How to open an individual entrepreneur for apartment renovation. Promotion of the apartment renovation business

If you decide to do the repair of other people's apartments, then this article will be useful. I will tell you how to do apartment renovation, what difficulties will arise, what you need to know and be able to do. I have been in this business for over 13 years. I have tried to break up the article into several sections to try to cover all aspects of setting up an apartment renovation business. Several articles written for your future clients are combined on this page.

And so, you decided to go into the business of renovating apartments. The desire is great, but there is no experience - bad. If you made repairs in your apartment, then this is not experience, or rather almost no experience. Doing for yourself and for other people are two very different things. My advice: work for a couple of years in companies that renovate apartments. As the saying goes, "you will fill your hand", gain valuable experience, and also get acquainted with specialists who will be useful to you, because. one to do the repair of the apartment is hard and long, on long terms repair customers rarely agree.

If you do not want to work yourself, but want to play the role of an intermediary between the customer and the contractor (look for work and workers), then I can disappoint you. This way of earning is effective if you have a permanent large customer (a chain of stores, etc.) who will supply you with orders. Otherwise, you will look for an apartment for repair for a long time, and then for workers.

As I said earlier, you need experience in apartment renovation, at least to know how, what and what is being done, for what time frame. You need to have 20-40 thousand rubles to buy a professional tool. Needed for apartment renovation professional tool, household will not last long. To save money, it is better to buy the tool that is needed to perform specific types jobs for which you can get paid.

Getting started is always hard. Do not think that you will have many clients and there will be no end to them. You have to spend money on advertising. You can open a website on the Internet and order contextual advertising on it on Yandex or Google. Advertisements in newspapers and on TV are still effective. There is only benefit from posting flyers if you have pasted them in a new rented house. At bus stops and other places, leaflets about apartment renovations are not effective. The best advertising is "word of mouth" (when former customers talk about you with good reviews). The main thing to remember is that a good reputation is hard to earn and keep, but a bad one is easy and for a long time.

At first, you can do the repair of apartments not officially, in the future it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. There is almost no difference between them, except that large customers like to work with LLCs than individual entrepreneurs, construction licenses and SRO permits are not needed. People love official contractors and guarantees for the quality of work.

And then they called you and you came to see the object. I do not advise you to overcharge, but also not to work for a nominal fee. You do not have a reputation yet, you will have to convince the customer of your professionalism. Speak briefly, clearly and clearly. You must convince the customer that you are a professional.
Discuss all types of work, what materials will be used. Set the deadline for apartment renovation to be 10% more than the number of days for which you expect to do it. Be sure to discuss payment methods. The most optimal (I like it so much) is to take a week for the types of work done. Small amounts of money are easier given by the customer.

It is impossible to tell about all the subtleties and moments in the repair of apartments. If you have gone into this business, you will soon realize that there are no "easy and fast money". And so success in this hard work.

What is the difference redecorating from capital? Many customers confuse a major overhaul with a cosmetic one, probably due to the fact that the prices for cosmetic repairs are much lower than the overhaul. However, the designation of the types of repairs was not invented in vain, and I will tell you how they differ.

It often happens that they call me on the phone:
- Hello, do you do apartment renovations?
- Yes.
- How much do you cost square meter, floor space, refurbishment of the apartment?
- such a price.
- When you can see.
As a result, when you arrive at the apartment, you see that the customer needs not a cosmetic repair, but a major one. When the customer finds out the approximate cost of repairing the apartment, he refuses, because. didn't expect to spend that much.
As a result, my time and the time of the customer were wasted, and all because the customer believed that he had easy and cheap types of work, i.e. redecorating.

Types of apartment renovation were invented to make it easier for customers and builders to navigate what kind of repair they are talking about, i.e. the complexity of the work. It's like buying meat in a store, until you know the price for 1 kg, you won't understand how much the piece you like costs.

A square meter of floor area is an approximate monetary unit of measure. Few people will work based on the cost per square meter of floor space. Indeed, in this square meter, you can order many types of work. It's like buying sausage Bad quality- is cheap High Quality- expensive.

