How to update the lampshade of a table lamp with your own hands. Lampshade decor - do-it-yourself decoration methods and ideas

Good lighting can radically transform any room, as well as poor quality - make the room uncomfortable and gloomy. For example, in restaurants and cafes, soft warm lighting always prevails, conducive to relaxation and rest, but cold and harsh light in hospitals, on the contrary, strains the eyesight. IN winter time we especially miss sunlight, but I want the house to be light and comfortable. Beautiful floor lamps and lamps can create a cozy home atmosphere. But if you did not find a suitable model in the store, then you can make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands. How to do this - we will learn more from this article.

Where to start creating a lampshade?

First, we select a lamp or several lamps at once that you decide to transform. Devices with LED and energy-saving lamps are excellent for this.

Important! Please note that ordinary light bulbs can burn through the fabric.

First of all, we remove the frame, on which a brand new lampshade will be sewn. If not, then you can buy a new one at hardware store or specialized salon.

In principle, the frame can be made with your own hands, for this you need to purchase pliers and thick wire. At the expense of the form - here you can fantasize as much as you wish. But in order to have fewer problems, it is better to make a cone-shaped or cylindrical frame.

From what materials can a new lampshade be made?

Before considering how to make a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with possible options choice of improvised materials. Even the oldest lamp can be made stylish and attractive.

For this you can use the most different materials. For example, beautiful fabrics, old film, beads, ribbons, fabric and knitted flowers, plastic, mesh, various paper and even wallpaper.

And now let's take a closer look at the most popular options for transforming old lamps and creating real masterpieces.

DIY paper lampshade

Paper lampshades are made not only craftsmen, but are also sold in the most ordinary stores where home furniture is presented. As a rule, they are not cheap, so it is more rational to make them yourself.

Important! The shape of such a lampshade can be any, and due to this they can be used in a variety of modern interiors.

For these purposes, you need to buy only the highest quality and densest paper so that the product lasts as long as possible.

Important! It must be remembered that the thickness of the paper will determine how much the lampshade will transmit light.

There are several varieties of paper that are ideal for the manufacture of such products:

  1. Rice paper lampshade. Such material is perfectly glued to old lamps, which gives them a new shine. Often, finished products are decorated with special stamps, in particular in cases where a plain base is used. White lampshades are in perfect harmony with muted shades and natural materials.
  2. Wallpaper shades. This idea is especially attractive due to its minimal financial costs. You can even use the remnants of wallpaper, lying around after the repair.

Important! The most popular option is to make a cap for a table lamp in the form of an accordion:

  • First, a piece of wallpaper is taken about one and a half meters long and no more than 30 centimeters wide.
  • Then it is folded into an accordion.
  • After that, the resulting lampshade is perforated and the laces are threaded into it.
  • Then the structure is glued together.

Mesh lampshade for home

And now let's look at how to make a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands from the most ordinary metal mesh, which you can even find in your garden or in the country:

  1. You can form this material into any shape, because you just need to connect the ends and create at your discretion. More often products are made in the form of an ellipse or a ball. To get this shape, you need to use a ready-made frame made of thick cardboard or strong wire.
  2. A mesh lampshade is attached to the light bulb cable using the same wire.

Important! The finished lampshade can be decorated with weaving from colored laces or artificial flowers.

Lace lamp shade

With the help of such lampshades, you can make the interior of your home more elegant and light. The lace itself, depending on the variety, makes the light brighter or more diffuse.

Important! Such products look great in children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms.

Here are a few useful tips to help you along the way:

  • Naturally, the main material for making such a lampshade for a table lamp with your own hands will be lace. But if for someone they seem too expensive, then you can replace them with lace napkins or pieces of old curtains and tulle.
  • The material must be cut correctly in order to give it the shape of a circle, strip or square.
  • The hardest thing to glue with a special glue individual elements, so you need to do this as carefully and carefully as possible.

Important! Lace can be glued even to the most ordinary balloon or to a prepared frame covered with paper or fabric.

Stylish beaded lampshade

Now we will learn how to make a frame for a lampshade with our own hands, which will then be covered with beads. In this case, you can make the base from the same wire or old frame. But the product itself will be made of beads, not paper or fabric, as in previous cases.

Important! Such a lampshade will perfectly transmit light, and the result itself is truly admirable.

