Decorative beams on the ceiling in the apartment. Decorative beams on the ceiling - photo in the interior

I'll start with the fact that the "experience" of our kitchen for more than two years and all this time we use it with great pleasure. The project and all the repairs were done independently. Even before moving into the apartment, we decided that our kitchen would be made of wood.

The desired coincided with reality! Cabinets ordered from laminated chipboard. The facades were made of solid wood and tinted with oil. In principle, the whole kitchen is the creation of my husband: the idea, the project, the assembly, the wooden facades, the tinting are made by him independently. Well, I assign myself the modest role of an inspirer and wise adviser.

I agree that the surface of the facades may be a little unconventional, but, despite the seeming impracticality, it has proven itself well. The kitchen surface itself requires minimal maintenance. The working surface is more than enough for me.

Blum kitchen fittings. Due to the fact that the cabinets are made up to the ceiling, there is a lot of storage space and there is no extra dust from above. The ventilation duct in the kitchen is built into a drywall box.

Previously, beams under the ceiling solved a completely functional task - they supported the ceiling. Now this extremely decorative element is most often found in interiors made in a rustic or old English style, in Provence, country and chalet styles. It is not bad to integrate beams into modern interior styles: loft, modern, minimalism, hi-tech.

The most advantageous decorative look in rooms with high ceilings, which dictates their placement mainly in houses with a ceiling height of three meters. Wooden beams under the ceiling are a stylish element of home decoration, emphasizing the spaciousness of the room, and in some cases also carrying a functional load (for example, they are used to hide communications). Most often, beams are placed in kitchens, halls, halls and offices.

Types of beams

Of course, modern houses are rarely decorated with real wooden elements under the ceiling. Although there are connoisseurs of the natural, who prefer real heavy beams for decorating the ceiling, as a rule, of a country house.

Building materials stores offer a huge selection of false beams made of lightweight and easy-to-install polyurethane. Visually, such elements are indistinguishable from natural wood, and in practice they even surpass it in some way.

The advantages of polyurethane false beams include the fact that they:

  • not afraid of dampness, do not swell from excessive moisture;
  • do not crack or deform;
  • very easy to mount under the ceiling (including tension).

However, lovers of naturalness can opt for false beams made of MDF or chipboard, hollow inside. Veneers made of valuable wood species are glued onto such beams. You can find options made from lamellas. Beams come with sharp and rounded edges, U-shaped and L-shaped (for decorating joints).

Table. Comparison of polyurethane and wooden false beams.

To design a high-tech style, some designers use metal beams, but such elements are more difficult to install and professionals need to be involved in their installation.

How to make decorative beams on the ceiling with your own hands

Some craftsmen make beams with their own hands, which takes a minimum of time and is inexpensive. For example, in order to make false beams, you can use ordinary foam plastic, which is left over from the insulation of a garage or loggia.

Step 1. Sheets 4-5 cm thick cut into strips of the desired width.

Step 2 Glue the strips with liquid nails into a U-shaped beam.

Step 3 After setting, cut the beams into segments of the desired length.

Step 4 Paste the beams with a self-adhesive film under the tree (except for the side that will be glued to the wall).

Using the same technology, you can make beams from plywood or even from ordinary boards. The boards can then be aged, stained and varnished.

If there is a desire to make beams from natural timber, you can buy edged polished timber, for example, 70x50. When choosing, be sure to check that it is even and dried. Then you need to process the stain and varnish and cut to the required length. It is also an inexpensive and affordable option.

Beam decoration

Each interior style will require its own style of beam design.

  1. For classic and Victorian styles, you can decorate the beams with gold carvings, decorate with patterns and vignettes. You can find such ready-made polyurethane beams for sale.
  2. White, black, brown, as well as colored beams are the perfect solution for modern interiors.
  3. For high-tech style, the design of metal-like beams is suitable.
  4. To create a country style, wood will need to be aged.
  5. The rural style (country) is characterized by an emphatically rough texture.

