Wallpaper expanding the space in the interior for the living room. Small space: how to visually enlarge the room? How much do textured wallpapers cost

If the room is very small, then you can enlarge it with the help of visual techniques. To do this, you just need to know some design tricks. In this article we will tell you how to visually enlarge a room using various methods(wallpaper, curtains, colors, furniture).

Most often, wallpaper is used to decorate the walls and ceilings of residential premises. They also affect the interior design and even the visual perception of the room. Wallpaper pattern can visually expand or reduce the room.

It is better to give preference to wallpaper in light colors. It is important to bear in mind that the drawing also affects visual perception. So, a large image narrows the space, and a small one, on the contrary, will make the room more voluminous. Therefore, in small rooms, wallpaper with small ornaments looks great. Also, excellent results can be achieved by combining wallpapers.

  • A large pattern on the wallpaper brings the surface closer, and, therefore, reduces the room. If such a pattern is placed only on the back wall, then the room will visually shorten.
  • A small pattern on a light background creates the illusion of volume.
  • The transverse stripes on the wallpaper seem to push the walls apart, which makes the ceiling seem lower. Just as in the case of wallpaper with a large pattern on the back wall, the room will visually shorten.
  • Vertical stripes on the wallpaper increase the height of the ceiling. Wide bands enhance this effect.

Imaging methods

To align a narrow and long room, you need to use wallpaper with a horizontal pattern. At the same time, to bring the far wall closer, you can use warm-colored wallpapers.

Bright and wide wallpapers hide the height of the ceilings. That's why bright wallpaper can only be used for accents. The room looks very impressive, the small walls of which are covered with wallpaper with a large pattern, and the large ones, on the contrary, are small. Large patterns can successfully divide the room into functional zones.

Small dark rooms with low ceilings can be enlarged by gluing more dark wallpaper, and at the top - as light as possible. The joint can be closed with a suitable horizontal strip or left as is, without focusing on this place.

Wall murals can also expand the space. There is only one condition - they need to decorate only one wall. Photo wallpaper should have a perspective drawing. For example, with a road going into the distance, mountain ranges, a field or a water surface, etc.

To increase the height of the ceiling, glue the wallpaper close to it. If you plan to stick a baguette between the ceiling and the wall, then it should be narrow.

Another option for removing the ceiling is to stick wallpaper on the walls and “go” to the ceiling, 15–30 cm. In this case, wallpapering should start from the ceiling. In small rooms, the overlap on the ceiling should be minimal and vice versa.

The depth of perception is created by wallpaper without a pattern or with a barely noticeable image. So, you can successfully emphasize interior items. The light colors of such wallpapers increase the space and allow you to decorate the walls, for example, with paintings or photographs, drawings or paintings.


Before you start decorating, you need to figure out which colors make the room bigger and which ones make it smaller. Light colors contribute to the increase in space. Helps especially White color, so in small room ceilings are best done exactly white. It can be paint, wallpaper or tensile structures.

Cold colors help to expand the room, as well as warm ones. However, too bright, like deep red, compress the room.

Small details on the walls help to make the room look bigger. But bright large drawing hides space.


Furniture takes up a lot of space in the room. Therefore, if you pick the right furniture, you can increase the space not only visually, but also in reality. Freed from unnecessary bulky structures, you can create extra bed for living.

For example, built-in wardrobes are perfect for small rooms. If you have a bed here, then it is better to have a team or a transformer. By the way, transformers perfectly solve problems with a lack of space and space.

No need to clutter up the room with heavy furniture and massive chairs. It is better to make the environment in a minimalist style. Perfect for small high-tech rooms. Glass, chrome, metal - all this allows you to create an airy atmosphere.

Before making drastic changes in the interior, you need to remove all the rubbish and unnecessary things. The room will look much more spacious.

The fewer items, the more free space. Can be compiled rough plan rooms and distribute furniture in it so that it does not clutter up the space.

Interior details

Very much the visual size of the room depends on the illumination and the size of the windows. Big windows increase, small compress. If possible, it is better to make windows without partitions. Solid glass changes perception.

