Dream Interpretation: why do little kittens dream in a dream? The meaning of sleep for a girl, woman, man. Dream Interpretation why little kittens dream

Beautiful and white kittens, dreamed by a woman, warn her. In reality, the dreamer needs to be very careful, because enemies and envious people will try to deceive her into their spread networks. Here Gustav Miller recommends relying only on your own intuition and common sense.

If the kittens in a dream are dirty, skinny or multi-colored, in reality the dreamers may become a victim of their own negligence. In general, Miller is sure that any dreams with kittens are a bad sign that speaks of impending difficulties in life. Change of professional activity is possible.

Why do kittens dream? Modern dream book

If red kittens, cash receipts are coming in reality. A white kitten portends an unexpected turn in life or bad news. To see a gray kitten in a dream - to the daily chores of the house. In principle, this dream does not bode well, since chores in life are a common thing. It is curious that a favorable dream is one in which black kittens can be observed.

Aesop's dream book: kittens

Dreams in which you can see a cat with kittens promise unexpected and big problems with children. Perhaps some hidden secret of the child will soon be revealed, which will bring disappointment and discord into the family. If in a dream a kitten runs away from a dog, climbing a tree, in reality the dreamer should be extremely careful. If a kitten, seeing an evil dog, stealthily runs to the roof of the house, in real life the dreamer should beware of the dangers and tricks prepared by his envious people.

Dreamed of kittens. Interpretation of Felomen

Kittens in a dream are a symbol of loneliness, depression and indifference from the people around them. A man playing in a dream with a kitten that scratches and tries to bite portends unpleasant news: the second half of the dreamer has an evil disposition and a terrible character. She is not who she claims to be at all. White fluffy kittens seen in a dream advise you to be on your guard in relationships with this or that person.

Flea kittens in a dream speak of a strange situation in the professional field: the fact is that in reality only the dreamer will be satisfied with the result of his work, his other colleagues will feel disappointment and resentment. Dreaming blind kittens speak of the significance of the dreamer in the professional field. To receive a kitten as a gift in a dream means to suffer certain losses from a stranger.

In real life, a cute and fluffy kitten always evokes affection. But, unfortunately, in dreams such woolen balls are in most cases a negative symbol. Therefore, you need to know what the kitten is dreaming of in order to be able to minimize the negative that they warn about.

Of course, there are a lot of dream plots in which kittens can be seen. Therefore, it is very difficult to interpret night dreams with kittens. For a correct decoding, you need to try to remember the smallest details of sleep, starting from how the kitten looked and ending with what he did.

Equally important for the correct decoding of sleep with a kitten is the color of its fur. As you know, the color in a dream can indicate the direction of certain events, as well as how much they can be controlled.

Kittens in a dream

Kittens in a dream men and women

First, we note why kittens are removed for men and women:

    A woman dreamed of kittens - in real life a heap of minor troubles will arise; A man dreamed of kittens - you will have to go into debt.

Dreamed of a lot of kittens

When a lot of kittens dream, in any case, you need to prepare for an unpleasant fuss in real life, but you can interpret the dream more deeply only by analyzing the dream environment.


    Sleeping kittens mean that the problems will not be obvious, and maybe you will be able to recognize them already when it is too late to do something. Running, noisily playing kittens indicate that someone from your inner circle has conceived intrigues against you. If you managed to drive away the kittens, then this means that the truth will prevail, and you will win.

Quite often the question arises of why a gray kitten is dreaming. It should be understood that the gray color rarely evokes positive emotions in anyone. Therefore, a similar color of a kitten is always interpreted with a negative bias. As a rule, a dream in which a gray kitten appeared portends a large number of minor troubles in reality that can cause depression in a person.

