Decorative brick in the interior: we select the style. Decorative brick in the home interior (30 photos)

Fashion designers offer wide selection options for interior solutions in the premises. One of them is a brick in the interior of the apartment space, which is able to create the effect of design exclusivity. The fact is that in our country brick decoration has been used relatively recently, while in the "western territories" brick decoration is a fairly common phenomenon.

There are several ways to implement the idea of ​​​​using bricks in the interior. In today's publication on the Dream House, we will try to consider in more detail the most interesting proposals.

Brickwork as an element of decor: which brick to use

The most creative solution for using brickwork in the interior of an apartment is to use ordinary walls. In new buildings, the walls can be left "virgin", slightly clearing them of small contaminants that have been preserved during construction. In old buildings, the walls should be carefully processed, after removing the layers of primer, plaster, whitewash.

Living room interior with brick wall

However, we should not forget that brick under the influence of adverse factors is able to collapse, therefore, "bare" walls made of natural brick must be treated with special protective equipment, which can be purchased at building markets.

From facing bricks, which are distinguished by a variety of shapes, textures and colors, you can also build partitions, equip a fireplace, create with shelving, or simply lay out a small piece of masonry on the wall.

Facing brick in the interior photo

For interior decoration, designers advise using decorative bricks. It has proven to be strong, environmentally friendly, durable construction material with correct form and a wide color palette. Via decorative tiles under a brick, door and window openings, walls, partitions, arches are perfectly ennobled.

Recently, long-forgotten glass bricks or glass blocks have come into fashion. These matte, colored, transparent or colorless bricks are able to fill any space with light. They are often used not only as room decor, but also for. In a small apartment, a corrugated glass partition will serve as a durable and decorative element.

The simplest and cheapest way to use brickwork in the interior is ordinary wallpaper with brick pattern. Of course, they will not give the effect of natural brick to the room, but they will still attract attention as a bright accent.

The territory of brickwork in the interior

You can decorate with the help of a "brick ornament" any room in the apartment. The main thing is to correctly approach the solution of this issue, so that the end result is not a tribute to fashion, but the highlight of the apartment, which clearly fits into the intended interior.


small brick wall with a "destroyed" edge, will serve as an element of zoning the hallway and kitchen. Decorative candles will look cute on protruding bricks.


In the interior of the kitchen, there is definitely room for fantasy to “roam around”! Firstly, it will look original surrounded by modern kitchen appliances. Secondly, decorative brick in the interior of the kitchen will help highlight the dining table area.

Brick wall in the interior

If the kitchen area allows, it can be made of facing bricks.

You can also build a kitchen island by mounting equipment into it or use it as a table by attaching it.

Brick will become excellent material for finishing the area between work surfaces and wall cabinets, appliances.

But the work area without wall cabinets decorate a brick apron in the entire wall.

Brickwork in the interior of a modern kitchen

Brick in the interior of the apartment photo

In a large kitchen with high ceilings, brick ceilings look luxurious. This option is applicable mainly for private housing construction.

Living room

An unusual partition of glass bricks with an internal filling of flowers, herbs, and beads will delimit the territory of the living room and kitchen. It will also look good from painted bricks.

Painted brick in the interior

Brick wall in the interior of the living room can become a backdrop for furniture, fashionable elegant appliances, accessories.

Interior with brick wall

Aged brick in the interior

Add grace great hall columns in Greek style acting as partitions or intriguing decor.

Decorative brickwork in the interior

decorative brick in the interior

Warmth, coziness and comfort in cool weather will give a fireplace in the living room, lined with decorative bricks.


Many people ask the question, is brick applicable in the bedroom interior? Here the answer is unequivocal: of course yes! A brick wall will only add to the charm of a modern bedroom.

Red brick in the interior

And in a studio apartment or a two-level apartment, you can even make a large brick arch instead of a door to the bedroom.

Near the stairs

An interesting solution could be brickwork on the wall adjacent to the stairs. This decoration method was chosen by many owners. modern houses and multi-level apartments.

Interior with brick wall

Brick wall in the interior of the kitchen


Due to moisture resistance and resistance to temperature extremes, brick finish allowed to be used in rooms with high humidity. So, a brick wall or imitation brickwork will fit perfectly into the interior of the bathroom.

white brick in the interior of the bathroom

A partition made of glass bricks can separate the bath from or the toilet. glass blocks are highly durable, so they can be used to decorate the floor, using additional lighting and heating. Facing tiles should decorate the sides of the pool.

