What fertilizers are needed in the spring in the country. How and when to fertilize the soil

Fertilization at planting is a highly effective way to achieve maximum crop yields, incl. on depleted and poor soils, which is especially important in small private farms and in the country. The concentration of nutrients in the feeding area minimizes their leaching, migration in soil structures and theft by weeds; it also contributes to the development of a compact powerful root system, which is a guarantee of plant health and its resistance to diseases and pests.

The Dutch, for example, largely due to the widespread use of point (nesting) feeding of plants during planting, manage to remove fantastic stable crops of environmentally friendly products from patches of land. This method is more time-consuming than thoughtless spreading of fertilizer over the field, but when a family runs a farm on an area of ​​​​up to 100-250 acres, it more than justifies itself economically.

However, top dressing during planting should be carried out with full consideration of the biology of this particular plant species, the properties of the soil under it and the method of maintaining its culture, because. the same increased concentration of elements necessary for the plant in the nutrition zone can lead to accumulation in fruits harmful to man substances, especially nitrates. Simply put, it is necessary to fertilize plants during planting much more carefully and prudently, whether feeding is nesting or in areas before planting / sowing. This article provides initial information on the agrobiology and agrochemistry of crop nutrition during planting and recommendations for their use for a number of important crops in the private economy.

Chemistry or organic?

The general rule for fertilizing the soil when planting plants is that the farther the fruits are from the roots, the more preferable it is to apply organic fertilizers when planting.

In addition to poorly soluble (eg, phosphate rock), they are easily accessible to the roots, but also quickly migrate in the soil and leach. Their concentration in the feeding zone, as a rule, drops to environmentally acceptable values ​​long before fruit set. relatively slowly releases nutrients into the soil, but keeps a spot of their increased concentration around the place of application for a long time, side effect which is an increased risk of accumulation of undesirable substances in tubers and root crops. For plants with aboveground fruits, this is not so dangerous, because. almost all of them have certain biomechanisms that prevent the penetration of substances necessary for the growth and development of the plant itself into the fruits. However, the characteristics of biology individual crops and groups of cultures make significant adjustments to the general pattern.

Tubers, roots, fruits, greens

The biology of tuber and root crops differs markedly from that of plants with fruits "on top", so fertilizers for them are applied in a slightly different way when planted. Root crops / tubers quickly develop a very active root growth system and increase green mass. At this phase, the rate of migration of nutrients from organic fertilizer into the soil may not be enough for the full development of the plant. Then the plant switches to the development of underground storage organs. By this phase, the initial top dressing should be completely spent on the formation of feeding roots and the aerial part.

Based on the foregoing, fertilizers should be applied when planting various groups of crops in general according to the following scheme:

  • Root crops and tubers on light permeable soils(sandy loam, light loam) - in 2 stages: in autumn, under autumn plowing, manure or poorly soluble mineral fertilizers, and in the spring, when planting in the holes, light (not very concentrated) organic fertilizers - humus, compost. When sowing/planting under agrofilm in spring, mineral fertilizers are used instead of organic matter, see below.
  • The same when planting in a hole on heavy soils- mineral fertilizers are applied individually to each plant before planting. On depleted soils, it is very, very desirable to organize a crop rotation with nitrogen fixers, because. all root crops/tuber crops heavily deplete the land, and heavy soils are slowly reclaimed. Experienced gardeners know: the best fertilizer for potatoes is green manure peas in the fall.
  • Annuals with aboveground fruits- on light permeable, not depleted organic soils; in all other cases, mineral fertilizers.
  • woody and shrubby fruit and stone fruit crops - organic to the maximum resp. local conditions for best development plants. The crop is removed most often not in the first year, and the accumulation of nitrates can not be feared.
  • Green crops and plants with edible aerial storage organs (for example, cabbage) - fertilizing during planting without basic knowledge in the field of agrochemistry, agrobiology and gardening experience is not recommended: either there will be no sense, or you will have to eat your own nitrates.

About nitrogen

The golden rule of fertilizing the soil when planting plants is not to overdo it with nitrogen! They're better off underfeeding than overfeeding!

From an excess, young plants will stretch out, wither; leaf chlorosis may develop. The introduction of nitrates during planting is best avoided altogether. If the land is already completely depleted (for example, potatoes are planted after potatoes last year), the soil is filled with nitrogen from autumn under the fall. And yet - highly effective in many cases (see below) is incompatible with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Either one or the other.


It gives a vital high-value food product, but he himself is a decent glutton, greatly depleting the soil. The homeland of potatoes is the high plateaus of the Andes, the so-called. altiplano, with a harsh climate and sudden changes in weather, therefore, the features of the development of tubers described above are especially characteristic of potatoes. Potatoes are grown in a variety of climatic conditions planting in the holes and under the agrofilm, as a result of which fertilizer for potatoes when planting should be made according to one of 4 typical cases:

  1. Heavy poor soil;
  2. She is quite nutritious;
  3. Light poor soil;
  4. It's also quite nutritious.

Note: planting potatoes under agrofilm is getting more and more wide use on areas from 20-30 acres, because can significantly reduce labor costs. The yield of potatoes planted under a film in competent agriculture is not lower than with individual planting of tubers in holes.

The earth is heavy skinny

Prepare for spring a mixture based on a hundred square meters: 2-3 kg, 1-1.5 kg, 30-50 kg and the same amount of sand (this is filling the soil for planting). In the absence of humus, they take 3-4 kg of superphosphate, 1.5 kg of potassium sulfate and 2-3 kg per hundred square meters without sand, but this option is worse, because. a lot of ballast will fall into the soil.

