Indoor plants that cannot be kept at home, photos, names, and which ones can you? What indoor plants in your home are harmful to humans and cats.

Flowers fill our homes with beauty and comfort, saturate the air with oxygen and absorb harmful substances but there are harmful houseplants which may be hazardous to human and animal health. The juices of many of them irritate the mucous membranes, cause swelling, vomiting and damage the skin. This is especially true for cats who love to eat fresh greens if they are constantly at home. Pet owners are well aware that their green windowsill may suffer from pets, but animals can also suffer themselves if they swallow a stem or leaf poisonous flower. What plants are the most harmful?

The juice of many Aroids is poisonous. It contains the green parts of the plant. Edema occurs when swallowed oral cavity, in case of contact with the eyes - diseases of the cornea and conjunctivitis.

This family includes such popular indoor flowers:

  • (dollar tree);
  • zantedeschia (calla);
  • monstera;
  • syngonium;
  • spathiphyllum (women's happiness).

It is dangerous for cats - if they swallow part of the leaf, a burning sensation, blisters will appear in the mouth. The juice of the creeper contains a poison that causes diarrhea. When poisoning with dieffenbachia, there is a risk of suffocation. Plants harmful to human health are often valued for beneficial features and kept at home as medicinal. For example, alocasia juice is used in folk medicine: It is believed that its tincture is effective against cancer.

For any symptoms of poisoning in animals or humans, give the victim activated charcoal and call a doctor.

The danger of bulbous plants

Almost all bulbs, in particular the Amaryllis family, are poisonous. The Amaryllis family can cause harm to birds and other pets, especially cat lovers need to be careful. This applies to eucharis, clivia, hemanthus, poultry and garden members of the family. The green parts and scales of the bulbs contain cavities with mucus that flows out if they are damaged. Clivia can cause paralysis.

The poultry farmer has a very hot juice, which, nevertheless, is also used in medicinal purposes. Some people grow it at home specifically to prepare tinctures for pain in the spine.

Euphorbiaceae - a harmful family

No less dangerous is the Euphorbia family. Children, birds and animals, especially cats, should not be allowed to come into contact with it. White-veined spurge is very similar to a palm tree in appearance - it often lives at home with amateur flower growers, as it is shade-tolerant plant, does not require special care and easily propagated. Euphorbia Mil is also popular, some varieties of which have very decorative flowers.

- attractive plant colorful leaves unusual shape- also applies to euphorbia. Other members of the family, common in indoor floriculture, are jatropha, akalifa. Their resin and juices contain poisons that cause severe poisoning, which is accompanied by the appearance of vomiting and disturbances in the nervous regulation. In contact with them, non-healing ulcers, burns and inflammation appear on the mucous membranes.

Kutrovye - dangerous beauties

Poisonous milky juice is contained in attractive plants of the Kutrovye family. It can do a lot of damage and pet, and a person. Substances contained in allamanda, catharanthus, pachypodium and rauwolfia can be fatal. One of the representatives - obese adenium, is gaining popularity among flower growers due to the unusual thickened shape of the stem - caudex. These indoor plants are considered home decoration. Their flowers are very beautiful: over the past few years, breeders have bred an unthinkable number of varieties with a variety of colors, non-double and double petals.

Mandevilla, or diplatia, is the dream of many amateur flower growers, which can become the highlight of any collection. But its juice contains substances that, when ingested, cause disturbances in the nervous and cardiovascular systems. For small animals, such as cats, this is certain death. Oleanders are very attractive and dangerous plants that are often kept at home. They are called the "suicide flower": it is enough for one leaf to enter the body to cause irreversible consequences.

Nightshade - bright and dangerous

Solanaceae, whose berries look very attractive to birds (and children), contain alkaloids that cause nausea, drowsiness, and vomiting. It's a nightshade, indoor decorative peppers, brugmansia, browallia - they often visit flower growers at home. Datura also belongs to this family. The ancient Romans used harmful berries nightshades in order to prepare poisonous substances for their enemies. Frequent guests of summer flower beds - petunia, fragrant tobacco, - no less dangerous, all parts of these flowers are poisonous.

