Leaves curl up on tomatoes. Why do tomato leaves curl?

By all indications, tomato plants in a greenhouse “fatten” from an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. Tomatoes in this case expel a large green mass, but do not seek to give offspring, since they do not feel danger to their lives. That is, they form very weak flower brushes with no large quantity flowers. To balance the nutrition of tomatoes and correct the situation in this case, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, which include phosphorus, potassium, zinc, boron and other trace elements, will help. Superphosphate is ideal for this (dissolve 3 tablespoons in 10 liters of water and feed on 1 l under a bush). But it is best to use an infusion of wood ash as a top dressing, it contains all the nutrients except nitrogen. See also: What is better for potatoes - mineral fertilizers or organic Twisting of the apical leaves can also occur for other reasons:

  • From the high temperature in the greenhouse (more than + 35 ° C). In this case, the apical leaves curl up by lunchtime, and by night or in the morning the leaf blades are restored. It is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse more often and shade the roof with non-woven materials (spun-bond, lutrasil, agril and others). From a large difference in night and day temperatures. In this case, greenhouses are closed at night, and opened for good ventilation during the day. From frequent, but shallow watering of plants. It is better to water the tomatoes less often, but more abundantly. From the belated removal of a large number of overgrown stepchildren and abundant pruning of leaves, as the balance between the ground part of the plant and the roots is disturbed. It is necessary to stepchild when stepchildren have a length of no more than 5-7 cm. It is permissible to cut 2-3 leaves on a plant per week. From damage by viruses or pests. A plant affected by a virus cannot be cured. The fruits from such plants can be used as food, but the seeds cannot be collected. Aphids and whiteflies can deform young leaves. In this case, immediately treat the plants with one of the insecticides (Agrolan, Actellik, etc.).

Preparation of ash top dressing Pour 2 liters of wood ash hot water and mix thoroughly. Bring the solution with water to 10 liters and leave for a day so that all the elements are completely dissolved. To obtain a liquid top dressing, take 1 liter of infusion, dilute it in 9 liters of water heated in the sun, and add 1 liter under the root of each plant.

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Why do the tops of tomatoes curl in the greenhouse?

With your help, I managed to cope with the acidity of the soil. The tomatoes are doing well. Blossom, powerful, leaves are dark green.

But in the middle row, opposite the doors, the tops of the tall tomatoes, as it were, “curled up”, twisted into a “cam”. I read literature. Explanations are different. Basically, I fill it with too much water. This is not, because I rake the soil, it's dry.

There may be insufficient watering. middle row practically blown and the earth dries faster than the side beds. Plants are tall, powerful, bloom.

I think they need good watering. Not 2 times a week, as they say in various reference books. With such heat in a polycarbonate greenhouse, the earth dries very quickly. Maybe I'm wrong.

Tell me what to do. Previously, when growing tomatoes in makeshift greenhouses, there were no such problems. Sincerely, Valentina. Hello Valentine!

Many summer residents face this problem. Curly tomato leaves can different reasons. You indicated one of them correctly - insufficient watering during the heat period. A plant that lacks moisture will curl its leaves.

Thus, the tomato manages to reduce the evaporation of moisture by reducing the surface area of ​​the leaf plate. At the same time, the lower leaves, illuminated less by the rays of the sun and better ventilated, remain normal. Important!

Choose a watering mode based on appearance plants. But remember that excess moisture provokes the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Too much nitrogen in the soil

If there is an excess amount of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil, the plant begins to fatten. At the same time, the plants have powerful stems, dark green leaves and curly tops. The plant directs all its strength to the growth of green mass.

Alas, there will not be a large harvest of fruits if measures are not taken. It is necessary to balance the amount of fertilizers in the soil by fertilizing with potassium, which is contained in wood ash. Dilute a glass of ash in a bucket of water and spill the tomatoes. Spraying the leaves with a solution prepared from one teaspoon of potassium sulfate and a liter of water also helps.

Aphid tricks

Small black aphids can also cause twisting of the leaves, which first settles in the axils of the leaves, and then moves to the stem and petioles of the leaves. Aphids, when sucking juices, introduce a specific substance into the tissues of the plant, which deforms the stem and twists the leaves. Insects hidden in the folds of leaves are difficult to destroy with insecticides. Important! When spraying, try to moisten all the sinuses and folds of the leaves. A diseased plant under the onslaught of aphids looks just like you describe

curl virus

This is perhaps the most embarrassing reason, because viral diseases tomatoes are not cured. Plants are infected by insects and cutting tool. Sick tomatoes are best removed immediately so as not to infect other plants.

Stepchildren break out manually, without using a pruner.

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Tomatoes are very demanding and fastidious plants. If you do not take care of them correctly and in a timely manner, the leaves may change their color or twist into a tube. The question of why leaves curl in tomatoes remains relevant for many gardeners.

Let's talk about the various reasons in more detail.

Tomato leaf curl

Consider the main causes of leaf curl in tomatoes.


Optimal temperature regime for growing tomatoes - twenty-two or twenty-five degrees of heat during the day and sixteen or eighteen degrees at night. But if the temperature stays at thirty-five degrees or more for four or five hours, the leaves of the tomatoes will begin to curl from the intense heat. Due to overheating, the leaves of the tomatoes will lose their brightness, yellow spots will appear, growth will slow down, small cracks may appear on the peel, the buds will fall off , Flowers And Ovary.

The variant of the appearance of rot in the fruits of tomatoes is not excluded. At high temperatures, the leaves of the tomatoes will begin to fall off, and the plants themselves will wither and die. To protect the plant from overheating, it is necessary to create an artificial shadow.

To do this, you can use lutrasil - a non-woven synthetic covering material made of polypropylene fiber. It will protect the plant in adverse weather conditions. Tomato leaves can also be sprayed with urea (two tablespoons per bucket of water).

And after two days, the mixture should be changed to a solution of potassium permanganate Pink colour. After a few days, the tops of the tomatoes will become straighter.

Lack of liquid

In the morning, water the tomatoes under the root - once or twice a week. At the same time, try not to over-moisten the soil. When the weather is cloudy, the optimal water consumption should be one to two liters per plant. In sunny weather - six to ten liters of water per watering.

It should also not be forgotten that at very frequent watering the root system of tomatoes will not develop normally.

Lack of air

After watering the plants, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. In the daytime, it is undesirable to water the tomatoes: this will lead to an increase in the level of humidity in the greenhouse, which, in turn, will adversely affect the cooling of the leaves.

Improper pinching of seedlings

Pasynkovanie is the removal of excess shoots. According to gardening rules, immediately after planting tomatoes, you should not remove all the lower leaves. Also, you do not need to do this in the next 2 weeks.

Three weeks later, when the tomatoes have already been planted in a permanent place, and their length has reached 10 cm, you can cut off the lower foliage. Thus, the ventilation of the plant will improve, and thus the humidity will decrease. And the fruits and ovary, in turn, will receive more sun, moisture and nutrients.

