How to open a shop-workshop? The minimum set of equipment. Expenses during the operation of the enterprise

Owning a key making business is a profitable occupation for toolmakers.

The keys are among the things that are often lost, so small entrepreneurs who choose to earn money on their production provide themselves with a steady income, although not very large.

This type of business is suitable for novice businessmen who, due to lack of experience, are afraid to open a large business so as not to burn out. To start making keys, you need a well-written business plan, a small start-up capital for renting a workshop and purchasing equipment, as well as registering as individual entrepreneur.

Business plan and formalization of entrepreneurial activity

Let's figure out what a business plan is for and how to write it correctly? This important financial document is a detailed plan on how to open and run a business and get the maximum possible profit. To compile it, it is necessary to conduct a thorough market analysis, determine the demand for key making services, identify possible competitors, calculate all the costs of purchasing equipment, renting or buying a suitable workshop space. The document must contain approximate calculations of the profit from the production of keys. In the case of a business loan, an entrepreneur will need to submit a business plan to the lender bank.

To formalize the business of making keys, the master needs to contact the local authorities of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in order to register as an individual entrepreneur. The list of basic documents required for registration of an individual entrepreneur can be obtained at the place of registration entrepreneurial activity. For the provision of services to the population, the owner of the workshop will be required to pay an imputed tax. When running a key making business, you do not need to purchase a cash register. To serve individuals, an entrepreneur will need forms strict accountability.

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Selection of premises and purchase of equipment

For a workshop for making keys, you should rent a small room. It is quite possible to place all the equipment necessary for production in a small area of ​​​​4-6 square meters. m. The workshop in which the production of keys will be carried out should be located in a crowded place: at a public transport stop, in a densely populated residential area, in the market, in an underpass, or not far from the campus. It is important that the point is visible from all sides, it is convenient to approach or drive up to it by transport. It is most profitable to open a workshop in a place where no one else provides such services, since the presence of competitors will take a significant share of the profit.

When purchasing equipment for making keys, you should pay attention to high-quality machines, which, although they are expensive, are able to serve their owner for a long time. The cost of a cheap Chinese universal machine today is 500-800 dollars, but such equipment will serve the entrepreneur for no more than one year. It happens that it is impossible to open the lock with a key made on a Chinese machine. A customer who received poor service next time will turn to another master, so it is important not to save on equipment.

It is advisable to purchase several machines at once, each of which is designed for a certain type of key. Italian equipment will cost the key keeper about $ 1,000 per machine. For the same amount, you can purchase a set of three machines Russian production which are not inferior in quality to imported equipment. In addition to machines, the key master will need additional tools, which include various sharpeners, files, needle files, measuring instruments, vise, blanks of keys. To protect your eyes during work, you must purchase special glasses.

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Calculation of profit from key production

The cost of turnkey blanks starts from 1.5 rubles. To make one simple key, experienced master it only takes 3 minutes. Depending on the complexity of the key, the duration of the work can be increased. If the workshop is located in a crowded area, at least 10 people will visit it daily. Most of them order several duplicates at once, or even a whole bunch of keys. Today, the average price for a ready-made key is 150 rubles. Let's say that the master during the day for 10 clients will make 20 keys, then 150x20 = 3000 rubles of income. The markup on the cost of the finished key is about 100%, which means that the net profit of the entrepreneur will be 1,500 rubles per day. With such a business, the return on investment in the workshop will come in about a year.

Opening your own business is only half the battle. In order to increase income from the production of keys, an entrepreneur needs to correctly declare himself to potential customers. Advertising in local media, on bulletin boards, on the Internet will help him with this. An attention-grabbing sign should be made above the workshop, which will be visible from afar. In addition to making apartment keys, a qualified craftsman can provide services for the production of keys to car locks and intercoms. The wider the range of services provided to customers, the faster you can return the money invested in the business. As you can see, opening a key making workshop is not difficult, you just need to develop a plan and follow it clearly. For professionals, such a business can bring good profits.

A business based on the repair of digital equipment, and mainly computers, laptops and phones, is not only profitable, but also surprisingly tenacious. Given how tightly digital technology has become part of our lives, you will not have to complain about the lack of customers. Let's take a closer look at this business.

Significance of this business

A very small starting amount makes this enterprise very interesting for start-up entrepreneurs. As practice shows, in order to open your workshop, you will need, on average, about $ 2,000.

The second positive point is pricing flexibility. In other words, the prices for such services are not regulated by anyone and directly depend on your opinion and your skills.

An important point is the minimum risks in this case. If you fail to develop your business, you can always wind it up. In this case, the losses will be minimal.

And of course, the positive aspect is the ever-growing demand for such services.

What will you need?

In fact, very little is required from you. To get started, you need to register your business in legal form. Here the option with an individual entrepreneur is suitable and this will be quite enough to gain a foothold in a certain niche, develop a good client base and further develop your business.

Basically, your business is ready.

You can do the work right at home, however, as practice shows, having your own outlet will significantly increase the flow of customers.

