High-tech bedroom interior. High-tech bedroom

Many people use high-tech style to decorate their bedroom. As contrasting colors, combinations such as white and black, gray and olive, blue and silver, and the like are used. A bedroom in this style is a space with high functionality, where even the fittings on the cabinets are thought out and well-chosen.

Today, each person prefers to relax not just in a room furnished with standard interior items and finishing materials, but in a bedroom that has an original design.

In such a room:

  • Pleasantly located;
  • Relax comfortably;
  • You can enjoy your time.

One of traditional styles bedroom design is considered high-tech, which is great for absolutely any room. It is worth noting that it has unique hallmarks, and therefore it cannot be confused with other styles.

  1. Mirror surfaces.
  2. Chrome fittings.
  3. LED lightening.

Such little things can play a big role in arranging the interior and it is on them that you need to pay great attention when decorating the space.

Those who decide to decorate the bedroom in this particular style will have to face such moments as:

  • Formation of a functional room;
  • The complete absence of the old decor;
  • Presence of glass, plastic and metal surfaces.

In such an interior, the predominance remains behind simple lines, urban features and only modern materials. Naturally, any bedroom will eventually be filled with items such as books, soft pillows, perhaps a dressing table for women, but these are the so-called household items. In general, even the placement of teddy bears will not spoil natural style high tech.

In addition, the high-tech style in the bedroom implies the presence of such structures as:

  • Partition;
  • Sliding door;
  • Roll curtains:
  • An abundance of light, and not only on ceiling covering, but also on the walls, and sometimes on the floor.

As for the colors for decorating the room, you need to choose only those that fully reflect the chosen style. Namely, black, gray, silver, white and metallic. You should not use everything at once, since the gamma should preferably be monophonic in order to maintain the integrity of the composition.

High-tech style features in the bedroom

The high-tech style in the interior of the bedrooms can be varied, in particular, restrained and artsy, with and without decorations.

It is important to choose each element so that it clearly fits into the design of the room, and does not become its place, which not only attracts all the attention, but also proves the complete lack of taste in the household.

A bedroom in this style can be created, like all other interiors, according to the instructions of the designers, but taking into account the features of the room, for example, the shape, size and degree of illumination:

  1. It is imperative to eliminate all unnecessary so that there is no clutter of space. Even if they allow square meters, it is not desirable to fill the room with many, in fact, not necessary items. All this makes the room messy, not neat and certainly not stylish. If a lover of reading lives in a room, then you can replace a huge closet with tons of literature with e-book. A lot of decorative vases and pictures are more suitable for a children's bedroom than for a high-tech room.
  2. Be sure to have multi-level ceilings, equipped not only with spotlights, but also LED backlight. Each level can have a different shade, but the same color.
  3. In high-tech, you need to choose only contrasting colors. The most radical solutions will be just what you need. As a rule, two contrasting colors are chosen, one of which becomes the background, and the other appears in interior items or in textiles.

Hi-tech is distinguished by the fact that weightless zoning is often carried out in it. Visual zoning of a room is not just an opportunity to make the room more original, but also to divide it according to functionality. For example, a place to work and relax or sleep and a dressing room.

High-tech bedrooms: photo

Today, elements of futurism are very often used in high-tech style. How exactly to combine them? The bedroom should have exclusively original interior items that are unlikely to resemble a sleeping room. Most likely, at first glance it will seem that a person has fallen into spaceship or even in a virtual computer game. White and blue tones, rounded corners and silver products. All this will emphasize this idea the best.

High-tech bedrooms will appeal to those who like to keep up with the times, appreciate order and cleanliness and prefer to live in comfort.

This style of bedroom is suitable for young, energetic and purposeful people who prefer to surround themselves with everything stylish and fashionable, and most importantly, practical.

Set in the bedroom in high-tech style

Headsets for high-tech bedrooms are not just furniture, but modern and unusual interior items. Such furniture has significant differences from ordinary products, and therefore, when equipping a room, you must definitely pay attention to them.


  1. The bed should be of a standard geometric shape, but on light, durable chrome legs.
  2. Various modules will look very appropriate. Compact and especially hanging storage systems are perfect for placing right amount small accessories, and such products fit into the interior without any problems.
  3. Despite the fact that a clear geometry should be traced, the interior items in the bedroom can be with bizarre shapes. For example, oval chairs, cube-shaped cabinets and the like will look stylish.
  4. The same can be said about lamps. High-tech bedroom sets often use LED-type backlighting, as well as many recessed spotlights. In general, the room should be well lit and pleasant to stay in. To make it comfortable to move around at night and you can sleep without problems, you need to install special lighting dimmers and dim the light to the desired tone.

