How to make a guest house Guest House

I have a good friend, our mothers were close friends, and Olga Dmitrievna Lebedeva and I have been maintaining friendly relations for more than 20 years. Olga Dmitrievna has worked as a chief accountant all her life, she is a true professional in this field.

Conducted audits. By the way, these skills were very useful to her in order to start her own business, where she is already her own mistress. Her business is very unusual. Olga and her husband built Vacation home in Leningrad region planned to live there when they retired.

But it turned out to change the noisy city to a safe harbor much earlier retirement age. Olga opened a mini-hotel in her house. She manages this hotel herself.
Especially for the readers of the BizMama website, I decided to find out how Olga Dmitrievna came to such a decision, what she achieved, what she aspires to.

How to open a mini home hotel from scratch - a great women's business

Olga, how did you decide to leave the sought-after profession of chief accountant?
Working with numbers has its own specifics. Sometimes you can’t fall asleep from endless numbers at night, all reports, debits and credits float before your eyes. You can get used to it, and over time I also got used to the papers and numbers around me, but recently there have been difficulties in my work.

There was a kind of crisis in the labor market in the accounting industry, wages were reduced by more than 30%, while the requirements of the employer increased. Chief Accountant usually works in one place for a long time, and my work experience in the last organization was more than 7 years.

However, after a series of conflicts with the owner of the business, I made a firm decision to leave this job. I thought to relax in nature, since we have a house near the water, and then look for a new job.

What prompted you to change?
Old friends came to visit us the whole company in 15 people. We had planned such a meeting for a long time, but everything was postponed due to lack of time. There are 5 guest rooms in our house, they were built in such a way, taking into account that in the future the sons will visit us with their families, and that there would be enough space for everyone. In these guest rooms we placed all our friends, there were just 5 families.

I cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole company, someone always helped me with this. We walked, went to the Gulf, fished, in general, rested, as the weather and nature allowed. One of the friends said the phrase - “Olga, you should open a hotel and receive guests.

You're doing great!" I thought about it, I liked the idea. For a long time I wanted to try myself not as an employee, but as the owner and manager of my own business.

What was your first step?
My husband supported me in my endeavor. Moreover, the guest rooms have a separate entrance from the street, and the design of the house made it possible to separate the hotel area and the area where my family lived.

Olga, do you remember your first clients?
Of course, I remember, they were Finns - friends of our acquaintances. I was afraid that the language barrier would interfere with us, but the Finns spoke Russian fluently. They liked us so much that they promised to advertise our mini-hotel throughout Finland.

And, indeed, then several people called to book a room, referring to our first Finns.

How many clients do you have now?
We are already 3 years old. We have been booking rooms online for a long time. There were never less than 10 guests at the same time. After some time we plan to do redecorating, so there will be a short break in the work.

What can you wish for aspiring entrepreneurs?
Never give up in the face of difficulties and respect yourself as a person and a professional!

See some tips on how to write your business plan.

And a few tips for those who decide to open a mini hotel, where to start?

What you need to know to open a mini-hotel?

In places of influx of tourists, on the sea coast or in any city where business people so often they are looking for a place for a temporary stopover, the idea of ​​​​opening a hotel business will be very useful. With a skillful and competent approach, it will become very successful and profitable.

1. Find a building to accommodate rooms
An essential condition for starting a business is to have suitable premises. If you are not the owner of such property, then you can do the following:
- rent a room long term in order to recoup the associated costs over time;
- buy a room of the required area or several apartments, in this case, calculate your funds;
- build a hotel room; the convenience of this option is the ability to initially make the required layout, but keep in mind that the whole process from acquiring a site for construction to the start of operation of the building will stretch over time.
Try to arrange a cafe in your mini-hotel. In any case, there should be shops, bars and other establishments nearby that you can visit.

2. Complete the necessary documents
Many owners of small hotels do not register their activities in order not to pay taxes. However, having the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you will be able to expand your client base at the expense of “traveling” guests who need documents for reporting. The construction of a new premises or redevelopment of the purchased (leased) territory must also be documented. It is also necessary to draw up contracts with a number of services.

