What are the colors that go with blue in clothes? Blue color as an expression of individuality.

Ekaterina Malyarova

“Color can soothe and excite, create harmony and cause shock. Miracles can be expected from him, but he can also cause a catastrophe ”(c) Jacques Vienot

Table of color combinations in clothes

A successful image is often the result of a successful color combinations in clothes. Not everyone succeeds in correctly combining colors in clothes, because this is a whole science based on special principles. If the colors are combined unsuccessfully, a feeling of irregularity, disharmony is created. This feeling cannot be described in words, because it is not so much associated with the concepts of fashion and style, but with the physical laws of color perception.


First, let's deal with the characteristics of color. There is such a thing as pure colors. pure colors- These are the basic bright and pure colors, as in a rainbow. If we add white to these pure colors, we get Tint(hue) - light, unsaturated tones. If added to pure colors grey colour, we get tone(tonality), while each gradation will give a different tonality. When adding black to pure colors, we get shade(shadow). Thus, pure colors will become darker.


Let's look at the basic principles of color combinations in clothes in practice, that is, on the example of images from the podium and from street fashion.

1. Mix rich and neutral colors.

Combination of saturated bright colors with neutral is always good decision. But there is one caveat - black is also a neutral color, but the combination with it may look too harsh.

For a more subtle and sophisticated color combination, don't make black the dominant color in your look, dilute it with other neutral colors. Neutral colors are those that can be easily combined with any other colors. In addition to traditional black, white, beige and gray, you can also add dark blue (especially in combination with denim) and natural leather color to their number.

In this photo, red is combined with three neutral colors: black, white and beige.

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Neutral colors are a great tool to add more hues to your look because they don't count when talking about the famous "no more three colors in dress."

When you combine several neutral colors with one saturated one, you can create a look that looks very colorful and fresh.

In this look, neutral colors are combined with rich greens.

Here we see a combination of rich mustard with neutral navy blue and black. Dark blue softens the black and yellow contrast.

Neutral colors such as gray and beige can be paired with pastel shades such as pink. This look creates a soft harmony and, at the same time, reduces the risk of looking like a cake-cake.

If desired, you can combine light neutral colors with neon.

But avoid pairing a basic beige ensemble with a splash of neon like in the look below. Remember that you should always look sophisticated. To stand out, mix different neutral colors like the girl in the picture above, adding a leather belt to your look.

Even though all the images shown contain only one saturated color, keep in mind that a neutral-colored piece of clothing can soften an overly colorful look.

In the photo you see a combination of three colors. The look could be a bit too bright, but it's softened up with a gray tweed coat.

2. Combine complementary colors.

The second principle of color combination is to combine complementary colors. Complementary colors are those that are at opposite ends of the color spectrum. Each of these colors makes the other brighter and richer.

The best way to combine these colors is to add one of them to an outfit that mostly consists of another complementary color.

In the image above, fashion editor and designer Elisa Nalin wears an outfit that consists of different shades of rich blue, which is accentuated with small touches of orange.

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If you want to go for color blocking, don't make the look too "loud" - let one of the colors in color blocking be less intense than the other.

Style icon and fashion editor Giovanna Battaglia paired mustard yellow with a less intense lilac color.

Color blocking, where colors of the same intensity are combined, often looks too rough and caricatured. Compare the image below with the image above, and you will understand which one is more sophisticated and noble.

You can, of course, choose colors that, with the same intensity, will look harmoniously in combination with each other. But these colors should be such that in a black and white photograph they reflect such an amount of light that they would appear to be shades of black and white.

In the photo above, Elisa Nalin paired a neon yellow skirt with a rich blue. But if the color was not blue, but bright blue, this image would not look so elegant.

In this image, the colors are combined according to the principle of equal intensity described earlier. Dark green and pale pink are an enchanting duo.

3. A combination of different shades of the same color.

The third principle of color combination is the combination of different shades of the same color. You can use this principle in relation to the entire outfit or just one part of it.

Shades of blue in a Lanvin dress.

Shades of muted pink in an outfit by fashion consultant and stylist Natalie Joos.

Two shades of blue combined with neutral colors.

4. Combine similar colors.

The fourth principle of color combination is the combination of similar colors. These colors are adjacent to each other in the color spectrum. One of the closely related colors is always included in the second.

For example, green is blue + yellow. Therefore, blue and green or yellow-green are close colors that can be worn next to each other.

Natalie Joos masterfully mixes red with orange and even adds two additional colors - different shades of blue.

Here Natalie Joos combines close yellows and greens, diluting them with neutral white and adding a bright accent in the form of a red bag.

The combination of colors of clothes and shoes

The combination of colors of clothes and shoes has always played a big role, as it shows how well developed your aesthetic taste is.
Guided by stereotypes, many choose shoes in classic black, white, brown and gray colors. The main argument is that such shoes are practical and fit most of the clothes in the wardrobe. Maybe so, but the use of such colors in shoes will not give your image originality.
To emphasize your uniqueness and cheer up, get a pair of shoes in a bright color. But first, read the basic rules for combining clothes and shoes.