Wrong choice of food

If you overfertilize the soil with fertilizers that contain a lot of nitrogen, the leaves of tomatoes can dry out. Due to the lack of elements such as phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, tomato leaves will begin to curl into a boat. Also, manure is undesirable as a fertilizer.

Its use will lead to the release of ammonia. To cure damaged leaves, you need to apply complex fertilizers. For example, potassium monophosphate or solute.

plant diseases

Diseases such as fusarium wilt, bacterial cancer, verticillium wilt can cause leaf curl in tomato fruits. To prevent this, always observe a certain level of soil moisture, do not allow it to dry out or, conversely, excessive moisture, apply complex fertilizers to the soil, protect plants from pests (spider mites, colorado potato beetle, whitefly, tobacco thrips).

Varietal feature

There are quite a lot of varieties of tomatoes, especially tall (indeterminate), with thin stems and leaves, strongly cut and hanging or slightly twisting downwards. This is not a disease - you just need to know that such popular varieties as Fatima, Japanese Crab, Oxheart, Honey Drop, and a good half of cherry tomatoes have such a feature. When planting seedlings, pay attention to the condition of the leaves - if they are equally thin and slightly wrapped in all bushes - you should not worry about why the leaves are curled.

high air temperature

Leaf curl in tomatoes is often observed in hot summer weather, especially when dry winds blow. Thus, the plant tries to reduce the area of ​​evaporation of such valuable moisture.

Usually in the evening, at dusk, the leaf unfolds and returns to its normal shape in order to receive more dew at night and restore balance. There is only one way to help the plant - to shade.

For this purpose, as open beds, and in the greenhouse, white spunbond or lutrasil, thrown over the plants at noon, is excellent. But we categorically do not recommend watering tomatoes by sprinkling.

If you do it in the sun - from water drops that work like miniature lenses, the leaf gets burned, and if you refresh it in the morning or evening - this is a direct path to late blight. We also recommend that you mulch the soil in the beds and in the greenhouse. 8-10 cm of cut grass, forest floor will significantly cool the roots in the very heat and the plant will be much more comfortable.

lack of moisture

This is the most common reason why tomato leaves curl. Many vegetable growers either do not pay attention to watering at all, hoping for rain, or they do it incorrectly - they water often, but in small portions.

But only the top layer of soil is wetted this way - 3-5 cm, and the roots are mostly located deeper, and the tomato suffers from a lack of moisture. Proper watering is enough to do once every 2-3 days on uncovered beds and once every 5-7 days on mulched ones, but at the same time, a bucket of water must be poured onto a fruit-bearing bush. This should not be done at the same time, but divided into several portions so that the water does not spread around the sides, but all gets to the roots.

Too much moisture

An overabundance, like a lack, can be the reason why the leaves of tomatoes curl, but only their edges are wrapped up. During prolonged rains in clay soils, water slowly sinks to a depth, and the roots of tomatoes literally suffocate from lack of air.

You can avoid this problem even during the transplanting period by filling the hole with loose soil. And during the growing season, make small grooves from the bushes to the side to divert water from the roots.

Pests: aphids, whiteflies, red spider mites

These garden pests rarely, but still, tomatoes are affected, especially when the beds are large, and also, in a greenhouse. They settle on the underside of the leaves and actively suck out the juices, as a result of which the leaves curl inward, turn yellow, necrotic spots and nodules appear. Finding pests, it is urgent to save the plant.

If there are few insects, try folk methods - infusion of ashes, celandine, onion peel.

If it doesn't help, one of modern drugs, for example, Bankol, Akarin, Karbofos (Fufpnon), Aktellik. Systemic preparations such as Aktara, Tanrek, Biotlin cannot be used for plants where tomatoes have already started, since toxic substances can accumulate in fruits for 2-4 weeks.

Nutrient deficiency

This happens often if, for some reason, the bushes are not fed at least once every two weeks. Especially often this happens in greenhouses, where the air is very warm, but the soil is not. The plant does not have the ability to accumulate trace elements in sufficient quantities. At the same time, the twisting of the leaves in tomatoes is accompanied by a change in color, and the central vein becomes rough and convex:

  • with a lack of phosphorus, they become red-violet, especially on the underside and veins, and top part as if turning gray; with a lack of zinc, the leaf bends down, the tops of the shoots also curl and become rough and brittle; twisting of young leaves and their lightening indicates a lack of boron; crushing of shoots, wrapping the leaves into a tube is a sign of a deficiency of copper and sulfur; with a lack of calcium, the edges of the leaves twist upwards, and in color they become pale, the veins turn white, necrosis begins; with iron deficiency, foxes turn yellow, thinner and sag.

Correct the situation can be properly selected top dressing. If you determine exactly which trace element is missing and why, then universal way- spray with a solution of immunomodulators: in hot weather - with Zircon; in cool and rainy - Epin; between them - apply Mortar (2 tablespoons per bucket of water) for general top dressing.

thin leaf virus

As a rule, it develops only with prolonged drought and an excess of illumination in the greenhouse. In this case, the plants do not die, but the yield is very weak, the fruits are small, wrinkled, with a hard middle. You can try to save them in this way: at intervals of 2-3 days, successively spray the leaf with a solution of urea and pale pink potassium permanganate, and shade with synthetic material from excess sun.

If this does not help, then it is better to remove the plant from the garden and burn it so that the virus does not spread.

Tomato bacteriosis

Sick tomatoes do not grow well, they have shortened shoots, small and ugly flowers, and the leaves curl, as a rule, only adult plants. Juveniles simply grow thin and heavily feathery.

The disease is transmitted by seed, with diseased plants infecting the soil. It is almost impossible to cure such tomatoes - just remove and then disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate and then sow mustard as green manure - its phytoncides kill pathogens, and the green mass after overheating will become an excellent source of humus.

Wrong stepson

  • If, after sprinkling, the leaves of tomatoes are wrapped in a funnel, it means that you overdid it with this manipulation. Firstly, you missed optimal time when the stepchildren reached 5-7 cm in length. Secondly, too many vegetative parts were removed at the same time. Twisting tomato leaves in such a situation is a reaction to stress. Usually at the same time, flowers are massively showered. The way out is just to make a foliar top dressing, and in a week the plant will recover. True, part of the crop will be lost.

Too much organic fertilizer

Too little is bad, too much is even worse. Excessive application of manure (especially fresh), watering slurry undiluted to the desired concentration or herbal infusions leads to the fact that the plant can no longer absorb so many nutrients and twists the leaf to reduce photosynthesis. And, in addition, evaporation and ammonia released from fermentation of organic substances lead to burns, from which the leaves curl up and die.