When a gray kitten dreams, then it may in reality portend the following:

    If the kitten has blue eyes, and he behaves very restlessly, then you should postpone all important things for a while, as they will not be successful due to the prevailing external conditions. When you carry a kitten in your arms in a dream, then in reality you should expect family troubles. When a kitten attacks you, then beware of enemies. It is especially bad if, according to the plot of the dream, you cannot drive the kitten away from you. If you killed the kitten, it means that in real life you will be able to quickly and successfully solve all problems. See a dirty and exhausted kitten - expect deception in life. Also, such a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of the development of a seasonal disease.

In addition, when a gray kitten appears in a dream in passing and the dreamer's attention is not focused on it, this symbolizes gray everyday life. There comes a period of life when one should not expect any interesting events, a person will plunge into a routine and wallow in boredom.

If you saw a white kitten in a dream, then be sure to ask what the white kitten is dreaming of. This is a very good omen, especially if, according to the plot of the dream, you have to hold a white fluffy lump in your hands. Such night dreams give hope for positive life changes. And, whatever happens in real life now, soon everything will turn for the better.

When a woman dreams of a white kitten, this is a warning that many minor troubles can fall on her. There is a high probability that she will be deceived by close people whom she trusts. Due to the fact that a whole series of failures will follow in reality, it will be very difficult to deal with them. It will be possible to do this only if the dreamer mobilizes all her will. It should be remembered that the intervention of other people in the current situation can only harm. Therefore, you will have to solve problems yourself.

If in a dream a kitten was dreaming that caresses you, then most likely one of your loved ones needs your help. This interpretation takes on urgency if the kitten was injured. Remember that if you do not immediately rush to help, you may lose someone close to you.

If the dreamer's attention is not focused on the white kitten, but he simply appears in the general plot of the dream, he is a harbinger of a new acquaintance. Maybe in real life you will meet a person who will become your reliable friend. There is also a possibility that a new acquaintance will be the beginning of a romantic relationship.

Black kitten - interpretation of sleep

A black kitten in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. In dream books, there are a lot of interpretations of the appearance of black fluffy lumps in night dreams. Therefore, you need not only to know what the black kitten is dreaming of, but to intuitively connect such a dream with events taking place in real life.

To correctly decipher the dream, you need to consider who is dreaming of a black kitten:

    For a woman, such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal of a loved one in reality or a big conflict for other reasons. Most likely, the crisis in relations has been brewing for a very long time. If a woman truly values ​​her chosen one, then she needs to show wisdom and avoid any conflicts. It will take time to rethink the relationship in order to save them. For a man, such a dream is also a reason to suspect his beloved of treason. But it should be remembered that this is just a suspicion, so you need to be decisive and find out all the questions with your chosen one in an open and honest conversation.

Dreamed of kittens of other colors

When a red kitten dreams, this portends squabbles and intrigues in reality. A waking dreamer can plunge into deception. But in order to more accurately understand what can happen after a dream in which a kitten appeared, you need to remember all the details of the plot of night dreams.

    A thin and dirty kitten portends the receipt of sad news from afar regarding the dreamer's relatives. A cheerful playful kitten indicates that fate has prepared serious trials for the dreamer that will need to be honorably endured. indicates that you will be able to gradually resolve all problems and build relationships with a partner.

Kittens of other colors indicate the following:

    A striped kitten focuses the dreamer's attention on the fact that life consists of white and black stripes. Therefore, one should not be upset because of failures, because after them success will surely come. The tricolor kitten symbolizes the dreamer's catastrophic lack of free time. The events that take place during this life period will be neither sad nor joyful for the dreamer. Most likely, he will be completely absorbed by the routine, from which it will simply be impossible to brush aside.

Little kitten in a dream

If a small kitten, a newly born kitten, is dreaming, this means that the dreamer will have minor troubles and squabbles with colleagues at work. As a rule, such troubles are exhausting and negatively affect health. You need to try to control yourself and not worry about trifles. Keep in mind that things will get better soon.

When you see in a dream that a kitten is running towards you, this means that a very serious problem is approaching you in reality. It is urgent to analyze the situation around you and try to make decisions that will minimize the possible negative.

