only onions grow - bacteria are activated that can cause various diseases, pests that carry them. It is enough to water 1 or 2 times a week (if there is no rain), it will take approximately 10 liters of water per 1 m2. This is the first time after planting, then the amount of water is slightly reduced. Such a watering calendar is quite suitable even for summer residents of the “weekend”, moderate watering on Fridays and Sundays is quite enough.

Features of proper watering

It is believed that for the first 2 months the onion is actively growing, releasing feathers, increasing the mass of the turnip - accordingly, it needs watering. And stop watering when the turnip has gained the desired mass (in accordance with the capabilities of the variety). After that, the onion prepares for a dormant period - it stops growing, the leaves begin to fall, the neck stretches, dries up. Here, watering can only do harm.

Watering onions is recommended only warm water- cold can bring more harm than good. Useful if you use water that has been previously collected in metal barrel and during the day it not only settled, but also warmed up well in the sun. Onions should be watered carefully so that water does not get inside the leaves (in the neck), as well as on the turnip itself - this can pose a threat of decay. But if the kuschevka or any other onion is grown for the sake of feathers, the roots sit deep in the ground, then you can pour it from above from a watering can, moisture will not damage the leaves either.

It is usually said that onions are watered as needed. How can this need be determined? It is necessary to check the earth (just with your hand) and not let it dry out, but do not turn it into a swamp. The lack of water will immediately affect the leaves - they will become flatter, turn white, the tips will begin to dry. An excess will make the leaves light green, watery.

Video "All about watering onions"

In this video you can hear all the details and a lot of tips about watering onions.

What to water?

Irrigation with a hose causes fear - a strong jet can expose the bulbs, which means making them vulnerable. Soil erosion should not be allowed. A strong jet from a hose, even with a sprinkler, can damage crops: wash the seeds, which is also unacceptable. Onions grown on a feather, especially in small quantities, can be watered from an ordinary garden watering can. But if we are interested in a turnip, it is better to water it in the aisle. When a little onion grows in the country, the owner waters it manually, you can water it with a hose with very little pressure, first you need to make a groove between the rows and carefully pour water into it. On the large beds, with large volumes of onions, this will be difficult to do - it will take a very long time.

Irrigation of vegetable crops is one of the critical processes when growing any crop. The lack of water in the soil, as well as its excess, can lead to shedding of flowers and ovaries, delayed fruiting, deterioration in the quality and keeping quality of vegetables. How to water vegetables correctly? When to water and how much water is enough for the plant? The answers to these questions depend on the specific vegetable crop, as well as on weather conditions and the life span of the plant.

Watering tomatoes

Water rates in different periods of tomato development

Before planting tomato seedlings on permanent place from 0.5 to 1 liter of warm water is poured into the planting holes, depending on the size of the plants to be planted. Due to the deep moistening of the soil during the rooting of seedlings, the tomato root system develops better in depth in search of moisture.

After planting, watering the tomatoes is stopped for 7-10 days. Then the tomatoes are watered once a week at the rate of 20-30 liters of water per square meter.During the laying of flower brushes and flowering, watering of tomatoes should be reduced, otherwise there will be an excessive growth of green mass and a delay in fruiting. The water consumption rate is 1-2 liters per plant. When fruits begin to set on the tomatoes, it is recommended to increase watering again to 3-5 liters per bush, since a lack of moisture during this period can lead to shedding of the ovary. During the ripening period of tomatoes, water the plants should be drastically reduced or stopped altogether, because with increased humidity during the ripening of the fetus, it is less resistant to fungal infections, it can crack or rot.

How to properly water tomatoes

Tomato bushes do not like high humidity (at a humidity above 80%, pollen sticks together and pollination does not occur), so it is preferable to irrigate under the root, along the grooves. Water should not fall on the stems and leaves of plants. In the greenhouse, tomatoes should be watered early in the morning until noon. If additional watering is required on a hot day, it must be carried out no later than 17 hours, so that the greenhouse has time to properly ventilate.