Further, the upper water will come off the ground a little and the tubercles will “wilt”, you need to evenly scatter the mixture over the area under the potatoes and dig it up. When planting, apply complex fertilizers to each hole: 3-5 g, or 2-3 g (approx. 30 or 20 granules, respectively, if the fertilizer is granular) and a pinch (1/4 - 1/3 teaspoon). Alternative - Potato Kemira according to the instructions without bone meal. On the acidic soils add a pinch of ground eggshell or dolomite flour(soil liming). Sprinkle the fertilizer nest on 5-7 cm with earth, throw in the tuber, wrap it with earth. Planting potatoes under film on depleted land is not recommended.

Note: nitrophoska is an explosive substance. Its heating is unacceptable, incl. packed in sunlight. Storage - strictly according to the instructions!

Autumn for potatoes

Autumn filling the soil for potatoes with fertilizers will have a beneficial effect on the yield and condition of the soil with any method of its cultivation. When planting potatoes on potatoes, autumn fertilization of the soil under it is necessary. An alternative to respect in enough warm places- filling the soil with vegetable fertilizers - green manure. After harvesting potatoes, the plot is sown with nitrogen-fixing plants: peas, clover, lupins, sainfoin, let them grow as much as they can before the cold weather. In the spring, the area with shriveled nitrogen fixers is plowed up / dug up. In this case, filling the soil before planting is not required; it is enough to apply mixtures into the wells or over the area when planting under the film.

Heavy earth of medium nutritional value

It is not necessary to fill the soil before planting. Instead of complex fertilizers, a mixture can be applied to the wells, based on 1 sq. m: a third of a glass of wood ash and half a shovel of humus. The mixture is prepared for the area to be sown and divided into portions according to the number of wells. When planting under a film, the mixture is evenly scattered over the plot for potatoes and the ground is dug up. Liming if necessary - as before. case.

The earth is light exhausted

In this case, it is necessary to fill the area for potatoes with nitrogen in the fall: bring in cow manure at the rate of 30 kg/hundredth or 60-70 kg of humus or food waste per hundred square meters for autumn plowing (digging). On acidic soils, additional phosphorite flour is added at 2-2.5 kg per hundred square meters. In the spring, dressing is introduced into the ground for planting, as in the case of heavy, depleted soil. The same complex fertilizers are applied to the wells, mixed with a handful of humus and a pinch of grated onion peel or dried ground nettle. You can pre-prepare the mixture for the entire area, but without adding sand, and divide it into portions according to the number of holes. When planting under a film, spring dressing is evenly distributed over the area.

Earth is light normal

Autumn and spring refueling is not required. In the mixture for adding to the wells, the dose of nitrophoska or nitroammophoska is reduced by 2 times, but bone meal is given 1.5 times more. and won't hurt. Complex fertilizers can be replaced with ash with humus, as in the case of heavy normal earth.

Note: the above fertilizer application rates per hole are averaged for Central Russia. They can be more accurately adjusted to the properties of the local soil (reserves of nutrients in it), knowing that per 1 sq. m of potato culture during the growing season requires 5 g of phosphorus, 10-20 g of nitrogen and 15-25 g of potassium. Theft of fertilizers by weeds when fertilizing the hole can be neglected.

Video: an example of planting potatoes


The plant is unpretentious, but the bio-barrier from nitrates and phosphates between greenery and fruits is weak: tomatoes “count” that the rotting pulp of the fruit will become a fertilizer for germinating seeds. That's why easily migrating mineral fertilizers should not be given to tomatoes when planting; in general, tomatoes are fed mainly as plants develop.

Note: tomato trick - after planting seedlings, sprinkle the ground around each bush with a pinch baking soda, but so that not a grain falls on the leaves and stem. The fruits will be sweet and without a white column inside.

When planting tomatoes, the soil must first be pickled, not abundantly watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or a filtered daily infusion of 10 g of bakery in 10 liters of water. A day after pickling the ground, seedlings can be planted. In each hole contribute to a depth of approx. 10 cm each with a pinch of wood ash and crushed into dust. Then the fertilizer nest is covered with 3-5 cm of earth and the sprout is planted. If tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse, holes need to be dug approx. 20 cm deep, and instead of the indicated ingredients, mix with dry humus (sold in jars and bags) nitrophoska so that it comes out in a tablespoon without a top and a handful of the finished mixture per well. If nitroammophoska is used, the calculation is made at the rate of a teaspoon with top per hole. The same method is suitable for planting tomato seedlings in depleted soil.

Note: fertilize the soil for tomatoes and cucumbers (see below), should not be - on an extremely small amount of nutrition, the sprouts will stretch and wither. Seeds for seedlings are soaked in a solution of humate or other growth stimulator, this is enough. Hitting then from cramped in favorable conditions, young plants will develop rapidly and give good harvest.