Hi-tech is mostly cold colors, even if it is a bedroom. A lot of warm shades will break the composition and ruin it. Even furniture should be in cold colors, in particular in silver, white, light blue.

Modern renovation: high-tech style in the bedroom (video)

Conciseness and composure, compactness and elegance are the main characteristics of high-tech style. Wall decoration in the bedroom can be done with wallpaper and paint, as well as other materials. High-tech style is the most best option for those who like to be fashionable and modern, and most importantly - to live in bright rooms.

High-tech bedroom design (interior photo)

Every home has a place to relax. And quite often it is the bedroom. For its design, there are many styles and design developments. You can make your bedroom in high-tech style. What style is this? High-tech is a design artistic comprehension of progressive modern technologies, an unusual mix of plastic, smooth glass and metal, expressing prestige. It is characterized by restraint of forms and shades, and maximum functionality.

Professional designers easily create beautiful bedroom designs in this avant-garde, ultra-modern style, achieving a feeling of unusual lightness and airiness of the space.

The technogenic style is combined with its functionality. Active young people are delighted with the intriguing reflections of light on glass and metal elements, multi-colored plastic and the latest technology. This industrial aesthetic is characterized by experiments with beams, pipes and cables. This high-tech bedroom design looks very original and unusual.

Distinctive properties of fashionable and prestigious style

Refined people who love elegance and modernity feel great in the atmosphere of the silvery tints of the metal parts of the bedroom. They are calmed by computer music, simplicity of finishing details and a minimum of furniture elements. The complete absence of decorative details is played up by the play of light reflections on glass, metal alloys and polished wood.

A cozy and modern corner of relaxation, located in a high-tech bedroom, is characterized by the predominance of eye-pleasing light shades of silver, strict modern technologies and light pouring from unusual lamps with a metallic tint. The majority of young people prefer just such an environment for relaxation, which gives them pleasure and complete relaxation.

Characteristic materials and color shades

To develop a high-tech style, mainly the latest synthetic materials are used. But in some cases you can use natural wood And brickwork. Wood is usually used for flooring. Synthetics are chosen environmentally friendly to prevent harm to human health. To do this, it undergoes special modern processing.

The surface of all decorative elements, as a rule, is very smooth and subdued shiny. Surface roughness finishing materials excluded. The main tones of the high-tech bedroom are snow-white different shades, silver, gray and classic black. The main condition of the color scheme is uniformity. No patterns, flowers, stains, variegation and pink tones. If desired, in color scheme you can add brightness with red and blue, green and yellow.

Decoration of door and window openings

The interior of the modern style is dominated by geometric shapes, clear lines, rigor and restraint. Blinds are mainly used for windows. different types and roller blinds, perfectly decorating the room. With love for curtains, it is allowed to use only nylon fabrics, nylon and other materials with metal threads.

The design of the doors in the high-tech style bedroom is chosen according to the environment. They can be glass or aluminum, sliding or conventional in a modern aluminum frame.

Wall and ceiling style

Self-leveling floors or monochromatic shiny and smooth tiles fit perfectly into the concept of the overall high-tech bedroom style. The floor covered with mother-of-pearl parquet or wide laminate looks beautiful. The presence of carpets or carpet in the bedroom is a prerequisite.

Glossy options are used in the decoration of the ceiling and walls, visually increasing the space. Stretch ceilings of various designs look great using fittings and pipes with chrome-plated surfaces. They can be multi-level and decorated with numerous plafonds of different sizes. Finishing in the form starry sky also fits into general style high tech bedrooms.

The walls are usually not decorated with anything. They are being painted special paints in white tones. You can forget about wallpaper. IN last resort used shiny plain wallpaper. As decorative elements occasionally use photographs or paintings in black and white format. A wonderful alternative to walls can be the latest developments of sliding screens and partitions made of smooth glass and stylish plastic, functionally saving space. But such elements require significant areas.

High-tech bedroom furniture

The most striking detail in a bedroom that is strict and devoid of unnecessary furniture is the bed. It can be plain burgundy or bright - of blue color. Bed design for fashionable style huge. Modern artists have given free rein to their imagination and created many beds of different geometric shapes. Their legs are different original forms from skids to pedestals and unusual plinths. Beds perfectly replace functional sofas.