You do not need to rent a large room at all. Suitable for basement small size, sufficient to accommodate a desktop, and there may be a rack for storing parts and orders.

Naturally, another important point in running such a business are your professional skills. If you know how to fix electronics and can quickly determine the cause of a breakdown, you will quickly develop your business.

Where to start development?

At the first stage, you will not have a large number of customers, because they simply will not know about you. You can declare yourself in a very ordinary way - ads on the Internet. bulletin boards, social media, thematic forums, all this has one common feature- potential clients.

Since you may simply not have the funds for your workshop at the initial stage, you can start your career by visiting a client at home. Block repair, diagnostics, software - these are your main services at the initial stage.

After gaining a client base and earning the first money, you can expand, specifically in terms of opening your outlet.


In the process of work, you will need both parts and consumables (solder, hot melt adhesive, thermal paste, etc.). So that there are no delays in business, you should take care in advance to find suitable suppliers. You shouldn't have any problems.

Business expansion option

Many believe that by opening a second point and hiring a person, you can earn twice as much. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. You should expand if you feel the real limit of your capabilities. At the same time, practice shows that opening a point at the other end of the city in the desire to distribute the load may simply not justify itself. Much better to expand the only workshop, hire another master, add services. For example, you can go to the client on order to set up routers, cable TV, and install software.

How quickly will the costs pay off

Service center for the repair of electronics and digital equipment in the presence of demand in your area, and the demand is almost everywhere, you can recoup the initial costs in three months. The thing is that more than half of the repair cases will cost you nothing. That is, frequent breakdowns are not technical, but software in nature, and you will only need to restore the system. In addition, many technical breakdowns require the replacement of parts, the cost of which is at the expense of the client. And only about 10% of breakdowns require serious repairs using Supplies time-consuming.

Why Shoe Repair?

This type of service is one of the most stable in terms of protection during crises. Even if the economic situation in the country worsens, at this moment the shoe business not only does not risk going bankrupt, on the contrary, it receives additional profit. The poorer the population, the more often shoes will be repaired - there is no money for new “shoes”!

The master will not be left without work even in the case of general prosperity - the more shoes and boots are bought, the more often they will be carried for repair. In any case, you can always earn your piece of bread and butter.

As practice shows, the checking authorities are not very interested in shoemakers. Although you need to be prepared for the fact that you still have to repair the shoes of the tax and the shoes of the prosecutor's office. This is an extra plus of the profession, since too close interest of the state in business often ends in failure.

Another advantage is that the cost is minimal. Basically, the price includes the work of the master. And this concept can be manipulated quite boldly - it all depends on reputation.

Why aren't others doing this?

Probably every successful businessman is perplexed: why don't other people who complain about poverty think of doing the same thing as him? After all, it is difficult, but so profitable! So in the case of opening a shoe repair business, everyone will be overcome by doubts. Standard thoughts: "If it brought income, everyone would be engaged in repairs."

"I'm sure I'm going to burn out because I've never been in business." “The authorities will “eat” me.” This is all fundamentally wrong. Organizing a small business, you need to act according to the Napoleonic principle: first get involved in a fight, and then sort it out. You need to think in a positive way. If no one takes up this, it means that there is a good niche that can be filled.

You also need to consider that shoe repair is a difficult one. daily labor. And now it is fashionable to be a PR man, a lawyer or, at worst, a journalist. And many will prefer to work for a penny in the office and brag about their profession than to earn normal money in a serious business.

Why should you read this guide?

Below will be described step by step how to organize your own business without loss. The goal is to give the reader detailed, and most importantly, practical advice. Therefore, those who had already gone through all this at one time, having received a unique experience, were chosen as experts.
It is not for nothing that folk wisdom says that smart people learn from the mistakes of others.

We tried to cover all aspects: from paperwork to the choice of suppliers and the art of marketing. Without this, there is nothing to do in the modern market. Get ready for the fact that you will have to urgently acquire new knowledge and restructure your thinking. Consider the legislation - so as not to pay extra money.

Marketing - to make the business really profitable. Economics - to know what laws will develop your business. It is clear that it is impossible to become a professor after reading one article, but it is simply necessary to know the basics. However, since you have read up to these lines, it means that you are ready for learning.

Attention, start!

  • Brief introduction. Review.
  • Start: collect papers.
  • We count and invest: prices and costs.
  • Marketing and advertising.
  • Expansion: business expansion.
  • Tips "experienced".
  • When You Can't Say "Yes" short review legislation).
  • The art of selling increases profits (tips for communicating with customers).
  • Combine and conquer (ideas for sales of additional services and goods).
  • In the footsteps of "sharks" (tricks of large companies that can be adopted).
  • Happy End: Summing up/

Without a piece of paper - nowhere. Let's go to entrepreneurs!

Where do we start? From registration!

In our country, relationships with money, as well as with women, are subject to compulsory registration. Only not in the registry office, but in the relevant authorities.
It's pretty easy to become an entrepreneur these days.

First you need to contact the tax office, which is closest to your place of residence. Most likely, you relate to it territorially. If you live in one place and are registered in another, officials should tell you the address of the institution where you should apply.