Video: an example of planting tomatoes


Less inclined to accumulate nitrates in fruits than tomatoes, but more demanding on the quality of the soil, and their superficial root system is weaker. Therefore, feeding cucumbers during planting or sowing is done in a slightly different way. For sowing in the ground or in a greenhouse universal remedy for fertilizing cucumbers - nitrophoska 30 g / sq. m or nitroammofoska 20 g/sq.m in open ground or 1.5 times more in a greenhouse. Cultivation of cucumbers by planting seedlings will give more early harvest, but fertilizing the soil under it is more difficult:

Pepper vegetable

Vegetable (sweet, Bulgarian) is actually very far from pepper plants. He is from nightshade; its relatives are potatoes, tomato, eggplant, just its fruits are somewhat similar to pods of spice peppers. soil Bell pepper exhausts very much; it is impossible to plant it after any of the relatives, as well as pumpkin, bulbous and root crops. In terms of its tendency to accumulate nitrates in fruits, it is somewhere between a tomato and a cucumber.

Vegetable pepper also has a rather rare feature: sweet pepper seedlings certainly need top dressing half a month after the appearance of the first leaf. Its options, per 1 sq. m tray with seedlings, in descending order of efficiency:

  1. Kemira-lux, 1.5 st. l. for 10 liters of water;
  2. Crystal, 20 g per 10 liters of water;
  3. A solution of dry mineral fertilizers: 2 tsp. , 3 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 3 tsp. potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Sweet pepper does not tolerate heavy, dense, poorly permeable soils, therefore, before planting seedlings, 3-4 kg of peat or finely chopped straw should be added to heavy soil. Seedlings of vegetable pepper are planted in peat pots (growing it in a common tray is undesirable). Sweet pepper seedlings, depending on the properties of the soil during planting, need the following top dressing:

  • On dense soils - a handful of peat, 5-10 g of superphosphate in granules and the same amount of potassium sulfate for each pot.
  • On soils of medium permeability and friability (loamy) - before planting, 30-40 g of superphosphate and a glass of wood ash per 1 sq. m of soil. Apply in dry weather and immediately dig on a shovel bayonet, otherwise a crust will form on the surface of the soil from the ashes.
  • On loose permeable soils (sandy loam) - 30-40 g of superphosphate and half as much potassium chloride per 1 sq. m. Bring in before planting, then dig the ground in front of it by half a bayonet.


This is a tasty and commercially grateful one, but it is very time-consuming to fertilize it when planting:

berry bushes

Waiting for a harvest from a fruit tree by autumn after planting is pointless, but berry bushes capable of becoming a pleasant exception, at least for a trial, and in next year give a bountiful harvest.

For this, seedlings of shrubby berry bushes fertilize the trail when planting. way:

  • A 200-liter barrel is 1/3 filled with bird droppings, fresh can be.
  • Fill to the top with water.
  • Allow to ferment for 5 days in a warm shaded or, better, dark place.
  • The sludge is drained: it, diluted 1:15-1:20, will be used for fertilizer irrigation of the garden during the growing season.
  • The sludge is removed, dried in the shade and mixed with peat in a ratio of 1:1 by volume.
  • Pits for seedlings are dug deeper by a bayonet (approx. 30 cm) than during normal planting.
  • 15 cm of the resulting mixture is poured into each pit and covered with 15 cm of the excavated earth.
  • Shrubs are planted as usual.

Free fertilizers

The onion peel, nettle dust and wood ash mentioned above are natural fertilizers, in many cases capable of replacing those purchased for fertilizer during planting: they contain almost no nitrogen, but they contain a rich set of trace elements.

Wood ash is obtained from the burning of any plant waste, incl. weeds; it is often sold as oven ash.

Nettles for dust are mowed as young as possible; in any case, before flowering, and dried for grinding from 2 weeks. Nettle can also be used to make a very effective fertilizer infusion for watering during the growing season, and fertilizers for the garden can be obtained from vegetable food waste: sleeping tea, coffee grounds, banana peel, fallen leaves, etc., incl. for the winter in a city apartment, see, for example. video.

Flowers - what could be more beautiful? Perhaps that is why we, summer residents, grow them not only in our garden plots, but also at home. It is especially pleasant when snow sweeps outside the window, and beautiful flowers bloom on the windowsill in the room, isn't it?

Today I propose to talk about important nuance, without which it is problematic to grow healthy, beautiful ones - about natural dressings. And if in the country we always fertilize the plantings, then when it comes to home flowers, some top dressings are neglected. But in vain.

When to feed

Home flowers should be fed much more often than we sometimes think. This need is caused, first of all, by the limited area of ​​plant nutrition. And even if your flowering pet grows in a large, spacious pot, this does not mean that it lacks minerals. The plant in any case strongly depletes the earth, therefore, it needs additional feeding.

Part of the way out of the situation will be a periodic transplant into a new nutrient soil substrate. But the supply of nutrients contained in this very substrate will be enough for about two months, but not for six months or a year, as many beginner flower growers believe. And after these very two months, the plant, especially if it begins to bloom or actively grow, must be fed. The only exception will be specimens that have entered a dormant period: they temporarily do not need additional nutrition.

The signal that you need to urgently start feeding home flowers will be the following signs:

  • slow growth;
  • weak elongated stems;
  • pale, slightly colored, excessively small, drooping leaves;
  • unwillingness to bloom;
  • low resistance to diseases, yellowing and dropping of leaves, the appearance of various spots on them and other signs of ill health.

Of course, it is better not to bring green pets to such a state. Therefore, let's talk about what natural fertilizers we can use for our pets, and how exactly.


Perhaps the most popular natural fertilizer for feeding indoor flowers - ordinary sugar. Yes, yes, it is sugar, I did not make a reservation!

Who first guessed to use it as a fertilizer for plants, history is silent, but we can successfully use it to feed our own flowers.

