Exercises to strengthen the internal organs. SOS! Omission of internal organs: we help ourselves at the first call of the body! Exercise for testicular edema

MAZOVETSKAYA Victoria Vladimirovna



A businessman's business is judged by his health.

From the principles of Harvard Business School

When was the last time you did a gymnastics or procedure that you believed would work? When did you look forward to the moment of training? Was all that tilting left and right a waste of time? In your hands you are holding a book that will not only change your view on the ways of preventing and treating diseases, but will become a guiding star on the way to knowing yourself and gaining good health! Do not believe that this is possible without newfangled scientific achievements in the field of genetics and plastic surgery? In vain.

Since the ancient times of the existence of mankind, shamans and healers have successfully healed serious diseases that our traditional medicine still copes with with difficulty, despite modern devices, medicines and methods. Thousands of years of experience (which was collected bit by bit: from master to master, from generation to generation up to the present day) in such arts as massage and gymnastics, allowed us to create unique wellness systems.

Gymnastics and massage are the most affordable means of maintaining and restoring health that every person can count on. To start classes, just choose a technique and find a guide that will guide you through all the difficulties.

If you decide to master the massage of the internal organs, then the appropriate guide lies right in front of you. In Ancient Russia, experienced healers taught to “rule” the stomach. In modern language, we would call such people masseurs who can professionally do (or show how to do) a massage of the internal organs of the abdomen. Now, unfortunately, this knowledge is largely lost. You will not be able to just call a massage therapist and invite him to relieve you, for example, of an upset or intestinal obstruction. Instead, you will have to call an ambulance and surrender to chance. If such fatalism does not suit you, this book will become the very mentor who will teach you the ancient techniques of self-massage, when simple hand movements can work wonders.

In fairness, I note that in modern medicine, a new direction has recently appeared - visceral osteopathy (the term "visceral" means "related to the internal organs"). The osteopathic doctor makes a diagnosis and treats the patient with the help of massage. It is wonderful! But few people have access to it. The fact is that only an expensive private clinic in a large city can afford to invite such a specialist for a permanent job, and the cost of treatment will be appropriate. An ordinary person with an average level of income is unlikely to visit such an office. There is one more "but". Performing a massage on your own, you will be guided by the reactions and sensations of your body. You will know exactly where you can and should press harder, and where you should not. Not even the most experienced massage therapist will feel this. That is why self-massage is a unique practice.

By starting classes, you will learn to listen to your own body, you will better understand how the internal organs work and what needs they have. With the help of hands alone, by painful seals, you will begin to determine the zones in which various diseases are concentrated. These are the areas that will require you to carefully study.

By massaging the stomach, you disperse stagnant blood, activate metabolic processes, remove adhesions, restore the natural position of internal organs, strengthen the heart, liver, circulatory system, get rid of stones in the spleen, kidneys and gallbladder. But that's not all. Some diseases lead to shortness of breath, migraines, hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure), furunculosis, dysfunction of the reproductive organs, etc. Massage will help to solve these problems. In addition, you will significantly reduce weight and rejuvenate in general! There are also massage techniques that will remind men of what it is to desire your beloved. Women will learn to control their body and at the same time get rid of a number of diseases. And what could be better than a healthy and happy life?

Try it, there is nothing complicated and impossible in these exercises. And so that you can easily apply the knowledge gained in practice, the book comes with an excellent video course on a CD. All techniques are demonstrated by a professional massage therapist, yoga trainer. It will not be difficult to repeat the lessons after him. In addition, using his example, you will see that even in adulthood you can look good and feel great without resorting to medication.

You can master the technique of massage at any age and regardless of physical fitness and material wealth. It doesn't matter if you practice yoga, run in the morning, go to the pool or stay in your office chair all day; are you fifteen or seventy; you are sitting in a wheelchair or you have not visited a doctor in your life. All you need is a couch or floor, your own hands, some massage oil, and a CD book.

Do not expect a bright tomorrow to come and you will suddenly feel better. Help yourself by not poisoning your body with useless and often dangerous drugs and without wasting time on ineffective traditional methods of treatment. Stop stuffing yourself with pills, most of which do more harm than good.

Think you don't have that many drugs? Then check. If you start counting all the jars, tubes, bottles and bottles, and even collect them in one place, you will be very surprised at their number.

According to official studies, the average family uses about a hundred drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry! Most of them are not intended for serious treatment of the body. These are the so-called auxiliary drugs that help relieve pain, satisfy hunger, burn fat, relieve tension, increase tone, etc.

“But you can’t do without drugs at all,” you say. What if, in the same average family, a grandfather needs tablets for digestion, otherwise the rest of its members will stand in line for the toilet for two days? Grandmother constantly grabs her heart and head. A young mother, tired of office work and dry snacks, always complains of heaviness in her legs and stomach. A young father experiences endless stress at work. And a small child catches a cold all the time. We solve these and many other problems unequivocally - we go to the pharmacy. Do you think this is the only way to take care of your health?

Oleg Astashenko

Exercises for internal organs for various diseases


Movement can take the place of various medicines, but no medicine can take the place of movement.

