Social qualities of people. Social qualities of the individual, social status and social role

SOCIAL QUALITY - a concept that captures certain socially defined characteristics of the individual, social. groups and classes, inseparable from the mode of existence and activity of the historical. subjects. The very concept of "" in sociology denotes a historically established, socially conditioned typological. unity () individual. Therefore, the individual is the concrete expression of societies. the essence of a person, in a certain way realized in the individual socially significant features and social. relations of this about-va. The term "personality" was formed from the Latin words "persona" (actor's mask, role, position, meaning, face) and "personare" (to speak through). So arr., earlier it denoted a stylized mask of an actor. Therefore, in a certain sense, all people wear "social masks". For many years, people have been learning how to become a person among people, to comply with certain norms, rules, role instructions. In this sense, the word "personality" denotes the totality of such K.s. (expressed in certain stereotypes of behavior), to-rye demonstrates to the "audience". Moreover, if psychologists study the "actor" more in and of itself, i.e. his inner world, then sociologists are interested in the other side - his social, socially conditioned roles in the world of people. So, personality - societies. development, and in this regard, the main thing in it is its social. quality. The personal manifestation of the individual is the social activity carried out by him. activity, i.e., a set of actions in various ways. spheres and at different levels of the organization social (see) about-va. In the process of such activity, each individual pursues certain social. goals and interests, while in order to achieve them, he uses a variety of means - economic, social, political. and ideological. K.s. are not reduced to individual qualities, no matter how complex they may be in themselves. For a psychologist, individuality means a set of physical characteristics inherited and developed in the process of ontogenesis. and psychic. features that distinguish this person from all others. In other words, we are talking about individually unique qualities, but not about K.s. societies. creatures. It is known that the nature of educational activity, that is, the acquisition of new qualities and the development of abilities, genetically goes back to this kind of animal activity. Evolutionary predecessors of K.s. personality - a form of inherited biological. behavior, i.e. such psychological. constructions, to-rye are partially used in the subsequent genesis of the social. These include the need for the animal to stay in a group, the ability to obey the "norms" of behavior, i.e. e. the ability to self-restraint, the transfer of the form of parental relationships to other people's cubs and weak individuals, overcoming "zoopsychological. individualism" under pressure from the needs of the community. Highly developed primates (for example, monkeys), who grew up in isolation from adults and did not adopt the necessary communication experience from them, turn out to be completely unadapted to life in the community of their own kind. However, biogenetic K.s. a person acquired by him in communication with other people and in the process of socialization, with certain "patterns" of the operant behavior of animals, formed as a result of the fusion of hereditary and lifetime properties through the mechanism of immunity, imitation, etc., does not yet indicate about their substantive similarity or identity. No matter how detailed or exhaustive the higher primates are with a human being, and no matter how convincing examples are given to confirm this (say, about the similarity of the tool activity of humans and animals, about the similarity of mediated, ritually stylized forms of behavior, etc.) - all this does not allow explaining a completely new stage of development - the appearance of K.s. person. The natural forces of man, especially the higher forms of the psyche, are filled with social. content only when they begin to perform certain social. functions. Sociology is primarily interested in the personality in the process of its social. activities, to-paradise unfolds in a special coordinate system - soc. relations and social role prescriptions. Hence the need to single out the socially typical, that is, the general quality, repetitive, stable in behavior is different. groups and communities of people - in other words, K.s, characterizing societies. relations and the main trends in their development. Lit .: Formation of a new quality in the development of society. M., 1968; Kharin Yu.A. Categories of social dialectics. M., 1979; Velik A.P. Social movement: phenomena and essence. M., 1982; Dialectics of modern social development. M., 1985; The problem of man in Western philosophy. M., 1988; Frankl V. Man in search of meaning. M., 1990. A.I. Kravchenko

Russian sociological encyclopedia. - M.: NORMA-INFRA-M. G.V. Osipov. 1999

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Fundamentals of the formation of socially significant personality traits in the conditions of modern Russia

1.1. The concept of personality. Its properties and characteristics

The general education school, as one of the main areas of formation and development of the personality, is called upon to form an integral system of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students for the results of their activities, that is, socially significant qualities that determine the modern quality of education. In this regard, the personality-oriented paradigm of education actualizes the task of developing new education technologies that can initiate the process of self-development, self-organization and self-realization of the individual.