Options for placing beams on the ceiling

False beams can decorate any type of ceiling: stretch, plasterboard, plain painted, etc. With their help, you can zone the room or create such a popular decorative element as a false window on the ceiling with imitation of stained glass. Decorative beams can imitate window coverings, between which a canvas with photo printing, mosaics, frescoes and even mirror panels are glued in the process of work. The modern European trend is very interesting, when the beams go to the walls.

Beams can be decorated with LED lighting on top, which will give a special decorative effect. The beams in which the ceiling lights are mounted look amazing. All wiring in this case is hidden inside the hollow structure.

In general, the beams on the ceiling will give a feeling of warmth and comfort to the living space, bring a twist to modern interior styles and allow you to create the necessary authenticity in public places such as clubs or pubs.

How to position the beams

If the room needs visual expansion, then the following points should be considered when arranging the beams.

  1. If you need to make the room wider, then the beams need to be placed on the short side.
  2. If you need to increase the length, the beams should be placed along the entire length of the ceiling.
  3. The criss-cross arrangement will give the room a visual dimension.
  4. With one beam, you can select a separate zone: for example, a bar counter.

Location frequency also plays a big role. For example, if the ceiling height is very high (which happens on the first floors of buildings), the close location of the beams to each other helps to reduce it a little. If the ceilings are of medium height, the beams should be fixed at a greater distance from each other. Also, beams can be laid "herringbone". Attic rooms without a ceiling look especially impressive if the ceiling beams pass through the columns and the ends are attached to the walls, creating a hut effect.

How to fix beams to the ceiling

The features of the procedure depend on the material from which the false beams are made. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

How to glue foam false beams on a regular ceiling

This is the easiest option for placing false beams in a modern apartment. If you want to decorate a kitchen or hall quickly, inexpensively and on your own, you won’t find a better option.

Step 1. First, marks are applied on the ceiling and on the walls to indicate the places where the false beams will be glued. Places of the sticker must be primed for better adhesion.

Step 2 Then the beam is smeared with liquid nails and glued to the required place. Styrofoam products are almost weightless, and liquid nails seize literally instantly.

Some instructions advise to spread the wall at the same time, but in case of excess glue, the beam may begin to slide down the wall. Therefore, the golden mean must be determined empirically.

Step 3 If the room is narrow, you can stick 2 beams along the long walls of the room, and simply place the cross beams perpendicular to them. Such a simple ceiling will help hide the irregularities of a conventional concrete ceiling and will look very advantageous.

How to quickly fix wooden beams to a wooden or concrete ceiling

This is also not very difficult and not expensive to do.

Step 1. On the ceiling we draw lines for placement.

Step 2 We drill holes in the beam with a 12 mm drill with a depth of not more than 0.5 cm every 30 cm.

Step 3 In the same holes we drill 8 mm holes, into which we drive 120 mm self-tapping screws.

Step 4 We apply the timber, mark the places for the holes on the ceiling.

Step 5 On the ceiling in the marked places with a perforator, we drill holes of 8 mm.

Step 6 We drive chopsticks into them.

Step 7 We fasten the beam.

Since the head of the self-tapping screw goes in, we cover these places with putty on wood. After drying, tint with stain, then with varnish. You can cover the caps of the self-tapping screws with wooden corks or special decorative overlays imitating the caps of forged nails. You can attach nails to ordinary dowels - this is an even faster option.

If you plan to cross-distribute the beams, then unevenness may occur at the joints. The design of these nodes depends on the style in which the room is designed. If this is country music, for example, then these places can be covered with leather decorative belts or large string glued in several rows.

Installation of polyurethane decorative beams on beams

This is a professional installation.

Decorative beam B1 made of polyurethane (wenge, cherry, oak, olive, walnut, light oak)

Step 1. For a polyurethane false beam, wedge-beams are made of wood, which fully correspond to the internal cavity of the beam.

Step 2 The ceiling is marked: lines are drawn along which the beams will be attached.

Step 3 Wedge bars are installed along the line every 1 meter on self-tapping screws or dowels.

