The practice of using potato peels in compost and for plant nutrition. Indoor flowers in winter

All plants need top dressing and fertilizers, and our home flowers especially, as they are limited in space and can only “feed” on their own from the sun.

Top dressing for indoor plants, natural fertilizers prepared with your own hands - profitable and most importantly safe! How to feed flowers at home?

Of course, you can replant plants more often, renewing the soil and earth, but this is very tiring. It is much easier to learn the rules for feeding plants with useful elements. And most importantly, without resorting to the purchase of special funds.

Understand that indoor flower needs feeding, very simple. As a rule, the plant grows slowly, the stems look weak, the leaves become small, periodically turn yellow and fall off, flowering is rare, spots and damage appear. All this suggests that the plant needs help.

In this article, I will share with you how to make homemade fertilizer for indoor plants from improvised means.

Plants are fertilized only in spring and summer. Before you fertilize the flowers, shed the soil clean water, this will help to avoid problems if the fertilizer suddenly turns out to be concentrated.

When planting a plant in new soil, do not use any preparations for two months. Such soil is already saturated with useful substances, additional fertilizer can destroy the plant.

Top dressing of indoor flowers should be correct and as balanced as possible, then they can be beneficial. Do not experiment with weakened plants, or feed very carefully, using a solution of a much lower concentration for this purpose.

Natural homemade fertilizers and supplements for flower plants, considering them different tastes- no purchased chemicals.

1. Sugar - is the most popular among the natural fertilizers used, as it contains glucose. Dissolve one tablespoon of sugar in 0.5 liter of settled warm water or simply sprinkle sugar (1 tsp) on top of the soil, then water the soil in the pot. You can use this solution about once a month.

Do not overdo it, otherwise mold fungi may appear in the soil. Sugar can become a food source for various molds, root rots…

2. Glucose is a very cheap drug that we buy in a pharmacy in the form of tablets. The nutrient mixture is very easy to prepare. Dissolve one tablet of glucose in one liter of boiled, warm water. Mix thoroughly. We water and spray the flower with this solution no more than once a month.

Glucose performs 2 functions at once. First of all, it serves as a source of energy for all life processes of plants and is an excellent building material, contributing to the formation of complex organic molecules.

3. Citrus peel (zest) does a great job of nourishing houseplants. To collect enough - it is not necessary to run to the store. Just collect the peel in the freezer. We fill the three-liter bottle halfway with the peel and pour boiling water to cover the crusts. We insist for two days, then take out the peel and add boiled water to the top. This tincture can be watered and sprayed plants once a month.

4. You will need a peel of 5 fresh bananas. Finely chopped, add to liter jar, pour boiling water to the top, insist for a day. We filter and add boiled water to get one liter of infusion. We only water the plants with banana peel fertilizer, no more than once every two months.

Unlike citrus fruits, banana skins are added directly to the ground substrate. When transplanting, put in a pot with nutrient soil a few pre-dried and chopped banana skins. Over time, they will rot and feed the plants with microelements that will favorably affect the growth of green mass.

5. Sleepy coffee is suitable only for those flowers that love the increased acidity of the soil - azaleas, rhododendrons, all kinds of roses, lilies, gladioli, many evergreens. When transplanting, coffee grounds must be mixed with the ground in proportion: three tablespoons per medium pot.

6. Often they use not only drunk coffee, but also tea brewing. Unfortunately, it can give not only a positive, but also a negative effect. Undoubtedly, such additives will improve the structure of the soil in a flower pot, make the earth looser, but we must not forget that tea leaves are simply “adored” by black midges (sciarids), and during storage it gradually becomes moldy, so be careful.

7. The product of fish life is often used as a fertilizer. No more than once a month, you can feed the plants with water from the aquarium. Aquarium water contains a large number of substances that perfectly stimulate plant growth, it is very soft, has a neutral pH. Remember, you should not take water from the aquarium in the summer, this can lead to the formation of mold.

Yeast is also an excellent fertilizer for flower crops!