Dream interpretation - dead kittens

Dead kittens in a dream are an auspicious sign. Moreover, if you just see the kittens and are not involved in their death, then the problems will resolve themselves. One dead kitten means that the person who was your enemy will leave your life forever.

Why is a newborn kitten dreaming?

Quite often the question arises of what a newborn kitten is dreaming of. This is a very good dream, which is a harbinger of the onset of a favorable life period. The moment has come when you can safely defend your own interests if something does not suit you. If, according to the plot of the dream, you happened to observe the process of giving birth to kittens, then this indicates that money can be expected soon. And if you dream of giving birth to a kitten instead of a child, then some kind of surprise awaits you in life, but at the same time it can be both pleasant and not very pleasant. For a pregnant woman, such a dream indicates that she is very worried about her pregnancy.

Actions with a kitten in a dream

Having seen a dream with a kitten, it is important to remember what the small animal did in a dream and how you behaved with it:
    If you dreamed that you were stroking a kitten, then this means that in reality you are surrounded by not sincere and flattering people. When you had to catch a kitten, then in real life you attract trouble. If you play with a kitten with pleasure, then this means that you treat all the problems that have fallen on you in reality easily. When you kill a kitten, this indicates that you will soon cope with all your problems on your own. If you save a kitten, this means that in real life you act nobly, although it will hurt you very much. When you feed a kitten with milk, it may soon turn out that you will do a disservice to one of your loved ones. If you have to bathe a kitten, then in reality you will be able to turn the situation into your own benefit.

When you dream of a beautiful kitten, and you understand that it was given to you, this means that people in your environment will be the culprits of your problems. An angry kitten personifies a cruel person who, by the will of fate, is next to you and it is far from easy to get rid of him. It is very bad if a kitten bites you in a dream. This means that in real life you will have to be with a person who will strive to completely control you. Such a dream is especially unfavorable for the bride, because he emphasizes that she is mistaken in her future husband.

See a kitten in a dream on the eve of the wedding

It is believed that it is very bad to see a kitten in a dream on the eve of your own wedding. This cute animal personifies the dark sides of a person’s personality, therefore, appearing in night dreams, it focuses the dreamer’s attention on the fact that family life will be far from cloudless.

Kitten in a child's dream

It is believed that often a kitten can dream of a child. But in this case, there is no need to worry. For a child, a cute animal is a reflection of his positive perception of life around him. In addition, a kitten of any color can dream of a baby if he dreams of a pet.

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What to expect if a woman dreams of little kittens? What interpretation of dreams does Vanga's dream book and Miller's dream book give? Is it worth it to be afraid if a married woman dreamed of kittens? What to expect and what to pay attention to in real life? Let's figure it out.

Why do little kittens dream

Cats have been considered ambivalent and mystical creatures in all religious movements. Thousands of myths made servants of darkness, otherworldly forces, sorcerers, witches and even Satan himself out of cats. Perhaps it is for this reason that cats that come in a dream do not bring anything good.

It is important to understand that dream interpretation is not a science, but rather a tool. The meaning of sleep depends on the emotions you experienced. For some, the cat serves as a warning, but perhaps it is for you that it is a symbol of something good. It is not for nothing that in the interpretation of dreams there are so many conventions and branches that allow one and the same dream to be interpreted in completely different ways.

Interpretation of dreams with kittens for women - Vanga's dream book

Vanga is a Bulgarian soothsayer who was deprived of the gift of seeing, but was considered a person with strong psychic and prophetic abilities. One of the most authoritative sources for interpreting dreams is Vanga's dream book. Descriptions and definitions were given by the soothsayer herself.

Based on Vanga's dream book, the cat is a symbol of discord, quarrels, ambivalent feelings, vulnerable pride, jealousy. Small kittens indicate small, seemingly insignificant, unpleasant experiences that can lead to a more tangible and negative result.

For example, if a woman dreamed of kittens, she needs to think about the recently arisen feeling of resentment, injustice, jealousy and try to justify her feelings. Most likely, it turns out that annoyed feelings have no basis, but they arose against the backdrop of high expectations.