Water temperature for watering tomatoes

Tomatoes are preferably watered with warm settled water, cold water harmful for them, water colder than 12 ° C should not be watered in any case. In hot weather, tomatoes are watered with water at temperatures from 18 to 22 ° C, and on cool cloudy days, especially after cold nights, with warmer water (25-30 ° C).

Optimum watering depth for tomatoes

During the period of active growth and flowering and the first fruit setting, it is advisable to soak the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm, during mass fruiting - to 25-30 cm.

Watering cucumbers

The rate of water consumption in different periods of the life of cucumbers

To stimulate the plant to set fruits, cucumbers are watered moderately before flowering - 3-4 liters of water per square meter every 5-7 days. During flowering and fruiting, watering should become more abundant and more frequent - 6-12 liters per square meter every 2 -3 days.

When to Water Cucumbers

In the initial period of growth of cucumber lashes, watering is recommended in the morning until 10 o'clock, during flowering and mass fruiting, watering is transferred to the evening.

Water temperature for watering cucumbers

Irrigation water should be warm - 23-25 ​​°C. If the weather is cool without rain, cucumbers should be watered. hot water, heated to 55 ° C, while it is important to pour water strictly under the bush, preventing water from getting on the leaves.

How to properly water cucumbers

Cucumbers are best watered from a watering can directly into the holes. Watering with a strong jet from a hose should not be done - the soil under the plants is quickly eroded, exposed, and then small suction roots die off. The drip irrigation system works great on a cucumber bed using plastic bottles: holes are made in two-liter bottles with a hot nail, then they are buried in the bed with the neck down. Now you just need to make sure that there is always water in the bottle.

The dependence of the frequency of watering cucumbers on weather conditions

In a hot, dry summer without rain, cucumbers can be watered every day early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. powdery mildew or various rots.

Watering peppers

How to properly water peppers

Peppers have a shallow root system so they need a lot of moisture. Watering pepper in the greenhouse is carried out in the morning. It is better to pour water from a watering can directly under a bush, moistening the ground by 10-15 cm. In a hot, dry summer, peppers are watered every day so as to keep the soil under the plants moist, but not flooded. fruiting period - twice a week.

Water temperature for watering peppers

Irrigation water for peppers should always be warm, around 25 ° C. It is undesirable to water peppers with cold water - the bushes stop growing, and the timing of flowering and fruiting is delayed.

Watering carrots (beets, radishes, celery root, daikon)

The main rule when watering root crops is the regularity and abundance of watering. At the beginning of growth, carrots are watered once every two weeks, in the second half of the season, during the formation of root crops, the frequency of watering can be increased up to once a week, and in dry summers - up to 2-3 times. can crack. The depth of watering carrots and other root crops is 30-35 cm, if the soil does not get wet to such a depth, the growth of lateral roots begins in carrots, it becomes shorter, it can bifurcate. One to two weeks before harvesting carrots, watering is stopped altogether.

On the night before harvesting, carrots can be watered - so it will retain juiciness longer. Radish with low soil moisture coarsens and quickly goes to the arrow, so it is watered every other day. Root celery requires constantly moist soil, otherwise it does not form root crops. It is watered every 2-3 days, on hot days - every day.

Watering onions

A large number of onions require moisture only in the initial period of growth, especially in the first two weeks after sowing and the first month after germination. At this time, the onion's root system and feather are intensively formed. In May and June, onions should be watered once a week, spending 5-10 liters of water per square meter of plantings.

In early July, they are watered once every two weeks, and in the second half of July, when the bulb begins to form, watering is stopped completely. If it is a rainy summer, the onion should generally be left without additional watering. .Onions grown for seeds experience the greatest need for moisture during flowering. Lack of moisture at this time leads to a decrease in seed yield. With a lack of moisture, the color of the onion feather becomes bluish-white, its tip is bent. With an excess of moisture, the feather acquires a pale green tint.

Watering potatoes

The rate of water consumption when irrigating potatoes

After planting and before germination, potatoes do not need to be watered - an excess of moisture does not allow the root system of the plant to develop. when the tubers are tied, the potatoes especially need watering. One abundant watering during flowering is enough to increase the yield of potatoes by 20-30%. The rate of water consumption per bush during this period is 3-5 liters.