At present, in modern society, interest in the problems of the possibilities of the human personality is so great that almost all social sciences turn to this subject of study: the problem of personality is at the center of philosophical, psychological, sociological knowledge; ethics, pedagogy, and other sciences deal with it. In these sciences, there are different approaches to the definition of personality.

Personality - a concept developed to reflect the social nature of a person, considering him as a subject of socio-cultural life, defining him as a carrier of an individual principle, self-revealing in the context of social relations, communication and objective activity .

By "personality" they can understand either a human individual as a subject of relations and conscious activity ("person" - in the broad sense of the word), or a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society or community. I.S. Kohn believes that the concept of personality denotes a human individual as a member of society, generalizes the socially significant features integrated in it. .

In the early Christian period, the great Cappadocians (primarily Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory the Theologian) identified the concepts of “hypostasis” and “person” (before them, the concept of “person” in theology and philosophy was descriptive, they could be called the mask of an actor or the legal role that a person performed) . The consequence of this identification was the emergence of a new concept of "personality", previously unknown in the ancient world. .

YES. Belukhin gives the following definition: personality is a stable system of individual socially significant traits of a person. He believes that the key word in the definition is the social significance of human traits. This implies the almost constant inclusion of a person in communities like him, where people are not free from each other. A person influences other people, and they influence him. Each person is directly dependent on the society in which he lives. Thus, socially significant traits are traits that are formed in society and are necessary for a person to live in it. .

L.I. Bozhovich believed that a person who is a person is able to control his behavior and activities, and to a certain extent, his mental development. In such a person, all mental processes and functions, all qualities and properties acquire a certain structure. The center of this structure is the motivational sphere, in which there is a hierarchy in one specific sense, namely, if a person is able to overcome his own immediate urges for the sake of something else, then the subject is capable of mediated behavior. Leading motives are socially significant, that is, they are social in origin and meaning. They are given by society, brought up in a person. The set of stable motives that organize the activity of the individual as a whole can be called the orientation of the individual, which is characterized, ultimately, by the worldview of a person. .

Defining personality, S.L. Rubinshtein wrote: “Out of the whole variety of human properties, those that determine the socially significant behavior of a person are usually singled out as personal properties. The main place, therefore, in it is occupied by the system of motives and tasks that a person sets for himself, the properties of his character that determine the actions of people (that is, those of their actions that realize or express the relationship of a person to other people), and the ability of a person, that is properties that make it suitable for historically established forms of socially useful activity"

A.V. Petrovsky writes that, being born as an individual, a person is included in the system of social relationships and processes, as a result of which he acquires a special social quality - he becomes a personality. This happens because a person, being included in the system of social relations, acts as a subject - a carrier of consciousness, which is formed and developed in the process of activity. Individual, personality, individuality. The fact of belonging to the human race is fixed in the concept of the individual. We can call an individual both an adult, a normal person, and a newborn, and an idiot who is not able to learn the language and the simplest skills. However, only the first of them is a personality, i.e. a social being included in social relations and being a figure in social development. Being born as an individual, a person becomes a personality, and this process has a historical character. Even in early childhood, the individual is included in a certain historically established system of social relations, which he finds already ready. The further development of a person within a social group creates such an interweaving of relationships that forms him as a person.

Personality is a characteristic of a person as a whole, it manifests itself in all types of his activities. That is why A.N. Leontiev said that the activity approach to the analysis of the human psyche is at the same time a personal approach. Conversely, a personal approach is at the same time an activity one. At the same time, personality characterizes a person only from one side: his involvement in social relations, his orientation, which is determined by the leading motives of activity and behavior. The orientation of the personality can be social or egoistic. In some cases, public and personal interests may coincide, in others, an egoistic orientation may harm other people, society as a whole. .