To work, you will need a frame, fishing line and, of course, beads:

  1. The end of the fishing line should be firmly attached to the base, and you can string beads on it, making knots between them so that they do not move.
  2. Then the second end of the fishing line is attached to the frame.

Important! The manufacturing process of such a lampshade is quite laborious, but all the work is compensated by a unique decorative effect.

Original fabric lampshade

Many needlewomen are interested in how to sew a lampshade for a table lamp from various fabrics left over after making other interior items or tailoring.

Important! In principle, light, dense, and rigid fabric is suitable for this. Some craftsmen even manage to make wool lampshades - it all depends on the interior of the apartment and their own flight of fancy.

If you already have a wire frame, then it is better to use opaque material, which will help to hide it, for example, taffeta, cotton or dark-colored silk.

The manufacturing process of a fabric lampshade consists of several stages:

  1. We make a template to cut correctly right amount material:
    1. If the frame has the shape of a cylinder, then you can measure the circumference and draw one line on the fabric, and then measure the height and mark it with a second line. After that, you only need to finish the two remaining sides and cut out the finished template.
    2. If the frame is cone-shaped, then you need to lay out the paper, and use a pencil to mark dotted lines on the sheet as it passes over the sheet. The frame should rotate completely. Then we connect the lines and cut out the pattern.
  2. We apply the template to the already finished frame in order to check whether it fits clearly in size. In case of discrepancy between its dimensions, it is necessary to take measurements again and make a new template.
  3. Having received the correct template by all standards, we attach it to the fabric:
    1. If you have chosen a material with a print, then you need to position the template in such a way that all elements of the pattern look in one direction.
    2. You need to apply it to the wrong side of the material, and then attach it with pins.
    3. Then we circle the template and be sure to make small allowances.
    4. Carefully remove the pins and wrap the allowances inward.
    5. We fix the fold line with pins.
  4. We sew the received parts on sewing machine on three sides, one must remain unprocessed so that it can be done, then form a seam directly on the frame.
  5. With the help of an iron, we thoroughly smooth the fabric blank.
  6. We cover the work surface with a piece of old tablecloth or paper, lay out the fabric on it. Apply glue to it and wait a few minutes.
  7. We glue the fabric to our frame and hide the raw cut. The seam must be made as accurate as possible.
  8. Leave the finished lampshade for a while to dry completely. In a day, you can put it on your favorite table lamp and enjoy the result.

Lamps are not just a source of artificial lighting in the interior, but also important element decor, without which the composition looks unfinished. You can create bright accents by making a ceiling for a chandelier with your own hands, because it is not at all necessary to spend huge amounts of money on a purchase. designer models. About the nuances of work - read our article!

Where to begin?

When creating a do-it-yourself ceiling lamp, keep in mind that using an ordinary incandescent lamp is not the most good idea. It is better to focus on energy-saving light bulbs, which do not heat up so much and, accordingly, do not heat up nearby parts, thereby ensuring safety. In addition, they are quite economical, which allows you not to spend money on electricity, and are also durable.

When choosing a material for a ceiling lamp, focus on both aesthetic properties and specifications. Firstly, it should be environmentally friendly, preferably natural bases that will not spread unsafe substances with minimal heating.

Secondly, the ceiling should not collect a lot of dust: some surfaces, like fabric, are more prone to this than others. Choose an option that is easy to clean, easy to wipe with a damp cloth. This does not apply to paper, but due to the cheapness and simplicity of the material, such a chandelier can always be replaced if necessary.

Thirdly, the chandelier should illuminate the room well without dimming it. However, for some interiors, subdued lights are more suitable: in the nursery, bedroom or living room for an intimate atmosphere. In such cases, you can show your imagination by making a lampshade that creates light patterns in the room. You, as the author, can implement any of your decisions - and this is probably the main advantage of homemade ceiling lamps.

We select a ceiling lamp for the style of the interior

The chandelier can become bright accent in the interior or its inconspicuous, but important addition. With any choice, the ceiling should harmoniously match the style of the room.

Unfortunately, not every product can be created with your own hands. For example, the classics are characterized by elegant crystal, glass or metal products that cannot be made on their own. But there are other options as well.


The laconic and laconic composition of minimalism can easily be broken due to one extra detail, which will be especially noticeable in such an interior. Regardless of the type of room, simple geometric shapes, the absence of hanging elements, as well as the monotonous color scheme, which is included in the overall palette of the space, will look appropriate here.

