Feeding cucumbers with sugar. Features of yeast top dressing for cucumbers

It is rare to find a person who does not like cucumbers. From this wonderful vegetable you can cook a lot delicious salads and snacks. Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables in Europe. There is a huge variety of varieties of cucumbers that differ from each other in taste, shape, size, yield, planting method, and so on. In addition, they can be divided into earlier ones and those that are planted a little later. And, of course, it is impossible not to touch taste qualities this wonderful vegetable. Cucumbers are pickled, salad and universal, used in any form. And those that were grown with their own hands can be called especially tasty, because for any self-respecting gardener the biggest reward is delicious, mature and high-quality products collected in their garden. A loving owner with trepidation plants, waters, fertilizes his "favorites", using a wide variety of care methods, for their comfort and early maturation.

Cucumbers are thermophilic culture, growth begins at a temperature of 12 degrees and above, flowering and fruiting - at 25 - 28 degrees. However, excessively high temperatures are also undesirable for cucumbers. Also, when growing cucumbers, it is necessary to maintain optimal soil and air humidity. With insufficient moisture, the plant can shed its ovaries, deform, and during fruiting, the yield may drop sharply. This is due to the fact that the leaves of cucumbers evaporate moisture in large quantities. Besides root system plants are located shallow in the soil, so it is very important to monitor the humidity, whether in a greenhouse or in the open field. But, one of the main points of proper cultivation remains feeding cucumbers. Nowadays, there are many different different fertilizers, designed for any wallet, as well as used both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Today we will talk about a relatively young way of feeding cucumbers - fertilizers using yeast. Such top dressing significantly improves the quality of the soil, due to the active development of beneficial microorganisms in it and enrichment with microelements necessary for high-quality growth.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast is a unique fertilizer method of its kind. She carries within herself great benefit, and, due to its absolute naturalness, does not cause any harm to plants. Gardeners who have already used yeast to feed cucumbers claim that the visible effect appears already after three days after the introduction of the solution. The plant begins to grow actively, the greenery becomes thick and juicy. After a week, cucumbers treated with yeast dressing can be twice as superior in development as their unfertilized neighbors. How to explain such a miracle - the effect? Yeast contains a large number of minerals, organic iron, saturating cucumbers and provoking rapid growth and good plant health. Yeast also contains B vitamins, various amino acids, nitrogen and phosphorus. The proteins contained in yeast in considerable quantities are a complete "feed" for beneficial microorganisms, which, in turn, help fight pathogenic bacteria, and also saturate the soil with such beneficial substances as phosphorus and nitrogen. It is also impossible not to note one more unconditional plus of such top dressing of cucumbers - the possibility of using it at any stage of plant development. So, such a fertilizer applied both during planting and during fruiting will show a stunning effect. At correct application, feeding cucumbers with yeast can bring amazing results, the main thing is not to overdo it. So, after fertilizing with yeast, the following changes can be noted:

  • The development of the root system is significantly accelerated, which, in turn, contributes to accelerated growth, increased yields, and improved fruit quality;
  • Increases immunity and stress resistance of cucumbers. This is an important factor in the process of transplanting seedlings and when transferring from a greenhouse to open ground. The chances of survival are greatly increased even if favorable conditions(for example, insufficient lighting or insignificant temperature differences.);
  • The root system develops many times better, which, in turn, is a powerful impetus for productivity;
  • The growth of seedlings is accelerated, the growth of green mass;
  • The plant becomes much stronger and more resilient, one hundred helps him fight pests and diseases more effectively;
  • The length of fruiting time increases, and the taste of the fruit improves.

In addition, fertilizing cucumbers with yeast is an environmentally friendly method, so vegetables grown with this fertilizer can be safely served even to children without fear for their health.

How to cook yeast nutrition for cucumbers: several recipes

In order to prepare a yeast top dressing, it will take a little time and the simplest ingredients that can be found in every home. Naturally, it is best to use fresh, "live" yeast, but if they are not at hand, they can be replaced with bread crusts or breadcrumbs. Below are a few recipes for preparing fertilizer using yeast.