To socially significant qualities, according to S.L. Rubinstein, we can attribute the system of motives and tasks (orientation) that a person sets for himself, the properties of his character that determine the actions of people (that is, those of their actions that realize or express the relationship of a person to other people), and the ability of a person, that is, properties, making it suitable for historically established forms of socially useful activity.

In pedagogical research, socially significant qualities are interpreted as qualities that allow a person to live in existing socio-cultural conditions (I.O. Gaponov, T.A. Burtseva, N.B. Russkikh, etc.).

Socially significant qualities are thus formed and developed in society and are conditioned by this society.

Thus, we can conclude that a lot of scientific theories are devoted to the human personality, and every day it attracts more and more new specialists and researchers. In sociology, the most important problem is the question of the place and role of man in society, in the emergence, reproduction and change of him as a person, that is, as a subject of social action. Undoubtedly, education in schools should allow the child to develop as individuals, put forward their theories and ideas, and the role of the teacher to guide and suggest how to act or what decision to make. So, all of the above allows us to conclude that among people there are as many unique beings, as many “personalities”, as many unique external appearances. The word "personality" carries the following thesis, as it were: the individuality of a person, his uniqueness is associated with his individual external face, appearance .

To understand the foundations on which certain properties of a person are formed, it is necessary to consider her life in society, her movement in the system of social relations. These relations are expressed, first of all, in what communities, due to what objective reasons, this or that particular individual is included in the process of life. Ultimately, his personal properties are formed and developed depending on his belonging to a certain class, nation, ethnic group, professional category, family, education in a school (both secondary and higher) of a certain type; membership in public and political organizations.

It must be answered that not the last role, and perhaps one of the first, in the formation and development of a person as a person is played by the school.

The general education school, as one of the main areas of formation and development of the personality, is called upon to form an integral system of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students for the results of their activities, that is, socially significant qualities that determine the modern quality of education.

Abushenko VL Personality // The latest philosophical dictionary / Comp. A. A. Gritsanov. - Mn.: Ed. V. M. Skakun, 1998

YES. Belukhin Pedagogical Ethics: Desirable and Real. / Analysis of the essence and content of generally accepted concepts of pedagogical ethics

As a person, a person is characterized by the level of development of his consciousness, the correlation of his consciousness with social consciousness, which, in turn, is determined by the level of development of a given society. In the properties of the personality, the possibilities of this person to participate in social relations are manifested..

The totality of personality traits - temperament, abilities, character

The totality of mental properties forms mental warehouse of personality. The structure of the mental properties of a person

The following can be distinguished as relatively independent components of the personality structure (its substructures):

1) dynamics her mental processes - temperament;

Temperament - a set of typological features of a person, manifested in the dynamics of his mental processes: in the speed and strength of his reactions, in the emotional tone of his life.

Various combinations of these properties form the following four types of higher nervous activity:

I. Strong, balanced (the process of excitation is balanced with the process of inhibition), mobile (the processes of excitation and inhibition easily replace each other). This type of higher nervous activity corresponds to sanguine temperament.

II. Strong, unbalanced (the process of excitation prevails over the process of inhibition), mobile. This type of higher nervous activity corresponds to the choleric temperament.

III. Strong, balanced, inert (the processes of excitation and inhibition are not very mobile). This type of higher nervous activity corresponds to phlegmatic temperament.

IV. Weak (the nervous system cannot withstand a large and prolonged load), unbalanced, inert. This type of higher nervous activity corresponds to melancholy temperament.

Along with the totality of the properties of nervous activity that determine one or another temperament, the following mental features can be distinguished, which in various combinations are included in the corresponding temperament.

1. Speed ​​and intensity of mental processes, mental activity.

2. The predominant subordination of behavior to external impressions - extraversion or its predominant subordination to the inner world of a person, his feelings, ideas - introversion.

3. Adaptability, plasticity, adaptability to external changing conditions, mobility of stereotypes. (Reduced adaptability, inflexibility - rigidity).