3. Much depends on the choice of staff and the arrangement of the premises
Two receptionists, an accountant, a reservations manager and a few maids are enough for a hotel with up to 15 rooms. Naturally, the director of the hotel establishment should be at the head. It is desirable that the staff be permanent, because if the team works well, then the quality of services increases.

Provide safes for customer valuables and alarm buttons. Always take care of the health of the plumbing.
The beauty of small hotels lies in the possibility of creating an atmosphere home comfort. The cleanliness of the premises and the tastefully decorated interior will leave a pleasant impression of your hotel. But most importantly, treat your customers in such a way that they do not want to say goodbye to this place, and the next time they choose you for their temporary stopover.

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Real estate, if properly disposed of, can be not only a safe haven for finances during various economic crises, but also very profitable business. One of the best options for investing savings is a guest house.

The business plan of a small hotel is not difficult, but in order to become a successful manager, you need to make every effort. The newly minted businessman will have to decide how financial questions as well as organizational. It is very difficult to cope with all the tasks alone, therefore, most likely, you will have to hire additional staff.

Comparative analysis of the hotel business

In economically developed countries, the situation is considered normal when 60% of residents prefer large hotels, and the remaining 40% choose private sector. The situation currently observed in the hotel business in Russia is in many respects similar to foreign experience. The only significant difference is that we have practically no competition in this industry.

In countries Western Europe small guest houses firmly occupied their niche. In such mini-hotels it is difficult to find a fitness center, a bar, a pool or a casino, but guests, as a rule, do not need all this. People are primarily interested in comfort and quality of service.

A large hotel operates on the principle of a conveyor belt. Its staff treats each new client as one of many. Even when ordering a luxury room, it is difficult to get rid of the intrusive service and feigned politeness, for which you have to tip every time. Some choose a cozy guest house for this very reason.

How to open your mini-hotel: search for premises

The first problem that a person who wants to work in the hotel business will face is finding a suitable room. For a small hotel, it is not at all necessary to buy a high-rise building, and it will not be easy to find a private mansion in urban areas.

There seems to be a way out of the impasse. The housing market, even today, is literally overflowing with communal apartments. This is the best option for opening a guest house. The business plan must provide for a specific initial capital which will be spent on the acquisition of such residential premises.

If possible, it is better to buy living space located above the second floor. It should also be taken into account that guests prefer to stay in the central and historical districts of the city. You should pay attention to the presence of cafes and shops nearby.

Classification of private hotel business

In our country, the concepts of "guest house" and "small hotel" are not legally defined. As a result, it is difficult to classify them. If we use foreign experience, then a small hotel can be considered, in which the number of rooms does not exceed fifty.

There is in Russia and its own unofficial classification. According to its criteria, small hotels (10-30 rooms in purpose-built buildings) and apartment mini-hotels (5-15 rooms in high-rise residential buildings). Separately, there are also hostels located in private mansions.

Some people are accustomed to counting stars in order to determine a good hotel or a bad one. This approach cannot be applied to small hotels, as the requirements for a guest house - regardless of its size - will be the same. For example, to be awarded 5 stars, the building must have a hairdressing salon, a tennis court, several elevators, and much more.

Daily rent of apartments

In conditions of increased demand for real estate and the lack of activity of construction companies, the price per square meter of living space is constantly growing. That is why people who have several apartments or houses prefer not to sell them, but to rent them out. A similar situation is observed in many countries, but in Russia, successful companies and organizations, and not just ordinary citizens, are engaged in daily rental of residential premises.

This paradox can be explained by the fact that the official registration of the hotel business is a very complex procedure from a legal point of view. If the mini-hotel is located in a former communal apartment, then the premises will first need to be transferred to a non-residential fund, and then a complete redevelopment of the space will be carried out. This will take a lot of time and effort.

According to statistics, every second person registered on the individual, Guest House. Taxation, which in this case is much more humane, is another reason for this choice.

Advantages of mini-hotels

According to surveys, people staying in small hotels and private hostels cited more than low price, cozy interior, as well as individual approach to every client. It is very important that guests can feel at home. Large hotels accommodating hundreds of guests are very poorly suited for these purposes.

The guest house, whose business plan is very flexible and easily modified, is suitable for both a creative person and a businessman. The menu and daily routine can also be discussed with the client in advance. Great importance plays and provides services such as laundry, delivery of fresh press and mail.

