Roofing pie from corrugated board without insulation. Roofing with corrugated board

In suburban construction in our time, a wide variety of roofing materials are used. These are high-quality, presentable building materials that meet all the requirements of modern housing.

Such coatings include profiled sheets. Modern corrugated board has excellent external data, protective qualities, .

It is divided into main types that have their own specific indicators: application and device. Features of corrugated board (each individual sheet) are mainly in their shape, size. Width, type of use of the material, its device are also important. The use of this roofing building material can be considered very relevant, in demand.

But to assume that it is quite simple to arrange a roof from corrugated board is a big mistake. There are some nuances here, they must be followed.

The advantage of profiled sheets

The material has gained popularity due to good performance.

  • First, reliable strength, as it is made of special steel sheet. This ensures the reliability of the roof structure.
  • Secondly, with a molded profile, additional strength is given by stiffeners. Therefore, corrugated board is effectively used in structures that require strength.
  • Thirdly, this metal profile is universal. Due to the wide range of uses, the popularity of corrugated board is growing. It performs roofing, wall and load-bearing functions.
  • Fourthly, the sheets do not require complex installation.. It is enough to “arm yourself” with hand scissors for metal, circular saw, cutting scissors.
  • Fifth, it has very high anti-corrosion performance.. It also doesn't rot. After all, the presence of a special gutter, where the junction of the roof sheets occurs, allows you to remove the resulting condensate. Moisture is not allowed under the roofing. Provides protection from snow.
  • Sixth, the lightness of corrugated board can significantly reduce transportation costs..

Instructions for a cold roof from a profiled sheet

This roof is built without much difficulty. The finished truss system is covered special . It is intended to protect the roof frame, as well as attic space from condensate.

Then mount the crate desired type. After that, the installation of corrugated board is already being carried out on it. The roof must be equipped with special ones in order to protect the lumber from high humidity. Humidity is especially cold design.

Installation of corrugated board has some features of the device. They must be taken into account when proceeding with the installation of a "cold" roof. If in the future it is planned to insulate the finished roof from the inside, then it will be necessary to use a more expensive membrane film, which, of course, will provide high-quality waterproofing.

Standard isomaterials are unacceptable here - their design is not suitable for the installation of insulation material. When constructing a simple cold structure, the use of expensive material is very irrelevant, because the roof will cost much more.

Main preparatory work provide for the lifting of the profiled sheet with the help of special logs made of lumber. With such a rise, protection against mechanical damage will be provided, thereby maintaining protective layer material.

It is undesirable to mount sheets in windy weather - their bend is possible.

You will learn more about installing the crate under the profiled sheet, depending on the brand.

Basic installation rules

The service life of the roof depends on the quality of installation, the norms and requirements of which are described in the SNiP for laying profiled sheets. Everyone roofing material fits at a certain angle, providing reliable performance. Mounting angle roofing determined taking into account the angle of the slope.

  • N - bearing.
  • C - wall railings.
  • NS - roofing and wall.

Installation rates for different regions vary in different ways. On average, the installation of a roof from a profiled sheet will cost 350-450 rubles per sq.m. The price may include the installation of a wooden crate, waterproofing and all. The cost may increase if you need additional services:

  • insulation - 50-80 rubles \ sq.m. (considered as a thickness of 50 mm.);
  • dismantling of the old roof — 50-100 rubles/sq.m.;
  • installation of the truss system - announced when the installer leaves the house and he can make an estimate for the list of the necessary material.

How to choose and install a roof from a profiled sheet, see the video.

Not a single century people have warm feelings for steel products, which is not surprising, since it is very durable and durable material. Previously use steel in roof structures weight did not allow. The roof would be too heavy. Fortunately, corrugated board is available in our time - these are light corrugated steel sheets successfully used for roofing or cladding.

Advantages of corrugated board as a roofing material

  1. It is the lightest roofing material. This pleasant fact not only reduces the load on the structure, but also makes the installation process more comfortable. In addition, installation steel structures requires some preparation, but is not difficult. It is possible to equip a roof with corrugated board without professional help.
  2. Steel corrugated sheet has the main properties inherent in steel materials: strength and resistance to weathering.
  3. You can choose almost any color for your roof. Producers of a professional flooring took care of it. Finally, corrugated board is more of a budget material than an expensive one. It is this quality, coupled with strength and durability, that makes corrugated board so popular. In addition, it is applicable for the house, and for the garage, and for the fence.