Choose the color of the brick for decorating the premises

Brick walls may not necessarily be red-brown. Designers offer to choose any color finish.

So, for example, white brick in the interior of the bedroom will make the room bright and spacious.

In addition, brick walls can be painted. So, burgundy, brown or dark blue painted bricks in the decor of the bedchamber with the reflection of candles will create a romantic atmosphere.

The brickwork made of gray brick looks interesting in the interior. This option is perfect for modern design hallway.

Aged brick in a modern interior

A fashionable trend in interior design projects is the use of aged bricks with visible cracks and grooves.

The brick in the living room goes well with both the fireplace, reviving the spirit of ancient castles, and with plasma panel modern TV, softening technological solutions and adding warmth and comfort to them.

Unlike ordinary walls covered with wallpaper or paint, brick walls do not need additional decor, although they leave room for experimentation in this direction. After all, masonry, even in its original form, looks great in any interior.


Brick in the interior of the living room is suitable for almost any style. First of all, this is a loft, where the presence of such a wall is almost a prerequisite.

This material looks good in scandinavian style, rustic country and provence, in minimalism and even in gentle shabby chic. But, of course, it is in the loft style that such wall decoration is most natural and justified. After all, this style was born as an attempt to adapt to housing industrial premises without any additional finishing.


A living room with a brick wall is one of the options for using masonry as an interior accent. But he is by no means the only one. You can lay out brick partitions, create decorative niches, or lay out a fireplace with bricks.

If the house is made of bricks, then one of the walls can either be left “as is” if the apartment is unfinished, or cleaned to masonry if the finishing has already been done. In any case, special work is needed to turn the masonry into a decorative item.


To make the brick in the living room look neat and attractive, first you need to treat it with a special solution. It will help to reveal the texture, and protect the porous material from contamination. At the same time, it will become more resistant to shock.

Then proceed to painting and application special coatings, for example, imitating the “old” surface. You can artificially “age” the masonry by creating the effect of “crumbling” plaster or “worn” paint.

You can dissolve the brick in the interior of the living room, make it not the main, but the background element of the decor, by painting it to match the color of the rest of the walls.

Having painted in a contrasting color, on the contrary, you can highlight a brick wall, pay special attention to it.

Some styles, for example, Scandinavian, which is now popular, require painting textured elements, including brickwork, in White color.

A living room with a brick wall is hardly appropriate in wooden house, but some elements of brickwork can be used in it. For example, a brick fireplace will become an active element of the interior and bring warm comfort to it.


It is far from always possible to use natural brickwork in the decoration of residential premises. But this is not a reason to refuse those decorative possibilities that it gives. Big variety modern materials that allow you to imitate natural bricks, allows you to make the right choice in any situation.

When using not natural brick in the living room, but its imitations, as a rule, they decorate only part of the wall or some other interior detail, for example, decorative niches. Should be avoided too a large number such elements, since they are quite active and expressive.

Brick-like materials will help visually highlight certain functional areas, for example, a wall section with a TV panel or a fireplace.

If division into zones is carried out using plasterboard partitions, they can be finished with such materials, creating an expressive space.

In any case, brick in the interior of the living room is fashionable, relevant and modern. It will help to give the room a special style and character, make it original and memorable.

Brick in a modern interior associated with centuries old traditions and gives solidity and weight to the living space. It can be applied in various styles, however, brickwork is most widely used in the loft, Scandinavian style and all types of country. Individual elements will be appropriate in modern style directions, for example, minimalism, techno, modern, eclecticism.

Brick in the interior: finishing methods

Brickwork can be used for decoration in various ways:

  • Fragment. Masonry is a small part of the wall, emphasizing the solidity of the walls of the house. This technique is used, for example, in the Scandinavian style.

  • Accent. Brickwork highlights the part of the wall that they want to pay special attention to. This may be the location of the TV panel, part of the wall behind the head of the bed, a fireplace area, or something else.

In the photo, a fireplace area is highlighted with brickwork. Project:"Interior of a 2-room apartment in beige tones"

  • Wall. An entire brick wall in the interior can also look very decorative. Usually, in this way, the part of the room that carries the main semantic load is singled out. In the living room, this can be the wall near which the sofa is located, in the bedroom - the wall behind the head of the bed, in the kitchen - the wall near the dining area.