4. Sensitivity, sensitivity, emotional excitability and strength of emotions, emotional stability.

Types of temperament:

Sanguine temperament. The sanguine person is distinguished by easy adaptability to changing living conditions, increased contact with people around him, and sociability. Feelings of a sanguine person easily arise and quickly change. A sanguine person quickly forms temporary connections, his stereotypes are quite mobile. In a new environment, he does not feel constraint, is capable of quickly switching attention and activity. People with a sanguine temperament are most suitable for activities that require quick reactions, significant efforts, and distribution of attention.

choleric temperament. The choleric person is characterized by increased emotional reactivity, fast pace and sharpness in movements, great energy and straightforwardness in relationships. The increased excitability of a choleric person under adverse conditions can become the basis of irascibility and even aggressiveness.

With the appropriate motivation, the choleric is able to overcome significant difficulties, to give himself to business with great passion. It is characterized by a sharp change of mood. A person with a choleric temperament achieves the greatest effectiveness in activities that require increased reactivity and a significant one-time effort.

Phlegmatic temperament. The reactions of the phlegmatic are somewhat slowed down, the mood is stable. The emotional sphere is outwardly little expressed. In difficult life situations, the phlegmatic person remains quite calm and restrained, does not allow impulsive, jerky movements, since the processes of inhibition in him always balance the process of excitation. Correctly calculating his strength, the phlegmatic shows great perseverance in bringing the matter to the end. Switching attention and activity is somewhat slow. His stereotypes are inactive and behavior in some cases is not flexible enough. The phlegmatic achieves the greatest success in those activities that require a uniform exertion of strength, perseverance, stability of attention and great patience.

Melancholic temperament. The melancholic is characterized by increased vulnerability, a tendency to deep feelings even about minor events. His feelings arise easily, are poorly restrained, outwardly distinctly expressed. Strong external influences hinder its activity. He is introverted, withdrawn, refrains from contact with strangers, avoids new surroundings. Under certain conditions of life, shyness, timidity, indecision and even cowardice are easily formed in him. In a favorable stable environment, a melancholic can achieve significant success in activities that require increased sensitivity and reactivity.

Thus, temperament is an individually peculiar set of naturally conditioned mental characteristics of an individual. These features include: general neuropsychic activity - intensity, tension, pace and rhythm of reactions, actions, features of their growth and decay, which are manifested in the motor, intellectual and communicative spheres of the individual; emotional organization of the individual - excitability, reactivity, stability, controllability of emotions.

Temperament determines only the dynamic features of the ways of activity and behavior.

2) mental opportunities personality, in certain types of activity - abilities;

Ability - a set of innate anatomical, physiological and acquired regulatory properties that determine a person's capabilities in a particular type of activity.

Abilities are the functional integration of such personality traits that are most necessary for the performance of this type of activity. Abilities are a measure of the correspondence of personality properties to the requirements of a particular activity. Each activity imposes a set of requirements on the physical and mental capabilities of a person.

There are general abilities that are inherent in one way or another to all people, that is, such properties of people that are necessary for all types of activity: in work, in knowledge, communication, etc.

General abilities are divided into complex ones - the ability to assimilate new knowledge, observation, the general level of intellectual development, etc., and elementary ones - the ability to mentally reflect reality, the necessary level of development of perception, memory, thinking, will, etc.

The main individual personality traits associated with special abilities.

Psychomotor organization of personality- features of mental regulation of movements; they are manifested in the trajectory, speed, pace and strength of movements, in their freedom or tension. The sharpness of a person's movements makes it difficult for him to master those professions that require accuracy of movements, and insufficient coordination of movements makes it difficult to work in the field of gymnastics, choreography, etc.

Sensory organization of personality- the level of development of the sensitivity of various analyzers characteristic of a person and their integration into a sensory system.

The sensitivity of the analyzers varies significantly depending on the content of the activity (sensitization). Thus, experienced grinders are able to see gaps of 0.05 mm, while all other people see gaps of only 0.1 mm. Steelmakers with extensive experience determine its temperature and the presence of certain impurities in it by the barely noticeable light shades of molten steel. Artists are able to see the difference in the size of two objects even when they differ by one hundredth.