Young sprouts of seedlings of vegetables and flowers are already greening on the windowsills. Let's look at the main problems that you may encounter when growing seedlings. So, let's look at the tips that professionals give: WHAT TO DO IF: Black midges fly over seedlingsADVICE: Black midges - mushroom mosquitoes or sciarids - small, black-colored insects.

First of all, reduce the watering of the plants so that before the next watering, it has time to dry out. upper layer earth. The soil attracts sciarids, where the process of decay or decomposition of organic matter is actively underway.

With long and intensive reproduction, midges no longer pay attention to the dryness of the soil. If you lightly knock on the pot with seedlings or shake the pot, a flock of midges will fly up above the surface of the earth, this is a sign that there is a laying of eggs in this earth.

In such a pot, it is better to immediately replace all the soil. In the upper soil layer, you can see whitish, translucent larvae with a black head, up to 5 mm long, and in the thick of the roots - whitish granular formations that crumble if you squeeze them harder with your fingers - these are pupae or skins from pupae after the emergence of adults.

If there are not many pests, then you can try to poison them without transplanting seedlings with flying individuals and larvae. Spray the seedlings with dichlorvos.

To combat the larvae of the fields, the land must be treated with any insecticide (agravertin, actara, actellik, decis, intavir, kinmiks, fitoverm) 2 times in 7 days. After applying the insecticide, do not water the seedlings for 3 to 5 days.

The larvae, if you water the soil with an insecticide, crawl to the surface. QUESTION: Why pepper seedlings become crooked?ADVICE: The solution to the seedling curvature problem is the systematic rotation of seedlings around its axis.

Seedlings on the windowsill all the time reaching for the light. And the light to the seedlings comes only from the side of the window. Therefore, the seedlings are always bent in one direction. Deceive her by periodically turning away from the window.

Rotate the seedlings 1-2 times a day around its axis by 180 degrees and you will never have a problem with the curvature of the seedlings. QUESTION: What to do, if pepper seedlings in bloom?

ADVICE: If the seedlings have bloomed, but it is too early to plant them in open ground, then just cut off the color (buds). Cut it off constantly, right up to the very landing in open ground.

If the color is left, then the seedlings will grow poorly, since it will use all its strength to set the fruit. You will not succeed in normal ripening of fruits, you will only load the plant itself, which, due to the appearance of fruits, will cease to grow actively.

QUESTION: What to do, if eggplant seedlings wither and then die? Sluggish plants were pulled out of the ground - the roots are good, powerful, not damaged. There are no spots on the leaves either.

ADVICE: If the leaves of eggplant seedlings wither during the day in the sun, and by morning they become dense and elastic again, then this is normal. If you do not take into account diseases of the root system (according to your descriptions, there are none), then there may be several reasons: Very bright sun - you need to cover it with a thin tulle.

Soil acidification from excessive watering is possible (the soil has a musty smell). It is also possible that there is no temperature balance between the aboveground and root parts.

If the leaves are in the sun, and the container with the root system is in the shade (of the same windowsill), then the leaves evaporate moisture very actively, and the cold roots do not keep up with them. The same problem can also be attributed to the case when cold draft air from the slots of the frame “walks” through the containers with roots.

Withering is also possible when airing the windowsill - the active movement of cold air adversely affects the green mass of seedlings. Perhaps the roots of the seedlings do not have enough air (the soil is too tight or overflowed, it is also possible that there are no drainage holes or they are too small).

The top layer of soil should be well loosened, drainage holes should be widened and watering should be reduced. Perhaps the seedlings feel a lack of potassium. Add some ash to the top layer of soil.

WHAT TO DO IF: Seedlings cannot shed their seed coatADVICE: If you moisten the “cap” several times during the day, it will fall off on its own. You can help the plants and gently remove it with a needle.

Do not remove the dry seed coat with your hands - the seedlings may die. WHAT TO DO IF: Shoots are unevenADVICE: It is necessary to use only a light substrate for seeding, preferably on the basis of milled high-moor neutral peat or very fine vermiculite.

In this case, the thickness of the mulching layer should be approximately equal to the thickness of the seed itself. WHAT TO DO IF: Seedlings lodgingADVICE: If at the same time the basal part of the stem becomes thinner and darker, the seedlings are affected. black leg".

This disease is most often caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium. The reason may be hypothermia of the soil (if the seedling container is on a cold windowsill), over watering, thickening of crops or infection of the substrate (if it was not previously steamed).

At the first signs of damage, diseased seedlings with a small lump of earth should be removed, watering should be stopped (up to the complete drying of the earth), and calcined sand should be added to the stems. After drying, it is recommended to water with potassium permanganate or preparations "Topsin", "Fundazol".

However, the most The right way- repick seedlings into new, steamed soil and observe in further rules glaze. WHAT TO DO IF: After picking, the plants do not start growing for a long timeADVICE: Often the cause of this phenomenon is errors in picking.

For example, seedlings had long roots that were not pinched when picking, and when planted in the substrate, the long roots were bent or tangled with each other. This most often leads to their decay and stunting of the plant itself or even its death, in particular, from various fungal diseases, the pathogens of which penetrate through the damaged root system.

Perhaps, during transplantation, an air cavity formed around the roots, if the soil around the seedling was not compressed enough. Then part of the suction root hairs dries up and the root system does not function at full strength. Some plants do not tolerate picking.

For example, all species with a tap root system - poppies, lupins, gypsophila - are best sown immediately in open ground. Peppers and cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well. The seeds of these crops are best sown immediately in separate pots of several seeds.

As they grow, seedlings are thinned out, cutting weak plants with scissors. WHAT TO DO IF: Seedling leaves have changed colorTIP: If the leaves turn pale most likely, the plants do not have enough light or nitrogen fertilizers.

Shoots should be rearranged to the brightest place or even use artificial lighting (for 0.5 sq. M area you need one Fluorescent Lamp power of 40 W, located at a distance of 15–20 cm above the tops of plants). However, experts believe that the quality of seedlings from seeds sown later and growing with sufficient natural light will be better than with earlier sowing and artificial lighting.

There is a direct relationship between light and temperature - the darker the room, the lower the temperature should be. However, at temperatures below +14 ° C, seedlings cease to develop, and heat-loving crops may even die.

With nitrogen starvation, it is necessary to feed the plants with a solution ammonium nitrate or urea (no more than 7-10 g per 10 liters of water). The appearance of blue-red spots on the leaves indicates that the soil is too cold and phosphorus becomes unavailable to the roots of plants.

It is necessary to isolate the container with seedlings from a cold windowsill and feed the plants complex fertilizers. If a dry border appears on the edges of the leaves, this may indicate potassium starvation.

In this case, the plants can be fed with potassium monophosphate. WHAT TO DO IF: Black flies appeared on seedlings about 3 mm long with long wings ADVICE: Spill the soil before planting with Fitosporin.

Against the fly, use Fitoverm or Iskra-bio. Spray tomato stems and leaves with Zircon. WHAT TO DO IF: Leaves are curling on tomatoesADVICE: " If the leaves curl down - "chicken's foot", this is not a disease, it's just that the vein grows faster than the leaf blade.