The small format just allows you to create a feeling of coziness and comfort in the guest, and this is worth a lot. Owner guest house can effectively control the quality of services provided.

Step by step program of action

Business plan guest house It is best to break it down into several smaller items. They need to be carried out sequentially, then you will not have to raise funds for everything at once. This approach will help you achieve success in the shortest possible time.

Since modern urban residents, deprived of the opportunity to regularly relax in nature, dream of having such an opportunity at least once a year, a guest house is an excellent option for a profitable and sustainable business. The question of how to open a guest house is of interest to many entrepreneurs.

Benefits and seasonal restrictions

The target audience of this branch of the hotel business is people of the middle and older generation, couples, families with children. Young people, of course, can also choose a guest house as an accommodation option, but the focus should be on people who are more or less wealthy, who came not to save money, but to relax. They want, as a rule, to relax and live for some time away from the hustle and bustle.

The guest house compares favorably with other establishments:

  • It is cozier and quieter than a hostel or budget hotel.
  • IN guest house you can get a service at the level of 4 * without overpayments.
  • The atmosphere is nicer and friendlier than in apartments.

But in order to properly organize everything, you need to remember about seasonal restrictions, and not calculate the same business plan for the whole year. If you are thinking about how to open a guest house on the sea, then refer to the attendance statistics. Usually people come to the resort from May to September, the rest of the time there will be no visitors at all or there will be very few.

Even if you open a guest house not on the coast, but somewhere else, be sure to find out what tourists who come to this locality want. This will allow you to correctly choose the location and plan in advance for the high and low seasons. Otherwise, the project may turn out to be unprofitable, and even unprofitable.

Foreign and Russian experience

Although guest houses existed in Soviet time, today's establishments combine domestic experience with foreign. Modern guest houses are no longer elite establishments “only for their own”, but relatively affordable, cozy and quiet places that should leave a good impression. Ideally, if the tourist was satisfied enough to recommend the guest house to his friends, relatives and colleagues.

From the point of view of market attractiveness, the question of how to open a guest house in Russia is not very difficult to solve. Conduct a market research or survey, raise statistics on the tourism industry in the region and find out what tourists in general and the target audience in particular want. IN general view the stats are:

  • At a seaside resort, the ideal option is to provide people with beach equipment: sunbeds, umbrellas, and so on. The closer the house is to the beach, the better.
  • If there are historical sights nearby, excursions can be offered as an additional service.
  • There are other ways to diversify the rest, depending on the geographical location. This includes diving, surfing, rafting, jeeping, skiing and snowboarding, hiking and horseback riding.
  • Comfort depends a lot on the little things. Take care of the availability of the Internet, do not save on the arrangement of bathrooms and latrines. Let the guests in every room feel comfortable: cushioned furniture increases comfort, and the curtains on the windows protect from prying eyes.
  • Shuttle service, parking, and car, motorcycle, scooter or bicycle rental services make guests feel free and make their stay more attractive.

Separately, the issue of food should be addressed. There are two main approaches. The first is to provide guests with a modern equipped kitchen with a dining area so that they can prepare their own meals. The second is to take care of the availability of catering establishments as close as possible or even open your own cafe on the territory. If possible, these two approaches can be combined to give guests maximum freedom of choice.

Additional elements that can make guests comfortable are fishing, a Russian bath or sauna, an equipped picnic area and a barbecue kit, a children's playground, garden, outdoor or indoor swimming pool and so on.


In order for the guest house to work without breaks and weekends, ensuring the comfort of guests, the following staff will be needed:

  • Chief Accountant;
  • administrators - from two or more;
  • for walking tours - guide-guide;
  • for transfer and travel arrangements - drivers;
  • to work in a cafe or bar - a cook or bartender;
  • guards working in shifts;
  • cleaners or maids.

In a small guest house, the administrator can perform several functions at the same time, but as attendance grows, duties will have to be divided. The key qualities for the staff are honesty, diligence, friendliness and conflict-freeness.

Arrangement of the building and land

If you are thinking about how to open a guest house in a residential building, then keep in mind: it is much easier to do this in countryside than in the city limits. Allocation of a land plot for a guest house in this case will not require an auction procedure. It will be quite difficult to find a plot in an already developed resort or tourist town: usually everything is already occupied there. Small settlements should be considered: villages, villages, towns or even farms.

