Why dream of stealing strawberries from the garden. Big red strawberries in a dream - for good or not

Why did Strawberries dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

For a shape similar to a heart, strawberries have long been considered a symbol of love. There is a legend that if a berry is cut in half and offered to a man and a woman, they will immediately fall in love with each other.

  • You picked berries, then in reality you will achieve your intended goal. Moreover, the riper and larger they are, the greater success awaits you in business.
  • Why dream of strawberries in a dream book on the field? Sleep means that in pursuit of momentary joys and pleasures, you can miss important events.
  • If in a dream the sleeper preserves strawberries, it promises unexpected success in society. The position that you will soon occupy will exceed all expectations.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did Strawberry berries dream about

  • Psychologists interpret the dreaming berry as a vivid symbol with an erotic coloring. A person who happened to eat ripe strawberries in a dream, in reality, a meeting with a person awaits, relations with whom will quickly move into the mainstream of romance and intimacy.
  • The image of a fresh strawberry always promises pleasure, but not necessarily associated with sex. For example, the opened prospects and the possibility of self-realization will bring no less satisfaction to the dreamer.
  • If in a dream you cooked compote from strawberries, then you should be careful in your relationships with colleagues and not get in the way of those who go over their heads.

Romantic dream book

What is the dream of Strawberries

  • For lovers, there is fresh strawberries - to mutual feelings, the absence of omissions and disagreements. You will feel like one whole.
  • Why dream of a red strawberry on a branch? She promises the dreamer to receive vivid sexual pleasures. Spouses, which is a dream, need to be attentive to their partner. It is possible that in the near future he may become interested in someone else, and this may lead to a divorce.
  • If you saw sour or overripe strawberries, according to the dream book, in reality, your lover may cool off towards you.
  • Strawberry jam is a bad sign for an unmarried girl. Ahead of her is a meeting with a two-faced and hypocritical man.

Freud's dream book

Analysis of the dream in which Strawberries dreamed (according to Z. Freud's dream book)

  • Eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of sexual pleasure.
  • Dreaming of sweet and ripe strawberries - bright intimacy with a partner, sour or overripe strawberries - coldness of a partner, disharmony.
  • Strawberry jam in a dream is an exciting love adventure with all the attributes of passion.
  • Rotten, dry strawberries in a dream - the unpleasant consequences of love fever: venereal disease, divorce, abortion.

Dream Dictionary / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbet (Russian translation)

Dream about strawberries

  • Seeing ripe, large strawberries in a garden in a dream is a benefit in business or in personal life.
  • I dreamed of strawberries in a plate - a sign of a pleasant, but useless pastime and fleeting pleasures.
  • Strawberry fields in a dream - petty joys and pleasures threaten to be pulled into their sweet nets.
  • Dreaming of eating strawberries is a sign of sexual pleasure.
  • There is strawberry jam in a dream - to meet a hypocritical person. Your chosen one will be by no means an ideal lover.

Seeing Strawberries, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • You eat plenty of fresh strawberries, picking them straight from the beds - this is a harbinger of sweet moments in the arms of a loved one.
  • Why dream of unripe strawberries or, conversely, overripe - a sign of dissatisfaction with a sexual partner.
  • Cooking strawberry jam portends that you will have to deal with a person who is extremely unpleasant for you with his sweet antics and incessant flirting.
  • Cooking compote from strawberries is a warning not to get in the way of those who can crush you in passing and not even notice it.
  • Why dream of strawberries bought at the bazaar - shift some of your responsibilities onto the shoulders of others, which will cause sidelong glances from your colleagues.

The meaning of the dream about the Berry (Jewish dream book)

  • There are strawberries - a dream in the spring (especially on Friday night) means that you will receive a profitable offer; in the summer, he promises surprises and gifts; in the fall - you will learn good news, but then it turns out that they were unreliable; in winter - a joyful event or message will improve your mood. This is an interpretation of what a dream is about.
  • Picking strawberries - in the spring you have unrealizable hopes; in summer - means that you will do a pleasant and useful thing; in the fall - you will discover the hypocrisy of your old friend; in winter - an event will occur that will remind you of the good old days.

