How to plant and care for hakuro nishiki willow at different times of the year? We grow willow "Hakuro Nishiki" in our country house Willow variegated hakuro nishiki.

Planting willow hakuro nishiki is a topical issue for today, because it is very beautiful japanese plant. It has excellent decorative qualities - a spherical shape and an unusually beautiful color. When the leaves have just blossomed, their color is light green, later the tips of the shoots become purple in color, and the leaves become white-pink.

Despite the fact that this willow variety comes from Japan, it acclimatized well in central Russia and fell in love with both amateur gardeners and professionals. This plant will noticeably stand out among others and delight your eye with its beautiful delicate appearance. If you decide to plant it, then you need to know and consider some rules.

Rules for planting willow hakuro nishiki

Whole-leaved willow hakuro nishiki prefers moist and loose soils, therefore, the shore of a reservoir or lowland, where there is excess moisture, is an excellent place to plant. On heavy soils, the shrub will suffer and develop poorly. Therefore, when planting willows in such soil, it is necessary to make a good drainage bedding in the planting pit, using sand or gravel, 20 to 30 centimeters thick, pour peat, leafy soil, sand into the pit and mix everything with soddy soil. The landing site must be closed from the through wind. This willow cultivar grows best in well-lit areas. sunlight, or in a small penumbra, where the sun shines at least half of the day. With a lack of sunlight, the plant will not have such a beautiful color, it will grow without a bright pink top and with pale leaves.

The ideal time to plant this variety of willow is April or May. The roots must first be soaked in water (from three to six hours). The pit for planting should be rather big (on average 60x60 cm). You need to prepare it in advance. It must be borne in mind that the shrub can grow up to 3 meters in diameter. When planting in groups, the distance between adult plants should not be less than one meter.

During the first weeks after planting, it is imperative to water the seedling abundantly. To protect against drying out, the ground around the trunk can be covered with dry grass.

Caring for willow hakuro nishiki

Willow of this variety is unpretentious in care. But in order to keep decorative look, you will be required to carry out some procedures.

  • Regular watering during dry periods.

The Japanese willow will tolerate waterlogging rather than drought, so watering should be quite plentiful, especially when rooting occurs. If the plant lacks moisture, the leaves begin to curl and gradually fall off, the brightly colored top becomes dull, as a result, the shrub loses its decorative effect.

  • Correct pruning.

In early spring, a sanitary haircut is useful, which involves the removal of weak shoots that have not survived the winter, as well as a shaping haircut that stimulates the rapid growth of young shoots - they give the most beautiful foliage and plant color. Also, during the summer season, a decorative haircut is needed that maintains the round shape of the crown, and the removal of excess processes along the trunk. late autumn or in winter, all broken, diseased and unnecessary shoots are pruned. During the year, it is necessary to do maintenance pruning only for standard trees.

  • Sufficient nutrition.

For top dressing, it is necessary to use organic matter along with complex mineral fertilizer for digging the trunk circle. For one shrub, a bucket of organic fertilizer and 30-40 g of mineral fertilizer. This top dressing is enough once in spring and autumn. Excellent results will give long-acting granular fertilizer for garden shrubs. AT summer period to maintain a decorative appearance, foliar top dressing of the leaf mass is additionally needed.

  • Regular loosening and mulching of the soil.

In late autumn, you need to remove excess grass and cover the plant, since in terms of frost resistance, hakuro nishiki willow is inferior to other varieties. Any non-woven material can be used for covering, except for polyethylene. If left uncovered, the tree will become a stunted shrub because most of the branches above the snow level will freeze. The most vulnerable to freezing is the grafting site on the stem tree. It is he who needs to be well protected from frost, closing for the winter with agrofiber or lutrasil.

Diseases and pests

The hakuro nishiki variety is resistant to most diseases and pests that are dangerous to willows. As a preventive measure against fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the crown of the plant twice in the spring with any systemic fungicide. For young seedlings, the larvae of the beetle are especially dangerous, which in one day are able to gnaw 20-30 centimeters of the root system of the shrub. Therefore, in mid-April, for prevention, it is necessary to treat willow with any preparation that contains imidacloprid. Re-treatment must be carried out 40-50 days after the first.

In terms of the place and conditions of planting and the intricacies of care, the hakuro nishiki willow is similar to the matsudan willow, which also loves moist and fertile soils, a sunny place, ideally near water bodies. Willow matsudana is also afraid of frost and requires the same protection from it. Since both trees are unusual in appearance and similar in terms of planting and care, they will get along well side by side and complement each other. Matsudana willow can be tall, short and even dwarf, and thanks to its bizarre shape, it will decorate any corner of your garden. These shrubs will look great when used for landscaping the shores of artificially created reservoirs. Willow hakuro nishiki perfectly sets off the rich green of matsudan willow.

By providing simple care for the hakuro nishiki willow and if properly planted, it is possible to get a beautiful landscape design in your garden thanks to the use of this beautiful plant.