The fact is that you can do business anywhere, but you need to register an individual entrepreneur only in the tax office to which you are “attached”.

paper details

To obtain a covenant certificate, you must provide the following documents:
A completed application form P2100. Writing it is not the easiest thing, but the tax office usually tells you what to write and what not to write.
The application must be certified by a notary.

After the notary, it will be necessary to pay the state duty - to pay the state for the right to engage in commerce. Do not forget to specify the budget classification code in the tax code - it must be indicated when paying. You can pay for registration only in the branches of the RBU.
Next, you should provide the following papers to the tax office: a notarized application, two copies of the passport, a copy of the identification number individual, a check from the bank confirming that the state duty has been paid.

After that, you need to wait five days. That is how long, according to the law, the registration of an individual - an individual entrepreneur. The tax office should issue a receipt, which will indicate the list of documents you provided, as well as the date the certificate was received.
Arriving at the specified time, you will need to show the same receipt, as well as present a passport or other document proving your identity.

3. What's next?

It is advisable to open a bank account for cashless payments. This will come in handy when it comes time to pay for equipment and materials. Having opened a current account, notify the tax office within ten days, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.
In any inspection there are people responsible for mass explanatory work. Do not hesitate to contact them for advice, not only during the registration of IP, but also during the conduct of business. This will help you avoid trouble.

Obstacles on the way to the goal

As in any state structure, there are long queues in tax offices throughout the country. Because of this, the procedure may be somewhat delayed. So, immediately tune in to the fact that you will have to spend quite a lot of time: not on the design itself, but on waiting for the appointment of a specialist.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to stand in the corridor, you should contact specialized companies. For a relatively small amount, they will collect all the documents themselves and bring you a certificate on a “blue-rimmed platter”.

It is likely that "experienced" acquaintances will convince that it is best to work illegally. Don't believe. If you do not have an uncle in the Presidential Administration or an aunt in the FSB, then sooner or later you will have to pay, and full program. With those who hide taxes, do not stand on ceremony (it is clear, we are talking about small entrepreneurs, not about oligarchs).

Investing in business: how not to pay too much:

Lists are everything

Since you have reached this point, it means that you already imagine what you will need in free commercial navigation. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to compile an exact list of everything you need: it all depends on the region in which the master lives, as well as on the size of the starting capital.

As practice shows, it is most reasonable to purchase a used instrument - prices will be lower by an order of magnitude. Shoe repairman from Novosibirsk Alexander Mishin compiled for us short list something you can't start without.
So, to complete the first orders, you need:

  • - Heels,
  • – Overlays,
  • – heels,
  • – Skin,
  • - Glue,
  • - Nails,
  • - threads,
  • - "Lightning",
  • – soles,
  • - "Latki",
  • - Supporters.

Of the equipment are urgently needed:

  • Sewing machine,
  • – Multifunctional machine,
  • - Lamp,
  • - Extractor.

The last one is so that the pair of glue does not lead the master to a hospital bed - the glue is very toxic, despite the assurances of the sellers of its safety.
The table and chair are also included in the estimate for the cost of equipment.

Moreover, there should be at least two tables: on one, repairs are carried out, and on the second, receipts are filled in and the incoming shoes are inspected.
Shelves are also needed on which the necessary little things will be stored: from “spare parts” to tools.

Where to look for all this?

In the age of the Internet, this is, at first glance, a silly question. But far from everything is on the net - it is much more reliable to scroll through newspaper ads and ask around friends - maybe someone heard something.

The best assistants in this matter are forums. Finding them is quite difficult, they are few. But on the other hand, the members of the forum will explain everything “on the fingers”, and even put in a good word for you if necessary.

Online shopping is “Russian roulette”. If you do not study prices and brands, you can buy a batch of goods at a fabulous price, and a week later you find out that an unknown Chinese manufacturer makes everything of the same quality, but at a price twice as low.

There are also printed business guides/prices. For some unknown reason, they turn out to be more effective than the most hyped sites with ads. And although they are not as convenient as specialized resources, the main thing is that you can find serious suppliers there.

How much to buy goods?

It all depends on how many customers your business plan is designed for. Please note that they will bring for repair exactly those shoes for which there are no “spare parts”. This is the standard “law of meanness”, and no one has yet been able to avoid its action. Consider what season is outside the window: as soon as it gets warmer, people carry light “shoe boots” for repairs, when it gets colder, everyone remembers warm “shoes”.

If the budget allows, it is better to buy everything at once - nothing will definitely be superfluous. According to Alexander Mishin, the most common orders are the replacement of heels, sewing up holes and “firmware” of new shoes. Consider this.

It is also desirable to find suppliers of auxiliary products: creams, shoelaces, “spoons” and sponges. Moreover, recently sales representatives are ready to release the goods on credit, “for sale”. Sell ​​- give money.

Do you know how to succeed in business thanks to the experience of successful entrepreneurs?

4. Roof over your head: rent a room

Looking for passing places

In order for customers to come more often, you need to look for a lively place to rent a room. Markets are most suitable - here and square meters relatively inexpensive, and good cross-country ability. The upside is that you don't have to invest in renovations: no one expects a shoe shop to shine like a fine lingerie boutique.