Metal frame structures that dim the light a little, or paper shades without decorative details, work well.


That's where you can really roam, so it's in the loft interior, in which they will look organically homemade products from unusual materials. Don't be scared if appearance chandeliers gives out their non-manufacturing origin, because many details of this style put forward their imperfection as the main advantage.

For ceiling lamps, it is permissible to use even familiar objects: transparent cans, metal appliances, thread or wire frames. If the ceiling height allows, then a long pendant chandelier with a minimalist cap will be an excellent option.

Scandinavian style

Despite the northern origin, this direction in the interior looks very cozy and modern. Minimalistic in nature Scandinavian style prefers natural materials, as well as light, mostly white, color scheme.

There are many options for the design of the chandelier - the style is not very limited in forms. But not everything can be created independently. Suitable spherical, airy models of thread or paper.


Coming to us from distant French villages, Provence prefers a simple, cozy aesthetic. natural materials, floral patterns, as well as light shades. Something like this should be the ceiling for the chandelier.

Items made of fabric or rounded lace look appropriate. With a low level of skill, you can ennoble a glass cap with decoupage, thereby saving money - after all, despite its simplicity, authentic Provence involves significant costs in the arrangement.

Paper shades

Despite the fact that paper is not considered the most reliable basis for lampshades, the ease of working with it and the noticeable cheapness made this material very attractive among needleworkers. In addition, with its help you can update the interior at least every month, creating new crafts.

Origami plafonds

Who has not been fond of origami as a child, designing little animals or complex modular paper products? Now you can apply your skills for more practical purposes. However, even people who first encountered this activity can also easily master it and make origami ceiling lamps for a chandelier with their own hands.

These are laconic designs of different geometric shapes that fit perfectly into modern interior. It is not recommended to use very strong paper, as it does not transmit light well.

Figured products

However, lovers of a more diverse decor can create ceiling lamps of a wide variety of shapes from paper. For example, surround the lamp with paper houses, butterflies or envelopes.

The appearance of such a ceiling also depends on the surface - plain, patterned, newspaper, and so on. Combining these materials, you can achieve completely different effects.

Chinese lanterns

If you have found at home paper lanterns, do not rush to use them as an independent ceiling, because this is an excellent basis for other experiments.

It can be pasted over with anything, but to avoid homemade look- we suggest decorating the ball with small paper scales or long "feathers" that will gracefully hang down to the bottom.

Plafonds from threads

Various threads and ropes make an excellent base for a lampshade, which is suitable for creating an intimate atmosphere due to the dimming effect.

graceful cocoon

A round ceiling made of randomly wound threads looks very simple and at the same time stylish. To keep such material desired shape, it is fixed with glue on a balloon, which is delicately removed after work is completed.

Although the field for creativity here is small, but you can always experiment with colors, weaving in several shades.

Knitted shade

Such a solution from threads looks less chaotic. The main conditions for its manufacture are the ability to knit or the presence of a grandmother who will kindly knit a napkin for you. The finished product must be placed on any base - metal carcass, transparent container, Chinese ball. Similarly with the first option, you can fix the lampshade on the balloon with glue.

Plafonds from bottles

Stylish indoor chandeliers different types You can even create from bottles. This includes both glass and plastic containers.

Glass bottles or jars

The principle of working with such a base is simple: choose the most beautiful and hide the lamp in it. Elongated bottles or small jars can be used. It is necessary to make sure that the glass transmits the amount of light necessary for the room, and in case of a lack, several sources can be used.

If the chandelier plays a more decorative function, the bottle can be covered with acrylic paint or painting.

Plastic shades

Plastic bottles should not be used untouched. But to make cheap parts for a homemade ceiling lamp out of them is quite realistic.

Luxurious (as far as this word is generally applicable to plastic) look chandeliers from the bottom ordinary bottles which are shaped like a flower. They are fastened together with wire for better fixation, creating a variety of compositions.

Another option is a 10-liter eggplant, glued with plastic spoons, which are lined up in several rows, like scales. The design will let in a subdued but uniform light, which will additionally decorate the product.

Plafonds made of metal elements

Enough unusual solutions for chandeliers also offer metal products. Fortunately, you don’t need to make them yourself, so you won’t need any special metalworking skills. But a spectacular appearance is provided in any case.

Kitchen appliances

Do not rush to throw away old spoons and forks - they will come in handy for creating original design. By placing a dozen fixtures around the lamp, you get a great ceiling for kitchen chandelier which fits the theme perfectly.