Step 4 When installing a false beam, glue for polyurethane is applied to the ceiling. This is necessary not for fixation, but for a tighter fit to the ceiling so that there are no gaps left.

Step 5 The beam is tightly put on the bars and screwed through the sides with screws.

Step 6 The screws that fasten the false beam to the beam and the joints of the beams are covered with decorative leather straps with rivet imitation.

Features of the installation of beams on a stretch ceiling

To make a stretch ceiling and decorate it with decorative tanks, you should install embedded parts similar to those installed for hanging chandeliers. A mortgage for a decorative false beam is just a wooden block of the required thickness. It is attached to the main ceiling, and the stretch ceiling is stretched so that it passes touching the lower plane of the bar. Then false beams are attached through the ceiling to the timber.

You can use the fastening of beams with suspensions. Hangers are attached to the base. and after stretching the ceiling, cuts are made in the canvas. The specific steps depend on the type of material.

If the stretch ceiling has been hanging for a long time, but you want to somehow diversify the interior without dismantling the canvas, you can use external consoles with fasteners to the wall or internal bars screwed to the walls. Beams will be attached to them with self-tapping screws.

Features of the installation of beams on a plasterboard ceiling

Since the plasterboard ceiling is suspended, you can’t just attach beams to it. You will have to remember / tap the places where the frame profiles go, and attach the beams to them. You can fasten it in any convenient way: with a long anchor through a beam, gypsum board and profile or on a bar attached with a self-tapping screw to the gypsum board and profile. A self-tapping screw screwed exclusively onto drywall will not hold the beam for a long time.

Some nuances

The joints of the beams or the exit points of the self-tapping screws are covered with various kinds of decorative overlays, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • masking with a decorative rope;
  • masking with a wax pencil;
  • masking with forged copper plates;
  • decorative leather belts.

To decorate the space, you can use decorative consoles that are sold with beams and create an imitation of supports on the walls. If cables for lighting devices pass inside the polyurethane beam, they must be hidden in a corrugated protection.

Video - Installation of wooden decorative beams on the ceiling

In this way, you can get a very beautiful unusual interior with an emphasis on wooden beams under the ceiling. This interior does not require a large investment of money, and you can fix the beams with your own hands in just a few hours.

Beams on the ceiling are a modern and stylish design solution. The ceiling, decorated with beams, is a beautiful and attractive solution for interior decoration. Perhaps a standard apartment will not always allow you to use this technique due to low ceilings, but a private house or suburban housing is the best option for installing ceiling beams.

Benefits of an unusual design

Decorative beams on the ceiling have the following advantages:

  • The interior acquires a certain style (rural, country, Provence, eco and other areas very often involve the inclusion of such decor elements in the design).
  • They well hide the flaws of the draft ceiling, for example, joints between sheets of drywall, differences between concrete floors, etc.
  • Hollow elements allow you to hide wiring and communication systems under the beam structure.
  • You can mount pendant lights to them, embed LED strips, TV brackets, etc.

Decorating ceilings with decorative beams has other advantages:

  • With high ceilings, such items will highlight the volume of the room. And placed low, they will reduce the height of the ceiling, making the room more cozy and comfortable in feel.
  • For attics or attic spaces, they are an integral part, helping to streamline the look of the space.
  • Ease of installation and reasonable price add pluses to such decorative elements for the ceiling.

Criterias of choice

There are several factors that need to be taken into account when choosing ceiling beams for interior decoration:

  1. Ceiling height and room size. In narrow and low rooms, it is better not to use this technique, since the room will visually become even smaller.
  2. Interior style. Not all areas allow you to include such a finish in the design. For example, baroque or rococo will look ridiculous with such brutal variations. But courageous, rough - an ideal option for decorating space with similar designs. They will also organically fit into a classic living room or high-tech bedroom.
  3. Financial opportunities directly affect the choice. With a limited budget, you can purchase, which form the basis of false design.