1. The color of the shoes must match the main color of the ensemble (which is dominant). At the same time, accessories and jewelry are selected not to the main, but to the additional color in the ensemble.

2. To visually lengthen your legs, choose shoes to match your tights/stockings or trousers.

3. If your shoes are much lighter than the main ensemble, attention will be directed specifically to them, and not to you. For these reasons, it is recommended to choose shoes a couple of shades darker than the main color of the ensemble.

5. Golden shoes look harmonious with warm colors of clothes, and silver shoes with cold colors. In addition, there is a shade of warm silver that goes well with many colors.

Combinations of shoe color with clothing color

Consider the main combinations of shoe color with clothing color.

Black is the traditional color for shoes. It is combined with any colors and shades, but looks best with red, white, yellow, pink, bright blue and light green.

Brown is also quite versatile, easily combined with all colors except black. The most successful combinations of brown with yellow, beige, green, blue, orange, red. If you want to know, then read a separate article on this topic.

White color - looks great in ensembles in a marine style. Combines with any light and bright colors. The only negative is that it will visually enlarge the feet of the owners big size legs.

Nude - This color is closest to your skin tone. It looks very nice in combination with white clothes. But it is combined with all light and bright colors.

Red color - can become a bright and memorable accent in the image. It is recommended to combine red shoes with black, white, gray, green and blue.

Pink color - emphasizes romance and femininity, combined with white, gray, blue, brown, blue.

Orange color - shoes orange color draw attention to your feet. Successfully combined with blue, blue, purple, white, black, brown and gray.

Yellow is also bright accent in the image, combined with blue, purple, blue, gray, cherry, black.

Blue color - a rich shade of blue is successfully combined with white, beige, brown, red and yellow.

Blue color - a rare color for shoes, attracts attention. Combines with white, cream, brown, cherry, pink, purple.

Green is also original as a shoe color. Combines with yellow, orange, white, cream and brown.

Of course, the ideal option is to have in your wardrobe shoes of various colors for all occasions. But this does not always work out, so pay special attention to the choice of shoe color.

And don't be afraid to experiment - bold looks will make you stand out from the crowd, inspire confidence and create a good mood!

    Just the other day, a friend bought a linen dark blue set: a dress and a jacket. So there were stains on the dress: white, light pink, calm pink, blue. Very original.

    But when choosing colors for blue, you also need to consider which of the additional shades will be in harmony with the color of your hair, eyes or skin tone. Blondes with fair skin are one thing, and brunettes with the same fair skin are completely different.

    Perfect for blue light green. Another good blue along with gray shades. The classic combination of blue and white is not to everyone's liking due to some association with the uniform. This can be avoided by combining blue with a very light beige instead of white.

    Blue color in clothes, one might say, is almost a universal color. It combines wonderfully with classic colors- black, red, white, and also with bright colors. Creates a romantic look in combination with yellow, brown, malachite. Much depends on the structure of the fabric - light fabrics (silk, chiffon) are suitable for more youthful and romantic ones.

    The combination of blue in clothes

    • the combination of blue and gray adds elegance
    • goes well with blue and brown
    • by creating a contrast of blue and yellow in clothes, you will attract attention to yourself
    • wear celestial or navy with white
    • combination: white-blue-red, will tell everyone about your patriotism
    • dark blue and silver or white will create a business style
    • a combination of blue and green is suitable for lovers of natural colors
    • blue and black for those who like to be strict in their clothes
    • combination of blue and orange flowers looks elegant and romantic at the same time
    • navy blue is the perfect complement to blue hues.
  • Very elegant marine style - a combination of dark blue and white.

    Of course, blue is not a very simple color, it can unsuccessfully shade the complexion. Especially if this color dominates.

    Now bright combinations are quite acceptable, even with canary yellow.

    For an evening dress, rich blue and silver are perfectly combined. Maybe soft grey.

    For interior design, a cheerful and life-affirming combination of blue and yellow is suitable.

    A combination of blue and white will always win.

    Well, the most common combination is white-blue-red. Looks good on the national flag and... on a plaid skirt.

    Light blue color is combined with white, orange, yellow, pink

    Dark blue color is combined with gray red, smoky, green and white

  • I love the rich blue color very much. In general, a person chooses a color that reflects his character. Loving blue, human calm, loyal, wise. This color goes well with many colors. You can try with black, gray, white, red, blue in all shades. And if we start from the seven colors of the rainbow, then the blue color is combined with yellow, red, green. So the choice is large, take a closer look.