Another advantageous place is any large supermarket. The trends are such that people, especially in more or less major cities, increasingly prefer large comfortable stores to the usual "flea market". Rental prices here are an order of magnitude higher than in ordinary shops or stalls.

Moreover, you will have to invest in an attractive repair - otherwise the administration simply will not give the go-ahead. But the prices here can be increased in comparison with the citywide ones - after all, you are in a convenient civilized place.

Knowledgeable people also recommend paying attention to stopping pavilions. I mean not modern. open structures, and old brick stops with kiosks attached to them. These are still around somewhere. Such a location will also attract customers, because it is so convenient to give shoes for repair when going to work, and pick them up after a hard day's work.

Consider building a new pavilion in an attractive location. But is the game worth the candle? It is very difficult to rent or buy urban land - it requires strong connections and big money.

The erection of the structure itself will also cost a pretty penny - even if you build it yourself, so many “hard-earned money” will be spent on materials that such a shoe repair shop will pay off for at least ten years. But at this time, something will have to be eaten, and even feed the family!

"Square Minimum"

Of course, you can repair shoes, as they say, "on the knee." But it is best not to engage in masochism, and immediately occupy a normal number of square meters. To work comfortably and receive visitors, fifteen "squares" are enough.

This area will have to be visually delimited into zones:

  • 1. Customer reception area. Here - comfortable chairs, a clean beautiful table, a laptop or a solid notepad, a place to store small money for change.
  • 2. Work zone: if it is not fenced, there should be perfect order. It does not interfere with immediately putting several flowers in pots. For some reason, the abundance of decorative greenery inspires confidence in customers.
  • 3. Recreation area. You will need it: due to the peculiarities of human psychology, you will want to spend a few minutes while working, abstracting from routine work. And best of all, if for these purposes you will have a separate comfortable chair.

We reduce the area

If the rental prices are reasonable, you can equip yourself as you please. And if they demand obscenely a lot, you will have to go to furniture specialists and draw a future salon in a 3D editor: now there are many ways to optimize the workspace. If hands grow from right place, you can do all these shelves and cabinets yourself.

If the hands with the machine and the saw are not friendly, you will have to pay. Although, if the monthly rent is so high, maybe you should think about it: will it be possible to pay the owner of the territory every month? Even if the location turns out to be profitable, the rent can eat into a hefty portion of the profits.
There is another option: in a supermarket, you can equip not the salon itself, but a shoe collection point.

That is, hire an employee who will accept shoes, issue a receipt and take money. And do the repairs themselves in another place, even at home. The main thing is that there are no problems with transport and the repaired shoes “arrive” exactly on time specified by the receiver.

It makes sense to keep a reception point instead of a workshop if you are sure of a stable in large numbers orders. You may have to take the shoes yourself for several months - and repair them in the evenings. But you will know how it is more profitable to organize the entire procedure of prima “shtiblet”.

5 The Art of Wooing Customers

Greeted in uniform

Like it or not, people have standard stereotypes. In our case, we need to use the following belief - "any repairman should be in uniform." Everyone is used to the fact that people of working professions dress accordingly.

It is clear that we are not talking about oily robes, wadded pants and dirty boots.

Now they produce overalls for every taste. So why not get a comfortable, lightweight jumpsuit that can be sewn with a workshop logo? And people will understand that the master is a serious person, and you will be comfortable. What to do, you can not disappoint the client in his conviction.

Probably, it is not necessary to remind that clothes should always be neat, a pleasant smell should come from it. At least a good cologne.

Remember good old Carnegie

If you enter the query "The Art of Selling" in a search engine, about a million links will appear. Moreover, those on the first pages will most likely lead to paid course sites. Of course, today sales are taken very seriously, this is a whole science.

But in fact, enough advice from the unforgettable Dale Carnegie. And it is not necessary to read thick books - the author himself says that his recommendations can be placed on the cover of a matchbox. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • - A sincere interest in other people is conducive to oneself.
  • Smiling is the easiest way to make a good impression.
  • - Call the customer by name. This will help build trust.
  • - Listen. A few extra minutes that you spend listening to the client's problems will make him come to you again and again.
  • – Try to find out what the range of interests of the client is, and talk about it. Nothing unites like a common love for kittens or country chores. But if you don’t understand the hobby, it’s better to remain silent, otherwise you will hear about someone else’s hobby until the end of the work shift.
  • Satisfy the client's megalomania. Refer to people on "You" regardless of age and appearance. It also happens that people prefer a polite master to a more experienced, but rude one.

Most of the expensive trainings that are offered on the Internet will tell you the same thing, only in more detail. However, no education was ever superfluous.

Little tricks of big business

When arranging the workshop, do not forget about the "tricky things". Remember, there is always music playing in supermarkets. Why? Yes, because it makes people spend money. This is all calculated by professional psychologists hired by "business sharks".