Perceptual organization of personality- individual features of perception (analytical or synthetic type).

People with an analytical type of perception tend to highlight, first of all, details, particulars, details. They sometimes have a somewhat difficult understanding of the phenomenon as a whole.

People with a synthetic type of perception are prone to a generalized reflection of objects and phenomena without a clear isolation of details and individual elements.

It is also possible to single out an emotional type of perception, which is characterized by a concentration of attention not so much on the object of perception as on the experiences caused by this object. It is also essential such a quality of personality as observation, especially for the profession of a lawyer.

Mnemic organization of personality- the predominant development of certain types and qualities of memory. For example, philosophers, mathematicians, etc. logical memory is more developed, for artists - emotional and figurative, for composers - auditory.

Intellectual organization of personality - individual features of thinking: 1) consistency and conclusiveness of thinking; 2) the ability to generalize factual material; 3) the ability to correlate the conditions of the problem with the available data, to determine the missing links and the sequence of tasks in solving a particular problem; 4) establishing essential links between phenomena and clearly separating them from non-essential random connections; 5) the ability to abandon the prevailing patterns of thinking, to show the flexibility of the mind, to find a new point of view on certain circumstances.

The emotional sphere of the personality - emotional reactivity, excitability, the degree of influence of emotions on other mental processes - emotional stability, sthenic or asthenic nature of emotions.

Each person has his own sphere of the most pleasant experiences for him 1 . This determines the type of emotional orientation of the individual. In the emotional sphere of a person, aspirations for pleasure, for cognitive emotions, for aesthetic pleasure, for emotions associated with practical activities or the fulfillment of a moral duty, as well as such typical states as cheerfulness, anxiety, aggressiveness, etc., can prevail.

Volitional sphere of personality characterized by such properties as willpower - the ability to make the necessary volitional efforts, tensions, willpower, the ability to perform repeated volitional acts, independence or suggestibility, as well as decisiveness - the ability to quickly assess the situation and make specific decisions.

The volitional qualities of a person, being character traits, are directly related to the abilities of the individual.

The development of individual general abilities creates an opportunity for the formation of special abilities. But each person has abilities inherent only to him in certain types of activity and at the same time a certain incapacity for other types of activity, that is, such properties that are unfavorable for certain types of activity.

The set of abilities that determines the successful activity of a person in broad areas of activity is called giftedness.

A high ability for a specific type of activity in which a person achieves great creative results is called talent. Unique abilities that allow you to achieve outstanding results, which are the achievements of the era, are called genius.

3) appearing in the corresponding generalized ways of behaving, orientation determines the nature of the individual.

Character - acquired in specific social conditions, the general ways of interaction of the individual with the environment, constituting the type of her life activity.

The originality of the character of each person is determined by his orientation (sustainable motivational sphere of the personality) and the peculiarities of the implementation of activities - volitional qualities.

Character is an individual typological combination of value orientations and regulatory features of the personality.

Character traits and types of characters differ.

Character traits are expressed in certain general features of behavior, and the type of character is expressed in general ways of interacting with the environment. Diverse character traits are combined into the following groups.

1. Strong-willed character traits- stable individual typological features of conscious, conceptually mediated regulation of activity and behavior. These include: focus, independence, determination, perseverance, etc.

Purposefulness- the ability to bring to the fore those motives of behavior that are associated with the basic principles and goals of the individual.

The promotion of the main goal in a certain period of life and the subordination of one's behavior to it is purposefulness.

Independence- the ability to subordinate behavior to one's own views, principles and beliefs, this is relative independence from the diversity of requirements of various small groups; critical evaluation of advice and guidance. This character trait should not be confused negativism- counteraction to any influence emanating from other people. The tendency to unreasonably resist any influences, as well as increased suggestibility, is a sign of weak will.

Independence implies initiative in setting goals, finding ways and means to achieve them.

Independence also implies an increased activity of the individual, which should not be confused with fussiness, when the increased expressiveness of the individual, verbosity, and excessive mobility hide the vacuity of behavior. If activity is the need to carry out actions that are necessary at the moment, then fussiness is inappropriate activity.