The photo shows a white brick wall in the kitchen-living room. Project from BohoStudio“The interior of the apartment is 56 sq. m. »

  • Element. You can build individual architectural elements from bricks. This can be an arch or, for example, a section of a free-standing wall that can serve as the base of a bar counter, or a stand for an aquarium. Bricks are also used to make zoning partitions in studio apartments.

In the photo there is a bar drain made of bricks in scandinavian studio interior 42 sq. m.

The main disadvantage of brick as a finishing material is its significant weight and volume. In small rooms, the brick will "eat" a significant amount, which is undesirable. In such situations, you can use materials that mimic brickwork. A “brick-like” wall in the interior of a small room will create the necessary impression and at the same time will not reduce its area.

Brick color in interior design

The surface of brickwork, as a rule, is treated in order to remove excessive porosity, facilitate cleaning, and also fit it as harmoniously as possible into the style of the room. If it is necessary to leave natural masonry, it is covered with transparent compounds. But more often brick walls are painted, choosing in each case the most suitable color. Nothing prevents brickwork from being green, purple or pink, but traditional "brick" colors are most commonly used.

The photo shows a partially white-painted brick in design of a small studio 22 sq. m.

White brick in the interior

White is the color most commonly used in minimalist, Scandinavian styles. In both of these styles, brick surfaces are the element that allows you to enrich the interior. minimum means- your invoice. At the same time, they try to remove the color so as not to overload the visual perception. An excellent solution in such cases is painting the finished masonry white.

Pictured are white brick walls. Project by Aiya Lisova Design Loft design studio 42 sq. m. »

White additionally gives the effect of increasing space, which is important for those cases where the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small. In addition, a white brick wall can serve as an excellent backdrop for demonstrating decorative elements of the situation on it. A white brick wall can be combined in the same room with "traditional" masonry.

Gray brick in the interior

Gray, like white, is considered neutral. It creates a calm backdrop for displaying furniture and decorative design elements. Depending on the saturation, gray can play a different role in the room.

Light gray will expand the space and slightly dim the brightness, it is appropriate to paint brickwork in this color in rooms lit too brightly. Dark gray will give intimacy and intimacy, create a calming atmosphere, although at the same time it will visually hide the volume.

As a rule, "red" refers to the shades of ordinary bricks made from clay. Although nothing prevents painting the masonry red, if the design idea requires it. Red brick walls are appropriate in almost all styles, including gothic and classic. As a rule, they immediately attract attention and become the main decorative element of the interior.

In the photo there is a red brick in the interior attic studio in loft style.

Red brick walls no longer need additional decorations. It should be borne in mind that some pieces of furniture may “get lost” against their background, for example, a simple-shaped table made of wood close in tone can be almost invisible.

Brick in the interior of the room: in which rooms is it appropriate

Elements of brickwork can be entered into a room for any purpose, from the entrance area to the bathroom or toilet. The main thing is to choose an option that will blend perfectly with the furniture and the rest of the decoration.


Here, brickwork will help to separate the entrance area from the rest, either with a rich brick texture on the walls, or with a free-standing brick partition, if the area allows. You can decorate with masonry a section of the wall in the hallway, reserved for a clothes hanger, thereby highlighting it in separate zone. Console tables for gloves and other small things look spectacular near the brick wall, above which a large mirror is hung.

In the photo there is a brick wall in the hallway in studio interior 56 sq. m.


Most often in the kitchen, brickwork serves as an "apron" near the work surface. Here, as a rule, decorative bricks are used, which have special characteristics and a smooth surface, which facilitates cleaning.

Also in the kitchen, you can highlight the masonry dining area, bar counter, table-island.

The photo shows a bar counter decorated with red brick. Project from Litvinov design"Loft style in the interior of a compact studio".

Living room

A brick partition can separate the living area from the rest in an open-plan apartment. In addition, false columns are lined with bricks, a wall is laid out near the fireplace. Masonry is also allocated a sofa or TV area.

The photo shows a white brick in the interior of the living room. Project:“Design of a two-room Khrushchev 45 sq. m. »


Here, brick is most often used to decorate the wall at the head of the bed, emphasizing its special significance in the interior with its texture. Another popular option is to accent a wall with a window with masonry. In small rooms, it is better to give under the brick not the entire wall, but only part of it, so as not to burden the perception of space.