  • To prepare such an infusion based on five liters ready solution for watering you will need:
  • one litre warm water. It is important to know that for the preparation of yeast dressings, it is necessary to use only warm (by no means hot) water, since cold water it is able to significantly slow down or even kill the beneficial bacteria contained in yeast, also applies to hot water;
  • one gram of dry baker's yeast;
  • one teaspoon of sugar.

Dilute the yeast in the prepared water. Next, sugar is added, the solution is stirred and left to infuse for about two hours. Immediately before use, dilute the resulting infusion in five liters of water and pour cucumbers under the spine with this solution.

  • we dilute fifty grams of live yeast in one liter of warm water. Immediately before watering, dilute the solution in water at the rate of 1:5. This recipe the good thing is that the solution can be used immediately and do not wait until it is infused.
  • Excellent recipe with the use of dairy products. To prepare it you will need:
  • one liter of warm milk (whey);
  • one hundred grams of live yeast.

Dilute the yeast in milk and let it brew for several hours. When the infusion is ready, dilute it in water, up to a total solution mass of 10 liters. You can use this top dressing for both watering and spraying cucumbers.

  • A recipe with the addition of earth to top dressing is also good. To prepare such top dressing, we take:
  • Dry yeast - one tablespoon;
  • Ascorbic acid - two grams;
  • Sugar - one hundred grams;
  • Warm water - one liter.

Dilute yeast and ascorbic acid in water. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Pour a handful of earth into the resulting infusion and leave to infuse for one day. One liter of such top dressing should be diluted in a bucket of water immediately before use.

  • One more good recipe preparation of top dressing - yeast fertilizer with the addition of bread. To prepare such top dressing, half a bucket of bread cut into pieces (it is better to take both white and rye bread) must be poured with warm water. Next, add 100 grams of sugar and leave to infuse for seven days. You can speed up this process by adding 100 grams of yeast to the infusion - in this case, top dressing will be ready in three days. This recipe is suitable for plants grown exclusively in a greenhouse.
  • Feeding cucumbers with yeast with the addition of hops. To prepare such a fertilizer you will need:
  1. 1 cup fresh hop cones;
  2. 1 sachet dry baker's yeast.

Hop cones must be brewed in one glass of boiling water. Yeast is added to the pre-chilled mixture and all this is infused for about three hours. After the required period of time, the infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water. You can use this top dressing for both watering and spraying cucumbers.

Given the thermophilicity of cucumbers, planting in the open field is carried out when the earth is warm enough, and this is approximately mid-May. In addition, the cucumber is a culture that loves a short daylight hours, which means it would be more expedient to transplant into open ground no later than mid-June. A place for planting cucumbers in open ground is selected based on the characteristics of this crop. So, before landing, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Cucumbers are heat-loving, but at the same time not loving excessive heat culture. Therefore, it is necessary to plant cucumbers, being sure that frosts will not return, in soil warmed up to 15 degrees and no later than mid-June, so that the air temperature does not exceed 28 degrees.
  • For high-quality growth, cucumbers need constant soil moisture. However, it is necessary to observe an adequate watering regime, because with insufficient moisture, the cucumber becomes fragile and weak, and with excess, bitterness in the fruit is possible.

Knowing the basics for planting this crop, let's go back directly to feeding cucumbers with yeast. For the entire period of growth, cucumbers planted in open ground are fed three times. The first time the culture is fertilized, as soon as the sprout puts out the first true leaf. To do this is at the root. The peculiarity of fertilizing cucumbers in the open field is that it is desirable to fertilize in warm soil and being confident in dry weather. It is also possible to introduce other components along with yeast nutrition. This is especially true of mineral supplements, since yeast fermentation in the soil "eats" a large amount of potassium and calcium, therefore, a constant renewal of these minerals in open ground is required. The next time fertilizer is produced before flowering. Thanks to top dressing during this period, the cucumber will have many strong, healthy ovaries. The last time to feed the plant is desirable during the fruiting period, namely after the first harvest. Thus, the cucumbers will gain strength and will be ready for subsequent fruiting. Another important detail when feeding cucumbers with yeast is strict adherence to dosages. When overfeeding, the plant can grow not fruits, but green mass. It is advisable to pour fertilizer under the root in the late afternoon, when the earth is warm enough.