When finishing the floor, it is better to take a uniform coating. Various cubes, diamonds and other decorations on the floor will take up space. Also, do not lay a multi-colored carpet on the floor. Especially if the carpet has a large pattern. The effect will be the same as with a non-uniform floor covering. Linoleum should also not contain explicit drawings.

If the ceiling is too low, then you should not make additional hinged structures such as stretch ceiling. Also, no need to raise the floor. This will lead to a reduction in the space of the room. The color of doors and frames should not stand out too much. It will be great if the doors match the color of the walls.


Do not decorate windows with heavy curtains. They should be light and light. Various decorative elements, lambrequins, complex structures better to remove. If possible, window openings should be widened. When the windows are large, the room looks different. Her space is expanding.

When installing frames, you must choose the classic white color. Bright frames will work against the expansion of space. The same can be said about the bright color of the curtains.

Other ideas

One of interesting ideas, which works great in small spaces, is based on the mirror effect. It is noted that a large mirror on the wall can create the illusion of additional space. This does not mean that you need to install a mirror surface on the entire wall. However, the larger the element, the better.

If desired, you can create several mirror surfaces in the room.

Very often in apartments you can find heavy massive shelves with books. This element must be immediately removed from the premises. Because such shelves not only steal space, but also, time after time, prove how little it is. In small rooms, the owner and his guests will constantly bump into them.

The presence of lamps is good. This is especially true for built-in structures. Such lamps do not interfere and create additional lighting. When choosing furniture, you need to focus on the one that has smoothed rounded shapes. Such structures visually have much smaller dimensions.


A photo

If you are the owner small apartment, you are faced with the question of how to make it more spacious and comfortable. This article will help you understand how to visually expand a room and make it unique. Decide what your room should look like. Create a stylish interior in 2017, based on fashion trends.

Colors that expand space

Pick a color for the walls. If you are a bright girl, sunny will suit you. bright color or creamy white. If you are confident, then light green or blue. If you creative person then pink or purple. Think about the overall picture of your room. Do not forget the colors that expand the space - beige, cream, pood shades.

Think about your interests. Some examples are: music, art, movies, animals, etc. Write this list. This will come in handy for choosing the design of your room. How to visually expand a narrow room - stop at light colors!

Start by moving furniture. Find new good positions and make sure all your favorite furniture will fit. Move only empty tables and drawers, and temporarily put things on the bed. Give away or throw out all unnecessary things to clear the space and free up drawers.

Color scheme for expanding the room

Who wouldn't want to big house with spacious rooms? But often a person cannot afford such a pleasure as buying a large living space, so you have to huddle in small rooms.

But if you look at the situation from a different angle, then you can understand that in fact everything is not so bad, and a small room has its advantages. Firstly, they are easier to clean, secondly, they are cheaper in terms of heating, and thirdly, if you correctly approach the design of the room, then you can create a truly cozy and visually large room.

For creating visual space you can use a simple "deception", the possibilities optical illusions. In order to recreate the visual space, you will need:

  • Wallpaper light, cold or pastel colors.
    Mirrors and lamps.
    Curtains and furniture.

What wallpaper expands the room

For a small room, it is worth giving preference to light colors, it is also strongly recommended to “play” on contrasts. For example, if the room is more elongated and narrow, this option is perfect, how to make long walls in light colors to remove them from each other and expand the space visually.

And those that are smaller, on the contrary, darken in order to bring them closer to each other. Or make a contrast - stick wallpaper with small patterns on one wall, and large ones on the opposite wall. A small pattern on the wallpaper makes the room visually larger.

What wallpaper expands a room with low ceilings? Can be wallpapered with vertical lines. This technique will visually make the ceiling higher. Or paint the ceiling a couple of tones lighter. If you complete the entire room in uniformly light colors, a peculiar, airy atmosphere will be created in it.

