Heating a private house with electricity. Cheap home heating with electricity

Heating a house in the winter cold results in serious costs. Do you want to learn how to save? I suggest comparing several popular varieties heating equipment, evaluate their efficiency and figure out how you can reduce overhead heating costs.

Direct comparison by cost per kilowatt-hour

Let's find out what the price of a kilowatt-hour of heat will be when using different sources of thermal energy.

Here are the approximate prices at the time of writing (January 2017):

  1. main gas- 0.7 rubles;
  2. Dry firewood- 0.9-1.2 p.;
  3. Pellets- 1.4-1.5 rubles;
  4. Coal- 1.5-1.6 rubles;
  5. Propane from a gas tank- 2.3-2.5 rubles;
  6. Propane from cylinders- 2.8-3.0 rubles;
  7. Diesel fuel- 3.2-3.6 rubles;
  8. Electricity- 4.0-5.0 r.

The cost of a kilowatt-hour of heat in each region will be different, as it depends on local prices and utility tariffs. For example, in Sevastopol, where I live, electricity is 40% cheaper than in Moscow (up to 600 kWh per month - 2.96 rubles / kWh versus 5.38), and pellets are twice as expensive (15,000 rubles per ton against 7000).

The conclusions are absolutely clear. The undisputed leader in terms of cheapness is main gas.

How to economically heat the house in his absence?

At a distance from the gas mains, it is most profitable to heat with firewood. They are closely followed by pellets and coal.

Cheaper, even cheaper

Comrades, choosing a heat source is not our whole task. The same source can be used in many different ways, and some of them will be noticeably more economical than others. I will talk about several solutions that will allow you to significantly reduce your heating costs.

Facade insulation

Any heating systems only compensate for heat leakage through the building envelope, windows and ventilation. Losses through walls account for up to 35% of their total amount, through the roof and windows - 25% each, through the floor - up to 15%.

There are many ways to insulate country house; I will describe only a few of the most popular.

Styrofoam coat(mounting on cement glue and dowels - "fungi" of foam sheets with their subsequent puttying on a reinforcing mesh).

Mineral wool fur coat(the scheme of insulation is the same, but with a different heat-insulating material - mats of glued mineral wool). It compares favorably with the foam plastic minimum fire hazard.

Insulated ventilation facade. Mineral wool is attached to the walls and covered with a windproof membrane, and on top of it - a metal or plastic lining, fixed on a frame made of galvanized profile or bar.

Insulated screed. It is laid on a concrete floor slab or boardwalk over a layer of dense foam or expanded polystyrene.

The insulated cover wooden beams . The insulation is placed in the gap between the beams, on top of the flooring hemmed from below or laid on the cranial bars.

From above, it can only be covered with waterproofing (in a cold attic) or flooring along the logs (in a residential floor or an exploited attic).

Bulk insulation. gaps between beams or slab floor fall asleep with 20 - 30 centimeters of expanded clay or metallurgical slag.

Energy saving windows. Glass with the thinnest metal coating is opaque in the infrared spectrum and reflects thermal radiation towards the heated room.

Roof insulation. Mineral wool or polystyrene is placed in the gaps between the rafters and covered with a vapor barrier.

The roof of my attic is insulated with two materials - a 50-mm layer of mineral wool and foam plastic of the same thickness. An attic with an area of ​​60 m2 with panoramic energy-saving windows of 26 squares to maintain comfortable + 20C in -20 on the street has enough heat power of 4 kilowatts.

How we save: by reducing heat losses that the heating system must compensate.

Savings: insulation coefficients used in thermotechnical calculations, vary from 0.6 to 4. The difference between the extreme scenarios (a house with an outer foam plastic coat and energy-saving windows on the one hand and an uninsulated warehouse with profiled sheet walls on the other) is more than 6 times. This is how you can reduce heating costs due to insulation.

Condensing gas boiler

Condensing gas boilers are the most economical boilers for heating a private house.

How are: the boiler has two heat exchangers. One of them takes heat from the products of combustion of the main gas. The second is for them. The condensate is discharged into the sewer by a drain pipe.

Reference: the main combustion products of hydrocarbons are carbon dioxide and water.

How we save: by using the total heat of combustion, including the heat of condensation of water vapor. As you know, the evaporation of water requires energy. When steam condenses, this energy is released and, in our case, is utilized by a heat exchanger.

Savings: 11 - 13%. Taking into account the heat of combustion of gas, this allows marketers to declare an incredible efficiency of 107% for condensing boilers. Of course, the calorific value of the gas is taken as 100%, without taking into account the condensation of water vapor.

pyrolysis boiler

And without that economical heating wood can be made even more economical when using a pyrolysis boiler. As a bonus, the owner receives an increase in the interval between kindling from 2-4 to 10-12 hours.

How it works: in a pyrolysis boiler (gas generator), the combustion of fuel is divided into two stages. At first, firewood smolders with limited air access and high temperature. In the process of pyrolysis, only a small amount of ash remains from them, and the bulk of the fuel is converted into CO ( carbon monoxide) and volatile hydrocarbons.

Once in the afterburner, superheated combustible gases are mixed with fresh air supplied through the injectors. At the same time, they ignite and completely burn out. At the outlet of the boiler - the notorious CO2 and H2O.

How we save: due to complete combustion of the fuel (and, accordingly, maximum efficiency) while limiting the thermal power. In a classic solid fuel boiler, a blower damper (often equipped with a thermostat) is used to adjust the power. With a limited air flow, part of the fuel literally flies into the pipe - gaseous hydrocarbons do not have time to burn out in the furnace.

Savings: up to 30%. This is how the efficiency of a classic boiler drops with incomplete combustion of fuel.

Solid fuel boiler and heat accumulator

How to save on heating using solid fuel and a classic boiler?

Install a heat accumulator in the gap of the heating circuit.

How it works: a heat accumulator is a large heat-insulated container with branch pipes for connecting to several heating circuits. It is used, as the name suggests, to store heat.

A tank with a volume of 3000 liters, when water is heated from 40 to 80 degrees, will accumulate 175 kWh of thermal energy, which is enough to heat a house of 90 square meters during the day.

The heat accumulator closes two heating circuits with forced circulation:

  1. The first one connects it to the heating boiler;
  2. The second unites the tank with heating devices.

How we save: due to the operation of the boiler at rated power and with maximum efficiency. The resulting heat is stored in a heat accumulator and used to heat the house for the next few hours.

As a bonus, the owner will receive more rare kindling of the boiler - depending on the volume of the tank and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, from once every 12 hours to once a day.

Savings: the same 10 - 30% that are lost during the operation of a classic solid fuel boiler with a forcibly limited power.

Electric boiler and heat accumulator

How to make electric heating cheaper?