    The blue color is quite versatile and goes well with many colors, for example, with white and red, as well as with different shades yellow. With in green you need to be careful, although if you choose the right shades of blue and green, you get a very interesting combination, for example, the color of lime (saturated green-yellow and bright blue). For a successful choice of color combinations, it is important to pay attention to shades. So, black looks good with light blue, cornflower blue, but dark blue with black is not the best. good combination, as, however, with dark brown. But various shades of light brown, sand, terracotta are quite suitable partners for blue. Purple and blue do not look very good together, but lilac and blue are great together, just like dark blue and hot pink.

    Blue symbolizes carelessness and freedom, and often becomes a favorite for very young girls. In clothes, the blue color is harmoniously combined with pink, beige, white and gray shades. The combination of blue with other colors in clothes suits almost everyone, it is only important to choose a shade that will suit you. Blue looks very beautiful and organic in alliance with white, yellow, red and gray colors.

    As for me, so dark blue will go well with white, red and blue

    There was at one time such a formula: red-orange-yellow-green-blue-blue-violet-colors are combined through one. That is, green and orange should be combined with blue ...))

    All shades of blue go well with white. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful than a vest!

    Blue is a universal color. It is perfect for decorating the bathroom and pool.

    With the help of blue, you can expand the space.

    Blue goes well with white. Blue color is combined with orange, this combination is well suited for young people.

    Blue goes well with green. In this case, the following colors would still be appropriate: black and white.

    Blue is also combined with yellow. Children will especially like this combination.

    Such a combination of colors for the interior will be especially expressive. But most likely this combination is well suited for non-residential premises.

    Many of us do not even think about how important it is in clothing, interior design and fine arts. the right combination colors. Many colors go with blue, but for a flawless look, you need to choose the right color scheme. Many fashion experts believe that blue and beige are a great combination. Pale purple with blue also looks harmonious. And if you add a little gray to blue, you get an elegant look. Perfectly combined blue with juicy bright red color. If you want the attention of others to be riveted only to you, then the trendy contrast of blue and yellow is for you. A wonderful variant of sea blue with white. For business style combine navy blue and white. Blue + green = unusual and bold combination. For a romantic and sophisticated look, combine blue and orange. Blue + black = business but stylish look. Dark blue perfectly complements blue shades. Look for your style. Experiment with the image and find best option for yourself.

The combination of blue in clothes fascinates and attracts attention. This color is noble and luxurious. You want to drown in it, drink it to the bottom, dissolve in the deep blue. Blue is universal and democratic, airy and saturated. This is the color of the sky, the ocean, the mysterious lagoon, the dark sea ... It looks great on noble materials such as silk, velvet, satin. It's impossible to look at him. Perhaps that is why blue items in the wardrobe are always the most beloved.

Features and Benefits

In the entire color palette, blue is the most controversial and mysterious. The peculiarity is that it has many shades of different saturation. They can evoke interesting associations. Blue is a natural color. Its contrast makes any image unforgettable and original. This color creates a special mood.

The advantage of the blue scale is that it is even simple casual clothes gives solemnity and status. Blue is a universal shade. It fits perfectly into the wardrobe of men and women. Stylists recommend using blue at any time of the year. It looks beautiful on shoes, jewelry, bags.

It is easy to pick up successful combinations to blue color, but it should be remembered that it does not harmonize with bright red. This combination irritates and awakens aggressiveness due to the high contrast. It is best to wear blue clothes with red accessories, not things. You should not combine blue with pink, purple.

Remember that the blue color carries severity, detachment, restraint. At the same time, it is dynamic and light.

What does

Blue color brings good luck, it means eternity, symbolizes the sky, lightness and airiness. Deep blue and royal - the color of honesty, chastity, kindness, good fame, fidelity. He is able to soothe nervous system, eliminate poor health and absent-mindedness. Blue color is associated with stability, peace, reflection. It drowns out passion and contains some kind of mystery.

Those who love blue have special traits: melancholy, slight insecurity, modesty, honesty. Such people prefer peace, love loneliness, avoid noisy companies. At the same time, blue is the color of luxury, grandeur, wealth, tranquility, generosity, insubordination.

Who suits

Blue color is deep, cold and contrasting. It perfectly suits girls of the "winter" and "summer" color types - brunettes and brown-haired women. In this case, choose calm dark blue shades: royal blue, sapphire, navy. Girls with a cold color type "winter" will suit ink colors, sea waves, sky blue. You should also pay attention to neon blue: electric blue, indigo and cornflower blue.

Girls "summer" is better to choose soft and light shades of blue. Aquamarine, forget-me-not, blue. The color types "autumn" and "spring" are ideal for a warm shade of blue - turquoise. Pay attention to the color of the sea wave, dark blue. Other shades can also be used, but it is desirable that the blue color is not close to the face, but is in the background.

Combination of blue with other colors

Blue is one of popular colors in a fashionista's wardrobe. It pairs well with opposite shades. With blue clothes, it is easy to create diverse bows, avoiding monotony.

