The interior of the second floor of the house with a triangular roof. Attic interior design in a private country house

To make the atmosphere in the room to your taste and what would be cozy, comfortable, economical and functional, you need a lot of information and a lot of time and effort.

If the space is small, everything becomes much more difficult to do, but still possible.

In our time, more and more people want to use absolutely all the space that is possible to the maximum.

In private houses, even attics are used, rooms are arranged there and they live safely. The best way according to the advice of designers, making a bedroom in the attic is better than a kitchen or, for example, a living room.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures. For example, the ceiling is not dimensionless and in the attic it is fixed on beams, which can be very advantageously used in the design of the bedroom.

When creating a country-style attic bedroom, use lighter tones on the walls and ceiling. An excellent option would be wallpaper with a small pattern or pattern.

No need to purchase wallpaper or wall covering with a large pattern, this is not the best solution for a bedroom. Such a coating on the walls will put pressure on family members.

If you want the Provence style, then the beams in the attic do not need to be covered with anything, they will look harmonious in their real form. Over time, the tree will look a little old-fashioned and it will be beautiful and stylish. It is also necessary then to use industrial materials in this design, such as glass and metal.

Via natural beams and walls without plaster, the room will look more spacious.

Sometimes in country houses, the walls are upholstered with clapboard, this is a good option for country style.

Classic or minimalism are also perfect for a bedroom in the attic. In this case, there should not be bulky furniture and unnecessary decor items. Everything should be clear and tasteful.

Color spectrum

The best color for an attic bedroom is a light shade. If the walls are light, then it is better to equip the floor with light colors. But in this style it is not recommended to use dark pieces of furniture.

But light colors in the attic are not a mandatory part. You just need to remember that if the walls are dark, then the furniture needs to be used larger and rougher. Solid wood furniture would be an excellent option.

If you paint the ceiling and floor in light colors, then you can apply the color of the walls at your discretion. Just do not forget that everything must be combined.

Bedroom furniture in the attic

Furniture must be chosen wisely. The attic room almost always has a small area and it will not be possible to put the furniture that you really really want. It is necessary to calculate possibilities with desires.

First you need to put the furniture that is needed in the first place, this is, of course, the same bed. It must be placed at the smallest and lowest wall. So - it's a good option to put the bed closer to the window.

There is not enough space in the attic, so it is better to refuse bulky cabinets. It's better to keep things in bed, now there is big choice beds with drawers underneath.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures.

  • When creating a bedroom in the attic, you need to remember some tips.
  • No matter what style and design you want to create for yourself in this bedroom, everything should fit together and look like one.
  • The room should be cozy and comfortable, because the bedroom is designed for rest and sleep.
  • The room should be warm, because the attic is not intended for housing.

Windows should be insulated, but at a convenient time they should be opened to ventilate the room.

Photo of a bedroom in the attic

The special geometry of the attic room inspires many designers to create unusual interiors. Under the roof, you can equip almost any room, but the bedroom will look the most organic here. Making good use of space simple rules in furnishing and interior design, you can create a comfortable and cozy bedroom.

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic bedroom

In 1630, the architect Francois Mansart designed and built a house with a sloping roof, under which he arranged a bedroom. Since then, attic spaces converted into living rooms have been called by the author's last name - mansards.

Attics have a special relaxed atmosphere, so it is best to place a bedroom under a sloping roof. Such a reincarnation of the attic space has many advantages:

  • increase in the living area of ​​the house;
  • the size of the room can be independently changed, delimited functional areas - under a large roof, you can equip a bedroom with a bathroom or combine a room with an office;
  • attic with slanted windows will be the most romantic place in the house - in the evening you can watch the stars, and wake up in the morning with the first rays of the sun;
  • bedroom under the roof can be made in different styles, and all kinds of finishing materials are used to decorate the room;
  • attic - warm room, so the bedroom will be comfortable and cozy.

Among the disadvantages of the location of the bedroom under the roof include:

  • the roof needs additional heat and waterproofing;
  • the choice of finishes and the layout of the room largely depend on the type of roof;
  • Furniture for the attic often has to be made to order in order to maximize the use of every centimeter of the bedroom area.

Layout and arrangement of furniture depending on the type of roof

The layout of the attic space, the choice and arrangement of furniture are determined by the needs of the owners of the house, the area of ​​​​the room and the design of the roof.

The roof of the house can be single-pitched, gable, multi-pitched, hipped or broken. Thus, the room may have no ceiling at all or be in unusual form, and the walls of the room can have the most different angle tilt. Such features of the structure “steal” the usable area of ​​​​the attic, therefore, when arranging the bedroom, one must act in a balanced and competent way.

Spacious loft with shed roof - a convenient option for placing a bedroom. In this case, the bed is placed under an inclined window, and a spacious closet can be placed along a straight wall.

A small bedroom can be beaten in a different way. With a partition, separate the space for the dressing room - from the side of the straight wall, and put the bed there. Additionally, bookshelves can be arranged at the head of the bed. With this option, it becomes possible to make an exit to the balcony.

Under gable roof it is difficult to place a tall cabinet, but if the area allows, then you can slightly correct the space and “level” one of the walls with the help of a screen. A gable roof with symmetrical sloping windows is a great option for combining a bedroom and an office.

On the "gable" attics, bedrooms for two children are often equipped. Beds are placed along sloping walls. If desired, the room can be separated by a mobile partition - a curtain or decorative pendants. The disadvantage of such a room is that there is little space for storing children's clothes and toys.

Design features pitched roof should be turned into its virtues. You can focus on the curved lines of the ceiling. For the convenience of placing furniture, you will have to install plasterboard walls - such a measure is only permissible in spacious rooms. In small bedrooms, the partition will have to be abandoned and spacious wardrobes replaced with compact chests of drawers, trellises, hinged shelves, drawers and decorative baskets for storage.