A combination of an electric boiler, a two-tariff meter and a heat accumulator already familiar to us will allow us to heat a house relatively cheaply.

How it works:

  • The buffer tank in this case also closes two circuits that combine it with the boiler and heating appliances;
  • At night, the boiler turns on by a timer and heats the water in the tank;
  • During the day, the accumulated heat maintains a comfortable temperature in the house.

How we save: due to the consumption of electricity during the operation of a cheaper nightly tariff.

Savings: I will give Moscow prices. If at a one-rate tariff for a kilowatt-hour of electricity you have to pay 5.38 rubles, then at a two-rate tariff at night the same kilowatt-hour will cost 1.64 rubles. Savings - 70%.

Warm floor

Underfloor heating can be implemented in several ways:

  • pipe laying with a coolant in an insulated screed;

  • Laying the heating cable into layer tile adhesive under tiles;
  • Film heaters under parquet, laminate or linoleum.

Regardless of what types of fuel are used for heating, underfloor heating is positioned as economical heating.

How we save: by lowering the average temperature inside the house. With convection heating with radiators or wall convectors, +22°C at floor level will be at +27 - +30 under the ceiling. The average temperature is 25-26°C.

Do you often walk on the ceiling or rest on it? Me too no. Gravity, you know.

The obvious conclusion is that heating the air under the ceiling is absolutely useless. It only leads to an increase in the leakage of thermal energy through the roof or ceiling: the heat flux is directly proportional to the temperature difference on both sides of the building envelope.

In the case of a warm floor, when it is heated to +22, it will be +16 under the ceiling. The average temperature is +19. By lowering the average temperature, we reduce heat loss.

Savings: Depends on the weather outside. Jokes aside. At 0C outside, a decrease in the air temperature in the house from 25 to 19 will save 24%, and at -10 - only 15%.

infrared heating

Heating your home with electricity can be made cheaper by using infrared heaters. They may be:

  • Devices with a high-temperature heating coil in a quartz tube;
  • Film heaters installed for finishing walls or imitating paintings, photographs, wall panels, etc.;

  • Glass, ceramic or metal panels.

The key difference between IR heaters and convection heaters follows directly from their name: most of the heat is transferred environment not by direct contact with air, but by thermal radiation.

How we save: by placing such a device under the ceiling, we will make it heat the floor and the furniture standing on it. They, in turn, will begin to give off heat to the air in the lower part of the heated volume. As a result, we get an analogue of a warm floor, but at a much lower cost.

The temperature distribution is the same as in the case of a warm floor.

Not only that, the appliances can be easily installed by DIY after finishing fine finish. When installing a warm floor, you will have to at least remove the finish coating.

Since infrared radiation will heat not only the floor, but also all the people in the room, the comfortable temperature will drop even more than when using a warm floor - up to 14-15 degrees.

Savings: at 0C outside, a decrease in the average temperature in the room from 25 to 15 degrees will save 40%.

Solar collectors

If solar panels are designed to generate electricity, then solar collectors are used to heat water. The collector can be flat or tubular; the best models of these devices utilize up to 85% of solar heat.

The main problem with these devices is that they only work during daylight hours. Not only that: the amount of heat that the collector produces varies depending on weather conditions. That is why solar heat is used only as additional source energy for heating.

To accumulate thermal energy in heating systems with solar collectors, our old friend, a heat accumulator, is used.

How we save: due to the utilization of absolutely free thermal radiation of the Sun.

Operating expenses - 0 rubles, 0 kopecks.

Savings: in central Russia on a clear day, a kilowatt of heat can be removed from a square meter of collector surface. With a day length of 8 hours, the theoretical maximum amount of thermal energy received from an area of ​​1 m2 is 8 kWh. A collector battery with an area of ​​60 m2 is capable of generating 8*60=240 kWh per day.

Even one collector with an area of ​​2 m 2, which produces 8 kilowatt-hours of heat per day, will reduce the cost of electric heating with a heating element boiler by 800-1000 rubles per month.

All this is in theory.

In practice, the picture is not so rosy:

  1. On a cloudy winter day, the collector power drops to 100 watts per square;

  1. Devices with a total area of ​​60 m2 will cost 600-700 thousand rubles at current prices. Solar heat is cheap at the stage of operation, but not at all when buying equipment.

An interesting fact: a few years ago, the energy sector in Europe headed for solar collectors and other alternative heat sources. In particular, in Cyprus the total collector area is 800 m2 per 1000 population. In Russia - 0.2 m 2 per 1000 people.

Heating with heat pumps

Heat pumps run on electricity and, despite this, are a source of very cheap heat.

How is this possible?

Let's study the work cycle.

  1. The compressor compresses the freon gas. With excess pressure, it turns into a liquid and heats up;
  2. The heat exchanger removes excess heat from our hot guy. It is utilized to heat the air in the house (directly or through a coolant);
  3. At the expansion valve, the pressure of the refrigerant drops sharply and it evaporates. At the same time, the freon temperature instantly drops by several tens of degrees;
  4. In an external heat exchanger, the gaseous refrigerant is heated by the external environment;
  5. The heated gas is compressed by the compressor - and the cycle repeats.

The outside environment can be much colder than the air inside the house. The main thing is that freon should be even colder when passing through the heat exchanger.

What media can serve as a source of heat?

  • street air. Top Models air heat pumps are able to heat the house at -25 on the street;

  • Priming. Deeper than the freezing level, its temperature is above zero all year round. Heat exchangers can be immersed in wells or laid in trenches;

When laying horizontally, the area allotted for the collector should be three times the heated area.

  • Water. The heat exchanger is placed in a non-freezing reservoir (preferably a flowing one). Groundwater can also serve as a source of heat: it is taken from the well and, after cooling, is discharged into the second, drainage well.

How we save: due to the fact that for every kilowatt consumed by the compressor, the pump pumps 3-6 kilowatts of heat into the house. This feature reduces the cost of a kilowatt-hour of energy to the level of a wood-burning boiler - with incomparable ease of use. The heat pump can operate offline, without any maintenance, indefinitely.

Savings: compared with a direct heating device - the same 3-6 times. Exact value depends on:

  1. Outdoor heat exchanger temperatures. The colder the environment, the less heat can be taken away from it;
  2. Internal heat exchanger temperatures. With its growth, the heat transfer of the pump per kilowatt of power decreases.

That is why heat pumps usually use underfloor heating or low-temperature radiator heating.

The main source of heat in my house is inverter air conditioners, a type of air source heat pump. A usable area of ​​154 square meters is heated by 4 devices with a total peak thermal power of 14 kW, consuming from 1.2 to 4 kW, depending on the street temperature. About 1500 kWh of electricity per month is consumed for heating needs.