If they are twisted "boat" up, this is a lack of potassium. Feed with a chlorine-free potash fertilizer WHAT TO DO IF: White flies appear on tomato and eggplant seedlings.

ADVICE: If the flies are really white, spray Fitoverm 8 drops per liter. Usually small black ones appear, flying due to rotting organic matter, usually from waterlogging. Stop watering for 3 days.

WHAT TO DO IF: Pepper seedlings outgrowADVICE: The first buds must be plucked. They will greatly weaken the plant, and they will not give fruits because the volume of soil is small, but it will be possible to transplant again in containers of about one liter.

Then you can let it bloom and set fruits. So transplant into the ground already with fruits WHAT TO DO IF: In pepper seedlings, cotyledon leaves turn yellow and fall off.

And the trunk turned purpleADVICE: There can be three reasons: a purple stem is an indicator that phosphorus is not absorbed at low temperatures. If it stands right by the glass, then the pepper is cold.

Yellowing and falling leaves most likely indicate that you are flooding the seedlings and at the same time cold water. But maybe the plant, in order to maintain a growth point, takes nutrients from the lower leaves, that is, you do not supplement QUESTION: How to dive pepper- up to the cotyledon leaves or to the same depth as sprouted?

ADVICE: Peppers are planted at the same depth as they grew before transplanting. A cocktail is sprayed, not watered. QUESTION: How to pinch tomatoes and shape them?

The lack of nutrients in tomatoes (tomato) and the causes of leaf curl

When growing tomatoes on their site, almost all gardeners face various deviations in their growth. The first difficulty is how to determine what is with the tomato? Where to look?

The answer is simple - look at the leaves, or rather, first find out in which part the problem is - at the top of the bush (young leaves) or at the bottom of the bush (old leaves).

One of the reasons is the lack of elements in the nutrition of a tomato.

Below are examples of deviations that I found on the Internet and which I partially know myself.

Watch the video: Lack of nutrients in tomatoes and the causes of leaf curl

If the problem starts with the LOWER LEAVES (OLD):

Some elements move in the plant from older parts (lower) to young (upper) growing parts, so the deficiency will be noticeable on the lower, older leaves:

Most likely lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and magnesium

N Nitrogen One of the main elements of the formation of organic matter. Regulates the growth of the vegetative mass, determines the level of yield

Short: lower leaves turn yellow first + bluish red veins + small leaves the whole plant.

Deficiency symptoms: the plant turns yellow-green, without vigor. The roots are thin and weak.

With a lack of nitrogen, the tomato leaves are small, green-yellowish in color, and the veins on the underside of the leaf have a bluish-red tint. The stems can be of the same color, the fruits are small, woody. The critical period is the time of fruit formation. Lack of nitrogen during this period can lead to the formation of small fruits. If you decide to grow seedlings for sale, then a lack of nitrogen can lead to the loss of all profits - plants with yellow lower leaves will not be bought.

Too much nitrogen is just as bad as too little. With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, tomatoes develop a powerful vegetative mass - leaves and stems grow strongly, plants become "lazy", which leads to a decrease in fruit formation and a delay in fruit ripening and a decrease in plant resistance to diseases. If you do not get rid of excess nitrogen by strong washing of the soil with water, then dark yellow dying spots appear on the leaves between the nerves, the leaves twist, although the branching of the stems increases.

P Phosphorus- element of energy supply. It activates the growth of the root system and the laying of generative organs. It accelerates the development of all processes, increases cold resistance, increases resistance to mechanical damage and improves the preservation of fruits, increases resistance to root rot and other diseases. It is consumed by tomatoes 5 times less than nitrogen, however, it is extremely important for fruit formation and the development of the root system. Considering that the generative organs of the first brushes in tomatoes begin to form early, in the phase of the sixth or eighth true leaf, top dressing of tomatoes with easily soluble phosphate fertilizers is especially effective during the seedling growing period.

Appearance : dark leaves+ turning the leaves inside + purple coloring of the veins of the leaves and stems.

Deficiency symptoms: The plant is dark blue-green in color with crimson underparts of the lower leaves. Stunted growth. A lack of phosphorus in a tomato causes the leaf lobes to curl inwards.

Violet color of leaves and stems.

There are two critical periods: at the beginning of the development of the root system and during the formation of flowers and ovaries.

Also, phosphorus may not be enough in cold weather - it is not absorbed.

In the future, if fertilizing with phosphate fertilizers is not carried out, the leaves along the main nerve curl outward downwards, and the leaf lobes curl inward, the fruits ripen poorly, acquire a bronze color, and the roots become covered with a rusty coating. With further phosphorus starvation, the plants remain dwarfed, young leaves are directed upwards at a smaller (acute) angle with respect to the stem.

K Potassium- Tomatoes are used in small quantities, and especially during the fruiting period of plants. The role of potassium is also important at the first stages of development of tomatoes for the formation of stems and ovaries, the active assimilation of carbon dioxide. Element of cell youth. Enhances the formation of sugars (carbohydrates) and their movement through tissues, increases resistance to disease, frost, drought. Makes the plant stronger, stronger, improves the quality of the fruit. Increases the growth of the root system, reduces the lodging of the tops due to the strengthening of the stem.

Deficiency symptoms: curly young sheets + marginal burn on old ones.

Chlorosis of the tips and borders of the leaves with the appearance of necrosis. Old leaves dry up and crumble. Uneven fruit ripening is characteristic of potassium deficiency. During potassium starvation, ammonia nitrogen accumulates in the leaves (starting from the lower ones), which makes it possible to dehydrate tissues, set leaves (even when growing tomatoes in hydroponics) until they die. With a slow outflow of carbohydrates, starch accumulates in the lower leaves, which is easily detected in the analysis. The leaves first acquire a dark green color, then yellowish-brown spots appear along the edges of the leaves, which can form a continuous marginal border of dead tissue. The dots also extend to the middle of the leaf, giving it a bronze tint. The dying edges of the leaves are wrapped. The growth of branches (stems) stops, they become woody. Plants are starting to dry out.

Spots appear on the fruits and they ripen unevenly

Zn Zinc- regulates protein, lipoid, carbohydrate, phosphorus metabolism and biosynthesis of vitamins and growth substances-auxins.

Short: spots are chaotic, different size gray-bronze. The veins also fall into these spots, do not remain dark + very small chlorotic leaves.

Deficiency symptoms: Irregular chlorotic mottling is characteristic, which quickly develops into necrotic spots of various sizes. Initially, scattered spots of gray-brown and bronze color appear on the leaves of the lower and middle tiers, and then on all the leaves of the plant. Leaf blades usually become small and narrow.