Under hipped roof you can equip two full-fledged bedrooms by dividing the space in the center with a partition. In this case, a high wall appears, which will simplify the arrangement of furniture.

Features of finishing the attic bedroom

The choice of finishes for a room under the roof depends on the design attic bedroom. Can be used for walls regular paint, wallpaper, lining or putty.

Particular attention should be paid to the decoration of the ceiling. Some prefer to leave the wooden beams of the roof exposed, emphasizing the natural direction in the interior.

The ceiling can be leveled by “sheathing” with plasterboard, and the finish can be selected in accordance with the overall interior of the attic bedroom.

The room turns out to be organic if one material, such as wallpaper, is used to decorate the walls and ceiling. In this case, the ceiling becomes a continuation of the walls - this technique visually expands the space.

Textile ceiling trim allows you to soften the angular shape of the attic room.

Color in the interior of the room on the attic floor

When choosing a color palette for decorating a cozy bedroom under the roof, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

Lighting and decoration of the attic bedroom

When organizing lighting in the bedroom, you need to think through many details: which side the windows face, the choice of main and local light, the design of the window opening.

The location of windows in the attic, their shape and size are usually not standard. Therefore, in such rooms there is often not enough natural light. Great importance attached to the play of shadows and artificial lighting

Planning a bedroom design attic floor, you can use the following techniques to improve the illumination of the room:

Choice decorative elements will depend on the style of the bedroom.

Advice. In order to visually smooth out the sharp corners of a gable roof, the window opening can be framed with an arch, fill the room with “soft” accessories and furniture with smooth outlines

Choosing the style of the bedroom: photos of interiors

The interior concept of the attic is very often directed to the side. rustic styles: provence and country. The spirit of simplicity, comfort and elegance of the French style is great for creating a peaceful environment.

Painted wooden beams, carved furniture in light colors, light curtains and textiles with small floral patterns convey the atmosphere of Provence.

Country style conveys the flavor of rural life. Simple antique wood furniture, bright textile filling and an abundance of accessories create the spirit of 19th century England.

The classic would look appropriate in a spacious attic with large windows, as this direction involves the use of massive furniture, heavy curtains and solid, respectable chandeliers.

Classic attic bedroom design: photo

The American loft style is reflected in the presence of free space in the interior, clear shapes and lines. Functional zones in this case are practically not delimited from each other.

The main features of minimalism are conciseness and clarity of design. The room contains only the most necessary simple furniture. geometric shapes, the minimum number of decorative elements. Color solution - a combination of no more than 2-3 colors.

Bedroom under the roof in the Scandinavian style - unpretentious decoration of the walls and ceiling, restraint and orderliness of the interior. The design of the room is dominated by light natural tones, pale wood bed, bright lighting, simplistic decor. window openings or the complete absence of curtains.

Asian style. The presence of "cold" materials in the design of the headboard and textured textiles on the pillows give the interior an oriental touch.

The game of white and blue flowers in a marine theme gives the attic bedroom a feeling of freshness. Wide stripes symbolize warm, soft waves and calm water flow.

Main focus attic room- finishing. The style of the bedroom is dictated by massive wooden beams and clapboard, color contrasts - furniture and textiles with bright ornaments. The overall interior turned out to be organic and complete.

A two-level ceiling and complex lighting leveled the geometry of the attic space. This solution is only valid in a house with a high roof.

White trim and snow-white furniture make a room with small windows much brighter. A bright spot in the interior is a round-shaped carpet.

Recently, more and more often, during the construction of private houses, an attic under a roof is equipped as a living space. The first such arrangement was proposed by the French architect Francois Mansart, so the room was called the attic.


Due to its non-standard size and shape, the attic brings a lot of difficulties in planning.

The design of the attic floor depends on the functional purpose of the room. Here you can arrange any interiors: a recreation area with a home theater, a nursery, a bedroom, a study. First of all, the project for arranging the attic should take into account the wishes of the owners, the dimensions of the room and the height of the ceiling.

One of the features of the attic floor in a wooden house is sloping walls. The shape of the attic space is influenced by the slope of the roof. In a private building, it can be single-pitched or gable, less common are options with hipped and sloping roofs.

Distinctive features attic can be the following factors:

  • low ceiling;
  • rafters and roof beams;
  • a large number of corners;
  • stairs;
  • a small number of windows;
  • difficulty in communication. As a rule, the attic is not heated, especially in the country.

The attic floor allows owners to get real benefits from turning it into a living space, as the usable area increases and heat losses are reduced.

Given all the features, experts advise when arranging this territory to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Roof insulation inside and out.
  • Summing up engineering communications: electricity, ventilation, air conditioning.
  • Only specialists can reconstruct the rafters, so if the project provides for this, it is better to use their services.
  • A rational approach to the use of beams, roof slopes, support posts in the interior.

  • Smart lighting scheme. It is necessary to think over the location of the windows, their sizes. Designers offer to take advantage of the possibility of installing vertical windows or in lucarnes (the so-called dormer window).
  • Use moisture resistant materials when finishing.
  • Consider the ability of floors to withstand the weight of all structural additions and furniture.
  • Don't clutter up the space.


Before turning the attic floor of a country house into a functional room, you first need to design the interior. When preparing, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances: the shape of the ceiling and walls, the presence or absence of communications, the possibility of summing up additional engineering systems, the degree of illumination, and the like.

In the simplest case, when global changes are not needed, only redecorating, which is aimed at the improvement of non-residential premises.