English dream book

Why see Strawberries in a dream

Strawberries are considered an aphrodisiac for both their heart-like shape and their rich red color, the color of passion. The fact that its berries are deliciously sweet in taste and have a pleasant smell only reinforces this opinion. Why dream of strawberries? Who did you eat strawberries with? Did you feed it to each other? Dreams in which you eat strawberries out of season may mean that dreams come true or are close to it.

Fragrant sweet strawberries in a dream are a symbol of romantic and love changes in life. This is an auspicious sign that portends a happy fate. Why do strawberries dream, and how do popular dream books interpret the dream?

The size of the berries in a dream

According to the dream book, large berries dream of favorable and positive changes in the dreamer's life. He is waiting for good luck, successful completion of affairs and pleasant meetings.

  • A lonely person, having seen a large red strawberry in a dream, may in reality meet his other half, with whom he will create a strong union in the future.
  • A red juicy scarlet berry dreams before a romantic date and promises sexual pleasure.
  • Small and unripe strawberries in a dream have a less positive meaning and speak of cooling the partner's feelings. Your relationship lacks passion and understanding. Your union does not bring satisfaction.
  • Seeing rotten, spoiled berries is a bad dream, betrayal or divorce from a partner is likely.

Why dream of strawberries on a garden bed or table?

  • Seeing ripe strawberries growing in the garden - you will find a quick romantic meeting with your chosen one. But, if the berries are not ripe, omissions and minor quarrels with the other half are possible.
  • Strawberries in the garden are a sign of great prospects, career growth and positive changes in life. The dreamer is waiting for a new place of work, residence, meeting interesting people.
  • A basket of ripe strawberries is a harbinger of a new passionate romance or portends the birth of a child.
  • Holding ripe large berries in your hands is a sign of a prosperous family life. Your union is full of warmth, harmony and mutual understanding.
  • Seeing strawberries on the table - get ready for a family celebration.
  • A plate with strawberries - for moving, traveling, a romantic walk.
  • To see in a dream a large field where strawberries grow, a lot of things await you, troubles that you can easily handle.

Why dream of eating strawberries?

  • Feel the taste of delicious fragrant strawberries in a dream - your feelings are mutual.
  • A sour berry dreams of cooling feelings and parting with a lover.
  • If an unmarried girl eats strawberries in a dream, she will have an early meeting with her chosen one, an early marriage.
  • If a man has a strawberry, large projects or career growth await him.
  • If a girl dreamed that the chosen one was feeding her with ripe fragrant berries, the dream promises a declaration of love and a marriage proposal.
  • To dream about how a child treats you with juicy red berries - to good news and an event.
  • Strawberry pie dreams of interesting events in life.
  • Fragrant strawberry jam in a dream is a symbol of fun, celebration, fun in reality.
  • Drinking strawberry compote is a meeting with the enemy.
  • Treating someone with strawberries in a dream is a meeting with a patron or friend who will help you.

Interpretation of sleep according to popular dream books

Miller's dream book promises a dreamer who dreamed of ripe red strawberries, a romantic adventure that will bring a lot of positive emotions and impressions into your life.

  • Eating strawberry jam according to Miller is a passion in a relationship with a partner.
  • Seeing rotten strawberries - to the difficulties in relations with the chosen one.

Sleep also has a positive meaning according to Vanga's dream book. The seer considers the dream of strawberries to be a happy omen for the dreamer. He is waiting for new discoveries, perspectives and enjoyment of life.

  • There are strawberries according to Vanga's dream book - a long-awaited meeting with a soulmate in reality.
  • Selling strawberries in a dream - this year will be fruitful for strawberries.

Freud's dream book claims that a person who dreams of a juicy ripe berry in a dream is a sensual and passionate nature. Intimate relationships are an important part of his life, which gives him real pleasure.

  • But, if you dreamed of sour and unripe strawberries, you do not feel passion for your partner.
  • Picking berries in a dream - your feelings will be unreciprocated.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus claims that caring for a bed of strawberries in a dream promises routine and uninteresting work in reality.

According to Hasse's dream book, strawberries dream of happiness and prosperity.

Tasty and ripe strawberries in a dream are a pleasant and good sign that promises success and happy moments in life. It is a symbol of love, passion and pleasure both in a dream and in reality.