Interpretation of dreams with kittens for women - Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller is a talented psychologist, psychotherapist and scientist who has devoted his life to studying the peculiarities of the human psyche. During many years of practice, Miller was convinced that almost all of his patients feel calmer if they have instructions for tomorrow. Simply put, a person feels more confident and whole if he has the ability to foresee the future.

Miller's dream book contains more than 10,000 interpretations of dreams. Despite the popularity of the dream book, in recent years doubts have often arisen about the motivation of Gustav Miller when compiling interpretations. The author himself positioned the interpretation of dreams as the results of observation of patients and personal experiences.

According to Miller's dream book, a woman's dream in which she sees little kittens is a warning. The kitten symbolizes a man surrounded by a woman who is trying to manipulate and is motivated by his own benefit. You need to be especially wary if the kitten behaved obsessively, fawned, purred, was fluffy or blue-eyed.

Who dreamed of kittens?

The interpretation of sleep largely depends on its circumstances, life experiences and priorities that concern a woman at the moment. Almost all dream books give different interpretations of dreams with kittens, depending on how you behaved in a dream. Close contact with a cat, especially if it behaves obsessively, does not bode well. If you managed to drive the cat away, in reality you will get rid of the problems that it symbolized.

See also: Who are we for cats

It is interesting! The cat is a strong, dual symbol, but the interpretation of sleep depends on your feelings. As in life, cats are independent and walk on their own, but always find people who are worthy of their love. For many people, a cat is a symbol of good luck and a talisman, in which case dreams with kittens serve as a source of good news.

Kittens dreamed of a pregnant woman

Absolutely all dream books say that if a pregnant woman dreamed about kittens, this is a good sign. In late pregnancy, kittens symbolize easy, hassle-free childbirth. At an early stage of pregnancy, a kitten or several kittens dreamed of by a woman symbolize the health of the baby, his positive energy and connection with his mother.

The duality of interpretation is due to the fact that almost all religions and directions of mythology claim that a pregnant woman is under the care of all the forces of light. It can be said that the expectant mother is protected from all the negative influences of dreams, if she herself does not “make a problem” from the interpretation of the dream.

Kittens dreamed of a married woman

For a married woman, a dream with kittens prophesies jealousy, a quarrel with a loved one, or the appearance of a rival. Much depends on the behavior and color of the cat. A black cat or kitten symbolizes a rival, and a cunning and smart one, who has already appeared in a woman's life, but is carefully hidden.

The ginger kitten symbolizes emotions that have no basis. Very often there are trifling quarrels, in the analysis of which it turns out that one of the couple did not understand or did not hear something. The ginger kitten symbolizes the energy of the sun, without which life is impossible, but which can destroy all good things in an instant.

An affectionate kitten in a dream of a married woman speaks of deceit or not pure intentions of the second half. If the cat scratches and bites, your other half has problems that you are not privy to. If the kitten meowed, but you could not find it, beware of gossip and two-faced friends.

Do you remember the circumstances of the dream?

Note! The more details you remember about the dream, the better. When interpreting a dream, special attention should be paid to the behavior of the kitten that you dreamed about.

Hold kittens

A small kitten sitting in her arms in a dream symbolizes gossip or minor problems that it's time to solve. If you held and stroked a kitten, he purred and flattered in response, most likely, you have accumulated a lot of small things that will not take much time to solve.

It’s a completely different matter if you held a kitten in your arms that hissed, scratched or bit. Such a dream indicates gossip that blooms behind your back. Don't worry, very soon you will find out what people are talking about, it will be an unpleasant surprise for you.

Whether offenders will be punished depends on the further development of sleep. If the kitten escaped from your hands and ran away, the gossips themselves will suffer from the gossip that they spread about you. If you were able to calm the kitten, he began to purr and caress, gossip will take on a new life - people will believe in them.

Read also: How do cats see the world?