I sincerely hope that my recommendations and experience will help the reader to choose an economical and affordable heating scheme. As always, the video in this article will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with additional information. I look forward to your comments. Good luck, comrades!

When choosing a heating system for their own home, the owners, of course, primarily considering installing gas boiler, since this type of heating is by far the most economical. But here's the problem - gas supply lines are still far from reaching all settlements, or it happens that gas wiring to the house is unaffordable in terms of financial capabilities and due to the mass of preparatory and conciliatory procedures. Heating on solid or liquid fuels is not always convenient - it requires special skills in handling stoves or boilers, compliance with increased requirements fire safety, constructions according to all the rules of the chimney system in order to exclude poisoning by combustion products. And besides, in some regions of our country, which are not rich in forests, the supply of firewood or coal can be a problem.

In this case, the most relevant is the electric heating of a private house. Surely, many immediately associate with oil-filled electric radiators or reflectors, which are neither particularly efficient nor economical. Of course, with this approach, at current electricity prices, heating will cost a lot of money. However, not everything is so clear. There are many ways to use electricity to heat your home, and some of them may well compete with gas systems.

The publication will consider the existing possibilities for organizing electric heating of a private house. Read, draw conclusions so that you can make a decision in favor of one or another option.

Just a few words about those electric heaters that are known to everyone, probably from childhood:

  • Heating reflectors, usually with one or more spirals, placed in transparent quartz glass tubes. Such devices create a directed flow of thermal energy, but are only capable of heating either very small rooms, or a very limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. At the same time, it is impossible to call them economical - usually they do not provide for any automatic adjustments, except for changing the set heating level of the spiral.

Fan heater - not even considered as heating

  • Thermal fans - drive the air flow through the heat exchanger (most often an open nichrome spiral acts as this). The heated air flow can only increase comfort in a certain area and for a very short time. What can be very good for a small office, in a residential country house will not give an effect. In addition, prolonged operation of such a device burns quite strongly, dries the air in a closed room. Some modern models work on the principle of mixing air from outside, but all the same, it is impossible to consider such devices as home heating.

Oil cooler - good only for additional local heating

  • Oil radiators are heavy-weight heaters with a pronounced ribbed shape, similar to classic ones. cast iron batteries. They can be mobile (many even have wheels to make them easier to move around the room), or permanently installed.

Such radiators are able to heat up to very high temperatures and give off energy in the form of direct thermal radiation and the creation of convection currents. Their ribbed shape significantly increases the area of ​​active heat exchange.

Oil radiators usually have step or smooth adjustment of the heating medium heating temperature, have good thermal inertia - even after turning off they are able to stay warm for quite a long time. However, their efficiency is low, and such devices are usually used as additional heating, to help the main one, when the need arises. It will simply be unprofitable to build the entire heating system based on oil coolers.

Water heating system with electric boiler

The organization is described in great detail in the corresponding publication of our portal.

The main feature of such a system under the conditions considered in this article is that the liquid coolant receives heating only from an electric boiler. This determines several parameters characteristic of it:

  • Such a system should be designed exclusively for forced circulation. The reason is simple - the installation of a circuit for natural circulation will lead to significant losses in power, heat transfer rate, uneven heating of the premises, and in the end - all this will necessarily affect the unnecessary consumption of expensive electricity. The consumption of the pump cannot be compared with these losses.
  • For the same reason, to avoid absolutely unnecessary losses, systems with electric boilers are never made according to open type, that is, it is necessary to install an expansion membrane tank with the appropriate security group.

Now - more about the types of heating electric boilers.

Boilers with heating elements

These installations use the usual principle of resistive heating of a metal conductor when passing electric current(a direct analogy with electric stoves, irons, incandescent bulbs, etc.) however, given that the heating elements are in contact with a liquid heat carrier, they are dressed in reliable insulation and a waterproof housing. All this, of course, affects rather large energy losses, insufficiently high efficiency of such devices (usually around 80%). To ensure proper heating of a constantly circulating coolant, it is necessary either to sharply increase the power of the heating element, or increase their number, which reduces the overall efficiency of the heating system.

The layout of the boilers is different - from the usual rectangular shapes with controls on the front panel to cylinders with “bundles” of heating elements located inside and with a control unit placed in a separate box.

Designers are constantly improving their products, equipping them with automation that maintains the required level of heating, turns on the heating elements in stages as needed, and turns off the power when the required temperature is reached. But still, such boilers are among the most uneconomical, and their installation as the main heat generator will not be justified even by the low price of such devices.

Boilers of the electrode principle of operation

Of all the electric boilers, these are probably the most controversial. At one time, they were presented as practically no alternative in terms of performance and economy. However, a flood of critical remarks on their work soon followed.

The way they work is completely different. The coolant is not simple water, but brought to the state of an electrolyte - a conductive liquid. Frequency oscillations of the variable network (50 Hz) cause corresponding oscillations of the electrolyte ions, which gives it a quick heating.

The advantages of such boilers are as follows:

  • They are small in size and do not differ in large mass, with a sufficiently high heating power.

This allows, for example, to combine their use by installing a kind of "batteries" from several small boilers, which can be included in the system as needed.

  • Such boilers are completely insensitive to mains voltage surges within fairly large limits (± 15 ÷ 20% ). For their operation, the stability of the frequency of the alternating current is more important.
  • They have fast heating and good efficiency (according to the manufacturer - 20% more economical than heating elements), while their cost is low. The declared efficiency of such a device is up to 98%.
  • If the boiler is tied metal pipes, then this expands the ionization zone of the coolant and gives a noticeable increase in system performance.
  • From the point of view of fire safety - such a boiler, in principle, cannot overheat, if suddenly there is no coolant in the pipes - it simply will not turn on.

However, a lot of criticism can be heard against such boilers:

  • There are special requirements for purity and certain chemical composition coolant electrolyte. In case of non-compliance with such requirements, all the advantages of the boiler are simply lost.
  • Power instability is one of the characteristic features t t of such equipment. The intensity of heating is very dependent on both the chemical composition and the temperature of the electrolyte, since when it changes in any direction, the electrical conductivity also changes.
  • Such a system is very difficult to adjust and automate the heating process.
  • Regular cleaning of the entire heating system is required, as it will have a tendency to salt overgrowth of pipe cavities.
  • At least once a year, it is required to clean the heat exchanger of the boiler itself and to correct the chemical composition of the coolant.
  • Installation and operation of such equipment is impossible if the electrical network of the house is not equipped with a reliable grounding circuit.

Boilers of the inductive principle of operation

These boilers are often considered the most advanced of all electric boilers. The principle of their operation is strikingly different from those described above. To understand it, you can remember the school physics course, and specifically, the operation of an electrical transformer.