What are the benefits of sugar supplements?
We remember from chemistry lessons that sugar breaks down into fructose and glucose. The first one is useless to us, but the second, that is, glucose, performs 2 functions at once. First of all, it serves as a source of energy for all life processes of plants (respiration, absorption of various nutrients, and so on); Second, glucose construction material necessary for the formation of complex organic molecules.

True, there is one caveat: glucose is an excellent builder only if it is well absorbed, which, in turn, requires carbon dioxide. With insufficient concentration of carbon dioxide, sugar will turn from a builder into a food source for mold, root rot, and so on. Therefore, together with sugar dressings, it is very desirable to use one of (for example, "") - such a combination will be 100% good.

How to feed plants with sugar?
To prepare top dressing, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 0.5 liters of water, or simply sprinkle sugar on the ground in flower pot and then water.

How often can you use sugar for top dressing?
Such top dressing of home flowers should be resorted to no more than once a month, so do not overdo it.

When feeding house plants, do not overdo it-everything is good in moderation

Sugar or glucose?
Instead of sugar, you can also take ordinary glucose, which is sold in a pharmacy - such top dressing will be even more effective. One tablet of glucose should be diluted in a liter of water. It is also necessary to water or spray the plants with “glucose” water no more than once a month.

drunk coffee

An excellent fertilizer for all home (and not only) flowers - it is all the more convenient that it does not need to be specially prepared. Simply, after drinking a cup of fragrant drink, do not pour out the coffee grounds, but mix it with the ground in a flowerpot.

Thanks to this simple technique, the soil will become looser and lighter, the acidity of the soil will increase, and there will be more oxygen in it.

What flowers love coffee?
When using spent coffee as a top dressing for home flowers, remember: not all plants have a good effect on increasing the acidity of the soil. And do not forget about the green pets in the flower garden: this fertilizer will benefit:

  • all kinds;
  • and other evergreens.

Not just coffee...
For dressing home flowers, they often use not only sleeping coffee, but also tea brewing. Unfortunately, it can give not only a positive, but also a negative effect. Undoubtedly, such additives will make the soil in the flower pot looser, but do not forget that black flies (sciarids) simply “adore” tea leaves in the soil, so be careful.

Citrus and other fruits

The peels of tangerines, oranges and bananas can turn into an excellent fertilizer for houseplants. True, for this they will have to “conjure” a little.

To prepare fertilizer from citrus fruits, their peel must be crushed, filled by about a third liter jar and top up with boiling water. Having insisted on such a “citrus” fertilizer throughout the day, we take out the peels, again bring the water in the jar up to a liter in volume, adding pure water and water our flowers.

Fertilizer from banana peels is prepared in approximately the same way: grind them, fill a liter jar to half and fill it to the top with water. We insist for a day, after which we filter, discard the peel, and fill the jar again to the top clean water.

Unlike citrus fruits, it can also be mixed directly into the ground substrate. When transplanting house flowers, add some pre-shredded and dried banana peels to a pot of nutrient soil. Over time, they will rot and feed the plants with microelements, which will favorably affect the growth of green mass.

And from the zest of citrus fruits and banana peels, you can prepare a nutritious mix for feeding plants. For this, chopped zest and banana peel(in equal shares) fill a third three-liter jar. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar, pour everything warm water, let it brew for 3 weeks in a warm place. From time to time, the nutritional mix needs to be shaken, but don't worry - a very decent aroma comes from it :) After the specified time, you will get a light yellow cloudy liquid that is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. For top dressing, it must be diluted with plain water 1:20 and safely used once a month.


The benefits are underestimated by many, but in vain. After all, it contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and even sulfur.
Moreover, potassium and phosphorus are in a form easily accessible to plants, which makes ash one of the best fertilizers for flowers.

How to use ashes for dressing home flowers?
To feed the flowers, the ashes can simply be mixed with the soil when transplanting plants. So you will not only make the soil substrate more nutritious, but also disinfect it, so that the roots damaged during transplantation will definitely not rot. And you can also prepare liquid top dressing from it: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash is diluted in a liter of water.

Yeast is an excellent growth stimulant for house flowers

Did you know that yeast can be used not only to make delicious kvass and yeast dough? It turns out that they can be used to make an excellent stimulating solution for plant nutrition.

Yeast- natural stimulant growth

By the way, unlike most home-made fertilizers, they have been repeatedly studied by scientists. As a result, it was proved: thanks to them, the activity of microorganisms in the soil increases sharply, there is a rapid mineralization of organic matter and the release of carbon dioxide is significantly enhanced. Therefore, top dressing of plants with a yeast nutrient solution is equated to top dressing with a complete mineral fertilizer.

How to prepare a nutrient solution from yeast?
To prepare top dressing, dissolve 10 g of yeast and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 1 liter of slightly warm water. If there is no ordinary yeast at hand, you can also use dry ones, taking 10 g of dry yeast and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar per 10 liters of water. Regardless of which yeast you use to prepare your nutrient solution, let it sit for about 2 hours before using. Then dilute with clean water in a ratio of 1:5 and water the plants.

onion cocktail

Such a familiar and beloved onion, without which it is simply impossible to imagine our cuisine, can be successfully used not only in cooking. A “life-giving” cocktail made from will favorably affect the growth of all domestic plants without exception - after all, it contains a complete set of trace elements.