When growing cucumbers in greenhouse conditions, the plant depends entirely on human attention. After all, in the greenhouse it will not rain, the sun will not warm and the breeze will not blow. Therefore, to begin with, I would like to describe several features of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

The initial task of the gardener is to properly equip the greenhouse. It is extremely important to correctly distribute the ratio of the area and volume of the greenhouse, because the uniformity of the temperature inside will depend on this. The optimal ratio for maintaining comfortable conditions in the greenhouse remains 1:2. In this scenario, temperature fluctuations outside do not greatly affect the conditions inside the greenhouse. Next, it is worth deciding on the material from which the greenhouse will actually consist. At present, the preference is given to three greenhouse options film, glass and polycarbonate. Let's consider them in more detail. The simplest option for covering a greenhouse is a multilayer film. The main advantages of this option include low cost and ease of operation. It is also very convenient, if necessary, to carry out ventilation in the greenhouse - just remove one of the walls or the roof. In addition, the film is removed for the winter, which gives the soil access to fresh air and snow in winter. And this, in turn, is the natural moisture of the soil. Now for the disadvantages. The film tends to wear out quickly, it is very easy to tear. Therefore, her consumption is quite large. In addition, this material is not suitable for arranging a winter greenhouse - keep inside optimum temperature when cold weather sets in, it is unrealistic - in a greenhouse covered with a film, there is too much heat transfer. The next coating option is glass. The advantages include transparency, resistance to physical influences and chemicals. The disadvantages are heaviness, fragility and high thermal conductivity (the air in the greenhouse heats up quickly and cools down quickly). The third and most popular option in our time is a polycarbonate greenhouse. At its core, polycarbonate is a polymer plastic. It is very good to use it to create year-round heated greenhouses. So, a polycarbonate greenhouse perfectly transmits light, while being protected from ultraviolet radiation. This design is quite flexible while possessing considerable strength. In addition, a polycarbonate greenhouse will last for decades, as it is the most wear-resistant of all the options listed. However, polycarbonate greenhouses also have their drawbacks. The temperature inside the greenhouse on hot days can rise to dangerous heights, so the vents in this design will not be enough. It is advisable to equip a polycarbonate greenhouse with doors on both sides in order to be able to ventilate the structure with high quality. Another important detail is the quality of the material itself. There have been numerous cases when, under the pressure of snow, a polycarbonate greenhouse collapsed. Such troubles occur due to the use of cheap, more fragile material. Therefore, when choosing polycarbonate for a greenhouse, it is worth taking options that are more expensive, but also stronger. Due to its strength, good light transmission and temperature maintenance, polycarbonate greenhouses are the best option.

Next, no less milestone is preparing the soil for planting cucumbers. It is very important to disinfect the ground before planting. For this purpose, special solutions containing copper are used. Be sure to use the drugs according to the instructions. After a month after the disinfection procedure, the prepared substrate can be brought into the greenhouse, ideally consisting of earth mixed with humus. Next, you should dig the soil well. It is also necessary to foresee how the air and soil will be moistened, because, as mentioned earlier, the greens of cucumbers have a very high return of moisture, especially for polycarbonate greenhouses, the air in which on hot days can be much hotter and drier. Now you can proceed directly to the landing.

Next, you can think about feeding cucumbers. In fact, fertilizing with yeast in greenhouse conditions is not much different from fertilizing in the open field. Feeding should be done no more than once a month - a total of three top dressings per season will be obtained. As described above, the first time the yeast is applied when the first leaves appear on the seedlings, the second - at the beginning of flowering and the last time - during fruiting. A prerequisite is a well-heated soil, since yeast under conditions low temperatures will not give the expected effect. It is worth remembering that the fermentation process entails the absorption of potassium and calcium, therefore, a prerequisite for feeding cucumbers with yeast is the use of ash, which will help make up for the loss of essential trace elements. The ash is poured under the root of the plant in such a way that there is no direct contact with the plant, or it is added directly to the top dressing.