Potatoes belong to the nightshade family. He ties poisonous berries, which were previously poisoned by people who did not know that you need to eat a root crop. Useful plants, often present in many people at home on dining table: tomatoes, eggplant, pepper - also belong to this family. Fruit juices contain solanine, an alkaloid that can cause insomnia, dizziness, diarrhea, and cardiovascular and cardiovascular diseases. nervous system. The result of contact with the poisonous parts of the plant may be muscle numbness, thyroid dysfunction, chronic joint pain, impaired absorption of calcium.

Coniferous and Araliaceae

Coniferous indoor plants are rare guests at home, except perhaps in the form of bonsai. But be aware that they can be dangerous. Some representatives contain poisons that irritate the mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract, depress the heart muscle and can cause respiratory arrest. For example, yew was known for such properties even in ancient times: it could be used to poison enemies if they were served wine in a goblet from this tree.

The fruits and seeds of a plant of the Araliev family contain toxic substances that cause disorders of the nervous system. Its indoor representatives are often found at home and cause curiosity in cats:

  • aucuba japanese,
  • pelargonium,
  • polisias,
  • fatsia,
  • fatshedera,
  • sheffler.

Indoor Plants Harmful to Cats

For cats that live at home, there is a problem: how to find greens for themselves, which are a source of vitamins and a means of cleansing the intestines. Therefore, they often gnaw houseplants, not paying attention to whether they are harmful or beneficial. Some owners believe that pets should figure out what flowers they can eat, but this is a delusion. These animals are very fond of hard dracaena leaves, which can scratch their palate and cause swelling of the larynx. Often they gnaw ficuses containing poisonous milky juice. The most dangerous for cats are adeniums, oleanders, dieffenbachia and monstera, ingestion of the leaves of which can be fatal.

Indoor plants, if there is an animal or a child at home who does not understand what he puts in his mouth, you need to choose especially carefully. Cacti are very dangerous for animals, which for some reason often attract cats. The thorns get stuck in the sky, and it is very difficult to remove them without causing additional injury to the animal.

If this still happened, you need to put a piece of butter in the pet's mouth and be sure to take it to the veterinarian.

Even a very beautiful and, at first glance, harmless flower, such as pelargonium, can cause a severe allergic reaction. medicinal plant, which is in almost every home, can be irritating to the skin and intestines.

Harmful indoor plants are not as dangerous if they are in an inaccessible place. Therefore, if there are animals in the house, especially cats, and it is impossible to get rid of the flower, it is better to remove them away so that the animal cannot reach. You can hang them from the ceiling in a special planter.


Many indoor plants that are attractive in appearance and popular among flower growers can be dangerous to humans and animals. Especially for cats, because they love to eat fresh greens. This group includes almost all bulbous, representatives of the Aroid, the family Kutrovye and Solanaceae.

When ingested, some of these plants (oleander, adenium) can not only harm health, but also lead to death. If a person or animal shows signs of poisoning, it should be given activated charcoal and a doctor should be called immediately. Dangerous plants should be removed to places where they cannot be reached.

All women love flowers, so our women's site site cannot lose sight of the topic of indoor plants (for example, we previously wrote about). And today we will talk about the fact that some flowers are bad for health human and/or pets. What can be dangerous plants and how to avoid danger if one of the poisonous plants still got into your house?

What can be dangerous indoor plants?

When we are talking about the danger posed by a plant, most people first think that it poisonously.

However, you do not chew the leaves of your house flowers, do you? I hope no! Therefore, if there is no small child or pet in the house, these plants are unlikely to cause harm.

But some indoor flowers can be harmful to health, not only if you use them inside - trouble can bring smelling, touching to the plant itself or its juice (for example, when cutting leaves or twigs).

What house flowers most harmful to health?