The choice of material for ceiling beams

Depending on the material used in the manufacture, beams are of the following types:

  • From natural wood. Usually they are made from cedar, larch, ash wood, less often pine or oak are used, since pine is a very soft material, and oak is not resistant to high temperatures and can crack when dried. To increase the strength of the products, a layer of decorative paint or stain is applied to the finished elements. The decisive role in this case is played by the stylistic orientation of the room. So, wooden structures on the ceiling look organically in rustic or classic interiors. Another solution is the design of unusual ceilings with open beams, which are made of wood and acquire the necessary shade during the painting process. If the house has two floors, you can make an interfloor overlap with an open structure in this style.

From what tasks the design sets before the design, it is necessary to build on when determining the location of the decorative beams. And it is better to do this at the stage of housing construction, since such calculations will enable the correct distribution of loads, rational wiring, etc.

They can be placed on the ceiling surface itself, a little lower, attached to the walls, mounted on ceilings with a transition to the wall surface. For example, you can attach wooden beams to the ceiling in the middle of the room, visually zoning the space, or hang it above the sofa, highlighting the resting place. In such cases, lamps or other decorative elements are hung on the beams.

  • From metal. It's no secret that wooden ceiling beams are expensive. Also, it is not always advisable to include them in the interior from a technological and decorative point of view. Therefore, those who do not want to give up such an unusual design of their homes can use metal alternatives.

Such metal products will favorably emphasize a clear, minimalist style, complemented by strict geometric proportions in the form of furniture or accessories. Such beams can be painted in any color for complete harmony with the overall style of the room and

  • From drywall or polyurethane. These materials are mainly used for the manufacture of false beams, with the help of which an imitation of beams is recreated on a ceiling made of wood or metal, depending on the method of external coating and color.

U-shaped, under which you can hide communications and electrical wiring, lightness, budget price - the main advantages of these products from such materials, thanks to which their finishing is inexpensive, but in appearance it is in no way inferior to the design of the space with wooden ceiling beams or metal structures.

Beams on the ceiling: color choice

Such products organically fit into any style of interior and very rarely go unnoticed. As a rule, finishing with such objects is a common technique for giving the room texture and its own unique style. In order for the beams to match the interior, it is necessary to choose the right color shades and the location of the structures in the room.

In living quarters, parallel lines will look relevant, contrasting in color with the flooring. You can also finish the surface with wooden beams that match the color of the ceiling. If financial possibilities are limited, it is worth resorting to the possibility of decorating the space with drywall beams. Clearly imitating wood in color, they will not give guests the slightest opportunity to doubt the quality of a natural material.

In the living room, you can mount beams like a lattice or herringbone. Even in the attic, this design can turn a nondescript room into a cozy room. Therefore, among the design solutions, the decoration of attic spaces of this type is very common.

If you choose these interior items by color, you can also find many variations here. A rich palette opens up spaces for designers to implement their ideas. A slight departure from the classic interior allows you to add bright colors to the room.

The color of the beams can match the curtains, furniture, wallpaper. So, deep blue beams with a white ceiling or baguettes for curtains of the same shade will look advantageous. The original design of the room can be created if the beams on the white ceiling are painted in bright blue. The main thing is that after the repair, the owners should live comfortably and comfortably indoors.

Making the ceiling in the bathroom with wooden beams: an unusual design technique

Such an original design with ceiling beams of a wooden type of an ordinary bathroom is extremely rare. Especially if it is an apartment located in an apartment building, with low ceilings and small room sizes. But for private houses, where it amazes with its scale, you can develop your imagination in the design without limits.

The stereotype that most owners are guided by, believing that there is no place for wooden beams in the bathroom, due to the poor water-repellent properties of the material, was destroyed by the manufacturers of these products. They offer to cover them with antiseptic sprays, varnishes that will protect the wood.

However, it is possible to decorate a bathroom with natural wood ceiling beams only if there is good ventilation in the room. Or use an alternative option and include polyurethane or drywall structures painted to look like wood in the interior.