Even if you have a quiet but pleasant melody pouring from your speakers - since corporations do not disdain such tricks, then small entrepreneurs, all the more, should not neglect it. You can also order small souvenirs. And to give clients, for example, calendar cards with the logo of the workshop. A trifle, but nice.

With a large order, you can give the client a pen or a notebook - such things are usually not thrown away, and the logo will become firmly embedded in memory during the use of the souvenir. Which, in fact, is only at your fingertips.

You can not do without bags for packaging - this is an indicator of quality service. And since you still have to buy them, why not put your logo on?

The layout of related products also has its own nuances: according to the laws of merchandising, an expensive product should be at eye level. And what is cheaper, you can put up or down. If the products are in the same row (for example, shoe care creams), expensive goods should be placed on the left - the shelves are considered the way they read the text, that is, from left to right.

Additional little things can be placed in a cabinet with lockable glass doors - so that petty thieves will not be tempted to steal any tube.

How important it is for a novice entrepreneur to know all the benefits and benefits of starting a business with a quality franchise:

6 Shoe creative. We increase profits

Stocks are a guarantee of attention

What is good about stocks is that there is practically no loss from them, but profits can be significantly increased. The main goal of any such event is to tell people about your business. And for those who know about him - to remind.

It is not necessary to give away huge discounts and accessories left and right. Evgeny Strakhov from Omsk, for example, told us what attracts customers in the following ways:

  • “When I feel like my customer growth is waning, I post ads on local websites saying that on Tuesdays shoe repair is minus ten percent off. By the action itself, units come. But many people remember that they have been postponing a visit to the shoemaker for a long time, take shoes or boots, and go to me. I have a business card printed on the back of the receipt so that when a person is about to go again, they can call and find out how much the repair will cost and how long it will take. Little things like that matter a lot to your reputation.

How to run promotions?

Like all. No need to reinvent the wheel, let them compete in creativity advertising agencies. After all, they charge a lot of money for it. For a shoe repair shop the best option there will be "Discounts of the Day": "Only on Mondays, shoe repair at half price." Explain to clients that “half price” is a discount for the work of the master, it does not apply to materials.

There are hundreds of options for luring buyers of the service. For example, every tenth person can be given a sponge for shoes. Or a certificate for warranty service (which you must do anyway - there is a law). If you personally liked any action of a supermarket or store, feel free to copy it, slightly changing the name. As a rule, the time-tested is the best.

Advertising. Radio rules.

Without advertising now - nowhere. We'll have to fork out and place your block in the media. Advertising on popular radio stations sells services most effectively. The best results on TV, but the prices there are simply cosmic. If your creativity is in order, try to come up with names for your services.

For example, for expensive shoes you need something like "Elite Repair", for sneakers - "Sport Repair", for boots "Express Repair" or "Heel Plus". Everything depends on fantasy. But each service can be presented as exclusive - and this extra percentage to the cost.

The ads posted in the area still work well. Pillars, walls, stops - wherever people walk. And don't let your conscience torment you. Everyone glues - and why are you worse? All the same, the authorities are not going to install bulletin boards in the required quantity.

7. Business empire: building a network

Briefly about the main

You can only expand your business if you already have:

  • BUT). Employees you trust.
  • B). Stable income that allows you to invest.
  • AT). Free time to expand.
  • G). Willpower that allows you to go ahead through numerous obstacles.

A business network is relevant if you have remarkable administrative talents. If you do not have the skills of delegating authority, understanding the laws by which the business lives and develops, it is better not to get involved in large-scale projects.

Some details

The path described in the previous chapters will have to be followed to open each new outlet. Is it not necessary to issue a new certificate of individual entrepreneurship?

Considering not the simplest tax system in the world, it is best to hire an accountant, otherwise the reports will take up all your free time. It will take and good lawyer who could answer your phone calls any time for and night. After all, you never know in advance what kind of "surprise" firefighters, health inspectors or representatives of the Pension Fund will come with.

Accounting, accounting and more accounting

Each new trade point should only be opened after careful examination. Everything will have to be taken into account: the population of the place, the presence of nearby competitors, the standard of living of the area, the reputation of the district authorities. It is quite possible that local deputies will have a “pleasant” habit of taking over successful businesses.

You can conduct a small opinion poll on the street on the topic: “Does this area need a shoe shop?” At the same time, you will find out what people expect from contacting this kind of institution.

Any network works according to the rules that were formed a good half a century ago:

  • – The network must be recognizable.
  • - Prices are lower than those of competitors.
  • - Service is top notch.
  • - Advertising and marketing - at the head of everything.

8. Legal self-defense

How not to become a victim

“You may not be a lawyer, but you must know the laws” - this is how the classic can be paraphrased. Why must? Because, having founded a business, the owner must protect it. And the current representatives of state institutions are very fond of issuing fines on the basis of decisions sucked from the finger.

Either the deadlines are violated, or the documentation does not comply, or the moon is simply in the wrong phase of Jupiter - and a fine is also due for this.
If you demonstrate knowledge of the laws to the inspectors, you can be sure that they will not find fault with trifles. Yourself is more expensive.