Dream interpretation online Strawberry

Due to the fact that the strawberry has a heart shape and is red, it is a symbol of the goddess of love - Venus. The roots of this berry are used in divination - they have mild narcotic properties. But what is the dream of strawberries for? Most dream books cite the interpretation of dreams, where the main character is strawberry, as an image of sex appeal, sexual pleasure, temptation and emancipation. Let's take a closer look.

Draws an image of the subconscious

Let's see what strawberries dream of in different circumstances:

  • to see in a dream how they planted, looked after a berry;
  • eat strawberries in dreams;
  • if you had to pick a berry;
  • a lot of ripe strawberries;
  • stomp the berry.

Seeing strawberries in a dream

Why dream of strawberries that you planted and began to water, hill the bushes, dig up the beds, and fertilize. This is a call to the fact that in life you need to change the field of activity. You are engaged in monotonous, worthless work that does not bring you absolutely profit. In the event that you watched this whole process from the outside, when someone is doing it, it means that your dear person has started a non-profit enterprise. Dissuade him from this venture.

If you had to eat strawberries in a dream, this promises the sleeping person complete harmony in love and intimate relationships. But if there are a lot of strawberries, it means a quick acquaintance with an interesting person, to whom there will be not an unrequited attraction.

Miller's dream book gives an interpretation of a dream where you had to eat strawberry jam. On the occasion when a woman saw such a dream, this promises a new passionate and very exciting love adventure. Here, however, there is a significant nuance - if you cooked the jam yourself, and then began to eat it, then you will become the initiator of a romantic meeting, and in the case when someone else prepared the jam, then succumb to the passion of a loved one. For a man, such a dream prophesies an increase in profits.

Miller's dream book emphasizes that if there is a dry or rotten berry in your dreams, you will be seized by a love fever that will end in an abortion, moreover, possibly a sexually transmitted disease and, as a result, a divorce.

If you see how they picked a berry in a dream, but did not eat it, this foreshadows your memories that haunt you. Most likely, you cannot forget the recent love that was not mutual. And the psychologist's dream book gives a clue to such a dream that one of these days you will taste strawberries, even if it is winter outside.

A field dotted with strawberries - to small joys

The solution to dreams, where a whole field of ripe, juicy and beautiful fruits was seen, promises you small joys that distract you from more important matters.

Deciphering dreams in which you trample strawberries or strawberries reveals your fear of a new brewing relationship. In every possible way stubborn to go towards happiness. And in vain! Take a closer look at your fans. Consider in those your, given by heaven, betrothed. After all, this meeting is fateful.

Picking strawberries

The strawberry dream book gives different explanations of dreams where you had to pick strawberries. That's how mysterious and unusual this berry is, how much the clues to dreams with its participation are concretized. Strawberries are one such berry, the seeds of which are not located inside, but outside.

Sweet berry plucked together

If in a dream you dreamed of picking a ripe and very sweet berry, then every day you will be impatient about the anticipation of intimacy with your loved one.

If in a dream you picked such a berry and treated it to another person, this portends you a fan who idolizes and supports you in all your endeavors. If you dreamed of strawberries that you sell? The explanation of such a dream speaks of the appearance on the horizon of a profitable partner, with the help of which your financial situation will improve even more than ever.

Why dream of strawberries right on your balcony? This dream indicates a promising undertaking and the enticing enjoyment of its results. Well, if you picked juicy berries on trees, you will find a very original solution to the dilemma you are facing, thereby surprising your companion and bringing new colors to the relationship between you.

I pick a bitter berry alone

If the strawberries are not ripe

In the event that you dreamed of picking an overripe or sour berry, this portends disharmony in intimacy, coldness and indifference of a partner in relations between you. Or, being in love, you will not receive mutual sympathy for you. And in the case when the strawberries were unripe, then this is a sign of your dissatisfaction with your partner, his sexual caresses.

Why do you dream of strawberries that you have collected very little and went to the market to buy more? You will experience the burden of sidelong glances from your colleagues about the fact that they have shifted part of their work and duties onto the shoulders of someone else, while your beloved will be on their side.

If you collect a sour berry and immediately feed it to your betrothed, then the dream calls you to take a closer look at your partner in reality. Perhaps the feelings he has for you are fake. They are caused only by some benefit that he wants to derive from these relations.

Some dream books warn that if in your dreams you cook compote from this berry, then in reality avoid getting on the road of those who can easily trample you without feeling it.