With a lack of zinc in a tomato, abnormally small chlorotic leaves are formed, resembling the small-leaved fruit trees. The tissue of such areas, as it were, falls through and then dies. Young leaves are abnormally small and speckled with yellow or uniformly chlorotic, slightly upright, leaf margins may curl upwards. In exceptional cases, the internodes of starving plants are short and the leaves are small and thick. Spots also appear on leaf stems and stems. The lack of zinc causes the death of tissue areas on the entire surface of the leaf, and not only on the top and along its edges. Often the lateral, and sometimes the main veins, undergo this process. Areas with dead tissue decay much faster than with a lack of potassium.

Mg Magnesium- increases the intensity of photosynthesis and the formation of chlorophyll. It is especially demanded by crops with a large removal of potassium.

Magnesium is needed throughout the harvest period, although deficiency symptoms appear during periods of high fruit loading when magnesium dosages are increased and intake of this nutrient is very rapid.

Short: starting from the lower leaves, the veins are green next to them, and between them chlorosis + leaf tips are bent inward.

Deficiency symptoms: yellow chlorosis between the veins of old leaves, sometimes accompanied by necrosis. Usually the leaf borders remain green until the deficiency becomes more severe.

Magnesium is poor in sandy and sandy soddy-podzolic soils. With a lack of magnesium, a characteristic form of chlorosis is observed - at the edges of the leaf and between the veins, the green color changes to yellow, red, purple. In the future, spots of various colors appear between the veins due to the death of tissues. At the same time, large veins and adjacent areas of the leaf remain green. The tips of the leaves and edges are bent, as a result of which the leaves arch in a domed shape, the edges of the leaves wrinkle and gradually die off. Deficiency symptoms appear and spread from the lower leaves to the upper ones.

Mo Molybdenum regulates nitrogen, carbohydrate and phosphorus metabolism, synthesis of chlorophyll and vitamins, stimulates air nitrogen fixation.

Short: mottled chlorosis + veins remain untouched + leaves twist inward.

Deficiency symptoms: Not very common. The first and second pairs of real tomato leaves with a lack of molybdenum turn yellow, curl up with edges: chlorosis spreads between the veins to the entire leaf plate.

Newly developing leaves are initially green but become speckled as they grow. The areas of chlorotic tissue subsequently swell, the edges of the leaves twist inward; necrosis develops along the edges and on the tops of the leaves.

If the problem starts with the TOP LEAVES (young and growing point):

Symptoms of this group are characteristic of a lack of calcium, boron, sulfur, iron, copper and manganese. These elements are not able to move from one part of the plant to another. Therefore, if these elements are not in the soil, then young leaves do not receive them, as a result of which they fall ill and die.

Calcium- stimulates plant growth and development of the root system. Enhances metabolism and activates enzymes.

Short: starts at the end of young leaves as scorched, and old ones increase in size + top rot.

Deficiency symptoms: Young leaves are deformed at the ends. The surface of the leaf dries up starting at the tips and borders (blackening of the fruit shows a characteristic disorder called "blossom rot").

Calcium deficiency is most noticeable on young leaves, which become chlorotic (formation of light yellow spots); old ones, on the contrary, acquire a dark green color and increase in size.

With a slight lack of calcium in tomatoes, especially in unstable varieties, fruits with a gray or brown top appear - the so-called top rot. brown stain often spreads to half a tomato. Tomatoes with an elongated fruit shape, such as “lady fingers”, are prone to the appearance of such a symptom. With a more significant lack of calcium, other signs appear - the plant slows down growth, the tops die off, the leaves become irregular in shape, the edges may look scorched. By itself, a lack of calcium is unlikely - yet almost everyone pours lime, dolomite, ash. However, excessive doses of nitrogen fertilizers, including “natural” ones - manure, litter, etc., can interfere with the absorption of calcium.

B Bor regulates pollination and fertilization, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Increases disease resistance.

Short: apex curved down + its base begins to turn yellow + the main veins of these leaves are brown + easily break when bent + brown spots on the fruits.

Deficiency symptoms: In the case of a lack of boron, young apical leaves first lose their normal color at their curved base. The top may remain green for some time. Usually, the affected tissues quickly disintegrate, and if the growth of the leaf continues until its complete death, then the latter becomes twisted or twisted. The upper leaves are an unhealthy light green color and curl from the top to the base. The main veins of affected leaves turn brown or black and break easily when the leaf is bent.

With a lack of boron, the growing point of the tomato stem turns black, and new leaves begin to grow in the lower part, the petioles of young leaves become brittle. Brown spots of dead tissue form on the fruits. Too much boron can easily lead to toxicity.

With a slight lack of boron, tomatoes simply do not set fruits well. Boric top dressing is recommended to be used with abundant flowering, 1-2 times per season. With a slight lack of boron, tomatoes simply do not set fruits well. At strong handicap boron, which is rare in real life, the growth point dies.

S Sulfur is the building block for proteins. Participates in the metabolism and transport of substances, in the general processes of ionic equilibrium in plant cells. Included in the composition of proteins, being one of the initial products for the biosynthesis of amino acids.

Short: tissues do not die, but leaves turn yellow, bluish-red streaks (like nitrogen), but starts with upper leaves + thin stems.

Deficiency symptoms: thin stems. The lack of sulfur is manifested in the slowdown in the growth of stems in thickness, the stems become thin, brittle, lignified and hard.

The leaves of plants acquire a light green color, and later yellow, partially with a reddish tinge. Unlike nitrogen deficiency (which first appears on older leaves), sulfur deficiency appears first on young leaves. The stems become thin, brittle, lignified and tough.

Fe Iron

Short: the upper leaves turn yellow, starting from the bases + veins in these places as well. You can see the yellowing top.

Deficiency symptoms: Young leaves become yellow-green, then the color becomes lemon yellow and yellow-white with increased deficiency. Symptoms begin at the base of the leaves. Signs of iron deficiency: plant growth is delayed, the youngest leaves become chlorotic. In acute deficiency, the leaves turn white and only the leaf veins at the edges remain green. From old leaves to young iron does not move.

Iron deficiency is also called chlorosis. It is found in alkaline soils, in soils where too much lime has swelled.

It is treated quite simply. Applying a solution iron sulphate(no more than 1% concentration) on the leaves, such chlorosis disappears in just a few hours.

In tomatoes, this type of chlorosis is more common in the early seedling period, when round-the-clock illumination of seedlings is often recommended. If such highlighting is not stopped, then without iron supplements, chlorosis will occur sooner or later (approximately 1-2 weeks).

Cl Chlorine

Deficiency symptoms: These leaves have irregular shape with severe intervenous chlorosis. Plants require a relatively high concentration of chloride in their tissues. Chloride is very abundant in the soil, reaching its highest concentration in salt marshes, but it can be deficient in leached soils.