The photo shows a red brick in the interior of the bedroom. Project:“The design of the apartment in white tones of 90 sq. m. »

The photo shows a white brick in the interior of the bedroom in modern style. Project:"Apartment design in bright colors from Hola Design"

Sanitary facilities

In bathrooms and toilets, brick can also be used - there are no restrictions, the material can withstand both high temperature and humidity. Brickwork allocate various zones indoors, or separated by partitions.

The photo shows white brick tiles in the interior of the bathroom. Project:“Loft style in the interior of an apartment of 85 sq. m. »

In addition, large apartments and private houses can be successfully complemented brick arches, or lay out brick walls near flights of stairs and platforms.

Brick decoration in the interior of apartments: photo

Two-room apartment 57 sq. m.

In the design, the wall in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, as well as the bar that separates the living area from the kitchen area, are made of decorative "aged" brick.

Studio 25 sq. m.

In order to avoid the high cost of refurbishing the studio, the walls were painted with paint, and the furniture was purchased from IKEA. In order to reinforce decorative effect the wall near the sofa and bed was stripped down to brickwork and painted white.

Duplex apartment 82 sq. m.

The design is decorated in a loft style, instead of natural brick, a decorative, but natural color is used. In order not to overload the interior, the walls were partly painted.

Two-room apartment 40 sq. m.

After the restoration work, the walls of the old brick turned out to be in sight. This became the main interior in the loft style.

White brick walls serve as the perfect backdrop for cozy corner recreation.

Two-room apartment 114 sq. m.

Finishing materials helped designers to create a brutal interior - natural wooden planks on the floor, red brick walls and wooden furniture.

Three-room apartment 155 sq. m.

The original design of the apartment is made in bright colors. In the decoration of the walls, brickwork, painting, wallpaper, mosaics, and even the greenery of living plants are used. The combination of colors and textures is chosen so that all this diversity is perfectly combined and forms a harmonious and cozy interior.

Design projects are getting bolder every year. The loft style is gaining more and more popularity and its main feature- a brick wall in the interior of various residential premises. The ability to transform in different directions, unsurpassed compatibility with furniture, modern technology, exclusive decor items, allow you to turn an ordinary design into a real masterpiece. The variety of variations that allows you to create design projects with imitation can inspire, find your way in changing the old or creating a new interior, it is enough to take into account some important points.


Sometimes impossible to use natural way finishes when a real, existing brick wall is used.

They will come to the rescue modern materials, allowing you to recreate a reliable simulation directly in the place provided by the project:

  • Wallpaper - budget. Modern technologies provide the ability to simulate appearance, texture, masonry rhythm, but not volume, uneven surface. The use is completely justified if the surface area has a semicircular shape (a design feature of the living area). Doubters: it is easy to replace the photo wallpaper with others, if you absolutely do not like it, without prejudice to the repairs made.
  • Styrofoam. An excellent way out if it is technically impossible to use heavy clay bricks -.
  • Tile. Ceramic looks very authentic. Easy, simple care is the main plus of the design of the kitchen, hallway, bathroom.
  • Fake diamond. Fairly light, imitates a rough texture, durable. The most expensive is clinker made from burnt clay.

Facing clinker, in addition to visual aesthetics, clarity of docking, has a number of advantages for human comfort:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • ease of care;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lack of dust;
  • immunity to ultraviolet.

50 shades of "brick" (Color palette)

The brick in the interior of the apartment can be anything, in the end, it can be painted, but then only the texture will remain.

Masters of the fine art of “combining the incongruous” value natural, original options:

  • , minimalism. Coloring is possible for an ideal perception of pure color, giving additional volume.
  • Beige, gray are considered neutral, fully consistent with the classic style.
  • Red antique, from unbaked clay, typical of classics, gothic.

Properly selected, there will be no doubt that you have real material in front of you. Darker components should be placed as thoughtfully as possible, without violating harmony. Laying methods: track, block, cross, gothic, Brandenburg, savage. The best European clinker manufacturers, together with eminent designers, annually develop new collections, allowing combinations different color on one surface.

Decorative brick for living room

The most popular way to use brick in a living room interior is to decorate the only wall that comes into view most often, for example, the TV area. You can vice versa - the territory of the sofa, then the soft velor upholstery will play in contrast with the "brutal" finish. Paradox: luxurious crystal chandeliers, classic curtains look appropriate. Good zonal lighting will emphasize the texture.