Wall mural

Wall murals with a view of a receding forest path, the sea with small boats in the distance, a mountain landscape, etc. will perfectly fit into the interior of a small room. In general, everything that depicts the perspective.
Also, a chic solution would be to choose a photo wallpaper with an enlarged image of something, for example, a shell, some kind of plant, a bird, and so on. The main thing is that the murals should be pasted on a wall that is not crowded with furniture, especially tall ones, because this will spoil the whole effect.


It is advisable to install furniture that is multifunctional, light, using colors to expand the space. An excellent choice would be folding sofa, in which you can fold bedding for a day, and collect it so that it does not take up space. Shelves on the walls can be painted to match the walls themselves. It is strongly recommended that you put things in a closet whenever possible so that they do not clutter up the room.


How to visually expand a narrow room? Curtains, as well as wallpaper, you need to choose light, with small patterns. An excellent option would be to choose longer, slightly lying on the floor curtains. This length will visually make the room taller. You can not use huge curtains, large and heavy curtains, a huge amount of ruffles and bows, because. they create the visual feeling of a small space.


It may sound boring, but it can actually be fun activity if you imagine what your room will look like later. Remove dust, dirt, cobwebs ... Do everything you can.

Put all your books on bookshelves. What about soft toys on the next shelf or on the bed? Organize the room as you wish.

And finally, in the final part, accessories! Create your stylish interior in 2017.

Date: 05/03/2017

Personal territory is important for every living being, and especially for a person. dwelling modern man does not always please with a sufficient number of square meters, but modern designers have come up with a lot of tricks that can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If the repair is already over, but suddenly the thought came that it would be nice to increase living space, this task will cope with the photo wallpaper expanding the space.

These pictures sticking on the wall will visually enlarge even the smallest room, make it brighter and more comfortable. Such finishing material is made using modern technologies. They are durable, decorate the room and make it unique. Benefits when using them:

  • ease of care;
  • do not burn out;
  • fit perfectly into the style of the room and visually enlarge the space.

Wall murals expanding space - long corridor with columns

Photo wallpaper of the pier, in the interior of the dining room.

Wall mural - city streets

Color matters the most

To visually enlarge the room, take into account the colors that prevail in it. Shades should be light and light.

The choice of panoramic wallpapers is taken seriously, because they have psychological impact on the residents. They suggest how this or that image affects the mood of people. Consider in which room it is planned to glue the wallpaper.

It is important to consider how much daylight enters this room. If it is sufficiently illuminated by sunlight, then they select wallpapers that expand the space, which consist of warm colors. The room looks cozy, but it will not give a significant expansion of space. Bright sunlight there will be a distraction.

Cold shades visually expand the room. Good options for panoramic type or photo panels.

If the room is small, it is better to choose a picture where there is a horizon line, a seascape or an image of open doors from which you can see a river or forest.

Volumetric photo wallpapers - interior

Wall mural - interior idea

Wall mural expanding the space for the kitchen

In this case, you can still dream up with flowers: draw attention to where something beautiful is located, and distract from what you should not focus on. For this purpose, bright, eye-catching wallpapers are chosen.

If pastel shades prevail on the finishing material, this will expand the space and bring a spring atmosphere into the room. Positive result give striped wallpaper: both horizontal and vertical lines are suitable. Here you need to take into account that horizontal stripes make the room wider, and vertical ones make it higher.

Objects in an image appear closer if their colors are white, red, or orange. Grey, black and blue items will have the opposite effect.

Interior idea 2017: voluminous photo wallpapers

Wall mural with a light blue tint will create an atmosphere in light room and air. Pieces of furniture, complemented by translucent legs, will only complement this style.

Calmer shades are recommended for the living room. A rich green will do. Its beneficial effect on nervous system. This color relaxes, distracts from everyday problems, tones the body. Such a room is suitable for lunch with guests and for family watching your favorite movies.

Advice! too rich and dark colors it is not advisable to use, they will reduce the space and emphasize the small dimensions of the room.

Wall murals that expand space: something about texture

The image and texture of this type of finish play an important role. There are three types of textures used for photo wallpaper, designed to visually increase the quadrature. A good finishing material with a "linen" texture, it fits the landscapes.