The most common signs of deficiency are chlorosis and wilting of young leaves. Chlorosis is formed on the intervenous parts of the leaf blades. With a stronger deficiency, the surfaces of mature leaves acquire a bronze color. Usually crops are chlorine tolerant, but some species such as avocados, stone fruits and grapes are sensitive to chlorine and show toxicity even at low chlorine levels in the soil.

The limiting content of chlorine in greenhouse soil for tomatoes is 0.02% on air-dry soil

Mn Manganese- regulates photosynthesis, respiration, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, activates enzymes.

Short: begins at the base of the upper leaves, as in iron deficiency, but the veins are not uniformly colored and greener than in iron deficiency.

Deficiency symptoms: Usually begin on the youngest leaves, where chlorosis between leaf veins contrasts with patchy dark green leaf veins. At further development deficiency of space between the veins become more yellow compared to iron deficiency, in which yellowing begins at the base of the leaves. Not very common. It happens on soils where fertilizers with microelements are rarely used, and where a lot of lime is applied or simply watered a lot with very hard water from a well. With this type of chlorosis, the veins also remain green, and yellow spots appear between the veins and the entire leaf becomes variegated and bright. Can be confused with a viral mosaic and very frightened.

Rolling leaves.

The observed twisting of tomato leaves is due to several reasons: sharp changes in day and night temperatures (the difference should be within 5-7 degrees); removal of a large number of stepchildren or leaves; low temperatures and high humidity at night.

Leaves lying on the ground, sick, yellow are removed regularly. And also the leaves or shoots that form on the brushes, the so-called growths.

To improve ventilation, illumination and reduce humidity, the lower leaves are removed three weeks after planting. However, in a week it is impossible to remove more than 2-3 leaves from tall and 1-2 from low and medium-sized varieties.

By the beginning of fruit ripening on the first brush, but not earlier, all leaves before it should be removed. To get a good harvest, it is enough that the plant has 13-18 leaves, not counting those at the top.

Leaf breaking and pinching is carried out the day before watering, foliar feeding, so that the wounds have time to heal and are not a gateway for the penetration of diseases, especially gray rot.

According to my observations, it is.

And one more thing: Everything is in order if the top has twisted leaves in the morning, and in the afternoon they straighten out, the flowers are bright yellow, 2 flowers bloom at once in the brush, the fruits at the base of the brush are larger, the brushes are located at an obtuse angle to the stem.

Tomatoes, according to gardeners, are a moderately whimsical plant. If we talk about the preferred people hybrid varieties, then thanks to the diligence of breeders, the problems of growing bets are practically reduced to zero. However, whether it is a determinate or an interdeterminate variety of tomato, the leaves often have a specific curl: up or down.

The reasons

When the leaves of tomatoes curl, it gives the plant a sickly appearance and, as a rule, such leaves wither. A change in the shape, color of the leaf indicates the malaise of the plant. Some diseases begin to affect the lower leaves, while others - the upper ones. But the result is always the same: defeat from the beginning to the top.

Consider a few of the main reasons why leaves curl.

  • If, after planting healthy seedlings in the garden, after removing the weed with a chopper, and also after hilling, you notice that the foliage has curled up, then most likely you have damaged the root system. Which can lead to poor nutrition of the bush. In such cases, there is nothing to do, because with minor damage, the plant will independently take its previous form. With severe damage to the root, nothing can be done, it will wither anyway.
  • Extreme heat outside, on a windowsill, or in a greenhouse can also cause leaves to curl. This is a natural process in which the plant reduces the amount of moisture that evaporates through the leaves. This reason is easy to recognize, because as soon as the heat subsides, the plant immediately takes its previous form.

  • With weak or irregular watering, the edges of the leaves curl up to the top, forming a boat.
  • Leaves can curl with an excess or, conversely, with a lack of trace elements. In such cases, the leaves tend to dry out.
  • Tomatoes grown in a greenhouse are more likely to be attacked by pests than their "comrades" grown in the garden. Aphid, spider mite, the whitefly, settling on the plant, leads to the fact that the leaves are folded into a tube.
  • Pinching too hard can also cause the leaves to curl. Remember that a tomato is not a grape that recovers quickly after such procedures. Therefore, you should not get involved in the formation of a bush.
  • And the most difficult cause is plant disease. Establishing a diagnosis is quite difficult due to the many variations of diseases.

Diseases and pests

As for diseases that attack plants, they most often appear in densely planted places where water from overflow does not have time to dry out. In addition, if the soil is not regularly loosened, then various pests also start in it.

Consider the most common diseases found in vegetable gardens in different regions.

  • When a bush is damaged by stolbur, the leaves, acquiring a color from pink to purple, not only curl, but also change their appearance at the top of the plant. And the lower part of the bush becomes yellow. If a peculiar color of the foliage is found, it is immediately necessary to start spraying with the Fitoplasmin solution.

  • If twisting the leaf leads to its further withering, then these are signs of a bacterial cancer that affects shrubs. The manifestation of the disease begins at the bottom of the bush. First twisted, and then withering leaves are covered with reddish-brown spots. Rising higher, the disease progresses to the complete destruction of the bush. Cancer develops in densely planted areas with excessive watering. Especially if the bush has injuries. The disease is easier to prevent than to get rid of it. For this, watering should be moderate. When working with a chopper, try not to injure the bush. Although, according to experts, you can get rid of the disease if you recognize it in time and start processing it with copper sulphate.

Despite the fact that for the rapid growth of tomatoes you need heat, its excess can cause the appearance of the thin-leaved virus, which even affects the taste of tomatoes. The bush becomes lethargic, and its fruits are tasteless. Excessive lighting, whether it be solar or lamp, can even affect seedlings on the windowsill. An infected bush must be removed immediately, as there is a risk of infection. healthy seedling. It is not difficult to recognize the disease, since the sheets twisted inward with a tube become thin, turn yellow, and gray spots appear on them. Over time, the foliage falls off altogether. The disease is not subject to treatment, only prevention will help to prevent it. To do this, in a hot summer, it is advisable to spray the bush with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of one gram per liter of water.

You can get rid of many problems when growing tomatoes by treating the seeds before planting. To do this, before planting, it is enough to soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for several hours. This procedure must be followed if you are using purchased seeds from a little-known manufacturer, since there is no guarantee that the soil or bush from which the seeds were taken was healthy.

In addition to diseases, twisting of the leaf plate can occur due to attacking sucking pests, the timely recognition of which can save the life of the plant.

If it is the bottom sheets that are curling on your plant, then try shaking it. It is possible that you will scare away the whitefly, whose favorite place is the greenhouse.

Seeing her, the plant must begin to be sprayed with any poisonous insect substance ("Fufanon" or "Mospilan"). In the absence of the noted preparations, you can try to remove the pest using the folk method: we prepare an aqueous solution of yarrow at the rate of 150 grams per 5 liters of water, to which half of the piece is added laundry soap. Since the whitefly comes to life in cloudy weather, it is more desirable to process it in the morning and evening time focusing on the bottom sheets. Yarrow for infusion can be replaced with garlic or dandelion. Folk remedies are good when the tomatoes are already ripening on the bushes. The use of insecticides is permissible 3 weeks before harvest.