The ideal building for a guest house is a cottage with two, three or four floors, which will have from four to ten rooms. If you can find a building in good condition, you will save on repairs, but you still cannot do without start-up capital. The decoration of the premises and the building itself should be accompanied by the arrangement of a common guest area, kitchen or dining area, utility rooms, parking. Depending on the environment, the issue with the fence is solved separately. As a rule, it is made solid, two to three meters high, so that guests feel safe.

The composition of equipment and materials includes the following categories:

  • for the kitchen: stove, sink, tables and chairs, cabinets and shelves, extractor hood, dishes and cutlery;
  • for bathrooms and latrines: sanitary ware, bathtubs or shower cabins, a replenished set of hygiene and shower accessories;
  • for living rooms: furniture, bedding sets, air conditioners or split systems, curtains and decorative elements;
  • tools and expendable materials for cleaning;
  • security and safety: alarm, surveillance cameras, fire and burglary systems, doors and locks.

Using the services of a professional architect and interior designer will allow you to avoid annoying mistakes in the redevelopment and design of the building.

Legal Framework and Compliance

If you are not planning to develop a hotel chain yet, opt for an institution with an income. This will save you from claims from the tax service, and will also allow you to negotiate on an equal footing with tour operators, tour organizers, and entertainment venues.

If you are thinking about how to open a guest house, you will need to draw up documents in accordance with the law. Documentation procedures include:

  • obtaining permits from Rospotrebnadzor, fire and sanitary and epidemiological services;
  • certification of a guest establishment in accordance with Russian regulations based on the international ISO standard;
  • if you have your own bar - licensing for the sale of alcohol and the conclusion of related contracts;
  • in the presence of a kitchen, dining area or cafe - obtaining permits, concluding contracts for sanitation, garbage disposal, treatment of premises from pests.

To make yourself known and attract guests, you will need to cooperate with travel agencies and information aggregators and hotel establishments. If you want two, three, or four stars to appeal to guests in a meaningful and legitimate way, review the requirements and see if everything meets the required level.

Since in the question of how to open a guest house, legal basis is quite complex and highly dependent on the specifics, do not overdo it in saving and seek support from qualified lawyers. A few consultations will help you comply with legal requirements and avoid many problems.

Approximate calculations

The total cost, as well as the payback, of a guest house depends on the region and location. The average costs are roughly as follows:

  • Acquisition of a building with a plot - from one and a half million rubles.
  • Refurbishment, improvement, decoration, construction of additional structures - from one million rubles.
  • Advertising campaign for "promotion" - about 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salaries per month - about 100-200 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes and related expenses for maintaining a guest house per month - from 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the minimum amount of initial investment is close to three million rubles. At the same time, rooms are usually rented at a price of 500 rubles per person per day with minimum set services. If you have additional services and comfort at the level of three or four stars, you can increase the price of accommodation up to one and a half, two or three thousand rubles per person per day. With an average attendance, five standard double or triple rooms will generate an income of about 400-600 thousand monthly. Thus, it is possible to recoup a guest house while maintaining attendance throughout the year in a period of eight months, in the presence of high and low seasons - in one and a half to two years.

A guest house as a business can be recommended to entrepreneurs with an initial capital of five million rubles or more. The profitability and stability of the business will be high if you correctly approach the choice of location and arrangement of the institution. It is not recommended to rely entirely on yourself - it is better to use the experience of specialists: a lawyer, an architect, an interior designer, and so on. If you already have a business in this area, it will be much easier for you; if not, you will have to devote a lot of time to studying the features of the tourism business, starting from the basics.

Private business, if properly managed, can be a profitable business. by the most the best option investment own savings is a guest house.

The business plan of a small hotel is not particularly difficult, however, in order to be a successful manager, you need to make every effort. The newly-minted businessman will need to solve all financial and organizational issues. And, of course, it is very difficult to cope with all this alone, which is why you will have to hire additional staff. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's get it right. So, what do you need to open your guest house? What does that require?