When to Water Potatoes

In June, if the weather is hot, it is recommended to water the potatoes late in the evening. In the second half of summer, potato beds can be watered both in the evening and in the early morning with warm water settled in barrels. With the onset of September, watering potatoes does not make sense. Completely stop watering 5-7 days before harvesting the tubers.

Potato watering depth

The soil under the potato bush should be soaked to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Watering cabbage

After planting cabbage seedlings, it is watered every 2-3 days at the rate of 8 liters of water per square meter. During this period, soil moisture of 70-75% ensures the development of a powerful root system. In the future, in the absence of rain, cabbage is recommended to be watered twice a week by sprinkling, that is, directly from above along the head.

Water consumption is 10-12 liters per square meter of plantings. Early cabbage needs intensive watering in June, late - at the end of July and in August at the stage of head formation. Water temperature for watering cabbage should be 20 ° C.

The best time for watering cabbage is morning or evening. For 2-3 weeks before cutting heads, watering cabbage is stopped. In rainy years, cabbage should not be watered. We wish you success and excellent harvests!

Watering vegetables, three basic watering conditions

At proper watering three basic conditions: timeliness, regularity, norm. How should they be applied to different vegetables in the summer?

Watering cucumbers from above or into the furrow

cucumber roots weak and located in the surface layer of the soil, which quickly dries out. In addition, plants have large leaves, they evaporate a lot of water. Therefore, cucumbers are often watered by sprinkling.

However, so that the roots go deeper into the soil, plants before the appearance of buds can not be watered at all if there is at least a little rain. When they are not, they do it once a week. With the beginning of flowering, watering in sunny weather is carried out after 3-4 days to 17 hours.

And in the heat - every other day. If the nights are cold - in the morning. The dose for adult vines with fruits is 20-30 liters per 1 m2.

Sprinkling is abandoned when spots appear on the leaves - a symptom of infection. Affected cucumbers under the root are not watered. Water is poured into shallow grooves around plants or along a row. Watering is stopped as soon as the water in the furrow ceases to be absorbed.

Porous hoses can be used for this.

Watering tomatoes under the root

No need for tomatoes high humidity air. Therefore, careful watering under the root is used, and not sprinkling, although it is possible in extreme heat (35-40 °). Tomatoes are watered in the first half of the day: at the beginning of flowering - once a week, then - once every 10-12 days.

Cancel water procedures in cold or wet weather. But when they do, they are plentiful: they spend 30 liters per 1 m2.

The principle of watering peppers and eggplants

Principles of watering peppers and eggplants like tomatoes: under the root or along the furrows after 7-10 days and moderately. Difference in the number of irrigations per season. 8-9 times is enough for tomatoes, 10-12 times for peppers and eggplants.

And the norm for the latter is "tomato", from 15 to 30 liters, which depends on the weather.

Irrigation is carried out either in the morning or in the evening, at sunset, and if there is a long drought - at night. At temperatures below 15 ° C, the bushes are not watered at all to prevent the appearance of gray rot.

How often to water cabbage

Cabbage loves to drink more than other vegetables. She needs a lot of water to pour a juicy head of cabbage. Therefore, when it is formed, the irrigation rate per 1 m2 is from 30 liters, but can reach 50.

In dry and hot weather, watering is carried out by sprinkling - in the morning or in the evening. Daily ablutions can provoke not only burns, but also mucous bacteriosis. When it gets cold, water is poured under the root. Early varieties less often - once every 2-3 days, and later - every day.

Stop watering late cabbage 2-3 weeks before harvesting.

The rate of watering carrots after sowing

Immediately after planting carrots and before the first shoots, soil moisture should be high. To prevent the water from evaporating, it makes sense to cover the bed plastic wrap until germination, and then remove it. Watered from a watering can through a strainer.

In moderate weather - after 10 days, the norm is 30 liters per 1 mg. The most recent watering is carried out 3 weeks before harvesting.