The same effect can be achieved using, for example, a grater. In general, you can experiment with any appliances, especially if your interior is decorated in a loft style. Just make sure the metal parts don't get too hot.

dome of gears

If you want to add a bit of steampunk to your life, make a chandelier shade out of gears. They can be obtained by disassembling old bike, or buy at a flea market. But the result is definitely worth the effort!

We examined the features of making do-it-yourself ceiling lamps for chandeliers and the most popular solutions from various materials. But interesting options, of course, much more - proof of which is our selection of photographs. Enjoy watching!

Decorating the lampshade will help create a unique atmosphere of comfort in the house. In addition, it will help to give old things new life. No need to throw away old lamps and fixtures, but it is worth showing a little imagination to create a completely new one. designer thing. The decor of the lamp can be made from improvised means, creating a lamp that will harmoniously complement the interior of the room.

Decor materials

In order for a hand-made lamp to look original, you can use a wide variety of materials and fixtures to decorate it. Basic materials for work:

  • glue (PVA, silicate or glue gun);
  • twine, wire, twine;
  • beads, rhinestones, beads;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • thick cardboard, sheets of white paper;
  • lampshade frame;
  • bulb holder and wire.

This is not a complete list of materials that are used to create a lampshade. In the work, you can use any improvised means and materials.

The simplest version of the base for the lampshade is the frame from the old lamp. You can use metal frames from old lamps, which are later decorated at the choice of the master. Can also be used as a base glass jars, plastic container. The frame of the product can be made of wicker or wood panels.

The light bulb holder and wire can be purchased on the market or use the remnants of an old lamp.

From papier-mâché

An interesting solution for interior design is a papier-mâché lampshade. For decoration you will need white paper, old newspapers (can be replaced with thin sheets paper), PVA glue, balloon, water. Before starting work, the ball is inflated to the size that the lamp will then be. The newspaper needs to be cut into long strips, which are briefly left in glue or paste. Wet the surface of the ball with water and lay out the first layer of newspaper. One of the parts of the ball is not sealed, since light will come from it in the future.

An unusual solution: if you do not cover the bottom of the ball with a newspaper layer, the light will be directed towards the floor. You can also leave the side of the ball free, in which case the light will come out to the side.

To create an unusual papier-mâché lamp, you will need to apply 5-6 newspaper layers. Be sure to ensure that before applying the next layer, the previous one is completely dry. After completing the layout with a newspaper, the lampshade can be pasted over with white paper, apply liquid wallpaper. After decorating the lamp, the ball needs to burst, paste over the lampshade with paper inside. Make a hole for the chamber on top of the product.

From cardboard and paper

Another decor option is a paper lamp. This requires thin cardboard in white or other colors. The length of the cardboard sheet depends on the required diameter of the finished product. The selected contour is applied to the cardboard (butterflies, hearts, stars, etc.). With the help of a clerical knife, the selected drawings are cut out of the canvas. The cardboard is glued along the edges and attached to the frame of the future lamp. Along the edge of the lampshade, you can attach ribbons or a fishing line decorated with beads, on which you can hang symbols cut out of cardboard. Such a product looks very original on the ceiling of a nursery or bedroom.

Colored beads can be strung on ribbons, which will alternate with paper figures.

After turning on a lamp with such a frame, funny figures will appear on the walls of the room.
Using fabric to decorate a lamp

Fabric lampshades are easy to make and hold up well to cleaning. as the most simple option lampshade, you can take a piece of fabric that looks harmonious with the interior of the room, and sew its edge. A cord is threaded in the upper part and that's it - the lampshade is ready. Such a product is attached to a metal frame and is also easily removed.

More difficult option fabric lampshade can be decorated with ruffles, weave ribbons. Lampshades trimmed with fabric ribbons or embroidered with beads and sequins look quite original.

For the decor of the living room, you can make a lampshade, decorated with fringed ribbons. Ready-made ribbons are sold in sewing stores. A hot glue gun is used to attach the fringe to the frame. Adhesive thin layer is applied to the frame of the lamp, to which the braid is subsequently attached.

If there is a need to decorate the finished lampshade to make it match the interior, various figures can be cut out of the fabric, which are attached to the lampshade with a glue gun.

