Vesicle krasnolistny pruning for the winter. Features of sanitary and decorative pruning of the vesicle

Ornamental shrub vesicle viburnum is an adornment of the garden and park areas.

The unpretentious plant has a lush crown and easily tolerates formative pruning. What varieties are the most attractive, how to properly cut a bush, and plant a tree?

Deciduous shrub belongs to the Rosaceae family. It owes its origin to East Asian countries.

The leaf plates are three-lobed, like a viburnum bush, there are veins and teeth at the ends, there are up to 6-7 of them. The color of the leaves is different, it can change color during the season.

The main attraction is the foliage, and the flowers, which appear by mid-summer, are rather inconspicuous. They have a large number of stamens in the middle, red in color, which stick out from the flower. The fruits are bubble-shaped, swollen and open at the top. Fruit balls, like leaves, are prone to color transformation - the young ones are light green in color, then darken, then turn red, and when ripe, they turn brown.

The vesicle bush is sprawling, high (2.5-3 meters). It grows very quickly, up to 30-40 centimeters per year. The plant is frost-resistant, winters well, is not afraid of shade and drought.


To create diverse, unique landscapes, red-leaved and yellow-leaved varietal varieties of the vesicle are used. These are the most common species in Russia, there are others, in total there are more than 300 varieties in the world.


A hybrid obtained by crossing varieties with red and yellow leaves. The size of the shrub in height is up to 2.5 meters. The leaves are able to change color: at first they are orange, then they turn crimson. It blooms white, opening, the petals turn pink.

A red-leaved (purple) variety, the most commonly cultivated. It has a powerful crown, which is subjected to pruning, giving any shape. The bush grows 3-3.5 meters in height, is distinguished by crimson-red leaves, slightly green in the shade. In autumn their color turns yellow.

A large number of oval, with pointed ends of the leaves strew the tree. The branches rush up, the inflorescences look like rowan berries. Flowering in June-July.

When crossing varieties Diabolo and Nanus, a magnificent hybrid with crimson leaves appeared. It is compact, its growth is up to 2 meters, it lends itself well to formation. The leaves of the shrub in the spring days of wine, red color, in the summer they turn green. The branches are flexible, grow upwards, and break apart to the sides, down - drooping. The length of the branches is up to one and a half meters. The hybrid blooms in spring with pinkish flowers. The plant is unpretentious, endures all weather disasters.

A bush with red and dark red leaves grows up to 1.5 meters in height, or more. The leaves are corrugated, there are many of them, they are narrow. The diameter of the crown of an adult plant reaches 1.8-2 meters. Small annual shoots at the ends of the crown are red. On the sunny areas the leaves turn red, in the shade (like most representatives of the species) they turn green, become a little reddish. In autumn, sometimes the leaves turn bronze. Red Baron is growing quite rapidly, needs beautiful pruning, then it is able to become the center of any design composition.

Yellow-leaved bush, tall (3 meters), photophilous. Leaves are yellow in full sun, greenish when placed in shade. The plant of this variety has a magnificent appearance, spherical outline of the crown. In cloudy weather, it will become a bright accent of the site, raising the mood with a yellow color.

Low, 1.5 meter vesicle shrub. Orange leaves turn yellow-bronze in autumn.


The viburnum shrub is an adherent of light areas, on which it reveals itself in all its natural glory.

The soil needs medium acid, well-drained. Does not tolerate alkalization. In the absence of fertile land, it will grow no worse. Bush varieties are also planted along highways, roads - bad air is not a depressing factor for this plant.

  • Planting should be a bush that was purchased in a special nursery or store. The root system must be closed. Planting time is any, except for winter.
  • Dig a hole measuring 50 * 50 * 50 centimeters, lay humus or a mixture of soddy soil, peat and compost on the bottom.
  • From the container, the bush rolls over into the hole, while it is advisable not to shake the earthen lump.
  • Sprinkle with earth, water with the addition of a root formation stimulator.
  • Mulch the planting site with humus or dry soil.
  • Prevent the formation of a crust, it prevents the enrichment of oxygen to the roots of the plant.

It is possible to propagate a perennial shrub by dividing the bush, cuttings and layering, as well as seeds.

Two methods are preferred:

  • Layering. A healthy, young shoot, growing outward and flexible, free from leaves, except for the crown. They bend to the ground, lay in a freshly prepared groove and fix in this position. The procedure is carried out in the spring, you can make several such layers at once. Sprinkle each with earth, water. By autumn, the root system of a young bush will develop, it is separated from the mother tree and left for the winter. next spring transplant to permanent place.
  • Cherenkovy. The shoots of the current season are cut off, kept in a growth stimulator (according to the requirement on the package) and planted in loose fertile soil. Cover with polyethylene, you can do the procedure in the greenhouse and greenhouse. Be sure to water and ventilate, cover the shoots for the winter and spring next year plant in the desired area.