Wall mural interior 2017

Interior idea with photo wallpaper

The "dust" texture gives brightness to the images, and the architecture and flowers look great on the "canvas", especially when combined with the image of a path that slips away into the distance, sea, mountain or ocean.

It is better to refuse pictures depicting closely spaced objects, they visually compress the space. If the items in the image are too large, they will outsize everything else in the room, resulting in a feeling of smallness.

To make the room visually enlarged, you need to combine the wallpaper with background wallpaper. If the "decoration" of the walls is light colors, and the ceiling is dark, the room will look wide, but low. If the owners are satisfied with this, then this option can be easily implemented.

Important! Photowall-paper with perspective is distinguished by the horizon line.

Expanding rooms

3D photo wallpapers with skillful use will make the home more spacious visually. They are used in any room, it is important to choose the right image so that it looks advantageous and matches the style of the decor of this room.

Wall murals that visually enlarge the room

Bamboo trees - photo wallpaper

Rectangular rooms are corrected by sticking a picture wallpaper on narrow wall. The space will visually expand, but if you do the opposite, it will narrow and you will get an elongated corridor. A rectangular room should look square, this will make it more spacious.

Advice! Wallpaper with the image at correct selection able to correct a geometrically irregular room.

Finishing with photographs is appropriate even in the kitchen: because of its expanding capabilities, moisture resistance and long service life. She is not afraid of temperature changes, humidity, she does not need special care.

If the kitchen is large, then you can use this finish on the entire wall, but it is not advisable to cover it with furniture. If it is small, then you can expand the space with a small photo. For visual deception in order to enlarge the kitchen, you need to aesthetically design the apron. This will show that the corner furniture is somewhat deeper than it really is.

Wall mural for the kitchen expanding the space

Wall mural in the living room

Wall mural in a small studio room will expand the space. Even with a small size, such a room with a photo panel looks great.

Wallpaper with a photo will even fit the corridor, they will visually make it wider. This is where the advice above comes in handy.

With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you can choose a brighter wallpaper, but only if the rest of the color scheme is calm. Then only the wallpaper will attract attention.

Effective black and white images. They harmoniously look in the interior, such photos attract the eye.

In no case should you lose sight of the plot. But there is no need to get hung up on a special meaning. The main thing is that they be neutral and driven into the usual boundaries. Choose a sunset or a narrow street to your taste ancient city. It is important that this plot distracts from everyday life and relaxes.

Photo wallpaper with a plot

How to choose wallpaper with perspective

Wallpaper with a photo in 3D format with a perspective, in addition to its main task - to expand the space, will give the room a uniqueness. But the choice of such a finishing material is approached with all caution, it is important to be able to compare the depicted objects with the real ones in this room.

Urban landscapes, in addition to originality, have a strong magnifying effect. For this use open door, from which there is a path to the garden, as well as an open terrace, lake or sea shore. One has only to connect the imagination, and you can get a good design of the room, besides expanding the space.

The picture itself also matters. A tall and narrow pillar on the wallpaper will make the room visually taller. And a long and narrow bridge across the river will shorten the walls.

Wall mural with columns to increase space

Balconies and verandas will visually expand the space, offering views of the big city, the sea or any natural landscape. The room will be brighter with photo wallpapers imitating windows. They can go anywhere - to the yard, to the seashore or garden. The main thing is the illusion of a window.

Aboutpay attention! The image can be dark or bright. In both cases, the window illusion will make the space appear wider.

Where to buy photo wallpaper to expand the space

Finishing materials with photos are ordered from printing companies specializing in the production of such wallpapers. IN outlets such products are rare, because each consumer strives for originality and uniqueness. You can find such an offer on the Internet. Here there are images that change at the request of the client.

Wall mural - lavender field

Wallpaper design idea

Space Expansion

Drawings and photos are combined with objects in the interior of the room. Statues in antique style, paintings of ancient palaces.

Advice! Naturalistic photos are the best option for expanding the space of the room.

Interior designers offer to implement one trick to make the interior look harmonious. If trees are depicted on the wallpaper, then plants are located nearby, if flowers, then pots of flowers will be appropriate nearby, if the sea or river, then an aquarium. An additional effect of enlarging the room can be obtained by hanging mirrors next to the wallpaper-pictures.