For the manufacture of furniture, stainless steel and chrome surfaces, bent pipes and revolving seats, extravagant and unconventional forms are used. The main principle of style is practicality. Based on this, unnecessary furniture details are excluded from the bedroom, the modification of levels and the versatility of all things in the bedroom are used. It is in this style that partitions and screens are very convenient, helping homeowners to model the space themselves and change the layout at their discretion.

Another detail of the high-tech style bedroom interior is a closet. Look great modern wardrobes. They are multifunctional, occupy a minimum useful place and fit perfectly into the created design. glassy and shiny metal elements create a feeling of lightness and spaciousness, as well as perfectly combined with mirrors and multi-level light sources. An aquarium with lighting can be an addition to the bedroom.

High-tech bedrooms photo

Hi-tech will never go out of fashion. Do you know why? Because this style is associated with science and technology - areas that are constantly moving forward. High-tech is changing and updating, but still remains mainstream.

Hi-tech in the interior of the bedroom: style specifics

The rise of hi-tech is a story from the Center Pompidou, built in Paris in 1977… And to recent years, when a single direction split into "bio-tech" and "eco-tech". New trends, unlike hi-tech proper, do not argue, but try to make friends with nature.

Recall briefly: high-tech is the territory of the latest, progressive technologies. Style, in particular, is inherent in:

  • the most relevant, revolutionary materials;
  • excess metal, plastic, glass;
  • crisp, clear, sharp lines, games with geometry;
  • the use of structures as an ornament, and industrial elements (pipes, air ducts, communications) as a decor;
  • dominance of industrial, steel, silver paints;
  • decentered, even lighting;
  • pragmatism and functionality as the basis of planning.

Is it possible to bring this specificity into the holy of holies, namely in the bedroom? Of course yes, if you feel that aloof, discreet, utilitarian high-tech is consistent with your holiday philosophy.

Materials and methods for finishing a high-tech bedroom

Walls- there are two simple, surefire ways to give them the look you want for style. The first is to paint the walls a neutral light grey. The second is to expose them to the fundamental principle, brick or concrete.

It should not be overlooked that hi-tech prefers even, cast and glossy surfaces, so the texture of the walls should be as smooth as possible. So that the room does not end up looking monotonous and lifeless, one of the walls can be accentuated with a large black and white photo - for example, of a city at night.

Wall decoration, however, can be more intricate. Metallized wallpaper with a geometric pattern, glass panels with a simple decor, leather-look vinyl, large mirrors - all this can be integrated into high-tech if we are talking about the bedroom walls.

Ceiling- the first thing that immediately comes to mind is a mounted or tension model.
Classic style - ceiling black and white of two levels with illumination between them. An equally suitable finishing method is a hinged one made of aluminum profile or galvanized steel. Very presentable, for example, will look grillato cassette, consisting not of cells, but of mirror panels.

Prompt. What do you think of the starry sky above your head? The ceiling with this effect was invented by Bill Witherspoon, an artist and entrepreneur. This is a tension structure, consisting of either a photo-printed canvas or fiber optics and LEDs. True, the star atlas above the bed, although fascinating, tires the eyes, so it’s better to limit yourself to a spectacular “night” insert in the center of the ceiling.

But multi-level ceilings is not the only technique characteristic of the style. The ceiling can be covered, for example, with plastic, alternating its plates with metal, glass, chrome plates.

By the way, despite the fact that the favorites of the style are cool, indifferent colors, the ceiling can be made warmer, beige or not. juicy color. This will “warm up” the bedroom, envelop it with a cozy veil.

Floor covered with a polymer mixture, perfectly polished stone slabs, white laminate, silver linoleum ... The main thing is that the floor, firstly, be equipped with a heating system and, secondly, look smooth, like the deck of a spaceship.

If your course is eco-tech or, then it is better to finish the walls, floor and ceiling with polished wood, add bamboo dies or ceramic plates to the interior.

Textile- you can’t do without it even in a “technocratic” room that is stingy with emotions. But here textiles are not in the foreground - the fabrics in the high-tech bedroom are carpet and bed linen.

You do not need to buy a large carpet: you should not hide the immaculately smooth floor characteristic of the style. In this case, the rug can be round, rectangular, oval, with a small or medium pile.
Coatings made of shiny viscose or polypropylene thread with an unevenly cut surface or with a relief non-smooth pattern look original and in tune with the style. Products are both plain and with a pattern typical of the style - in the form of rhythmic prints, abstract stripes and zigzags, graffiti-like inscriptions.