Calculation of the amount of material

As soon as you realize that you will use corrugated board, you need to understand what kind of it is needed and how much to “take” it, moreover, taking into account additional materials.

Varieties of profiled sheet for roofing

Indeed, as soon as you do a search, you will find that there are several varieties, as well as markings consisting of a letter and numbers. The letters indicate the type (C-wall, HC - universal, H = carrier), and the number indicates the wave height. For individual roofing residential buildings the most suitable is corrugated board marked NS 35–44.

However, there are two factors to consider when choosing the type of material:

  1. The higher the wave height and the thicker the sheet, the stronger and heavier it is (and the prices for it will not please, even if the consumption is somewhat less);
  2. The choice of the type of roofing should be determined by the possible snow and wind load.

So, for the Moscow region, the NS 35–44 type is acceptable, but for the regions of the Far North, you need to choose a corrugated board with a higher wave height. When assessing wind and snow load, it is important to consider the angle of the roof slope. If the slope is steeper than 45°, the load can be ignored.

The load can be ignored only if we are talking about a residential building. If the roof is mounted on industrial and other similar buildings, but even with a slope steeper than 45 °, it must be taken into account!

However, the type of roof is not all that characterizes the material. Marking may have additional meanings, for example, HC 44–1000, and in technical description 1044 mm will be indicated in width. In this case, 1000 is the usable deck width and 1044 is the actual width. The difference will be required for the vertical overlap device.
So, in order to calculate how much corrugated board is needed (the roof is shed), you need to perform several mathematical calculations in turn using formulas (it does not hurt to buy a calculator for calculation)

L \u003d W / cos (arctg (H / W)) + S1 + S2 + 4 cm

  • L- the total length of the side of the roof;
  • H- high-rise ridge from the base of the roof;
  • W- the width of the base of the roof;
  • S1 and S2- these are overhangs (their length varies in the range from 20 to 50 cm);
  • 4 cm- additional size ("reserve")

Received value L must be divided by the length of the sheet of the selected corrugated board. This is how we got the preliminary number of horizontal rows. It is called preliminary, since the width of the overlap of corrugated sheets depends on the angle of the roof. For a slope of less than 15°, an overlap of 20 cm is required, for a slope of 15° - 30° - 15, more than 30° - 10 cm.
Check the total length of the material in the vertical row, possibly using the formula:

Lo = (R - 1)*2*P+R*Wm

  • Lo- the total length of the material in a vertical row (including horizontal overlaps);
  • R- the number of horizontal rows of the profiled sheet;
  • P- the width of the overlap, depending on the angle of the roof.
  • wm- profiled sheet width.

Additional elements necessary for the installation of corrugated board

Now we need to compare the values ​​of L and Lo. The latter should not exceed the former. In the case when this is the case, another horizontal row of shorter sheets should be added and the calculation should be performed again.
No attempt should be made to reduce the overall length of the material in the vertical row by increasing the overlap. This is a "dangerous" technology. You will not necessarily benefit from the cost of materials, but the overall weight of the roof will increase, which can damage the nodes of the roof itself.

For gable roof the calculation will also be the same for each slope, only the width of the base is divided by two. The number of one-dimensional rows is calculated similarly, just in the first formula, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof H and W are the length of the ridge and the installation width of the roofing sheet, taking into account vertical overlaps equal to the width of one wave. Galvanized profiled sheet or not - it does not matter for calculations.

Do not forget: in order to cover the roof, in addition to the roofing material itself, good materials will also be required. So, it is necessary to add the lengths of the slopes, divide the resulting number by 1.9. This will provide the necessary overlap. For the valley (the junction of two slopes) should be divided by 1.7.

It is necessary to use self-tapping screws only with rubberized pads. Otherwise, trouble may happen to the profiled sheet: cracking, chips. Be sure to consider this!

It is worth taking care of the screws. When installing corrugated board, you should take 7-8 self-tapping screws with special rubber pads for 1 square meter. For high-quality elements, 8 pieces per two linear meters.
Perhaps the calculation will seem dreary and scrupulous, however, having suffered once with the calculations, the probability of performing the installation “in one sitting” is higher than estimating “by eye”.

Insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier

So, we decided on the amount of roofing material and the number of screws needed. However, that's not all. Other materials will be required for the roof device.
Regardless of the type of room to be covered, waterproofing must be taken care of. It is necessary to prevent the ingress of condensate formed under the corrugated sheet into the room and to prevent corrosion of the roofing. For these purposes, a sealant is required (for processing roof joints with a slope of up to 11 °) and, for example, roofing material, common among the people.

A more expensive material is the TyvekSolid membrane. It is also used for waterproofing, but mainly for warm roofs (their design is not much different, but the roofing material is laid a little differently).

Importance has and correct installation battens

For residential premises, it is worth providing a heater, which, in addition to its main purpose, can also be used for sound insulation. Suitable for these purposes mineral wool or glass wool with a thickness of at least 100 mm. In order for the insulation to perform its functions, regardless of whether flat roof or not, in addition to waterproofing, it is necessary to provide vapor barrier.

For these purposes, you can use the film H96th Silver, for example. For lathing (50x50 mm) and counter-lattices (30x50 mm), bars or a board of 20 mm will be required. And, finally, it is worth dealing with the corrugated board itself. The most popular brands in our country are Finnish and Polish production (the assortment of any store will include such brands and various sizes).

In addition to materials, you will also need the following tools:

  • construction knife for soft materials;
  • construction stapler for fixing hydro and thermal insulation;
  • screwdriver,
  • metal cutting scissors
  • hacksaw with fine teeth.

It is extremely important to remember that it is impossible to “cut” the corrugated board with a grinder with an abrasive wheel!

Because it damages upper layer corrugated sheet, designed to save the material from corrosion. For the same reason, roofing work must be carried out in light shoes so as not to damage the corrugated sheet coating and cover the roof evenly (by the way, the chimney pipe is not lined with a sheet - many people ignore this rule).

Construction of roofing

Attaching the roofing to the wall

Finally, when everything you need is prepared, purchased and the weather is calm (safety requirement for covering the roof with any material, the exception is tent), you can start working! It takes place in several stages.

  1. It is worth starting with a crate (cold roof) or counter-lattice (warm roof). In fact, they are no different from each other. This device is on the rafters (perpendicular to them) of bars or boards with a step of half a meter and a meter, depending on the slope. However, in difficult places around chimneys, on ribs and ridges, valleys, a continuous sheathing should be prepared (for example, using moisture-proof plywood) .
  2. Further, on the counter-lattice moisture-proofing material is laid, which will serve as a base for insulation. The vapor barrier is laid with an overlap. For small areas, a planer system can serve as a counter-batten.
    The next layer is insulation, and then waterproofing is laid. A crate is arranged on top of it. An additional crate on top provides an air gap between the waterproofing and the corrugated board. This creates ventilation and protects the elements of corrugated board from corrosion.
  3. The final stage is connected directly with the installation of corrugated board.
    So, the first corrugated sheet is installed from the right or left lower edge with a protrusion beyond the cornice line by 20 - 30 cm. The corrugated board is attached to the crate using self-tapping screws with a sealing washer. In this case, a sheet of material is screwed along the eaves at the bottom of each wave. In this case, each subsequent sheet covers the previous one. It is important that at the same time in the place of overlap there is a beam or board of the crate, to which it is attached. At the same time, all overlaps are treated with sealant (and so on for any roof, not only from corrugated board).

Roofing "pie"

For convenience and even overlapping of the roof, it is useful to pull the cord along the eaves, and not along the ridge. This will ensure that the corrugated board does not skew in any direction. By the way, the metal tile is laid the other way around: here the lace should go along the ridge. So even metal roofs vary greatly in the way they are installed.
From the ends it is necessary to install gables with an overlap of about 10 cm, and the step between the screws should be no more than 30 cm. The ridge must also have an overlap, and the screws are screwed not at the bottom of the wave, but into its crest. Since the horse - trouble spot, a sealant is laid between it and the sheet of corrugated board, and a gap is left for ventilation. The wall profile is installed in the same way. For every 3m² of roofing, approximately 10 self-tapping screws will be needed, no matter what slope it has.

During work, it is important not to damage the integrity of the roofing material, as well as to tighten the screws correctly. The latter should be screwed in perpendicular to the surface of the corrugated sheet, while the tightness of screwing should not deform the washers. The ingress of moisture into the place of attachment depends on this, and as a result, the durability of it and the walls of the house.

Moisture getting inside the roofing material is her death sentence deferred. So the density of screwing must be monitored!