  • burgundy. Attractive and tasty color ripe cherries which is hard to resist. The combination of burgundy and blue is based on contrast. Passion and energy are mixed with calmness and balance. If you combine burgundy with dark shades of blue, you get a discreet and noble look. Bright blue and burgundy will look spectacular and stylish.

  • Brown. Harmonious, calm and creative combination. Brown and blue have the same origin. They are natural, natural colors that are associated with earth and sky. The most beautiful combination will turn out if you combine ultramarine and brown in one set. Sapphire goes well with light brown. Stylists advise combining light blue shades with dark brown and vice versa.

  • Green. Great natural combination. green color and deep lake inspires many designers and stylists to create original images. It looks interesting dark blue color with different shades of green. In this case, dark blue does not seem so gloomy and cold.

  • Violet. Good combination of blue and purple creates a sense of harmony and tranquility. Stylists advise combining these two shades in dark colors. The perfect combination dark purple, cornflower blue or deep blue.

  • Yellow. The combination of yellow and blue gives a summer mood. These are shades of the sun and the sea, so they look best on flowing and thin fabrics. A great office option will turn out if you wear a lemon-colored blouse and trousers or a skirt in a dark cornflower blue shade. The combination of yellow and blue looks great in everyday fashion. It refreshes and rejuvenates.

  • Silver. Silver color perfectly harmonizes with contrasting colors. Blue is successfully combined with it, it looks solemn and luxurious. Stylists advise choosing silver shoes or other accessories for a blue dress or skirt.

  • Lilac. Good combination related flowers. They complement each other and help create a beautiful and harmonious image. Do you want to add more bright notes to your outfit? Use purple and pink accessories, as well as white, black and beige accessories.

  • Orange. Stylish and bright combination. An outfit with these shades looks elegant and romantic. Most often, orange and blue are found in summer sets. This harmonious combination can also be used in autumn. A blue coat and orange boots will make life brighter and cheer you up!

  • Beige. A gentle and elegant combination will turn out if you combine beige, turquoise and electric in one set. Beige is a neutral color and against its background, many colors become a strong accent. Blue goes well with it.

  • Grey. In one image, blue and gray look ambiguous. On the one hand, such a combination refreshes the image, on the other hand, it makes it boring. Stylists advise choosing the right shades of these colors. It is best to stay on gray with a bluish tone, and choose brighter blue. In the image, use white or beige accessories.

  • Mustard. This color is associated with bitterness, spicy seasoning, so you should not joke with it. Blue and mustard is a good combination that can grow into a great friendship. Stylists recommend choosing dark shades of blue, then the image is luxurious, soft and sophisticated.

Blue goes well with classic white and black. In the first case, it will be easy summer version, in the second - a slightly weighted, business image. Combining black and blue, choose bright colors. The ideal option is ultramarine.

Fashion trends

This season, the blue color in clothes is gaining popularity and strengthening its position. He is in the top ten trendy colors warm season. Designers offer fashionistas to pay attention to dark blue and transparent blue. The main color of the 2017 season is niagara. This classic denim shade is simple, comfortable and serene. Niagara is universal. It goes well with pastel, bright, contrasting shades, creates a balance in the image.

In most fashion collections, designers offer to pay attention to the deep and rich blue color - lapis lazuli. It symbolizes the bottom of the ocean. Intense and deep. Pairs well with yellow. At the peak of fashion, clothes are the color of sea water, illuminating azure and transparent blue. This color scheme looks great on summer dresses made of thin fabrics, coats, loose-fitting jumpers. Stylists advise to combine it with pale pink and neutral beige.

How to wear blue

Blue is multifaceted. It combines two opposite tones - pale blue, turquoise and heavy dark blue. blue shades associated with dreaminess, airiness, lightness, summer sky and dark ones with serenity and balance. Remember that blue, regardless of its shades, can complete any look and complement your wardrobe. Light blue tones should be combined with contrasting dark blue, red, orange, brown.

Delicate blue color looks original with gold, gray, olive. It is not recommended to combine blue with green and pink. Electric accessories will decorate golden dress or light brown pants. Dark blue jeans or a skirt pair well with an olive blouse, red scarf, silver jewelry or accessories.

To create solemn evening looks, stylists recommend choosing blue in deep tones - a shade of twilight, ink. Keep in mind that deep dark color will add rigor along with and visually add age. For a party, informal events, it is best to choose bright blue colors - indigo and electric blue.

Shades in men's fashion

The blue color is perfect. It attracts attention and is considered a good alternative to black. Blue is present in men's fashion, but in more restrained shades. The most popular colors that go to men are metallic blue, dark blue, deep, sapphire, ultramarine. Dark- blue tint- attractive. It can be used to create an office, business image.