Determination- the ability in difficult, conflict circumstances to make a reasonable, sustainable decision in a timely manner and enforce it. The opposite negative quality is indecision, which manifests itself in excessive hesitation, in delaying the decision-making or in excessive haste of the decision, when a person seeks to avoid the tension associated with the struggle of motives.

Decisiveness is also manifested in the ability of a person to stop performing an action when the situation changes, when it ceases to be appropriate. Decisiveness is associated with a person's confidence, with the presence of a stable orientation base.

persistence- the ability to achieve the goal through overcoming significant difficulties, endurance to moral and physical stress, persistent attitude to failures and even defeats, persistent search for new means to achieve the previously set goal. In many cases, perseverance is associated with tolerance, the patience of a person - the ability of a long-term opposition to adverse influences and opposition from other people.

Endurance and self-control- the ability to control one's behavior in difficult conflict conditions, the ability to refrain from unnecessary actions, restrain one's emotions and feelings, prevent impulsive actions, regulate one's mood, not lose one's presence of mind in difficult and even dangerous situations, endure hardships, failures, physical suffering . This quality is essential for high moral behavior.

Courage- ability to self-control in dangerous situations, readiness and ability to achieve goals, despite the danger,

Courage- the ability to show courage in extremely life-threatening conditions, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of achieving high goals. Opposite negative qualities are cowardice, cowardice - hypertrophied fear for one's life and well-being, disregard for principles and moral feelings in dangerous situations.

Discipline- the ability to subordinate behavior to the rules, norms, requirements of society as a whole and individual social groups; the ability to exert great effort to best meet these requirements.

A different combination of volitional qualities determines strong-willed temperament personality. The main features of the strong-willed personality are:

wholeness character - the stability of the positions and views of the individual in various situations, the consistency of words and deeds;

force character - ergicity (energy and endurance) of a person, his ability to long-term stress, to overcome difficulties in stressful situations;

hardness character - strength of character combined with integrity;

equilibrium- the optimal ratio of activity and restraint, evenness of behavior, the use of all their capabilities in any conditions.

2. Emotional character traits- stable individual-typological features of direct, spontaneous regulation of behavior.

According to the emotional qualities, natures differ: emotionally impressionable(increased emotional reactivity), sentimental(increased passive-contemplative emotionality), passionate, expressive (increased emotionality associated with violent, rapid activity), unemotional(emotions do not play a significant role in activity).

The most important emotional feature is the prevailing mood of a person, his emotional stability,

Along with emotions, personality traits are determined by the characteristics of feelings. The breadth and depth of stable feelings, their effectiveness and harmonious combination with the intellectual and volitional spheres are the most important characterological feature of a person.

3. Intellectual Traits- stable individual typological features of mental abilities.

Intellectual qualities distinguish between natures with a theoretical or practical mindset, with varying degrees of flexibility and depth of intellect, the speed of thought processes, with different abilities for creative transformation of elements of experience; independence in posing and solving new problems. Among the qualities that characterize the intellectual warehouse of a person, there are productivity mind, his originality, clarity and others, that is, general intellectual giftedness, possession of generalized ways of thinking, as well as sustainable intellectual orientation personalities - curiosity, prudence, thoughtfulness and etc.

Intellectual character traits, as well as his volitional and emotional qualities, are formed on the basis of his predominant interactions with the environment.

The same qualities of character in different people manifest themselves in a peculiar way. It depends on the type of higher nervous activity, temperament, biological characteristics of the organism, on the state of the nervous system, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, age, etc.

A character consists of two groups of properties - motivational and performing. Sustainable motivational properties, that is, the orientation of the individual, are an indicator of the level of development of the individual. This area of ​​personality is most associated with intellect, emotions and feelings.

The performing sphere of the personality - the features of its conscious self-regulation, are determined by the volitional qualities of the personality. But various volitional qualities of a person can be developed to an unequal degree. So, a great strength of character can be combined with some of his imbalance, firmness of character - with his lack of purposefulness, etc. It depends on the circumstances of life, on the requirements that were mainly presented to a person on his life path.