How to make an onion cocktail?
There is nothing complicated in preparing an onion peel cocktail, the only nuance that needs to be taken into account is that it cannot be stored for a long time, so this top dressing must be prepared anew each time. So, to prepare an onion cocktail, you need about 50 g of onion peel, pour 2 liters hot water, bring the broth to a boil and, after boiling for about 10 minutes, let it brew for three hours. After the broth has cooled, strain it and spray the plants.


- a truly universal fertilizer, which is used with equal success both for feeding plants in the garden, and for feeding indoor flowers. That is why many flower growers rightly believe that you simply will not find a better fertilizer: nutritious and easily accessible, it has a lot of advantages.

However, humus is different from humus: if the main qualities of the varieties of this fertilizer are approximately the same, then different house plants prefer strictly certain types as top dressings. For example, palm trees, citrus fruits, and love humus based on bird droppings, the effect of which is much higher than that of fertilizing with mullein. This is due to the fact that bird droppings are several times more nutritious than mullein. That is why apply it to fertilize most indoor plants need to be very careful, using only for large and fast growing species.

Before using humus with bird droppings, it should be diluted with water (10 g per 3 liters of water) until a liquid of a faint, cloudy greenish tint is obtained, and before fertilizing the flowers, the potted soil should be slightly watered with ordinary water.

To feed the rest of the indoor flowers, it is best to use it, for example, by adding it to the ground substrate during plant transplantation. Leaf humus contains a number of elements necessary for plant nutrition. In addition, it significantly affects the structure of the soil, improving it at times.

You can also feed the flowers with humus based on cow (pig and so on) manure, for which 100 g of humus is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Using humus for feeding home flowers, be prepared for the fact that for some time a not very pleasant smell will come from the pots, which will disappear within a few hours. There will be no smell only if you use humus prepared using accelerated technology, which does not contain weed seeds and pathogens. True, it is not recommended to use it as liquid top dressing, it is better to mix it with the ground during plant transplantation, using it as a baking powder for heavy soils.

Vegetable decoctions

The use of decoctions fresh vegetables for top dressing it is doubtful enough, but many believe in the miraculous effect of such an unusual fertilizer, arguing that a decoction of vegetables is very nutritious for domestic plants and can only benefit them. Whether this is so, I personally can’t say - this top dressing did not affect my flowers in any way, but I could be wrong. I will be glad if you convince me.

aquarium water

Ordinary aquarium water can be an excellent alternative to purchased fertilizers. It contains a large number of substances that perfectly stimulate plant growth, it is very soft, with a neutral pH. But it is recommended to use it for top dressing only in spring or early summer - when the plants begin to actively grow leaves and shoots. But starting from the middle of summer, it is better not to use aquarium water for fertilizing home flowers.

Again: everything is good in moderation, so you need to feed the plants with aquarium water no more than once a month, otherwise a lot of microscopic algae will get into the soil potted flower, will multiply greatly, as a result of which the soil will turn green and sour.

succinic acid

Succinic acid is obtained after processing natural amber, has a mass useful qualities, due to which it is widely used, including for dressing home flowers.

To prepare a nutrient solution, dilute 1 g of the drug in 5 liters of water. This liquid can not only be watered, but also sprayed with houseplants. Especially love such dressings, citrus fruits, ficuses, haworthia, prickly pear and fat women. Please note: use succinic acid for dressing home flowers, you can do it no more than once a year, otherwise you risk getting the opposite effect.

In addition to the 10 most popular fertilizers for home flowers, there are several other options that are used less often, but, according to their proponents, are no less effective:

  • filtered water left after washing meat and fish, is also considered a good flower fertilizer. True, I could not find scientific confirmation of this fact. Maybe you are luckier? If you are already convinced miraculous power such dressings, tell us about it in the comments, please;

  • some flower growers use to feed home flowers cereal washing water: buckwheat, rice, millet and so on which contains iron, silicon, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • eggshell, according to many lovers of home flowers, is also very useful. It is buried in the soil during plant transplantation, the water that is used for irrigation is insisted on it, but whether it is actually top dressing is a question. Yes, it contains a large amount of calcium, but it is practically inaccessible to plants, and then what is the use of it? Moreover, a very limited number of indoor flowers differ in love for calcium, and its excess in the soil only contributes to the fact that chlorosis begins in plants. So it turns out that the use of eggshell as a fertilizer is very doubtful, except that it can become an excellent drainage;

  • toothpaste and tooth powder can also become fertilizers for house flowers. To prepare a mix with tooth powder, you need 3 tbsp. spoons of powder, 3 tbsp. spoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of copper sulfate in a liter of water. It is not required to insist this fertilizer, it can be applied immediately after preparation. You can make fertilizer with toothpaste very easily and quickly: dissolve a third of a tube of toothpaste in 1 liter of water. Such top dressing will give nutrition to the roots of flowers, as a result of which the plants will acquire a healthier appearance.
And the last thing: before using fertilizers for home flowers, remember a few simple rules:
  • do not feed plants transplanted into new soil earlier than after 2 months, because fresh soil also contains nutrients, an excess of which will only lead to the death of a green pet;
  • before fertilizing, spill the soil with plain clean water, this will help you not to destroy them if the fertilizer is concentrated;
  • all weakened or diseased plants must be fed very carefully, using a fertilizer solution of a much lower concentration for this purpose;
  • no need to fertilize all year round, home flowers need fertilizer only in the spring-summer period.