Now about the types of apartment renovation:
Redecorating- When a woman wants to make her face more attractive, she uses cosmetics, for this she does not need to go to a plastic surgeon. And she can, every day, change her style. Cosmetic repairs are very similar to women's cosmetics, i.e. wallpaper, linoleum are changed in the apartment, pipes or walls are repainted. All kinds of jobs that change appearance apartments only in color scheme. This repair is also called economy class, Budget option .
Overhaul - this is when the walls are aligned in the apartment, new design elements are added, redevelopment is done. Everything that will change the appearance of the apartment is not only in the color scheme.

Since overhaul is a loose concept, i.e. you can make a simple, high-quality, repair, or you can in style ancient greece, then it is divided into classes, depending on the complexity of the work.
Renovation- This concept was popular in the late 90s and early 2000s. Because implied the use of euro-materials. Now materials of the Euro-standard are produced everywhere in Russia and are used in any type of repair. The very concept of European-quality repair is outdated for a long time and does not carry a semantic load about the complexity of the work.
Standard repair- Such repairs include work on high-quality leveling of floors, walls, ceilings. It does not include complex work such as multi-level plasterboard ceilings and others. complex elements.
VIP, Lux, Premium- Such types of repairs are required to embody any ideas of the customer, if it is technically possible. The most expensive type of apartment renovation, because. it is attended by highly qualified specialists.

What is urgent repair of apartments, when and why is it needed?
The reasons for the urgent repair of the apartment can be different.
You can’t vacate your home, you don’t want to rent an apartment or a hotel for the duration of the renovation, you don’t want to wait a few months until the apartment is renovated, etc.

You must be prepared for the fact that urgent apartment repairs cost more than normal repair, usually there is a surcharge of 30% and I will explain why.

Usually construction teams and firms have a fixed staff of workers. There are usually not many such workers. This is due to the fact that it is easier for 2-3 workers to find a job than for 4-5, because builders do not always come across the amount of work where 5 workers can be involved. If 5 workers can repair your apartment in 1.5 months (for example), then 3 workers will do 2-2.5 months.

So why urgent repair of an apartment is more expensive than usual?
Everything is very simple. Workers will have to work longer on weekdays as well as weekends. This affects their fatigue, you will have to pay extra for the processing of working time. To increase the speed of repairing your apartment, builders can involve other teams that will jointly perform types of work, depending on the type of apartment repair, with the main builders. And this entails additional time for searches and contracts with such subcontractors.

It should be borne in mind that the urgent repair of the apartment does not imply that it will be done in a week (figuratively). You can only reduce the repair time within reasonable limits.
For example, an apartment will be made not in 2 months, but in a month, just some will make a room, others will make a kitchen, others will make bathrooms, etc.
The screed must dry before it can be laid on the flooring, and it dries 1 cm layer - a week, 2 cm layers 2 weeks, etc. After puttying the walls, it should also dry out before gluing the wallpaper, if the wallpaper is glued without letting the putty dry, then over time a fungus may appear on the wallpaper.
There are many such moments in the repair of an apartment, so you need to take seriously the timing of an urgent repair of an apartment.

What is included in the concept finishing and renovation of turnkey apartments? This means complex works (as they say from A to Z). You will be given the key and you will be able to live in your apartment. No matter what type of repair you need, turnkey works provide that there will be no additional work requiring any specialist. Only one person (contractor) is responsible for all the work, with whom you will solve all types of work required for the repair of your apartment, make financial calculations, demand quality, etc.

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Of course, this contractor will not be able to complete or repair the apartment on a turnkey basis. Usually the contractor has subcontractors that he can hire from outside, or he may have own employees. In any case, the contractor is responsible for all the work done in your apartment (quality, timing), and he decides who and what will do in your apartment. This is very convenient when one person is responsible for all types of repairs and you do not need to look for specialists for different types of work until the completion of the apartment renovation. This is the pleasant advantage of finishing or repairing an apartment on a turnkey basis.

There are situations when a conflict arises between the customer and the contractor (builders) about the quality of the work performed. construction works. When the customer thinks that the builders did not do a good job, and the builders think that the customer is too picky. This dispute helps to resolve SNiP.