Roofing ridge

You can damage the corrugated board at the time of climbing to the roof. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to use logs that rest against the ground at one end and against the roof slope at the other. The distance between them should be less than the side of the corrugated sheet. This solution will allow lifting sheets of roofing material by a small team, even pitched roofs without damage to the coating - installation and laying will go faster.

Guided by the tips described, you can also close the roof with your own hands, repair it later (if your “hands” allow) or make vigilant control over the actions of professionals . By the way, the estimate for installing a roof using a profiled sheet will be much less than when using any other material.


You can watch a video on how to properly mount a metal profile.

Roofing corrugated by production reminds - it also represents cold rolled galvanized steel sheet coated with polymers. The difference is only in the profile drawing - the metal tile imitates the real one, while for the manufacture of corrugated steel, the rolled steel is simply corrugated, giving the profile the appearance of a zigzag, sinusoid, etc.

Unlike metal tiles, corrugated board looks simpler (and cheaper), but at the same time it is more reliable., lighter and more durable.

In the event that your future home is spacious enough so that you can do without an attic, it makes sense to arrange cold attic isolated from living space. Thus, you get a triple savings.

roof plane

The easiest option for given element ventilation system- installation of conventional dormer windows, i.e. small through gratings, protected from above by visors from rain and snow.

It is also possible to carry out the installation of full-fledged ventilation shafts, but this will cost much more, and, in addition, requires compliance with a number of rules and regulations related to safety. So, for example, the height of the shaft relative to the ridge should be taken into account, etc.


Roofing from corrugated board allows you to use any standard ridge and mount it extremely simply, without any additional elements. The fact is that the profile of such a coating implies a wave whose height is at least 30 mm, which provides sufficient clearance for the free passage of air currents.

ridge bar

Useful video

What is a roofing pie in practice:

In contact with

The professional flooring for a roof possesses similar technical properties, as metal tiles. The difference between these materials is appearance and manufacturing process manufacturing. The roofing pie for corrugated board has features in terms of installation and fasteners.

Roofing pie device for corrugated board

Starting work on the arrangement of the roof with the help of corrugated board, it is recommended to find out the nuances of the future design. First of all, pay attention to the isolation of sounds. This is due to the fact that the metal is a "noisy" material and when exposed to precipitation in the under-roofing room, residents will hear rain, hail and even gusts of wind. In view of this, a heater is laid under the crate, the thickness of which is at least 150 mm.

However, one layer of insulation as sound insulation is clearly not enough, as is the use polymer materials. Therefore, when installing a corrugated roof, experts strongly advise making a roof pie from the following layers:

  • rafter system;
  • counterlattice;
  • insulation in the form of plates;
  • underlayment for waterproofing;
  • crate under the profiled sheet;
  • roofing sheeting.

The counter-batten is installed above the rafters, because serves as the basis for roll insulation if the roof is shed. The minimum slope of a corrugated roof is 10°. If the roof has two slopes or is made according to the type of hip, multi-gable, then insulation is used in the form of plates. Its location is between the rafter system and the beams.

If a rafter system is made of metal, then additionally install a control crate under the insulation layer. Laying waterproofing occurs directly on the insulation layer. The purpose of these measures is to exclude the possibility of moisture ingress. After the waterproofing is laid, you can start installing the crate under the profiled sheet, taking into account the ventilation gap.

Sometimes in cold warehouses perform a roofing pie without insulation. In this case, the entire order of work is preserved, except for the installation of thermal insulation. But this is done very, very rarely. Also, in cold attics, it is possible to equip an uninsulated roof, provided that the ceiling above the last floor is insulated with high quality.

The nuances of installing fasteners

Work begins with the installation of the cornice strip, it is placed below the waterproofing. Then stacked metal sheets one to another. Installation is carried out taking into account the nuances of the building object. In the event that the slope of the roof is small, then overlapping work is performed in 2 profiles. If special seals are used, then they are overlapped in 1 profile. In a situation where the level of slope of the roof is large, they are not used.

The hip roof type deserves special attention. The stacking process starts from the center and towards the edge. The exact location of the corrugated board should be monitored. To do this, experts resort to folk method stretched rope.

Attention! During installation, the size of the cornice overhang should be taken into account. It should be between 35 cm and 40 cm.