Clement Tissot

“Life is in motion” - if people more often recalled this well-known aphorism, they would be less sick. But, alas, modern realities are such that a person often deprives himself of this main source of health. And if a disease has knocked into his life, then he completely protects himself from all sorts of stresses, reducing treatment only to taking medication. Meanwhile, even in ancient times, the movement was widely used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of various diseases.

In ancient China, for example, gymnastics for treatment was first mentioned in the book "Kung Fu", compiled two and a half thousand years before our era. In the medical gymnastic schools of ancient China, special exercises were used not only for the treatment of the spine, various fractures and dislocations, but also for diseases of the heart and lungs. As the famous ancient Chinese physician Hua-To (2nd century AD) said, “the body requires exercise, but not to the point of exhaustion, because the exercises are designed to eliminate the bad spirit from the body, promote blood circulation and prevent ailments.”

In ancient Greece, the first information about medical gymnastics dates back to the 5th century BC. BC e. and connect them with a doctor named Herodicus. According to Plato, Herodikos suffered from some incurable disease (possibly tuberculosis), but thanks to the healing exercises that he regularly performed, he lived to be almost a hundred years old. Gerodik taught therapeutic gymnastics to his numerous students and patients.

The first sports physician and follower of Hippocrates known to us, Claudius Galen (129–201 AD), also used specially developed gymnastics in the treatment of gladiators. He wrote: "Thousands and thousands of times I restored the health of my patients through exercise."

Rehabilitation gymnastics for seriously ill patients was widely used by Clement Tissot (1747–1826), a military surgeon in Napoleon's army. His work "Medical or Surgical Gymnastics" was translated into all European languages, and the aphorism belonging to him - "movement can replace various medicines, but no medicine can replace movement" - became the motto of physiotherapy exercises.

The creator of the system of physical therapy, the Swede Per-Heinrich Ling (1776–1839), argued that many painful phenomena in the human body can be eliminated by systematic exercise of the muscles.

In Russia, the science of the therapeutic use of physical exercises began its development in the second half of the 18th century, when Moscow University was opened (1755) and the Faculty of Medicine on its basis, but it became especially widespread in the 1920s. last century, during the heyday of health resort treatment.

Today, therapeutic exercises, which are based on the use of the main biological function of the body - movement, are increasingly used in the treatment of various diseases. Specially designed (on the basis of a doctor's diagnosis) exercises can not only improve the functioning of a diseased organ, but also eliminate existing disorders in it.

For example, a set of exercises for the heart strengthens the heart muscle and prepares it for gradually increasing physical activity, restores normal blood circulation and improves metabolism.

With a disease of the respiratory system, gymnastics helps to eliminate or reduce respiratory failure, developing the mobility of the chest and increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.

Therapeutic gymnastics is a good means of preventing and treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Properly performed exercises help to restore the functions of the stomach and intestines, strengthen the muscles of the anterior wall of the abdomen and improve blood circulation in the internal organs.

But, like any other remedy, gymnastics requires a doctor's consultation - it is he who must determine the level of load, taking into account the nature of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

Therapeutic exercises also have contraindications: you can’t do it during or after acute viral diseases, with oncology and some mental illnesses; in addition, each disease has its own limitations.

If the “go-ahead” for doing therapeutic exercises is received, you can safely proceed to its development. It is only necessary to approach this matter responsibly and consciously enough: only the systematic implementation of special exercises, combined with an optimistic attitude, can give a powerful positive effect.

The cardiovascular system

Physical exercise plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

As a result of therapeutic exercises, the heart muscle is strengthened, its contractility increases, blood circulation, including peripheral, increases. Good blood flow, in turn, contributes to the mechanical massage of the walls of blood vessels, due to which they become more elastic. In the blood, the level of cholesterol decreases, and hence the risk of formation of blood clots inside the vessels - blood clots. All this inhibits the development of atherosclerotic changes in the body - the main cause of heart disease.

The intensity of training depends on the condition of the patient, therefore, before starting classes, you should definitely consult with your doctor! This is especially true for the elderly and debilitated people and those who have recently had a myocardial infarction.

When performing medical complexes, there are other rules that should not be neglected:

Even with good health, you can not sharply and quickly increase physical activity.

Classes should begin no earlier than 1.5–2 hours after a meal.

Classes should be stopped immediately if during them or after that there are unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations. If the pain does not go away on its own, you need to take validol or nitroglycerin and be sure to seek the advice of a doctor!

Elderly people suffering from atherosclerosis with cervical osteochondrosis are not recommended to bend "below the heart" to avoid a rush of blood to the head, rotational movements of the head and torso of large amplitude, strength exercises with straining (blood outflow from the brain is difficult), exercises that lead to body shaking ( imitation of wood splitting, boxing).

It is very important to monitor the state of the pulse during physical exertion.

It is believed that physical education has a positive effect on the body when, by the end of classes, the pulse quickens by 20-35 beats, not exceeding 120 beats per minute, and after 3-5 minutes of rest it returns to its original frequency.

Therapeutic movements after myocardial infarction

The main task of rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction is to restore the cardiovascular system, improve exercise tolerance, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and increase psychological resistance to stress.

Part of the system of rehabilitation therapy is physiotherapy exercises with a gradual and strictly controlled increase in the intensity of physical exercises.

All exercises should be performed smoothly, rhythmically, alternating them with breathing exercises. The goal of physical training is to gradually increase the number of heartbeats to 100-120 per minute.