If you do not go into details, then briefly it looks like this. If an alternating electric current passes through one conductor (primary winding), then a voltage is induced in the other, located in the resulting electromagnetic field (secondary winding). When the circuit of the secondary winding is closed, it also begins to flow alternating current, which causes resistive heating of the conductor.

  • It is this principle that is applied in induction boilers of the SAV type.

The primary winding coil is hermetically placed in the housing, which does not come into contact with the liquid anywhere. But the role of a secondary closed winding is an internal labyrinth system of pipes through which the coolant is pumped. Heating occurs very quickly and evenly, there is no energy loss, so the efficiency of such boilers approaches 100%.

The efficiency of the boiler is also increased by the physical principle of self-induction - currents passing through a closed secondary circuit generate so-called reactive additional power, and its values ​​\u200b\u200bare very significant.

Typically, boilers of this type are massive metal cylinders of various diameters and heights. So, the smallest boiler in this “line” is SAV -2.5, has a diameter of 120 mm, a height of 450, and at the same time weighs 23 kg. Its power (2.5 kW) will be enough to heat a room up to 30 m².

Installation of such a device is not difficult, since there are threaded pipes for inserting it into the system, a control unit for connecting to the mains.

  • Induction tols are arranged and work somewhat differently. VIH(vortex induction heaters).

The mains supply voltage undergoes preliminary conversion to high-frequency, which gives a rapid increase in the strength of the electromagnetic field and, accordingly, the strength of the currents it generates. But there is no secondary winding in this circuit - its role is played by all the metal surfaces of the boiler, which are made of alloys that have pronounced ferromagnetic properties. Induced surface eddy Foucault currents cause the effect magnetization reversal, which is always accompanied by almost instantaneous and very strong heating of ferromagnetic materials. It turns out that almost all massive parts of the device are involved in heat transfer, which determines its highest efficiency (efficiency - 99%).

Boilers VIH quite heavy: the smallest of them, with a power of 3 kW, weighs 30 kg with a relatively small sizes- cylinder diameter 122 mm and height 620 mm. Such a "baby" will cope with heating 40 m². If desired, you can purchase a more powerful device (the product line is quite wide) or install a “battery” of several VIN boilers, which will give additional benefits during operation of the heating system.

"Battery" of six boilers VIN

Summing up the boilers induction principle actions - briefly about their main advantages:

  • In such heaters, there is no formation of scale or salt deposits - the work is accompanied by high-frequency microvibrations, which do not allow precipitation to settle on the walls. The efficiency of the device in the course of even a very long operation does not decrease.
  • Any liquid can be used as a heat carrier - there are no special requirements for its chemical composition.
  • There are practically no vulnerable nodes in the design of the boilers - there is no contact of the coolant with electrical part. There is simply nothing to break in them and their service life is limited only by the state of the welds, and this is tens of years.
  • Warming up is very fast, and electronic control units make it easy to fine-tune the heating system. At the same time, induction boilers are the most “safe” in terms of fire and electrical safety.
  • Both calculations and results practical application show energy savings using such boilers up to 35 ÷ 40%, when compared with cats of similar power, operating on a different principle (electrode or heating elements).

Among the shortcomings, the following can be noted:

  • Some owners complain about a slight vibration noise during their work.
  • The boilers are very heavy and require special attention when mounted on walls.
  • The equipment is quite expensive - even the most low-power induction boilers cost about 30 thousand rubles. However, this should quickly pay off by saving electricity.

To finish the topic with a water cooling system from an electric boiler - one more important note. Whatever unit is standing, it will be possible to talk about profitability only if the house has good thermal insulation and modern heating radiators with their own thermostats are installed. Old cast-iron batteries in this situation will simply ruin the owner.

Video: how to choose the right electric heating boiler

Electric convectors

The organization of a water heating system is always a large-scale work on laying pipelines, inserting batteries, installing circulation pumps, special safety devices and much more. Is it possible to do without all this if you plan to heat the house using electricity? Yes, installation of electric convectors will help to avoid such problems.

Outwardly, these devices most often resemble familiar heating radiators - they are installed vertically on walls or under window openings. Closed heating elements are located inside, which do not cause the effect of "drying out" of the air. The layout of the device is designed in such a way that cold air penetrates into it from below through the slatted bottom, receives heat from the heating elements and, leaving through the upper grate, creates a stable convection upward flow.

Convectors are always equipped with built-in thermostats that monitor the temperature in the room and turn off the heating when the values ​​​​set by the users are reached. This ensures a sufficiently high efficiency of such a heating system.

The use of convectors provides a number of advantages:

  • There is no need to install complex piping, with all its risks of leakage, freezing, etc. The owner of the house can handle the installation of such a heating system quite independently.
  • There is no need to equip a separate room for the boiler room.
  • Converters can be installed in any room in the right amount(the main thing is that a reliable power line of the appropriate power should be laid).
  • Special models are produced for wet rooms - they can be installed in bathrooms or home saunas (protection class - IP -24). For ordinary residential premises, class IP-21 convectors are suitable.
  • The devices are extremely easy to operate - you just need to set the required temperature on the scale or display panel. Everything else will be taken care of by automation. If necessary, you can turn off the heating in certain rooms if they are not currently in use.
  • The safety of appliances is also their hallmark. They never have any exposed heating elements, and the heating in the outer panel is negligible and it is impossible to get burned on it, which is especially important if children live in the house.
  • Variety of models and design decoration must satisfy the most demanding taste of the owners. Such convectors fit perfectly into any interior, sometimes even adding special details to it.
  • The operation of convectors is absolutely silent.

Convectors can be made in a portable or mobile version, that is, it is possible, if necessary, to create temporary zones of increased comfort.

There are others original solutions. One of them is the installation of special convectors in the thickness of the floor, for example, in front of doors or wide windows. The heated air rises through a special decorative grille and create an efficient thermal curtain from the penetration of external cold.

Convectors may have a mechanical thermostat, but some modern models are equipped with an electronics unit that allows you to program the operation of the device. So, you can set for a certain time low temperature heating - when everyone is absent from the house, but with the expectation that by the arrival of the owners the convector will reach the required power and a comfortable atmosphere will be created in the premises.

Of course, such heating will become effective only with very high-quality thermal insulation of the house, otherwise expensive energy will be wasted. However, this is rather a problem of the building itself, and no no abundance of convectors.

Video: device and installation of an electric heating convector

Electric "warm floors"

Another way to organize the heating system of a private house from electricity is to install "warm floors". They produce several varieties of such systems.

  • Heating cables - they are most often mounted in the thickness of the screed, which at the same time becomes a powerful accumulator of thermal energy. Cables can also vary - be single-core or two-core, work according to the usual resistive principle (heating of the conductor when passing electric current), or have a semiconductor matrix and have in connection with this effect of self-regulation of heating in each individual area.