SNiP are building codes and regulations. Its task is to explain tolerances in the repair and decoration of apartments, offices and country houses. Here are the allowable deviations in the case of the production of repair and finishing works on SNiP 3.04.01-87 .

paragraph 3.67
The distance between wallpaper joints should not exceed 0.5 mm.
It is not allowed to have air bubbles, stains, gaps, gluing and delamination, as well as pasting skirting boards, switches and sockets with wallpaper.
Ensure an accurate fit.
Surface painting
paragraph 3.67
The surfaces to be painted must be uniform and uniform, without stains, splashes, smudges. Also, translucence of previous layers of paint is not allowed.
Facing ceramic tiles
paragraph 3.62
Deviation of the joint width from the one provided by the project - (+/-) 0.5 mm.
The deviation of the seams from the vertical and horizontal per 1 m of length is 1.5 mm.
Irregularities of the tile plane at 2 m - 2 mm.
Deviations from the vertical per 1 m of length - 1.5 mm.
Plaster work
clause 3.12
Deviation from the horizontal for 1 m of length is not more than 2 mm.
Deviation from the vertical per 1 m of length - 2 mm.
Irregularities of a smooth outline at 4 m at a depth of up to 3 mm no more than - 2.
Screed for parquet, laminate, linoleum: clearance when checking with a 2-meter rail - 2 mm.
Screed for other surfaces: clearance when checking with a 2-meter rail - 6 mm.

First, let's define what is SRO who needs it, i.e. Do you need an SRO permit?
So. SRO stands for Self-Regulatory Organizations, it came to replace construction licenses that ceased to be valid in 2010.
SRO approval is needed in the construction or design of buildings for various purposes.

Nowadays, there are many places where you can get admission to the SRO, the cost of such a "pleasure" is different everywhere, but not cheap.
Usually, to be admitted to the SRO, you must be registered as entity(LLC, OJSC, etc.).
You must have a minimum authorized capital, all this can be found on sites that deal with the admission of SROs.

SRO is of 3 types: for builders, designers and surveyors. The very essence of the SRO is that with a permit you can carry out serious construction and installation work. SRO controls and improves the quality of work. It has a clear mechanism for compensation for harm and damage to third parties from SRO participants, as well as financial costs (within the compensation fund) that have arisen as a result of causing harm to third parties.
In other words, other SRO participants vouch for you that you will perform the work properly and with quality.

You do not need an SRO permit if you are engaged in:
Any kind of internal finishing works, except for waterproofing, fire protection, antiseptic and thermal insulation;
Installation of fences, fences, gates and other landscaping works;
For low-rise construction;
To various repairs of buildings that do not belong to unique or especially dangerous objects;
Partially it is possible to carry out preparation work construction sites under buildings and structures. hasan
Without registering

how much can I pay a percentage of my workers for the repair of apartments

How to Start an Apartment Renovation Firm: Registration + 4 Business Opportunities + Staff List + 4 Customer Acquisition Solutions + financial calculations.

Capital investment in business: 330 800 rubles.
Company payback period: from 5 months.

How to open an apartment renovation company- the idea is good, though not new. However, in order to successfully enter the market, quickly acquire clients and perform high-quality work, you need serious preparation.

Treat her with all responsibility!

Conduct this type of business without knowing the types of work, how to perform them, building materials, extremely difficult!

Most likely, you already understand something about the topic of repair, since the thought of own business in such a difficult direction.

Usually, people who have worked in repair jobs, foremen, etc. come to this business.

But you need to understand that in addition to specialized knowledge, you need to have an understanding of demand, that is, to analyze the market.

You will also need to refurbish the apartments. And, of course, as the experienced owners of apartment renovation firms say: “it spins and spins again”.

This article contains all the information that will help you start the right way.

Apartment renovation business: is it worth starting?

Let's look at the pros and cons of this business:

Market relevance and analysis

And immediately good news The statistics are comforting! In spite of times of crisis, housing is bought and built. All the same statistics show that only 5% of people make repairs on their own. The rest prefer to hire professionals.

Developers usually rent apartments with bare walls or minimal finishes, which, of course, implies renovation.

And people who buy a home most often include future repairs of a new house in their expenses.

In addition to repairs that are made after buying a home, they also carry out in-line repairs of apartments (on average, once every 7-10 years). But all this is general information.

The analysis must be carried out, starting from the realities of the market in which you plan to work. If a we are talking about major cities with a large population and ongoing construction - this is one thing.

A small regional center, where there is no work, is completely different.

Considering that the difference in costs for starting an apartment renovation business in big city and in the outback is small, we advise you to immediately focus on the "advanced" market.