Where to begin

To at least get a little up to date, you can read the Tax Code. Not the most interesting literature, but you can understand the basics and learn the terms. A lot of interesting things (and not only in the field of business) can be found in the Code on administrative offenses. Find and read the rights and obligations of officials that you encounter most often.

This will help when they once again begin to "teach life" and "pull the bagpipes", hinting at gratitude, which is called a bribe in the Criminal Code.

In addition, useful Civil Code and the Constitution are those regulatory framework with which a sane official will not argue.
It is also obligatory to read the orders of local authorities.

Scandal or peace?

Many believe that it is better not to anger civil servants once again and to fulfill all their requirements, no matter how stupid they are. It is not right.
Practice shows that those who can protect themselves have the least trouble. If you roll a couple of complaints on your inspector, he will start talking to you in a whisper and on “You” - because he does not want to fly out of work after a few penalties.

If the appeals to the immediate superiors of the perpetrator did not bring results, or he is trying to “press”, you need to write to the federal level authorities. There they don’t really understand whether the official is right or wrong - he will fly into him in any case, even just for the fact of your appeal. Officials tend to fear their superiors more than the sun's snowman.

And this same boss, in turn, is always happy to report to the top that "the guilty have been punished, measures have been taken." Guess who will be the last one in this system? That's right, the same civil servant against whom the complaint was received.

Remember: the prosecutor's office and the media always remain. The former are interested in indicators (for detecting violations in the public sector, they receive good bonuses), the latter are always happy to tell the people about how bad life is for small businesses because of different kind instances.

If they really press down with checks and fines, there remains the “heavy artillery” - the FSB, the Duma and the Presidential Administration. It is almost impossible to break into the last instances, but if you do succeed, the result will exceed all expectations.

All these “legal wars” are possible only if you have competent legal support - you don’t have enough knowledge of your own, and it’s not advisable to spend five years getting the right diploma and knowledge, to put it mildly. No one goes to medical school to cure their runny nose?

In Christian churches, believers donate ten percent of their income to the needs of the parish. This tradition has stood the test of time, so why not make it work for you? So, when calculating net income, subtract from total amount 10%.

At first it will seem that these are pennies, but after three months the pile of banknotes will grow to a respectable size. After a year, you will be able to take microloans from yourself, without hassle and extortionate interest. The main thing is to treat this money as if it is not yours: do not spend without a reason, compensate for the shortage and do not tell anyone about it - neither your wife nor your friends.

Let the bank work

Whatever they write on the Internet, it is best to keep money in special institutions. Why?

  • BUT). "Interest drops."
  • B). All money transactions are easy to view at the end of the month/quarter/year.
  • AT). There is no temptation to go out and spend it all, even if there is a huge offer.
  • G). Banks teach financial discipline.

Another plus of banks is that they offer online account management tools. That is, now it is not necessary to go to the branch to transfer money from account to account or find out the balance in the account. It is enough to send SMS from your mobile - and all operations will be performed automatically. In addition, smartphones allow you to install special software, thanks to which financial management is simplified a hundredfold.

What to invest in, which deposit to open and which bank to entrust your hard-earned money - it's up to you. Experts say that long-term deposits with foreign currency are the most profitable. But in this case, the bank usually prohibits the early withdrawal of capital, and in business it should always be possible to withdraw the required amount. It is also profitable and reliable to invest in gold bank bullion - they do not get cheaper, so the deposit will not burn out, and interest will accrue as expected. Unlike the same dollar deposit.

In no case should you trust the so-called credit unions, mutual funds and other organizations that promise mountains of gold. They promise huge interest, but hundreds of criminal cases and thousands of lawsuits throughout the CIS show that these "financiers" if and to whom they help to become richer, then obviously not to investors.

PC to the rescue

You can keep records even without accounting education or experience. There are now a lot of free programs on the Internet that take into account literally all items of expenses and income. You will only have to enter the necessary data, and the program itself will summarize how much and on what you have earned, and how much and on what you have spent.

As a rule, such software is not demanding on computer resources, so an old laptop or a cheap tablet is enough to maintain the database. And even if an accountant works for you, it will not be superfluous to compare his data and yours at the end of the reporting period - you see, suddenly the numbers do not converge.

Naturally, the computer must be password protected. And for reliability, you can password-protect the accounting program itself - almost all of them allow you to do this. It is better not to store personal databases at the workplace - if the data of your personal database differs from the information that you provide to the tax office, this is called "double entry bookkeeping". And there is a punishment for that.

10. Summing up

Experience is a asset

Just an example: when you make out a lease, most likely, you will be asked to draw up two contracts. One is for the tax office, it will say that you pay a penny per square meter.

The second contract is drawn up to protect the landlord - it indicates the real amount, and he will be able to defend his interests if you do not want to pay. The second contract is renegotiated every month so that the owner of the commercial space has the opportunity to declare that the previous, “minimum” contract is not valid, and you have not paid in a new way.
There are many such subtleties.