Dreamed of newborn kittens with a cat

Dreamed of newborn kittens with a cat? If the cat was well-groomed, beautiful, and the kittens were peacefully swarming around the belly, this is a good sign. For married women, newborn kittens with a cat symbolize new ideas or achievements. For a young girl who is not married, newborn kittens prophesy an acquaintance with the second half.

Did the cat look bad, was dirty, did the kittens scream loudly and ask for food? Listen to yourself, such a dream indicates moral and mental exhaustion. Perhaps you have not been on vacation for a long time or you are completely wrapped up in a household routine. Such a dream warns you that it is time to change your life priorities, since a sick cat is a sign that you will soon have health problems in reality.

Lots of little kittens

What does the dream in which you saw many little kittens mean? Oddly enough, it all depends on the degree of definition of the term "a lot". If there were hundreds of animals around you that were constantly moving, flashing and creating confusion, this is a symbol of confused thoughts. A lot of little kittens dream of women who are loaded with routine work, but strive for more. Psychotherapists advise to organize your time in order to avoid such chaos.

Many little kittens chasing or attacking you symbolize minor difficulties or unresolved problems that we keep putting off. It is better to listen to such a dream and start solving minor problems gradually. Kittens serve as a warning symbol that an avalanche of small problems awaits you, which will literally eat up all your time.

The kittens were sick

If you dreamed of sick kittens, the dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, a sick kitten may indicate problems in the professional field that you do not notice or ignore. In this case, if you take a sick kitten in your arms, the problems will only get worse. If you drove the kitten away, problems will be solved smoothly.

The second interpretation of sleep says that sick kittens are a warning that one of your loved ones or family members is experiencing difficulties that are not recognized. Perhaps one of your loved ones fell ill and hides it so as not to disturb the family once again and not provoke self-pity.

What color was the kittens that you dreamed about?

Almost all dream books interpret dreams with kittens in a versatile way, depending on the color and behavior of the animal. The color of the coat is always a symbol, but must be evaluated in conjunction with the circumstance of the dream. When interpreting sleep, it is necessary to pay special attention to the appearance of the kitten if the color looked unnaturally bright or variegated.

It is interesting! Judging by superstition, a black cat is considered a bad sign, a harbinger of failure and misfortune. In the interpretation of dreams, a black cat symbolizes cunning.

Dreamed of red kittens

Red kittens symbolize the sun, warmth and strong energy. If the ginger kitten behaved affectionately, be attentive to your surroundings, as you have a strong enemy. If the kitten avoided or watched you in a dream, it symbolizes an early acquaintance with an interesting person or even a second half. An aggressive ginger kitten is a symbol of your inner restlessness, which can turn into real problems for you and your loved ones.

Sleeping with kittens is a positive emotion. It's nice to see animals - their little cubs, but why do many multi-colored kittens dream, what information does the dream carry, what to expect in real life? Dream Interpretations tell about such dreams not very pleasant information: a lot of multi-colored kittens - this is a variety of information about a person's hectic life.

What if there are many multi-colored kittens in a dream?

To find out the truth, you should remember the details of the dream well. For the interpretation of sleep, the color of the color of the kittens, their behavior and much more play a role. All dream books warn that seeing kittens in a dream is not entirely good. They portend dreamers a lot of tears, trouble, bad mood. But not everything is as sad as it seems. The interpretation also depends on who saw the dream - a man or a woman. And if this is a pregnant woman, what does the dream warn her about?

A lot of multi-colored kittens that a pregnant woman sees in a dream is a good sign for her, especially when the kittens are red or white. She should expect the birth of a girl. When kittens play in a dream, it means a healthy baby will be born. And for the mother, childbirth will be painless and easy. Only in the case when the gray "British" dreamed, the expectant mother should take care of her health, once again go to the doctor for a consultation. Maybe even take additional tests to calmly wait for the birth.

For example, the Mayan dream book interprets a dream with kittens seen by a woman as a harbinger of world wars. And the more difficult and bloody the international conflict, the merrier and more playful the kittens! Sleeping animals are the calm of the crisis and the arrival of peace, favorable for all countries.