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Release date: 2017-10-26

  • willow hakuro nishiki on trunk photo
  • Iwa Hakuro Nishiki photo description
  • willow blossom photo
  • willow blooming photo
  • willow hakuro nishiki photo
  • Whole-leaved willow "Hakuro Nishiki" Salix integra "Hakuro Nishiki"

    It grows as a sprawling hemispherical shrub with flexible, elegantly thin shoots of olive or purple color, or a small tree (if formed into a single trunk). The leaves are graceful, narrow-lanceolate, up to 10 cm long. Young leaves of this plant have numerous small white and pink spots. Older leaves are darker and more uniform, with occasional white streaks. Earrings (which are laid on last year's annual shoots) bloom in the third year after growing from the cuttings almost simultaneously with the leaves blooming. Whole-leaved willow is a dioecious plant. male flowers- collected in small yellow earrings. Female flowers are less noticeable, collected in small gray catkins. When flowering, it produces a pleasant aroma. It grows quite quickly, practically does not get sick. It is believed that this decorative form grows up to 3 m in height and up to 3 m in diameter. However, in our climate zone 1.5 m.

    Whole-leaved willow loves good lighting, in partial shade the color fades, high humidity air. Prefers moist, fertile soils. Tolerates even a slight swamp. Therefore, they grow most often near water.

    spring pruning stimulates tillering and growth of young shoots. And the young shoots just have the brightest color of the leaves. To make the color of the leaves more pronounced, you can cut it 2-3 times per season. Pruned heavily in early spring, shearing does not harm the plant, but on the contrary, promotes strong growth of new shoots and bright foliage color. The last pruning should be done at the end of July.

    Japanese willow Hakuro Nishiki - variety description, planting and care rules + photo

    A wonderful opportunity to quickly enjoy the beauty of the willow, because during the season young shoots reach a height of 1 m or more.

    Other care, except for timely watering, is not required. Whole-leaved willow ‘Hakuro Nishiki’ is quite winter-hardy, although it can freeze slightly here. Often this decorative species is grafted onto a goat willow trunk. However, the resulting standard form is less resistant to frost than the bush form.

    To emphasize the unusual coloring of the leaves of the whole-leaved willow "Hakuro Nishiki", you need to choose the right environment for it.

    It looks advantageous in a single planting against the background of larger trees or shrubs with monochromatic dark foliage (for example, the Diabolo vesicle, etc.).

    "Rozovinka", which is the main hallmark willow "Hakuro Nishiki" makes it possible to fearlessly include this willow in compositions with "Flamingo" maple and gray willows and suckers, modest spireas of both summer and spring timing flowering.

    Goat willow on trunk

    It would seem that it is no longer possible to surprise experienced gardeners. But not in the case when a person intervened in the activities of nature, because that is how the weeping goat willow appeared on the stem. This is amazing plant delighting with its delicate, fragile beauty, it can decorate any garden plot.

    Planting a goat willow on a trunk and caring for it

    Most often, goat willow is sold already in a container, the capacity of which is small compared to the height of the tree. But since root system its superficial, there is enough space for it, and this plant can be cultivated not only in open field but also in greenhouses. This is very convenient with varieties that do not have frost resistance, because for the winter they are easy to lower into the basement and not worry until spring.

    Landing in open ground is carried out in spring and summer, so that until autumn the goat willow has time to firmly establish itself in the ground. For planting, you will need a well-drained pit, the size of a container. An earthen clod is placed in it, covered with soil and watered with a bucket of water. In the near-trunk circle, you can plant flowers or lawn grass- The plants are doing great.

    It is desirable that the goat willow grow near the reservoir, as it is very moisture-loving, otherwise it will have to be watered quite often. In addition, the tree will like a sunny place, but in the shade it will develop weaker.

    Willow care comes down to regular watering and pruning, which is carried out every spring in the first years of life to form a beautiful crown.

    Pruning goat willow on trunk

    So that the tree does not lose its shape and the wild part of the rootstock does not harm the decorative effect, it is necessary to carefully cut out all the shoots that appear in the upper part of the tree that carry the genes wild plant. If necessary, they are removed as they appear all summer, and not just in the spring.

    In order to give the vaccination site a strong bond, the first three years the branches are not allowed to show themselves in all their glory - they should be cut into three or four buds. If this is not done, the fusion site may begin to dry out, and you will get, instead of an ornamental tree, its wild prototype.

    How to graft a goat willow on a bole?

    The process of growing standard trees from scratch is very exciting and quite simple. First you need to find a stock - a wild-growing willow, from which you need to cut an even branch of the required length. As a rule, standard goat willow is from 50 centimeters to 2 meters high.

    After that, the rootstock is rooted in open ground. It is advisable to vaccinate on a stock not younger than 2-3 years. As a scion, that is, a directly falling crown, such willow varieties as creeping, red, whole-leaved and shaggy willow are suitable. By forming a tree at your discretion for three years, you can get a plant that will serve as a tapeworm on the lawn or use it in group plantings.

    Willow whole-leaved hakuro nishiki planting and care

    An excellent standard goat willow will also look on an alpine hill.

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    Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki for planting hedges

    Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki. Salix integra Thunb. ‘Hakuro Nishiki’ (var.

    Iva Hakuro Nishiki

    ‘Albo-maculata’). The willow genus of the Willow family includes about 600 species of dioecious trees. They differ from each other in size, shape of the crown, leaves. In the Latin name of the willow, her love for water is “encrypted”. Most representatives of this genus are characterized by an openwork crown, long thin shoots and narrow pointed leaves on short petioles.