  • Heating mats are more convenient during installation. This is also a heating cable, but only reinforced on a fiberglass mesh base. The advantage of such mats is that they may not require a screed - for example, ceramic tiles can be laid directly on them, slightly increasing the thickness of the adhesive layer.

  • Another type of heating electric mats is rod. Two conductors connected in parallel jumper rods having a special structure and working on the principle of self-regulation of heating. The convenience of this type is that the failure of any of their elements does not lead to the inoperability of the entire system as a whole. On such mats, ceramic tiles can also be laid immediately. As a disadvantage, it can be noted that the very high price of such heaters is still very high.

Regardless of the design, all electric "warm floors" are equipped with a temperature sensor, which is installed in the thickness of the floor, and a thermostat blog. Heating is carried out to a certain temperature, which is set by the owner of the house, and in the future the power will be turned on and off automatically to maintain this mode.

"Warm floors" are able to create a comfortable environment in the room with uniform heating of the entire volume of the room from the floor surface. However, this approach is not particularly economical, and can hardly be considered a complete alternative to other heating systems. Most often they are used in addition to the main sources of heat, to create zones of increased comfort.

Infrared heating systems

A modern solution to the problem of electric heating of a private house will be infrared heaters.

Such devices and devices use the principle of wave energy transfer over a distance - you can draw a simplified analogy with sunlight. Specially selected emitter materials allow you to convert electrical energy in the beam, in the long-wave infrared range, invisible to human vision. The emitters themselves heat up slightly, and infrared waves do not encounter air resistance, but, falling on an opaque surface, are converted into thermal energy. Thus, it is not the air in the room that is heated, but all surfaces and objects that are in the path of the rays. But these surfaces already, in turn, conduct heat exchange with the surrounding air. There is uniform heating, which starts very quickly after turning on the power. This ensures optimal temperature distribution, in contrast to convective systems.

Significant energy losses do not occur, which gives a high efficiency of such systems and their high efficiency.

Such heaters can be made in a suspended ceiling version, very reminiscent of conventional fluorescent lamps. They are placed above the places where the most intensive heating is required. They can also be portable, allowing you to direct the flow of energy into necessary time in necessary direction.

But the most convenient today are probably PLEN - film radiant electric heaters. They are produced in the form of durable film strips of various widths and lengths. Between the layers of transparent heat-resistant plastic, the emitters themselves are placed (usually a special carbon paste or bimetallic foil plates), connected by conductive copper bars.

The thickness of the film is very small - no more than 0.4 mm. It is very easy to install in right place- on ceilings, walls, attic roof slopes, etc., and can, if the owners wish, be covered with finishing materials that will not significantly reduce the efficiency of the room heating system.

The film is heated to a temperature not exceeding 45 ÷ 50 ºС, and cannot cause burns or lead to a fire hazard. It is great for underfloor heating systems without using a screed - it can be placed under laminate, linoleum, parquet. Ingoda, simplifying their task, some owners simply cover such films with carpeting - for example, you can very quickly equip a particularly warm area for children's games.

PLEN is not afraid of dynamic loads, moisture ingress. Such heaters are easy to dismantle and move to another place - the main thing is not to damage the integrity of the film coating. Energy costs for such electric heating are considered the lowest of all existing types. Such a system is especially convenient for houses where the owners come periodically, for example, on weekends - you just turn on the power, and intensive heating of the necessary premises or areas immediately begins. In addition, many medical experts assure of the special usefulness of such heaters, as they ionize the air to the extent necessary for human health and even eliminate unpleasant odors.

Video: advantages of the PLEN heating system

So, the main possibilities for organizing electric heating of a private house were considered. This type of heating has many advantages - absolute environmental friendliness, simplicity and accuracy in management, no need to create fuel reserves. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to expect too high efficiency effect - electricity is not cheap. That is why the requirements for insulation of all elements of the building in this case should be increased.

Bringing electricity to the house the task is real and less costly than gasification. Therefore, many people think about heating with the help of electrical devices.

This type of heating is convenient: does not require bookmarking and filling of fuel, changing gas cylinders. And if desired, it can be automated.

Features of heating a house with electricity: what is the most economical way

There are many ways to heat a house with electricity.

Electric boilers

Transfer of energy to the heat carrier heating electrodes. Hot water enters the pipes and radiators distributed throughout the premises, and thus the building is heated.

The efficiency of electric boilers is high, for some models reaches 99%. Heating of the coolant starts immediately how the boiler is turned on.

Advantages of such heating:

  • affordable prices;
  • low cost of installation;
  • no need for a separate furnace;
  • simple and reliable device;
  • no open flame;
  • environmental friendliness: no emissions, no air duct needed;
  • minimal maintenance;
  • remote control and automation possible;
  • overheating protection and emergency shutdown.

Heating Disadvantages:

  • heating costs due to the cost of electricity;
  • the risk of power outages;
  • high power requirements;
  • hard water forms scale on heating elements.

Important! Electric heating is considered the most expensive ( 1 kW is 7.5 times higher than when heating with main gas). In addition, the capacities allocated to private households are not enough for heating with electricity.


The electric boiler is the central element. The heating scheme usually includes:

  • pump;
  • expansion tank;
  • collector;
  • a number of taps (drain, balancing) and valves (distribution, air);
  • filter;
  • pipes;
  • radiators (batteries).


at first read the instructions to the equipment.

Installation of the heating system is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. installation boiler;
  2. mounting expansion tank;
  3. installation collector;
  4. organizations security groups;
  5. inclusion in the scheme pump;
  6. installation devices to improve the system(control devices, valves, cocks);
  7. wiring pipes;
  8. mounting radiators.

General principles of saving when using electric boilers

The liquid coolant does not cool down quickly. As well as:

  • Select economical model electric boiler.
  • Switch to a two-tariff electricity meter and use the heating boiler mainly during the day with a low cost of 1 kW.
  • Integrate a heat accumulator into the system, which accumulates heat at night and releases it during the day, when the price of electricity is higher.
  • Qualitatively warm up the house.

TENovy electric boiler

Common options for electric boilers for heating:

  1. heating elements;
  2. electrode;
  3. induction.

The heating boiler has heating elements inside - heating elements in the form of bent metal tubes.

They heat up themselves and transfer energy to the coolant. If the heating elements are not immersed in liquid, they may burn out.

Heating benefits:

  • heat the house in the presence of only electricity;
  • there are models on the market that can be used with the electricity capacities allocated in Russia.

Cons of heating:

  • the most expensive heating option;
  • requires maximum power;
  • efficiency decreases over time.