So, when analyzing the market, pay attention to:

  • the number of the city's population and its ability to pay;
  • availability of primary housing under construction;
  • statistics for last years in the field of sale and purchase (the easiest way to find such information is on the Internet resources of realtors in your region);
  • analyze competitors: their number, specialization, services provided, prices.

Detailed business plan for apartment renovation

1) Registration of an apartment renovation company

Ever since Soviet times, when business was banned, the habit of working "underhand" has remained. This trend is especially visible in the area of ​​apartment renovation.

This is also due to the fact that it is quite difficult for the tax service to trace the provision of such services - cash simply changes hands.

The choice of legal form (IP or LLC) depends on whether you intend to deal with minor or major repairs.

Registration of an apartment renovation company, to speed things up, can be entrusted to intermediaries. Or do it yourself, which will save you several thousand rubles.

So the plan is this:

2) Premises and equipment for running an apartment renovation business

You may need an office and a warehouse for your business.

We suggest you consider the following options:

  • do without them - communication with clients and signing of documents can be carried out on the territory of the customer, and building materials can be delivered to the facility immediately from the market;
  • negotiate with some company (perhaps your friend), and for a nominal fee, bring your clients to them;
  • rent a small warehouse for tools and building materials, which will allow you to buy them in bulk at better prices;
  • rent a room and use it as an office for organizing work, meetings with clients and a warehouse at the same time.

The situation is about the same with tools:

  • hire workers who have their own tools (at the same time, their pay will be higher);
  • buy only expendable materials: drills, crowns, etc.;
  • rent a tool (this is convenient for serious expensive and bulky tools, such as a chipper, concrete mixer, etc.);
  • buy everything you need.

The choice depends on your financial capabilities.

You definitely need a Gazelle-type car in your business. If it is not possible to buy it, there are options for rental or carrier services.

3) Repair personnel

First, let's talk about you. What functions can you perform?

Usually, in a start-up business, the owner personally performs the role of foreman, estimator, architect, designer and accountant.

If your competence is not enough, you should think about hiring at least a foreman.

They can be both universal, that is, perform different types works, as well as specialists of a narrow profile.

Experienced businessmen advise for the most part to use the services of specialists. As a rule, the quality of their work is an order of magnitude higher, and with a large number of orders, it is easier to organize their work.

Hiring a staff (and this is at least 4-5 workers) and paying them a rate in the first couple may not be profitable. Many owners of such a business work by agreement, hiring workers for a specific facility.

While you develop a base of proven employees, use the services of those who your friends can recommend or read reviews.

According to specialists for your business, you will need at least:

  • dismantler-loaders;
  • plumber;
  • electrician;
  • tiler;
  • plasterer.

4) Finding Clients for a Successful Home Renovation Business

In such a business as an apartment renovation business, advertising is a thankless thing. The only one 100% effective advertising are your satisfied customers.

The thing is that people who start repairs approach the choice of workers with caution, and look for them on the recommendations of friends. So word of mouth is the best advertisement.

If you already got the object, give it your all! Provide the appropriate quality of work, invest within the agreed time frame and, of course, do not deceive or shortchange the client.

But, nevertheless, you need to work out the base somehow. What promotion of the company is better to choose?

  1. If you are focused on renovating apartments in new buildings, then flyers, booklets, and advertisements placed directly at the construction site work best.
  2. It is possible to reach clients through real estate sales departments, but this will require excellent persuasion skills. And be prepared to pay a “kickback” in the amount of 5-10% of the order.
  3. As with everything, now most people use the Internet to search for various services. So it would be useful to have a website for your company.

    But it will require serious investments in promotion, since the competition of sites like yours is great.

    There you can place a detailed price list necessary materials, services for calculating the cost and timing of the repair of the apartment.

  4. Consider cooperation options with housing departments, designers, installation firms plastic windows, brokers, etc. Again, for the "reward".

5) Capital investment and payback for opening an apartment renovation company

You should be renovating apartments based on the decisions you make about the organization of work.

Only starting from your specific costs and market prices, it is possible to make an estimate. We can offer you only approximate figures for a general understanding.

So, we calculated this option for the apartment renovation business: registering an individual entrepreneur on a simplified taxation system on our own, working without an office and a warehouse, purchasing basic tools (we rent especially expensive ones if necessary) and a car, attracting workers to a specific facility without applying for a job creating a simple website.