A lot depends on the shape of the roof., it can be broken, beveled, domed, single-slope and gable. Therefore, inside there are necessarily open rafters and beams. Some designers use these elements in interior design, focus on them, others suggest hiding them, but on condition that the ceiling height allows.

The simplest finish is wood. To do this, use the available material in the form of lining, wood panels or edged boards. Modern construction market also offers wooden wallpaper or block house.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to bring the communication system. The task will be simplified if the attic is located above kitchen area or bathroom on the first floor. Installation must be done correctly, so if you do not have the skills and permissions necessary for this, it is better to seek help from professionals.

Insulation of the attic is an important process. If the attic will be used regularly, and not only during the summer season, then thermal insulation is necessary. This will prevent condensation, improve the microclimate, and make you feel comfortable in the warmth of your home. Warming is carried out not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Sound insulation of the floor is necessary in some cases, but it also serves as thermal insulation.

The next step in the improvement of the attic is the replacement of old and the installation of new windows.

As a rule, the attic window is initially one. When arranging the attic, it is important to ensure good lighting rooms, so it is better if there are more of them. Experts recommend placing them on different walls for more efficiency. The level of illumination can be adjusted by the ratio of the area of ​​the glass surface.

A feature of roof windows is the width of the windows, which cannot exceed the distance between the rafters. The length depends on the slope of the roof.

Depending on the method of installation, windows are classified into vertical, inclined and for flat roofs. The last two types should be made of tempered glass to protect them from hail.

Inclined double-glazed windows are installed in the same plane as the roof slope, which increases the light intensity by 30% or more.

To install a vertical window, you must first install a structure in the form of a birdhouse with an individual roof. Bandwidth at the same time, it is lower than that of the inclined ones.

If it is supposed self-replacement old windows to modern ones, plan their dimensions and installation location in advance.

Installation begins with cutting a window opening in the roof slope. If the tie-in occurs between the rafters, then it is better to provide a distance from them to the window of at least 10 cm.

Old houses were equipped with mortise window frames. Modern technologies allow the installation of new double-glazed windows with tempered glass providing increased strength. The opening mechanisms are being improved, which makes it possible to rotate the frames around any axis, and this can be done not only manually, but also using the remote control.

Skylights solve several functional problems: illuminate the room with natural light, provide ventilation and improve the microclimate.

Panoramic structures allow you to increase the luminous flux, introduce an original decor element, and get aesthetic pleasure from the landscape. Modern technology has made it possible to install different types windows, for example, transforming into a mini-balcony. The variety of forms that manufacturers produce is amazing. Simple lines are used less and less; windows in the form of a circle, semicircle, angular, asymmetric have become more common.

For the design of attic window structures, it is better to use special blinds or roller shutters. They are available both indoors and outdoors. If the interior is supposed to have textile curtains, then in order to hold them in the desired position, there are various holders, linings, supports and fasteners.

Ceiling finish

When landscaping the attic for finishing the ceiling, you can use any known ways and materials.

Stretch ceiling is advised to use only if there is a sufficient height of the walls otherwise there is a risk of frequent damage. This option is very convenient, because the canvas, due to its light weight, does not have a big effect on the structures, allows you to hide the elements of engineering communications and rafters, and makes it possible to fantasize with lighting using built-in lights.

Drywall is one of the available and simple ways finishes. With it, you can get any shape, for example, a multi-level ceiling with various drops and protrusions. Drywall allows surfaces to be leveled before wallpapering or painting.

Wood - traditional material for finishing the attic. For the ceiling use lining or wooden panels. Wallpaper on the ceiling looks original. It should be remembered that the surface must be leveled before gluing.

Floor cladding

As a rule, special requirements are imposed on the floor on the upper floors.

First of all, it must provide good sound insulation. To do this, it is necessary to mount the crate and fill it with a heat insulator in the form of plates, for example, mineral wool. It also performs the function of waterproofing. Cover the top of the structure pine boards, larch material can be used. It is recommended to treat the resulting flooring with an antiseptic.

The floor covering is very diverse. For these purposes, any finishing material is used: linoleum, parquet board, laminate, carpet, ceramic tiles. Experts advise not to save on the quality of the coating, since low-grade materials will require an early replacement.

You can not refuse when decorating the attic and such decorative elements as carpets. They serve as a heater, and also decorate any interior, adding comfort. The dimensions of the carpets do not have to be large and cover the entire floor, small models are enough near the bed, sofa, bath.


The most popular when decorating the walls of the attic tree. It improves the microclimate, serves as thermal insulation. Lining is leading in use. It is produced in several versions, is affordable and easy to process. There are several laying methods that allow you to add decorativeness to the walls: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, in a circle, herringbone. The lining is varnished on top to leave a natural wood pattern or painted in different colors.

A more budget option is wood paneling. These can be laminated models, veneered chipboard or MDF.

Modern version- wooden wallpaper, which is a base with coniferous wood planks glued to it. Such material reduces repair time.

The block house is also in demand for wall cladding in country houses, in particular, in the attic. Its rounded front surface imitates a natural log or bar.

Plastic panels are appropriate when decorating bathrooms or kitchens on the attic floor. They protect against dirt and moisture. In addition, their color scheme embodies any design ideas.

Recently, designers often offer unique seamless wall drapery with fabric. The attic made in this way will become unique.

Loft style in the interior attic space suggests the presence of raw wood, so you can leave the walls of wooden beam or brick intact.

Also one of oldest methods wall processing is pasting them with wallpaper. However, it should be noted that before that they must be leveled with drywall, and this will reduce the space. Manufacturers offer a wide range of wallpapers: vinyl, paper, glass, cork, etc. Designers do not recommend pasting all the walls with material with a large pattern. It is better to focus on one of the walls or emphasize architectural ledges, arches, corners, and cover the rest of the surface plain wallpaper. A small ornament in pastel colors is suitable for the Provence style.