Having found out the features and preferences of this culture, you can safely proceed to feeding cucumbers with yeast. From the above, we managed to find out the following details:

As mentioned earlier, cucumbers are fed with yeast 2 to 3 times per season. It is not recommended to use yeast for this purpose more often, since an excessive amount of fertilizer can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the plant, it can throw out a large amount of greenery, and fruiting will noticeably worsen. So, let's look at this point in more detail.

  • The first time to fertilize is recommended as soon as the first leaves appear. This is done in order to enrich the plant with trace elements necessary for high-quality growth. If the seedling is planned to be transplanted from one place to another, fertilizing with yeast will increase resistance to changes in temperature, humidity, and so on. In addition, feeding cucumbers with this method will help strengthen the immunity of the culture and make it resistant to diseases and drive away pests.
  • The second time you will need to feed the cucumbers during the period of the appearance of flowers. Such a step will give rise to more ovaries and strengthen the plant for high-quality and rapid growth. The fruits of such a bush will be large and strong, there will be more of them than that of an unfed fellow.
  • And the third, final time, it is advisable to fertilize during fruiting. This is done in order to restore the strength of the culture in order to get an additional wave of harvest.

Fertilizer must be prepared strictly adhering to the selected specific recipe. Only warm water is used for cooking, because too cold or hot water can slow down or even kill beneficial bacteria.

Cucumbers in Russia have long been a favorite snack. Many salad recipes are possible only with the participation of these fruits. Of course, you can buy cucumbers in the store, but the taste of fresh gherkins just from the garden cannot be compared with those that go on sale. Therefore, every summer resident grows cucumbers on his plot and dreams of a good harvest, which requires various plant nutrition. Fertilizing with organic solutions is known, mineral fertilizers and even yeast. TOhow to feed cucumber yeast, , prepare an infusion and get an excellent result?
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Useful properties of yeast

Conventional baker's yeast contains unicellular fungi that are activated in a warm and humid environment during fermentation. This property is used in brewing, cooking.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast

live yeast

In five liters of warm water, dilute fresh yeast in the amount of one kilogram and put in a greenhouse or another warm place.

To feed cucumber lashes, dilute the composition obtained after fermentation with warm water in a ratio of 1:10 and add a liter of solution for each plant. For top dressing seedlings make a glass of this mixture.

Dry yeast

For dry yeast fertilizer, several recipes can be applied. They are as effective as a fresh product.

  1. Pour 10 g of dry yeast and 60 g of sugar into a bucket of warm water with a capacity of 10 liters, mix well and put in a warm place for 2 hours. Dilute the resulting infusion in 5 liters of water and pour cucumber bushes or seedlings.
  2. To accelerate growth cucumber seedlings have to take glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters with warm water, add 10 g of yeast and 100 g of sugar and infuse for a week in warmth. Then dilute a glass of infusion in 10 liters of water and water the seedlings.
  3. Three liter jar dilute half a glass of sugar and 10 g of yeast in water, tie a jar with gauze and insist in heat until fermentation stops, periodically stirring the solution. Dilute a glass of the resulting composition in 10 liters of water and pour one liter under the bush.


Fermented yeast solution can be sprayed throughout the plant. This will significantly increase their resistance to pests, and the leaf will remain green for a long time.

The leaven of their black bread

No less effect is obtained when using black bread fertilizer:

  • pour breadcrumbs into a bucket and pour warm water so that it covers the bread, and put in a greenhouse for 5 days. Then strain and dilute the resulting solution in a ratio of 1: 3 with water, pour 0.5 liters under the root of each bush;
  • put candied jam, dried black bread, a glass of ash into a 10 liter container, spoiled milk, 10 g of dry yeast and pour everything with heated water and, stirring daily, leave for a week. After that, you can feed the cucumbers.

Terms of feeding cucumbers with yeast

The first such feeding can be done when the first leaves appear, then fed when planting seedlings, which can be put in a yeast solution, which will accelerate the rapid growth of the root system. Be sure to pour infusion of yeast during the formation of ovaries and fruiting.

Of course, everything is in moderation. Experts recommend three such top dressings per season.