White brick in the interior of the living room is a phenomenon that is gaining polarity, like eco-style in general. Together they are able to give the room space, cleanliness. Actual directions: loft, minimalism, hi-tech.
In the latter case, adding the idea drywall constructions, is created special place power of high-tech office equipment.

Red brick walls are the most common living room design option. This modification goes well with white plaster. It should be noted: furniture against their background should look quite bright, contrasting. The combination with wood is a natural combination for the living room, supported by glass and metal accessories.

Often design features premises involuntarily push for more bold decisions. In monolithic houses, the presence of load-bearing columns is a given, from which there is nowhere to go and must be beaten. Duplicate - just a way out, a bright accent. If the volume of the room allows (living room country house) you can enhance the effect with a ceiling made in the same solution. Wooden beams and ceilings are a great addition to mediterranean style. Practical: when the need for separation neighboring interiors is a top priority.

Hard and soft: decorating the bedroom

For more than a century of existence of the loft style, the brick in the bedroom has ceased to seem too defiant, brutal and “hard” design material. Designers offer this style of decoration mainly to young men. To avoid the battle of the sexes, couples perfect suitable design one vertical plane, mainly located at the head of the bed. Possible style: classic, minimalism, vintage.

Tranquility, relaxation is best conveyed, then the dark brick will become a color spot, bring a textural feature. White brick wall in the bedroom interior scandinavian style add charm, sophistication. A soft reddish tint will emphasize the natural pattern of wood flooring, furniture. Coloring in one tone with the rest will help eliminate unwanted dissonance. vertical surfaces rooms. Coloring will help out from a practical point of view - no dust, easy cleaning.

A large number of textiles characteristic bedroom: pillows, blankets, bedside rug, does not allow this corner of the house to look too rough, uncomfortable, even if the maximum is selected textured look bricks.

in the interior of the bedroom has the following advantages:

  • No conflict with an abundance of textiles;
  • Expansion of space due to contrast;
  • Harmony with lighting.

With a lack of living space, it is possible to allocate a working area in the bedroom. Masonry will perfectly cope with the task of zoning.

Ideas for the kitchen

Kitchen - modern version home hearth. The use of masonry is especially appropriate here. But designers warn: the selected furniture, equipment and decorative elements should become part of this style.

Benefits of using:

  • Clear zoning;
  • No need for additional finishing;
  • The most spectacular appearance of kitchen equipment made of plastic, metal, glass.

Brick in the interior of the kitchen is easily combined with other materials: wood paneling, tiles of any style direction– classic, modern, country. kitchen space allows you to highlight the industrial motif window hole making a strong accent. It is good to support the presence of a brick wall with a similar apron finish, kitchen island, . You can highlight the location of the dining table, and if the area allows, the arched partition will divide the space into two zones, increasing the degree of uniqueness.

Brick surface as close as possible to working area must be protected from grease and dirt - treated with a special protective varnish.

The most diverse colors are appropriate in the kitchen: it awakens the appetite; grey colour fits perfectly into the hi-tech style. White brick in the interior of the kitchen will make the space more airy, add light, which is very important for small volumes. Even completely white furniture will not be visually lost due to the numerous fittings of drawers, various kitchen devices, and the grouting should be done in a contrasting color.

Improving the hallway

For the hallway area, it is very logical to bring a “street” accent. Functional solution: imitation tiles are chosen as the second material. Artificial stone is difficult to damage, the beauty of the hall will remain intact for a long time, even with active use.

To prevent the hall from looking too gloomy (most of the hallways of apartments are devoid of windows), use additional lighting or white. As budget option use instead of clinker textured plaster: damages that are inevitable in the process of intensive operation are easily eliminated.

Observe the measure: even light, expressive rectangles laid out from floor to ceiling throughout the entire volume will make the hallway heavy. Popular design tricks:

  • zoning storage space;
  • design of the arched space;
  • brick decoration of artificially created columns in a long corridor as a way to balance the space;
  • a combination of "aged" brick and Venetian plaster.

The front door can provoke the vibration of the walls. Using a high-quality polyurethane adhesive base will protect against an annoying nuisance - falling tiles.

Unusual: custom design options

Analyzing the latest design solutions, it is impossible not to note the wide scope of this type of surface decoration. A brick wall in the bathroom is a very bold, underused move. More suitable for spacious rooms. Quite a costly step - you have to spend money on moisture-resistant types of clinker.