Needed for children bold decisions. For an energetic boy, a racing car is suitable, which, with the help of 3D technologies, “breaks out” from the wall. A fairy-tale castle on the wall of her room, floating in the clouds, will suit a young dreamer. Photo wallpapers can reflect all the fantasies and dreams of a child.

Photo wallpaper for little princesses

Photo wallpaper for children

It is better to choose neutral images that fit the design. The owner can redo the repair, buy new furniture, it is important that this picture harmoniously fit into another interior. It is difficult to do this, but the efforts will not be in vain, because photo wallpapers are expensive and changing them every year is expensive. There are many ideas for expanding space with the help of photo wallpaper, what to choose is up to the owner himself.

Before starting work, you need to buy glue and the necessary tools. Before pasting the room with photo wallpaper, you need to completely free the wall from foreign objects that interfere with work. It is necessary to remove everything that overlaps the image. If you do everything diligently and correctly, you can get a result that exceeds all expectations.

Wall murals expanding space: video

Wallpaper expanding space: 40 photo ideas

The key rule is to give preference to cold colors.

Cold tones include: violet, violet-blue, blue, including with green tint, green, yellow-green, as well as pastel shades.
Warm colors are: red-violet, red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow.

Cold gamma should not be too saturated and dark. Interspersed with warm tones are acceptable, but they should be in the minority.

We decorate the walls

  • Wallpaper that visually adds space to the room should be almost smooth, without a pronounced relief.
  • Choose a small wallpaper pattern or the walls can be striped (stripes without pronounced contrast).

The same rule applies to other finishing materials: paint, plaster, etc. Cream-colored Venetian plaster will not only give the desired effect, but will also shimmer beautifully in any light, filling the room with freshness and luxury.

Not everyone prefers an abundance of cold shades of walls, especially in the bedroom. Therefore, they make the most of the visual transformation of space in this way, upwards, in the living room, kitchen, bathroom and hallway.

One more effective method, which designers use - photo wallpapers on one of the walls of the room. The image must necessarily be in perspective - a park alley that goes into the distance or city ​​street, seascape, flower field. For example, if the interior is in Provence style, the kitchen wall can be covered with wallpaper depicting lavender fields.

Floor options

Make the flooring in the dwelling plain and light. The look should not be overloaded with squares, color inserts, decor or rich colors.

  • If you will lay parquet or laminate in a square or rectangular room, stack the modules from the door along or diagonally.
  • If on the walls Venetian plaster, the floor made of stone or light laminate will be harmoniously combined with it.

Give preference to carpets with a tone or a few darker floors, always with a small pile. They can occupy either the main area or cover separate zones: bedside, sofa, dining.

Ceiling Ideas

It is advisable to make the ceiling in a small room white. Ceilings in white or light color suitable for almost all styles and features of the premises, which will also seem more airy, lighter.

Materials for the implementation of the idea may be different:

  • dye,
  • plaster,
  • tension structures.

The latter option gives a beautiful glossy sheen.

A mirrored ceiling will give the desired effect, but not everyone likes such a solution, and it does not suit all styles.

Use stained-glass windows: they can occupy most of the ceiling or be in the form of inserts.

The shape is at your discretion - round, square, rectangular, irregular with smooth corners. The last option is suitable for art nouveau. If the stained-glass window has a large area, the sky can be depicted on it. For small stained-glass windows, a green floral decor on a white background is suitable.

We select furniture

Choose furniture in light colors, close to the color of the walls, but with a slightly different texture. Don't worry that the furniture will blend in with the wall decoration. There is no such effect in small rooms. Moreover, there will be differences in scale and texture.

Folding furniture

For smart apartments and dwellings with a small area, furniture is used that folds and transforms. There are many options for compact and folding sofas, armchairs, soft corners. Furniture decor should not be in abundance, with large carvings. This solution is suitable for large halls in the style of baroque, empire, classic.