Chinese predictors are very optimistic, interpreting dreams in which there are many multi-colored kittens. According to their version, such a dream portends a cheerful feast at a richly laid table. If there are many whites among the kittens, then this is a wonderful sign: love and happiness will reign in the family. When playing kids dream, the dreamer will have success in business, prosperity in the financial sector. If you dreamed of kittens sitting on your hands, you have to wait for an addition to the family. Red kittens are for twins.

And only black portends the road, tears. According to the Mayan dream book, animals scratching their hands dream not for good: we must wait for terrible epidemics that will take place all over the world. Scientists will find means of combating them, will release antiviral drugs, drugs for treatment. A disturbing dream in which the kittens made a cry, meow: this indicates an approaching man-made disaster, maybe even radiation. But all these troubles will be overcome, people will be able to save the ecology of the area.

What portends?

The well-known fortune teller Vanga believes that little kittens seen in a dream are for joyless changes in life. Someone from the inner circle may get sick. It is especially bad if the kittens scratch, meow: the dreamer will work hard and hard. She needs to be very careful in life - such dreams bring trouble.

Peacefully sleeping kittens speak of a quiet life: both in the family circle and at work. Vanga considers the white kittens seen in a dream to be a warning that his closest friend is tormented by envy. It is necessary to look closely at your friends, not to open your soul to everyone, not to trust secrets. And if in a dream there are a lot of multi-colored kittens, then gossip blooms around the dreamer. But all the attempts of the "spiteful critics" will not be able to damage his reputation.

For an unmarried and beautiful woman, such a dream is the appearance of a new admirer, very wealthy! And for an aged woman, a dream promises troubles that relatives and children will bring to her.

Some dream books say that if you dreamed of kittens with a cat, expect not only small, but also large troubles. Dreams warn a person - and one must be prepared for anything. Any information should be turned in your favor - take care of the health of family members, avoid suspicious people, then many troubles can be avoided.

It is difficult to find such a strange person who would not be touched by the mere sight of lovely kittens.

Cute, fluffy crumbs cause so many pleasant emotions! But in the world of dreams, it is often the other way around, and the phenomenon that we used to consider good and sweet in reality may not mean something that is not entirely favorable.

Also, the question of why kittens dream can have unexpected answers. Cats are generally a symbol of mysticism, the other world, magic.

It is believed that cats live simultaneously in the real world and in the astral world. So the symbol is complex, ambiguous, mysterious.

What do dreams say?

Kittens in a dream often symbolize something unfavorable, but not at all terrible - minor ailments, small, minor quarrels or passing difficulties.

What exactly "cat's" dream means depends on the nuances. For example:

  • You just saw one kitten in a dream or there are many of them.
  • Animals in a dream can be beautiful and fluffy, or, on the contrary, skinny and skinned.
  • Sometimes a dead cub may dream.
  • A cat with children visited your dream.
  • You could stroke them in a dream.
  • Play with them, caress.
  • You were scratched by a kitten in a dream.
  • You bought a furry animal.
  • You were given it.

And it’s also worth considering the feline color, as well as who has a dream: a woman or a man, a girl in love or a mother. Given all these nuances, you can correctly interpret what kittens dream of and draw conclusions.

Just to see the kids

If in your dream you didn’t touch the kittens, but only looked at them from the side, remember your dream and how one or more babies who dreamed looked like. It is their appearance that plays a major role in deciphering the vision.

1. One little kitten that you saw in night dreams promises a small, but still profit. Perhaps this will be associated with some small troubles or fuss, but nothing global. You will receive a reward or a small bonus.

2. Here is a frequent question: why do little kittens dream if there are a lot of them in a dream? We saw a bunch of fluffy creatures - expect trouble.

But do not be afraid, they will be small and will not ruin your life, but will only temporarily add trouble. Perhaps, instead of minor problems, minor ailments will come, so take care of your health.