It should be remembered that during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction each patient is assigned his own mode of physical activity, therefore all additional physical activity must be approved by a doctor.

Complex 1

Exercise 1

Starting position - standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder width apart.

Raise your arms up with your palms out and stretch - inhale. Lower your hands down, describing a circle with them, -

Omission of internal organs - lower than normal, the location of one or more internal organs (stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys, etc.).

As a result of hypotension of the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity and pelvic floor, their supporting function is disrupted: the stomach, intestines and pelvic organs are shifted down, and the ligaments that hold them are stretched.

The disease primarily threatens narrow-shouldered and thin-boned asthenics with overly extensible connective tissue. Their insides can sink with constant physical overstrain and chronic overwork, when neuromuscular tone decreases. The most commonly observed prolapse of the stomach, kidneys, transverse colon, pelvic organs.

Depending on which organ is omitted, certain features of the clinical picture of the disease are revealed. But any form of omission is characterized by complaints of constipation, decreased appetite, performance, sleep disturbance.

The pains appear over time, gradually and intensify by the end of the working day, while in a horizontal position they are weaker. With a decrease in muscle strength, the ligamentous apparatus weakens, the balance created by the pressure of the internal organs on each other is disturbed, the lower abdomen protrudes.

A certain role in maintaining the normal position of the organs is played by the adipose tissue of the abdominal cavity. With a significant weight loss, the layer of adipose tissue decreases and the entire weight of the internal organs falls on the muscles.

Intermittent aching and pulling pain in the abdomen may indicate a prolapse of the stomach and intestines. Unpleasant sensations usually occur in an upright position and subside when you lie down.

When the kidneys are lowered, pain in the lumbar region worries.

If it was joined by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum, episodes of urinary incontinence appeared when coughing, sneezing, laughing, physical effort, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, which sometimes ends with their prolapse, is not excluded.

If the operation could not be avoided ...

Today, the usual solution is surgery, however, as practice shows, there is a possibility of recurrence, depending on many reasons, and it is impossible to take into account and prevent all factors. If, unfortunately, you had to have an operation, then after a while it will still be necessary to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, because the body is even more weakened by surgery, which means that it requires constant attention and systematic strengthening so that there is no need for repeated operations. Do not rely on a bandage - it will only exacerbate the problem.

After a temporary improvement, which can last 1-2 years, the symptoms of the disease begin to disturb with triple strength: pain increases, constipation and nausea that cannot be treated appear. There are general weakness, increased fatigue and irritability, sleep is disturbed. It is already very difficult to help: the muscles, accustomed to inactivity under the bandage, have completely atrophied and are not able to provide the slightest support to the descending organs.

Where to start treatment?

Omissions of the internal organs are very often associated with problems of the spine - so first of all start with it. It is necessary to check the condition of the spine.

What should be done from gymnastics? Pump up the muscles of the press, back, oblique muscles of the abdomen, intercostal muscles. The exercises for this are very different: twisting and tilting back and forth from different positions and at different angles, the total number of movements performed per day should be about 1000.

Special exercises will help

A large number of people successfully avoid pelvic floor surgery by undergoing several sessions of abdominal muscle therapy. In general, the task is to increase the tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdominal wall, lumbar region, and improve the functional state of the digestive organs against the background of a general strengthening of the body and its psycho-emotional state.

To strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdominals, lumbar region and diaphragm, increase the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, tone the ligamentous apparatus of internal organs, and activate redox processes in the body, special exercises are performed.

  • Lying on your back, on a couch with the head end raised by 10-12 cm, perform static breathing exercises (diaphragmatic, full breathing).
  • Perform movements rhythmically, at an average pace, the amplitude is full, breathing is rhythmic.
  • Lying on your back, diaphragmatic breathing. Exercises for the lower extremities - free and with tension.
  • Lying on the right side. Diaphragmatic breathing, limb movements. The same on the left side.
  • Knee-carpal, knee-elbow position. Exercises for the muscles of the limbs and torso.
  • Lying on my stomach. Exercises to strengthen the back muscles (movements of the lower limbs and lower body).
  • Lying on your back, diaphragmatic breathing. Exercises for all muscles of the lower extremities and torso (without increasing pressure in the upper third of the abdominal cavity, the transition from a supine position to a sitting position is excluded).

The duration of all exercises is 15 - 20 minutes. Exercises can be performed with each leg separately. The range of motion is full.

At the final stage, exercises for small and medium muscles of the limbs, breathing exercises are performed.

Lying on your back. Static (diaphragmatic, full) and dynamic breathing exercises involving arms and legs. Exercises for the muscles of the trunk and lower extremities with an emphasis on the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdominal wall, lower back, and diaphragm. Standing on the shoulders ("birch"). Exercises for the lower extremities. Sitting on a chair. Exercises for the muscles of the limbs and torso. When walking with hand movements, perform breathing exercises. Exercises should be simple, when they are performed, the abdominal organs should move towards the diaphragm - these are movements of the lower limbs and torso with a rise in its lower end.

Physical exercises must be performed on an inclined plane with its foot end raised by 10-12 cm, if there are no contraindications.

The first 6-8 weeks - lying on your back, on your side, on your stomach, standing on all fours.