    Willow Hakuro Nishiki tolerate urban conditions and shearing well. Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is a variegated, unusually colored form of the original species. It grows as a sprawling hemispherical shrub with flexible, elegantly thin shoots of olive or purple color. Young leaves of this plant have numerous small white and pink spots. Older leaves are darker and more uniform, with occasional white streaks.

    Willow catkins, which are laid on last year's one-year-old shoots, bloom in the third year after growing from a cutting, almost simultaneously with the leaves blooming. When flowering, it produces a pleasant aroma. Grows fast enough. It is believed that this decorative form grows up to 3 m high and up to 3 m wide.

    Whole-leaved willow loves good lighting, high humidity and soil. Tolerates even a slight swamp. Therefore, they grow most often near water. Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is winter-hardy.

    Care for planting seedlings of willow Hakuro Nishiki

    If you have mulched a willow seedling since autumn, then in spring it remains only to water it during dry weather. Willow pruning is best done at the end of October, when sap flow ends. You can also prune in the spring. Spring pruning stimulates the tillering and growth of young shoots, they have the brightest leaf color.

    Propagation of willow Hakuro Nishiki

    Propagated by easily woody cuttings. You can cut the cuttings and just put them in water, the roots form quickly. Often this decorative species is grafted onto a goat willow trunk.

    Planting a hedge

    It is enough to plant cuttings 60-80 cm (with sprouted roots) every 1 m in the entire length of your plot where you would like to grow hedge. With regular formative pruning, you can grow a hedge in 2-4 years. To emphasize the unusual color of the leaves of the whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki, you need to choose the right environment for it. It looks most advantageous in a single landing against the background of larger trees or shrubs with plain dark foliage.

    Buy Willow Hakuro Nishiki for spring planting in 2015.

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    Willow is classified as an ornamental landscape tree. More than 600 species are known in nature, some of them are grown in country houses. Breeders have bred many varieties, including not only trees, but also shrubs, as well as creeping plants. With the help of a haircut, the plant can be given various shapes, which allows it to be used in creating bonsai. In traditional landscaping, willow is used as a hedge. The decorativeness of the tree is achieved due to the luxurious crown, which is different for each variety.

    Growing willow: varieties and species (photo)

    white willow

    The white willow is a tree that can reach a height of 25 meters. On a powerful white trunk, all branches are arranged vertically upwards, with the exception of lateral shoots, which rush down.

    Grayish leaves appear along with the catkins. Willow blooms with small yellow flowers that bloom in April.

    It is better to have a tree on the banks of rivers, reservoirs, near lakes. Willow prefers open sunny areas. Having planted a white willow, you can admire its beauty for quite some time. Life cycle tree up to 100 years old.

    Weeping white willow

    A small compact tree, a kind of white willow. It has bright yellow bark and light green leaves. The willow crown is quite unusual and gives the plant a whimsical look. Branches descend in a lush cascade to the very ground, which adds decorativeness to the whole tree. Dwarf forms of weeping willow look good in a flower bed, next to flowers.

    Willow of Babylon

    A large plant with a weeping crown. The height of the tree reaches 15 meters. Flexible and thin shoots hang down to the ground, and narrow leaves sheen with brilliance. The tree is used both in group plantings and in single ones. Willow Babylon differs in its growth rate. The landing site must be selected wet.

    goat willow

    Highly beautiful tree with a decorative crown, the height of which reaches only 10 meters.

    Japanese willow Hakuro Nishiki - description, planting and care rules

    The crown is rounded, rather dense. The leaves are large, rounded, dark green. In March, goat willow blooms with small silver-yellow catkins that exude honey aroma. This species is propagated by grafting, rarely by seeds.

    shaggy willow

    Silvery shrub with rounded leaves, the height of which does not exceed two meters. Shoots and leaves are covered with fluff. During flowering, it releases candle flowers that are directed upwards. It tolerates harsh winters well, prefers wet and nutrient soils. In landscape design, they are used to decorate artificial reservoirs.

    Iwa Haruko Nishiki

    A small compact tree with drooping branches. The crown is round, dense. Young leaves are covered with spots white color which gives the tree its extraordinary beauty. Old leaves lose this feature. Used to create compositions against the background of shrubs with dark leaves.


    Spreading shrub up to 3 meters high. Willow prefers damp places. The plant can be recognized from afar by its leaves, which are arranged in an arcuate manner on the branches. This feature gives the shrub a resemblance to a fern. Flowering begins in May, dark red catkins bloom, exuding a hyacinth aroma.

    Creeping willow "Armando"

    Little Pretty ornamental shrub, which can be formed in the form of a standard tree. Many gardeners grow in tubs, on balconies and terraces. The crown of the shrub is creeping, the trunk is almost invisible. After flowering, it needs pruning, which provokes the growth of new shoots. Frost-resistant tree blooms with pink, silvery fluffy inflorescences. With the advent of earrings, the plant is transformed.

    How to plant a willow

    A place for planting a tree should be selected moist with well-fertilized soil. Willow grows well in light sandy soils. When planting in the ground, humus or mature compost is added.

    For planting, choose an annual seedling with a well-developed root system. Optimal time for planting a plant - early spring. As soon as the snow has melted, a willow should be planted. For undersized forms and shrubs, the size of the pit is 50 * 50 * 50. For tall trees, the planting hole should be slightly bigger size. After planting, the seedling should be well watered and mulched the soil.