3. For a woman of any age, a dream in which she sees many kittens is interpreted by the dream book as a warning. A trap awaits you on the way, someone sets up insidious networks - and if you are gullible, you will regret the consequences.

Be especially careful in dealing with the opposite sex. Don't believe everything you are told and stay vigilant.

4. For lovers, as the dream book says, sleeping with fluffy babies means relationship difficulties, conflicts, mistrust or suspicion.

A difficult period is coming - and the dream book warns you to try to prevent problems in advance and avoid them. Otherwise, the relationship may simply collapse.

5. If you saw a dirty, skinny, street kitten in your dreams, this is advice that higher powers send you. Don't buy into external gloss and tinsel, look inside, don't trust the first impression when you meet someone, otherwise you will have many disappointments. This is especially true for a woman who had such a dream.

6. Also, many people ask the interpreter why newborn kittens dream - just crumbs that have not yet opened their eyes?

This may be a symbol that you are now going through a period of helplessness and feel like a blind kitten, unable to make a decision and do not know what to do. Try to gather your strength.

7. Fluffy, beautiful and well-groomed, especially purebred babies in a dream - this is a good sign. Such a dream promises you a gift, good luck, pleasant emotions.

But be careful - perhaps these pleasant moments will be somehow connected with an insincere or self-serving person. For example, you may be given a gift by someone who expects something in return. Be careful.

8. A very unpleasant dream in which you had to see a dead kitten that died without your participation, however, is a good sign.

Dead kittens are a symbol that your troubles and minor everyday problems will be solved soon. And on their own, without your active intervention. Your life will become much easier.

9. The dream book will answer why a cat with kittens is dreaming - it doesn’t matter if you saw her on the street or in your own house. To see a mother cat with a brood in a dream is a symbol of offspring, care, family. A favorable sign, indicating that you will have harmony and order at home.

Play, pet, or...

The meanings of dreams in which you had to not only look at furry animals, but also contact them, are more saturated. Remember what exactly you did in your dreams?

1. Stroking a kitten in a dream? Take a look around, somewhere around there are insincere, flattering people who pretend to be your friends.

2. Killed a kitten? It also happens in dreams, and this is a favorable sign - you will soon cope with your troubles and solve problems yourself.

3. If a good, fluffy and cute little cat caresses you, purrs - this promises you a pleasant romantic acquaintance, flirting and dating.

4. Playing with a kitten in dreams, especially if he scratched you during the game, is a bad sign, an indication that a person close to you has dark thoughts, an unclean conscience, he is dishonest with you.

5. If you bought a kitten in a dream, then this is a warning - you are threatened with fraud, some financial fraud, you can be deceived with money. Be careful.

6. And if they gave it to you in a dream, then this indicates your loneliness, which has either already come or will come soon.

Red, white, striped...

The color of the dreaming animals plays an important role in the interpretation of sleep, so remember what color the fluffy creatures were in the dream?

1. Red kittens in a dream promise profit, a reward, a pleasant monetary surprise.

2. Smoky, gray kittens, especially fluffy and well-groomed, are a symbol of the family hearth, comfort, well-being. If not everything is in order in the house now, the situation will soon change, and peace and order will come.

3. Charming white kittens in night dreams promise the sleeping person a pleasant acquaintance with someone. They certainly promise romance and dates, maybe you will meet and make a new friend.

4. Black kittens are messengers of hidden magical powers, they promise you help from above, any presence of mysticism in your life.

5. A striped kitten carries a warning to those who see it in a dream. This is a sign of deceit and betrayal that can happen. Be careful, do not trust everyone around you.

6. Multi-colored kittens tell you that you are not far-sighted enough, you are easy to deceive, because you too quickly accept everything that you see or hear around you. Because of this, deception and disappointment are possible.

Dreams involving kittens very often warn of something. If you received a signal from the dream book about danger, deceit, problems - do not wait for them, but try to take any action to prevent trouble. After all, that's what dreams are for. Author: Vasilina Serova