  • Oleander. This beautifully blooming bright pink flowers plants are very poisonous juice! When even a small amount of oleander juice enters the human body, colic, diarrhea, and vomiting begin. , oleander juice also affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is better to touch the oleander with rubber gloves (especially if there are scratches, abrasions, etc. on the skin).
  • ficuses. Everyone has probably seen representatives of this family of plants! However, this home flower harmful to health juice, in contact with the skin, can cause inflammation, an allergic reaction, eczema, dermatitis and even bronchial asthma!
  • Spurge. Of the spurge family, poinsettia (“Christmas star”) and akalifa are most often grown at home. similar to milk juice dangerous in contact with skin, mucous membranes and especially with eyes. If it enters the mouth, it causes swelling of the larynx, and if you rub your eyes with a hand stained with juice, conjunctivitis or changes in the cornea may begin.
  • Monstera. Monstera juice can cause skin burns, and it is also very harmful if it gets into the eyes. If a person or animal swallows juice, then a burning sensation in the larynx will begin, profuse salivation with bad smell and the esophagus, stomach, and intestines become inflamed.

What plants are dangerous for pets?

harmful to animal health the same flowersthe same as for a person.

However, a person can protect himself from danger, but you can’t tell a cat why you can’t gnaw on that leaf or that stalk!

Therefore, if there are animals at home, it is better to stop growing poisonous plants, or you will have to put bouquets and flower pots in places inaccessible to pets.

In addition to the above flowers, the following plants are harmful to mammals:

  • Tulips, daffodils. Or rather, not themselves, but their bulbs. If an animal chews on an onion, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, depression of the central nervous system, convulsive movements, trembling, salivation, and heart problems may begin.
  • Cyclamen. Poisonous substances are contained in this plant unevenly - most of them in root part. Poisoning by cyclamen rhizomes is manifested in severe vomiting.
  • chrysanthemums. If the animal eats leaf or flower chrysanthemums, this can cause severe indigestion with increased salivation.
  • Autumn crocus (colchicum). Poisonous all parts of the plant. Signs of poisoning - bloody vomiting, diarrhea, irritation of the oral cavity and larynx, damage internal organs and suppression of bone marrow activity.
  • May lily of the valley. These adorable flowers are very harmful to the health of animals, in some cases lead to death!

An unpleasant surprise - a bouquet!

Each of us probably deals not only with those flowers that grow in a pot on the windowsill - women are often given bouquets! But not everyone knows that some flowers traditional for bouquets are harmful for health!

What exactly and what is the danger?

  • snowdrops. Poisonous all parts of the plant especially the bulb. When snowdrops are placed in water, they begin to give off poisonous substances to the water, so carefully wash the vase from under these flowers and do not spill the water from it on the dining table!
  • Yew. They often make Christmas compositions from yew branches and even decorate the table with them, but this is very poisonous plant- in the Middle Ages, experienced poisoners poured wine into unwanted people in yew goblets, which led to death!
  • lilies. Very poisonous all parts of the plant when taken internally, but even if you don't think of snacking on a bouquet of lilies, these flowers can bring serious problems with its strong fragrance- cause headache, dizziness, allergies. For animals and young children, swallowing or biting lily leaves can be deadly!
  • Hydrangea. This beautiful plant contains the most powerful poison - cyanide, so be careful if you want to cut a twig, break off a wilted leaf, or throw away a bouquet that has lost its freshness!

Of course, flowers are harmful to health, as a rule, only when they fall inside the body. Therefore, no one talks about cases of mass poisoning with lilies of the valley or snowdrops!

Just observe simple rules precautions and be interested in information about those plants that you are going to buy for growing at home.

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Fashionable now houseplants do not always serve as decoration and please the eye. Sometimes they can slowly kill people and animals living in the house. In order not to become a victim of domestic killer flowers, first familiarize yourself with their properties and characteristics.


The most popular and fashionable now indoor plants of this family are dieffenbachia, philodendron, syngonium, caladium, monstera and spathiphyllum. We see them in offices, apartments, flower shops. But, unfortunately, often even sellers do not know all the features of a particular plant.

Aroid juice is rich in a very dangerous amino acid asparagine, which causes inflammation of the mucous membranes. In addition, it contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are irritating to the mouth and throat. Also, these substances can cause suffocation. It is possible that eating the leaves of these plants will lead to indigestion, vomiting, and profuse salivation.