From yeast, an excellent solution is prepared for feeding plants, stimulating growth and which is equated to complete mineral fertilizers.

To prepare yeast nutrition, dissolve 10 grams of yeast and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 1 liter of slightly warm water. If you don’t have ordinary yeast on hand, use dry yeast by dissolving 10 grams of yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar in 10 liters of water. Let it sit for about 2 hours. Then the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and watered over the ground in pots with plants.

Top dressing with infusion onion peel literally before our eyes will breathe a second life into the inhabitants of the window sills.

The life-giving infusion of onion peel is perceived by almost all plants as a full-fledged home fertilizer with a full range of trace elements. All 50 grams of onion peel is poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water to the top and boiled for ten minutes. We insist for about three hours, filter, water and spray the plant. You can not store the solution, we use all 1.5 liters at once.

Do not forget about other natural fertilizers that are always at hand, such as nettles or ashes.

Ash from wood is the most useful fertilizer for plants. When transplanting, the ash should be mixed with the soil - the substrate from this becomes more nutritious. In addition, it is an excellent disinfectant and prevent root rot. You can also prepare a solution of ash at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. Watering with this solution should be once a month.

According to many flower lovers, eggshells are considered very useful - they bury them in the ground during transplantation, infuse water, then water them, but it is not entirely clear whether it should be considered top dressing.

The eggshell does contain a large amount of calcium, but it is practically inaccessible to the plant. Moreover, a very limited number of indoor flowers differ in love for calcium, and its excess in the soil only contributes to the fact that chlorosis begins in plants. So it turns out that the use of the shell as a fertilizer is very doubtful, except that it will become an excellent drainage.

Succinic acid is a magical growth stimulator.

Succinic acid in the form of a white crystalline powder, has a mass useful qualities. Similar to citric acid what is it in appearance as well as to taste. For watering and spraying, dilute 1 g of the drug in 5 liters of water. use succinic acid no more than once a year, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Such disposable dressings are loved by arrowroot, begonias, aglaonema, citrus fruits, chlorophytum, ficuses, haworthia, prickly pear, crassula - they give a good increase in shoots, children. The result becomes noticeable within a week.

Aqueous solutions are used for processing planting material, seeds before sowing, cuttings intended for rooting, also used for resuscitation of plants. It is a growth stimulant for new shoots (after spraying), also for roots, if soaked for several hours before planting.

This drug is not considered a fertilizer, but it acts on the living organism of any plants as a natural activator of their vitality, a stress adaptogen, improves the absorption of substances from the soil.

Succinic acid is not toxic, however, in high concentrations, if it gets into the eyes or stomach, it can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes. In this case, rinse with water.

And here are some more affordable tricks for creating dressings for home flowers. How correct they are - you decide ...

Some flower growers use once a month water for irrigation from washed cereals: rice, millet, buckwheat. It contains many useful substances: iron, silicon, phosphorus and magnesium.

It is doubtful enough to use decoctions of vegetables in the form of dressings, but many believe in their positive effect, arguing that a decoction of vegetables (not salty) is very nutritious for flowering plants and will only bring benefits.

Like these ones simple tips on the use of fertilizers and dressings at home will help you get flowering plants filled with life.

A rare house does without indoor plants. AT last years in Russia there are so many new types of flowers, spectacular, exotic. It is difficult for a home flora lover to resist buying a new pet. But how to help him endure the cold and not sunny season, when native geraniums turn pale and lose weight?

I will not talk about purchased fertilizers and repeat the tips that are on many flower care sites. share mine personal experience winter care behind the garden on the windowsill.

The main thing that flowers suffer from late autumn and in winter - lack of light. Of course, there is still such a negative point as the air dried up by the batteries, combined with cold drafts. But still, the main stress factor is the lack of sun.

If you have a loggia or glazed balcony, they will allow plants to receive flowers. better lighting more long time. There is much less light in the rooms in autumn than on the balcony. Therefore, the flowers there will feel much better. Geraniums, begonias, tradescantia, chlorophytum may well live on verandas and balconies up to plus 8-10 degrees Celsius and feel great. It's lighter and the humidity is natural. Just do not miss the moment when the air temperature drops sharply, it is important to evacuate the plants to the apartment in time.