    Willow care: watering, cutting, feeding

    Growing willow is not difficult at all, caring for it is not a hassle. The main care procedures are reduced to watering, crown formation and top dressing.

    How to water a willow

    In the wild, willow grows on the banks of rivers and reservoirs, so it needs frequent watering. This plant perfectly tolerates spring flooding and places with high groundwater.

    During dry periods, the tree should be watered regularly, spraying the crown of young seedlings. For one adult plant, several buckets of water are consumed.

    top dressing

    Like all trees, the willow needs top dressing, which allows it to maintain its decorative effect. In spring, the soil around the tree is loosened, embedding mineral fertilizers.

    Willow responds well to regular feeding organic and mineral fertilizers. They need to be applied throughout the season, depending on the plant variety.

    crown formation

    Willow tolerates shearing and crown shaping. Skillful gardeners with the help of pruning create trees with an unusually beautiful crown.

    The first haircut should be carried out a few years after planting the seedling. At first, the shoots are allowed to grow freely. Pruning is carried out when the tree branches reach a height of about 1 meter.

    As a rule, crown formation begins when the plant has already faded. Young shoots are shortened by about 20 cm, making a cut above the kidney, which looks outward. Tree pruning should be carried out regularly, which allows you to grow beautiful specimens with a dense crown.

    Willow planting: reproduction (photo)

    Under natural conditions, willows reproduce by seeds that remain viable for several days. When ripe, the seeds are dispersed by wind and birds. But the propagation of varietal willows by seeds is rather difficult. As a rule, you can get a seedling only by resorting to cuttings. Some varieties are propagated exclusively by grafting. For planting such species, it is better to purchase ready-made seedlings in the nursery.

    It is necessary to harvest cuttings in the fall or in early spring when sap flow is slow. Cuttings are cut from shoots that are more than two years old, which increases the chances of rooting. Only the middle of the branch, about 20 cm long, is taken on the stalk.

    Prepared cuttings are planted in a greenhouse or a separate container. To do this, prepare a trench, deepening planting material several buds in the ground. The distance between seedlings should be about 30 cm.

    Care for willow seedlings in the greenhouse should be carried out constantly. It is necessary to maintain the level of humidity, as well as loosen the soil and remove the growth of other trees, which can clog young plantings.

    The cuttings quickly take root and start growing, but there is no need to rush into planting in the garden. Young seedlings should overwinter in the greenhouse. On the permanent place they are planted only in the second year. Trees obtained in this way quickly grow and form.

    Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is a sprawling bush or small tree with a fluffy crown. These plants have only recently begun to be used in landscape design. This variety of willow looks great both as a single planting and when forming hedges. Recently, they have begun to be used not only for decorating surfaces around artificially created reservoirs, but also for landscaping park areas and squares.

    With group landings, this Japanese willow perfectly sets off other plants that are distinguished by dark green foliage. When growing such a tree on a trunk and regular shearing, it can take the form of a huge blossoming dandelion. There are other methods of crown formation. This gives great opportunities for using this plant in landscape design.

    General characteristics of the variety

    It should be noted that the willow Salix Integra Hakuro Nishiki was bred in Japan, but successfully acclimatized in central Russia. This plant is considered the smallest among the members of its family. This variety differs from others not only in the shape of the crown, but also in the unusual color of the foliage and the possibility of flowering. The kidneys are usually purple or yellow-green in color. They are highly plastic. As a rule, young willow leaves of this variety usually have a pale light green color. At first they are solid, but later on they show characteristic stripes and small circles of cream-raspberry color. As temperatures rise in summer, leaf color may become paler. By autumn, they again become saturated green color without pronounced strokes.

    Usually, only after 2 years of growth in one place, the tree begins to lay earrings. branches young plant very long and can stretch upwards. Older willows of this variety are distinguished by curving branches, due to which they acquire a spherical shape, even if the bush is not trimmed properly. Under favorable conditions, the willow of this variety can reach about 3 m in height, but in most cases the tree does not exceed 1.5 m. In diameter, it reaches approximately the same size. Due to this structure of the crown, this plant usually resembles a bush. The standard variant is usually a tree. It resembles a crown of a rounded ball, located on a rather thin trunk.

    Planting willow Hakuro Nishiki in open ground

    This plant is moisture-loving, but it grows better in open areas flooded with sunlight. It is not recommended to plant this willow in shady places, as it will lead to the fact that the leaves do not acquire a delicate pink hue. They will remain pale and uniform throughout the year. In addition, this can cause the willow shoots to stretch. Correct fit and caring for the plant allows you to ensure that it will look as impressive as possible throughout the spring-summer season. There are many subtleties in this matter. Planting willow Hakuro Nishiki is best done in April or early May, that is, before bud formation. In order for a tree to take root well, the following conditions must be met:

    • the pit should be small in size, about 60x60cm;
    • the bottom must be filled with compost or humus;
    • make drainage from pebbles or sand.

    If there is heavy clay soil on the site, it is advisable to replace it with sand and peat. Given the ability of this plant to grow in width and height, the distance between the bushes should be at least 1-2 m. After planting, it is imperative to water the plant for at least 3 weeks. This will keep it from drying out. It is best to immediately mulch the area around the trunk with dry grass. This will prevent too rapid loss of moisture.