When using various fertilizers for home flowers, try not to overdo it, because everything is good only in moderation, and an excess of nutrients will disrupt the even development of your plants and can cause their death. That is why top dressing should be correct and as balanced as possible, only in this way they can be beneficial.

Well, it seems that all the most popular natural top dressing for home flowers I have listed, although I may be wrong. Maybe I did not mention the fertilizer that you successfully apply? Please tell us what you use to feed your houseplants, and why?

Autumn recharge land plot is considered an important component of getting a good harvest next season. That is why it is extremely important to understand which fertilizers should be used in this case. This will be discussed further.

Autumn is best time to properly fertilize the soil in the country. The soil rests, and microorganisms have a chance to process nutrients more efficiently. This gives the gardener the opportunity prepare land in advance to future plantings, freeing up time in the spring for more important things.

In autumn, the soil is fed in the beds with various fertilizers and their complexes. But sometimes it's just a waste of your energy. After all, certain trace elements decay and are lost during wintering. To avoid the irrational use of fertilizers, it is recommended to know what exactly is used in the fall and what in the spring.

It is worth fertilizing the soil not only under cultivated plants in the garden, but also under fruit trees and bushes.

What essential substances can be used in the fall

Before the arrival of a harsh winter, the soil needs additional nutrition. In this case, you can do various complex top dressing. It all depends on the raw materials used and the plant itself.

  • humus or compost that improves soil structure;
  • phosphorus and potassium complexes simultaneously with organics are poured into the pre-stem circle;
  • ready-made store dressings, for example, " orchard”, “Universal” and “Autumn”;
  • manure, which must be applied in autumn. And it is strictly forbidden to use fresh manure. It should "reach" for at least a few years. Otherwise, the root system of the tree can be damaged.

For potatoes the best option will:

  • straw manure, which, according to experts, can almost double the yield;
  • green manure;
  • nitroammophoska, nitrofoska and ammophos.
  • ash as a natural mineral complex;
  • chicken manure, which is applied as a solution in a ratio of 1:15. Necessarily after harvesting in the process of digging;
  • dolomite flour, which can significantly reduce the acidity of the soil. This fertilizer is used only when necessary. There are also plants that like acidic soil.

Since nutrient complexes change for various country and garden plants, it is best from autumn determine the landing site individual varieties. If this is not possible, you need to use universal compositions.

Mineral fertilizers

Most often, plants receive nutrients in solutions. Since in this case digestibility is much better. To date, there is a huge number of ready-made mineral complexes, for example, for lawns, fruit trees and bushes.

It is important to pay attention to the mark "for autumn". The peculiarity of such compositions is that they must contain minimum amount of nitrogen. After all, it provokes active growth and may not allow the plant to prepare for wintering.

Mineral fertilizers for autumn application must necessarily contain trace elements such as phosphorus, potassium and calcium. They will allow plants to prepare for lower temperatures and, in general, for harsh wintering conditions.

Proper use of organics

Organic fertilizers for autumn use include:

  • horse dung, characterized by the density of the consistency. This allows you to keep nitrogen in the soil for a sufficiently long time. During the winter, the manure begins to soften, and only by spring the nutrients will enter the soil. For each square meter of land, it is recommended to apply about 3 kg of fertilizer. And in autumn period it can be used fresh. Whereas in the spring it is strictly prohibited;
  • mullein considered the most popular fertilizer among gardeners. It allows you to saturate the soil with nutrients. And in the fall, you can even bring in raw mullein. After all, excess ammonia will also come down with melt water. For each square meter of land, there are about 5-6 kg. But most experts advise using mullein in the spring, because for winter period almost a quarter of the nutrients are lost. But first it must be composted at the end of summer;
  • bird droppings considered one of the most concentrated fertilizers. Therefore, it is more difficult to use it in summer and spring. It is necessary to dilute and carefully water in the form of a solution, otherwise you can damage the foliage and the root of the plants. This is the perfect food for strawberries. In autumn, the litter can be distributed undiluted for digging.

Synthetic fertilizers

There is a huge amount synthetic fertilizers, which can be used for autumn soil nutrition.


  • phosphorus-based fertilizers presented in the form are applied without fail in the autumn. Since these substances are difficult to dissolve, they need time to dissolve and saturate the soil. For every square meter of land, there are 50 g of superphosphate;
  • phosphate rock most often applied simultaneously with manure, since it allows you to create optimal conditions for the transition of phosphorus into the nutrient complex of the soil. But at the same time, it is important to understand that calcium, which is part of the fertilizer, is not “liked” by all plants. The advantages include the natural origin of the composition. This is not chemistry, but an absolutely safe component;
  • refers to nitrogen compounds. But with the difference that it can be used in the fall. Since its amide form allows you to retain nutrients in the soil until spring. It is important to carry it out correct application according to instructions

Folk remedies

Can be used as a folk fertilizer husk and cleaning. This is a harmless environmentally friendly waste that will nourish the soil with useful microelements. Potato peelings should be prepared in advance. They are filled very hot water and insist for several days. After filtering, it is recommended to water the plants under the root.

Such folk fertilizers are best used in the spring. For only planted crops every 10 days during the growing season.

How to fertilize the soil for digging

The most difficult thing is if it is necessary to fertilize clay and subclay soil. Since in winter the site becomes even denser and it is completely difficult for any plant to grow on it.

Such soil is dug up without fail from autumn, at the same time introducing nutrients.