If you dreamed

Sometimes green strawberries appear in the dreams of a sleeping person. This is a warning that you would do well to change partners. After all, you yourself do not experience deep feelings for him, and sexual satisfaction. So this is not your person. Give the opportunity to meet with your true destiny.

If the sleeper sees in dreams a large red berry on a bush, this emphasizes that he is successful with the representatives of the opposite sex. But small berries portend a fleeting love affair.

Interestingly, a large number of rotten berries in the mud can dream of a pleasant and unexpected surprise, and one, but a large berry in the mud, can be a valuable gift.
If you dreamed of a full bucket of spoiled berries, then this portends a trip to another country. If in your dream there is one berry in a beautiful saucer on the table, then you are valued at work, because you are a professional in your field. If you eat this berry with sugar, or with cream or mousse, wait for the attention of an influential person.

Your mark:

/ Dream Interpretation, a dream about strawberries.

Strawberries for many are a symbol of love, romance and intimate pleasures. And what can a dream with such a berry talk about? Does it warn of joyful changes in life or promises failure? Why dream of strawberries?

Ripe strawberries carry erotic overtones. Therefore, it is believed that a person who sees her in a dream is waiting for some event that will lead to an aggravation of feelings and emotions. But can a dream with this berry promise something bad? We learn from dream books.

Miller's dream book: strawberries in a dream

Gustav Miller quite plainly interprets what strawberries can dream of. According to an American psychologist, such a dream hints at imminent love adventures, and the dreamer will be very worried about this. Eating strawberry jam in a dream - to a passionate relationship. It is also important who made this jam. If by the dreamer himself, then it is he who will be the initiator of a new romantic acquaintance, but if by someone else, then the sleeper will not be able to resist the pressure of this person.

But a dry or rotten berry seen in a dream portends a difficult, painful relationship, the outcome of which will be sad.

What is the dream of strawberries according to Vanga

For those who dreamed of this berry, this dream book promises tempting pleasures. Strawberries, according to the clairvoyant Vanga, are a symbol of pleasure. Also, a dream can talk about new perspectives: perhaps the sleeper will be able to achieve his cherished goal. Eating a berry in a dream - to a harmonious relationship with the second half. If the dreamer dreamed that he was selling strawberries, then a good harvest of this berry is expected.

Shooting strawberries according to Loff's dream book

If a single person dreamed of strawberries, then very soon he would be lucky enough to meet a soul mate with whom he would be able to create a happy family. And what can strawberries dream of for those who are already married? Such a dream portends a strong and lasting love with a spouse, which from year to year will only intensify and acquire new colors.

Freud's dream book: to see strawberries in a dream

It is not difficult to guess from what position this dream book interprets the berry. Strawberries are perceived by Freud as a symbol of sex. If you dream of a ripe and sweet berry, this indicates that in life the dreamer experiences sexual desire every day and looks forward to intimate relationships. A dream of overripe or sour strawberries suggests that in reality the sleeper is indifferent and cold to his other half, he is of little interest in intimacy. To dream of a large amount of delicious berries means that in reality there will be great sex. Picking strawberries - expect feelings without reciprocity.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: strawberries in a dream

Planting, fertilizing, watering a berry - to a monotonous, uninteresting occupation that does not promise any profit. If someone else is doing this in a dream, and the sleeper is only watching the process, then in reality such a hopeless and boring job awaits someone close. Picking a berry is a sign that the dreamer cannot get rid of some memories that are associated with his former unrequited feelings.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: dreaming of strawberries

Eating a berry is good news. Eating jam or drinking a strawberry drink is a new hobby for a woman and an increase in income for a man. To see a moldy berry in a dream means that one of the dreamer's relatives or himself will soon die.

Sleep with strawberries in the interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse favorably interprets what strawberries dream of. If you dreamed of a whole field of this berry, then in reality you should expect joyful events that can distract you from existing problems. There are strawberries in a dream - to a fateful acquaintance. The dreamed trade in berries means for the dreamer the strengthening of the financial situation.