    Willow care Hakuro Nishiki

    This is ornamental plant characterized by extreme unpretentiousness. If the conditions for it are initially optimal, in the future additional care may not be required at all. However, if the willow of Hakuro Nishiki was planted as the most important element of landscape design, some efforts will still have to be made to maintain its beauty.

    During the dry season, this plant requires additional good watering. With insufficient soil moisture, the leaves may begin to curl, and the top quickly fades, which is why the shrub loses its decorative appearance. The most important point is correct pruning and you. The procedure should be carried out in late autumn or winter. At this time, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary and broken shoots. Earlier in the spring, a final formative haircut is carried out, which can stimulate the active growth of new shoots.

    The willows of Hakuro Nishiki are extremely difficult to endure the absence required amount nutrients. To avoid the death of the shrub, it is necessary to feed at least 3 times a year. It is usually recommended to apply mineral fertilizers in summer, spring and early autumn. The best effect is given by nutritional supplements in the form of granules, which are distinguished by a long-term effect. It is necessary to purchase fertilizers specifically designed for garden shrubs. Also in the summer, to maintain a beautiful decorative appearance of the plant, it is recommended to carry out foliar top dressing of the leaf mass.

    It should be borne in mind that usually adult willow shrubs of this variety are quite frost-resistant. In very cold winters, some shoots may die. They must be removed in the spring. Vaccination sites are considered the most vulnerable. Young trees are desirable winter period wrap with agrofibre to avoid damage.

    In the spring, you can propagate the Hakuro Nishiki willow by cuttings or grafting an off-brand willow onto a bole. The bush form is much easier to obtain. Usually harvested in early spring during pruning a large number of cuttings, which, before the appearance of buds, are dried at the point of cut, and then immediately planted in the ground. They root very quickly, making them easy to grow. Young willows obtained in this way bloom for 2-3 years.

    This plant is highly resistant to many diseases and pests. However, as part of the prevention of fungal leaf damage, it is necessary to treat the crown with fungicidal agents 2 times in the spring. For young willows of this variety, beetle larvae are of particular danger. In order to prevent damage to the roots, before planting the seedling, it should be treated with a preparation containing imidacloprid. After about 40-50 days, the procedure must be repeated.

    And given the unpretentiousness, endurance and ease of care, the perennial conquers everything every year. more fans.

    Perfectly acclimatized to the conditions of our country, the Japanese willow grows and multiplies without problems, diluting the usual green colors of the landscape gardening area.

    How to independently grow such an elegant tree or bush on a personal plot? What you need to know when buying and planting a willow seedling? How to prune hakuro nishiki willow? About everything - in detail in this collection of material. And the presented photos and videos will help to better perceive the information.

    Willow hakuro nishiki, plant description

    • The willow variety "Hakuro nishiki" belongs to the species "Whole-leaved willow" from the large Willow family.
    • Japan, Korea and Primorye on Far East Russia. moisture loving plant of medium winter hardiness can be found in wet meadows, along river banks, in lake valleys or near other bodies of water.
    • Willow of this variety is remarkable, first of all, for its decorative effect: variegated, unusual shades, foliage and crown shape. Depending on the formation and presence of the trunk, it can be gracefully hanging, drooping branches of a shrub or a sprawling spherical sphere of a low tree.

    • Narrow, long (up to 10 cm) and slightly oblong leaves, arranged oppositely on the branches. But the color of the foliage is very heterogeneous: the leaves are snow-white at the ends of the shoots, and variegated in the middle of the crown. Moreover, young leaves, blooming, are painted in a delicate light green color, and with age, strokes and spots of white and purple appear on them. The older the leaf, the lighter and more uniform its color, and the strokes remain rare, although bright. In hot weather, the leaves turn a little pale and fade.

    • Such elegant willow decoration is often compared with the effect of cherry blossoms, and the hakuro nishiki willow itself is also called "Japanese".
    • The plant is a low deciduous shrub or tree (grafted onto a trunk), reaching 1 to 3 meters in height. The spherical crown forms quickly and is often equal in diameter to the height of the plant. The more favorable the climate, the greater the growth of the plant. In conditions, for example, the cold Moscow region, these parameters will be half as much.

    • The branches of the perennial are flexible and shiny, with a hint of olive or carmine color. Roots are superficial.
    • Willow blooms in spring, in May, when the first leaves are just beginning to appear. At the same time, a pleasant delicate aroma is felt, reminiscent of the smell of blooming hyacinths. The inflorescence looks like densely flowered catkins, dark purple in color, which are laid on last year's annual shoots. The fruit is a small, about 3 mm, box, ripens in June.
    • Despite its exotic origin, the Japanese willow grows well in almost any area of ​​our country. A relatively winter-hardy and hardy variety, resistant to diseases and pests, it grows quickly, turning into an unusually spectacular plant.

    Willow hakuro nishiki, breeding methods

    Willow cultivar Hakuro Nishiki propagates vegetatively: by cuttings or grafting on a bole of a willow of another variety.

    It should be noted that the grafted standard forms of hakuro nishiki have less winter hardiness than willow bushes grown from seedlings.