Beets and parsley watering 5 times per season

Beets and parsley frequent watering not needed. For the season, 4-5 times is enough at the same rate as for carrots. But in the heat, of course, they water more often, otherwise the plants will wither, or even simply “burn out”.

Water early in the morning or late in the evening in grooves or with a hose throughout the garden. If watered during the day, a dense crust quickly forms on the soil surface.

We water radishes a little, but often

Fast growing radishes are watered in open field from 16 to 17 hours. On light soils, this is done every other day, on medium soils - after 2 days, on heavy soils - after 3, and in small doses, 10-15 liters of water per 1 mg. As soon as the soil dries out slightly, it is loosened with a rake with short teeth.

Onions and garlic watering dictate the roots

Compact shallow root system in different time onion and garlic growth dictates certain doses of watering. When leaves are intensively formed and roots grow, water needs 30 liters per 1 m2, when bulbs are poured - 30-35 liters. These doses are watered along the grooves once a week.

If the summer is rainy, it is better not to water the beds at all; in dry and hot weather, this is done after 5-6 days. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped so that the bulbs and heads are better stored. In addition, excess moisture at this time delays their maturation.

Watering potatoes with and without mulching

It is better to water the potatoes in the grooves. When the soil dries out a little, it is loosened from above and sprinkled with peat, sawdust or humus. In this case, you can water 1-2 times a month, and without mulching - once a week.

Consumption 20-30 liters per 1 m2. About 1-2 weeks before harvesting, watering is stopped so that the tubers remain dry and clean.

How much to water pumpkins and zucchini

Pumpkins and zucchini are watered a lot, and carefully under the roots by no means exposing them. The time is chosen in the morning or in the evening, since during the day in sunny weather large drops can linger on wide leaves, which can turn into lenses. Rays pass through them and leave burns.

Pumpkins are watered before the first hilling 1-2 times, spending 7-8 liters per plant. Then for 25 days they do not water at all, and when the fruits begin to pour, dosed irrigation is resumed. Irrigation frequency - once every 10 days, consumption - 10 liters per plant.

A month before harvesting, pumpkins should be protected from water so that they gain more sugars. adult zucchini watered once a month gently under the root. Norm - 20 liters per bush. Under vegetables, as a rule, the soil should not dry out.

If drought and waterlogging alternate, this leads to cracking of cabbage heads, root crops of carrots, beets, celery, radishes and tomato fruits. In addition, the core grows in carrots. But there are exceptions.

Onions, garlic, melons and gourds are like camels, they drink their fill at first, but at the end of their life they do not need water. Return to the table of contents - Gardening

How to care for onions and how to feed them

Working in the garden gives many people incomparable pleasure. But it, like many years ago, is very laborious, requires a constant return of strength and energy.

Therefore, every gardener wants to see a worthy reward for his labors in the form of a big harvest in the fall. You can carefully look after your beds, water them regularly, protect them from pests and diseases, and not get the desired harvest, because one of the necessary agricultural practices has fallen out of a list of your gardening jobs. This refers to plant nutrition, which is simply necessary.

Therefore, many people have a question - how to feed onions in the spring? A lot can grow in the garden onion plants. In spring, one of the first to raise its bright green feathers above the ground bow-batun, the very one whose stems we cut with such pleasure into a spring salad.

It should be noted that this onion is quite unpretentious, and does not need any additional feeding. By the way, if you grow onions because of their usefulness, you need to know that the radish contains no fewer vitamins. You can learn about growing radishes in this article.

She is not whimsical, so if you know a few rules, good harvest you are provided with this root crop. The only thing to consider is that when we plant a batun for the first time in a garden bed, the soil in it must be completely filled with mineral or organic fertilizers. Then his green feathers will grow without any problems, delighting us with vitamins all summer long.

The same can be said about onion sets - it grows well in a pre-fertilized bed, without needing additional dressings. This is not at all the case with turnip, for its normal development, timely top dressing is necessary. This bow is very responsive to mineral fertilizers and absorbs them with great pleasure and speed, depleting and impoverishing the soil.