These include:

  • about 3 kg is needed for each square meter of land manure. Moreover, the frequency of use is not more than once every four years. After digging, the fertilizer is evenly distributed around the plant. But it is important to ensure that the manure does not reach the roots. They may die;
  • grass cut based on grass and weeds, it is laid out in a furrow to a depth of not more than 0.2 m, and then sprinkled with soil. If desired, you can make a couple of such layers, for example, to a depth of 0.1 m from the surface;
  • fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium in the ratio of 50 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt per square meter;
  • optimal usage time green manure- autumn. Wait until they grow 0.1 m, and you can dig them along with the soil.

There is a huge amount of fertilizer that is recommended to use in the fall. They can be combined, used alternately. It all depends on the set of nutrients and their compatibility. We have already talked about this, we hope that this information will be useful to you.

In the spring, along with the awakening of nature, summer residents also become more active, because the hot season is coming. To get a good harvest in the fall, it is necessary from the beginning of the season to prepare the soil for future beds, picking up necessary fertilizers in required quantities. At the same time, the needs of the crops with which they plan to plant the beds are taken into account. Experienced gardeners know how to feed the garden and how to do it right. A similar question arises, as a rule, for beginners who decide to master the science of growing vegetables and flowers on their site. The need to fertilize the land is dictated by the annual depletion of resources. If you do not enrich the soil with useful nutrients, then the yield will decrease every year.

Experts consider the spring season the most favorable time for introducing all types of fertilizers into the soil: organic, necessarily pre-prepared, mineral, taken in strictly defined doses, as well as their mixtures. Start the procedure after the completion of the melting of the snow cover. Some amateur gardeners practice spreading top dressing over the snow, but with this method, the introduced substances can “float away” from the site along with melt water.

Fruit trees can be fed without waiting for the near-stem soil to completely thaw. Vegetable and flower crops It is recommended to feed immediately before planting. In order not to forget what fertilizers, where and when to apply, you need to make a plan in advance. In this case, all plants are guaranteed to receive the necessary trace elements in the optimal amount for their development.

When depositing funds, you cannot act on the principle: the more, the better. Because organic and minerals applied in excess can adversely affect the condition of the crops grown. Mineral and mixed top dressings require special care. When working with these types, you must follow the doses indicated on the label.

Organic top dressing: advantages and disadvantages

Organic include:

  • manure or humus;
  • bird droppings"
  • peat;
  • compost.

Organics, which loosen the soil perfectly, contain many useful trace elements. In the village, these fertilizers are in abundance in every farmstead, so they can be bought inexpensively. Considering that organic matter is applied once every three years, too much money will not be required for this. The best effect on soil fertility is humus (rotted manure), which is scattered over the site for three to four weeks before digging the earth and planting vegetables.

For spring application pre-prepared organic fertilizers are suitable for the soil. Decomposed manure, which has turned into humus in a couple of years, increases the fertility of the land many times

A ten-liter bucket of humus is distributed on one square meter of the garden, which can be replaced with peat or compost. Here's how to make your own compost:

Organic top dressing, in addition to obvious advantages, has a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • some substances (fresh manure, bird droppings) can simply "burn" the roots of plants;
  • a large amount of funds that need to be delivered to the site and distributed with a lot of physical effort;
  • the danger of infection with vegetable flies onions and carrots;
  • problems with the search in the absence of nearby farms and personal farmsteads;
  • strong specific odour.

There is also an interesting Mitlider method, more on the video:

Here is another video example independent production fertilizers:

Minerals - the key to high yields

It is easier to work with mineral fertilizers, as they are sold in concentrated form in all specialized stores. However, when calculating the volume of their introduction, special care must be taken. The dosages recommended by the manufacturers should be followed, depending on the needs of the crops grown in a particular place. garden plot. Granular phosphorus and nitrogen supplements are applied in accordance with established norms into the soil in the spring just before digging it. In this case, useful trace elements will be in close proximity to the root system of plants. The recommended depth of the granules is approximately 20 cm.

Many gardeners are biased towards mineral nutrition, believing that "chemistry" harms the earth and the plants growing on it. Of course, the structure of the soil does not improve from the introduction mineral resources. For this purpose, organic matter is needed. But plants get access to all the trace elements necessary for growth, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium-based preparations contribute to faster fruit ripening. Complex fertilizers, which include two or even three components, are able to satisfy the need of plants for all nutrients. Complex top dressings are available in the form of liquid or granules.

Mineral fertilizers in granules are applied in the spring in strictly defined doses to the soil, thereby providing the plants with all the necessary nutrients.

For ten square meters of a garden in the spring, they usually make:

  • 300–350 g of nitrogen supplements (ammonium nitrate, urea or urea);
  • 250 g - phosphorus agents;
  • 200 g - potassium substances that can be replaced with wood ash.

In summer, during intensive plant growth, top dressing is repeated, but the dose of all fertilizers is reduced three times.

Granular superphosphate is a universal nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer suitable for use on all types of soil. Provides nutrition for agricultural crops grown in the country or garden

Unlike organic fertilizers, mineral complexes must be applied to the soil annually. and funds for the acquisition mineral dressings must be distinguished from family budget more. Naturally, the return on investment will not have to wait long. In autumn, the site will delight you with a rich harvest, and flower crops will begin to bring aesthetic pleasure even earlier.