    • Propagation of willow hakuro nishiki by cuttings is considered the easiest and most affordable way to breed a crop. First, willow cuttings are harvested. To do this, in early spring (around April) before the start growing season, cut lignified shoots. Slightly drying the cut, the cuttings are immediately planted in the soil. Some gardeners, before planting cuttings, keep them for several hours in boiled water at room temperature. Cuttings quickly take root and develop. Gardeners note the rapid growth of shoots, which can grow to a length of about 90 cm in a year. Under favorable conditions, seedlings bloom after 3 years.

    • This decorative type of willow is grafted, as a rule, on a goat willow variety. The grafted plant is formed into one trunk and crown branches are cut, creating desired shape.

    Willow hakuro nishiki, planting features

    Considering the habitats of hakuro nishiki in nature, its morphological and physiological features can easily determine the main preferences of the Japanese willow. It is important to initially choose the right place for landing this decorative variety willows to ensure maximum favorable conditions plant growth and development.

    In general, this perennial culture absolutely unpretentious, but there are certain individual preferences.

    Choosing a place for planting hakuro nishiki willow

    • Whole-leaved willow hakuro nishiki prefers well-lit, open, with high level humidity, location. Avoid areas with drafts. For planting willow seedlings, a place near water bodies, in lowlands and even in partially wetlands is ideal. Willow can also grow in light partial shade, when the bright sun shines at least half a day. A strong shadow will significantly impair the decorative qualities of a perennial: the leaves will fade, fade, and the branches will stretch.
    • The soil for planting is not critical, since willow is a less demanding plant in this regard. With too heavy, clay soils, it is recommended to add peat and sand to the soil.

    Agrotechnics for planting willow hakuro nishiki

    • Japanese willow seedlings are planted in spring, in April-May. Gardeners recommend soaking the roots of willow seedlings in water before planting. The procedure can last from 3 to 6 hours.
    • The landing pit is prepared quite large, on average 60x60 cm. Having dug a hole of the required size, a layer is laid in it organic fertilizers(humus, compost). An important point, especially in conditions of heavy soil type, there will be a preparation of a drainage layer. The bedding is prepared from crushed stone or sand, about 20 - 30 cm thick. Then, having exposed the seedling, it is covered with a mixture of soddy soil with peat, sand, and leafy soil. The planting site around the plant is compacted with your feet.
    • For successful rooting of a willow seedling, after planting it is regularly and abundantly watered with water for a month. Mulching the near-stem circle will ensure the preservation of the necessary humid microclimate around the plant.
    • The distance between plants must be left taking into account the subsequent growth of the willow crown. The diameter of the crown can reach 3 meters. Therefore, in group plantings, an interval between bushes of at least 1.5-2 m is maintained.
    • Considering the average winter hardiness of willow, when planting it in a cold climate, for example, in central Russia, it is necessary to plant not standard, but varietal seedlings, provided that they are provided with winter shelter.

    Where and how to buy hakuro nishiki willow?

    • When buying seedlings of the whole-leaved hakuro nishiki willow, preference should be given to specialized nurseries or "established" stores, including the Internet.
    • Willow seedlings are sold as self-rooted bushes or small trees, with grafting on the trunk.
    • It is better to buy willow seedlings in the region where it is planned to be planted. So the growing conditions will be preserved as accurately as possible and stress will be reduced when replanting the plant.

    • Good quality planting material must undergo preliminary "hardening" by local climatic conditions. Therefore, you should check with the seller whether the seedling was grown in open ground or in greenhouse conditions.
    • When buying, if the seedling is not sold in a pot, you should pay attention to the presence of a large moistened clod of earth on the root system of the plant. As a rule, such seedlings are wrapped at the root with wet burlap.
    • In consultation with the seller, it is necessary to clarify whether the potted seedling is provided with long-acting fertilizers. Then the culture does not need to be fed during the next year.
    • Reviews of gardeners growing the hakuro nishiki willow variety can be read on special thematic garden forums, clubs or websites. You can also find reviews on the websites of online stores, including those dedicated to reviews of purchased products.

    Willow hakuro nishiki, care rules

    In addition to its attractive appearance, hakuro nishiki willow fascinates many gardeners with its simplicity and unpretentiousness in care.

    Watering willow hakuro nishiki

    As a highly moisture-loving plant, willow needs timely, regular and plentiful watering. It is especially important to monitor soil moisture during the dry season. The lack of moisture quickly affects the decorativeness of the shrub: the color of the leaves fades, they begin to curl and fall off. Whole-leaved willow tolerates waterlogging and stagnant moisture much better than drought.

    After watering, the soil must be loosened and mulched by 7-10 cm.

    Fertilizing the hakuro nishiki willow

    Japanese willow easily takes root and grows even on meager, not very fertile soils. But, the better the qualitative composition of the soil, the higher the decorative properties of the shrub will be.

    For top dressing, plants use organic and complex mineral fertilizers in the region of the near-stem circle. Fertilizers are applied when digging the site. The average dosage of a single feeding is about 8-10 liters of organic matter and 40 g of mineral fertilizers. The plant will be enough such spring and autumn top dressing.

    In the summer, it will not be superfluous to feed the leaf mass of the shrub. Such foliar top dressing is carried out together with a special “adhesive” so that as much fertilizer as possible remains on the green mass of the shrub.

    Pest and disease control of hakuro nishiki willow

    The hakuro nishiki willow variety is resistant to most diseases and pests. To prevent the development of fungal infections, the plant is treated twice with some kind of systemic fungicide (Skor, Maxim, Switch, Horus, Ordan, Radomil Gold, Quadris, etc.). Processing is carried out in early spring.