Advantages of guest houses

First, let's talk about the benefits, is it worth opening this business at all? The benefits of the guest house include:

  • more comfortable, homely environment;
  • little competition;
  • not spreading strict strict rules and regulations that are mandatory for hotels;
  • unregulated number of floors, or rooms in the guest house;
  • lower tax rates for owners of guest houses compared to hotels.

Comparative analysis of the guest house as a business

In developed countries, from an economic point of view, the situation is quite normal when 60% of all residents prefer expensive large hotels, and only 40% choose private sectors. In our time, in Russia there is a situation similar to foreign. The only significant difference is that there is practically no competition in this industry in our country, which is considered the main advantage. this business.

In European countries, it is difficult to find a bar, a swimming pool, a fitness center in small guest houses, but residents, in principle, do not need this listed. People first of all need comfort and quality service.

Large hotels, as a rule, operate on the principle of a conveyor belt. The hotel staff treat each new client as one of many. Even in the case of ordering a luxury room, it is very difficult to rid yourself of intrusive service and too feigned politeness, for which you have to constantly tip. Some people choose a guest house because of this.

Search for premises to open this business

The first problem that a person who plans to open his own business related to a guest house faces is, of course, finding necessary premises. For a small hotel, it is not at all necessary to purchase a high-rise building, but a private mansion of the type of urban development will be quite enough, but it is not so easy to find.

But there is a way out of this impasse. Nowadays, the housing market is simply overflowing with various communal apartments. So why not take advantage of this. A communal apartment is the best option for opening a guest house. And its acquisition requires a certain capital.

Also here I would like to note that it is better to purchase living space that is located above the 2nd floor and the location of the apartment should be taken into account, the central and historical areas will be very useful. Big plus there will be a location in the vicinity of any shops, cafes, pizzerias.

Step by step program of action

When compiling a business plan, it is better to break it into several sub-items, this will greatly facilitate your work. As a result, all sub-items will be executed sequentially one after another, then you will not have to look for funds at the same time for everything at once. This approach will help you achieve success in the shortest possible time.

So, after you have decided on the premises, it's time to move on to the main stage: to its reconstruction. This will take a large part of the initial capital funds. However, this is only half the trouble, the most difficult thing is to collect required documents, which will be delayed for a year, or even more.

And the problem doesn't end there. For holding in a mini-hotel of light, gas and hot water, you need to run through various instances. If all of the above steps are completed successfully, then it will be possible to proceed to the pleasant part of this business, namely the recruitment of certain personnel and attracting customers.


To serve the guest house, you will need employees: a cook and service staff. When choosing service personnel, it is necessary to pay attention to his courtesy and responsiveness, which will directly determine whether the client wants to return to this hotel again.

Costs, income and payback of a guest house as a business

To roughly determine the payback period, you must first calculate all the costs of opening this business and the income that an open guest house will later bring. A business plan, as previously noted, should, first of all, take into account the costs of buying a room.

The best option is to purchase a room of 300 - 350 living space. And the cost of such pleasure is approximately 600,000 dollars. About half of this amount, that is, $ 300,000, will have to be spent on repairing and redevelopment of the premises, as well as on obtaining the necessary permits and concluding contracts with various resource supply organizations.

The cost of all standard services such as clean linen and meals (at least three times a day) should also be included in the business plan. Without these services, the guest house will simply turn into an ordinary rooming house.

There are several options for getting out of this situation: either hire a cook, or hire service personnel who will have to interact with third-party organizations (canteen, cafe, laundry, and so on).

More costs will go and advertising, which needs any start-up business. The guest domain is an exception. Advertising in this case is best placed in local newspapers, magazines on tourism topics. The Internet is also considered an excellent advertising tool. However, the best advertising has been and will be advertising, as they say, "by word of mouth", the speed of distribution of which is instantaneous.

So, if you believe the statistics, then the launch of the described mini-hotel with about 10 rooms will cost about $ 1,000,000. These investments will not pay off very soon, somewhere only after 7 years.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1 000 000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

2.5 years




Many people dream of owning their own hotel business, but do not have enough capital to open a whole hotel or even a hotel. If you are one of them, then you should pay attention to the popular in the West, and recently in our country, mini-hotel format - the so-called guest houses.