6) Starting investment in the apartment renovation business

In this version of doing business, all regular investments (tool rental, purchase of building materials, workers' wages, gasoline) can be made from the client's prepayment.

7) Profits from the apartment renovation business

Consider the average prices:

The cost of cosmetic repairs is 1,500 rubles / sq.m, economy class - 2,000 rubles / sq.m, luxury - 3,000 rubles / sq.m. On average - 2,150 rubles / sq.m.

General repair in 2 room apartment will cost about 110,000 rubles. The number of orders per month from an ordinary apartment renovation company is, on average, 2 pcs.

And the average profitability is 30%.

Your profit is 66,000 rubles / month.

We deliberately considered not the most "rosy" option. The profits from an apartment renovation business can be much higher.

But we must not forget that without competent organization work, burn out is also very easy.

So, the payback of the business is 5 months.

The success of any business depends on the number of customers. You will learn how and where to look for clients for your business from the video:

Apartment renovation business- interesting and profitable with its proper organization. Take the time to analyze, strategize, and prepare.

By the time the contract is concluded with the client, you should already have a clear understanding of the prices for your work, building materials, budgeting, professional workers ready to start the project, contacts of tool rental companies.

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The active development of cities has made the apartment renovation business a promising and profitable line of business. Most new buildings are rented with minimal or no finishing. Therefore, entrepreneurs working in this area, despite the presence of competitors, do not lack customers.

How to start an apartment renovation business: registration

Before you open an apartment renovation company, you need to go through the business registration procedure. Depending on the expected scale of activity, you can issue an IP ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (company with limited liability), as well as choose an appropriate taxation system (see).

If you plan to work with large customers and projects, the entrepreneur will need to obtain licenses to perform the relevant work (for each type of activity - a separate document).

The following types of work are subject to the licensing procedure:

  • plastering;
  • stucco;
  • mounting;
  • facing;
  • decorative;
  • glass.

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Types of services provided

When figuring out how to organize an apartment renovation business, you need to decide on the type of services provided. There are three main categories: cosmetic, major and improved repairs.

Redecoration involves laying tiles, wallpapering, leveling and painting ceilings, replacing linoleum, dismantling or installing skirting boards. Sometimes it is possible to replace plumbing. This is the most budgetary and simple type of work. Prices in this segment range from 1,500 rubles. up to 2,000 rubles for 1 sq. m.

Major repairs are by far the most in demand. The services performed in this segment are already more significant and expensive, they include the replacement of basic structures and outdated or failed communications. The list of works will include plastering and Painting works, dismantling and installation of doors and windows, installation of additional parts (arches, niches, columns). The cost of services starts from 3,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

Under the improved repair means the performance of work using progressive technologies and modern quality materials. These include leveling and screeding floors, parquet work, installation of the "Warm floor" system, three-layer painting of walls, drawing up design projects (see), installation of interior items, furniture and other services.

Recruitment for work

Employees are one of the most important aspects home improvement and renovation business. Therefore, it is necessary to assemble a team of qualified and conscientious specialists. As a rule, a team of workers includes a plasterer, plumber, painter, electrician and carpenter. It is advisable to have on your staff installers for stretching ceilings and flooring, specialists in installing door and window structures, finishers and a handyman.

Tip: the entrepreneur himself can initially take on the role of foreman, accountant and estimator, this will help reduce current expenses for 60,000 - 100,000 rubles. When there are more customers, you can think about expanding the staff.

Purchase of tools for repair work

Having decided where to start an apartment renovation business, what services will be provided, and how many people will work in the team, you should purchase the appropriate tools. To get started, you will need:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • a set of brushes;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • industrial dryer;
  • spatulas;
  • rollers;
  • ladder;
  • expendable materials.

Attention! To provide apartment finishing services, it is desirable to have your own car, for example, a GAZelle, to deliver the work team to the facility and transport the available tools.

Promotion of the apartment renovation business

Such a business idea as apartment renovation involves a carefully designed advertising campaign, since there are a lot of competitors in this niche. Undoubtedly, there is no advertising better than testimonials from satisfied customers. But besides word of mouth, there are more modern and effective types of promotion, such as online advertising, that can attract a large number of potential customers and helping to make money on the repair of apartments.

