The chair leg broke at the base. How to repair a computer chair with your own hands

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Stools in the interior are the most important functional part of it. And if lately stools have become less common in bedrooms and living rooms, then in the kitchen you can’t do without them. And in those houses or apartments where the rooms are presented in antique style, there are stools in almost all rooms.

But, as a rule, over time, any, even the most high-quality and reliable, stool can become unusable and require repair. And then you need to immediately get to work and not delay with this matter. The sooner you start repairing it, the easier it will be to work. And the less likely it is that someone will fall from a broken stool.

Repair of a stool in most cases does not require any special skills or abilities. Even if the entire chair needs to be completely updated, doing it yourself is completely easy. You will only need to stock up on patience and the necessary materials.

Consider the main options for repairing individual parts of the stool in turn.

Repair of stool legs

First, let's look at how to repair broken stool legs. There are several ways, depending on what kind of mount they have. For the most part, legs can be attached in two main ways: with threads and bolts or with glue.

Read also:

Mounting with glue

So, if the legs on the stool are held on with glue and are very loose, then it is advisable to do so. First you need to carefully detach the completely poorly held legs from the seat. Then, using a sharp knife, free them from the remnants of the old glue. Glue must also be removed from the recesses into which the legs entered. It is convenient to do this with a chisel.

When there is practically no old glue left, you can clean these places with coarse sandpaper. After all, it is very important that the surface of the attachment points is as even and smooth as possible. This provides the best grip.

Now you just need to re-glue the legs. Apply a sufficient amount (if there is a lot - it's not scary, the excess can be removed) carpentry or super glue in the recesses for the legs. A little glue needs to be applied to the legs themselves. Then quickly glue the legs and press firmly. When this is done, you need to leave the stool upside down for about a day (depending on the specific type of glue) so that the glue grabs.

Thorough restoration of the carving of the legs

The next type of fastening is on the thread. The biggest trouble is the fastening with a threaded stud. As a rule, it is screwed into the seat, and a leg is screwed onto it in a recess. Most often, the leg falls out of the seat along with the hairpin. In this case, you need to repair it like this.

Remove the frame from the seat, into which the pin was screwed directly, and drill the hole a little more. After that, make a new thread in this hole (preferably the same size), then get a new stud under this thread and screw it in there. Exactly the same thread is made anew on the leg itself. Or, as an option, the old thread layer is simply updated.

But it also happens that over time, the thread on the leg is still damaged, as a result of which the leg begins to crack and change in size in width. Then you need to do so. Take the most ordinary canned food jar and cut a strip from its metal, the length of which will be such that it can be wrapped around the leg, plus about 2 cm for fixation. The width of the strip is about 1.5 cm. It is desirable to make small teeth from one edge of the strip (which will be the top).

Now such a “collar” is put on the upper part of the leg, after which it is fixed with a conventional bolt with a nut. You can also twist the rest of the strip well if you can. But the teeth must be bent - this will ensure maximum retention of the clamp on the leg.

Improvement of old carvings and decoration

But it also happens that the thread on the leg or on the hairpin is only slightly damaged, and it is a pity to completely redo it. As a rule, in such cases, the stool staggers only slightly. In this case, you can unwind the legs and simply seal the thread.

This is easily done with linen fiber or thread, which is simply wound onto the thread in one layer. It is also quite acceptable to use fum tape, which is often used in plumbing.

When the legs are ready in functional terms, you just have to transform them decoratively. To do this, it is best to clean them of old paint or varnish, sand and repaint. After sufficient drying, it will be possible to use this piece of furniture again.

How to repair a stool seat

But in addition to the legs, repairs may also be required for the seat of the stool. Usually the seat just wears out over time, becomes ugly. And the outgoing side trim just lags behind, thus it can easily injure you. Therefore, it is also important to know how to deal with this type of repair.

In the event that the seat is very old, you need to cut it out and make a new one. It is important to correctly cut out the dimensions that you want to see. You also need to round the corners with an electric jigsaw and sand the seat well.

Further, depending on how you want to see the seat of the stool, you need to treat it with varnish (paint) or paste it over with thin plywood or a special furniture film. Both of these options are good, so here you yourself must clearly decide.

Next, it remains to make an edge. It is not necessary to mount it. If your stool is already beautiful, you can do without it completely. But if you think a chair will look better with an edge, get to work. Immediately stock up on a special furniture edge in the right amount, the wrong side of which is covered with hot-melt adhesive, a sharp shoe knife, and an electric iron.

First, the iron is turned on and set to a temperature of at least 150 degrees. At this time, you need to cut off the required amount of edge - about 5-10 cm more than you need for gluing. Further, it is convenient to work together. One person applies the edge and holds it, while the other irons it with a heated iron. The hot melt adhesive heats up and fixes the edge to the seat.

It is important not to create even minimal gaps. And if they are, you need to iron everything again until they disappear. And in the event that the edge is stuck unevenly, it is quite easy to fix: just iron it again, peel it off and re-stick it. When everything is ready, cut off the remaining edge with a cobbler's knife.

Repair of stools can be considered fully considered. From all of the above, it is easy to understand that this is a completely simple matter. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to carry out a complete repair of the stool if only certain certain parts are out of order.

There is nothing complicated about how to fix the leg of a chair, no. All that is needed is tools and working hands that are adapted to work. If we are talking about a wooden structure, then all the supports in it are usually glued or screwed.

So, can be ordered, which is of high quality and beautiful. Having taken up the repair, once you have determined the fastener option, you can get to work. First of all, it is necessary to remove the remains of the broken leg and clean the groove. There must have been fragments of wood and parts of the fixing elements.