Drywall when decorating walls is used only as a base or for leveling. From above it is always covered with wallpaper, acrylic paint or other finishing materials.

Color solutions

The attic room has a specific shape and lighting. Designers most often suggest using light shades for decoration. You can use different texture and color contrasts to make the space feel deeper.

For example, if the ceiling in the attic is covered with a dark stretch fabric, then it is better if its surface is glossy, then the reflected light will expand the walls. In the case when the floor is made in darkish shades, designers advise dazzling white walls, this will create the illusion of endless distance.

Experts warn that in no case should small attics be overloaded with bulky objects and use a lot of dark colors. Bright rich colors can be used as accents, as their excess will cause an oppressive feeling.

Often the owners of private houses leave wooden floors, covering them with a transparent varnish to emphasize the wood structure.

The nuances of interior design

The improvement of the attic space must be approached very carefully and prudently. It is important to think over in advance all possible ideas for using architectural features: beams, rafters, arches, slopes, unusual angles, racks. Living space can benefit from this.

Experts advise not to get carried away by cluttering up space and try to use natural materials for decoration. Textiles for curtains and furniture are better to choose pastel shades.

Furniture for the attic is always multifunctional. Bulky elements are out of place. It is better to give preference to modular systems. An excellent option are built-in and hinged structures. It may be necessary to make furniture to order in order to fit it to the configuration of a particular roof.

Attic decor is best done depending on the functions that the room performs. To decorate the interior with your own hands, you first need to draw up a design project. If certain experience and skills are not enough, you can use the services of professionals. It should be remembered that the simple option is always the best.

Since the houses in summer cottages and garden plots are small, they either do not imply a second floor, or it is very small. Therefore, in the country attic, they usually organize a bedroom or a workshop.

If the country house is intended for permanent residence, then the attic floor performs various functional tasks. The list of possible interiors includes: a kitchen, a bathroom, a nursery, a library, an office, a recreation area with a cinema, billiards, a dressing room.

The style pleases with a variety of possible options - from light Provence to modern loft, from classic to avant-garde, from mountain chalets to Mediterranean bungalows.

There are certain rules that must be followed when designing attic spaces. Then the interior will be filled with coziness and comfort. For example, a low ceiling surface is not an obstacle, but should not be tightened stretch ceiling, it is better to process with a tree. The staircase, which is always a dangerous place, must be equipped with a fall protection system: railings, doors, fences are required.

Unusual roof shape small space, as a rule, takes up part of the usable space. But with proper lighting and design, this feature can be interesting to beat.

Equipping a small attic, it is necessary to think over the ergonomics of each element of the interior. Furniture is better to buy built-in and multifunctional. Block storage systems are designed to make this task easier.


Unusual shapes and sizes of the attic are just right for arranging a children's room. Designers use height differences and unexpected wall reliefs to decorate the play area.

The nature of the attic floor involves the organization of a variety of places to store toys, bedding, crafts, books. In addition, it will be better if the nursery provides places not only for recreation and games, but also for classes.

In the presence of small children, the attic should be well insulated, it is better to lay soft flooring, finishing materials are used natural and harmless. It is recommended to equip the window opening mechanism with an “anti-child” element so that the kids cannot accidentally open the sash.

When creating an attic nursery, it is necessary to consider the abundance of natural light, as well as artificial lighting.

The nature of the room allows you to experiment with color, use unusual shapes furniture and lamps, zoning the space to create a colorful and bright interior.

When arranging the attic floor, it is important to remember that children love to run, jump and jump, which can create discomfort for those living on the first floor, so it is recommended to soundproof the floor in the nursery.


The owners will appreciate the lack of wardrobes in all rooms and the arrangement of a centralized dressing room on the attic floor. This will save useful living space for more functional things.

The organization of the wardrobe in the attic does not require a large area and will allow you to use any asymmetrical architectural features of the room.

It is better to place wardrobes along high walls, drawers and shelves for shoes, clothes and accessories can be placed in niches, under bevels or built into the space between the beams.

If it is not possible to install hinged doors, it is necessary to consider the possibility of installing sliding and sliding models, as well as in the form of blinds.

Furniture for the attic dressing room is appropriate modular. Storage systems should be multifunctional. Roll-out and retractable elements will help you get to the farthest corners and use all the available space rationally. Curbstones are recommended to be used as storage places and as stools for sitting.

To increase the functionality of the attic, you can install a washing machine and dryer, a clothes steamer, ironing board. Sometimes the owners also store other household appliances, such as a vacuum cleaner, right there.

If the attic is intended only as a storage system, then built-in lighting or conventional lamps are sufficient. In the case of wider use of the dressing room, the placement of lighting fixtures should take into account the functional features of each section of the room. For example, in the ironing area or near a large mirror, bright light is needed.

In order to prevent the appearance of a musty smell or dampness, it is necessary to think over the ventilation system correctly.


As a rule, a bathroom is rarely located on the attic floor of a small house. In large cottages, the bathroom is organized as an additional bathroom to the bedroom or guest room.

It is best to consider the location of the bathroom already at the design stage of the house., since this will require complex engineering communications: sewerage, ventilation, water supply, electricity. In addition, the attic must be insulated with high quality so that during cold periods being in the bathroom does not bring inconvenience.

It would be nice if there was a kitchen or a bathroom on the first floor under the attic. In this case, it is more convenient to install communications for the attic bathroom.