Aphids, unlike the whitefly, start up mainly in open ground, and because of it the leaves begin to curl at the top of the bush. It's easy to recognize her. To do this, you need to turn the sheet over, and if it is there, then you can easily find it. Often, the accumulation of aphids is accompanied by ants, which are, as it were, its carriers. The following drugs will be effective for the fight: Aktara, Iskra, Proteus. From traditional medicine, irrigation with infusions of wormwood or celandine is used with the addition of about one hundred grams of laundry soap. You can prevent the appearance of this pest by spraying the bushes once a week with an infusion of ash. To do this, we dilute one hundred grams per 10 liters and insist for 2 days.

The spider mite, like the whitefly, loves a poorly ventilated greenhouse environment. Settling on the plant, it sucks the juice from the leaves, after which they curl and dry out. This pest leaves a web on the underside of the leaf. To combat it, the treatment of the bush with preparations is suitable: Borneo, Flumite or Oberon, the use of which is also allowed 3 weeks before harvesting. If the deadlines are running out, then folk remedies will help: an infusion of dandelions, onions or garlic for 3 liters of water 500 g. And if garlic, then 10 cloves will be enough.

Micronutrient deficiency

A deficiency or, conversely, an excess of trace elements such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) can lead to leaf curl.

Necessary for any plant in the right amount nitrogen has a positive effect on growth and yield. Tomatoes need this trace element at an early stage of development and during flowering. In other periods, on a normalized nitrogen background, the plant needs phosphorus and potassium.

The lack of nitrogen begins to appear on the lower leaves, which, brightening, curl, and their veins acquire a blue tint with a red impurity. This coloring strikes the trunk and leaf cuttings. The plant stops growing, and new foliage appears, turning pale green. All this leads to premature flowering, small fruits and poor-quality harvest.

Excesses of this substance appear in large, but fragile, uncharacteristic for the variety sheets, which are later twisted into rings, in a rich dark green color and a powerful trunk. Bushes shed their inflorescences. Fruit ripening is delayed, which also leads to poor yields. Due to excess nitrogen, the absorption of iron is inhibited. For this reason, the plant often gets sick.

Phosphorus is no less important for plants than nitrogen, as it takes part in the formation of the root system and predicts the laying of the future crop. Its deficiency leads to the vulnerability of the plant at low temperatures and soreness.

A characteristic sign of a lack of phosphorus is considered to be twisting the leaf up., which on the underside, like the stem, acquires a purple color. With prolonged starvation, the plant stops growing completely, and the leaves curl down. Against this background, the fruits, losing the aroma inherent in tomatoes, are formed small.

New leaves, twisting, with an excess of substance, already appear thin with light veins. Their edges acquire a burnt color, and there are spots on the lower part.

In order for the plant to become resistant to pests and temperature extremes, it must be enriched with potassium. With a lack of potassium, young leaves grow small, twisted downwards. Their edges dry out and crumble. Old foliage, crumbling over time, acquires a yellow-red color. The plant as a whole acquires a variegated color scheme. The bush, giving energy to the formation of stepchildren, slows down its growth. Tomatoes covered with dark spots ripen at different intervals.

The plant with an excess of potassium acquires a brown color. The leaves, wrinkled, curl and fall off.

For example, mature plant, loaded with fruits, begins to shed flowers with an excess of nitrogen against the background of a lack of potassium. If at this time there is a shortage of phosphorus, then the existing fruits will acquire dark stripes. Such an imbalance of trace elements can lead to the appearance of yellow veins in the fruits or yellow spots on their stalks.

You will learn more about the causes of leaf curl in tomatoes by watching the following video.

landing errors

Leaf twisting both inward and upward, leading to a decrease in yield or its complete loss, can be caused by errors made by gardeners during planting and growing. Before purchasing seeds, you need to decide on the place where future tomatoes will grow. Choosing a variety, we start from its characteristics. If this is a greenhouse, then it is more expedient to purchase interdeterminant varieties, famous for their high bush up to 5 meters. For open ground, determinant bushes are suitable, which, with low growth, can give a bountiful harvest. Outdoor sudden changes in temperature or greenhouse high humidity for one or another variety can cause death.

Many mistakenly believe that a large amount of moisture or water will only benefit the plant. But this is far from true. Excess moisture, like excess light, leads to various ailments or the appearance of insects. Watering should be rare, but plentiful. Excess sun is easily determined by twisted sheets, which always straighten out in the evening.

You should not plant seedlings with inflorescences, as it will take all the energy of the plant, not allowing it to take root. A weak root system is a guarantee of plant death, which first manifests itself in leaf twisting. If, for whatever reason, you could not transplant the plant into open ground in a timely manner, and inflorescences have already begun to appear on it, then they must be removed before planting. After that, we determine the seedlings in a hole with a sufficient amount of water.

During the landing period, excess moisture will only be a plus. Don't be afraid if you overdo it with water, and you end up with something like a swamp. Excess moisture will evaporate, and the roots, having saturated, will make the plant stronger.

If your tomatoes belong to varieties that require the mandatory formation of a bush, then the main thing here is not to overdo it with removing extra leaves. This can also cause the death of the plant, which will begin to appear in the curling of the foliage. It is better to start pinching when your plant has reached a five-centimeter height.


Of course, problems are easier to prevent than to cure, but if the warning is still late, then something has to be done to save the crop.

Twisted no matter in what form the leaves speak of the malaise of the plant. It is necessary to observe the plant in order to correctly determine the cause. If the leaf curl becomes diurnal, then, as noted above, the plant suffers from excessive light. Many in the hot summer try to save the plant by daily watering, but this can only harm the roots, which will begin to rot. In such cases greenhouse plants it is necessary to provide good ventilation, and street ones - with potassium, which is responsible for resistance to adverse weather conditions. The lack of any trace element is easily replenished with top dressing purchased in specialized stores. Or you can water the plants with water infused with ash. In addition, the ashes also contain phosphorus, which strengthens the root system. There is little phosphorus in the ash, so if you need to enrich the bush with this particular element, then the solution on the ash should be with a large addition of the latter, or digging to the roots of dry ash is allowed. The peculiarity of getting rid of phosphorus starvation is that phosphorus is absorbed with sufficient illumination, so it is pointless to carry out top dressing in cloudy weather.

But you do not need to abuse this, as nitrogen supersaturation may occur, which will negatively affect the plant (see above). In such cases, you can save yourself by the so-called washing of the soil or additional lighting.


To prevent the occurrence of diseases, pests It is recommended to pay attention to a few tips from experienced gardeners.