Exotic plants native to the jungle South America or the deserts of Africa, you can also take out on warm sunny days to the terrace, but in no case should you forget about them. Plus, they will endure 12-14 degrees well, and if it is lower, they must be carried into heat. It is necessary to water all the flowers that live in the "apartment" outside the warm rooms in autumn with water. room temperature or warmed on a battery, for example, in plastic bottle. Water from a watering can, which stood along with flowers on the balcony, may be too cold, especially for heat-loving flowers. If the plants need to be sprayed, then this is done only on warm days, and in no case at night, so that the flowers do not overcool.

If you have neither a balcony nor a loggia, or they are not glazed (in this case, the plants may suffer on a cold autumn night), you can still help the flowers get more light. Put them close to the window, you can temporarily use hanging planters, where pots are simply placed with small plants. For example, with violets, "Decembrist" and even cacti.

Sometimes it is advised to leave the flowers with electric light. I can't say how much it really helps, I prefer to use the possibilities natural light. But as an additional measure, artificial lighting can also be used, especially if it is not possible to move flowers from distant corners closer to the window.

Another important point- nutrition. In the light, plants receive the necessary support. When solar period shortens, they suffer. But if you undertake to intensively feed the flowers, this will also not be entirely correct, because in winter the plants rest. Therefore, of course, it is necessary to “feed” them, but it is important not to overdo it.

Earlier in the winter, Tradescantia, chlorophytum and geraniums withered. It would seem, unpretentious flowers, what do they need? The sun is not there. Purchased fertilizers also did not help much. But now I know how to keep these plants in excellent condition all winter.

The first remedy is the juice that is released when minced meat, meat is defrosted, or just water in which fresh meat was washed. I dilute it a little with settled water for flowers and water it. The frequency of top dressing is not strict - as meat is cooked, so flowers are fed, then I water one pot, then another. Of course, you can’t store such a broth, it will go rotten and the earth may turn sour. And fresh meat juice is remarkably absorbed by flowers without traces. Violets, geraniums, tradescantia, chlorophytums, begonias, as well as annual garden flowers that are still on the balconies in autumn - petunias, dobelia, marigolds, respond perfectly to such top dressing. But arrowroot, spathiphyllum, calathea, ficus and other southern guests who do not like organic fertilizers should be fed with meat water with caution - they may not like it.

There is another natural fertilizer at hand that is suitable for absolutely all types of flowers - a decoction of vegetables. I cooked beets, carrots - I added the cooled broth to a bottle or a watering can for watering, mixing by eye with ordinary water - and an excellent fertilizer is ready. In the water in which vegetables were boiled, a lot of useful minerals. Only it should not be salty. Use fresh decoction. It has more useful things, besides, the broth quickly turns sour.

If for some reason you don’t cook vegetables (now there are people who don’t cook at home at all), you can put an onion in boiling water right in the peel, boil it a little. Cool and use water for irrigation.

A lot of torment delivers plants and their owners, watching these torments, dry air. When they launch central heating, the flowers begin to fold the dried tips of the foxes, and it is often very difficult to deal with this.

Do not be lazy to arrange a regular shower for flowers. But not from the shower, please! Chlorinated water, especially with the addition of warm water from a hot tap central water supply will not give anything positive to the flowers. Even if you manage not to hit the jet in a pot of earth, the plant still absorbs water through the leaves. It is necessary to spray from a spray bottle or wash the leaves from a watering can with settled water. For those who are too lazy to wear an all-green bathroom, you can do it in a basin in the room.

But rarely does anyone manage to arrange such a holiday of humidity regularly, even at least once a week. And plants are in dry air 24 hours a day. We will talk about how to help them all this time next time.

Hello Klava!

In order for indoor plants to grow, bloom and smell, they need good care.

If you don't trust store-bought fertilizers, or just don't want to throw money at them, there are plenty of other ways to feed your plants.