From improvised items

In any home you can find a lot of items that can be used to decorate a lamp. And if you look in the garage, you can create a whole studio of designer chandeliers. The most important thing is to show imagination and approach the choice of materials for decor outside the box.

In order to fire safety you need to use objects that are resistant to high temperatures or screw in low-power bulbs before starting work, the surface of the object must be cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased.

Choosing the style of the lampshade, it is worth considering the interior of the room, its purpose. For example, a lampshade made of plastic spoons would look strange in a living room that is decorated in a frilly glamorous style. At the same time, a lampshade decorated with rhinestones and stones will be completely out of place in the kitchen or in the summer gazebo.

From plastic spoons

This lamp is ideal for decorating the kitchen. It is very simple to make, while the materials for the lamp cost a penny. So, for work you will need the following materials:

  • A set of plastic spoons. A total of 50-100 pieces of fixtures will be required, depending on the desired size of the lamp.
  • Gun glue.
  • A set of acrylic paints and brushes.
  • Lampshade frame. For work will do finished metal frame from an old desktop floor lamp.
  • Scissors.

First, you need to cut off the holder from all the spoons. For each product, you must leave 0.5 cm of the boat for fastening. Further, parts of the spoon are randomly attached to the frame. They can overlap each other, imitating fish scales, or scatter, resembling rose petals. Spoon legs can also be used for decoration. After covering the entire surface of the frame, the surface of the spoon is covered with acrylic paint - plain or multi-colored. Using this decor technique, you can create a lamp in the form of a pineapple, a flower, a goldfish and others. A lampshade made of plastic spoons is suitable not only for ceiling lamp, but also to decorate the bedside lamp in the nursery.

From plastic or glassware

Water bottles often accumulate on the farm, which can be used to decorate lamps. Before starting work, the bottle must be thoroughly washed and dried. Further actions are the freedom of the master's imagination.

For example, by cutting off the neck of a bottle, you can create an excellent holder for a light bulb holder. Several of these accessories, which are glued together, form an unusual chandelier. Bottles can be used from multi-colored plastic or coated with a transparent colored varnish. So, multi-colored rays of light will sparkle in the room.

To create a lampshade, you can also use glass pickle jars. Hanging on different levels lamps from cans will become interesting design decision in the design of the kitchen. Also, when arranging the kitchen, you can use saucers, cups, fragments from broken dishes to decorate the lampshade.

From twine

Such lamps can often be found as lanterns on the streets or on terraces. Making such a lamp at home is very simple - twine and glue are used to create it.

Before starting work, as in the case of a papier-mâché lampshade, you need to inflate a balloon of the desired size. It is he who will serve as a form for the future product. The string must be soaked in a paste and wound around the ball in random order. The free edges of the twine are tied, while the knot must be placed at the top of the ball, where the chamber will then be located. The product will dry for about 2-3 days. Then the ball needs to burst and you can attach the chamber and the light bulb. The finished product can be decorated with large beads, dried flowers. To decorate the gazebo, you can use several of these lampshades of different sizes.

Thus, there are many options for creating an original lampshade. In work, you can use not only special equipment, but also improvised items. The manufacture and decoration of the lampshade will allow not only to decorate the house, but also to have a great time.

The floor lamp is multifunctional lighting fixture. The right floor lamp will make the room practical and individual. Unfortunately, floor lamps become obsolete and wear out very quickly, so the question arises of the emission or its further reconstruction.

Making a lampshade is an interesting and informative activity, it develops perseverance and attentiveness. An updated do-it-yourself floor lamp is sure to attract the attention of guests.

Cap for floor lamp can be made from various materials and objects:

  • the cloth;
  • threads, lace;
  • thick paper;
  • glass;
  • buttons.

The list is endless. Do not forget about the color scheme of the decor, as the saturation of the lighting depends on it. The denser the base of the lampshade, the darker the lighting. Such floor lamps are best used in a sleeping room. You can decorate not only the lamp, but also its base.

The main thing in creating a lampshade with your own hands

At the beginning of work, choose the type of fabric. It can be linen, silk, cotton, jeans and others. For harmonious combination It is desirable to choose a color scheme for the interior of the room. Prepare all the materials that will be required for work:

  • the cloth,
  • glue that can quickly glue,
  • stencil paper,
  • scissors,
  • pencil.

When everything is prepared and thought out frame cover option then you can get to work. The most simplified method is to reupholster the surface of the old lampshade with a new fabric. No special skills are required for this.