But with the help of such techniques, it will be possible to transform the appearance of the bathroom and create additional security measures by hiding the lighting under the decorative elements, thus isolating them from moisture.

Don't be afraid to experiment! Perhaps it is this design technique that will make the room a favorite room in the house and the envy of others.

Video: beam on the ceiling - do-it-yourself installation

There are many beautiful ceiling decoration techniques, one of which, of course, are beams. Made of metal or wood, beams can be part of the supporting structure, but also, the ceiling is often decorated with decorative elements made of polyurethane, plywood and drywall, stylized as natural wood.

It is worth noting that for those who strive to create a unique atmosphere in their home, ceiling beams can greatly help in this. Although, before their installation is carried out, one should take into account such nuances as the height and volume of the room, since in a small room such an element would be clearly superfluous.

When deciding to install decorative beams, it is important to think in advance how the ceiling will be illuminated, since visually it will become heavier and lower. It is this issue that we will address in this article in the expectation that today it will become useful and timely for our esteemed readers.

Rule 1: there should be a lot of light

The space, the ceilings of which are decorated with decorative beams, a priori cannot be cramped and low. Therefore, if you use such elements in the upper part of the room, then the room has a significant height and volume. In turn, a large room involves the use of high-quality and very plentiful lighting in all main functional areas. And the ceiling, decorated with decorative beams, only emphasizes this need.

So, first of all, you should take care of the presence of not only the upper flood light (chandeliers, spots or spotlights, suspensions), but also provide an additional one (sconces on the walls, table lamps, floor lamps).

Remember, a large room with ceilings decorated with wooden beams (decorative or load-bearing) should literally be buried in bright warm light.

Rule 2: simplicity is key

Ceiling beams are a spectacular independent way to decorate the ceiling and the room as a whole. Such elements immediately attract attention, competing with less accent objects.

So, precisely because of its catchiness, it is better to highlight the beams with devices that are devoid of all sorts of excesses. For example, an excellent type of lighting fixtures, in this case, will be spots (spotlights), spotlights, diode tape, light suspension cords, lightweight chandeliers.

In some cases, when the ceiling beams are the supporting elements in a high room, chandeliers with suspensions in two or three tiers may be appropriate. But, nevertheless, even here you should not get too carried away, but know when to stop.

Rule 3: It's Important to Minimize Shadows

It is interesting, but the more often the beams are located on the ceiling, for example, rhythmically in a thrust, or in the form of caissons (crosswise), the more lamps you will need in order to illuminate the ceiling with high quality.

The thing is that the beams cast unnecessary shadows on its surface, therefore, the ceiling visually becomes darker, making the space heavier.

It follows that the correct number of lighting fixtures, alternating with decorative beams, will help visually maintain the real height of the room, as well as form a kind of beautiful rhythm of the beamed ceiling.

Rule 4: you need to bring the light closer

By installing spotlights around the perimeter of the ceiling with beams, you are definitely doing the right thing, because this way it will become lighter and brighter. At the same time, it is possible to qualitatively illuminate a certain area (working in the kitchen or sofa in the living room) only with the help of directional light devices.

For example, for additional illumination in a room with a beamed ceiling, you can use functional pendant lights, installing them in a cooking or dining area. With the help of long cords, the height of the devices is conveniently adjusted, so the necessary functional area will receive enough light.

Rule 5: distribute lighting evenly

The ceiling, decorated with beams, carries with it a visual load and makes the room darker, which leaves no doubt. Therefore, even if the dimensions of the space are significant, and there are many large windows in it, the beams should be illuminated equally around the entire perimeter of the ceiling. This does not mean that you will have to make additional holes for spotlights, or install a chandelier in the four corners of the room, but it will be appropriate to use guides or strings with spots (spotlights).

As a result, it seems as if twinkling stars hung in the thick powerful branches of the tree, which is unusually beautiful.

Everyone wants to be closer to nature and be able to take a break from the hustle and bustle after working days and sit by the family hearth. Therefore, everyone approaches the interior design very carefully.