True, you need to do everything carefully so as not to damage neighboring legs. Try to measure the length of the support to the millimeter, and then make a new one on the machine. You can also do it manually, for this you will need a hatchet, planer, hacksaw and vice.

It will take longer, but the pleasure of what you did yourself will overwhelm you. If possible, sand the new leg and varnish it. So you protect yourself from splinters and give it an aesthetic appearance of a structural element.

It does not matter that the rest of the legs are not varnished, they can then be covered with a solution. Now we have to put it back together. Inside, you can pour glue and add it to the end of the element, and then insert the leg into the groove and press firmly.

You can leave it like that, but it is advisable to fasten it from the inside with a small screw. This must be done so that the hat is not visible using a beard. Thus, you can repair the chair yourself, without the use of complex technical equipment.

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A fairly common breakage of the legs of chairs. Not a single chair is immune from this problem, on which they often swing, and we love to do this until the leg breaks off, and the chair becomes unsitable :-)

So this chic chair suffered a similar fate:

The leg broke off and it seems that it will never be possible to sit on it again. If you don’t have tools, experience and time, then don’t touch the chair, don’t try to glue the breakage with adhesives that come to hand - even superglue without certain tricks will not help here, the leg stuck to it will fall off at the first attempt to sit on a chair. Just give the chair to the master (for example, me :-)), so that he can calmly repair the chair, without wasting time removing and clearing your previous attempts.

Usually, in severe cases, such breakdowns require serious expensive work - they make a new leg, an exact copy of the old one, and glue it to the chair, having previously disassembled it.

But here we were lucky - the leg broke very well, along the fibers, which will allow you to simply glue it back into place, reinforcing it with additional connections for strength.

So, first of all, I disassemble the bottom of the chair in order to carefully examine the place of failure from all sides and decide on a work plan.

I remove the edge of the seat upholstery above the cracked place, then the upholstery of the bottom of the seat,

Under the upholstery I see belts, which I temporarily remove at the place of damage so as not to interfere.

And now, the desired node is free for repair.

Now I clear the places of the spikes and grooves from the old glue, otherwise it will not allow the new glue to stick, I put a dowel in the center of the split to further strengthen the connection, and carefully, but strongly, glue the leg with the fragment with the help of clamps.

Glue should be used of high quality, do not regret when spreading, but also do not apply too much, if the glue protrudes a little from the joint when tightening the parts with clamps, this is a good sign.

The leg is stuck

We can assume that the leg has been rough repaired, but just in case, I played it safe by screwing a self-tapping screw into the leg from the inside, thus strengthening the junction of the parts by three joints - glue, dowel, self-tapping screw.

Now it's up to the refining of the repaired part, so that it does not stand out from the general background. Along the way, I replace the old, terrible, upholstery with a new, more outwardly decent one.

I nail the upholstery of the seat into place, and clean the junction of the cracked parts so that it looks and feels like a single whole to the touch and visually.

Stools, chairs, tables often break. If the connections have dried up, then the repair is simple - disassemble the product, clean it, coat them with glue and reassemble everything.

But what if the leg broke in place of a hidden knot or due to poor-quality material from which the part is made? To make a new one, you will need certain skills and the professional skill of a carpenter.

New part

It is much easier to repair a broken leg without disassembly. It is necessary to saw off the damaged part with a well-sharpened hacksaw with fine teeth (so as not to leave chips). In the section, we get a rectangle or a circle, depending on the profile of the part. After that, we find the center of the plane.

To do this, we connect the opposite vertices of the corners of the rectangular plane with straight lines. If we have a circle, then we draw two diameters perpendicular to each other. The intersection point of these lines will be the center. In it, with a drill with a diameter of 8-10 mm, we drill a hole with a depth of 50 mm.

After that, we proceed to the manufacture of the blank from the bar. Segments of birch, pine, oak lumber are suitable. The bar should be 5-8 mm longer than necessary, and the sides of the section should be 2-3 mm larger than the part to which the one we made will be adjusted. This is necessary for subsequent adjustment.

Using the above method, we find the center of the section of the workpiece from the bar and drill exactly the same hole in it as before.

After that, we make a dowel with an outer diameter equal to the diameter of the drilled holes. We insert it into the hole in the leg, put a blank from the bar on the free part, combine it with the ribs of the leg or with the circle and see what kind of abutment it turned out.

If the workpiece fits snugly against the leg, then all operations are performed correctly. If not, then it is necessary to cut the junction with a hacksaw with fine teeth so that there are no gaps. At the same time, care must be taken not to accidentally saw through the dowel, since the fitting is carried out in assembled form.

Often the task is to cut the cylinder evenly. How to draw a line? The safest thing to do is to entrust it to… the water. On a flat surface (check with a level), put a pan of the appropriate size and lower a cylinder into it, on one of the sides of which a mark is made. Now it is enough to pour water, tinted, for example, with beetroot juice, to the level of our risks. After that, carefully take out the cylinder, on which the cut zone is imprinted.

Refurbished chair assembly

When the parts are tightly fitted, it is necessary to disassemble the assembly.

Pour carpentry or PVA glue into the holes of the blanks, lubricate the dowel with it and assemble the assembly in the original sequence, after lubricating the adjacent planes of the blank and legs with glue, press them tightly and give the necessary time for the glue to harden.

When it dries, you need to proceed with the final refinement, that is, cut off the extended part of the leg to the required length, carefully process this part with a sharp planer to the thickness of the leg. Then clean the joint with sandpaper.

And, finally, cover with paint to match the color of our stool, chair or table. You can also completely paint the entire product, which will look like new.

In this way, you can connect bars, planks, plates, if necessary.

Gennady Fedorovich BELOUSOV, Gomel region, Rechitsa

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