First, profiled sheets are attached to one self-tapping screw in the center of the canvas. This is due to the ability to adjust the overlap. Then, both sheets are fastened at the bottom with a step between self-tapping screws of 50 cm. Next, the corrugated board is fastened into the ridge with an overlap using fasteners. Fixation is also important. metal sheet along the bottom of the structure. Fasteners are installed along the ridge line, through 1 sheet and along the overhang of the eaves. There are 5 to 6 pieces per 1 m² of sheet. self-tapping screws.

The procedure for laying a cake for a corrugated roof

It has been established that the average heat loss through the roof is about 20%. Therefore, they install a roof made of corrugated board with insulation. Creation roofing cake, which includes layers of heat and water insulation, as well as a ventilation gap, helps to prevent not only the risk of heat loss, but also the processes of decay and the formation of moisture. In addition, the roofing cake protects the building from the summer heat, the sounds of precipitation and gusts of wind.

The number of insulation layers is proportional to the purpose of the roof space, i.e. whether it is inhabited or not. If there is an attic in the project, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer should be increased and work should be carried out to isolate moisture. This is due to the fact that when wet, the insulation loses its characteristics twice. As a result, the entire roofing cake freezes, characterized by the formation of ice damage to the finish. Directly under the roof, mold will form, provoking rotting of the tree.

Proper care of the insulation is necessary if the installation of the roof material was made with errors. It is also necessary if high evaporation occurs in living rooms.

Requirements and installation rules

The operational period of the roof depends on the quality of the installation work and compliance with the norms and requirements described in the SNiP for the installation of corrugated board. The laying angle depends on the type of roofing material, which ensures a reliable service life.

Basic requirements for the installation of a roofing pie under corrugated board:

  • For corrugated board, the minimum angle of inclination is 10°. With a decrease in this indicator, the outflow of water will be difficult, creating favorable conditions for water to get under the sheets. This is especially true for corrugated board, laid with an overlap.
  • The length of the slope is also taken into account. The profile sheet is produced with a length of 12 meters and is able to cover the entire slope at once, without the formation of joints and seams. If the slope is short, then the sheet is simply cut to the required length.
  • Due to the fact that moisture collects under the roof, this process should be prevented at the stage of installing the roofing pie. To do this, it is necessary to carefully carry out measures for thermal insulation and leave a ventilation gap. A hole is drilled at the highest point of the structure. If a we are talking about difficult-to-ventilate rooms, then use additional channels.

The corrugated roof is practical, functional and economical option. When choosing profiled sheets, experts recommend giving preference to material with a length equal to or slightly longer than the length of the slope. Thus, there will be no joints, and the level of waterproofing will increase.

For fixing the profiled sheet, self-tapping screws from 19 mm to 250 mm are used. Self-tapping screws have their own spacers. In this case, the length of the thread should be chosen more than 5 mm of the connected element. A prerequisite for a strong and reliable roof is the arrangement of ventilation in the under-roof space.

Attention! Marking of profiled roofing: "C" means the scope of use - wall fencing, marking "H" indicates the use for load-bearing supports.