Often used for decoration of ceilings decorative beams. After all, it is precisely such simple decor elements that create a feeling of comfort in the room.


Many owners make their own ceiling beams. They are installed around the perimeter of the room. They are fixed with special fasteners. For filing the ceiling, you can use drywall or OSB boards. They are made of wood or polyurethane.

Decorative wooden beams are usually installed in a country house, and their imitation is suitable for finishing garages and apartments - polyurethane slabs. They are a stylish decoration for houses with high ceilings. The beams emphasize how spacious the room is, plus everything else supports the load-bearing walls. They are often used to support an attic or attic. Previously, this design was also often used in the construction of houses and was called one of the most important details of the building.

A beamed ceiling adds a touch of coziness to a home, especially if it's done in contrasting colors and looks unusual against a plain ceiling surface.

But even if the tones are the same, the ceiling of the beams will attract the attention of guests, as it is the central element of any room.

Also with their help, you can decorate different communications. These are electrical wires and pipes. It will look great between the beams or hanging lamps on them. In addition, they have a low price. They visually reduce or, conversely, increase the size of the room. With their help, you can divide the space in the room into several zones..


For the manufacture of such structures, different materials are used, which can be divided into natural and artificial. If the entire roof frame rests on them, then it is necessary to take stronger ceilings, which can be metal, wooden, and even made of concrete. The most commonly used wood is oak or pine.. These designs are installed mainly in private homes, but they have a small drawback - this is heaviness.

Beams made of natural wood are environmentally friendly. They are used in houses with a predominance of wood., however, they can often be found in more modern interiors.

Since the fasteners of the structure are easy to do with your own hands, finishing with protruding beams can save the family budget.

For city apartments, materials that imitate natural wood are suitable.. These can be polyurethane or plastic structures or plasterboard beams, which allow you to hide all imperfections and communications.

Polyurethane is an artificial material that imitates any real surface, including the texture of wood. It has a low weight and low price compared to other materials.

Very often to create an interior in a beloved by many modern loft style use iron exposed beams to divide the room into different zones. They can be decorated with burlap or made in the form of a lattice..

If it is not possible to open the structure of decorative beams, but you want to do it, then modern false beams are used. They are quite light, have a large range of colors.

They can also be used to set the backlight. To do this, it is necessary to build lamps into them and at the same time hide the electrical wiring.

Also often use artificial false beams to decorate old ceilings which are easier to decorate than to remake. This is the easiest way to make them attractive. You can ennoble any type of ceiling: both stretch, and classic, and plasterboard.

With the help of false beams, you can divide any room into zones or make a window with stained glass inserts.


In the old days, the use of concrete or wooden beams was important only to support the ceiling, but in the modern world, their purpose is more decorative. They are very often used to create interiors in rustic or "northern" styles. They are also appropriate in modern areas, such as loft or high-tech.


This style combines warmth and real comfort. Chalet-style buildings are located mainly among the mountains, where there is a lot of snow and clean air, although in recent years modern city apartments have been decorated in a similar way.

The interior includes only natural materials that give a person a sense of security and tranquility. On the ceilings made of wood are beams made of coniferous wood. Often, ceiling beams are intertwined with structures made of logs or beams on the walls. Over time, they darken a little, because the tree releases resins.


The main attribute of the Scandinavian style is often precisely the wooden beams on the ceiling. Their shades should be light. Thanks to this, the room looks very spacious and comfortable. It seems as if the sun itself fills the room.


In the French style, beams are often used as a decorative element. However, its main color will be white or other light colors.


The rustic style is dominated by natural materials. This includes both wood and stone. For decoration, beam structures made of natural wood or with wood imitation are often used. Very often they are artificially aged. Colors can be light or dark. All this together creates a homely atmosphere.


Classics are always rigor and simplicity, but at the same time a certain pomposity. However, in our time, this style does not look as pompous as in the old days, when it first appeared.

To decorate such a room monophonic beams of the opposite color will fit the ceiling that will add sophistication to the interior.