Starting from the 6-8th week after achieving a stable positive result (improvement of the subjective state, appetite, sleep, working capacity, normalization of the stool), exercises are introduced into the complex to develop posture in the initial standing position, excluding forward torso.

In the course of treatment, it is advisable to use no more than three individualized sets of exercises, changing them no earlier than after 1-2 months of training.

The duration of classes during the 1st week is 15-20 minutes once a day; 2-3rd week - 20-30 minutes twice a day; within 4-8 weeks and beyond - 30-40 minutes twice a day.

When the position of the lowered organ approaches normal, classes are held once a day. I recommend lifting things from the floor, having previously crouched down; getting out of bed, you must first turn on your side, then simultaneously lower your legs and raise your torso. For one year, I do not recommend bending forward, jumping, jumping, running. To activate the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, massage of the lumbosacral region, colon massage, self-massage of the abdomen are shown.

Some more useful exercises:

  • Sitting on the mat, keep your back straight, bend your arms at the elbows, as when running. In this case, it is necessary to exhale and draw in the stomach and small pelvis (muscles of the pelvic floor). Exhale - "ha-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah." And, moving only with straight legs, begin to move on the buttocks. First forward, then back.
  • The next exercise is related to the anti-gravity action. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees and lean on your feet (legs slightly apart). On the count of “one”, lift the pelvis up, draw in the stomach “ha-ah-ah-ah”, and touch your knees. So: inhale - spread your knees, exhale - bring your knees together. Perform such inhalation-exhalation at least three times. Now lower yourself back to the starting position. Rest and repeat again.
  • Another exercise taken from yoga. Imagine that you are standing (or sitting in a chair) leaning forward with your hands on your knees. Take a deep breath, then exhale with your head tilted, after exhaling, hold your breath. Try to make several breathing movements with a full chest, but without air, while holding your breath, while relaxing the abdominal muscles. There should be an active retraction of the abdominal organs into the chest, the stomach seems to stick to the spine. As the chest expands, the negative pressure should pull the abdominal organs inward. For one breath hold (after exhalation), you need to make several such supposedly respiratory movements. Each time the abdominal organs will rise and fall (5-10 times). If something hurts you, do not do this exercise, wait until it passes, it should be done on an empty stomach, best in the morning on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating. In total, such “retractions” need to be done 30-40 times for several breath holdings, but reach this amount gradually, waiting for all the pain in the abdomen to pass.

Stretching the pelvic organs

When you drew in your stomach, you probably noticed that the lower abdomen is not drawn in, does not participate in gymnastics. But it would be nice to get rid of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, prostatitis, prostate adenomas, prolapse and prolapse, incontinence, hemorrhoids and other problems.

To the previous exercise, you need to make a significant addition - pulling up the top of the pelvic organs so that they fall into the zone of action of the negative pressure created by the chest. This is done with a strong contraction of the pelvic muscles. We repeat several times. From now on and forever, we do both of these exercises in a complex.

You can have a specific effect on the pelvic organs with the following exercise: inhale with a full chest with the head tilted forward, exhale and hold your breath, draw in the stomach with the help of the chest and leave it in this position, several times strongly contract and relax only the muscles of the small pelvis, lifting and dropping organs. Repeat a couple of times. It is important to monitor breathing, abdominal muscles. This contributes to the restoration and elevation of the pelvic organs.

Special breathing exercises are useful. They should be performed before going to bed in a prone position. Take a deep breath and then exhale the air as much as possible. Repeat one more time. This exercise "stows" the organs in place, and also strengthens the abdominal muscles and makes the waist more slender. As a result, the use of such methods of traditional medicine allows you to normalize the balance of the muscular corset that holds the internal organ, and normalize the location of the organ, as well as straighten your posture, get rid of pelvic pain, excess weight, back pain, feel healthier, stronger, younger.

What causes gastroptosis

Now I will dwell more specifically on the problems of prolapse of the stomach and intestines - gastroptosis. The main cause of acquired gastroptosis is a sharp weakening of the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

This can occur due to rapid weight loss, after removal of a large tumor or fluid from the abdominal cavity, and in women also after prolonged or rapid labor.

In addition, women are at risk of gastric prolapse when lifting heavy bags, and men are at risk during weightlifting and jumping. Lifting weights leads to stretching of the ligaments that fix the stomach, and weakening the tone of the muscular wall of the stomach. As a result, the stomach is displaced below its normal position.

There are three degrees of gastroptosis: initial, moderate and strong - with a pronounced displacement of the stomach down.

Changing the correct position of the stomach impedes its digestive function, impairs peristalsis and the movement of food into the intestines. At the same time, the condition of the valves that separate the stomach cavity from the esophagus and from the duodenum is disturbed. Due to the incomplete closure of the valves, air enters the stomach through the esophagus, which causes belching, and bile is thrown from the duodenum. Bile causes heartburn, and also corrodes the gastric mucosa and causes the development of erosive gastritis and stomach ulcers.

A number of symptoms can indicate a prolapse of the stomach. First of all, it is belching, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach. Violation of the peristalsis of the stomach causes bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, leading to a feeling of fullness even when taking a small amount of food. Due to slow digestion of food, bad breath appears, stool disorders occur - either prolonged constipation, or loose stools in the form of diarrhea.