Roofing cake for corrugated boarding Ideally, the design of a roofing cake should consist of the following elements: interior decoration (directly covering the ceiling); vapor barrier; thermal insulation (insulation); waterproofing; gaps for ventilation; anti-icing system; roof. The roofing pie also includes decorative elements(weathervanes), gutters, drainage systems and other roofing equipment. If with interior decoration everything is clear (depending on the chosen interior), then we will deal with insulating elements and other “layers”. UNDER-ROOFING PIE As is known from physics lessons, the most heat and water vapor (that is, moisture) is collected under the roof, so attention to insulation should be paid as much as possible here. Before installing the main element - insulation - it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier film so that moisture does not pass further into the roofing pie. But if it passes through this layer, the insulation should not accumulate it in itself, but let it pass further. Thus, the insulation must have high vapor permeability, not deform and be fire resistant. Its thickness should be from 150 to 200 mm. For roofs, slabs made of stone, glass fiber or mineral wool are more suitable. Important: the insulation should be installed only after the humidity wooden elements construction of the roofing cake will be equal to or less than 18%. Otherwise, moisture from the wood will get into the insulation and will not be able to leave it due to the waterproofing layer. The insulation must always be dry. finishing building material Blue layer - vapor barrier; yellow - insulation. VENTILATION AND ANTI-ICE SYSTEMS If your roofing material is a corrugated sheet, then in any case natural ventilation. Roof included soft type there is a special ventilated skate; also, the upper and lower ventilation gaps are connected with the environment using roof fans. Anti-icing roofs use a system heating cables, temperature sensors and other equipment. They can be carried out not only under the roof, but also near the gutters and windows of the upper floors. WATERPROOFING Waterproofing is laid after the provision of ventilation and anti-icing equipment has been completed. It can be either moisture-absorbing or moisture-permeable, depending on the material of the roof. Waterproofing is divided into the following types: super-diffusion membranes (pass steam, but not water; do not require ventilation gaps); waterproofing diffusion membranes (ventilation gaps are required for operation; they allow steam to pass through and retain moisture); waterproofing condensate films (gaps are also required; they do not let steam through, suitable for metal tiles and euro slates). ROOFING SYSTEM The thickness of the roofing pie should be within 30-35 centimeters, with this in mind, it is worthwhile to carry out the design of the rafters. For them, you should choose wood conifers with humidity not higher than 22%; treat it with antiseptics and flame retardants. A counter-lattice is installed on the rafters, and then under-roofing waterproofing is mounted on it. The resulting gap will provide additional ventilation. A crate made of timber or a solid flooring made of CSP, OSB or other such materials is attached to the counter-lattice. A hard roof is placed on a crate, but the second option is suitable for a soft one. TYPES OF ROOFING PIE When using shingles it is possible not to lay a layer of waterproofing: the bitumen itself is waterproof. The film will be needed only at the corners, cornices and joints, and it will have to be laid not under the crate, but already before the direct installation of the roof. Soft tiles involve the use of a lining - a polypropylene film that performs waterproofing functions. Concerning metal tiles, then a layer of soundproofing is required here. Any impacts on such material, whether it be rain or birds, give off an unpleasant sound in the room, so laying this layer is highly recommended. From the above, it can be concluded that for different types roofs need different “recipes” for a roofing pie. UNDER BITUMEN SHINGLE Parameters rafter dimensions: 200*50 mm insulation: 150 mm; ventilation: 50 mm; Waterproofing, as already mentioned, is not needed. To prevent an increase in the size of the insulation and further consequences, a "mesh" of nylon cord is used. Under soft tiles. Parameters: rafter dimensions: 150*50 mm; insulation: 200 mm; ventilation: 50 mm; In the diagram, waterproofing is called windproofing. As you can see, there is a fourth layer of insulation here, which does not allow cold bridges to form. The recommended insulation material is basalt. This version of the cake can also be used for metal tiles, while plywood should be replaced with a crate made of timber. ROOFING PIE FOR ATTIC All the options considered earlier were suitable for living quarters, that is warm attic. But if the space under the roof is planned to be used not as rooms, but as an attic, then the “composition” of the roofing pie will be simplified: rafters; waterproofing; counterlattice; crate; roof. Waterproofing is fastened with an overlap parallel to the eaves (if the roof angle is more than 20 degrees). Remember: never save on roofing cake materials, because even the life of the house depends on it. The better the material and better job, the less likely the roof is to leak, let heat through, ice build up, or collapse. HOW TO MAKE A ROOFING PIE CORRECTLY Quality materials and skilled workers will cost a pretty penny. But experience shows that frequent repairs or even replacement of the roof (before the end of its expected service life) will cost even more. In principle, you can save on the second point, but only if you are confident in your abilities (for example, you have already done this type of work). Here is one of the training videos: If you are unsure, then it is better to entrust such responsible work to professionals. SUMMARY Roofing cake in understanding ordinary person can be called a complex of "layers" that are included in the concept of "roof" of the house. Materials that provide comfortable living in attic rooms or a “leak-free” attic are stacked in layers, so they have been compared to a layer cake. Even the service life of the house depends on the correct execution of the roofing cake, so saving on materials or work is far from the best. best idea. The roof protects the entire house from exposure environment Therefore, this system must be given special attention. Without everyone necessary elements any system will not work properly, so every layer of the pie is very important. One of the rules for working with insulation is to keep it dry. This will help waterproofing and vapor barrier. For moisture wicking and compliance temperature regime ventilation gaps are made. In the fight against icing, you can even buy special thermal equipment. Do not forget about gutters and snow retainers. Roofing cake will provide not only warm in winter and cool in summer attic room, but also protect against unpleasant sounds due to impacts on the roofing material. This is the second most important stage of building a house, so it needs to be given the appropriate amount of money and amount of time.