However, you can create a new original lamp with your own hands. With subsequent attachment to the base of the old lampshade. Let's consider some of them.

Master class on making a lampshade with your own hands

Felt (butterflies)

We apply the paper pattern to the felt fabric. We outline with a pencil smooth contours and cut out. On the Internet we find photos of butterflies. Draw them or print and cut them out. Received apply stencils to fabric and highlight the contours with a pencil.

It is desirable to make a pattern of butterflies different sizes and draw randomly on the fabric. Using scissors, cut out the butterflies along the marked borders. The main point is not to cut through to the end. For example, only wings, which we then lift and press to the outside of the future cap.

We apply glue to the frame of the lamp. Carefully glue the resulting workpiece. Everything, the lampshade with lovely butterflies is ready.


We transfer the paper pattern to the selected matter, draw boundaries. We spray the wrong side of the fabric with an adhesive solution (you can apply ordinary glue with a brush). Then, slowly, we put the prepared material on the fabric of the old floor lamp, smoothing it in a circle, carefully pressing the edges. Cut off the excess fabric.

To give the lampshade a neat look, it is necessary to process the edges. We glue or sew a ribbon, braid, fringe. Optionally, you can decorate with buttons, appliqués.


The original solution for the new floor lamp is a do-it-yourself ceiling lamp. Crocheting is easy to learn. You will need two balls of any yarn and a hook number 3.

Let the diameter of the lampshade be 26 cm. Cast on 52 loops on the hook into a chain, connecting into a ring. AND we begin to connect the rows according to the scheme:

All loops are assembled with a hook, the lampshade is ready. The connected lampshade is quickly and easily put on the base. We decorate with various elements.


Openwork differs from other types of lampshade in visible lightness. You will still need glue, a base and, of course, lace napkins.

Soak napkins with glue, after which, without waiting for drying, we glue the lampshade. A round lampshade will look spectacular. To do this, we inflate a regular balloon and glue it with lace, leaving room for screwing in the light bulb. As soon as the napkins dry, we pierce the ball with a needle. Carefully remove leftovers. It turns out a delicate, weightless lampshade.

A master class on knitting napkins with a hook can be found on the Internet. Using different schemes and hooks, we get openwork napkins of various ornaments and sizes.

Original, made of metal elements

You can change the appearance of a floor lamp not only with known materials, but also with the help of various improvised means. In this case, it is metal bottle openers from tin cans. To make an original lampshade, they will be required a large number of(about 200).

Each element is detached from the container. On the top row frame rings we dress the elements bent in half. The easiest way to do this is with pliers. When the bent caps are dressed, we strongly press their ends with our fingers, making the row strong.

From the second row, wire cutters are used. Each lid has a slit on one side. Thus, with the help of a cut, we string caps (rings) of the upper row on it. Wearing everything metal elements on the top row, compress to seal the entire structure.

Further, we do the same manipulations with each subsequent row. The more rows are made, the more clearly it will be visible texture of the future floor lamp. The number of rows depends on the height of the lampshade frame.

The last row is the most difficult to work with. For a tradition of even and aesthetic appearance will have to try. To do this, cut the lids in half. On the half we will make a slot, with the help of it we fasten the lower elements of the row. We slightly bend the other half, attach it to the hoop of the lower part of the frame.

Such a lampshade resembles chain mail and looks original in any room.

From plastic container

Looks very unusual lampshade made from plastic bottle . Would need:

  • plastic container with a volume of 3-5 liters,
  • disposable spoons (plastic),
  • glue (hot melt),
  • lamp holder.

The ratio of volume (liter) to the number of spoons:

  • 5 liters - 170 spoons;
  • 3 liters - 120 spoons.

The shape and size of the container affects final version lampshade. And the brightness of the light depends on the color. The neck of the bottle should be wide enough to fit the bulb holder.

To begin with, carefully cut off the bottom of the bottle, after marking the contour. With the help of wire cutters, we divide the plastic spoons into two parts. You need an oval.

Stages of work:

  1. Heat up the hot glue gun.
  2. We apply glue to our petals in four places.
  3. Glue to the bottle, starting from the top. We glue the petals butt-to-butt in a circle.
  4. We attach the petals of the next rows so as to completely hide the space of the container.

After all the steps, cut a hole for the cartridge in the lid. The lampshade is ready. Such a lampshade will be interesting to collect for both adults and children.