The use of decorative bricks in the interior of a children's room will become the main highlight if you add functionality, for example, bookshelves. White painted brick in the exterior of the nursery will be a good backdrop for bright children's furniture, children's crafts and creative manifestations of your baby.

latest trend- the use of glass bricks: transparent, matte, colored shade. glass partition, imitating a characteristic pattern, ideal for small apartment, dividing space and filling with light.
If there is a second floor in houses, multi-level apartments, interesting solution will be an imitation in the areas closest to the stairs.

fireplace zone

Fireplaces are associated with country rest, and now they are boldly erected in city apartments, giving additional comfort. It does not matter in which zone the fireplace is located: a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen-dining room, brickwork will fit in organically, enhance the local effect of the presence of a fireplace. Natural colors and textures will emphasize the brightness and naturalness of the flame if the fireplace is electric.

Combining a fireplace and a brick wall is acceptable within a single style, such as country. decorative trim portals can be played up in contrast or performed in the same scale, for example, against the background of light clinker, a hearth trimmed with black marble looks impressive. The central decoration of any room will be a fireplace portal, lined up to the ceiling, against the background of a vertical plane of snow-white brick in the Provence style. Brickwork is ideally combined with forged products, which decorate the fireplace area in abundance.


As self decor the drawing applied to the completed masonry will serve. Large graphic letters, contrasting stylized pictures - for the young and the daring. A self-application option is possible to express a creative impulse (you will need photo wallpapers, stencils, paint, fantasy). Special attention it is worth focusing on grouting seams - they also carry a design message. Carrot color has amazing clarity when dubbed with white grout. Add posters or paintings - museum contemporary art already at your home.

The technique of the “destroyed edge” of masonry is widely used in zoning and is simply created for arranging small decorative gizmos on protruding bricks, for example, candles, small unusual lamps. Any vintage, rare items look harmoniously against the background of expressive rectangles. The characteristic shape and size will emphasize any hanging decor, paintings, but do not overdo it with the quantity.

Need to do

Such an interior item as a brick wall will help move away from outdated patterns. Taking into account all the technical nuances, you can decide how to implement this design, which can delight with its usual "unusualness".

After all, a brick, unlike any other material, is able to combine interior decoration and construction, even if it is just an imitation. Using elements of the loft style, it is possible to create a cozy and kind atmosphere.

Brick wall in the living room is very common in modern interiors. Majority modern people tend to live in a cozy, but at the same time original house or apartment, and unfinished brick is not yet so popular with us. Creating a stylish and extraordinary living room interior with modern technologies and opportunities is not an easy task. Quite desperate and talented designers proved that everything is not so bad. We offer you to plunge into a truly American apartment, which is filled with comfort and warmth. And its main touch is a wall with brickwork.

Light brick wall in the interior of a modern living room

Brick in the interior design of the living room

Brick - natural material, which is actively used in construction. But as it turned out, it is used in interior design residential premises. Since the material is natural, it is allowed to use it in any room. Most often, such a bright accent in the form of a brick wall can be found in the living room.

Light brick wall in a small living room

A brick wall is the perfect backdrop for modern technology such as televisions. And to make the interior of the living room more sophisticated will help:

  • paintings;
  • posters;
  • Photo;
  • wall clocks and other decorative elements.

Rough brick wall in the interior of a modern living room

Each object against the background of a brick wall will attract strong attention. It is very appropriate to install a fireplace with a brick wall. In addition to the fact that this duet will bring special comfort to the living room, all safety rules for installing a real fireplace will be observed. Brick is a refractory material.

Brick stylized tiles in the decoration of a modern living room

Rough brickwork in a modern living room

Recently, a rough brick wall in the interior of a living room has been considered a sign of luxury and good taste hosts. Many people have a question, in what styles is it appropriate to use a brick?

Registration door arch real brick in the interior of a modern living room

The brick wall owes its appearance to popular industrial buildings, in which it was fashionable to arrange residential areas. The brick wall is business card. When buying real estate in old abandoned factories, people tried to keep the brickwork, and in some interiors they left all communications open.

Fragment of a brick wall in a small living room

Now this trendy decor often used in country houses and city apartments. This design of the living room is considered free, bold and completely unpredictable. You never know exactly what effect you will get in a composition with a brick wall and other accessories.