Recently, the housewives especially liked spurge or euphorbia. He is very dangerous. The juice of the plant has the appearance of white milk, a pungent odor and can cause skin irritation, burns and allergies. When the juice gets on the mucous membrane, ulcers form, in the eye - inflammation and temporary blindness. If the leaf of milkweed is in the stomach of a child or animal, this will lead to severe vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions.


The fruits of the Jerusalem cherry remind children of small tomatoes. Therefore, make sure that neither the baby nor, for example, the cat, eats these berries. The flowers of this plant contain a poisonous glycoalkaloid - solanine, toxic even in small quantities. Eating fruits can cause abdominal cramps, headaches, paralysis of the respiratory and circulatory systems.


A very beautiful and sophisticated plant of this family - oleander - is the decoration of any hall, whether it is an office center or Vacation home. But how beautiful it is, it is just as harmful because of the content that is deadly. dangerous poison oleanine.

As a result of poisoning with this plant, after a few hours, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, tachycardia, and impaired visual function may appear. There are also cases when the matter ended with a slow irregular pulse, a fall blood pressure followed by cardiac arrest.

First aid for poisoning

First of all, try to arrange all the plants listed above in the house in such a way that neither the child nor the animals can reach them.

Secondly, perform any manipulations with these plants with gloves and goggles so that the juice does not get on the skin and eyes.

If it happens that you observe symptoms such as burns of the mouth and throat, inflammation of the lips, severe salivation, difficulty swallowing, respiratory distress, nausea, vomiting, severe burns and reddening of the eyes, watery eyes, rinse abundantly with mucous membranes and eyes with water. The baby's stomach can be washed with potassium permanganate or with activated carbon. Be sure to call the doctor at home or take the child to the clinic.

If you notice oddities in the behavior of a cat or dog - they rub their muzzle with their paws, foam saliva flows from their mouths, their eyes turn red, and bites or scratches are noticeable on plants, rinse the animal's mucous membranes abundantly running water. Inside, try to give activated charcoal with liquid. Your pet will absolutely need a veterinary examination.

Do not forget also that these plants are dangerous not only when juice gets on parts of the body, but also with volatile substances that are released during their flowering period. These plants are especially dangerous in a closed, unventilated area. Then the victims have a headache and dizziness.

In allergy sufferers, poisonous flowers cause bronchial asthma, swelling of the mucous membranes, vomiting and diarrhea.

List of dangerous house plants:

1. Acalypha hispida (Acalypha bristle-haired): milky juice is dangerous.
2. Adenium obesum (adenium obese): milky juice is dangerous.
3. Ageratum houstonianum (ageratum, or long-flowered): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
4. Aglaonema (aglaonema): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
5. Allamanda cathartica (allamanda laxative): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
6. Alocasia (alokaziya): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
7. Anthurium scherzerianum (Scherzer Anthurium): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
8. Asparagus (asparagus): berries are dangerous.
9. Aucuba japonica (Japanese aucuba): berries are dangerous.
10. Begonia-Semperflorens hybrid (ever flowering begonia, hybrids): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
11. Browallia (browllia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
12. Brunfelsia (brunfelsia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
13. Buxus sempervirens (boxwood): dangerous leaves.
14. Capsicum annuum (pepper): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
15. Carissa macrocarpa (large-fruited carissa): all parts of the plant are dangerous, except for the fruits.
16. Cassia (cassia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
17. Catharanthus roseus (pink catharanthus): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
18. Cestrum (cestrum): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
19. Clivia miniata (cinnabar clivia): all parts of the plant are dangerous, the fruits are most poisonous.
20. Codiaeum variegatum (variegated codiaeum): milky juice is dangerous.
21. Colchicum autumnale (autumn colchicum): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
22. Convallaria majalis (May lily of the valley): berries are dangerous.
23. Cysas revoluta (drooping cycas): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
24. Cytisus (broom): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
25. Datura (datura): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
26. Dieffenbachia (diffenbachia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
27. Dipladenia (dipladenia, or mandevila): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
28. Euphorbia milii (Euphorbia milii brilliant): Dangerous milky juice.
29. Gloriosa superba (luxurious gloriosa): the tubers of the plant are dangerous.
30. Haemanthus (gemanthus): bulbs are dangerous.
31. Hedera helix (evergreen ivy): The berries and leaves of the plant are dangerous.
32. Heliotropium arborescens (tree heliotrope): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
33. Hippeastrum (hippeastrum): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
34. Hoya (hoya): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
35. Hyachinthus orientalis (oriental hyacinth): bulbs are dangerous.
36. Iris (iris): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
37. Jatropha podagrica(gouty jatropha): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
38. Lantana (lantana): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
39. Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea): dangerous seeds.
40. Lilium (lily): bulbs are dangerous.
41. Lonicera (honeysuckle): dangerous berries.
42. Monstera deliciosa (monstera attractive): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
43. Narcissus (narcissus): bulbs are dangerous.
44. Nerium oleander (common oleander): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
45. Pachpodium (Pachypodium): The trunk and leaves of the plant are dangerous.
46. ​​Petunia (petunia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
47. Philodendron (philodendron): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
48. Primula obconica: all parts of the plant are dangerous.
49. Ricinus communis (common castor bean): the seeds of the plant are dangerous.
50. Senecio bicolor (cineraria, ragwort): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
51. Salanum pseudocarpsicum (false nightshade): all parts of the plant are dangerous, berries are more dangerous.
52. Trachelospermum jasminoides (trachelospermum jasminoides): milky juice is dangerous. 53. Tulipa (tulip): bulbs are dangerous.
54. Zantedeschia (Zantedeschia, kala): all parts of the plant are dangerous.