How to care

The shrub lives 20-25 years, grows rapidly, and is looked after in cultivated areas. Care of the vesicle is required mainly in terms of trimming, giving beautiful shape krone

We cut

Pruning stimulates the appearance of young twigs, thick leaves. This procedure is well tolerated by the plant, and in response, a stunning picturesque effect is obtained. Sanitary removal of branches is carried out in the spring - broken and frozen branches are removed. Formative pruning required in early spring or in autumn.


  • A voluminous crown is obtained by cutting at a height of half a meter;
  • If you need the shape of a fountain, thin stems are removed at the very base, and 5-6 powerful shoots are left, cutting them off at a height of 1.5 meters from the ground.

top dressing

In the spring months, to stimulate growth, fertilize the plant with nitrogen solutions. In autumn - complex mineral fertilizers.

Application in landscape design

Viburnum viburnum can be found both in the urban street interior and in private homeowner's plots. Can become the center of the lawn, group plantings, planted as a hedge.

Squares, parks, gardens - this unpretentious tree grows on any soil and in any conditions.

Among the currently available a large number ornamental plants not everyone can boast of their unpretentiousness. One of the most undemanding plants is a shrub of the viburnum vesicle (lat. Physocarpus opulifolius), which is planted and grown largely due to its spectacular appearance. The spherical dense crown, consisting of spreading drooping branches and corrugated leaves, looks magnificent from top to bottom.

What is the vesicle Kalinolistny

This deciduous shrub belongs to the genus Bubblewort of the Pink family. It has found wide application as single and group plantings, undergrowth in sparse forest plantations, for high hedges, along railway lines and roads. This fast-growing plant is shade tolerant, but the color of the foliage begins to fade over time in the absence of sunlight. Physocarpus opulifolius has only two conditions for soil: the presence of drainage and the absence of lime. The shrub is able to bring a special charm and colorful colors to the site.

What does it look like

Varieties with purple and golden color are grown only in sunny areas, because. in the shade, the color of the leaves is faded. Shrub does not tolerate stagnant moisture well. It has red and pink fruits that turn brown when ripe. The height of the bushes is from 1.5 to 3 m. The branches are usually drooping. The bark of adult bushes is brownish / brown, with age it begins to flake off. The shrub has convex corymbose pink or white inflorescences with many stamens. Fruiting and flowering begins at 4 years. The diameter of the crown can reach 400 cm!

This ornamental deciduous plant has oblong-ovate brown buds, the length of which is from 4 to 6 mm. Bubble bushes, widely used for landscape compositions, perfectly tolerate urban conditions. The edges of the leaves are serrate-toothed. From above they have a green color (in some varieties dark green), and from below they are lighter. The flowering period of the vesicle falls on June-July.

Photo and description

Young leaves of Physocarpus opulifolius have a round-ovate or round-elliptical shape, up to 3-5 cm long. The characteristic yellow leaves of some varieties acquire a greenish tint by the end of summer, and become golden by the beginning of autumn. The branches rise above the ground up to 1.5 m in length, they are distinguished by good strength, capable of withstanding a large number of leaves. From the buds down the green shoots are clearly visible ribs. The fruits change color scheme just like the leaves.

Bubble viburnum in landscape design - photo


When planning to start growing fast-growing shrubs that can be used in garden or house design, check out the popular varieties. Remember that this compact shrub does not always tolerate drought, nor does it like stagnant water and calcareous soils. Varieties differ from each other in their bright colors, height, foliage color. The viburnum viburnum, whose bushes can be planted on garden soil, is represented by two groups of spectacular varieties: red-leaved and yellow-leaved. Popular are:

  • Diablo;
  • Summer Wine;
  • Red Baron;
  • luteus;
  • Dart's Gold;
  • lady in red
  • Aurea;
  • Purpurea;
  • Spirea;
  • little devil
  • Nugget and others.

Spiraea Kalinolistny

Such decoration of gardens as Kalinolistny spirea or meadowsweet is distinguished by unpretentiousness, dense crown and beauty. In the wild, it can grow along the banks of rivers in North America. In Greek, its name means "spiral". The bush itself is sprawling, with a spherical crown with a large number of branches. Such a yellow-leaved viburnum is distinguished by relatively small leaves with small denticles. In winter, the spirea sheds its leaves.

red baron

The variety "Red Baron", which is a shrub of the Pink family at the time of flowering and the ripening period, pleases with rosaceous flowers and red berries. In height, these plants reach 2 m. Shrub leaves spherical shape has corrugated leaves, reaching a length of up to 8 cm. This variety grows, as a rule, on all types of soil. Planting and caring for the vesicle, which stands out with red fruits, must be approached responsibly - one should not forget to feed the plant, cut the branches and water it on time.