It is important to consider:

  • do not mix yeast infusion with grass, any manure. This mixing reduces useful qualities bacteria and fungi;
  • yeast infusion goes well with the addition of ash under the root of the bushes. Ash Restores Balance nutrients calcium and potassium in the soil;
  • fertilizer works well in warm weather, and in cold weather, mushrooms are not active;
  • the yeast solution must be fresh.

Now you know how to get a stable harvest without using chemicals and without investing a lot of money. Good luck to you.

High-quality care for cucumbers requires effective top dressing. Gardeners use many different fertilizers, and recently they often water cucumbers with yeast. The culinary product turned out to be a very good helper in the garden - it contains substances that are also useful for plants. Cucumber dressing is easy to prepare, and no one will deny that this is an environmentally friendly product. The solution can be watered plants, and also used as a foliar top dressing. Yeast strengthens vegetable crops, stimulate their growth and protect against certain diseases.

Useful properties of yeast

Yeast contains B vitamins, proteins, organic iron, amino acids, microelements, which have a positive effect on plants, including cucumbers. Active yeast fungi structure the soil, which creates favorable conditions for microorganisms. Bacteria digest organic matter. As a result of their activity, nitrogen and other trace elements are released into the soil in the form in which they are most easily absorbed by plants. All this has a beneficial effect on the quality of landings.

  • The resistance of seedlings increases, as it is strengthened with minerals and vitamins. Decreases Negative influence lack of illumination. Seedlings withstand transplanting more easily.
  • The rooting of seedlings is increased. If the seedlings are left for a day in a warm infusion of yeast, the root system is strengthened and activated, the growth of new branches increases 10 times.
  • Plants are enriched with natural bacteria that stimulate their protective properties.
  • The increase in the volume of green mass is accelerating.
  • The composition of the soil improves due to the activation of beneficial microorganisms.

Yeast is used in the warm season. Only then is the activity of unicellular yeast fungi useful for plants possible.

How to properly feed cucumbers?

Yeast saturates the soil with nitrogen, which is very useful for cucumbers at the beginning of the growing season. Some more proven folk remedies are added to the solution.

When using yeast dressings, it is important to follow a number of rules.

  • It is often impossible to feed, it is enough to apply yeast as a fertilizer only two or three times during the growing season of cucumbers.
  • When purchasing yeast, you need to carefully study the data on expiration dates. Fungi that have lost their activity will not bring the expected benefits.
  • Do not water cucumbers with yeast immediately after transplanting to permanent place. Even if the root system remains intact, the above-ground parts need time to acclimatize.
  • The yeast infusion is dissolved in warm water and watered also in a warm state under the root.
  • Simultaneous application organic dressings and yeast is not recommended (the active substances of yeast are often neutralized in this case). It is necessary to make an interval of several days.
  • Adding 2 g of ascorbic acid to a solution from one package of dry yeast will increase the number of ovaries. Empty flowers will be much less.
  • Before watering cucumbers with a yeast solution, the soil must be moistened.
  • Yeast top dressing is used at one time, the next time a new one is prepared.

Almost all vegetable crops can be watered with this fertilizer: tomatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage.

After yeast dressings, it is worth making wood ash- a glass of 10 liters of water. Potassium and calcium are intensively used in the fermentation process, and it is necessary to renew their reserves in the soil.

When is feeding done?

You can start feeding cucumbers with yeast at the earliest stages of the growing season.

  • Water the seedlings of cucumbers if the plants have already formed 2-3 true leaves.
  • A good effect to increase immunity and increase fruiting will give at the time when they begin to form ovaries.
  • Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast for the third time, after harvesting the main crop, rejuvenates the plants and stimulates them to further bloom.

Features of fertilizing cucumbers in greenhouses

The first feeding with yeast is carried out a week after the cucumber seedlings are moved to the greenhouse, provided that nitrogen fertilizer was used when planting the plants. For planting cucumbers in closed ground fertilizing with yeast alone will not be enough. If not enough superphosphate was applied before planting, they are fed with cucumbers before flowering. After such top dressing, yeast will also show itself effectively, maintaining plant immunity. Between fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers and yeast maintain an interval of 7-10 days.