Today, most people turn to Internet sources in search of information about future contractors. Therefore, it is desirable to have your own website, a group in social networks or a one-page site. If available, you can run contextual, banner and teaser advertising. It will also be useful to place advertising posts on thematic forums and websites.

Advertising in magazines and newspapers can also help in finding customers. But, as a rule, such columns abound with such ads, so you need to try to attract attention with the help of non-standard and original presentation of information.

You can hang ads near shops, crossings, stops and entrances. The main thing is that these should be places of large congestion or patency of people. You can also distribute business cards and flyers.

How much capital is needed to open a company

Having figured out how to start an apartment renovation business, it would be advisable to calculate what kind of initial capital. On average, this amount is about 400,000 - 600,000 rubles. (consider also rub.). The most expensive items are the purchase of a car and necessary tools for execution repair work.

The list of basic expenses is as follows:

Monthly revenue is 200,000 - 400,000 rubles, net profit is from 60,000 to 160,000 rubles. The return on investment is usually achieved quite quickly - from 6 to 9 months. Much depends on the season of the year.

Today, some repair companies provide a full cycle of services, such as a turnkey residential building, which allows you to earn much more. Consider this idea, you might also like it.

Read what you can organize with a simple set of building tools.

Simultaneously with the repair of apartments, it is possible to develop and. In this case, customers whose apartments are undergoing finishing work can immediately be offered to update the furniture.


Apartment renovation as a business is a direction that can bring good income to its owners. The average investment is about 500,000 rubles, however, you can start this activity with less investment, if, for example, you refuse to purchase a car, or if the entrepreneur already owns it. In general, by providing quality services and working on the recognition of the enterprise, you can receive monthly from 100,000 rubles. net profit. Read what else

The repair business in our country originated in the last century, but was not legalized. Now to open a repair company is not only a profitable, but also a prestigious event. Despite the crisis, the number of new buildings is steadily growing, and the number of people wishing to improve their quality of life is increasing. The healthy desire of clients to get a decent result pushes them to apply to a licensed company, and not to the services of our brothers from neighboring countries.

Ways to open an apartment renovation company

Before officially opening an apartment renovation company, you first need to obtain a license, which contains a number of conditions:

1. The brigade must include at least 50% of people with a higher education in construction, received no later than 5 years ago. Otherwise, you will have to send employees for advanced training, which will take time and money.

2. After successfully obtaining a license, which is valid for 5 years, it must be remembered that lawsuits from dissatisfied customers can stop it ahead of time.

3. For effective management own business it is recommended to draw up detailed business plan. Be sure to consider not only the cost of tools, wages etc., but also future earnings and profitability of the company.

4. The description should contain data on the rental of premises, warehouses, the team of the company, as well as a marketing analysis that considers the seasonality of the business.

5. The repair and construction segment of the services market consists of several categories of work:

  • cosmetic repairs, including wall, ceiling, tile replacement
  • economy option: the use of high-quality, but inexpensive materials to give the room a decent look
  • luxury class is the creation of a new image, a change in design using the latest developments.


It is necessary to decide on what type of repair and finishing work the company will specialize in. Rational choice - complex services, implying the entire range of work. In this case, it is necessary to select professionals of different specialties: a plasterer, a painter, an electrician, a plumber, an auxiliary worker, etc. good specialists you need to encourage and not save on wages, so as not to lose qualified workers and not spoil the company's reputation. Therefore, we also recommend reading about how to achieve a positive result.

Company promotion:

One of the most important points development of the repair business - search for customers. For this, all methods are good: submitting ads to free local newspapers, distributing leaflets, testimonials from grateful customers transmitted by word of mouth, etc. Posting near new buildings and right at the entrances of new houses can bring success, because most houses are rented without finishing. Choose non-standard advertising moves: original text, paper color, tempting promotions to make your apartment renovation company stand out from the crowd of competitors. In order to maintain a worthy reputation, you need to carefully select the team, avoid marriage, downtime, delays in work.

There are several repair options that your future enterprise can deal with. First of all It's a cosmetic overhaul. This option is the cheapest, and its average cost is from $40 to $50 per 1 m². What does such work include? This is pasting wallpaper, painting the ceiling, installing slopes, etc.