Prompt. Experienced Designers It is advised to use the carpet as a splash of color, which will soften the Nordic character of the style, give the space some kind of lively impulse.
In high-tech bedrooms, skin carpets, natural or artfully stylized, also look good on the floor. Let's say cow or deer.

Curtains for a high-tech bedroom, the object is alien, but if it’s unusual without them, choose plain metallized fabrics or Teflon-impregnated fabric that can hold a given configuration.

Both curtains and high-tech bed linen are devoid of intricate finishes, lambrequins, lace, flounces. The only thing that allows them to differ is the smoothness of the texture or not quite the usual, but geometrically adjusted silhouette.

In hi-tech with a bias in eco-style, woolen shaggy carpets are used, similar to grass cover. And curtains can be lighter, airy and made from natural materials.

High-tech furniture - bedrooms

Bed- it is characterized by ergonomics, laconic outlines, scale and mobility. These are mainly low, wide platforms without backs and legs, which, however, are capable of transformation, because they are equipped with retractable wheels and shelves, sections for storing linen, laptop stands. The style of advanced technology requires that the height of the bed also be easily changed, the level of tilt of the headboard is adjusted.

Prompt. An interesting option– a capsule bed with a set of built-in technical devices including TV. By supplying such a system with lighting, you will get two in one: a place not only to relax, but also to work in comfortable, "bed" conditions.
Furthermore. If there is no constraint on funds, you can order a “smart” bed with built-in gadgets that collect information about the position in which a person is resting and adjusts the mattress to specific body needs.

Chiffoniers in high-tech style conditions, they are most often hidden, recessed in the walls. But we are not talking about banal compartment cabinets with mirrored doors. Such a piece of furniture has become too ordinary, and banality is the enemy of high-tech. The trend is cabinets with hinged, aluminum-finished doors, as well as radius corner wardrobes.

However, do not become a prisoner fashion trends. Choose furniture that will "work", first of all, for functionality and comfort.

Dresser, dressing table, armchair- all this can be smoothly entered into a high-tech bedroom. Look for objects that combine external asceticism with undeniable originality.

For example, a chair can be in the form of a tablet, a cube with a notch, a stool with a back and chrome armrests ... Up to the lodgement (pilot's seat). And the cabinet is in the form of a safe or a prism without legs. Remember that the key to the success of high-tech style is the balance of simplicity and unusualness, clarity and streamlining of the contour.

High-tech bedroom: layout nuances

One of the mistakes that non-professionals often make is to oversimplify high-tech. Having learned that pretentious lines are strictly forbidden, people pick up and group objects so that they form solid and dull parallel lines. But rigor, geometricity does not mean straightness. And it’s even better to be from right angles, otherwise you will not find high-tech, but a primitive surrogate.
The absolute practicality inherent in the style means that the furniture is located where it is easiest to use it. The bed, as a key piece of furniture, is placed in the center. A table, if at all appropriate, is nearby. Often, instead of a table behind the headboard, they put the simplest low shelf for the necessary little things. Indeed, for a hi-tech connoisseur, a bedroom is not a boudoir, but a place where he comes to restore wasted energy.

The role of lighting

Of course, neither a crystal chandelier-flower bed, nor classic sconces with textile floor lamps will be needed. There are two universal options create a lighting scenario in a high-tech bedroom. These are flat techno-lamps, “pressed” into the ceiling and walls, which give an even, confident light. Or hanging string lights on metal brackets. Plafonds of such devices should be exemplary geometric silhouettes or surprise with an unexpected transition from form to form, torn, broken lines.

It may also be useful to have a large floor lamp- in the form of, for example, a honeycomb cube, an elegant sphere on a chrome-plated stand, a shiny cone, a cylinder or a “flying saucer”. In addition, such a floor lamp will fulfill the duties of an art object.

Prompt. Make sure that the fasteners of lighting fixtures are cold metallic shades - chrome, nickel, lead, silver. Bronze and gold can ruin the impassive charisma of style.

Hidden light sources - consider it a hi-tech "chip". They are hidden in ceiling niches, placed at the foot of the bed or along a shelf that serves as a storage system. Hidden LED lamp blue, greenish or lilac glow, as it were, “push apart” the room, divide it into “islands” and enhance the futuristic atmosphere.

Prompt. Give preference to smart lamps with remote control(using a smartphone), brightness and color controls.

have lighting based primarily on functional expediency. Let the basic lighting be provided by lamps on the ceiling, and local lighting by “fireflies” in the area of ​​​​the bed and armchair, near the mirror, the main storage systems. The larger the bedroom, the more light sources you will need.