Instead of a classic black suit, stylists recommend wearing a dark blue version. The blue metallic shade is complex and ambiguous. If you want to create a stylish image, approach the process carefully. Everything must be perfect. A suit of this shade is a luxurious option. It looks great at a gala event or a formal party.

Sapphire-colored clothes are beautiful and rich. The coloring decorates any outfit, but does not make it heavier, it looks expensive and noble. Ultramarine is a bright blue hue compared to others. This is a luxurious and expensive color. An interesting and stylish look is obtained by wearing an ultramarine jacket, white shirt, jeans, suede shoes in dark blue.

How to choose jewelry

When choosing jewelry, you should take into account many different factors, such as the style of clothing, the shade of blue, and the type of girl. A classic blue dress is in harmony with massive jewelry and jewelry. They will make the image spectacular. If a dress, blouse or skirt has ruffles, flounces, inserts, assemblies, then it is not recommended to overload the image with additional accessories.

Blue items are in perfect harmony with jewelry made of silver and white gold. Choose quality jewelry. A blue blouse with a yellow or massive necklace will look beautiful. It goes well with blue jewelry in gold, red, orange. Natural shades - green, blue and green refresh the image and are in perfect harmony with the blue.

When choosing jewelry, consider the features of appearance. Fragile, thin girls should not choose too massive necklaces and bracelets. It will look appropriate and advantageous if, in addition to the voluminous necklace, it will no longer be in the form of large accessories. Full girls you should also follow this rule: massive jewelry makes the image heavier in in large numbers, so it is better to stay on long massive earrings.

Most of the information about the world around us is visual impressions, and color plays a huge role in the perception of visual images. The ability to notice the slightest shades greatly contributed to the survival and development human species. Almost all people have a subconscious reaction to color: the soft colors of nature soothe, while unnaturally bright ones cause anxiety. Given this fact, in order to create a comfortable interior, it is important to understand the principles of the influence on the psyche of both individual colors and their combinations.

The impact of color in the interior on a person

Physicists say that colors do not really exist - they are just waves of light of different lengths, which the brain interprets in one way or another. It is quite difficult to believe in this thesis, because we can absolutely accurately determine the shade of any object in the material world, and it remains unchanged regardless of the place or time of stay. Be that as it may, each person feels the influence of the color palette that surrounds him. The mechanism of this effect is not fully understood, but some common features are known to psychologists.

For convenience, the colors are divided into categories according to the main characteristics: dark and light; pastel and saturated; bright and muted. Depending on the temperature, warm, cold and neutral colors are distinguished. Black, white and gray are called achromatic, all others are called chromatic. The latter include the three main colors: red, green and blue, as well as all the options resulting from their mixing with each other or with a black and white palette. The result is amazing - a person is able to recognize up to ten million shades.

Considering the psychological influence of color, it is worth noting that we are talking first of all about pure tones. Any impurity changes the quality of perception. So, for example, soft coral will have a calming effect, while rich scarlet will excite the nervous system.

Generally warm colors, such as red, yellow and orange are considered tonic: they speed up the heartbeat, improve appetite, increase attention. Cold shades of blue, light blue, green relax, lower pressure and somewhat slow down the reaction. Abundance of light (white, pastel shades) the body subconsciously perceives it as a sunny day, automatically increasing the level of energy, while gray, black, dark blue and gloomy purple set the person up for the upcoming dream.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a color for the interior, it is necessary to take into account the optical effects inherent in them. For example, if you put two objects of the same size side by side different colors, the brighter one will always appear larger. Dark muted tones visually reduce the volume, light and glossy ones increase it. Using these features, you can adjust the width of the walls, the height of the ceiling, place accents and zone the space.

How to choose "your color"?

Throughout life, each person develops own attitude to the color palette. Choice may be influenced by personality traits, individual experience, mental associations, mood and even health status.

When decorating the interior, you should carefully consider the sensations that arise when interacting with certain colors. For example, it is recommended to recall the design of the most comfortable places for you: your favorite restaurant, friends' apartment, grandmother's house, finally. You can borrow a palette from nature - it can be the sea coast, the edge of the forest, blooming garden or mountain landscape.

Can be a great source of inspiration beautiful pictures from the Internet. Find an image to your liking and try to mentally repeat it in the interior - transfer the background to the walls and ceiling, reflect bright details in furniture elements, textiles and decor. At the same time, it is desirable to observe the proportions of colors inherent in the picture, so that the same harmony is obtained in the end. It is not necessary to choose a design photo - take anything: a bouquet of tulips in a jug, a rustic landscape, shells on the seashore or a chocolate cream dessert. This method allows you to independently create very natural and pleasing compositions.

Color combination table in the interior

The combination of shades is a whole science. Need to understand ground rules, under which the colors placed together will complement and emphasize each other, enhancing the sense of style. The best color combinations in the interior are obtained using the following methods:

1) Monochrome - shades of the same color that are different in depth and saturation are used. Using red as an example, it can be a pastel pink background with brick and burgundy accents. In the blue palette - it is possible to combine light blue, turquoise and ultramarine. In the green scale - the colors of lime, olives and moss.