How to care for onions

The soil for the onion bed is prepared in the fall, it is fertilized with compost (humus), per sq.m. beds goes 10 kg of compost (humus). If the soil is depleted, you can fill it and mineral fertilizers, after making full complex the area is being dug up.

The spring digging of the site is not as deep as in the fall, after digging, nitrogen fertilizers are applied at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water. Before fertilizing, weak, diseased plants must be removed. During this period, the onion is in need of nitrogen, phosphorus. In order for the onion to grow normally, after the appearance of the first 5-6 leaves, we carry out phosphorus and potassium top dressing.

How to feed onions

Dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium. An aqueous solution with fertilizers will be useful in dry weather, if the weather is humid, dry fertilizers are scattered between the rows, shallowly embedding them in the soil. Top dressing should be carried out slowly so that there is as much benefit from it as possible, water it under the plant, on a quiet evening .

If the weather is very dry, watering with ordinary water is carried out before feeding. Some gardeners, not knowing how to feed onions, carry out feeding fresh manure what not to do, as manure decomposes slowly and on initial stage growth, the plant will not receive the nitrogen it needs. But by the middle of summer, there will be too much nitrogen from the decomposition of manure, a powerful gray feather will stand on the garden bed, and food will not be supplied to the bulbs, all because of the same excess of nitrogen. They ripen late and store poorly.

How to grow a good large onion. We observe the plant itself.

First, let's talk about how to water onions. Onions need regular watering from planting until early July, then watering should be stopped, but do not forget to loosen the soil between the rows.

An onion feather may not lie down for a long time and remain green, you do not need to wring it or roll it, an infection is introduced into the broken leaves, which will not allow the onion to be well preserved. The growth of the feather, and its lodging is stopped in a different way - by limiting the access of moisture to the leaves. When growing a turnip, you cannot cut its feather, this will not allow you to get a good bulb. How to feed onions if the tips of their feathers turn white? There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • The acidic composition of the soil, it is urgent to help it. 3 tbsp calcium nitrate is diluted in 10 liters of water, 1/2 cup of the solution should be poured under the plant. You can use lime if there is no saltpeter - dilute one glass per 10 liters of water or make a solution of ash (pour 2 cups of ash with boiling water, pouring them into a bucket of water).
  • If only the tips of the onion feather turn white, you need to know that the reason here lies in the lack of copper, very often this happens on peat soils. Water the soil under the bulbs with a solution of homa (copper oxychloride). One tsp the drug must be dissolved in 5 liters of water to get a 1% solution. You can successfully pour onions and Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol and oxychoma.
  • The reason may be a lack of potassium, the leaves not only have white tips, but also a deformed, twisted leaf. We urgently help the onion with the help of potash top dressing. 3 art. l. dissolve any potash fertilizer in 10 liters of water, pour 1 glass of top dressing per plant.
  • If the cause of white leaves is an early frost, the plant can be helped by feeding with potassium, calcium nitrate (proportions of 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

Now that we know how to dwarf onions and have already done all the necessary feeding, we will wait for a good harvest. You probably know that with the help of onions you can make any dish richer and healthier. For example, onions are used when cooking crayfish or in dishes with buckwheat.

Onion storage conditions

Onion harvesting is carried out on a sunny, dry morning, they are allowed to lie down in their own garden for several hours, they are transferred to dry room to dry. The room must be well ventilated.

After the onion dries, cut off its roots, without touching the bottom, remove the excess husk. If you are weaving an onion braid, then you need to hang it and store it in a dry place.

You can also cut the greens by putting the onion in fabric bags and hanging it. It is necessary to provide the onion with the necessary temperature for storage, not lower than +20 C, if it is an apartment. The storage should be + 4 C. In case of non-compliance temperature regime(+12, +18 C), the onion will release flower arrows, and the whole will go up. How to remove the onion in bad weather - it is immediately cleaned of feathers, husks and stored in a dry room in one row.