Architectural asymmetry in the design should be used to your advantage. To do this, under the bevels, it is better to build in storage systems for hygiene products or household chemicals, washbasin or toilet. Furniture and plumbing, taking into account the ergonomics of the attic, are advised to choose a compact and multifunctional one. Built-in or hanging cabinets and shelves will save usable space.

The bath is recommended to be installed near a wall or in a corner. If the attic area is limited, then you can limit yourself to a shower cabin.

Any color scheme for the attic bathroom is appropriate, but in the presence of a small area, it must be remembered that dark color narrows the space. Glass and mirror elements, the presence of chrome parts will add airiness and modernity. The glossy surface of the ceiling or floor will visually expand the walls of the attic.

The main requirement for finishing materials is moisture resistance. On the ceiling, a stretch fabric will look great either plastic panels. Flooring appropriate in the form ceramic tiles, plastic or parquet board. Wall cladding involves the use of any waterproof material.

Experts assure that in the bathroom you can abandon the central chandelier, and use only built-in lights. You will need to install additional lighting in the wash area. In other cases, point light sources are decorative.


If the attic floor is spacious enough, then it will be possible to organize a bedroom for 2-3 people. In the case of a limited area, you can equip a recreation area for one tenant.

It is better to install berths in roof slope areas to save usable space. In case of psychological rejection of a low ceiling above your head during sleep, you should place the bed in the center of the attic with gable ceilings.

If there is free space in the bedroom, you can additionally organize a dressing area or a separate bathroom.

The design of the attic sleeping area looks best in a rustic or classical style , however, do not give up on modern trends: loft or modern. Naturally looks in the bedroom decoration with wood or wallpaper. A variety of textile elements will create a cozy atmosphere. color scheme it is better to use in soft soothing colors.

Living room

If there is enough space, the attic floor can be turned into a cozy living room or a fireplace room, where all family members will gather and guests will be accommodated.

The fireplace in the attic can play both a practical and a decorative role. When installing it, you must understand that the traditional massive structure is not suitable for the second floor. It is better to give preference to lighter compact models made of heat-resistant steel or cast iron. For the same reason, experts recommend abandoning heavy facing materials such as natural stone. Most often, electric fireplaces or fireplace inserts on pellets are used for heating. Decorative bio-fireplaces will bring a feeling of coziness and spiritual comfort to the interior. If the fireplace area in the attic does not serve as a decoration, but performs a heating function, then it is important to foresee a smoke exhaust system and a place to store fuel.

Furniture in light colors looks elegant in the living room. Glass and mirror partitions, well-built lighting will create a light, relaxed atmosphere.

Bright contrasts are also appropriate in the interior of the attic living room. In this case, it is better not to overload the room with furniture and other elements, since the main focus is color.

Any style will be appropriate, the main thing is that it matches the tastes of the owners, corresponds to their interests, and creates a mood.

Designers advise several styles for the attic living room.

  • Classical- a solid style with its inherent luxury and grace. More often the fireplace becomes the center of the interior. The design does not include bright colors. Everything has order and functional significance.

  • Modern- harmonious minimalism. The whole situation bears the seal of practicality, maximum functionality. Simplicity is present in every detail. Dark details are combined with pastel colors, creating harmony.
  • Retro. For decoration, interior elements left over from great-grandmothers or stylized for them are suitable. The design involves the use of paintings, floor lamps, wooden chairs or tables with wrought iron legs. The installation of a fireplace or a cast-iron potbelly stove is also characteristic.

  • Provence- sophistication and romanticism of the French countryside. Wood trim, bleached by the southern sea sun, is appropriate. Pastel textiles with a small pattern are welcome. Forged elements furniture, crystal lamps, soft cushions for sitting on chairs and benches, light curtains on the windows - all these details will create a cozy soulful atmosphere in the attic living room.

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helpful tips">

Buildings with - a practical and very attractive idea for an individual plot. The cost of equipping a residential attic is less than the construction of a full-fledged floor, additional square meters will appear in the house. For a summer cottage, the best option is. Projects, photos of successful interiors and recommendations from experienced builders are in our material.

Even small attic transform the facade of the house and make it unique

The attic refers to the living space under the roof. The roof for the arrangement of a residential attic must have a double slope, such that the height of the attic space is not less than human height at the highest point.

Important! A high ceiling should occupy at least half of the area. Smaller sizes will cause discomfort in a person.

The outer wall of the residential attic consists of two planes: inclined and vertical. The vertical part is built from the main material of the house, the inclined part consists of blood rafters and inner lining.

Note! The attic in urban planning standards is considered a residential floor.

When building a private house, many owners think about the question: give preference to a full-fledged floor or an attic?

Advantages and disadvantages of country houses with an attic: projects with a full floor or a residential attic?

The main argument in favor of the attic floor is always the cheapness of its arrangement. Is it really? The reduction in costs is due to the use of a frame structure of the roof. In practice, the larger the roof and, accordingly, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe frame for sheathing, the more profitable the attic.

But it should be remembered, no matter how spacious the attic is, in any case it occupies less usable area than the real floor. It turns out that in order to make the attic room suitable for living, it is necessary to provide for such an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first floor that it exceeds the attic at least twice.

To in attic room to create a normal microclimate, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system with forced air supply. All these costs will form an additional burden during construction. And in fact, the savings will not be so significant.

Proponents of attic construction note that houses with such “curly” roofs look attractive. And the designers add that the arrangement of a residential attic has many original solutions.

Prudent owners do not like it when something goes to waste. Including attic space. Some turn it into a dump of unnecessary things. But in fact, it can accommodate a full-fledged office, workshop, bedroom or even a children's room.

Opponents of such prudence remind that the active exploitation of the space under the roof worsens the condition of the roof structure and greatly complicates its repair.