Stock up on patience

If you're hoping for a shoe repair shop to turn a profit as soon as it opens, you're in for a disappointment. It will take at least a year for income to become more or less stable. What is it connected with? Unknown. But in practice, this is true, and it doesn’t matter what the entrepreneur does: he sells socks, repairs shoes, or sells elite tea in bulk.

It remains only to wait for the business to get back on track, and only then can you make some forecasts and think about something new.

Learn while there is time!

During the time that the business is gaining momentum, you need to read more than a dozen books. We have already talked about marketing and jurisprudence. It is equally important to understand the economy - such information will greatly help you in doing business. If you are going to hire people in the future, be sure to learn the basics of HR management. Motivation of personnel, work with personnel - all this is extremely important.

For example, someone works well only with a material incentive. And the other person looks contemptuously at money, but if you call him " Best Worker firms”, then he will simply move mountains to confirm his title. This is what HR science teaches.

Time management will be helpful. This item will help you correctly allocate your time, as well as tell you how to prioritize.
Since we are talking about business, take care of savings in education: it is much cheaper to buy a reader and download books from the Internet than to order paper copies, each of which will cost a pretty penny.

Despite the fact that difficult times are ahead of you, do not be discouraged: a persistent and talented person (and others do not even think about business) should succeed in at its best. And we hope that our advice will be useful and beneficial. If you have something to add - you are welcome in the comments, your invaluable experience will be extremely curious.

It may be interesting: Video - “Business idea shoe repair”:

It is rather difficult to imagine at least one apartment in which there would be absolutely no household appliances. There are kettles, irons, vacuum cleaners, food processors and many other appliances in almost every family. And even the most modern and reliable of them sooner or later break down and require repair. That is why the question of how to open a household appliance repair shop is so relevant for those who love and know how to work with their hands and are a little versed in electrical appliances.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs: 30-50 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 20 thousand people
Situation in the industry:high competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 2-3 months

Who is this business idea for?

Of course, repair, especially electrical and electronic devices, is an occupation that requires special skills and experience. And if the latter, as they say, can be acquired, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a household appliance repair business without a store of knowledge. On the other hand, no one is born with the ability to hold a screwdriver in their hands, so if there is a desire, then everything can always be learned.

On the Internet, you can now find a lot of training courses and books on the repair of household appliances. It remains only to make an effort and start own business bringing stable income, will be quite real.

Services market analysis

It is difficult to underestimate the relevance of this topic for business. Repairing household appliances as a business does not require studying the solvency of the population, because household appliances are almost always easier to fix than buying new ones. This business is not subject to seasonal fluctuations - equipment breaks down regardless of the season. The range of services provided can be expanded in proportion to the appearance of new products on the market.

You can open a service center for the repair of household appliances in any locality with a population of over 20 thousand people. This figure is due to the need to receive orders all year round.

Services provided by the repair shop

AT broad sense words, household appliances include all electrical and electronic appliances and apparatus that a person uses in everyday life, that is, he uses it almost daily. Of course, that each category of household appliances requires individual approach to carry out repairs. Therefore, before starting a business, it would be advisable to decide in which direction the future workshop will offer repair services:

  • Repair of office equipment - printers, scanners, copiers, MFPs, plotters, laser and other engraving machines, etc.
  • Repair of audio and video equipment - TVs, set-top boxes, dvd players, audio speakers, amplifiers, receivers, etc.
  • Exceptional Techniques household purpose– microwave ovens, microwave ovens, washing machines and dishwashers, refrigerators and freezers, irons, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners and more.

One of the most common and profitable repair options for both the client and the master is express repair at the customer's home. Transport bulky household appliances - refrigerators, washing machines etc. for repairs to the workshop is extra hassle and costs. Of course, sometimes it is impossible to do without them, but most often the repair of such things is carried out at home.

In case the degree of complexity of the repair still requires the delivery of large and heavy devices to the workshop, you need to find a company with inexpensive freight services (in the absence of your own freight transport). There are also options in which the master carries out diagnostics of equipment at the client's home, and takes the device to the workshop for repair only if necessary.

Another format for the repair of household appliances is the opening of an authorized service center, which will work with appliances of only one brand, for example, repair only Samsung or Kenwood appliances. The circle of clients in this case is significantly narrowed, but at all stages of the development of your business, you can count on consulting and technical assistance from the main office of the company.

The best option for registering entrepreneurial activity is the status of an individual entrepreneur. How to apply for an IP, you can find out at this link. Another important stage of business registration is the choice of the most appropriate taxation system. Most "Ipeshnikov" prefer "simplification" - a simplified tax regime.

Another question of interest to beginner entrepreneurs is whether a business plan is necessary for such a relatively small business as home appliance repair? The practice and experience of successfully operating organizations shows that competent planning of one's actions in organizing a business, financial and other calculations significantly increases the likelihood of successful development of one's business. Why do you need a business plan and how to draw it up yourself, you can find out at the links indicated.

Finding a workshop space

A workshop space is one of the most important and, perhaps, costly items in organizing a business. Despite the fact that priority in the work is given to field activities, the premises for the workshop are still necessary.