DIY decor elements

DIY lampshade, you can decorate with various small elements:

  • bows;
  • flags;
  • Photo;
  • icons;
  • herbarium.

The classic decoration of the lampshade are handmade roses. Roses are made from fabric. The material is cut into strips. The beginning of the strip is the point of the beginning of the rose. We put hot glue on it. Then we gradually wind (collect) the remaining fabric around this point, gluing it at certain distances. A more difficult option is stitching (if there was no glue). With this simple method, you can make various compositions. Created flowers decorate all or part of the lampshade. Look beautiful roses in several colors.

The answer to the question of how to make a lampshade for a floor lamp is simple - this is a minimum of skills and a maximum of imagination. With the help of master classes, you can embody various complex ideas.

Now it is becoming fashionable to decorate the house with products made by yourself. Unique things, interior items made in vintage style or decorated with photographs, scraps from a grandmother's chest will help make the room unusual. The article is devoted to decorating an old plastic lampshade of a table lamp using the "" technique.
Often, before you decorate something, you need to restore the surface. Let's talk about how to strengthen and align the plastic lampshade for subsequent decorative finishing.

Restoration of the lampshade for decoupage

Once I already did the restoration and decoupage of the lampshade, then the product came across to me with much fewer flaws than now. Besides, dark color the chosen motif hid all the unevenness of the light. But a lampshade is an object that transmits light, by definition.
I recently got my hands on a table lamp. Her lampshade had clear drawings, floral ornaments. The owners managed to get bored with the drawing, and plus everything had defects: lines from a ballpoint pen drawn by a child. Upon closer inspection, it became noticeable that in some places the plastic burst.

To decoupage this lampshade, I decided to take light motifs. The choice fell on delicate tulips against the background of a wooden ornament, greenery and tenderness of flowers conquered me.

In the color of gray shades of napkins, I looked for cotton braid (lace) for processing the bottom of the lampshade.
I would like to tell you more about the restoration of this piece of furniture.

Removing the old coating

The leg of the lamp is white so that paint does not get on it, we cover it with newspapers.

Before embarking on any kind of decoration at all, it was necessary to understand what kind of object it was and what it was made of. I saw that the lampshade itself is plastic, almost transparent, and on top it is covered with fabric, which is cut out according to the pattern and tightly glued to the surface.
An attempt to lighten the fabric with hydrogen peroxide did not lead to anything, only dust and dirt remained on the cotton wool.

It turned out that the drawings are printed on the fabric, the plastic itself has no pattern.
Also, by applying napkins and pieces of old wallpaper, I realized that the flowers show through anyway.

It became clear that the fabric needed to be removed. Whether it's just white or cream, you could try decoupage right on top of it.
So let's get rid of old fabric. I found the place of the seam and carefully began to separate the fabric from the surface on which it was glued. Over time, the glue lost its gluing properties, and the fabric separated easily, but not everywhere.

This must be done very carefully: in several places where there were cracks, the lampshade managed to burst.

I was ready to complete the work and take the contraption to where it belongs, that is, to the trash, but my interest in creativity overcame. So, the cracks had to be restored.

Restoration, work with cracks

As in the previous time, I started the restoration from the inside (gluing small patches) and from the front side (gluing white napkins).

Last time I used white paint instead of a primer: the lampshade was covered with plain paper of the same color. I started to paint plastic and now.

And this is what I got when I turned on the lamp:

All the bumps, cracks, patches were perfectly visible in the light. It became clear that the napkin would not hide them. Something had to be done. A few days of thinking led me to the fact that the paint needs to be washed off (it's good that it was not waterproof).
under the jet warm water, very carefully, I wiped off all the paint with a sponge, not excluding cracks. The payments were all gone too. And the work started all over again.

For some time I chose putty (primer). The choice was made on the acrylate moisture-resistant "putty" of the company "Collection": the manufacturer promises that it is ideal for decorative coatings, and what is a napkin motif if not a decorative coating?

I continued with the restoration experiments, all of which were done with the lamp on, to assess the degree of transparency. Cracks from the inside and the front side (if not concave) were sealed with several layers of adhesive tape (cut into small squares and glued, trying to avoid bubbles).

The second step was the first coat of primer on the lamp. First, she closed up large cracks, then she began to apply the composition to the entire surface.