Expert point of view

Yaroslav Galaiko

Lead Designer and Head of Ecologica Interiors Studio

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“Psychologists warn that the low ceilings of the attic make a person feel in a confined space, adversely affecting his psyche. Particularly impressionable natures can even feel suffocation due to low ceilings and sloping walls. It is worth thinking about this fact when planning a children's room in the attic.

Proponents of a full-fledged second floor give the following comparison:

AtticSecond floor
Limited in layout to inclined structuresHas full layout options
Difficulties with arranging full-fledged windowsLack of problems with the organization of natural lighting
The design of the walls and ceiling of the attic does not allow you to easily repair the roofMaintainability of the roof and simplicity of roof construction
The need for complex roofingUse of a simple shaped roof
The need for forced ventilationUse of natural ventilation
Strong room heating on hot daysPreservation of optimal temperature due to the presence of attic space

Despite all these disputes and disagreements, projects of country houses with an attic and a veranda or garage are very popular. This is not surprising, because frame construction, which is gaining immense popularity, offers many options for just such buildings, with a large usable area and various layouts. Consider photo projects of houses with attics in more detail.

Related article:

The best projects of houses with an attic: photos with drawings

A good residential building design should take into account many factors:

  • the climate of the area in which the construction will be carried out;
  • features of the soil and landscape of the site;
  • a combination of home decoration with surrounding buildings and terrain;
  • organization as much as possible comfortable conditions accommodation for all family members, taking into account their age and individual needs.

The finished project of a house with an attic is developed by professional architects with the participation of specialists of a narrow profile. It is important to consider not only the location of the rooms, but also the features of the placement of engineering networks.

Projects of a small area are suitable for a summer cottage, 36 - 40 square meters. This space is quite enough to accommodate a kitchen and a spacious living room on the ground floor and two compact bedrooms or an office in the attic. Houses with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters contain a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen on the ground floor and rooms on the second.

For large houses, it would be ideal to build a terrace, which can be accessed from the attic floor. From the top there will be a magnificent view of nature.

Idea! If the house is for year-round living, part of the roof can be glazed and the area can be used for a winter garden.

Country house with an attic: layout 6x6

With a minimum area is not easy. The project of a country house 6x6 with an attic - optimal choice. In this case, you have not 36, but at least 50 square meters of usable area.

If the cottage is needed only for a seasonal visit, such space is quite enough for a small family. Over time, an extension can be made to the house if the number of family members increases. What should be considered in the project of a house with an attic 6x6:

  • maximum use of each centimeter of area;
  • the number of people visiting the house at the same time;
  • age of family members;
  • frequency of visiting the suburban area.

When planning a 6 by 6 house with an attic, it is important to use all the space with maximum benefit. Traditionally, in the center there is a spacious living room with access to the bathroom and kitchen. All these rooms will completely occupy the first floor. In order not to be crowded, they select compact furniture.

The kitchen should have two entrances: from the room and from the yard. Table setting in the summer gazebo will be greatly simplified, and it will be easier to cook on a hot day by opening wide the exit to the garden.

In this option, they are located in the attic. Here you can make two full bedrooms for the owners and children.

For a bathroom, four square meters is enough. If the cottage is visited only in summer, an outdoor shower can be arranged in the yard. Those who like to take a steam bath put a bathhouse on the site. If you do not provide a shower or bathroom in the house, you can leave three square meters for the toilet. The washing machine is installed in the kitchen.

Frame houses with an attic (projects 6x6) do not provide for internal stairs. They are placed outside. This technique also saves a lot of space. For storage of things in the house, compact mezzanines should be provided.

Here rough plan houses with an attic 6 by 6:

The specifics of the layout of houses 9 by 9 with an attic: photos of successful solutions

The house with a total area of ​​eighty square meters is a popular project. Builders note that this project has an optimal ratio of costs and comfort of living. The classic layout includes a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom on the ground floor and two or three more rooms in the attic. They can be used as additional bedrooms or organize an office, a creative workshop and a spacious wardrobe in them.

Another option for arranging rooms is in the layout of the house 8 by 10 with an attic. Photo example of such a layout:

What you should know about planning a 10 by 10 house with an attic: photos of the best ideas

One hundred square meters on the first floor and another seventy on the second - a large family can live in such a house permanently. There is a place for separate rooms for children, a bedroom for parents, an office, a spacious living room and a kitchen. From the outside, the house does not look huge. Projects of a 10x10 house with a foam block attic impress with compact placement on the site. But this is just the case when the external impression is deceptive.

There is enough space not only for placing bathrooms on each floor, but even for organizing or bathing right in the house. A convenient ladder with a wide passage will allow you to easily lift bulky furniture.

In such a house, a separate room for the boiler is usually provided. If the foam block house has a basement, a laundry room, heating appliances, a pantry for storing inventory and home seams are located here.

Layout example:

Related article:

In the article, we will consider in detail what is the advantage of these structures, types of technologies, average construction prices, original projects, helpful tips and much more.

Examples of interior design of houses with an attic inside: photo

Even a small attic can be furnished so that everything you need can fit in it. Inclined ceiling planes partially hide the total area, but you can use them to stylishly decorate the room.

Projects small houses with an attic usually involve placement on the second floor of the bedroom. AT summer cottage it is logical to use natural wood trim.

If the attic occupies a significant area, the task is simplified. Niches between rafters can be used as zoning elements. In one - to place a bed, in the other - a desktop by the window or a sofa for relaxation. The issue of placing a children's room on the attic floor should be approached especially carefully.

If an office is located in the attic, it is important to consider lighting.

Another idea for planning a house with an attic (photo below) is the placement of a wardrobe. Here you can build compact and convenient storage systems.