After 2-3 weeks, the bulbs will acquire new golden-colored shirts, they are very thin, consist of one layer. Such an onion is perfectly stored in cardboard box, it is dry, clean, has no extra husk. We immediately reject the bulbs with an open neck, putting them on food or blanks.

The leftover bow will keep well. This technique can be used always, not only in inclement weather.

The rules of agricultural technology, developed on the basis of practical experience, contain recommendations on how to water onions in the open field. When all the requirements for growing onions are met, it is possible to get the maximum possible yield, which will be well stored until spring. Violation of the rules of watering leads to a decrease in yield by 20%.

Why water onions

Watering onions in open ground at the beginning growing season allows the plant to quickly build up the root system and green mass. Feather accumulates nutrients in the lower part, which is constantly thickening. Due to this, the growth of the bulb occurs. The longer the feather grows, and does not lie down on the ground, the larger the underground part will be.

The onion root system begins to die with a lack of oxygen, advanced level moisture and temperatures above 18ºС. If it is impossible to influence the average daily temperature at which the bulb falls asleep and feathers lay down, then it is quite easy to provide the plants with enough water and oxygen. Before the onset of heat, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil between the rows and water the beds with cold water as the soil dries.

Onions need moist soil until mid-June. After June 20, the bed is watered when drought occurs, and the roots die from lack of moisture. Timely watering at this time allows the growth of the bulb to continue until the onset of a hot period.

At the beginning of July, when average daily temperature air temperature exceeds 18ºС, the roots die off, and the bulb goes dormant.

Watering at this time does more harm than good. If the onion has already fallen to the ground due to the drying of the neck, then the wetting of semi-dry onion tops leads to severe rotting of the leaves.

Bacteria and fungi are responsible for this natural process of turning plant waste into a nutrient medium, which begin to actively multiply. A large number of conditionally pathogenic microflora that appeared on the onion bed causes the development of putrefactive processes in the bulb. A semi-ripe root crop is connected with a green mass by a neck that did not have time to close in order to protect the resulting turnip from rotting the ground part.

Important: The last watering takes place 15 days before harvesting.

How many times do you water the onion

Planting sevka occurs only in moist soil. If the soil on the bed prepared for growing turnips is dry, then the day before planting the seedlings, the earth is abundantly shed with cold water at the rate of a bucket per 1 m².

Important: By planting seed material in moist, loose soil, the gardener stimulates the bulbs to grow together.

If a week after planting, the rains do not wet the bed, then you need to water the plantings so that the growth of the bulbs continues normally.

How many times you have to water it depends on the weather conditions. If in May - June they go once a week heavy rains, then this moisture will be enough for the growing process to continue.

In late May - early June, a short-term drought may occur. If the soil is dry, then during this period of active feather growth, it is necessary to moisten the beds 1-2 times a week, until the rainy season. 10 liters of water are poured onto 1 m².

If there is no precipitation in summer, you will have to carry water to the onion beds regularly until the end of June. After each watering, the earth is loosened so that the crust formed due to watering does not block the access of oxygen to the roots of plants.

Interesting: Mulching after each watering is much more beneficial than loosening the soil. This prevents the formation of a crust, and the root system does not receive injuries that occur when loosening the soil.

Whether it is necessary to water the onions when the weather is cloudy and the precipitation is scarce, they decide based on the condition of the soil in the beds.

If the earth in the garden crumbles, and it cannot be formed into a ball, then the onion needs to be watered.

Important: Only the condition of the earth on the onion bed helps determine how often to water the onions.

Beds with onions planted on a feather are watered as often as onion varieties. It is necessary to stop water procedures 5 days before harvesting, so that the cut feather does not accumulate an excess of moisture, due to which it becomes watery and brittle, which leads to the development of putrefactive processes.

Attention: Watering is carried out before sunrise or after sunset. Then the tender leaves will not suffer from sunburn that form on green onions.