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It is cheaper to use heating elements of low power for heating, if possible.

The remaining options are similar to the general recommendations described above. for liquid systems of electric heating.

Induction boilers. How much does the equipment cost?

The liquid heat carrier is heated by a magnetic field, which is produced inside such a boiler. The two main components of the device: coil and core containing water.

Photo 1. Induction electric heating boiler. It is a small bottle, takes up little space.

The energized coil creates a magnetic field that heats the core, which transfers energy to the coolant flowing through it. Since the coil does not come into contact with water, the coolant is not energized.

Advantages of heating with an induction boiler:

  • Reliability: work for years without repair.
  • They are considered economical among electric boilers.
  • Small dimensions.
  • There are no special requirements for the coolant.
  • Low inertia. Energy costs go to the initial heating of the water in the system, and maintenance is no longer expensive.
  • Easy installation.
  • Possibility of electronic control.

Cons of heating with an induction boiler:

  • Difficulties of self-repair.
  • The main disadvantage of induction boilers is the cost. If the prices for heating elements electric boilers start from 3-4 thousand rubles, then this option will cost already more expensive than 30 thousand rubles Although some sources state that the difference between these types is from 2 times.

Savings when using induction boilers

Achieved through the principle of action . More economical than heating elements and are considered profitable in operation, especially in the presence of high-quality automation.

For heating with an electric boiler, economical models are selected and use the listed cost reduction opportunities: high-quality insulation, the presence of a heat accumulator, a two-rate meter and heating of the coolant in the cheap period of the day. This will save on electricity heating.

How to cheaply heat a private house with other electrical appliances

In addition to the methods described above, there are more innovative options for heating homes with electricity.

Infrared equipment - will heat the room economically

Manufacturers of similar equipment effective and safe for all living things are called electromagnetic oscillations, which follow the visible red part of the middle spectrum (infrared rays). Wavelength from 6 to 20 µm, according to different sources. It is this interval that is used in the devices infrared heating.

Photo 2. Installation of infrared heating: special films are attached to the ceiling, which radiate heat.

The device does not heat the air in the room, but only the objects to which it is directed. And they already transfer heat to the surrounding air.

Variants of similar equipment for heating:

  • infrared film;
  • wall panels;
  • hanging heaters;
  • floor heaters.

It is used for placement on the ceiling, walls or in warm floors. It is possible both to cover the IR film with a decorative finish on top, and to use wall panels independently as an interior element, thanks to a variety of design options.

Installation of infrared heaters

  • floor heaters, which are simply plugged into the outlet;
  • panels, which are hung on the wall in the same way as paintings;
  • ceiling appliances similar to daylight fixtures.

Film options require more complex installation. The film sheet is cut to size.

Ceiling mounted under decorative trim or dropped ceilings.

On the floor is laid on the prepared base layer, and on top they use tiles, laminate, parquet, carpet or linoleum.

Features of IR heating

  • Heating is only close to infrared device or films.
  • Virtually no energy consumption for air heating. Therefore, they are also used outdoors (for example, to warm guests on the open verandas of restaurants, in greenhouses).
  • IR heating can be either additional (spot) or main in brick and other types of houses. The number of required devices or the area of ​​the film depends on this.
  • This type of heating considered economically viable.
  • As with other types of heating there is no pronounced difference between the air temperature at the floor and at the ceiling.


  • Few other heating devices are used outdoors.
  • Fast heating.
  • Doesn't dry out the air.
  • Noiselessness.
  • Surge resistant.
  • Profitability.


  • The presence of constant electromagnetic radiation when the devices are turned on.
  • Nearby objects become very hot.
  • Film parts are mounted under the finish, which complicates their replacement in case of breakage.

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What makes savings

This type of heating is economical due to the fact that it is directional. No energy is wasted to heat the air, but directly people and objects are heated.

Users note low energy consumption for IR space heating.

Electric fireplaces for heating cottages

Some electric fireplaces operate on the principle infrared radiation . That is, their influence is directed.

To heat the cottage, an electric fireplace is installed in a room where people spend most of their time. Other rooms will not be heated by such a fireplace.

Advantages of electric fireplaces:

  • Fast heating.
  • Low prices.
  • No chimneys.
  • Imitation of a real flame, creating comfort.
  • Possibility to install in the apartment.


  • Only one room is heated, the most efficient is a small one.
  • You may need a separate outlet due to the significant power.

What makes the savings

  • Economy achieved thanks to the principle of infrared heating(energy is not wasted on heating the air).
  • Heating only one room where there are people.

There are other types of electric fireplaces on the market, thanks to which you can choose the model with the characteristics you are interested in.

Convector devices

Electric convectors are one of the most popular heaters. A heating element is located inside such a device. The case has holes for air circulation. The flow passes through the convector, heating up, and getting further into the room, heating it.

Photo 3. Wall type electric convector. The device is plugged into an outlet, similar to a conventional battery.


  • Fast heating.
  • Ability to heat a large room up to 30 sq.m).
  • Some models use electronic thermostats to effectively control the temperature.
  • The heating elements have a relatively low temperature, making the devices safe.


  • Significant electricity consumption.
  • A noticeable difference between the air temperature at the floor and at the ceiling.
  • Movement of dust in the room.

What makes the savings

In general, this type of heating cannot be called economical. But if the country house is used only for a couple of days during the winter, then this option will save significant funds for the organization of a full-fledged heating system. Due to the absence of liquid, a house with convectors can be safely left at sub-zero temperatures.

Oil appliances

Such heaters are sealed devices with a metal case in several sections. Mineral oil is used inside. With the help of a tubular electric heater, the oil heats up and warms up the body, and from it the air in the room. This type of heater is widely used.

Photo 4. oil heater. The device is on wheels and can be moved to different parts of the house.


  • Affordable price.
  • Mobility.
  • Security.
  • Ease of operation.


  • They heat up for a long time.
  • As the main heating are costly.

How the savings are achieved

This heating option will be economical with rare visits to a country house and as an addition to the main heating.

And critical to savings will be quality insulation.

fan heaters

The fan heater is small appliance, starting to heat the room immediately after switching on . Components are: housing, fan and heating element. Additionally sometimes built-in thermostat, humidifier and other fixtures.

Photo 5. Fan heater from the manufacturer Mystery. The device allows you to adjust the temperature, air pressure.



  • Most domestic fan heaters are not suitable for full-fledged heating, but only for its supplement.
  • Some models make noise.

Attention! Spiral fan heaters flammable and dry air.

What makes the savings

When you need to quickly heat a small room, it is advantageous to use such an operational and inexpensive device.

Electrical panels

Ceramic panels are one of the relatively new options for electric heating. The principle of their action combines the advantages of infrared and convection heating methods.