Gastroptosis may be accompanied by changes in appetite - an aversion to food appears or, conversely, a "wolfish appetite" develops against the background of weight loss and unhealthy thinness. Increased urination. With an exacerbation of symptoms in the abdomen, severe pain appears, the temperature may rise. Sometimes gastroptosis occurs after severe weight loss, removal of large tumors in the abdominal cavity, or after childbirth, especially in women who have given birth to many women.

Prolonged protein starvation, vitamin deficiency can lead to prolapse of the stomach. Mild disease is usually asymptomatic. But after eating, especially plentiful, there is a feeling of heaviness, fullness, a feeling of overcrowding in the epigastric region. It's about fat. The slag masses between the abdominal organs disappear very quickly, and as a result, a prolapse of the stomach may indeed appear. During this period, you need to eat more salads from tomatoes, cucumbers, red cabbage, bananas, peanuts, honey, blueberries, cherries.

How to lift your stomach

I recommend starting treatment with exercises to raise the stomach.
Classes are carried out lying on the couch with raised legs. In this position, the stomach returns to its "rightful" place. Perform exercises at a calm pace, without jerks and sudden movements.

Do not start therapeutic exercises: in the later stages and with some concomitant diseases, it is categorically contraindicated.

Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body.

1. Raise straight legs in turn without holding your breath (4-5 times each).
2. Bend your knees. Raise the pelvis, leaning on the feet, elbows, back of the head, forming a "half-bridge" (4-5 times).
3. Inhale, bend the leg at the knee and, as you exhale, pull your hands to your stomach (4-5 times each).
4. Raise both legs while inhaling, lower them as you exhale (4-5 times).
5. Imitation of cycling (4-5 times).
6. Raise and lower your arms (6-8 times). Breathing is arbitrary.
7. Inhale, as you exhale, turn your knees bent towards you and to the right, return to and. n. Then repeat the same, but with a turn to the left (4-5 times in each direction).
8. Inhale, as you exhale, pull both legs to your stomach with your hands (4-8 times).

End with a light self-massage of the abdomen. Do it lying on your back, bending your knees, moving your hand clockwise. After class, try to ensure that the abdominal organs are in a normal position for 15-20 minutes. To do this, simply lie on the couch with your legs elevated. The duration of training in the first three weeks is 10-15 minutes once a day, and later - 15 minutes 2-3 times a day.

The intestines will help ... a ball of woolen threads

More specifically, about colonoprosis - prolapse of the large intestine. As a rule, other, underlying, organs are also involved in the pathological process when the stomach is prolapsed. The drooping stomach compresses the small and large intestines. Patients with prolapse of the large intestine are concerned about pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, prolonged persistent constipation.

For the treatment and restoration of the correct position of the organs, in addition to herbal medicine, I recommend acupressure and acupuncture.

Be sure to follow the diet. Food should be light, but satisfying, after each meal you need to lie down for a while. Fractional meals are recommended - 5-6 times a day in small portions. Physical activity during treatment should be limited.

When bowel prolapse, there is such an old method: take a ball of woolen threads, 20 centimeters in diameter. Lie on your stomach, put a ball in the navel area and roll under your weight around the navel for 5-10 minutes. Gradually, the intestines fall into place.

There is also a method of abdominal massage, when the internal organs are lifted with hands and still pulled out with large jars.

Another old method: the stomach should be smeared with vegetable oil, put 2 potatoes cut in half around the navel, and stick matches into them, 5-6 each, and set fire to these matches. Next, take a liter jar with a wide mouth and place it so that the matches are inside. The matches will burn out the oxygen, and most of the stomach will be drawn into the jar. You can move this jar clockwise, it easily travels through oil. And thus, not only the stomach, intestines, but also the genitals become in place.

  • learn not to be nervous, learn to relax;
  • lead a lifestyle in accordance with their natural constitution;
  • eat according to the natural constitution: either maintain the digestive "fire" of the stomach, or, conversely, pacify it;
  • periodically eliminate the stagnation of energy and blood in the body with the help of simple physical exercises, massage, acupuncture, cupping and other procedures, avoid lifting weights.

Do not forget that when the internal organs are lowered, it is forbidden to carry weights in hands and backpacks, to perform household and housework associated with great physical effort. I also recommend to everyone the methodology developed by Professor S.M. Bubnovsky. In order for the impact to be directed, he developed a system of special simulators that allow creating an "anti-gravity" mode, that is, allowing the patient to take a starting position in which the pelvis is above the level of the waist. These trainers are the most common. And the technique is unique, tested by me on myself personally. At the first stage, it requires the obligatory help of an instructor, in the future it is quite possible for a person to do it on his own.

Also remember that movement is life, you just need to learn how to use it correctly.

their condition determines our appearance. creams and other procedures - this is a fake wrapper,
which I do not know what kind of people is designed. a layer of plaster will hide
only for a couple of hours, only in dark places, only from others what is inside. because
it is the internal filling of any system that determines the appearance of everything.
and she needs to be watched. in mechanics - disassemble and lubricate. in organics - massage.
I have been interested in this topic since I was 8 years old. perhaps because it was forbidden under the Union.
my father bought the book "home know-it-all" from the 60s - there were different recipes for dishes
and household items. and for some reason there was an application for yoga postures. from everything I've tried
I single out three: the peacock pose, the abdominal lock and the headstand. I do this a couple of times a day.