Tips for building a one-story house with an attic: photos of original ideas

The arrangement of a residential attic is most often concerned about the owners of small country cottages. Before deciding on such a project, ask to stay with your friends, owners of a similar design. Do you suddenly feel claustrophobic or, on the contrary, find yourself under the impression of attic windows through which you can watch clouds?

Here, if desired, you can place a wardrobe, a creative workshop, a boiler room, a gym.

Here are options for organizing attic space:

Especially in demand with a garage and an attic. This layout is extremely convenient. Residents will especially appreciate this option. northern regions who know what it's like to warm up a car on a frosty day. When the garage is under the same roof as the house, even if it does not have central heating, the temperature will be much higher than outside. And the car itself will be reliably protected from all the vagaries of the weather.

What do projects of houses with an attic of foam blocks look like?

Projects of houses with an attic made of foam blocks, the photos of which are presented to you, are very popular with developers of individual housing. The reasons for this demand are that houses made of this material are very functional and look solid and luxurious. The cost of building such a structure is lower than the cost of building a brick house.

It is not too easy to make the attic rooms comfortable, beautiful and functional. Extraordinary geometry - that's what delivers the most inconvenience. Therefore, the design of the attic floor has a special approach: it is also necessary to select finishing materials, taking into account possible changes in size.

Ceiling finish

One of the most difficult questions- trim flow in the attic. The ceiling in such rooms is either sloping or broken. Both options are not too easy to finish. In principle, you can use any material that finishes the ceilings in ordinary rooms, but the installation must take into account the possibility of displacement of the supporting structures. The beams are made of wood, and it changes in size with changes in temperature / humidity, so that the rigid fastening of frames or finishing materials threatens to crack.

You can even sew up with panels ... if you want

With or without beams

Before you start finishing the ceiling in the attic, decide whether you want the load-bearing beams to be visible. The method of filing depends on this: it will be necessary either to close the beams or leave them in sight. The first option “takes away” the height from the room, but there are no problems with insulation and sound insulation - you can choose without paying attention to the thickness. In the second case, the height of the room will be greater, but you will have to look for materials with a minimum thickness - you want the beams to be visible ...

Some visible load-bearing structures are considered a disadvantage that prevents a standard design from being made. But it’s worth emphasizing on the “disadvantage”, how it turns into an interesting design decision. If we talk about style, then the attic with beams looks much more “interesting”. The space between them can be sewn up with a board, tightened with tension or closed suspended ceilings. They are combined with any type of finish. You just have to pick color scheme, which fits the overall design of the attic floor or a specific room.

This way of finishing the ceiling - with contrasting edging - is suitable for spacious rooms. In small ones, it will eat up volume. You can use stretch ceilings - if you want a “neutral and standard” design. A slightly darker color allows you to highlight the beams without making the ceiling too “heavy”

The load-bearing structures fit perfectly into modern styles, expand the possibilities of finishing, give the interior individuality. They can be highlighted or painted in the same tone. The visual perception will change, but in any case they look very “trendy”. The only thing to avoid is varnishing the beams - this way decoration has lost its relevance. In any case, you should not use varieties that create a shiny "varnish" surface. Lacquer, if used, then on water based, matte or semi-matte, but not glossy.

Plasterboard on the ceiling in the attic floor

If you want to have a standard design of the attic floor as close as possible to the modern "neutral" style, you can sew up the ceiling in the attic with drywall (gypsum plasterboard). In order to prevent cracks on the surface and at the joints of the sheets with fluctuations in dimensions, all guides are mounted on suspensions.

The second trick is not to rest the sheets against the walls, leaving compensation gaps. The joints, as usual, are glued with mesh tape, the ceiling is puttied. At the junction of the GKL to the walls, there are gaps to close them, you can use polyurethane or wooden skirting boards of a suitable shape. They can be painted to match the walls or ceiling. When attaching this finish, we fix it only to the walls, but not to the ceiling. We don't even get too close to him. It is necessary that the gap is closed, but without rigid fastening. So, with seasonal movements of the load-bearing beams, the plasterboard ceiling in the attic will not crack.

There is a very interesting use of drywall on the ceiling of the attic floor. They can only sew up the gaps between the proteins, leaving the beams themselves in plain sight. Due to the greater contrast between the smooth surface of the putty surface and the structure of wood, such interiors are very bright and memorable.

White smooth ceiling - it can also be done on the attic floor. Even the support beams are not a drawback ... if the design of the attic floor is done correctly

With this method of finishing the attic ceiling, many joints are obtained between wood and plasterboard sheets. Covering them all with moldings is too clumsy. It is reasonable to grease the joint silicone sealant which remains elastic after drying. Since the distance between the beams is not too large, the gap can be left small to compensate for dimensional changes - it will be easy to fill it with sealant. That's just the paint will need to be selected one that can hold on to silicone normally, but this is not such a problem.

By the way, the plasterboard ceiling in the attic can not only be painted. You can also wallpaper it, and so that the design is not too colorful or overloaded, make the walls plain painted. There is a second option - use the same wallpaper on the ceiling and walls, but you can get a "box", so the first method is preferable.

Stretch ceiling

Can be used in the attic without restrictions. They are not afraid of small deformations, so no problems are expected during operation. They can arise only at the stage of installation. If you want to tighten the distance between the beams with canvases, you will need a large number of edge baguettes. But that's all, there are no other difficulties.

The beauty of this option is that you can get perfectly flat ceilings without much hassle. If you want gloss - choose a film. Need frosted ceilings- mount the fabric.

Behind the stretch ceiling, all layers of insulation and soundproofing of the attic will perfectly hide, and there are a lot of them. For light films, you only need to sheathe everything with white material, otherwise the “insides” may shine through. " white material" - any. Whether the fabric or nonwoven fabric. You can fasten it with brackets directly to the beams and crate.