    Of the pests, the most dangerous are the larvae of the May beetle, which gnaw on the roots of the plant. One larva is capable of destroying up to 30 cm of roots per day. As a rule, young seedlings are attacked. preventive measure the fight against Khrushchev will be the treatment of the crown, trunk and root collar of the plant with preparations containing imidacloprid (Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch). The procedure should be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

    Rarely, willow is attacked by green leafworm and fruit cap moth. To exterminate pests, special fungicidal agents are used.

    Of the diseases, willow can be affected powdery mildew or branch necrosis.

    pruning willow hakuro nishiki

    Pruning the hakuro nishiki willow is important technological method crown formation of the plant.

    A shaping haircut is done in early spring, before the start of active sap flow, after which there will be an active growth of young shoots. New shoots, in turn, will produce the most beautiful and decoratively attractive leaves. Do not be afraid of excessive willow pruning, as the plant recovers very quickly due to young shoots. And the spherical shape of the crown after the growth of shoots resembles huge decorative dandelions.

    To form a spherical crown shape, shoots are cut off in the first year, leaving no more than 4-6 buds. This will help close the ball shape. Further, this form is constantly maintained, adding 1-2 buds to the length of the last year's shoots with each subsequent pruning. Branches are always cut to the kidney, looking up.

    In the summer season, standard willow trees with a spherical crown shape are also subject to formative decorative haircut shoots to maintain the desired shape of the crown. Also cut off excess processes along the trunk. decorative pruning can create a crown of any shape.

    At the end of autumn or at the beginning of spring, sanitary pruning of the shrub is carried out: diseased, dry, broken or unnecessary shoots are removed.

    Shelter for the winter willow hakuro nishiki

    Although the hakuro nishiki willow variety is considered moderately winter-hardy, in cold and snowless winters, a shrub or tree may freeze slightly. Especially "suffer" from low temperatures standard forms of willow.

    If willow bush forms have undergone freezing, this does not cause significant harm to the plant. Frozen and dead branches are simply removed in the spring.

    The most vulnerable place is considered to be the grafting site of the stem tree. Therefore, it is carefully tied and wrapped for the winter with agrofibre, lutrasil or other suitable materials.

    In order to avoid freezing of the hakuro nishiki willow on the trunk, it is recommended to completely cover the plant for the winter nonwovens(excluding polyethylene).

    Willow hakuro nishiki in landscape design

    The main purpose of the hakuro nishiki willow is decorative. Therefore, many gardeners, landscape designers widely use this unusual perennial for landscaping garden and park areas.

    • Willow hakuro nishiki looks great both in a single planting and planted in groups. A lone willow surrounded by a green lawn emphasizes its individuality and independence. And group plantings create a truly fabulous decoration of the park alley or coastal zone reservoirs.

    • The willow looks especially elegant against the background of the green mass of other plants. Variegated pink-white and light green foliage of willow successfully set off the usual green "outfit" of bushes and trees.

    • Even in winter, the hakuro nishiki willow is distinguished by its decorative, bright red branches.
    • Often landscape designers combine the planting of the hakuro nishiki willow with its relative, the matsudan willow. Such a harmonious duet cannot but “please the eye” of others. In addition, such plantings are convenient because both varieties of willow are similar in terms of growing conditions.

    • Ornamental Japanese willow shrubs are often planted near gazebos, arches, or benches. And undersized forms of hakuro nishiki willow can serve as a hedge for a garden or square.

    • In addition to its decorative value, the whole-leaved willow perfectly strengthens the banks, ravines and cliffs. And long, flexible shoots are used for weaving baskets, hedges and other household items.


    • Willow hakuro nishiki has high decorative qualities, looks perfect in any corner of the garden landscape.
    • The variety does well and grows fast. Formative pruning additionally stimulates the best growth of young shoots and forms decorative form crowns.
    • The Japanese willow is virtually maintenance free, preferring moist and sunny places. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests.
    • Sufficient frost resistance of the perennial makes it easy to grow it even in harsh climatic conditions.

    Willow hakuro nishiki, photo

    Video: "Iva standard hakuro nishiki - planting and growing"

    Video: “Japanese willow hakuro nishiki. Rooting cuttings "

    Willow Hakuro Nishiki is fundamentally different from the usual wild weeping relative, but belongs to the same family. It is a low perennial shrub with branches pointing upwards. Many designers prefer this variety because of its relative unpretentiousness and the ability to form an unusual crown on the tree. In addition, the leaves of the willow of Hakuro Nishiki are painted not only in green, but also in other colors and shades.

    Hakuro Nishiki is originally from Japan but can grow in temperate climate.

    Description and features of the variety

    Bushes have a rounded shape. mature plant can reach 2-3 meters in height and the same in diameter. For comparison, the weeping willow grows up to 25 m. The branches are vertical, but as the willow grows, they fall apart in the form of a fan or fountain, forming a ball.

    The bark of the whole-leaved willow of Hakuro Nishiki is gray-green in color, and with time it turns gray. Shoots are brown, with a red tint. The leaves are oblong in shape, painted in a pale pink color. Over time, they acquire a light green hue, turn yellow in the fall and fall off.