  • The variety is selected taking into account the place where it will be grown. Thus creating a favorable environment for the plant.
  • Before sowing seeds, it is advisable to soak them for several hours in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. This will help to strengthen the seeds if they are taken from a diseased plant or soil.
  • For the winter, we fertilize the soil with manure, which will enrich it with the necessary trace elements.
  • Digging the garden in spring prevents the appearance of underground pests, destroys the root system of weeds and enriches the soil with oxygen.
  • We plant seedlings in open ground only if the earth is warm. The appearance of the first weeds will tell you about this.
  • Before planting seedlings, it is recommended to take them outside to acclimatize for at least a day.
  • Water the plant rarely, but plentifully. It is advisable to avoid getting moisture on the sheets, which darken because of it.
  • If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, then good ventilation must be ensured.

But as soon as you see, subject to the above measures, the curling leaves of the plant, you must immediately look for the cause and eliminate its consequences.

Kira Stoletova

If the top of the tomato begins to wither or twist, it is worth immediately determining what exactly causes discomfort to the plant.

Causes of the problem

Tomatoes immediately react to unsuitable conditions for growth and development. There are a lot of reasons why the tops twist. Consider the most common:

  • Root damage during planting. A plant with a pruned system quickly weakens. Pruning the root is not so scary because the roots will regenerate and the leaves will come to life.
  • Incorrect or insufficient feeding. Tomatoes need constant feeding. Once every 2 weeks, you need to fertilize both in the greenhouse and in the open area. Often the tops of tomatoes curl from an excess of organic matter. If you make a lot of manure or compost, the plant begins to give all the fertilizer to the green parts, forgetting about the fruits. Also, from insufficiently rotted manure, the plant begins to wither.
  • Very high temperature. At high temperatures, seedlings in the greenhouse begin to lose their attractive appearance. The upper leaves stop growing and begin to curl. To prevent this from happening, there must be air circulation in the greenhouse. To protect the plant, you can use a solution of urea. For him, take 1.5 tbsp. l. urea and 10 liters of water. Leaves are treated with this remedy. You can also mulch. The roots will help not to overheat an 8-centimeter layer of grass.
  • The plant does not receive enough light, and the process of photosynthesis slows down. This adversely affects the growth and development of vegetable crops.
  • Irregular watering of tomatoes. From a lack of moisture, tomato leaves begin to curl even when the top is cut off. So they try to retain water in themselves. For proper watering you need to take 1 bucket of water for 1 bush. It is necessary to water in several approaches, because if you pour in all the water at a time, it will spread without getting to the roots of the vegetable.
  • Twisting the tops of tomatoes provokes aphids and various bacterial infections. The fight against them must be carried out immediately after detection in order to prevent the death of the plant.
    It is important not to overdo it when watering the plant: from an excess of moisture, the tops of the bushes also begin to turn yellow and curl. If the tomatoes are planted in an area where constant moisture is kept, channels must be made to drain water.

    One of possible reasons chopping and twisting of the upper leaves on tomatoes are viral diseases, such as aspermia. To understand the nature of the disease, you need to remember that all fungal and bacterial diseases begin from the lower leaves, and viral ones from the upper ones.

Tomato leaves can curl from damage by various pests.

The most common pests are aphids and whiteflies. They need to be dealt with as soon as possible in order to prevent serious diseases.


She hides under the leaves and feeds on their juice, which sometimes leads not only to twisting of the tops, but also to a change in the shape of the stem.

To combat aphids, both chemical agents and folk methods are used. It all depends on the site of damage and the period of development of tomatoes.

Tatyana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

For the season at favorable conditions Aphids can give up to 10-12 generations! Therefore, do not think that getting rid of aphids at the beginning of summer, you have solved the problem forever. Watch for winged aphids on your plants. Their appearance suggests that the aphids have begun to settle again.


It is necessary to treat the aphid culture with chemicals with extreme caution, since they are completely removed from the tomatoes after 25-30 days, so the fruits that have almost reached maturity must be plucked and placed in a dark room until fully ripe.

To control the pest, you can use insecticides such as:

  • "Akarin". For spraying, take 8 ml of the drug and 1 liter of water.
  • Biotlin. It is used to kill adults. Also, the drug prevents the reproduction of aphids. For treatment, use 5 ml of insecticide per 10 liters of water.
  • "Spark". Strong drug. It fights not only aphids, but also other pests. For the solution, use 1 tablet of the drug per 10 liters of water.

In addition to chemicals, there are also biological preparations that can be used 2 days before fruit picking. Such preparations are Fitoverm and Aktofit. An ampoule of the drug (4-6 ml) is diluted in 1 liter of water and plants are treated with it.

All chemicals are used according to the instructions and at a temperature not lower than 16 ° C. At lower levels, the drug does not work.

Tatyana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

High temperature also adversely affects the effectiveness of the prepared preparation. As a rule, all chemical means of protection are prepared on water based. High air temperature contributes to the rapid evaporation of the substance. The drug simply does not even have time to work. Therefore, it is recommended to use plant protection products in the morning and evening hours, when the air temperature is below +25 degrees.

In the greenhouse, all chemical treatments must be carried out with extreme caution, in special clothing, the greenhouse after treatment is left open overnight.

Folk methods

As an alternative to chemical means to combat aphids, folk methods are used. good remedy is a soap solution. To prepare it you need:

  • grate a bar of laundry soap;
  • dissolve it in a small amount of water;
  • pour the finished mixture into 10 liters of water;
  • add 1 liter of water with boiled and filtered ash.

Tomato leaves are treated with this tool, not forgetting their lower part.

Soap foam, which is used to wash damaged leaves, also helps in the fight against aphids. You can also try to kill pests by washing them off with a strong jet of water.

Aphids do not tolerate garlic solution. To prepare it, use 3 cloves of garlic and 0.5 tbsp. water. This remedy is insisted for 3 days, after which it is filtered, added to 1 bucket of water and the culture is processed.

Folk remedies will benefit if they are used regularly: 1 time in 7-10 days.


To prevent the appearance of aphids, it is necessary to dig up the ground by 10-15 cm in the fall after harvesting. For the winter, it is not leveled, but left loosened.

In the spring, the area allotted for tomatoes is treated with a solution of fufanon. For its preparation, take 60 g of the drug and dilute it in 10 liters of water.

Equally important is correct scheme planting tomato seedlings. It is necessary to take into account the distance between the bushes. It should not be less than 30 cm in a row and 70 cm in the aisle.

Near the site with tomatoes, anthills are destroyed so that the ants do not transfer aphids to seedlings.

Tatyana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely and permanently remove ants from your site. They leave one place, moving to another. But to control their numbers, use Muracid and Medvetoks in the form of granules. Several granules of these drugs are placed in the passages of the anthill and a short time ants disappear in it


Leaves begin to curl from whitefly infestation. She, like aphids, hides under the leaves of tomatoes. Adults are more harmful than larvae. With a small amount, damaged leaves are cut off, but this is not a very effective way.

To completely get rid of this pest, use chemicals such as.