How to water the beds

Onions need moist soil, and in what way they will irrigate it, it does not matter for obtaining a healthy bulb crop:

  1. Drip irrigation will be useful if the irrigation system is turned on from evening to morning.
  2. Watering from a hose at medium pressure will provide an opportunity to moisten the soil well and facilitate hard work associated with lifting and carrying heavy loads.
  3. The watering can can be used to care for a garden bed with onions. Young shoots are watered with it from above. When the turnip is formed, water is poured along the aisles so that a direct stream of water does not fall on the bulbs.
  4. Many housewives scoop water from a 1 liter bucket with a bucket or a jar, dividing it into 5 bushes. Water is poured under the bush so that the root system is moistened.

After irrigation, the earth is loosened, providing oxygen access to the underground part of the plant. This allows you to get a fast growth of greenery.

Important: It is impossible to splash water onto the onion bed with a sharp movement. Onions are planted in the soil, filling it with 2/3 of the earth. Water splashed out of the bucket easily washes the tiny bulb out of the soil. A bare set will take time to root into the ground, which will slow down the growing season.

The temperature of the water suitable for irrigation should be between 14-18C. The higher the average daily temperature, the lower the water temperature will be. This allows you to cool the root system, which rots in moist warm soil.

After watering, the soil should get wet to a depth of at least 8 cm. When mulching and after loosening, the moisture will gradually seep deeper.

When the beds need urgent watering

Irrigation using salt water can be applied 1-2 times per season. At the beginning of the growing season, saline solutions help fight onion fly. Half an hour after applying salt, you need to shed the beds clean water so that the bulbs continue their development.

At the end of cultivation, salt allows moisture to be retained, which causes the necks of the bulbs to lose their elasticity. The last watering contributes to the rapid death of the roots and causes lodging of the leaves.

Before processing at the end of the onion growing season saline solution, prepared at the rate of 300 g per bucket of water, it is necessary to remove the soil from the root crops without touching the root system. Salt does not need to be washed off with clean water.

When watering onions is not needed

Soil moisture is not always good for onions. When neither feather nor bulb develops, watering is harmful to the plant. It becomes the cause of putrefactive processes that can destroy the crop.

It is recommended to stop watering the onions no later than 2 weeks before harvesting. Many gardeners are guided by the traditional date of July 12, after which onion watering is no longer carried out. Until this date, they stop watering the onion of the first year of life, which has grown from black chernushka, if the onion tops have begun to dry.

Some vegetable growers believe that continued watering in July will lengthen the growing season, which will increase the yield of turnips. This is possible only when the summer is so cold that in July the average daily temperature will be around 18ºС.

Important: It is impossible to fill the onion with water at high temperature values, because excessive soil moisture in the hot season leads to a rapid increase in conditionally pathogenic microflora.

When to stop watering onions depends on the variety and variety of the plant. Watered in August perennial bows so that the pen is juicy and massive. Some dutch varieties that in the 1st half of the summer they form a set, and after a period of heat they begin to grow a feather and actively grow the bulb, water the whole of August and September, if necessary.

You need to stop watering the beds with late onions before the start of the rainy season, which occurs in September. Late varieties of onions are harvested at the end of October after the first frost.

Growing onions, at first glance, may seem simple and a simple matter, but in reality the process requires compliance ground rules gardening. You need to know how to water onions in the open field, how to process and feed them. The subtleties of agricultural technology allow you to grow a good and high-quality crop. A vegetable needs a lot of moisture, but its excess leads to the development of fungi, so it is necessary to follow the irrigation rules when growing onions.

Watering onions in open ground is a must. After all, the plant quickly responds to any changes in the climate and, accordingly, the soil. If a long time the bulb is in dry and unmoistened ground, it simply stops growing greenery and begins to feed and grow the tuber itself.

For a vegetable, nutritious and moist soil is one of the main conditions for active growth.

It is necessary to water the onion from the moment it is planted on the beds. An important condition moderate irrigation is, as the plant is easily susceptible to fungi that multiply in dampness and excessive moisture.

In the spring, you should wait until the sun dries the earth after winter period: as soon as greens and herbs appear, watering can be carried out.

Irrigation Features

Like any vegetable crop, onions require specific care. Irrigation plays an important role in this matter.