    Landing and care rules

    Even a novice gardener can handle planting and caring for Hakuro Nishiki willow. This is a fairly unpretentious variety that can be transplanted into adulthood. The main thing is to choose the right place for planting young bushes, and they will feel good and grow quickly. In addition, it is necessary to prune the willow of Hakuro Nishiki in order to form correct crown round shape.

    For growing at home, you can buy ready-made bushes.

    Preparation of seedlings and planting them in open ground

    Willow is originally from Japan, but it has adapted perfectly to a temperate climate with temperature differences in winter and summer. Like other varieties of willow, this variety prefers moist soil. The optimal place for planting seedlings is the banks of natural or artificial reservoirs. Otherwise, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of soil moisture and prevent the bushes from drying out.

    Reproduction of the willow Hakuro Nishiki occurs in two ways:

    • cuttings - they are harvested in early spring, after which they can immediately be planted in open ground;
    • grafting onto other trees is the main technology for creating willows by Hakuro Nishiki on a bole.

    The main method of propagation of willow at home is cuttings. Cuttings are segments of branches that are taken from adult bushes in early spring. The most important thing is to have time to get them before the start of the growing season, so as not to harm mother plant. The cuttings do not need preliminary preparation: it is enough to slightly dry the place of the cut and lower it into the soil. During the warm period, the seedling will take root and begin to grow. Bushes begin to bloom approximately in the third year of life.

    Some experts keep cuttings in hot water within a few hours - this way they grow faster, and in the first year they can add up to 90 cm.

    Planting a whole-leaved willow of Hakuro Nishiki and caring for it is possible at home. Another way to get unusual trees- it's stamping. A stem is a tree with a strong, even trunk, on top of which a Japanese willow is grafted. Most often, goat willow is used for this purpose, which has a tree-like straight trunk.

    tree care

    Planting and caring for the Japanese willow Hakuro Nishiki does not take much time. It grows well without additional fertilizers and daily watering, if you choose right place for planting shrubs. There are some rules, thanks to which the willow will grow tall and healthy:

    • the plant tolerates stagnant moisture better than drying out of the soil, so it should be watered constantly;
    • for planting it is better to choose a place with a high level of groundwater;
    • for top dressing, you can use - compost or humus;
    • to prevent fungal diseases, the leaves are sprayed with fungicidal agents:
    • it is better to take seedlings from bushes in the region in which they are planned to be planted - this way they quickly adapt to climatic conditions.

    The willow variety Hakuro Nishiki, like other representatives of the willow family, prefers well-lit areas. It can also grow in partially shaded areas if they are exposed to bright sunlight during the day. In the dark, it grows slowly and its leaves seem weak. Willow is unpretentious to the type of soil. However, if planted on clay soil, sand or peat should be added to it for better moisture conductivity.

    Japanese willow is resistant to temperature changes and calmly tolerates winter frosts. If the frost is severe, some shoots may freeze slightly, but this does not harm the entire bush. Such branches just need to be cut during the first spring haircut.

    Only standard trees are sensitive to frost, namely, the place where Hakuro Nishiki was grafted onto another variety. This area is covered for the winter special materials- agrofibre or lutarsil.

    crown pruning

    Since this willow variety is a bush with long, even branches, their growth can be adjusted. With proper and timely pruning, the plant looks thick and lush. This process also has its own characteristics:

    • the first formative pruning is carried out in the spring, before the start of the growing season;
    • do not be afraid to cut off extra shoots - the bush quickly restores its shape due to the growth of new ones;
    • in the first year, no more than 4-6 buds are left, every year adding 1 bud to this length;
    • at the end of autumn, the last haircut is carried out, for which dry or diseased branches are cut.

    As a result of competent work with the shape of the crown, the willow becomes like a ball. If it grows on a trunk, the tree resembles a huge dandelion. It is also necessary to cut off excess shoots along the trunk of a standard tree.

    Japanese willow in landscape design

    Photos of willow Hakuro Nishiki in landscape design are neat, low plants with a rounded crown. These bushes are bred specifically for decorative purposes, they are planted in the courtyard of the house, as well as in parks and recreation areas. They can be planted alone or in combination with other plants. in great demand standard Japanese willows are used.

    There are several options decorative use Hakuro Nishiki:

    • several bushes planted in a row form an unusual one;
    • single bushes or standard trees are best planted against the background of green mass, so they will stand out favorably;
    • willow looks good and grows quickly around small artificial ponds;
    • it is often planted together with another member of the willow family, the Matsudana willow.

    Since this plant immediately catches the eye due to its unusual shade, it will look harmoniously in any garden. In addition, even in winter, it will be distinguished by red shoots. The main rule is to choose well-freshened areas as a landing site. Near tall trees with a wide crown, the Japanese willow will not grow healthy, as they will block it from the sun's rays.

    In the photo, the willow of Hakuro Nishiki looks like a spherical bush of different shades of pink, green and gray. The main purpose of its breeding is landscape design, decoration of gardens, parks and recreation areas. It is quite unpretentious - despite the fact that Japan is its homeland, it is adapted to live in a temperate climate and tolerates frost well. Especially quickly it will increase in growth if the soil under it is constantly wet. Even a novice gardener will cope with the cultivation of this variety of willow - it is very easy to care for it and form a crown.

    The formation of the crown of Hakuro Nishiki - video