To emphasize luxury, you can decorate them with carvings or paint them with beautiful patterns.


In this direction, such techniques are often used as demonstratively left unfinished communications or decoration. The main material for the floors is metal. With the help of such beams, it is possible to divide the room into several zones and install lighting on them.


When creating any interior, it is necessary to be as attentive as possible to small details. One has only to see how you can beat the surface with the help of strict or fancy designs.

With the help of beams for the ceiling, you can divide the room into several zones. If you take the kitchen and living room, then it will not be difficult to zone them with the help of a bar counter. And the beams above it will perfectly complement the composition.

They also give the room texture. All this is achieved thanks to the interweaving of different colors and the correctness of their location.

Beams running parallel to each other look very nice. It is good if they have the opposite color to the base of the ceiling. Or, on the contrary, you can use wooden beams of the same tone as the ceiling.

When choosing shades of such materials, you can fantasize as you like. After all, the palette of their colors gives designers great opportunities.

You can combine a light ceiling finish with dark wood beams or their imitation. Walls pasted over with colored wallpaper are in harmony with ceiling structures that have the same color. Antique-finished beams will look very nice against the background of white walls.

How to choose for different rooms?

Ceiling beams are suitable for decorating any room in the house. They diversify the interior and give the room some originality.


If you take a bedroom located in the attic, then the ceiling with wooden beams will suit its decoration in the best way. After all, they are not so much decorative elements as load-bearing products to support the building frame.

But for the design of ordinary bedrooms, their use is rarely used. Such designs are more common in European countries. However, if the height of the walls in the room allows you to make decor in the form of beams, then you should not neglect this possibility. They will add coziness and warmth to the interior of the bedroom.

White beams will look great in the interior in any style. even if it is a room with a low ceiling. Here they will look original and easy, even if you use wide overlaps.

Ceiling beams will look very appropriate in a house made of wooden beams. Such decoration will give the room naturalness, allow you to relax and feel unity with nature.


If the kitchen is small in size and finished in white, then in order to so that the room does not seem like a hospital ward, it can be diluted with wooden beams in dark shades. Cabinets that reach straight to the ceiling will look beautiful. They seem to be a continuation of the beams.

To design a kitchen in Russian traditions, wide beams are often used to decorate the ceiling. This option will give it originality. Often used to design kitchens such material as stone. They can be finished with both stoves and columns. You can beat this technique with the help of beams made of wood.

Living room

Most often it is in the living room that beams are used to finish the ceiling. After all, it is here that the whole family gathers for gatherings or a simple tea party. You will no longer surprise anyone with such a design in dachas or country houses. But their use in apartments is still not very good.

However, many creative owners still decide to take such a step, while using beams from both natural materials and their imitation. This gives the apartment warmth, which is so lacking in a noisy city.

In private houses or cottages, wood is more often used to decorate beams. It not only gives a feeling of warmth, but also serves as a curtain for ventilation and electrical wires.

For small living rooms, it is better to look for pure white beams that will not allow the effect of a pressure ceiling and visually increase the space.


Beams in the bathroom are almost impossible to find in city apartments. Especially if these are multi-storey buildings built in the last century. In such houses, bathrooms were not only small in size, but also had low ceilings.

But in country houses built now, where a large area is allocated for the bathroom and the ceilings are high, beams can be used. However, it is worth remembering the high humidity of such a room. So it is worth either using polyurethane beams, or treating wood with special substances that protect against moisture.

If the owner of a house or apartment wants to finish the ceiling with beams with his own hands, you need to heed the advice of experts. They will help to correctly place the beams without harming the room.

If there is a need to make the room wider, then it is better to place the beams on the "short" side. Conversely, to increase the space, beams can be placed around the entire perimeter of the ceiling. When the logs are laid crosswise, the room visually expands.

The most important role is played by the density of their location. In case the ceilings are high enough, it is better to place the beams next to each other to reduce them. When placing low ceilings in a room, it is necessary to increase the distance between them.