Try to remember in the morning the details of how exactly you dreamed of strawberries, they are important for interpreting the meaning of sleep:

  • A dream where you eat strawberries, picking them directly from the beds, predicts minutes full of pleasure, in the arms of your lover.
  • An unripe or overripe strawberry is a symbol of dissatisfaction with one's own sexual partner.
  • Boiling strawberry jam in a dream means that you have to get involved with a person who is not very pleasant for you.
  • Cooking strawberry compote is a warning, do not cross the road to those who can, without batting an eye, crush you, and not even notice it.
  • Buying strawberries means shifting your worries to others, and thereby arouse the silent disapproval of work colleagues.
  • Trading strawberries - to an excellent harvest and well-being.
  • To dream that you are growing strawberries in your garden, then most likely in reality you quite often surprise people around you with the originality of your thinking.
  • A dream of strawberries promises tempting opportunities and pleasures. You will definitely achieve the desired result.

Dreams can be different - from content to emotional state. Dreams about food, travel or when you are experiencing a state of flight are considered the most favorable. Each symbol carries its sacred and primordial meaning.

For example, strawberries at all times were considered the fruit of love, voluptuousness and erotic pleasures. Therefore, if you dreamed of strawberries, be prepared for interesting changes in your life. But it’s still worthwhile to understand in detail what strawberries dream of.

A special role in understanding what strawberries dream of is played by the time of year.

  • If you saw berries in a dream in winter, it means that soon the ice in your relationship will crack and a spark of love will appear against the background of white snow.
  • If you had a sweet dream in the fall, during the harvest, then this suggests that your love will soon develop into a more mature feeling.
  • Eating a berry in a dream in early spring portends that you will soon succumb to a feeling of tender love.
  • Picking strawberries in the summer means that your partner has very warm and real feelings for you. Also, such a dream speaks of a good harvest.

If you dream of a red, bright strawberry, then this portends success in business, which will directly depend on your charm and charm.

If you dream of green berries, then it means that all your plans have not matured and your goals are not clear, so it’s too early to start what you have planned. Let's look into the gypsy dream book: unripe or green strawberries - to rash spending.

If the strawberries are overripe in a dream, this indicates that you are wasting time and delaying important decisions, it's time to take the bull by the horns and start doing your job, otherwise you may miss a good chance.

Miller's dream book offers this option: why dream of strawberries that are stale - to the fact that it's time to renew your feelings, you are in stagnation and you need an active circulation of energy.

What did they do with the berry?

Collecting strawberries in a vision means that soon you will have a relationship that will lead to a serious continuation. Marriage and children are not far off.

Collecting in the forest means that soon you will plunge into an avalanche of passion. You will begin a new relationship in which the earth will leave from under your feet. Remember that losing your head is sometimes good, but still keep your sanity.

If the berry in the vision is large, large, then the feelings that you will experience will be strong, bright and passionate. Miller's dream book predicts, if the berries are large in a dream, an improvement in financial condition.

If you dream of small berries, then you will be flooded with memories of past relationships in which you experienced strong feelings. It is also possible that your ex-partner will make itself felt in the near future. Collecting small strawberries in a bucket is a small pleasant surprise that awaits you in the near future.

To understand why strawberries are dreaming, it is important to analyze not only the appearance of the berry, but also whether you eat it or not.

Eagerly eating a berry in a vision portends that in reality you will plunge into a bright love whirlpool, a fateful meeting with an attractive young man awaits you.

If you dream of strawberries that just don’t fit into your mouth, then your relationship will soon get bored and you want a change. Most likely, the storm will be replaced by calm.

If you don’t want to eat a red berry in your dreams, then until you are ready for a passionate relationship. Apparently, now you are busy with more important issues for yourself.

Collect strawberries, and then cook jam in a vision - to create a family. Remember that a woman is a witch, and even in a dream it is a magical ritual.

Eating berry jam in a dream means that soon your most cherished desires will begin to come true. Or it portends the appearance of an obsessive admirer who will give you signs of attention even against your will.

  • If you dream of berry pies, then soon you will receive good news from your loved one. And also the news that you will spend time in the company of a pleasant person.
  • There is a berry pie on a night journey - k. Moreover, a person known to you will be married for a long time.
  • Eating dumplings with strawberries in dreams is a good change in love affairs.

So, strawberries, and any dream book will tell you this, dream of success in love affairs. It doesn’t matter which strawberry in a dream is juicy or not, this symbol is a harbinger of a bright feeling.