Although, strictly speaking, a guest house is not a hotel, but it has much in common with it. The main differences between them are the number of beds (there can be a maximum of ten rooms in a hotel house) and living conditions. Guest houses, as a rule, are private households, the owners of which rent them out as a whole or in separate rooms - rooms. Moreover, in many cases the owner himself and his family live in the same household, but on a separate floor or in a separate part of the house. Living conditions in the guest house are as close as possible to home, although it is also possible to stylize the interior in one style or another (for example, in the Mediterranean, native Russian, rustic, etc.).

Guest house on the plot

The advantages of this type of hotel business are the high demand for such services and the relatively small start-up capital required to organize it. The number of floors and area of ​​guest houses, the number of rooms and suites in them is practically not limited by law. It all depends on what you have. In most cases, guest houses are located in low buildings (from one to three floors). The average area of ​​a guest house is about 300 square meters. meters.

Since initially the main goal of guest houses was to make a profit by minimizing the cost of maintaining the household itself and servicing its guests, their legal status also differs significantly from the usual hotels. For example, guest houses do not need to assign and coordinate with the regulatory authorities the hotel class (number of stars), they do not have sanitary and epidemiological standards and there are no relevant requirements. They are taxed at reduced rates compared to regular hotels. Exact size tax deductions will directly depend on the size of your guest house. On average, with official registration for taxes, you will spend up to 30 thousand rubles a month.

Of course, for a novice entrepreneur, this amount can be quite tangible. It includes a land tax (deducted every six months), a single tax on imputed income and a tax on wages, deducted monthly. Add to this the need to regularly submit declarations to the tax office and keep accounting records. It's good if you have the relevant knowledge and, last but not least, the free time to do all this on your own. If you have neither one nor the other, you will have to seek help from a specialist.

An experienced accountant will save you from possible problems in the future, but his services must also be paid. The cost of services of an incoming accountant will be from 5-10 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region, business size, form of taxation and other factors. And yet, no matter how great the temptation to save money, working "in the white" has a number of undoubted advantages.

Benefits of registering a guest house

    Make cashless payments with your visitors

    Install on the territory of your guest house terminals for receiving payments for mobile communications, etc.,

    Work with legal entities - suppliers, contractors and agencies.

As your guest house expands, you should think about registering a legal entity, which will allow you to reach the level of a full-fledged hotel. However, in this case, it will already be necessary to pass the certification procedure according to the hotel standard. The standards establish the procedure and methods for planning to improve the quality of service at all stages of the guest cycle, determine the requirements for the means and methods for monitoring and evaluating the quality of service.

home target setting quality service system is aimed at compliance with the ICO 9000 standards, which at the interstate level determine the quality requirements in accordance with international standards. Appropriate material base is required for certification hotel enterprise, qualified personnel who will carry out their professional duties, rationally substantiated organizational and functional structure, clear management of the enterprise in general and service quality management in particular.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services", certification is a set of actions and procedures for recognizing and confirming the compliance of services with the presented (established) requirements. These compliance requirements are established by GOST 28681.0-90 “Standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services. Basic Provisions”; SNiP 2.08.02-89. "Public buildings and structures", Rules technical operation hotels and their equipment, Law of the Russian Federation “On Security”, Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels, Rules fire safety in Russia PPB-01-93.

Ready-made ideas for your business

State Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 50645-94) “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels" defines a hotel as "an enterprise intended for temporary residence". Its requirements apply to hotels with a capacity of at least ten rooms.

Where is it profitable to open a guest house

Of course, it is most profitable to open a guest house in regions with a developed tourism sector: on the sea coast (resorts Krasnodar Territory), next to the federal highway, close to reserves of national importance, etc. However, there is no strict restriction on its location. Even locality, where you live, is not a busy tourist center, but it has hotels, therefore, a guest house here may well become a profitable enterprise. The easiest way is to buy or rent a building plot in a rural area.

In many regions you can find suitable options practically for nothing. True, a lot will have to be invested in construction or repair, arrangement and equipment. If earlier guest houses were a cheap alternative to hotels and did not have a high level of service, now the situation is slowly but surely changing.

Thanks to reduced tax rates, no need to hire a large staff and, in general, lower expenses compared to hotels, owners of guest houses can invest more in the design and equipment of rooms, improving the conditions of stay for vacationers. Before choosing a location to open a guest house, do your own market research. To do this, you do not need to be a specialist at all, just look at the situation through the eyes of your potential customers.