Useful fertilizers for the soil

The products proposed in this article are suitable for most indoor plants and will be an excellent growth stimulant and a source of vitamins.

Houseplants often suffer from land depletion. Tap water does not contain any minerals or vitamins, so you can use water in which eggs, vegetables or potatoes were boiled.

Potato broth is an excellent source of starch, which is essential for plant energy. Periodically watering the flowers with a decoction of potatoes, you make them stronger and stronger, as starch accumulates in the seeds, bulbs and organs responsible for plant reproduction. After you have strained the fertilizer, it must be cooled and diluted well with water. Salty broth should not be poured onto plants!

To impregnate the soil with iron, put a couple of rusty nails in settled water, and then pour it over the plant. After a few days, you will notice how the leaves of the flower become brighter and get rid of white spots.

Sugar is an excellent top dressing (it is especially loved by cacti). You can dilute it in water (2 tsp per glass of water) or sprinkle it on the soil before watering.

Yeast solution is an excellent root stimulant (100 mg of yeast per 1 liter of water). By watering the plant with this solution, you can strengthen the roots well, and if you lower the cuttings into the solution for a day, then you will not have to use "Heteroauxin".

A complete fertilizer for any plants will be a decoction of onion peel (pour 2 handfuls of peel with a liter of water and boil for about 5 minutes). With a cooled broth, you can not only fertilize the soil, but also spray plants in the fight against pests.

Nitrogen, which is contained in coffee grounds, is an excellent fertilizer for any plants, including garden ones. Thanks to him, the soil becomes looser, the plant instantly becomes stronger and grows rapidly.

Banana skin is an excellent support for flowering plants. Cut it finely and dry it, and then add it to the soil. You can pour the skin into the ground in pieces, or you can make powder out of it in a coffee grinder and sprinkle the soil before watering. A solution is also made from the peel (1 skin per 1 liter of water), which is infused for about 5 days, after which it is filtered, diluted with water 1: 2, and natural fertilizer is ready at home. It is an excellent source of potassium, sodium and phosphorus.

If you have ferns growing, then you should know that milk is their favorite top dressing (100 ml of milk per 1 liter of water). Such watering is usually alternated after 3 waterings with plain water.

Nettle infusion is an excellent plant biostimulant. It increases their immunity and resistance to pests. The infusion is prepared from both dry (200 g of nettle per 5 l of water) and fresh (500 g per 5 l of water) nettle. We insist the solution for about 14 days, filter, and you can fertilize the plant.

An excellent complementary food for plants can be obtained from apples (1 kg of green sour apples per 5 liters of water). We insist bait for about three days. You can use this solution more often than other fertilizers. It is most useful for forest cacti, azaleas and anthurium.

Making useful fertilizers for indoor plants from what is in the kitchen is not difficult at all, the main thing is desire.

Sincerely, Evgeny.

You can always fertilize the soil for indoor plants with the help of the most common natural fertilizers, which can be found in almost every house or apartment. Natural fertilizers for home flowers I can be good analogues various purchased fertilizers, especially when the family budget is limited. However, such top dressing should rarely be applied to the ground so as not to worsen the condition of the houseplant. Simple organic top dressing for house plants without chemistry.

It should be remembered that it is not necessary to abuse such dressings and fertilizers, it is better to do them once a year: in the spring, if the plants grow normally, they have a normal appearance and nothing bothers them. If the plant is sick, then fertilize the soil as carefully as possible.