* this is the peacock pose at my dacha). when I was 8 years old, I was fascinated by this pose.
but I tried to do it - and it did not work. then tried as a teenager
in different years - it did not work. the muscles of the lower back and legs were weak.

I have been doing it for 15 years now and do it regularly. muscle is needed for training
I recommend this exercise. You can also move your leg to the side. *

Physiological effect of the peacock pose:

  • Strengthens the muscles of the arms, abdomen and back.

  • It has a major effect on the stomach and pancreas, stimulating the activity of the small and large intestines.

  • The pressure of the elbows on the abdominal aorta contributes to the proper blood supply to the abdominal organs.

  • Increases intra-abdominal pressure, cleanses, rejuvenates the digestive organs and glands associated with digestion, as well as the pancreas.

  • Well tones all the organs of the abdominal cavity, contributing to good digestion and active elimination of toxins ("As a peacock kills snakes, so this asana destroys poisons and toxins in the body").

  • Stimulates the cleansing of the liver and improves the quality of bile in the gallbladder.

  • Strengthens the nerves of the lower body.

  • Trains the vestibular apparatus.

  • Energy effect of Mayurasana peacock pose:

  • Energizes the navel energy center (Manipura).

  • Psychic effect of Mayurasana:

  • Gives a boost of energy.

  • Increases mental focus.

  • Teaches control over positive and negative energies.

  • Reduces anger.

  • Increases joy.

  • Gives self-confidence and psychological stability

  • Relieves stress, relaxes the head and eyes.

  • Therapeutic effect of the peacock pose:

  • It cures diseases of the stomach, spleen and pancreas.

  • Promotes the elimination of waste products accumulated as a result of improper eating habits.

  • Eliminates constipation.

  • Helps in the treatment of diabetes.

  • Helps with biliary dyskinesia and congestion in the liver. from here.


  • Get on your knees. Place your feet next to each other, spread your knees apart. Lean forward and rest your palms on the floor between your knees; fingers should be directed towards the feet. Press your forearms firmly together. Lean even further forward and rest your stomach on your elbows and your chest on your upper arms. Stretch your legs back. Tighten your muscles and slowly raise your torso and legs until they are parallel to the floor. The body should now balance only on the arms. Hold the final position for only a short period of time, avoiding excessive force. Carefully return to the starting position. When the breath calms down, the asana can be repeated.

  • Note: Try to raise your legs as high as possible. In the final position, the weight of the body should be supported only by the stomach, and not by the chest.

  • Breathing: Lifting the body from the floor, exhale. In the final position, hold your breath as you exhale. As you lower yourself to the floor, inhale. Breathe normally if the end position is held for an extended period of time.

  • Practice Duration: Hold the final position for as long as you can hold your breath. Those who hold the final position for a longer time should avoid muscle strain. from here.

Brief description of uddiyana bandha, aka abdominal lock.
It is the basic technique of Hatha Yoga:

  • Contraindications to performing uddiyana bandha are acute diseases of the abdominal cavity, as well as chronic ones - during the period of exacerbation, the period of menstruation in women and the period of pregnancy.

  • Uddiyana bandha (“flying up”, or “abdominal lock”). In the practice of uddiyana bandha, the organs in the abdomen are drawn up and inward, creating a natural upward flow of energy; therefore this word is often translated also as "raising the abdomen."

  • Uddiyana bandha should be performed on an empty stomach. After exhalation, the breath is held, the windpipe is blocked, the chest opens, the diaphragm rises, and the abdominal wall is pulled up to the spine. But not due to muscle tension, but due to the creation of a vacuum in the abdominal cavity. This exercise is also called "vacuum udiyana". In addition, it should be mentioned that during some pranayamas (breathing exercises) uddiyana can be used while inhaling. But in this case, we are interested in a simple version, and in it uddiyana is performed while holding the breath after exhalation.

  • Uddiyana should be practiced carefully so that there is no pain. In experienced practitioners, when performing uddiyana, the spine can be felt through the abdominal muscles. Usually, in beginners, the abdomen does not retract deeply due to the fact that the intestines have not been cleaned. (There will be a special separate issue on how to cleanse the intestines.

  • For training the suspension of internal organs, the strength of the diaphragmatic muscles and the abdominal muscles.

  • For deep massage of the abdominal organs.

  • “Just as capacitors, fuses and switches regulate the electrical current, so do bandhas regulate the flow of prana (energy). In this bandha, prana or energy is directed from the lower abdomen to the head.” B.K.S. Iyengar.

Hold your breath for a comfortable amount of time, for a few seconds. It should be remembered that the task of the udina is not to hold your breath as long as possible - but the correct and high-quality massage of the internal organs. In the photo you see the final version of the uddiyana bandha. In order to complete the performance of uddiyana bandha, we first smoothly release the diaphragm and the abdominal wall to a natural position, take a small pre-exhalation (a small amount of air in the lungs still remains after exhalation) and then we take a smooth breath. You can do five to ten sets. from here.