Glass tables and mirror cabinets

Tables use glass or mirror small sizes. Cabinets and walls - with closed shelves. After all, they place things that, on public display, will "take away" space. The contents of cabinets should be hidden from view behind mirrored or smooth doors. Do not use whatnots for the same reasons.

Rectangular room

A significant plus if the room is rectangular in shape. Furniture is placed around its perimeter, and the central part remains free. They do the same if the room is square, only in this case there will be less visual space. In a small living room, the table is placed not in the center of the room, but near the wall. In the event of the arrival of guests, it can be situationally placed near the sofa area.

Hanging shelves

Use hanging shelves. If they have a few plants and few things, they can be open. But for storing many things, get closed version. Suspended structures for household items unload the lower part of the room, and therefore increase the area not only visually, but also in fact.

Many people love large double beds, often with a canopy and / or headboard with large carved decor. However, in small bedrooms, such a bed will take up most of the room.

Practical and visual expansion space can be achieved if the bed not big size, and she will stand along near the wall. Then it will not be possible to place cabinets and lamps on both sides, but the room will be much more spacious and comfortable.

IN one-room apartments as bed a small folding sofa is also used, which is easy and without extra effort unfolds. When guests arrive, it is assembled, and the rest of the time, if desired, it is disassembled and covered with a blanket, like a double bed, or assembled.

How to deal with decor?

The main rule is that it does not clutter up the room.

  • Small trinkets arranged in different parts rooms make it cramped.
  • If you like to collect souvenirs from different countries, allocate one place for them on the suspended structure.
  • Bright lampshade, floor lamp with a carved leg or floor vase place closer to the room door.

When a person enters, he first of all looks at the wall opposite the entrance, and then to the sides. If these zones are not cluttered with decor, then the room will appear visually larger!

It is quite acceptable to hang pictures on the walls.

Option 1: composition of medium-sized rectangular images.
Option 2: one rectangular picture larger than average.
Option 3: a composition of narrow-width paintings, the dimensions of which can be 15x60, 30x60.

An important nuance regarding the paintings: the baguette is not wide, light, without an abundance of decor. The frame is one or two shades darker than the wall.

Plants will decorate any interior, and a small room too, if they are small in size. For example, violets, cyclomen, balsam, spathiphyllum. It is advisable to place flowerpots on hanging shelves or windowsill. If you have plenty climbing plant, such as epipremnum, you can make a small rectangular phytopanel. Firstly, it will look original, and secondly, it will not take up much space.

What reduces the space in the room?

  • Large, contrasting patterns.
  • Decorative niches, even medium sizes.
  • Massive furniture, beds and sofas with figured backs and rich carved patterns.
  • Tall cabinets with corner open shelves on which there are many things.
  • Massive curtains, drapery, multi-layered window decorations, multi-layered frills, pelmets and similar items.
  • Large plants: palms, monsteras, ficuses.

How to visually expand the space in a small room?

Consider the premises where it is most often necessary to make the area visually more spacious.


Since many hallways are windowless, make sure the lighting is good, even bright.

  • Spot lamps match with wall lamp, install the LED strip.

Furniture should be the most necessary and functional.

  • Use a special chest of drawers to store shoes and accessories.
  • Put a wardrobe with a mirrored door.

On the walls you can hang a picture narrow in width and a mirror without a massive frame.

  • You can "push" the walls if you put a laminate (parquet) across the room.
  • You can extend the hallway by carrying out the longitudinal installation of modular structures.

Instead of doors to other rooms, make arches or even combine the hallway with the living room. The zoning of the living room from the hallway is done with the help of decoration and furniture.


It will turn out to visually increase the space of the kitchen if the furniture is cold tones with a smooth texture and glossy sheen.

  • Store dishes, small household appliances on the closed shelves, and build large appliances into the kitchen set.
  • Use closed hanging cabinets that can be almost up to the ceiling.

If the color kitchen furniture close to the color of the walls, it will seem less noticeable, and the space will visually expand. Use no more than two bright colors.

  • Instead of a soft corner, use stools.
  • Place a medium sized table against the wall. Well, if it is foldable.
  • A glass table will add space, as it will be visually inconspicuous.