A large room is not required, most often the area depends on the number of employees working on it, the calculation warehouse for storage of spare parts and an area for receiving orders.

Typically, such services with one to three employees occupy premises ranging from 20 to 30 square meters. meters. The most advantageous location of the workshop is sleeping areas. If the main direction of repair is the maintenance of office equipment, then the best option will find a room closer to the business center of the city.

Since you will have to be in the workshop throughout the working day, the main criteria in the search suitable premises will be: the presence of a bathroom and the necessary utilities - electricity, heating, water supply.

The interior is not so important last resort, you can spend inexpensive redecorating, install racks for storing spare parts, broken and repaired equipment, put work tables and chairs or armchairs for clients. All this can either be purchased second-hand or bring old furniture from home.

Some workshops expand the geography of their business by opening small order pick-up points in various parts of the city, while carrying out repairs in one workshop. This method proved to be excellent when creating your own brand of a network of workshops.

Almost always, the quality of the repairs carried out depends on the equipment, so save on the purchase necessary tool not worth it.

The minimum "standard" set of equipment and tools that any appliance repair shop should have is shown in the table:

Some types of repairs require special equipment and tools, which can be purchased after a small “promotion” of the business and making the first profit.

Is staff needed

Whether additional staff is needed in the workshop depends on the number of orders. If the owner, who is also a master, does an excellent job with incoming orders on his own, why spend extra money? And if the number of orders is steadily growing, then you need to hire an assistant.

This may not necessarily be an appliance repair specialist. It is quite possible to get by with a young student who wants to learn the basics of the profession in practice. In any case, it is absolutely impossible to refuse orders, referring to the fact that the master does not have time to carry out repairs. Next time, people will just choose another workshop.

Delivery of spare parts

Procurement of spare parts for household appliances headache» any repair shop owner. Finding a reliable supplier of quality spare parts is not an easy task. The main criteria should be made precisely on reliability, punctuality (in order to avoid disruption of the repair deadlines) and the quality of the supplied spare parts (then you cannot prove to the client that the second time his equipment broke down a month later, because the replaced spare part was of poor quality).

For your part, you must guarantee the supplier monthly purchases of goods for a certain amount, otherwise it will simply be uninteresting and unprofitable for him to work with you. Of course, that the selling price of spare parts should be lower than the retail price. Ordering spare parts, as they say, "for the future", does not make sense. You can never guess which device will be brought in for repair next time. Therefore, the repair period should be set with the calculation of the delivery of spare parts from the supplier.

Another way to get the right details and elements for household appliances - this is their repair after replacement. Many customers choose to replace the broken part of the appliance, instead of possibly fixing it, after all, new is new, so repair shops often accumulate whole piles of broken parts, some of which are quite repairable, and with proper use, can last for quite a long time .

Buying old household appliances can also be an alternative. Currently, new items are released literally once every six months or a year, and after a while it is almost impossible to find spare parts for outdated models, so creating a warehouse of rare spare parts is great idea for the workshop.

Advertising and marketing

Of course, the best advertising in this type of activity is word of mouth, so the main emphasis should be on the quality of the services provided. But you should not neglect the "classic" ways of advertising your workshop, such as:

  • Creating your own website, group in social networks;
  • Distribution of leaflets and business cards;
  • A bright sign that attracts attention, pillars placed on the street, etc.;
  • Publication of ads on such giant sites as Avito, etc.;
  • Offering customers a system of discounts, free diagnostics and home visits of the master.

The main task of the master is to make sure that, if necessary, the client contacts you again (preferably with a different problem), therefore, a responsible attitude to work and attentive attitude to the client are the main components of success.

Costs, profits and payback calculation

It should be noted right away that those who expect to make a quick profit after opening a household appliance repair shop are better off finding another business idea. “Promotion” of the business in this case can take several months. In addition, the provision of services in the field of repair of household appliances has never been distinguished by any super-profits.

The main costs for creating a business come down to the purchase of tools and equipment and the rental of premises for a workshop and amount to approximately 25-40 thousand rubles. Profitability this business usually is 10-15%.

An approximate price for the provision of services for the repair of household appliances is as follows:

Category of home appliancesType of repairRepair cost, rub. (excluding the cost of spare parts)
RefrigeratorsDiagnosticsFor free
Filter replacementFrom 600
Evaporator replacementFrom 2000
freon leak repairFrom 1900
Replacing the thermostatFrom 1600
Sensor replacementFrom 1800
Washing machinesDiagnosticsFor free
Belt replacementFrom 1000
Hatch block replacementFrom 1300
Drain pump replacementFrom 1500
Bearing replacementFrom 3300
Drum replacementFrom 3500
Heating element replacementFrom 1300

The cost of repairing small household appliances usually does not exceed one thousand rubles, depending on the complexity. Average check for repairs, as a rule, is 400-800 rubles. If there are 2-3 orders per day for one working month (22 working days), even with the most "modest" estimates, the income of the workshop will be approximately 30-35 thousand rubles. In fact, the owners of such workshops receive "clean" about 50-80 thousand rubles a month.

(votes: 1, average: 5.00 out of 5)