Before you follow the fashion and mindlessly collect unknown plants, remember: it is better not to have any flowers in the house at all than to reproach yourself later for the consequences of a frivolous purchase.

Indoor plants occupy an important place in human life. Almost every apartment has favorite flowers that delight the eye with all kinds of leaf shapes and an unimaginable palette of colors. Many indoor plants are useful for humans. But there are some that should never be kept in the house.



It is also called Adenium obese, Adenium thick or Desert rose, and all because of the stem, which is shaped like a bottle. It blooms very profusely, bright beautiful flowers. However, its juice, getting on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, penetrates into the bloodstream, causing poisoning.

In the homeland of Adenium, in Africa, Aboriginal tribes still use the toxic juice of the plant to hunt large animals, lubricating them with arrows.


Azalea (Rhododendron) is a very beautiful plant. Its flowers are like lilies and proper care it blooms very profusely. But the juice and nectar of Azalea is poisonous. If you accidentally swallow a piece of leaf or nectar, profuse salivation will begin, vomiting and lacrimation are possible. Rhododendron flowers have a strong smell that can cause allergies. This is manifested by skin rashes and headaches.


Although Dieffenbachia cleans and even humidifies the air well, however, this plant is not suitable for living quarters, as it has a very poisonous milky juice. When in contact with exposed skin, it causes ulcers and severe irritation. It is more dangerous if the juice gets into the eyes or into the mouth. In the first case, blindness threatens, in the second - a severe swelling of the throat and tongue, and a person can simply suffocate.

Dieffenbachia venom is deadly for pets.


The plant belongs to the small tea family, therefore it also has poisonous juice that can cause burns on the skin. And its entry into the bloodstream with a cut or inside the body is fraught with resuscitation or death.


So this plant is called because of its milky juice. You need to know that milkweed juice is poisonous, so keeping it in the house is dangerous. On the skin, it causes redness, burning, blisters. Euphorbia juice is especially dangerous for the eyes, it can cause inflammation, temporary blindness and conjunctivitis. You should not taste it - it will cause poisoning, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and circulatory disorders.

Mimosa bashful

Mimosas have been dubbed bashful due to their ability to fold their leaves when touched. The pollen of this plant causes severe allergies. This plant can be quite poisonous only if it is eaten. Basically, the poison accumulates in the root system in special nodules.