Color solution

The foundation of high-tech style remains clean, neutral, cool tones. But if you look at the latest catalogs the best interiors, you will see how high-tech has changed. It appeared bright colors- splashes of blue, red, carrot, egg yellow, brown and beige shades.

So is it possible or not to use violent or warm colors in a high-tech setting?

Yes, but scrupulously and dosed. If, for example, the walls are silver-gray, and the bed is white, leather, then the blue rug or yellow armchair will not only not spoil, but will favorably emphasize the strict “dress code” of your bedroom. The main thing is that there should be not just a few items of rich color, but at least one or two, ideally, if the bedroom is large.

Another rule is not to bring pastel, “marshmallow” shades into the atmosphere. White, silver, black, graphite, dark brown, bluish tones, characteristic of high-tech in general, are best “reinforced” with contrasting, saturated colors.

Prompt. If the bedroom has plenty of black, anthracite, gray colors, an object (at least a pillow) of bright red, lemon, canary color will be a great addition. And try to “cheer up” light basic tones with splashes of fuchsia or aqua.

Decor and accessories

Hi-tech does not like "usual" decorations. The place of painting in such an environment is occupied by monitors and screens, and figurines and trinkets are chrome-plated, nickel-plated, glass fixtures and fittings.
However, there are objects that are ready to become related to the ideas of pragmatism, urbanism and futurism.

On the wall, as already mentioned, you can stick a large and expressive black and white photo. Or hang a clock with a puzzle-like dial. And on the table or on the floor, put a glass designer vase of mean, minimalist outlines. The rest of the decor will be a carpet and a bedspread of an alternative color to the walls, ceiling and floor.

The bedroom is one of the main rooms in the house, because it is there that a person spends a lot of time and rests from the hustle and bustle. outside world. This room should be made as comfortable as possible, but at the same time practical. High-tech style perfectly combines these qualities and looks very modern. A high-tech bedroom will be comfortable for relaxation, and its design will distract from pressing problems.

Style features and colors used

High-tech style bedroom design is characterized by a combination of the following characteristics:

  • Technical equipment and urban design
  • Styling and simplicity
  • Clean lines and minimalism
  • Convenience and functionality
  • Versatility and modernity

All these features are shown in the photo:

The main difference of this stylistic direction is conciseness in everything from walls and floors to small accessories. There are no bohemian furniture and curtains with frills - everything is very simple and restrained.

When creating a high-tech bedroom, you need to adhere to the basic design nuances:

High-tech bedroom decoration

If the choice of the owners fell on the high-tech style, then this indicates that a step towards an ultra-modern and technically equipped bedroom has been made. Thanks to the wide range of construction stores, you can choose necessary materials And important elements that will create the right mood and unique style.


The Armstrong ceiling will look especially organic in such a bedroom. It is shown in the photo. This is a suspended structure of fittings and reinforced pipes, fastened with bolts. But you don’t need to be too zealous with such a ceiling, because it should just give a touch of originality and interest, and not recreate the design of a spaceship.

Yet great idea for the high-tech ceiling will become stretch. The coating should have a slightly metallic sheen. Following the installation path stretch ceiling in the bedroom, you can hide all the defects on the existing surface, as well as adjust the parameters of the room. Thanks to the glossy sheen, the ceiling will visually look higher.

Floor and walls

The floors in the bedroom are made out parquet board or a wide laminate of cold shades. The floor should not be unrealistically bright, it is better to stick to discreet tones without frilly texture, as the surface should not attract Special attention. This flooring design is shown in the photo:

You can use linoleum or tiles in high-tech style, but choosing them correctly is much more difficult, so designers do not advise adding them to the style on their own. If there is no way out, and you have to lay linoleum, then its color should not be woody. And before laying the tiles, you need to provide a floor heating system under it, otherwise contact with cold ceramics will not be very pleasant.

A high-tech bedroom requires a responsible approach to wall decoration. As already mentioned, their surface should be perfectly smooth, preferably with a metallic sheen. This can be achieved by painting desired color, but with pre-alignment. Now you can pick up metallic wallpaper, which will also become part of this style in the bedroom.


The design of a high-tech room must be planned and everything you need to pick up in advance, so that later there are no situations in which you have to assemble a bedroom from what is at hand. A prerequisite is minimalism in everything, no need to overload the bedroom with furniture. Since there should be little furniture, and no one has canceled the storage space, it is best to choose functional and practical designs that will save space, but at the same time not feel a lack of storage space.