Organic fertilizers are divided into two groups: plant residues and fertilizers of animal origin. Vegetables include: peat, composts. For animals: manure and droppings. When organic fertilizers are applied to the soil, its structure improves significantly. This contributes to the reproduction of living organisms, which are of great benefit, both for the soil itself and for plants. To date, it is recommended to make organic fertilizers using compost. It is very easy to prepare. Spread straw 15 centimeters thick over an area of ​​10 square meters. Then a layer of manure 20 centimeters. Then a layer of peat is also 15-20 centimeters. On top of this, sprinkle lime and phosphate rock, mixing them one by one. Sprinkle 50-60 grams per square meter. From above, add another layer of manure 15-20 centimeters. Cover all this with a thin layer of earth. This compost must be aged for 7-8 months and only then it can be used. The advantages of organic fertilizer: the first - it increases the fertility of the soil, the second - improves its structure, the third - ensures the presence of living microorganisms. But there is also. The first one is nutritional imbalance. The second - its concentration is still unknown. Third - content a large number weeds. Fourth, there is a great danger of contracting diseases. Fifth, organic matter inherently absorbs and attracts toxic substances. And the sixth is the most dangerous, these fertilizers absorb radionuclides.

Mineral fertilizers - chemical substances that require careful handling. They must be applied strictly according to the norm. Noble gardeners usually use the following: nitrogen, lime, manganese, potash and other fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers include: saltpeter, urea, ammonia and ammonia water. For good plant nutrition, it is necessary that there is always an abundance of nitrogen in the soil. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied to the soil twice a year. Under them make twice a year. The first half of the fertilizer is around the second half of April, and the second half in mid-November. The method of applying such fertilizers is the same. The fertilizer is spread by hand, after which the soil is cultivated. To achieve the best effect, the earth must be moist. Potash fertilizers significantly increase. Potassium in the soil is mainly in forms that are difficult for plants to access, so the need for such fertilizers in agriculture is very high. Almost all of them contain chloride, sodium and magnesium ions, which affect plant growth. It is recommended to apply potash fertilizers in the fall along with manure for the main tillage. Without phosphorus, the formation of chlorophyll and the absorption of carbon dioxide by plants is impossible. The addition of phosphate fertilizers to the soil not only increases yields, but also improves the quality of products. These fertilizers need to be applied in the fall. First scatter them over the surface, then dig earth to a depth of twenty centimeters. Digging near trees should be parallel to the roots.

Organo-mineral fertilizers are humic fertilizers, which consist of organic substances and mineral compounds. Each drug has its own instructions. But there are basic ways to make. For open soil is a spraying method, and for closed soil, these are drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, surface irrigation and manual foliar spraying methods. Base flow for seed treatment - this is 300-700 milliliters per ton of seeds. For foliar feeding - 200-400 milliliters of fertilizer per hectare of crops. For - at drip irrigation 20-40 milliliters per thousand liters of irrigation water, and when spraying 5-10 milliliters of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.


  • how to fertilize the soil

fruit trees the garden needs to be fertilized. Then in the spring they will delight you with their bright bloom, and closer to autumn you will harvest a bountiful harvest. Before planting seedlings, the soil is fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. The next application of nutrients is done in a couple of years, it all depends on the fertility of the soil.

You will need

  • - shovel
  • - mineral fertilizers
  • - organic fertilizers


Fertilizers are laid under several methods. Fertilizing around the circumference.
Spread the plastic film on a flat surface. Dig a groove around the tree. Its depth should be at least 35 cm, and in width at least half a meter. Place the excavated earth on the film. Mix it with mineral or organic fertilizers. Fill the groove with rich soil and level

Pit fertilization.
Make 7 - 10 holes at a small distance from the trunk. When digging, place the shovel with the beam to the trunk so as not to cut the roots. The depth of the hole is at least 50 cm. Fill the hole with fertilizer and cover it with earth.

Provide the need for trees in potassium. With potassium deficiency, the fruits will Bad quality. Under trees apply mineral fertilizers with potassium or wood ash. Feed with ash at any time of the year.

In autumn, fertilize trees with phosphate fertilizers. Phosphorus affects taste qualities fruits and their subsequent preservation. Most phosphorus is required trees m in early spring and early autumn. Bury phosphate fertilizers deeper.

Apply organic fertilizers (manure, humus, slurry) under trees. Manure or humus must be rotted. Can't fertilize trees fresh . Fertilize with slurry after watering or rain. Make sure that fertilizers do not fall on the leaves and.

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Useful advice

Fruiting trees require enhanced feeding, nutrient mixtures will not only provide a high yield this year, but will also help the tree in laying fresh shoots and buds.

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  • http://www.gardenia.ru/quests/quest_619.htm
  • how to fertilize the garden in 2019

If you are on personal plot grow fruit trees and shrubs, and also have a garden, the question arises every year - how to fertilize soil. On the one hand, we all want our crops to be organically grown. without adding any fertilizer industrial production. On the other hand, we expect high yields. How to reduce these two desires to one denominator?

You will need

  • - the soil;
  • - mineral fertilizers;
  • - organic fertilizers;
  • - lime;
  • - shovel.


Bring in the clay if you have sandy soil. Add river sand if clayey. This must be done so that nutrients do not go deep into the earth and are not washed out by rains. Another rule that must be followed is the observance of crop rotation. It is extremely important that representatives of the same family do not grow in the garden for two years in a row. By and large, they can be returned to their place only after 3-4 years. Exceptions -