This exotic plant famous for its wide leaves with unusual cuts. It is in the juice of these leaves that the poison is contained. If, through negligence, the juice gets on the skin, it can cause burns, blisters, redness. If juice gets into your eyes, you can temporarily go blind, earn conjunctivitis and burns.

Monstera is one of those flowers that, according to signs, cannot be kept at home by single women.


Despite its beauty and the love of flower growers, this flower is very poisonous. Even the aroma of this plant causes dizziness. If Oleander juice gets on the skin, burns appear, and if it gets inside the body, it causes serious poisoning. It can cause blindness if it gets into the eyes.


It's beautiful evergreen richly strewn with bright orange berries. All parts of Nightshade are poisonous, but it is the attractive berries that are especially dangerous. It is strongly not recommended to grow it in an apartment if small children live there. The child will definitely try a bright berry, and it can cause severe digestive upset.

ivy evergreen

A very common houseplant that pleases the eye with its glossy leaves. The poison is found both in the leaves and in the ivy berries. When poisoned, it can cause delirium and cardiac arrest.


Indoor primrose with a rosette of leaves and a variety of colors of flowers is not so harmless. The poison of this plant causes skin rashes, itching, irritation and even eczema.


Trichocereus is a cactus with long spines. It blooms with white inflorescences with a strong smell. This plant is poisonous because it contains alkaloids and hallucinogens that paralyze the nervous system.


Ficuses are very common indoor plants. Their stems and leaves are poisonous. The juice of the plant, getting on the skin, causes redness, irritation and blisters. Ficus can also cause severe allergies.


In this plant, wonderful greenery is greatly appreciated. Some Philodendrons are vines, others are shrubs. All types are poisonous. The poison contains the juice of the plant, it is very dangerous for the eyes and skin. An intact plant is absolutely safe.


The poison of Cyclamen in its composition and action is similar to the poison of curare. The tubers of this plant are the most poisonous. Tuber juice is used in folk medicine, but it must be treated very carefully.



This is a member of the Aroid family. All plants in this group are toxic. Allergy causes juice, so you need to transplant them with gloves to protect the skin, and a gauze bandage will also not interfere.


Pelargonium (Geranium), the leaves of which contain a large number of essential oil, its smell can cause allergies. But this sharp aroma is released only if you touch the plant.


The allergen is the juice of this beautiful plant, which is present in the stems, and in the leaves, and in the flowers. Upon contact with it, rashes, itching, weakness, nausea may appear.


Beautiful flowers have a very strong smell, from which it hurts and dizzy, allergies appear, and there are fainting spells. Lily juice is very poisonous. It can cause death if ingested. There is no antidote for this poison.


An orchid causes allergies in people with weak immunity - breathing becomes difficult, stuffy nose, mucous membranes may swell. For allergy sufferers, the aroma of this flower is deadly because of the swelling of the throat.

The strong smell of Tuberose causes allergies, depresses the psyche, causes headaches. At night, this plant absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Folk omens

There are a number folk signs who attribute various magical properties to plants. Or maybe this is the result of centuries of observation of the people. Here are some of them:

  • The money tree (Fat Woman) brings money into the house if it has a lot of round green leaves resembling coins. If the plant is sick and the leaves fall off, nothing good can be expected in terms of money.
  • Zamioculcas is called the "Dollar Palm", as it is believed that this plant attracts currency to the house.
  • Recently, such a plant as the Upstart Flower has become widespread. But it cannot be kept at home, because at the astral level the energy of this flower is programmed to bring poverty to its owner.
  • Dracaena Sander or "Lucky Bamboo" brings career growth and good luck in everything to its owner.
  • The golden tree (Akukuba) reveals talents in a person and contributes to their development, brings prosperity to the house and protects from enemies.
  • Croton is called the protector of the house. It removes all negative energy, brings harmony to the house, calms hyperactive people, allows its owner to put his thoughts in order, get out of depression and crisis. It also gives strength and promotes the development of creative abilities. There is a belief that a person who has planted or acquired Kraton in a year will be able to radically change his life.
  • Ficus is not desirable to have in the bedroom, otherwise the relationship between the spouses may deteriorate. But in other rooms you can, especially since it neutralizes negative energy and remove aggression.
  • Bamboo is able to turn negative energy into positive.
  • A paper flower (Bougainvillea) very rarely grows in houses and apartments, but its owner will never have financial difficulties.
  • Cacti also attract money into the house, and still do not allow their owners to be wasteful.
  • Spitaphyllum is called "Women's happiness". The popular name speaks for itself, as unmarried girls this plant helps to find a happy family, and married gives peace and happiness.
  • Why can't dry flowers be kept in the house? The answer is simple: the charm and female energy simply dry out, and therefore men pay less attention to women who have such flowers in the house.
  • Why can't you keep curly flowers at home? The presence of such colors suggests that your man will curl up behind every skirt. It is better to keep indoors not curly, but upright and powerful plants.
  • Why can't you keep artificial flowers at home? Since they have inanimate energy and are more suitable for a cemetery.