How to determine the profitability of a guest business

To get started, you need to create detailed business plan. Even if you have your own land plot in suitable place And capital building, which does not require repairs, even if you plan to manage on your own and not take loans, you still need a business plan, which will become a kind of step-by-step action plan, cost estimates and a forecast of expected profits.

Make a list of the necessary documents that you need to obtain before opening your guest house: certificate of state registration as individual entrepreneur, documents confirming your ownership of the house and land, etc. If at this stage you have nothing but money and a dream of your own hotel business, you need to decide whether you will purchase a suitable home ownership or build it with zero.

There is no single answer to this question. If you have a finished building, your costs at the first stage will undoubtedly be lower. However, you still have to spend money (and quite a lot) on repairs, redevelopment, completion, etc. In addition, it must be borne in mind that when converting an ordinary residential building into a guest house, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements in accordance with building codes and regulations (SNiP), sanitary standards(SanPiN), departmental building codes (VSN).

When building a building from scratch, with the help of an experienced architect, you will be able to correctly plan the area, effectively using each square meter, and avoid many annoying mistakes that will overshadow the lives of your guests. Such possible shortcomings include, for example, windows overlooking the courtyard or brick wall, a room located near the kitchen, etc.

The number of rooms in guest houses usually does not exceed ten. Moreover, at least half of them should be double rooms with the possibility of organizing an additional sleeping place(put a bed or a folding bed). The other half of the rooms will be single (preferably also with the possibility of expanding at least one place). On the large quantity it is unprofitable for people to make rooms: they take up too much space, which is already limited, and are less in demand than cheaper single and double rooms.

Interior features in mini-hotels

Think carefully about the interior of your mini-hotel, calculate required amount furniture, household appliances, plumbing, textiles, dishes, cleaning products, etc. Each room must have at least one window (metal-plastic opening for ventilation or a regular one, but with a window) and a bed (a single bed measuring at least 80 by 190 cm, and a double - not less than 140 by 190 cm). Windows must be equipped with mosquito nets.

It is recommended to take at least two and a half times more bedding sets than beds. They usually change once a week. In addition, you need a large supply of towels and hangers for outerwear. Of the furniture, you will also need a wardrobe plus a bedside table or a hanger for outerwear, a mirror, table lamp or floor lamp, table, chair and/or armchair. From household appliances, depending on the "status" and price category mini-hotels, as well as the region, you will need a split system or air conditioning (in budget options- fan) and a TV for each room.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Shower and toilet, as a rule, are made joint - in each room or on the floor. Of course, all these rooms must be equipped with a good ventilation system. Recently, in mini-hotels, not baths with showers, but showers have been installed. On the one hand, this option is cheaper and more practical. On the other hand, the service life of the shower stall is less - it often fails. Therefore, the option with a bath, shower and closing plastic curtain more preferred.

You will also need to purchase everything you need for the kitchen:

If possible, it is better to equip the dining room separately from the kitchen in an impassable room or in the yard (with a canopy from insects). Do not forget about office space, including laundry (its services may be paid for by your guests).

As for the help of a specialist for drawing up an interior design project, then, of course, it will not hurt. However, unlike an architect, it is quite possible to do without the services of a designer if you have a taste and a general idea of various styles. Pay attention to the little things and give preference to easy-to-clean materials.

For example, as floor covering in the rooms it is more expedient to use not carpet, but laminate, cork or wood flooring light shades. You can lay a rug or a rug near the bed. No matter how beautiful the tablecloths and curtains from natural materials, it is better to give preference to more practical and durable textiles with the addition of synthetic fibers.

The issue of providing food to your guests deserves special attention. Most guest houses offer their customers only breakfast, which is included in the room rental price. As a rule, such breakfasts include hot drink(tea, coffee, cocoa), snacks and desserts. For lunch and dinner, customers go to nearby canteens, cafes and restaurants. Sometimes they have at their disposal a kitchen (in the house or in the yard - summer) with everything necessary inventory, crockery and appliances (stove, microwave, toaster, blender, etc.). Vacationers can purchase groceries in stores and cook their own meals in the kitchen.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Guest houses focusing on the "atmosphere of home coziness and comfort" may also offer, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner home cooking. Of course, we are not talking about choosing dishes from the list, but the hosts can take into account the wishes of their guests for the daily menu.