*my favorite pose*. The queen of asanas in yoga is the headstand, Sirshasana in Sanskrit. She was awarded such an honor because, having mastered it to perfection, she brings many benefits to the body and mind: it improves memory and concentration, strengthens the cardiovascular system, increasing the return of venous blood to the heart, frees the lower back from any tension, sends our tired large volume of oxygen to the brain.

« Sirshasana is a real pleasure. Words are not enough to describe its benefits. Only in this posture can the brain receive enough prana and blood. It is directed against gravity and delivers a large amount of blood to the heart. Memory improves tremendously...
Its benefits are countless...
It is a panacea, a cure for all troubles, for all diseases. It sharpens the psychic faculties and awakens the kundalini shakti, cures various diseases of the stomach and digestive tract, and increases the power of the mind. It is a powerful blood cleanser and tonic for the nervous system. This asana cures all diseases of the eyes, nose, head, throat, stomach, urinary tract, liver, spleen and lungs... Wrinkles and gray hair disappear. “He who practices it for three hours a day every day “conquers time,” says the Yogatattva Upanishad.
". This is how Swami Sivananda speaks enthusiastically about this asana in his book “Yoga and Health”. from here.

* I confirm all the claimed effects. when I'm very tired, when I'm in a bad mood, when I want to, I don't understand why, I do a headstand. *

Perhaps, for many, this pose will seem too difficult and unattainable. However, almost everyone can master it. Don't be afraid that it will be too hard for your neck to support the weight of your whole body. The secret is that the main load falls not on the neck, but on the hands. Once you learn how to do this pose correctly, you will realize that it is very easy.

* actually, you need to be very careful about this so as not to break your neck. I prepared for a week, strengthening my neck muscles. I do with the position of the hands, which is in the picture above - and the whole weight of the body - yes - falls on my neck. the second option, which is lower, where the hands are in a boat, loads the neck less. if you decide to do this, google and read other sources regarding safety rules. maybe I was being too careful with that. just doing fitness, once every six months you will pull something somewhere. with a headstand - there were no problems.*

This gymnastics will restore the normal functioning of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas.

This simple exercise will helpnormalize bowel function, get rid of constipation, bloating (flatulence), help activate metabolic processes in the anterior abdominal wall and solve the problem of abdominal obesity, "extra tummy".

In addition, diaphragmatic-visceral gymnastics will restore normal functioning. gallbladder, liver, pancreas.

It will help you solve the problem with biliary dyskinesia, which can lead to increased nervous excitability, irritability, anger, affects meteorological dependence, is one of the causes of the development of the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia, dizziness, temporal headache.

As you perform the exercises, the work of the kidneys and the entire urinary system will improve. Your body will gain the ability to quickly cleanse itself of the products of a completed metabolism, homotaxins and other "slags".

Those who have diseases of the pelvic organs, andrological and genetic difficulties will be able to get rid of prostatitis and prostate adenoma (men), cystic ovarian disease, uterine fibroids, adnexitis, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, painful menstruation, as well as the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins.

Due to the improvement of the blood-lymph flow of the organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, DVG gymnastics will favorably affecttreatment and prevention of spinal osteochondrosis, various lumbar and thoracolumbar pain syndromes, sciatica (ischalgia), problems of the hip joints, varicose veins of the lower extremities and many other pathological conditions.

Diaphragmatic-visceral gymnastics is based on the synthesis of osteopathy, its visceral methods for correcting the abdominal organs, yogic kriyas - dynamic therapeutic exercises, such as naulikriya, and various folk systems of self-massage of internal organs.

In osteopathy, the good functioning of the internal organs is of great importance. This is not surprising since, in the abdominal cavity, there are our bodily factories for the processing of nutrients (stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas), hormonal organs (pancreas), detoxification organ (liver). The organs of the abdominal cavity perform many other functions.

Osteopaths recognize the undoubted connection between the spine and the visceral (organ) sphere. At the same time, reflex mechanisms of interaction make it possible to treat both internal organs through the impact on the spine (vertebro-visceral reflexes), and the spine, through the feedback (viscero-vertebral) connection, through the abdominal organs.

From the point of view of osteopathy, the diaphragm is the main motor element of the normal functioning of the entire abdominal cavity. Contracting, lowering on inspiration and pulling up on exhalation, the diaphragm performs a continuous massage of internal organs, creates conditions for good lymph flow and blood circulation. That is why many techniques in osteopathy have as their goal the normalization of the diaphragm. Almost every Osteopathic session includes mandatory work on this respiratory muscle, regardless of the goals pursued in the treatment. After all, free breathing, good functioning of organs and excellent well-being are necessary for every person!

So, let's start the description of gymnastics.

Gymnastics can be performed from a starting position standing or sitting on a chair. If you do it from a standing position - the legs are set shoulder-width apart, from a sitting position - the legs are apart, bent at the knee joints, the feet rest on the floor. The arms are straightened at the elbow joints, rest on the knees (slightly above the knees). The back is straight, slightly inclined forward.

Stage 1.

We take a deep breath. We divide the inhalation into four stages - first the lower abdomen is filled, then the middle part, then the subcostal area-diaphragm, then the chest. Having completely inhaled (but not super-strongly, so that there is no feeling of “tearing the chest”, strive for comfort), hold your breath for 1-2 seconds.