Home fertilizers for indoor flowers

citrus peels(lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, pomegranates) can be used as organic feeding for indoor plants. From the peels of citrus fruits, you will have to make a special solution at home: the peels (zest) must be finely chopped. Part of the crusts should be poured with two parts of boiling water. For example: pour boiling water over a third of a half-liter jar of crusts to the top. Infuse for a day, then pull out the crusts from the infusion, add clean water to the original volume and pour homemade indoor flowers with this infusion. Used peels should be discarded.

banana skins it should also be well dried and crushed, and then you can apply them directly to the ground. It is convenient to do this during the transplant. You can also prepare an infusion on banana skins in exactly the same way as the infusion of citrus peels described above. You can grind the dried skins in coffee grinders and add the powder to the soil of flowering plants before watering itself - flowers will bloom even better.

tea leaves and coffee grounds have been used since very ancient times as a fertilizer for indoor plants. It is enough just to pour cooled tea or tea leaves directly from the teapot into the soil. True, sometimes after such fertilizer, midges may appear in the soil. To prevent midges from appearing in flowers, pour only the tea infusion, do not add the tea leaves itself to the soil. You can dry the sleeping tea and coffee grounds thoroughly, and then add them to the soil. Seedlings are fed with tea leaves infused for 5 days after filtering.

Garlic protect against pests and fungi. It is enough just to stick garlic cloves into a pot with a plant, they will protect it from fungal diseases and will strengthen its immunity. The cloves won't germinate if you cut them in half.

Sugar most in a simple way dilute in water at the rate of: 1 teaspoon per glass of water and pour the soil with such a sweet solution. You need to do this once a week 2-3 times a year. Only weak and diseased flowers need such top dressing. By the way, cacti are very fond of sugar. Ficuses can be watered once a month with sweetened water at the rate of 1 teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter of water. You can just pour a little sugar on the ground before watering.

wood ash is an excellent fertilizer that has a nourishing and disinfecting effect. It is also used to prevent various diseases. It is easy to use: you can simply mix it with the soil (it is convenient to do this when transplanting plants), or you can dilute 1 tablespoon of wood ash in a liter of water and pour the soil in flowerpots with ash diluted in water. For such purposes, only natural wood ash is suitable, ash from burnt notebooks, magazines and newspapers is not suitable, as it may contain harmful residues of printing ink. There is also a slightly different way to dilute the ash solution: 1 tablespoon of wood ash should be poured into 1 liter hot water and insist it for 1 week, stirring from time to time. Watering with such a solution should be done 1 time in 10 days.

Yeast are an excellent growth stimulant for a wide variety of house flowers. But you should not just add them to the ground, but prepare yeast dressing in advance: you need to take 10 grams of ready-made yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar should be mixed well in one liter of slightly warm water. You can also use dry yeast (you can buy it in the same place as ready-made yeast, in almost any store), but dilute it in water in slightly different proportions: for 5 grams of dry yeast, you should take only 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and dilute the data ingredients in 5 liters of water. The yeast infusion should be infused for 2 hours, after which the yeast dressing should be diluted with water at the rate of 1:5 and poured over the potted soil in the most usual way.

aquarium water very convenient as a feeding of home flowers, especially if there is an aquarium with fish living in it. It is recommended to water home plants with it in spring and early summer, no more than once a month.

onion peel is also excellent organic fertilizer for a wide variety of (both flowering and other) indoor plants. To create such a decoction filled with useful substances, quite a bit should be done, literally pour 50 grams of onion peel with 2 liters of hot water, put on fire and boil the peel for 10 minutes. After the infusion is infused for 3-4 hours, the cooled strained broth can be watered on the ground or even sprayed from a spray bottle on the leaves of flowers in order to disinfect them.

Coffee grounds after drinking coffee is also suitable as a natural home fertilizer. You just need to mix the rest of the coffee grounds with the ground after drinking a cup of coffee, thanks to this the soil will become light and loose.

Mineral water It is also considered a good fertilizer for indoor plants, so the leftovers can be safely poured into a pot with your favorite flower.

leaf humus successfully used by adding to the soil when transplanting flowers. You can simply put fallen leaves and flowers from other plants torn into small pieces into the ground in the middle.

Water from washing cereals also quite effectively used as a natural fertilizer for indoor plants.

Ground eggshell just applied to the soil. By the way, it is rich in calcium and perfectly neutralizes acidity. You can also use the water left after boiling the eggs. Such fertilizer should not be carried out often. Grind the egg shell as finely as possible. To fertilize seedlings, you need to fill a clean and dry shell with three liters of hot water and leave for 5 days, after which such fertilizer is applied to the soil by regular watering.