The cost of three hot meals a day in such a guest house is from 500 rubles per day for an adult and from 250 rubles per day for a child. Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to charge for food and accommodation separately. Not all of your guests will be in time for lunch or dinner, not everyone will like the food you offer. With split billing, you give your customers a choice and reduce your own worries.

Pros and cons of opening a bar in mini-hotels

If everything is more or less clear with nutrition, then everything will not be so simple with alcohol. If you are going to sell alcoholic beverages on the territory of your mini-hotel, you will need to obtain a license to sell alcohol. The license itself costs 40 thousand rubles. But you can't sell alcohol without a bar or restaurant.

Therefore, it is necessary to conclude an agreement for sanitary maintenance of the premises (up to 50 thousand rubles a year), an agreement for disinfestation and derotization (treatment of premises from insects and rodents will cost up to 200 rubles per month), an agreement for garbage collection and disposal fluorescent lamps. At least another 150-200 thousand rubles will have to be spent on ensuring the stock alcoholic beverages in your catering establishment.

When your guest house is ready to receive guests, you will need to get expert opinions from various departments (Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozharnadzor, etc.). Their representatives will visit you regularly with checks, so it will not be superfluous to get good connections in supervisory authorities.

One of the most important points- recruitment. To service a small guest house, you will need a manager, an administrator who will deal with the accommodation of guests, consulting by phone and the Internet, booking and selling rooms, a cook, a maid (cleaner).

Of course, at first, some of these duties can be performed independently and with the help of relatives. The guest house is the best option for family business. In fact, to solve all current issues and ensure the smooth operation of the mini-hotel, no more than 3-4 people will be required, not counting the accountant and incoming workers (electrician, plumber, etc.). Make sure that all staff and the owners of the guest house themselves have health books.

Guest house expenses

Costs largely depend on the mode of its operation. If your mini-hotel is located in the resort area, then it will work seasonally - from April-May to October. If she will receive guests all year round(and / or you yourself will live in your guest house), immediately lay down the heating costs, which can be up to 100-150 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region, climatic conditions and heating method.

Other monthly expenses include utility bills, phone and internet charges (if any), tax deductions, wage employees (not relevant for a family business), consumables ( toilet paper, napkins, garbage bags, household chemicals, stationery, etc.).

How to attract guests to your mini-hotel and turn them into regular customers?

    Try to provide your guests with maximum comfort. To do this is not as difficult as it seems. Make sure that there is a place for car parking for vacationers. It is advisable to equip it with a canopy to protect it from rain and snow.

    A parking space can be both free and paid (from 40-50 rubles per day). Take care of the cleanliness of the surrounding area. This applies not only to your garden or yard, but also to the entrance to it. Do not forget to clean the entrance to your house from dirt, ice and snow. If possible, it is better to asphalt it.

    Tidy up the courtyard. Ideally, it should be turned into a garden, put up gazebos with barbecue facilities and equip a playground. Buy sports equipment and board games. You can either rent them out to vacationers or provide them for free. It is also worth creating, albeit a small, but still a library, as well as subscribing to the main news publications.

    Of great importance is also the transfer for your guests. Transport services can be provided both independently and with the help of a hired driver. But do not forget that if the driver you hired does not have a license to Passenger Transportation, then you, not him, will be responsible for the safety of his passengers. If you have your own transport, you can also conduct excursions for your guests.

note: according to federal law dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technical regulation» certification tourism services is voluntary. This means that if you do not have tour certificates, you will not pay any fines or be subject to other sanctions. However, despite the absence of a requirement in the laws, most travel companies still try to certify this activity.

The fact is that the presence of a certificate makes your customers more confident that the services will be provided on high level. Think about what you can offer people besides accommodation: fishing, hunting, riding lessons, a sauna, a swimming pool, trampolines, etc. All these services can become additional source income and increase the profitability of your business. If you yourself cannot or do not have time to conduct excursions for your guests and organize their leisure, arrange with third-party organizations - travel agencies, guides, amusement parks, etc. Such cooperation will be beneficial to both parties.