Many plants present in our homes and gardens can not only cause severe poisoning, but even death. They are especially dangerous for children. In some flowers, only certain parts are poisonous, in others all, and such as clivia, cotyledon, even fumes give poisonous. We have compiled a list of the most dangerous plants, with a photo and description of the consequences of poisoning.

Be careful, take care of yourself and children!

Rhododendrons are completely poisonous, cause convulsions and clouding of consciousness.

Ivy evergreen: causes delusional states, cardiac arrest. Poisonous berries and leaves.

Boxwood is poisonous all over, but the leaves are especially dangerous. Even if you eat a couple of leaves, then at first there will be convulsions, and then there will be a respiratory arrest.

The broom is also all poisonous, even other plants do not want to grow next to it, it causes severe convulsions, and then a quick death. Broom venom was widely used in the Middle Ages.

Trichocereus. All parts of the plant are poisonous, causing paralysis of the central nervous system, blindness, and death.

Persian cyclamen is a favorite home flower. The most poisonous seeds and roots cause convulsions and respiratory arrest.

Datura is poisonous all over. Every year, children are poisoned with seeds - they are large and attractive in appearance. Only half can be saved. Signs: paralysis of the respiratory tract, coma. death.

Digitalis - all poisonous, especially juice. It causes clouding of consciousness, convulsions, severe vomiting.

Dieffenbachia grows in every third house. Few people know that its juice causes paralysis. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Dioscorea - just break a twig or pick up a tuber - and departure is guaranteed. Juice Eaten leaf or berries - respiratory arrest, death.

Colchicum autumn (this is not saffron, it flowers in autumn). Everything is poisonous, especially tubers - you should not dig it up for the garden. CNS damage, paralysis.

Adenium obese. Poisonous milky juice, used as a poison for arrows. CNS damage, paralysis.

Pomegranate. All parts of the plant are poisonous, except for the fruit. Internal bleeding, convulsions, coma.

Cotyledon is round, poisonous all over, especially foliage. Causes hallucinations, convulsions, paralysis.

Oleander common. One leaf contains a lethal dose of poisons for humans, it is also better not to smell the flowers. Can't be kept in the bedroom.

Castor bean: very poisonous seeds, result: bloody diarrhea, death.

Passiflora bodily. Poisonous plant, except for the fruits (they are very tasty). Causes blindness and paralysis.

Pachypodium Lamera is a very poisonous plant, first convulsions, then death - it takes only 10 minutes, a couple of drops of juice on the skin or mucous membranes are enough.

Amaryllis belladonna, all poisonous, especially bulbs and juice. Used as poison for arrows.

Clivia cinnabar. Leaves and roots are poisonous. It produces fumes that cause headaches and blurred vision.

Sauromatum veiny. All parts of the plant are poisonous, respiratory paralysis and death.

Jatropha gouty causes collapse, memory loss, death, all parts of the plant are poisonous.

The Japanese euonymus is poisonous all over. Children may take edible berries. Seizures, paralysis, irreversible brain damage.

Aglaonema changeable is a very poisonous plant that causes irreversible damage to the central nervous system.

Gloriosa deluxe: convulsions, respiratory arrest. All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the tubers. Do not keep in the bedroom and children's room - it gives evaporation before the rain.