Castor oil will give a wonderful effect for flowering houseplants at the moment when the buds are tied before flowering. It is enough to pour them with such fertilizer at the rate of 1 teaspoon. castor oil for 1 liter of water.

Aspirin significantly increases the immunity of indoor plants. To do this, dissolve 1 aspirin tablet in 1 liter of water and spray indoor flowers from a spray bottle with this solution.

Aloe juice is a plant growth biostimulant, it perfectly helps newly planted plants to take root, and it will also help other plants and will only have a beneficial effect. You just need to dilute 1 teaspoon of aloe juice in 1.5 liters of water and pour flowers over it. Some recommend pre-keeping the aloe leaf for several days in the refrigerator.

Rules for fertilizing the soil of indoor plants

  • Fertilizers can be applied to the new soil only after 3-4 months,
  • Before fertilizing, it is better to water the flower with ordinary clean water so that there is no fertilizer shock for the root system.
  • Weakened or diseased plants should be fed very carefully and carefully and with a much less concentrated solution so as not to worsen the condition of the plant.
  • Fertilizers in plants in the garden and in the garden, as well as for house plants, are usually applied at the most useful time for them: in spring or summer.

Plants are known to love starch, and houseplants are no exception. As a fertilizer, you can use a decoction of potatoes.

Potato broth must be cooled and watered with houseplants. Thanks to the starch taken from the decoction, plants store some useful material for the future.

It is especially useful to fertilize flowers potato broth during budding, active growth of bulbs, tubers or other organs responsible for reproduction.


Often, granulated sugar is used as top dressing. In big flower pots one teaspoon of sugar is scattered over the surface of the soil before watering.

You can dilute granulated sugar in warm water and fertilize the plants with it. One glass of warm water will require two teaspoons of sugar. Sugar solution should be watered once a week.

It is known that sugar breaks down into fructose and glucose. And glucose is necessary for plants as a material for building new cells, and as a source of energy for all kinds of life processes.


The third product for fertilizer can be used tooth powder.

Often you can see a picture of drooping leaves on plants. There may be several reasons for this, but they all lie in the root system.

Perhaps the roots have rotted due to overflow, or from too much cold water. In this case, you can try to save the plant with tooth powder.

The solution is prepared from two tablespoons of tooth powder, and the same amount of wood ash, and one tablespoon of copper sulfate. wood ash provide the necessary nutrients plant, blue vitriol and tooth powder will help to cope with the fungus.

All components must be mixed, add a little water to form a mushy state. Next, you need to carefully open root system, move the soil to the side, grease the stem and roots with the resulting mixture. After that, put the flower pot with the plant in a dry place and do not water it for a week.

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Most indoor plants do not tolerate acidic soil. You can correct the situation with the help of toothpaste. For one liter of warm water, you need to squeeze out the third part of the tube of toothpaste. Calcium, which is part of the toothpaste, nourishes the root system of the plant well. Just be sure to make sure that the water is + 22C.


The use of bananas as a raw material for fertilizer. More precisely, neither tasty fruits, but their peel are used. The banana peel is crushed and dried, and when it comes time to transplant the plants, it is stirred into the soil.

You can proceed as follows: dried banana peel is crushed in a coffee grinder and then the resulting powder is sprinkled on the soil before watering. You can dilute the brown powder with water and thus prepare a liquid fertilizer.

It is known that bananas and their peel contain potassium, which is necessary flowering plants. top dressing banana peel provoke abundant and lush flowering in plants.

Coffee grounds

It is worth trying to fertilize your plants with coffee grounds. In the used thick from natural coffee contains a lot of nitrogen, which is simply necessary for plants. In flower pots, you need to add cooled grounds from under natural coffee to the ground. This natural product will not only saturate the soil with nitrogen, but will also contribute to its breathability.

Just do not water the plant too abundantly after adding coffee grounds to its soil. Cherry tomatoes have a special love for coffee top dressing.