Along with individual character traits, one can single out a general way of adapting a person to reality - a type of human character. When determining the type of character, that essentially common in the characters of individual groups of people is distinguished, which determines the style of their life, the way of adaptation to the environment.

Character types:

1. Harmoniously holistic type well adaptable to different situations. This type of character is distinguished by the stability of relationships and at the same time high adaptability to the environment. A person with this type of character has no internal conflicts, his desires coincide with what he does. This is a sociable, strong-willed, principled person.

2. Internally conflicting type, but externally consistent with the environment. This type of character is distinguished by the inconsistency between internal urges and external behavior, which, in accordance with the requirements of the environment, is carried out with great tension.

A person with this type of character is prone to impulsive actions, but these actions are constantly restrained by volitional efforts. The system of his relations is stable, communicative properties are quite developed.

3. Conflict type with reduced adaptation. This type of character is characterized by conflict between emotional urges and social obligations, impulsiveness, the predominance of negative emotions, and underdevelopment of communicative properties.

4. Variable type, adapting to any conditions as a result of the instability of positions, unscrupulousness. This type of character indicates a low level of personality development, the absence of a stable general way of behavior. Spinelessness, constant adaptability to external circumstances is a surrogate for the plasticity of behavior; it should not be confused with genuine plasticity of behavior, with the ability to take into account circumstances in order to achieve one's main goals, while not deviating from socially positive norms and requirements.

4) orientation personality - its characteristic needs, motives, feelings, interests, assessments, likes and dislikes, ideals and worldview

Need - the need to equalize deviations from the parameters of life that are optimal for a person as a biological being, individual and personality.

Needs determine orientation the psyche of a given person, its increased excitability to certain aspects of reality.

Needs are divided into natural and cultural. Cultural needs are divided into material, material and spiritual(books, art objects, etc.) and spiritual. Human needs are socially determined. Depending on the range of social requirements these needs are associated with, their different levels differ.

Human needs are hierarchized, i.e. organized in a specific subordinate scheme. The hierarchy of individual needs is the main distinguishing feature of the personality - its orientation. But despite the significant variety of individual needs of the individual, it is possible to isolate the basic scheme of personal needs.

The need for self-realization

Man is a social being. A person's ability to adapt socially in society shows his achievements not only in his career, but also in his personal life. Therefore, personal social qualities directly affect the adaptation of a person in society.
The concept of personality is necessary to focus on the social essence of a person and an individual. A person is not born, they become one in society when interacting with new people by acquiring various social characteristics. Thus, there are both hereditary and qualities formed over time that characterize the personality. From this it follows that a person can have many different qualities, but the social qualities of a person should be understood as those that contribute to the achievement of socially great goals.
Social qualities that are important for a person: self-awareness, activity, interests, confidence, the presence of a goal in life, and some others. One of the most important social qualities of a person is self-awareness. It includes the acceptance of oneself and people as they are in essence, it is the ability to rely not on other people, but only on one's own experience, the ability to objectively evaluate life situations, rely only on oneself in any cases. This also includes the acceptance of condemnation, the ability to overcome obstacles, making less effort to achieve the goals.
Activity - the ability to develop a socially significant activity, expressed in interaction with other people.
Interests are an irreplaceable source of activity, built on needs.
Confidence is the ability to resist pressure and take risks.
The presence of life goals and the desire to realize them is the most important characteristic of a formed personality.
We see that all social qualities are closely connected and form a certain commonality among themselves. The formation and development of these personality traits is a complex and rather lengthy operation. A person achieves personal adulthood only by being mature. But these qualities are formed very early, representing a qualitative feature at each age level.
It must be understood that the social qualities of a person are not transmitted genetically, but by inheritance. The device of personality enables a person to play an unambiguous role in society and occupy a certain social position. The social qualities of a person change, because the social environment of a person is also constantly changing. There are factors of socialization, the value of which remains throughout a person's life: nationality, mentality, state structure. There are other factors that are not so stable in influencing a person: family, peers, educational institutions and production organizations, attitudes towards different subcultures. They can change throughout life.