Whitewashed brick wall in the interior of the living room

A brick wall can be found in the eclectic style living room. This decor will become a connecting element that can unite the entire space. And if, in addition to everything, a skillfully selected poster is placed on the rough brickwork, then you will be able to successfully emphasize the theme of the living room. Thus, you will be able to tell about your passions and preferences to all your guests.

Decorative brick in the decoration of the living room of a country house

The brick wall looks noble and at the same time strictly. This element will take you to the era of kings and noble knights who fought for the heart of their beloved lady. In the living room, a brick wall will look like it still captures the medieval spirit. Very organically fits into a brick wall modern Appliances. It will stand out with a metallic sheen against the background of the original monolithic texture.

original white hanging shelves and light household appliances harmoniously fit into the brick wall

Recently, brickwork can be found. In the design of such a room, tiles or a fireplace are necessarily erected from bricks. There should be no cladding.

Modern living room interior with faux brick trim

Brickwork is popular in the design of the living room in the Gothic style. This decor can be used in two directions:

  • classic gothic;
  • neogothic.

In these directions, it is appropriate to arrange with a brick:

  • walls;
  • columns;
  • lancet arches;
  • niches and many other architectural delights.

The design of the room is done in strong contrasts. That's what they do Gothic style incredibly effective and chic. In such a living room, it is appropriate to combine coarse textiles with a large crystal chandelier on the ceiling. Or you can put a sofa along the brick wall and decorate it with a canopy. It is these bold combinations that the Gothic-style living room prefers.

Quite loyal to the rough brickwork is the style of minimalism. This decorative element fits well into the color trio:

  • white;
  • black;
  • grey.

Rough brickwork will only further emphasize the urban style of the city.

Brick wall in the living room: materials and installation methods

AT modern designs living rooms such as the living room use not only rough material. It is even allowed that the wall is not a bright contrast in the room. You can use only the texture that diversifies your living room.

Multi-colored brick wall in the interior of a modern living room

When creating such stylish interior you can use not only a real brick wall, but also other modern finishing materials. It can be:

  • wallpaper with imitation brickwork;
  • facing brick;
  • decorative brick-like tiles.

It is worth dwelling in detail on each finish option.

Decorative brick in the wall decoration in the living room

Real brick wall in the interior of the living room

This option is suitable for owners of a brand new apartment in a new building with a rough finish or owners of a brick cottage. When decorating a room, most of the walls are plastered or sheathed with drywall. One surface in the room remains in its original form. You can’t leave her completely unattended either, but everything Finishing work minimized. Everything goes in a few steps:

  • cleaning a brick wall from cement, building dust and salt stains;
  • additional flushing with clean water;
  • brick grinding;
  • rubbing seams using a special tool or ordinary putty.

Bright orange sofa against a brick wall in the interior of the living room

Wallpaper with imitation of brickwork in the interior of the living room

If you want to make your living room fashionable and stylish, while not spending a lot of money and effort, then by all means choose wallpaper as a finishing material. Many people think that wallpaper is yesterday, but so far it is still one of the most popular materials used to renovate a room.

Plastered brick wall in living room

It is relevant to use wallpaper with imitation of brickwork on the walls, where you need to select only a fragment, for example, niches or arches. Suitable here textured wallpaper, which completely repeat the brickwork. You can choose products where the finished pattern in the form of a brick is applied. The only difficulty that can be encountered when renovating the living room is the lack of suitable type wallpaper.

White brick wall in a small living room interior

Facing brick in the interior of the living room

This finishing material presented on construction market in a huge range. There are several types of bricks:

  • matte;
  • aged;
  • glazed.

For installation of facing bricks, use glue that is intended for installation decorative stone. So that the seams are not conspicuous, they are treated with grout to match the main wall. Facing bricks have their advantages:

  • easy;
  • small, which helps to save more usable area;
  • ideal for decorating small rooms and thin-walled rooms.

Decorative brick-like tiles in the interior of the living room

This finishing material is popular due to its ease of use. To decorate the living room, you can use one of the tile options:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic.

To professionals, this finishing material is known as brick veneer. It is a thin small tiles with a characteristic structure.

Brick wall saturated chocolate shade in the interior of the living room

Installation is carried out using tile adhesive and building crosses. After laying the wall, all seams must be overwritten. The originality of the use of this material lies in the fact that you can lay out a fragment of the wall in any pattern you like, at any angle and adjust the width of the seams yourself. Due to this, you can get an individual living room decor.

Brick in the interior of the living room: photo