And here's the trouble: evenly it lay down only in some places, in some places it became thicker, in others it let the light through. I did not despair, applied the paste and left it to dry for a couple of hours. After this time, I tried sanding the surface sandpaper No. 60 and found that all the bumps are very easy to smooth out.

After the first layer had dried, I (with the lamp on!) began to apply the primer thicker and bolder, in broad strokes, trying to ensure that the light was transmitted uniformly. After the surface has dried, it can be sanded and it will be ready for further work.
After the main part has dried, you can add pastes to those places where dots, cracks or other defects are visible. It is convenient to do this with cardboard, using it like a spatula. Leave to dry again, or you can dry it with a hair dryer.

This is what the lampshade looks like after applying the "putty" and grinding the surface:

Now it is clear that the napkin motif will be clearly visible both when the lamp is on and off.


After priming, I just paint the lampshade with gray paint. There is another one here little secret: I tint (add color) paint with regular watercolor. Of course, I don’t dilute it with water, but I add a piece of watercolor to the paint and mix it for a long time until the color becomes uniform.

You should try the color in the corner: isn't it dark? If dark, add white paint and mix again.

Now it's very simple: I paint with a wide brush, leveling the paint layer, if in some places there is a texture in the form of small scratches, then this is not scary and even interesting. It is still desirable to paint in one chosen direction (either from top to bottom, or in a circle).

That's all, now the lampshade is ready to decorate in any way! You can do decoupage, or you can use ribbons, or paint acrylic paints by applying the selected pattern.

Delicate lilies: lampshade decoupage

Housewives who love and know how to make lovely little things and interior items with their own hands will be interested to learn about such a decoration method as decoupage. This is the design of any surface with the help of colored motifs from three-layer napkins. Indeed, sometimes there are bright, beautiful drawings on serving napkins that you just want to transfer, for example, to a lampshade. Such a table lamp will look good both in the bedroom and in the living room, and decoupage motifs can be chosen in accordance with the overall interior of the room.
In the previous part of the article, we have already examined in detail the stages of surface preparation for decoration. Let's summarize.
The paint is not suitable as a primer, and the restoration with white wipes is not suitable, as it shines through the plastic. We sealed the cracks from the inside with transparent adhesive tape, and then applied putty (primer) to the surface, which was then polished for a long time with sandpaper No. 60.

The next step is to carefully process small cracks and irregularities with this paste.
After grinding, we will apply two layers of paint, and after drying, our lampshade will be ready for decoration.

Preparation of napkins and decoupage

After the surface has dried and is ready for decoration, you need to select and prepare napkins. The quality of the image greatly affects the final look of the finished item.
Recommendations for choosing napkins:
three-layer wipes are better than two-layer ones;
choose motifs taking into account the fact that they will need to be cut out, that is, without small details;
how brighter colors, the better, do not get very light and too dark napkins.
Before you start decorating the lamp, separate the paint layer from the napkin, iron the folds from the inside with an iron. After that, cut out the motifs.

Attention! You can first cut out the motifs, then separate the layers and only then iron them. Choose the option that is convenient for you.

As an adhesive, dilute wallpaper paste a little thinner than for pasting walls.
Think over the composition: attach napkins to the lampshade, imagine ready product. If a solution is found and an idea has appeared, you can start decoupage.
Apply glue with a wide brush to the place where the motif will be. Then attach the motif with the colorful side up, trying to make it stick in the middle, and then smooth the edges. If everything is done correctly, the napkin itself will lie down evenly, you will only need to help it a little. This paper is very thin and should be handled with care. We can say that there is no room for error here.

Gradually cover the entire surface or part of it with motifs, in accordance with your idea. Depending on the motive, the pattern must be combined in whole or in part. Some patterns do not need to match.

Final touches

Decorate (glue) the top of the lamp.

Look at the resulting drawing: perhaps it requires the completion of some element. In this case, I marked with a simple pencil the flowers that fell on a light background.
Lacquer will serve as a layer of transparent wallpaper glue. It dries out in a couple of hours.
To process the bottom of the lamp, I took the braid gray color matching the style. I fix it with a few drops of glue from a glue gun.

1. Lampshade.
2. Primer or putty with the indication: "under the decorative coating."
3. Sandpaper.
4. Brushes.
5. Watercolor paints.
6.Waterproof white paint.
7. Napkins with matching motifs.
8. Braid.
9. Scissors.
10. Glue gun.
11. Scotch.