2) Related shades. Close tones are located in the neighborhood, in one quarter color wheel. Examples are blue, purple, pink; yellow, orange, red; blue, green, yellow.

3) Contrasting colors. Here, harmony is built on opposites - in the color wheel, the shades are strictly opposite to each other, and their dissimilarity creates a dynamic and noticeable pair.

4) Related-contrasting combination. In this case, the shades are combined due to the admixture of some third color in them. So, for example, in light green and orange there is yellow that unites them, and this triangle looks great together.


Compatible with colors: all pastel and pure bright colors, black, gray, gold; with warm it is better to use cream, with cold - snow-white.

Not compatible with colors: no (combines with all).

Color effect: creates a feeling of cleanliness, spaciousness and daylight. A glossy white room can seem too sterile and also resemble a laboratory.

Suitable for: interior of bathroom, bedroom, hall.


Compatible with colors: yellow, red, orange, green, purple, pink, blue, black, white.

Not compatible with colors: golden, brown.

Color effect: psychologically neutral, in itself does not cause emotions. Associated with shade, rainy weather, winter. Monochrome gray interior can cause depression.

Suitable for: studio apartments, bedrooms, kitchens, home office.


Compatible with colors: white, gray, gold, red, green, orange, purple.

Not compatible with colors: all pastel, blurry, shaded; with yellow - danger sign ( road signs, radiation and high voltage warning signs).

Color effect: status, suitable for creating an atmosphere of luxury. Reminiscent of deep night, visually reduces space.

Suitable for: studio apartments, large rooms.


Compatible with colors: black, white, gray, gold, brown.

Not compatible with colors: purple, pastel shades; with blue and green looks extravagant.

Color effect: excites the nervous system, increases activity. In children, it can cause aggression and anxiety.

Suitable for: interior kitchen, living room.


Compatible with colors: brown, green, purple, pink, blue.

Not compatible with colors: no (combines with all).

Color effect: friendly, warm color. Reminds me of summer, sun and oranges. Increases sociability, energy, creates a good mood. Does not promote relaxation, contraindicated in hot climates.

Suitable for: kitchen, children's room, living room with windows to the north side.


Compatible with colors: brown, orange, light green, white, gray, purple.

Not compatible with colors: no (combines with all).

Color effect: warm, open, joyful. Sunny yellow gently illuminates the room, gives vivacity, promotes concentration, increases curiosity. Prolonged exposure to a saturated shade can overwork.

Suitable for: kitchen, children's room, office.


Compatible with colors: brown, grey, white, black, yellow, pink.

Not compatible with colors: red.

Color effect: the most natural color, harmonious and pacifying. Refreshes, gives rest to the eyes, restores strength. Pale shades of green in large quantities can cause melancholy.

Suitable for: bathroom interior, nursery.


Compatible with colors: white, beige, grey, pastel blue.

Not compatible with colors: red.

Color effect: feminine pink creates a soft and serene atmosphere, eliminates depressive thoughts. Active and overly tense people, this color can be annoying.

Suitable for: living room, bathroom, nursery, bedroom.

Of course, a designer in the digital age need not be limited to the colors that can be obtained from paints, inks, or other pigments, although there is much to be learned from the approach to color in fine art as well. The human eye can distinguish millions of different shades, but sometimes even combining two colors can be a challenge.

Amazing color properties

This is because the choice of shades for design is very subjective and requires certain knowledge. So what should designers do if they want to create a beautiful color palette that can make a client happy? Whether you like it or not, but the best combinations Colors go beyond mere personal preference, as they have an amazing ability to influence mood, emotions and perceptions, acquire cultural and personal meaning, and attract attention - both consciously and subconsciously.

The challenge for designers and marketers is to balance complex functions shades to create an attractive and effective palette of color combinations. This is where a basic understanding of color theory comes in handy. It can help you understand which tones work well (or not) and what effect various combinations will create within a given design.

a color scheme

At school, in drawing lessons, children go through this topic, so everyone is probably familiar with its stripped-down form: red, yellow and blue basic tones. The traditional color wheel consists of 12 tones and is often used by artists. This is a simple visual way to understand the relationship of colors.

The main task that the color wheel performs is the combination of colors. Mixing primary or primary hues (yellow, blue and red) forms secondary ones: green, purple and orange. Combining them with the main tone allows you to get the third level of the circle - tertiary colors. These include red-orange, green-blue, blue-violet and violet-red. The primary and secondary tones are part of the visible spectrum, or the colors of the rainbow. Their order is easy to remember with the mnemonic phrase "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits": red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

This way of understanding color is known as the subtractive model, which consists of mixing pigments such as paints or inks, and is used in both the traditional color wheel and the CMYK system used in printing equipment. It differs from the additive model, which consists of mixing light of different frequencies (for example, on a computer or TV screen), consisting of a different set of red, green, blue (RGB).