The protruding window sill itself takes up the area. Therefore, you can make lockers under it, unloading the walls, on which, first of all, the eye falls.

A double-leaf refrigerator is not suitable for small spaces.

  • Instead, put a compact model in classic white.
  • Loved by many magnets, will load the eye.

The kitchen is sometimes combined with a balcony, a refrigerator is also placed there. Where the left side of the entrance to the balcony was dismantled, you can make a bar counter and use it as dinner table. Then the area will expand significantly. It is advisable to put a small sofa or a soft corner along the wall; and comfortable, and the kitchen will not seem "empty".


First of all, plumbing and accessories must match the dimensions of the bathroom.

  • If the area is 3 - 4 square meters. m, leave the "body" of the bathroom open, do not tile.
  • The outer walls of the bathroom can be finished with mosaics or painted in a color close to the flooring.

Sometimes washing machine put instead of a sink, such a solution "steals" space. The machine is better built into the kitchen.

Instead of a bath, they put a shower, but not everyone likes this solution.

If it is safe for the construction of the house, the bathroom is combined.

  • Bathing products are placed in closed hanging shelves, leaving only the most necessary in the public domain.
  • Hang a shower curtain in a translucent or light tone.
  • Use reflective surfaces: mirrors, glossy tiles, glossy furniture.
  • Pipes and engineering Communication closed with a box. Open only heated towel rail.
  • To access the pipes make revision windows.

It will turn out to visually increase the space in the bathroom if the strip of walls along the perimeter, bordering the ceiling, is the same color as it. The ceiling will appear higher.

With proper design, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is not critical if you want to visually increase the space. Even a smart apartment will seem spacious and comfortable to live in if you take into account the secrets of designers, which we talked about in today's article.

The problem of narrow and small spaces is familiar to many. And everyone tries to solve it differently. It is especially difficult to select finishing materials, because you never know how harmoniously they will be combined in the interior small room. If you want to make your home cozy, despite the small area, then the best way will choose wallpaper for a small room that visually enlarges the space.

What will make the room bigger?

Small-sized premises are inherent in many Khrushchev apartments. And the conditions do not allow for a satisfactory redevelopment - the amount of space remains the same and it will not work to create an "extension". How to visually enlarge a room? There are several simple ways visually add "air" to the space. First of all, this is the use of curtains and mirrors.

Most the right choice there will be light, light and warm tones translucent curtains. They should be longer than windows and take up space on the floor, thereby giving the illusion of high ceilings.

Mirrors are the most popular and simple technique that needs to be handled with care. An excessive number of mirrors may not enlarge a small room, but, on the contrary, turn it into a matchbox.

For rectangular rooms, it is customary to put a mirror on one of the long sides. Thus, the space of the room is “cut off”, and it takes the form of a square. Usually this problem narrow space found in hallways and corridors.

Save on bathrooms in apartments square meters. Mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces will correct this defect. In the bathroom, it is worth abandoning the frames and using mirrored panels - this creates the effect of freedom. For walls, tiles with a glossy finish are used, the shower is separated glass door, and the ceiling is made mirrored.

We use photo wallpaper

They also resort to photo wallpapers that visually enlarge the room. This is quite a beautiful and effective way. But you should take into account the features of each of the canvases. Not all drawings on the panel will give the desired result.

Space-enhancing wallpapers should contain images that tend to go deeper into the picture:

  • forest path;
  • street in a big city;
  • undersea world.

Another rule is that vertical images optically raise the ceiling.

Selecting and sticking photo wallpapers is a complex process and there are several design secrets that will help you place the panels correctly in a small room:

  • Wallpaper with a perspective should be glued on the wall of the room where there are no windows and doors.
  • You can not obscure or cut the picture with furniture. For a wall with photo wallpaper, a low sofa, table or bed is suitable.
  • How smaller size rooms, the lighter the pattern on the wallpaper should be.
  • For rooms that face the sunny side, cold colors should be selected, and for those in need of light, warm colors are suitable.