  1. First, before flowering, cucumbers are fertilized with a solution of 10 liters of water and 200 g of organic matter, mullein or dissolved and infused bird droppings, to which 5 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate are also added.
  2. The second fertilizing with organic matter is carried out during the formation of ovaries. For 10 liters of water, take 100 g of liquid mullein and add 20 g of nitrophoska.

Instead of manure or manure, a nutrient solution is also made from grass and weeds that grow near the site. Grind 1 kg of green fertilizer, put in a tank and pour a bucket of water. The container is closed for fermentation for a week. The infusion is filtered, diluted with warm water (up to 30 liters) and cucumbers are watered at 3-5 liters per 1 m 2.

Preparation of the infusion

Yeast solution is prepared quickly and easily. Yeast is suitable for dressing cucumbers in different form: fresh briquettes, dry granular or in powder form. Water should be taken only warm, so that yeast fungi become more active. Solutions are prepared in several versions - each gardener chooses the most interesting from his point of view. Typically, an irrigation recipe provides for the consumption of 1 liter of solution for each cucumber bush.

By feeding cucumbers with yeast, they provide an increase in the number of ovaries and the mass of the crop. The number of barren flowers and hollow fruits is reduced.

Solution without sugar

Fresh yeast fertilizer can be prepared without using sugar. From a large briquette, which usually weighs 1 kilogram, 50 liters of top dressing is obtained.

  1. Grind a 1-kg briquette of yeast and mix with 5 liters of warm water.
  2. The mixture is placed to activate the fungi for a day in a warm place.
  3. For watering cucumbers, the infusion is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10.

Under one plant in the garden or in the greenhouse, you need to pour 1 liter of fertilizer. For seedlings, 200 ml of solution is enough.

The effectiveness of feeding will increase if a little potassium permanganate is added to the solution to prevent diseases.

Infusion with sugar

In a mixture of water and yeast, sugar is added to propagate fungi.

  1. Dissolve 10 g of dry yeast in a bucket of warm water.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, cover the container.
  3. The mixture is infused for several hours in the sun or in another warm place.
  4. The entire volume of the solution must be diluted in another 50 liters of water, also warm.

Under the root of each plant pour 1 liter of solution.

fermented solution

An infusion of yeast with sugar is also used, in which fermentation processes have already taken place.

  1. 100 g of fresh yeast is kneaded and placed in a 3-liter jar of warm water.
  2. Add half a glass of sugar.
  3. The jar is tied with gauze.
  4. The solution stands for a week in a warm place.

For watering cucumbers, 200 ml of infusion is diluted in a bucket of warm water. Under each plant pour 1 liter of top dressing.

Infusion of bread

Because in bakery products decay products of organisms are preserved, which cause fermentation, their remains are also used to prepare stimulating top dressing for cucumbers.

  1. Crusts and pieces of dry bread, buns are soaked in water.
  2. A 10-liter bucket is filled with bread more than half, the remnants of lactic acid products, jam.
  3. A package of dry yeast is added to the mixture and warm water is added.
  4. Insist in heat for a week, stirring the contents of the bucket twice a day.
  5. 200 ml of sourdough is diluted in a bucket of warm water and cucumbers are poured over a liter under the root.

Crushed fresh hops can be added to all mixtures that are set for fermentation. Often this plant becomes a malicious weed or forms impenetrable thickets. It was once used to make yeast, baked homebaked bread. And in the dressing mixture, the hops will contribute to the fermentation processes and enrich the cucumbers with nitrogen.

So, a set of thoughtful works on the site with cucumbers will reward you with an excellent harvest of the first summer vegetables. In this case, it is not necessary to use expensive industrial fertilizers - you can get by with simple but effective means.

From ordinary yeast, you can make an excellent top dressing for cucumbers.

The composition and properties of yeast

Yeasts are single-celled fungi that are active in a humid and warm environment, which contributes to the fermentation process. They are used in cooking, brewing and gardening.

These mushrooms contain:

  • carbohydrates;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • minerals: magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron.

Having a fairly rich composition, yeast is able to provide cucumbers with all the vitamins and trace elements necessary for plant development. In addition, when interacting with warm water, they can release compounds that accelerate the growth of the root system. The latter property is invaluable when growing seedlings.

Yeast affects both adult cucumbers and seedlings equally well.