Secondly There is also a deluxe option. It is the most expensive - from $ 150 to 160 per 1 m². Only high-quality materials are used in the process, and the design is in line with the latest fashion. Thirdly, something between cosmetic and luxury work - economy. Today it is the most popular finishing option, which gives an excellent result, but without much money.

The most responsible task in opening an apartment renovation company is the search for personnel. At the first stages of work, you can get by with a minimum number of employees:

  • A carpenter;
  • plasterer;
  • plumber;
  • electrician.

At least half of them must have higher education, because you will receive a license to open only if at least 50% of the employees are diploma specialists. In addition to this requirement, there are several more. Among them is the requirement for experience and qualifications.

How much money do you need to open?

It is surprising that, when compared with other areas, in this case, the investments are quite modest, from $10,000:

  • Registration, obtaining a license and other organizational issues - $3000;
  • purchase of professional equipment and tools - $5,000;
  • buying a car to move around the city (Gazelle).

A package of necessary documents

To obtain a license even for the most simple job(plastering and finishing works), it is necessary to consult with specialists in advance. As a rule, four paid sessions are enough. How more quantity services offered and work performed, the more expensive the license. If you are buying ready-made company, then its full set of documents and licenses will cost 180,000 rubles.

All licenses are issued within 2 months and are valid for 60 months. The license can be lost if there are a large number of claims from customers.

Activities in this area are very strictly regulated by law. The main legislative document in the field of reconstruction and construction, as well as repair services - Urban Planning Code RF. It qualifies all finishing work as a series of completion works. All works listed in OKDP OK 004-93 do not require licenses, special permits or permits.

Given all this, private professionals have a much greater advantage because they operate without proper licensing.

Potential risks

Opening an apartment renovation company comes with a number of risks that you need to know about in advance in order to eliminate them as soon as possible.

  • seasonality

Very often, such firms remain unemployed in winter period. What to do at this time? Many continue to look for clients to perform finishing work, while others simply temporarily switch to solving those tasks that people need.

  • Mistrust

Potential customers are afraid that the work can be done poorly. Nowadays, there are a large number of one-day firms that take a deposit and evaporate. In order not to run into such an organization, many prefer to do repairs on their own.

After opening you will have to wait certain time to be heard and interested in you.

  • Staff

In most cases, well-selected staff determines the reputation of the institution. If the state has the necessary skills and knowledge, is responsible for the work and does not allow marriage during the repair process, then you can rely on it. This helps to earn trust and build an excellent reputation.

How much can you earn from such a business? It all depends on prices, object and types of work. As practice shows, it is much more profitable to take on office space, because it is larger than apartment space. A large corporate order is the best option. Although there are also a few downsides. Many firms today admit that in order to receive such an order, you need to have good connections. But where do newbies come from?

Different types of work are also different different profitability. Most profitable options- electrical, installation of double-glazed windows or air conditioners. Here the profit reaches 40-50%. So, in Moscow, installing an outlet costs $ 8, and slotting a channel for laying a cable costs $ 2-3 per 1 running meter.

In one day, two workers can destroy walls and earn $100, while painting and tiling work is on the verge of payback - $10-12 per 1 m? laying tiles. Profit also differs from the quality and quantity of orders. But, if we are talking about the net income of a small start-up enterprise, then it ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 per month. The better you prove yourself, and the better all the work will be carried out, the higher will be total amount arrived.

How to open an apartment renovation company - video.

Check out the offers of banks

RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account - free of charge in 10 minutes;
  • Service - from 0 rubles / month;
  • Free payments - up to 20 pieces / month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account - free of charge in 5 minutes;
  • Service - from 490 rubles / month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration salary cards- for free;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Free account opening in 10 minutes;
  • First 2 months free service;
  • After 2 months from 490 rubles / month;
  • Up to 8% on the account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile bank.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening r / s - 0 r.;
  • Service - from 0 rub./month;
  • Free "Sberbank Business Online";
  • Lots of additional services.

More about current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuance of a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. the first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budgetary payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. service account if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile app for free;
  • 3 months of service for free;
  • after 3 months from 490 rubles / month
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Service - from 0 rubles / month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application - free of charge.
RKO in Expert Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Account maintenance - from 0 rub./month.
  • Cash withdrawal (up to 700 thousand rubles) - free of charge
  • Up to 5% on account balance
  • The cost of payment - from 0 rubles.
RKO in Unicredit Bank.