At this moment, try to completely relax, release all muscle tension on the abdominal wall. Keeping your hands straight on your knees allows you to hold your spine and ribcage without using the muscular effort of the diaphragm to do this work.

Stage 2.

We make a full exhalation. On exhalation, the head leans forward slightly. Exhalation is done in the reverse order in four stages - chest, hypochondrium, middle of the abdomen, lower abdomen. After exhaling completely, hold your breath for a few seconds.

Stage 3.

While holding your breath - try to make several breathing movements with a full chest, but without air, while relaxing the abdominal muscles. During these pseudo-breathing movements, the diaphragm will contract strongly - lower and rise.

You will feel its movements - like vibrations of a tightly stretched membrane deep inside in the hypochondrium. Make 4 breathing movements (without taking in air, on a delay!) With a diaphragm. These movements can be done quickly enough, at the expense of 1-2-3-4 (for each pseudo-breath for 1 second).

Stage 4.

Continuing to hold your breath as you exhale, make 4 quick jerky contractions of the lower abdomen in an upward direction. Due to the abdominal muscles, you first strain the upper, middle lower abdomen, and then make a strong push with the lower abdomen up.

A feeling is created (and it is visually confirmed by a sequence of muscle contractions) that the wave of movement first slowly goes down the front surface of the abdomen from the hypochondrium to the lower edge, and then returns upward to the diaphragm with a fast internal wave.

Repeat the exercise from step 1 to step 4. In total, 4-8-16 or more cycles of such diaphragmatic-visceral-osteopathic self-massage can be done.

Do not immediately start doing many cycles - it's hard on the body. Try to learn the exercises gradually, doing no more than 4 cycles for several days and then slowly increasing their number.

If you have acute severe pain from the abdominal organs before the start of the lesson, you should not do this exercise. Before engaging in such treatment, it is advisable to understand the causes of the pain syndrome. After all, it can be both a banal eating disorder of the intestine, and a manifestation of the onset of a serious surgical disease.

In this case, you should consult a qualified allopathic specialist, such as a gastroenterologist, to rule out surgical pathology. An osteopath who is familiar with the principles and approaches of visceral osteopathy can also give many useful recommendations and correct the position of internal organs.

Gymnastics exercises will be effective if done on an "empty stomach", best in the morning on an empty stomach or at least 3-4 hours after a meal. Otherwise, not only will you not achieve a healing effect, but you may also disrupt the normal digestion of food.

In order to enhance the benefits of the exercises, as well as to work out the pelvic organs in more detail, during breath holding, at the 3rd and 4th stages, it is recommended to produce a strong compression of the muscles of the anus and perineum, while the stomach is “pulled” up as much as possible, “ sticks to the spine.

From the position of osteopathy, in addition to the respiratory diaphragm in the body, there is also the so-called urogenital (urogenital) diaphragm or perineal diaphragm. This is a muscular-ligamentous-fascial formation, similar to a membrane, lining the perineal region.

When solving problems of the small pelvis, gynecological and andrological spheres, osteopaths must correct the work of this diaphragm. With the help of compression of the anus, during DVG, you sort of pull the pelvic organs up, massage them, normalize internal blood circulation, and relieve pathological spasms. Try gradually integrating this addition into the main exercise and you will get a wonderful healing result!

There is another extension of the basic DVG complex - a circular sequential correction of the muscles of the abdominal wall and intestines.

This exercise is also performed on holding the breath - a separate complex.

Stage 1.

Starting position - as in the basic version. We take a full four-phase breath.

Stage 2.

We make a full four-phase exhalation.

Stage 3.

While holding the breath, we begin to consistently contract the abdominal muscles, so that the wave of contraction goes in a circle, clockwise - from the lower abdomen, to the right side wall, then to the upper abdomen (the area of ​​the xiphoid process of the sternum, the middle of the hypochondrium), then to the left side wall and back to the lower abdomen.

We try to do the exercise carefully, strongly and, if possible, locally (learn over time!) To strain the abdominal muscles to perform it. Visually - the stomach seems to move in a circle, there is a "squeezing" effort, which contributes to the massage of the internal organs and the maximum subsequent cleansing of the intestines.

We do the exercise only with muscles, we don’t help with our hands, our hands are in their original position with an emphasis on the knees. We do 4 full circles of movement. In the future, at one delay, you can do up to 8-16 movements, as long as there is enough air. But do not strive for too much, do not bring your body to the limit of its capabilities. It is much better to do more rounds, but keep the comfort and enjoy the gymnastics.

When combining exercises, you can first do several cycles of the basic complex, and then several cycles of circular massage of the abdominal cavity.

After doing gymnastics, you should not immediately eat or drink liquids. Wait 10-15 minutes, let the healing processes in your body fully settle down. Drink some warm water or weak green tea. And after 5-10 minutes you can start eating.

In conclusion, I want to note that in addition to local healing effects on internal organs, DVG gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the entire body. When it is performed, sexual activity increases, the feeling of "internal energy", chronic fatigue syndrome disappears, psycho-emotional reactions normalize. You become more active, constructive and at the same time much more balanced.

Combining these exercises with the techniques of psycho-emotional re-awareness (about this method in another article), the therapy of basic energy points according to the su-jok system and the methods of spiral correction of the spine, in a short time you can achieve much greater results than years of taking pills or heavy non-specific muscle workouts.