Designers also often use backlighting for wallpaper. This method is in place. It is used both in the case of small and with large rooms. For a small one, you should use lamps of small sizes. They can be placed in the eaves, they can “raise” the bedside tables or the bed.

Also, built-in lighting in niches is often used - this helps to achieve the effect of volume and visually add space to the room.

On video: wall murals that expand the space.

Wallpaper colors and patterns

Wallpaper for a small room should be selected taking into account the color and patterns that are located on them. Many people are afraid to combine light walls and furniture for fear that they will merge and the interior will be boring. There are many good examples design using white, gray, beige colors. For a small room, this solution will be the best.

It should be remembered that the furniture should differ in shade - be darker than the wallpaper and the surrounding interior.

It is appropriate to choose cold color options. They work for expansion. The following should be omitted:

  • Contrasts. They visually cut the room into parts. It is appropriate to use them for rooms that are larger in size. For example, for their zoning. For small areas, this method is not suitable.
  • Bright saturated colors. Such a background will visually narrow the room and turn it into boxes.
  • Large and contrast patterns. Their perception in such a room will be impaired, since the overall drawings emphasize a small area, and the brightness exacerbates the situation.

Acceptance of a contrasting wall is allowed. To do this, one side in the room is isolated using a drawing. It's better if they are geometric shapes. What is the feature? The color scheme of this surface should be calm and not very different from the general style. In this way, it will turn out to deceive the eyesight - any person will think that the space is larger than it really is.

There are several rules for decorating walls with wallpaper:

  • Opposite sides can be decorated in the same color scheme, but contrasting them with cold and light shades.
  • How to make long walls shorter? To do this, use wallpaper with a small print, a large pattern is best left for short walls.
  • Diagonal placement of images on wallpaper canvases will also visually stretch the space.
  • The method of different color saturation is also common. To achieve the desired effect, the bottom of the walls is pasted over with darker tones, and light ones are placed on top. This method is ideal for small rooms with low ceilings.
  • Alternation of wallpaper with and without a pattern is also allowed. However, to expand the volume of the room, plain canvases should be bigger size than wallpaper with an ornament.
  • It is recommended to use glossy finishes. They create an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms, since they have the ability to reflect objects in front of them.

Expanding a narrow room

One of the most difficult is the decor of a narrow room. And if there is also little space in it, then you need to carefully select any design. And before starting any action, you should read the advice of professionals on how to visually expand a narrow room.

The main problem of such a room is the range of one of the sides. To approximate it, you can use the following methods:

  • Place a mirror on a long wall. This will visually trim the room and turn the rectangular structure into a square.

  • Use wallpaper in warm colors. By sticking such a coating on the far side, you can slightly reduce the distance.

  • horizontal stripes - they should be narrow and light. So at the same time it turns out to stretch the walls in height and level the room.

  • Contrasts. To create balance in a narrow room, place a different pattern on short walls. One is small and the other is large.

  • Recommended for dark and narrow spaces stick a lighter strip of wallpaper on the one of the walls that is illuminated the least. This will help align the overall design.

Furniture to expand the room

Furnishing small spaces also needs to be taken seriously. The correct choice depends on many factors: color, shape, size and style of an individual element.

Avoid oversized headsets. Huge wardrobes and sofas are out of fashion for a long time. They can be left only because of warm memories. But they can ruin any interior. It is better to turn to stylish and not taking up much space things. They can be easily moved, transported or even hidden in case of a design change. Also very practical are built-in structures or transforming furniture.

Stick. This rule will help get rid of unnecessary things that often clutter up too much space. How less furniture, the more light and freedom will be in the room.

It is important to choose decoration and furniture in a certain style. One of the best options is high-tech. It is intended for young and active people who need functionality and comfort from home. The materials used to create this style are glass and metal. They contribute to the atmosphere of airiness, so they are ideal for small spaces.

You can enlarge the room different ways. It can be wallpaper, materials, furniture and decor elements. However, everyone should know how to use them correctly. Otherwise, a completely different result may turn out and the surrounding interior will become even smaller.