Top dressing from "live" yeast

To prepare top dressing you will need: a kilogram of fresh yeast and five liters of warm water. All this is mixed and put in a warm place, you can leave it in the greenhouse.

Before use, we dilute the resulting mixture with warm water in a ratio of 1:10, that is, for 10 liters of water, 1 liter of top dressing. After that, you can water the cucumbers in a liter for each bush. When fertilizing seedlings, this dose should be reduced four times.

Dry yeast fertilizers

With the use of dry yeast, there are several recipes, you can use any of them.

To prepare top dressing, 10 grams of dry baker's yeast are diluted in 10 liters of warm water, 60 grams of sugar are added and the resulting mixture is left in a warm place for 2 hours. The resulting solution is diluted in 50 liters of water. Now you can safely water the cucumbers with this mixture. This fertilizer is also used for watering seedlings.

The next recipe is very similar to the first. Take three-liter jar, pour two and a half liters of settled water into it. After that, add 100 grams of yeast, previously diluted in warm water, and pour half a glass of sugar. Now close the jar with gauze and place in a warm place, periodically stirring the solution. After fermentation is completed, we dilute one glass of top dressing for 10 liters of water and pour cucumbers a liter under a bush.

The third recipe is good for accelerating the growth of seedlings. Again we take a three-liter jar and fill it with heated water, pour 10 grams of yeast and 100 grams of sugar into it. We put the resulting mixture in a warm place for a week, you can leave it right in the greenhouse. After the fermentation is completed, we dilute one glass in 10 liters of water and water the plants, before spilling clean water.

Dry yeast is just as effective as fresh yeast.

Bread sourdough

In addition to preparing a solution for fertilizing plants, you can also make bread sourdough from dry and fresh yeast.

First option. In a ten-liter container we place candied jam, bread crusts (in any quantity), sour milk, a glass of ash and 10 grams of dry yeast. All this is poured with heated water, wrapped and placed in a warm place. Stir the mixture twice a day for a week. After that, the fertilizer is ready and can be laid out on the beds.

Second option. To prepare this fertilizer, you will need a metal bucket, which is filled with dried crusts of gray bread, in any quantity. Now fill everything with warm water so that it covers the bread. Leave the bucket in the greenhouse for souring for five days. After that, we dilute the sourdough with heated water in a ratio of 1: 3 and pour half a liter of cucumbers on each bush.

Bread contains many useful substances for cucumbers

Time and frequency of fertilizing cucumbers

You can start fertilizing cucumbers immediately after the first leaves of the plants have appeared. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the period when the ovary begins to form, as well as the entire time of fruiting.

It is also necessary to feed the seedlings. When watered with a yeast solution, it will more easily endure the pick and will grow faster.

If you put the seedlings in such top dressing before the roots appear, then the root system is formed much earlier, on average by 2 weeks.

But you should not get carried away with fertilizing fertilizing with yeast. Since it may not have a beneficial effect, but only aggravate the situation. Ideally, it is used three times per season. You can fertilize once a week, but not more often.

Important to remember:

  • When making top dressing, yeast should not be mixed with manure, bird droppings, and grass. Such a mixture will bring beneficial features all components to a minimum, as aggressive bacteria can kill fungi;
  • Fertilizer is carried out only when the soil is warm, otherwise the yeast will not begin to act;
  • Yeast solutions should always be combined with ash, you can add it directly to the mixture. This is necessary to restore the balance of calcium and potassium in the soil, which are absorbed during the fermentation process;
  • Fertilizers, like the yeast itself, should always be fresh.

Using yeast nutrition, you can get good harvest in which you can be sure. Such cucumbers will not be able to harm either a child or an adult, since their fertilizer has never included chemicals. And it is very easy to make such top dressing at home.

The difficult years of the crisis in Russia are still affecting: household plots and dachas people plant different cultures and harvest successfully.

To make the cucumber harvest worthy, use fertilizers. The secret is that many summer residents fertilize them with yeast to get crispy and juicy cucumbers. This article will be about their use in growing cucumbers.

The word "yeast" from Old Slavonic literally means "to tremble", which very clearly explains what processes occur during such a splitting process. People have used such a fungal component as yeast since ancient times to decompose organic matter into components, as well as in baking.