Image editors use a different version of the color wheel. Any shade can be selected using its hex code.


Before compiling palettes, you need to master the terminology that will help you understand the different types of shades:

  • hue is synonymous with color and traditionally refers to one of 12 colors;
  • brightness: the degree to which a color tone is far from black;
  • lightness: the proximity of tone to white;
  • saturation - the intensity or purity of a color (the closer the hue approaches gray, the less saturated it is).

The best color combinations

From the color wheel, there are a number of classical palettes that have been used by artists for many centuries. For most design solutions from these schemes, one dominant color should be distinguished - by the amount of its use or by its isolation from other tones - one or more accents:

1. Monochrome scheme: using different brightness, lightness or saturation of tones of the same color in the range from light to dark. An example of a successful monochrome combination is red with black and white. This scheme provides a slim and conservative design. Blue and white - a classic combination of Chinese porcelain of the 9th century. and French textiles of the 18th century.

2. Similar placed side by side on the color wheel. It is versatile and easy to apply when developing projects. An example is the combination of purple with blue-violet.

3. Complementary scheme: tones located at opposite ends of the color wheel are used. For example, blue and orange, red and green. Complementary colors have a high intensity and contrast, but they are difficult to apply harmoniously and balanced in their pure form, as they can easily clash in a design.

4. Split-complementary scheme: any tone of the color wheel plus two colors bordering on its complement. For example, yellow with green and red-violet. This scheme also has strong visual contrast, although weaker than the previous one. Provides the best color combinations for beginners in design as it is hard to mess up.

5. Triadic scheme: any three tones evenly distributed on the color wheel. Provides quite bright combinations, even if the tones are pale and desaturated. For successful use, it is necessary to achieve complete balance - one color should become dominant, and the other two - accents.

6. Tetrad, or double complementary: consists of two complementary pairs. This scheme extremely attractive, but more difficult to apply than a single pair of complementary colors, as more tones are more difficult to balance. When using this scheme, choose one color as the dominant color and adjust the saturation, brightness, and lightness of some or all of the tones so that they provide the best combinations of colors in different parts of the design.


In addition to color wheel combinations, nature offers many ready-made solutions harmonious color schemes.

Options for combining colors include taking into account their temperature (hot or cold), saturation (bright tones often look young, while pale tones often look vintage), moods (bright and cheerful, dark and serious), themes (location, season, holiday), and other qualities.

Another great color-finding technique is to look to different colors for inspiration. historical periods and artistic trends: warm, light colors of the Impressionists; bright, unexpected combinations of post-impressionists; soft, earthy Art Nouveau colors; bright, bold shades of pop art.

The psychology of color

Color surrounds us. Whether we realize it or not, he plays a big role in our Everyday life. Did you see orange or yellow on the road today road sign? He got attention for a reason. Color has an amazing connection to our moods and emotions.

But not everyone experiences color in the same way. The meaning and symbolism that we associate with different tones is very dependent on the influence of cultural and social groups to which we belong. Here are some common values associated with primary colors in Western culture.


This color conveys many different ideas depending on the context. Associated with fire, it can symbolize warmth or danger. Since red is the color of blood, it is considered an energetic, lively tone and therefore associated with matters of the heart and sometimes with violence.

Alternate Meanings: In some Eastern cultures, red symbolizes good luck and prosperity and is the color worn by brides on their wedding day. Throughout the world, red is associated with various political movements and symbolizes revolution.

In branding, it often denotes strength, confidence, and power and is highly visible.


Also the color of fire, orange combines the warmth of red with the cheerfulness of yellow and symbolizes activity, energy and optimism. It is also associated with harvest or autumn.

Alternate Meanings: In India, saffron, which has a yellowish tint to orange, is considered sacred. In Japan, the color symbolizes love.

In branding: often represents youth and Creative skills. Gold, which is also a shade of orange or yellow, symbolizes luxury and high quality.


As the color of the sun, it often symbolizes happiness, cheerfulness, friendliness, and the freshness of spring. In addition, in certain contexts, it can convey a warning signal or warn of caution. Some variations (especially desaturated and greenish ones) look sickly or unpleasant, which is not surprising since historically yellow is sometimes associated with illness and quarantine.

Alternate Meanings: In some Eastern and Asian cultures, yellow is associated with high birth or status. In parts of Africa and Latin America this tone is the traditional color of mourning.

In branding: A clear or bright yellow tone is eye-catching, but can be unsettling or even hard to see (for example, white text on a bright yellow background or vice versa) if used carelessly.


It is the color of nature, vegetation and growth. It often symbolizes health, freshness, or natural qualities. Dark green can represent wealth and stability.