If we talk about design, then bulky multi-level structures will not work here, except that you have the entire attic without partitions and the height of the room is around three meters. The very structure of the ceiling of the attic floor is broken. It is hardly worth complicating it with additional elements, except to make a box with illumination from the side farthest from the window.

Boards, lining, imitation of timber or logs

One of the most common ways to finish the ceiling in the attic is lining with clapboard, edged board, timber imitation and other moldings. Against the background of the beams, this design is quite logical, the ceiling fits into most of the current ethnic styles: Provence, Scandinavian. It can be wonderfully beaten in style and rustic. You can find options for modern interiors. Each style requires a specific wood finish:

  • For interiors in the Provence style, boards or lining, like beams, are painted with soft, pastel colors, with a matte or semi-matte surface. The hemming board can be wide or narrow - it doesn't matter.

  • For scandinavian style the natural color of wood can be used (be careful with yellow shades), but either “aged” or bleached boards are more characteristic. For such interiors in the attic, the beams can be made dark, the filing is very light.

    Not necessarily very dark… maybe almost white

  • There are no rules for a loft - it all depends on the idea and color. You can leave it in a “natural” color, you can darken or bleach it a lot.

  • Rustic is a peculiar style in which some elements are intentionally rough and "raw". If you come across curved beams, this is a godsend for this style. It will be necessary to emphasize the texture of wood more strongly. To do this, it can be "scraped" with a metal brush. Softer fibers will break out, hard ones will remain, the relief will appear more clearly. You can facilitate the process by passing the surface with a blowtorch. When heated, the soft fibers will burn, which will make processing faster and easier, but when working with open flames and wooden structures, you need to be very careful.

    Rustic - a rough style, but very artistic

There is another style that can be implemented on the attic floor with a wood-trimmed ceiling - Russian. But in this case, for finishing, you will have to choose an imitation of a log or timber. Accordingly, it will be necessary to select other interior components. Everything is easy here. We just do not recommend varnishing wood or other compounds with yellow tints. Very quickly they set the teeth on edge, although, at first, they “warm” and create a sunny mood.

Exotic materials

Ceilings in the attic can be finished with unusual materials. It is important not to forget that the design can shrink. Therefore, the finish must be elastic, or, if it is rigid, its installation must leave the possibility of slight movement. Here's another way to decorate the ceiling on the attic floor:

Perhaps there are other options, but we have not met them yet.

Wall finishing options

What is interesting about the walls of the attic? The fact that a closet or a large niche that runs along the entire room can be hidden behind the sheathing. Often this is how they get out of the situation if the roof of the attic floor is gable. Using the space near the wall is problematic due to the small height of the ceiling. Coming out of the situation, either a bed is placed at the window, or part of the area is fenced off with a false wall. And it would be unreasonable to lose a significant amount, so cabinets are often arranged on the sides of the attic.

The walls of the attic floor can be finished with the same materials as in ordinary rooms. frame house. To begin with, attach the sheathing from sheet materials(on the crate), then putty. After you can at least paint, at least apply, at least. There are more quick options: sheathing wall panels MDF, wood, etc. Finishing material is attached directly to the crate, finishing is not required. All is well, but little blood It will be impossible to change the design - only to remove and redo it all over again. So if you like to redo the interior often, this is not your option.

In this design, the most interesting "false windows" Billiard room on the attic floor - the design is classic, the walls and ceiling are smooth, white

If the ceiling is hemmed with a board or clapboard, the same material can also be used on the walls, or it can be combined with painted walls or decorative plaster. But with the second combination, you need to be careful: not all combinations look equally good. For example, it is better not to experiment with a Venetian - she is not friendly with wood in any way, give her a perfectly smooth ceiling and no beams. Not that style.

But wooden ceiling perfectly coexists with brick, stone. This is a win-win combination. If there is no "natural" stone or brick, you can use. It is many times lighter than usual, easy to install, and looks no worse. There is another option: a flexible stone. It is somewhat reminiscent of linoleum, but designed for walls. Mounted in general "one or two", it looks quite plausible.

And even in almost classic interior Dark ceiling - risky

Another interesting combination of wood and stone / brick is that it is appropriate in rooms for any purpose. Looks great in the hallway, bedroom. You can make the interior of the living room, but the style will be loft or Scandinavian. But there are a lot of ideas in this area, and one is better than the other. And all of them are "unused".

Decoration of windows on the attic floor

If the windows in the attic are vertical, they can be decorated in any way - with curtains of any type. If the windows are made in the plane of the roof, they can be closed by making special curtains. They make drawstrings from above and below, into which a braid or elastic is threaded. With them, the curtains are tied to the latches fixed on the sides of the window frame.

So the windows have a more or less familiar look, but even light fabrics sag a little. So a complete adjoining to the plane of the window will not work. If you want the curtains to sag less while closed, you can support them with a special rod. But opening and closing such curtains is not very convenient.

Another possibility to decorate the windows of the attic floor is roller or Roman blinds and blinds - vertical or horizontal. In any case, you will have to use models with guides that will hold the fabric closer to the window, but such models are more expensive and more difficult to install.

Roller blinds are a great solution that suits almost any interior Roman blinds are another solution
Curtains on frames - a good solution

However, very often windows that “look at the sky” are left without any curtains at all. There is practically no chance that someone will walk on the roof and look out the window. But, if you are uncomfortable, you can choose one of the proposed options.

Photos of interesting design options

Fireplace in the attic, beams… very cozy atmosphere

Venetian plaster in the attic ... Classic style office

White is the most neutral and lightest of colors.