This allows you to warm up quickly, but at the same time, the ceramic component retains heat longer, creating special comfort.

The panel consists of a ceramic facade part, behind it is metal body. Between them is a heating cable.


  • Security.
  • Automation.
  • Long service life.
  • Can be installed in the bathroom.
  • Profitability.


  • To heat a whole house, you will need a significant amount to buy panels.
  • Electricity costs will still be noticeable.

What makes the savings

  • Installation thermostats.
  • Usage multi-tariff meter with main heating at night time.

electric mats

Such electrical appliances consist of a film heater(which allows them to evenly warm up over the entire area), as well as rubber flooring and carpet on both sides of heating element. The design also includes reflective material. Such rugs are often fed from a 12 volt outlet.

Photo 6. Electric rug for heating the room. It looks like a regular carpet, but has a wire for connecting to the mains.

Electrical mats can be small(to warm the feet), and the size of a full carpet(for heating the whole room).


  • AT large version This is an analogue of a warm floor that does not require complex installation.
  • Mobility, can be easily used in any room.


What makes the savings

  • One rug can be used in different rooms of necessity.
  • Only the right place is heated.

Reference. For heating country house, which is used from spring to autumn, separate electrical devices are better suited without connecting a circuit with a heat transfer fluid. For hot water supply separately installed boiler.

inverter boiler

In conclusion, another option using pipes and coolant .

The principle of operation is based on the phenomenon electromagnetic induction . The device converts D.C. into an alternating one, and the resulting magnetic field produces an induction current. It happens using inverter 160.

Such a boiler has two key parts: heat exchanger and magnetic circuit which creates an alternating magnetic field. The heat exchanger is switched on to transfer energy to the heat carrier.

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It is better to prepare a sleigh in the summer, as well as a heating system at home or a summer residence. It is not worth postponing “for later” the solution of this vital issue. After all, autumn colds can come suddenly, and it is important that the weather does not take you by surprise.

Homeowners who have gas connected to the house, and there are no problems with heating and hot water supply, can close this article and go about their business. This article is for people who want to do at home most economical electric heating, but the power allocated to their house (the limit of permitted power) is not sufficient to connect several heating appliances and other household appliances. And the purchase of additional electrical power from power engineers is not possible due to the unreasonably high cost or the physical absence of excess power due to old transformer substations.

What is the most economical and inexpensive heating system with electricity?

Based on many years of experience, we can say that the simplest and most inexpensive way to implement electric heating of a country house or cottage is use of electric convectors. These electrical appliances have positively proven themselves for heating, both residential and administrative or retail space. This type of electric heating has a number of important advantages over other electric heating systems and appliances. Let's look at just a few of the benefits.

1. Best performance and economy

The principle of operation of the electric convector - natural circulation air, when warm air, being less dense, rises above cold air. The air inside the room is mixed spontaneously. This achieves good uniformity and speed of heating, as well as the absence of drafts.

The heating elements of electric convectors have a small mass and thermal inertia, so they heat up quickly. Unlike, say, radiators filled with oil. Therefore, the efficiency of such a heating device is very high, and the power consumption is an order of magnitude less than that consumed by an electric boiler.

Almost all the electricity consumed by the convector is converted into heat. And the thermostat allows you to achieve, because the TEN does not work constantly, but only when the air temperature drops. Those. cyclically.

2. The best indicators for operational safety

Modern convectors contain, which do not heat up above 100 ° C. At the same time, the temperature of the convector body remains below 60°C. The convector does not burn oxygen. And most devices of this type have increased protection against moisture (IP24), so they can be safely installed in bathrooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, next to the pool, etc. Although, of course, this does not mean that the convector can be watered with water from a hose!

Convectors from leading manufacturers are equipped with a security system that will turn off the heating if the air inlet or outlet is closed. Therefore, convectors can be used in kindergartens, children's rooms, hospitals, etc.

3.Easy to install and operate

The electric heating convector is ready for use immediately after purchase. All that is needed for its operation is installation on a wall or on special legs, as well as inclusion in the mains.

To select the temperature, it is enough to set the thermostat to the appropriate temperature value, and then, just wipe the dust from the case. Unlike installing a water system, convectors save significant money because they do not require piping throughout the house.

4. Small price

The cost of high-quality electric convectors cannot be compared with the cost of an electric water heating system.

5. Possibility of gradual expansion of the system

Convectors can be bought and put into operation gradually, as needed or as funds are available. While water heating requires the purchase of all components at once, which is not cheap.

6. Ability to use energy-saving automation

Very often, the power allocated to a house or cottage is not enough to connect several energy-intensive heating devices. Electric convectors allow the use of additional external automation, for example, the OEL-820 Clusterwin power grid load optimizer, which reduces the overall power consumption and allows them to be operated even if the permitted power limit is insufficient.

This is very important for a country house. In addition, the load optimizer does not require installation, but simply plugs into the outlet, like an adapter - an adapter. requires a large input power, which cannot be reduced.

7. Insensitivity to mains voltage fluctuations

The heating elements of convectors are not sensitive to mains voltage deviation, which is often found outside the city. Therefore, they do not require an additional voltage regulator.

8. Great design and compactness

Heating with convectors does not require space under the boiler room. Convectors have small dimensions and will fit into any interior.

Point 6 will be explained with an example

Under an agreement with an energy sales company, the electric power allocated to the house is 5 kW. At the same time, it is necessary to operate four 1 kW convectors, a 1 kW water heater, and a 1 kW kettle. In total, our electrical appliances consume 6 kW, which exceeds the allocated limit. Therefore, when they are turned on simultaneously, the network will be overloaded and the machine (circuit breaker) will be knocked out ...

However, it is not necessary that all appliances be turned on for heating at the same time. If powerful electrical appliances are conditionally divided into pairs and made so that each pair can have one, and only one electrical appliance turned on, then you can significantly reduce the total power consumption and bypass the limit of permitted power. For these purposes, they use the latest automation - power grid load optimizers. For example, .

You can read more about this device and its operation.

To connect energy-intensive electrical appliances, we will use three OEL-820 CLUSTERWIN load optimizers for the power grid.

Third floor. One large studio.

When the priority convector A is turned on in heating mode, the non-priority convector B is switched off. As soon as the temperature in the left zone of the room reaches the set value, convector A will turn off the heating. The operating cycle of non-priority appliance B starts.

When the temperature in the right zone of the room reaches the set value, convector B will turn off. For some time, depending on the quality of the thermal insulation of the room, both convectors can be turned off. At this time, the temperature in the left zone of the room slowly decreases.

When the temperature drops below the set value, the priority convector A will turn on and start its new working cycle.