Ideal furniture will be one that can easily be transformed. Closet is also allowed, but small size and ergonomic design. It is best to get by with just a bed, bedside tables and a wardrobe or chest of drawers. An extra piece of furniture in such a bedroom can easily destroy the whole style.

Another rule is furniture with minimal design and clear lines. None carved handles, painted mirrors on the closet and other elements that are out of place in high-tech.

Lighting and accessories

High-tech style implies bright multi-level lighting, as in the photo. The main source of light should be a chandelier, but the presence additional sources also required. Secondary lamps are located on brackets and other elements that are distinguished by the severity of their forms.

Important! Lamps should emit only daylight color of a cold shade.

Decorating the bedroom with accessories is also important. A simple mirror, photographs in strict frames, a well-equipped aquarium will be appropriate here. Modern technology will become the main accessory of style.

Each person approaches the design of the bedroom with special trepidation. This is a place of solitude, relaxation. It should combine in its atmosphere the energy of peace and comfort.

At the same time, in every detail to match the taste of the owners. People with a subtle sense of style and fans of cutting-edge techniques usually prefer high-tech bedroom design.

This direction is considered the most fashionable, and it prevails in the interior solutions of houses of successful and popular people. High-tech is pronouncedly progressive and gives a special chic modern technologies, elevating them to the rank of high art.

At the same time, the artistic component of the style is emphasized by restrained forms and muted shades. The style is characterized by the use of combinations of plastic and glass; metal also predominates in high-tech interiors.

This combination emphasizes the elitism of the interior and the prestige of people living in such an exclusive.

Expressed technogenicity, functionality and clarity should not confuse those who believe that the bedroom must be behind the scenes and intimate.

Due to the fact that this style visually expands the space, gives it airiness, and saturates its atmosphere with lightness, high-tech bedroom design will give the owners a sense of true freedom and height.

Metallic elements can create an impressive mix of highlights that accentuate the graceful forms of decor and furniture. Such a room is saturated with light, its glow on polished wood and metal details.

And the music pouring from the built-in systems adds a special mood. High-tech is characterized by the predominance of gray. And any fixtures should have a shade of metal.

This is the best fit for the task assigned to modern bedroom. Here they not only sleep, but also relax, rest, retire to meditate.

Style materials

Synthetic materials, necessarily environmentally friendly and specially processed, are preferred for style.

But a high-tech bedroom can have a brick wall. Flooring from wood will fit.

Style colors

High-tech is famous for its smooth, shiny surfaces. Textured and with roughness - not acceptable for this design.

The interior of the high-tech bedroom is performed in any combination of cold colors. It is white, black, grey.

Colors must be monophonic, the style is not characterized by tenderness and softness. They can be diluted in exceptional cases by adding one bright color in one element of decor.

Features of doors and windows

In order to support modern style, windows must be designed in a special way. Curtains in a high-tech bedroom will not work in any way.

Instead, they put any options for blinds or roller blinds. Doors for the bedroom should also correspond to the chosen direction.

Designers prefer to choose strict glass doors. More often sliding, but often there are standard glass doors with aluminum box.

Finishing Features

The floors in the bedroom should also be shiny and exclude catchy multifaceted solutions. Solid color tiles work well here.

You can use a self-leveling floor. If a laminate is chosen, then it should be wide. Parquet will fit into such a bedroom only if it shines with a touch of mother-of-pearl.

The ceiling is made stretch, glossy, plain. It is ideal for high-tech rooms and perfectly expands the space.

High-tech wall decoration is different from others stylistic decisions the fact that no decorations and wallpapers are used here. As soon as wallpaper appears on the wall, there is no more high-tech.

It is very important to focus on existing projects of famous designers. In order not to make a mistake that will derail all efforts, you need to study the photo of a high-tech bedroom and use the experience of professionals.

The walls are simply painted with high quality paint in white or gray tones. Sometimes designers radically expand the space by replacing part of the walls with sliding ones. glass partitions. Only black and white posters are acceptable as decor.


A stylish high-tech bedroom should be as free from classic furniture as possible. The beds have clear forms, instead of legs there can be pipes or other industrial decorating innovations.

High-tech bedroom furniture differs precisely in the material of manufacture. It is often constructed from stainless steel.

Practicality is paramount here. Therefore, built-in cabinets are preferred. It is better if it is a closet with metal or glass elements.

High-tech style in the bedroom can only be puzzling at first glance. Having decided on such a transformation, many subsequently do not hide their delight.

High-tech becomes for them not just an interior solution, but also begins to define their life philosophy.

High-tech style bedroom design photo