In addition to choosing the best fertilizer for your plants, you should also pay attention to their watering.


It's no secret that for normal development requires water. The watering factor depends on the type of plant, its variety, as well as the needs in a certain period.

By watering the flowers, the turgor of the leaves is maintained, that is, the elasticity of the tissues, thanks to which the flower is kept in its chosen position. Water takes part in a variety of chemical processes that are bound to take place during the growth of a plant.

It is absorbed from the substrate through the roots. But bromeliads prefer to absorb most of the moisture with their leaves.
Plant tissues carry fluid to all its parts. When watering flowers, moisture always evaporates. This process is called transpiration, and it affects the entire surface of the leaves. As a result, water is constantly absorbed from the soil.

If the flowers are grown in hot and dry conditions, then their watering is done regularly and plentifully. After all, the leaves lose a large amount of moisture, which the roots must compensate by absorbing water and renewing its supply. The substrate must contain a sufficient amount of liquid so that the plant does not feel a lack of moisture.

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Do not forget - any plant also needs air between the small particles of the substrate. Excessive watering leads to the filling of air voids with moisture, which can result in rotting of the roots and even death. Therefore, watering is considered a rather scrupulous occupation.

Indoor flowers are especially sensitive to watering. The conditions of their maintenance directly depend on the internal microclimate in the room. Water helps the passage of photosynthesis and the delivery of minerals to the plant. The need for watering a flower primarily depends on the microclimate conditions of the room - its temperature and humidity, and if suddenly the indoor flower has fallen. You should also consider the type of plant and the specifics of the root system.

Indeed, from proper watering the full development of any plant will depend, so you should definitely familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for a particular flower before planting it in your home or garden.

It is very important to properly water the flowers. After all, water is a symbol of life, necessary for everyone, both people, animals and plants. Some flowers like heavy watering, and some moderate. But, then they love spraying with water. Their leaves just need moisture ...

What is required for watering

I don’t really bother with watering my plants, everything is arranged simply and efficiently. Five liter bottle from under the water stands on the cabinet, at the bottom of the bottle is attached a tube from the dropper, which is diluted in all the pots. Directly at each plant, the water supply is regulated by a clamp from a dropper.

Watering flowers is a separate issue. Be sure to defend the water in bottles, unless of course there is no spring. In the apartment at least 2-3 days. So that the water settles and do not water from the pipeline. Be sure to feed. After all, plants also love complex nutrition. The life of your flowerpots is completely up to you.

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So if you figure it out different flowers watered differently and various fertilizers require. After all, there are those who love more moisture, others love less, and more dry climate. And so many of them want to spray more often. I heard folk method for watering flowerpots. Thrown into water for irrigation eggshell and so insist and water.

However, this is not all. Not everyone knows what a dormant period is for plants, how it goes, and how plants need to be cared for during this period.

All about the dormant period in plants

All living beings have a period of active growth and rest. Plants are no exception. During rest, plants stop visible growth, physical development and other physiological processes.

It is known that plants can have forced or organic dormancy. During organic dormancy, the plant does not experience an increase in physical form. In order for the situation to change and the plant to become more active, it should create certain conditions: temperature, lighting and watering regime.

Forced dormancy in plants is precisely the conditions for restraining growth. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the level of lighting, lower the temperature in the room, exclude fertilizers and reduce watering as much as possible.

For many plants, forced rest is necessary, but it should be provided in a forced form.

Which plants require a dormant period? How to shorten or extend

Plants intended for cultivation in room conditions are divided into three groups.

The first group of plants includes those that can do without a dormant period. This group includes: tradescantia, clivia, cyperus, ofiopogon, pelargonium, etc. Such plants are characterized by normal development even in winter period. Only with a decrease in the level of light in the plant can growth be slightly retarded.

There are also plants that, for normal development and growth, simply need to maintain a calm state for some time during the year. Such indoor plants include caladium, orchids, cacti, gloxinia and others. This group of plants without rest can simply die.