These fungi are very useful, and contain:

  • group of carbohydrates;
  • vitamins of groups D and B;
  • a variety of minerals: zinc, iron, calcium, etc.

The beneficial effect of yeast on plants is mainly that when dissolved in water, these magic fungi penetrate the roots of the plant and accelerate its growth.

Yeasts themselves are the simplest fungal organisms. People not only learned to use yeast to make alcoholic beverages, but also to make animal feed, and also as a fertilizer.

It doesn't matter if your cucumbers grow outdoors or in a greenhouse. Feeding from yeast will help the bushes form ovaries and actively grow and bear fruit throughout the garden season.

Top dressing recipes for greenhouse and soil cucumbers

Cucumber plants growing in open ground are fed several times a season. The very first time you need to feed the plants with yeast, when they have the first leaves.

The next time it is necessary to hold such events when the first flowers and ovaries appear. The time of the third stage of yeast nutrition will come during the appearance of the first fruits on the cucumber bushes. In a warm climate and favorable conditions, you can feed for the 4th time.

The main thing is not to overdo it with yeast fertilizers, otherwise too many leaves will grow on the bushes to the detriment of the fruits.

You also need to alternate yeast and mineral top dressing- so that cucumber plants receive everything necessary for growth and fruiting.

It is very important to nourish the cucumber bushes every week with useful substances that have been growing all their lives in the greenhouse. Yeast feeding is best done two weeks after planting in a greenhouse bed.

The second stage of yeast feeding is carried out when the first ovaries begin to appear on the plants. After carefully reading the recipes below, you will choose the most convenient for you.

dry yeast recipe

During the flowering period, for stimulation, buy a standard 10-gram bag of yeast, dissolve in 5 liters of warm water. Mix well and add half a cup of sugar. Leave the mixture to infuse for a week. Fermented concentrate should never be used undiluted - 1 cup of make-up per bucket of water.

It doesn't matter in which external conditions your cucumber bushes grow: in a greenhouse or in the ground. The recipe is suitable for both.

For ease of absorption, loosen small holes near the stem of each bush - so that top dressing is guaranteed to be absorbed into the roots. If it's a hot day, wait until evening and do a useful watering in the cool.

Ascorbic Acid Feeding Recipe A little trick of adding 2 grams of ascorbic acid to a package of dry yeast will reduce the number of "blank" ovaries on your plants.

Healthy Bread and Yeast Blend

The original version of a useful solution for cucumbers consists of pieces of rye or white bread (you can take crackers), soaked in water, with the addition of starch syrup or honey (half a glass). Put everything in a bucket, fill it halfway with water.

You can add a little dry yeast (a couple of spoons) or 100 grams of compressed yeast. Let the mixture sit for a few days. Before use, be sure to dilute with water 1 to 15.

Remember that the mixture does not keep for a long time. Use it immediately for watering and spraying. If the mixture is left to stand, it can harm the plant.

Another recipe with sugar

Take any yeast you find: for baking, beer, alcohol, etc. Add 200 gr. to half a pack of yeast. sugar, dilute with a bucket of water and heat the mixture to 40 ° C. Such top dressing should be enough for a good hundred bushes.

It is better to use this top dressing immediately after preparation, but not earlier than two weeks have passed since the cucumber bushes were planted in the ground (in a greenhouse or in open ground). Let the sprouts get used to the new environment.


  • before planting seedlings in the ground (no matter in a greenhouse or on open garden) - pour sprouts with yeast fertilizer, after transplantation they will take root faster;
  • in no case do not add different infusions (herbs, garlic, bird droppings) to the yeast mixture. Such a hash will not only not help, but will also nullify all the beneficial properties of dry fungi;
  • do not water or fertilize cold soil - the soil must be warm. Choose an evening after a hot day;
  • do not neglect ash - do not be afraid to add it to ready-made yeast fertilizer;
  • buy only fresh yeast, old ones will be of no use, you will only lose time. There will be no harm from old fungi, but there will be no benefit either;
  • the use of yeast is absolutely safe, ripe cucumbers grown with yeast supplements are harmless even for babies.