Alternate Meanings: Among Muslim cultures, green is a sacred color. It is also associated with Ireland, St. Patrick's Day and the lucky quatrefoil.

In branding: Brands or products that are presented as "green" (natural, healthy, eco-friendly, organic, etc.) often use natural colors such as green and brown.


The color of the sea and sky, it often symbolizes peace and purity. Unlike more energetic and warm tones, blue is perceived as calming. In some cases, it can represent sadness or depression.

Alternate Meanings: In Middle Eastern cultures, blue traditionally protects against evil. Because of its association with the sky, in many cultures the color symbolizes immortality and spirituality.

In branding, blue is widely used and is one of the most versatile colors. It usually symbolizes reliability, security and stability. The tone is particularly popular in corporate contexts, as it is perceived as having a serious, conservative, and professional quality.


Traditionally associated with nobility, grandeur or honor. Thus, it has spiritual, mystical or religious connotations.

Alternate Meanings: In many cultures around the world, the combination of purple symbolizes nobility or wealth, however in Thailand and some parts South America associated with mourning.

In branding, dark shades of purple are often a symbol of luxury, while lighter and brighter shades are popular with women and children.


Like red, this color has many (sometimes conflicting) meanings. It can represent power, luxury, sophistication and exclusivity. On the other hand, black symbolizes death, evil or mystery. In clothing, it is a symbol of formality or mourning and mourning (since mourning is traditionally worn at funerals).

Alternate meanings: In some countries in Asia and Latin America, black is considered male color. In Egypt, it means rebirth. In many cultures, color is associated with magic, superstition or bad luck, and the inexplicable or unknown.

In branding: black is so widely used that it has almost become neutral, although it can symbolize the above depending on the context. Many designs are simply black and white (consciously or simply to save on color printing).


As the color of light and snow, white often symbolizes purity, innocence, goodness, or perfection (traditionally worn by brides), but also signifies austerity or sterility.

Alternate meanings: In China, white is the color of mourning. In many cultures, it means peace - White flag is a universal symbol of truce or surrender.

In branding: white often communicates simplicity, cleanliness or modernity. Designers looking for a minimalist aesthetic often use a lot of white.

Color in design

Picking a color combination is more than choosing two or three shades and distributing them in equal proportions throughout the design. Using them effectively has a lot to do with balance, and the more tones you use, the harder it is to achieve.

The easiest way to implement this concept is by dividing the selected colors into prevailing and accents. The dominant tone will be the most visible and most used in the design, while one or more accents will complement and balance it. Paying attention to the interplay of colors - the presence or absence of contrast, how adjacent tones look, what mood the combination of colors and shades creates, etc. - will help to accurately select the ideal palette for design purposes.

The generally accepted rule for using a basic three-color palette is the 60-30-10 rule. This approach is often used in interior design, but can also be applied effectively to web or print design. It is enough to give the dominant color 60%, and give the remaining 30% and 10% to the two accents. good example illustrating this rule is the men's suit: the jacket and trousers account for 60% of the color of the clothes, the shirt takes 30%, and the tie the remaining 10%. All together provides a balanced, elegant appearance.

Another way to keep the palette simple and balanced is to use lightness and lightness (or lighter and darker versions of the chosen tone). In this way, you can expand the choice of colors without overwhelming the design inconsistency.

and branding

Brand recognition is highly dependent on color. Just think of Coca-Cola, Facebook, or Starbucks, and it's easy to remember the tones these brands are associated with.

A study conducted at the University of Winnipeg showed that people's initial judgments of products are largely based on color (60-90% of the estimate). This means that tone in design is not only an artistic choice, but also a critical business decision that affects everything from consumer perception of a brand to product sales.

However, when choosing a color scheme for a logo, it is not necessary to adhere to traditions, symbols or stereotypes. There are no foolproof or quick rules here. More important is how the tone is used in the design and harmonizes with the market context of the brand and its character.


When working on print project a computer monitor cannot display colors as they would appear on paper. What you see is not what you will get because digital monitors and printers use two various systems: RGB and CMYK. The first refers to small dots of red, green, and blue light that combine to form visible colors on a screen; the second means cyan, magenta, yellow and black tones for creating color prints. Since RGB uses a wider spectrum than CMYK, some designers initially create a print project in RGB to preserve more color options and convert finished design in CMYK before printing.

For this reason, they need a tool that provides consistent color when working with both systems - for example, when designing a logo for a website and printing it on a business card. One such system is the Pantone Matching System (PMS). In it, tones can be matched across websites and print (as well as different types of printed surfaces) to ensure the same look.

Color: understand, explore and love it!

Designers specialize in the study of color theory, psychology or neuroscience - complex subjects that are at the intersection of art and science. But this is part of what makes this profession so interesting and such an effective tool in the market. Although this guide only outlines the basic guidelines, it is hoped that it will help produce more informed and more effective color choices for personal or professional projects.