Since only one convector can be switched on at any time in this pair of convectors, the total power consumed by the two convectors will never exceed 1 kW.

The total consumption and load on the power grid is reduced by 2 times.

Second floor. Two separate rooms.

Convectors on the second floor, connected to the network via power grid load optimizers, work in the same way as convectors on the third floor. Only each of them heats its own room. At the same time, the total power consumed by two convectors never exceed 1 kW.

First floor.

The kettle and water heater are connected to the mains via the OEL-820 optimizer. While the kettle is not in use, the water heater operates according to the temperature set on the thermostat. When you turn on the kettle, the water heater automatically turns off for the duration of the kettle.

As soon as the water boils and the kettle turns off, the water heater will be connected to the network and continue to work. It is preferable if the water heater thermostat is electromechanical. This water heater is also cheaper.

Since one and only one of two electrical appliances can be switched on, the total power consumption of the kettle and water heater will never exceed 1 kW. Therefore, their consumption and load on the power grid reduced by 2 times!

Conclusion: when operating six electrical appliances with a total power of 6 kW, connected via three power grid load optimizers, the total power consumed from the power grid will never exceed 3 kW!

Which of the points of advantages of convectors listed by us should be put in the first place, and which in the last? There is no single answer to this question. But, the ability to choose what is more important in your specific situation— already wonderful!

Which electric convectors to choose?

This is a matter of taste and wallet. Definitely, you should buy only appliances well-known manufacturers, such as NOBO or similar. This is your safety. Pay attention to a function such as self-recovery operation (restart) after a power failure.

Normal convectors are not sensitive to power failures. And those that require a human restart are not easy to use and can cause great damage by freezing the house.

In domestic conditions to maintain comfortable temperature have to spend significant resources. Some experts believe that heating a house with electricity is the most economical way. To confirm or refute this statement, it is necessary to study in detail the theoretical and practical components of this issue.

One flow heater is able to replace powerful gas boilers

Heating a house with electricity: the most economical way and cost optimization

To maintain heat at minimal cost, a good insulation of the object from weather influences is necessary. What matters: the location of windows relative to the cardinal points, their size and functional equipment, ventilation modes and other factors. But in this article only heating systems of different types, their selection, acquisition, installation and subsequent operation will be considered.

The cost of energy resources

Most often you can hear the opinion about the most economical gas equipment. Indeed, in this case, one can count on a good energy capacity and low cost. But gas cannot be stored at home in large volumes without high costs. There must be a main pipeline and favorable opportunities for connection. If the distance is too great, the cost of laying a personal route will be excessive.

Diesel fuel for heating is more expensive to use.

You will have to store the stock in a heated room in order to maintain normal viscosity in the winter. But in this case, it will be much easier to ensure a high level of security.

If woodworking production is located near the house, it will be possible to purchase inexpensive waste. They can be used as fuel. It is easier to use compressed granules (pellets).

Technical equipment

It is clear from the previous paragraph that it is meaningless to evaluate the “net” cost of energy resources. To find out how to heat a house with electricity economically, a comprehensive analysis is used. It is necessary to sum up the costs of delivery and storage of fuel. Similarly, check and compare the parameters of the equipment:

  • In pellet plants, screw mechanisms are used for metered supply of raw materials.
  • The air in the rooms is heated using. Its movement to consumers is associated with additional energy consumption.

Installation and modernization

The scheme of water heating is considered above. But it has significant drawbacks. In addition to the loss of thermal energy during transportation, consumers should note its increased complexity. Pipes are mounted in depth building structures, therefore, in case of accidents, large expenses will arise. The installation technology is difficult to reproduce without professional knowledge and skills. Better implementation complete the respective project. Almost any modernization will require recalculation and significant changes.

Connecting an electric boiler for home heating 220V will do the right thing for any person after studying the simplest instruction. But even easier - use only a boiler to heat water. You can raise the temperature in individual rooms with the help of other specialized devices. Them self-assembly also will not cause significant difficulties. Phased implementation of the project, operational improvements are acceptable.

Create a project

To use all the advantages of heating a house with electricity, the most economical way should be supplemented by a thorough study of design documentation:

  • It is necessary to make sure that it is permissible to use the necessary power from the central networks.
  • Check the parameters of the power supply system, install new cables, emergency switches and fuses if necessary.
  • For comfortable use, the equipment includes: temperature sensors, thermostats, display units, remote control.

When equipping individual rooms, the following features of heaters are taken into account:

Related article:

In this review, we will consider the most energy-efficient appliances and give practical advice choice based on your needs and budget. Do not miss!

Calculator for calculating the required power of an electric heater

Electric boilers for heating private houses: prices and specifications

ImageVehicle modelPower in kWHeating temperature in °Cprice, rub.Notes
EVO-4.8-0.1/ Grodno-
4 40-85 10300 - 14100 Flow, with an external boiler.
EKCO R1-18/
18 30-85 29000 - 34000 Single-circuit, designed for premises up to 220 sq.m., built-in diagnostics system.
LEB 6.0/
6 0-80 35000 - 38800 Increased efficiency (99.6%), built-in microprocessor, winter and summer operating modes. Accumulative heating in a tank of 10 l.
Slope 9 KR 13/ Protherm9 30-85 38200 - 42100 Built-in tank, protection against overheating and jamming of the pump drive, microprocessor control and management.
EKCO L1-24z/ Kospel24 40-85 41600 - 45200 Power supply 380V, area up to 300 sq.m. A stabilizer that compensates for power surges.
EL 45/
45 0-80 65000 - 70500 Designed for heating areas up to 450 sq.m. Built-in frost protection system, microprocessor control, voltage stabilization.

Note! After calculations, you can find out that the most economical electric heating is obtained without boilers. The absence of a coolant will help reduce the cost of creating and operating the system.

The use of electric heating of a private house: conclusions and additional recommendations

Given the above information, it is not difficult to conclude that heating a house with electricity is the most economical way:

  • Connection to central networks is cheaper than to gas lines.
  • For autonomous power supply You can use a diesel or other generator.
  • Equipment cost is cheaper. Specialized equipment is easier to maintain and repair. It is highly durable and reliable.
  • The transmission of energy through wires is not accompanied by large losses.
  • Air heating using infrared radiation occurs with high efficiency.
  • Self-installation of equipment, its modernization is acceptable.
  • Many system components can be dismantled for later sale or use elsewhere.

Separately, it should be noted the prospects of this technology. Nowadays, for heating a house with electricity cheaply, hydro and wind power generators are used. Solar panels are being improved. Their cost is reduced, efficiency is increased. The use of local energy sources increases the autonomy of real estate objects, reduces operating costs. It should be emphasized good compatibility electric heaters with integrated management and control systems of the “smart home” category.

Heating in a private house (video)