Experienced gardeners determine the time and amount of sprinkling according to the condition of the soil. Tips for watering onions:

  1. The soil should be moderately moist.
  2. Drying out and waterlogging of the earth should be avoided.
  3. In order to determine how moist the soil is, you need a thin, dry wooden torch. It is stuck into the ground to a depth of at least 10 cm and then it is checked whether soil particles remain on it or whether it is completely dry.

Early growth

At the first stage of cultivation, irrigation young plant should be timely and special. Its specifics are as follows:

  1. Water for irrigation at the beginning of growth should be warm and settled. It doesn't need to be heated up. If the days are sunny and warm, it is enough to collect water in a container and leave it for sunlight. Possible precipitation will sink to the bottom, and the liquid itself will heat up to the required temperature.
  2. There are standard norms for how much water to pour on the beds at the initial stage of onion growth. 10 liters of liquid are used per 1 m² of land. The number of irrigations and their volumes depend on the weather and soil conditions.
  3. Growing onions on a feather has its own characteristics. It is important when watering to ensure that water does not remain between the feathers. Otherwise, the greens will begin to deteriorate.
  4. So that the green mass does not receive burns from the sun's rays, irrigation is carried out in the morning or evening.
  5. The irrigation system for each grower is different. If the grooves between the rows are filled with water, it is important to monitor the pressure from the hose and the initial soil moisture. Strong pressure can expose the bulbs and wash the soil. Root crops will begin to disappear.
  6. The first watering is carried out immediately after planting. During irrigation, apply liquid fertilizers, which allow the bulb to take root faster and adapt to the ground.

When ripe

Gardeners recommend at the ripening stage, which is about 2 months after planting, to reduce the amount of watering. If this is not done, then you can spoil the taste of the crop and its ability to be stored for a long time.

The bulb from this period can already be prepared for harvest. If she gained the desired mass and was saturated with useful substances, her feathers will fall on the ground. If the green tops lay down, it is necessary to halve irrigation.

When top dressing, you need to water the ground before and after applying the preparations to the soil. This will allow deeper and more even penetration. nutrients into the desired soil layers. Fertilizers are applied every week during watering. The culture responds well to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Before the harvest

Most gardeners believe that it is necessary to stop frequently irrigating the beds before harvesting. For at least 7-10 days, the number of waterings is reduced to 1 time per week. You can completely stop watering the onion a couple of days before harvesting it.

If you grow a vegetable for the sake of greenery, it is recommended to focus on the length of the feather. For collection, the tops should reach 30-40 cm. When the desired top parameters are reached, watering is completely stopped a couple of days before the greens are removed. This is done to keep the feathers clean and dry.

When is watering not required?

  1. At least one week before harvest. This is a prerequisite. The vegetable must be removed from the soil dry, then it will be stored longer. If the weather is rainy and there is a threat of crop loss, wet bulbs are dried in a dry and well-ventilated area.
  2. Opinions differ on whether onions should be watered in August. By this time, irrigation should be reduced, but it is not recommended to stop completely. Lack of moisture at the last stage of bulb ripening can affect palatability root crop.
  3. You need to follow the nearest weather forecasts. Bad weather can disrupt plans for harvesting or fertilizing. It is worth fertilizing plants with mineral preparations a few days before the expected rainy period. Thus useful material will have time to be absorbed by the root system and their concentration will correspond to the required norm.
  4. A lot of moisture in the soil is not required for the crop, so watering should be special at all stages of the growing season. When planting, it is important to regularly irrigate the beds so that the bulb wakes up and grows actively. During the ripening period, it needs less moisture, so the amount of watering is reduced. Immediately before harvesting, moisten the soil completely.

If you follow the basic rules of watering, the harvest will be good and of high quality.

How and why to water the onion with saline?

It is recommended to water the onion with a saline solution, because such a liquid helps in the fight against the main pest of the vegetable - the onion fly. The insect lays larvae in the ground, and small worms eat the onion. In addition, the pest destroys the green mass. The plant dries up.

Irrigation with salt water pluses are not only in the fight against the onion fly, but also a number of other pests that can damage the crop.