This type of viburnum vesicle calmly tolerates dry weather, frost and is not afraid of shade, but the yellow color of the leaves is preserved only in the sun. The plant grows calmly in urban conditions, so that it is not afraid of gas pollution - this allows it to be used for hedges. This variety ornamental shrubs resembles an unattached grape bush in its appearance, only it has smaller leaves.

Spreading bush acquires green tint only towards the end of summer. The dense bark of the culture can peel off in small ribbons. The height of this wide bush can reach 3 m. The three-four-lobed leaves have blade-like angles and are up to 5-7 cm wide. The luteus vesicle has branches that tend upward, but the last 10-15 cm fall. In general, the plant pleases with its appearance many gardeners, even the most demanding ones.

darts gold

When deciding to plant a vesicle, pay attention to Dart's Gold. As for the description, the leaves decorating the vesicle change their color from summer to autumn: from bright yellow to lemon / orange. The shrub blooms with white flowers, which are collected in a bunch, like and all other vesicles.The plant can reach a height of up to one and a half meters.

Variety Diabolo

The Diabolo variety, which is resistant to pests and diseases, tolerates pruning and shearing, enjoys considerable popularity. This sprawling and mighty shrub, forming a dense spherical crown, can reach a height of up to 3 m, and a width of up to 1.2-2 m. It has dark purple leaves that are evenly colored. In autumn, the color of the bladder of this variety almost does not change, becoming only slightly lighter. Description of flowers: pinkish-white, small, collected in dense corymbose inflorescences that appear in early June.


The Nugget variety, which is often used for sowing for decorative purposes, has bright foliage, whose color changes from yellow color to greenish. The height of the shrub, which is compact, reaches 2 m. The crown becomes vase-shaped without pruning. Yellow leaves turn greenish in summer, and intense yellow in autumn. Shoots are vertical with exfoliating light brown bark, flowers are white. The Nugget plant grows best on open places, but it does not tolerate partial shade. Planted and grown in compositions with trees.

Lady in red

Variety Tuilad (Lady in Red) has bright young leaves, dark red and pink flowers. The height of the plant reaches 1.2 m. Its leaves are slightly wrinkled, but at the same time shiny, the color is from red to wine-red. Tuilad has upright, red shoots. Features of the variety are winter hardiness, photophilous, undemanding to soils. It is better to plant on moist and fertile soils that are not subject to flooding. During the growing season, fertilizers are required. Pruning is needed to form a bush.

Shrub Little Devil

Before you start breeding the viburnum vesicle, select the optimal plant variety. A deciduous shrub with a dense crown and a height of 0.8-1 m of the Little Devil species enjoys considerable popularity. It has small pinkish-white flowers in corymbose, dense inflorescences that appear in June. The fruits are represented by swollen leaflets of red color. In shade conditions, the leaves begin to turn green.

It is better to plant on moist, drained, fresh, fertile, loamy and sandy soils. Perfectly tolerates urban conditions, it is desirable to grow in a well-lit area. The variety tolerates pruning, shearing and is resistant to diseases and pests. It is widely used for landscaping urban courtyards, playgrounds, gardens at medical institutions, etc. Little Devil has a high winter hardiness, but in severe frosts there is a possibility of freezing shoots.

Planting and care in the open field

Bare-rooted seedlings should be planted in autumn or spring, although planting shrubs in autumn is considered preferable. It is not advisable to use seeds for planting the vesicle of the viburnum, because. the shrub transmits its original leaf color only to a certain part of the offspring. It is preferable to use for the initial planting a plant that has a closed root system, i.e. grown in special containers. Such bushes are planted at any time of the growing season, whether it be spring, summer or autumn.

Watering the bush

The plant requires competent and careful care. For planting, it is necessary to dig a hole with a diameter and a depth of about half a meter, to the bottom of which you will need to add garden soil based on peat or humus. After planting the plant, the pit should be covered with fertile soil, and the shrub itself should be deepened to 5 cm. Then the bush should be watered abundantly with water or a special solution of Kornevin. After the liquid is absorbed, the trunk circle must be mulched. Thanks to this approach, you can make your site look like in the photo of landscape design magazines.

Plant nutrition

Bushes propagate by seeds, summer cuttings or dividing the bush. It is one thing to plant such a lush and showy plant, the other is to properly grow it. Special attention it is necessary to give top dressing, which is carried out in spring or autumn. In early spring, fertilizers with a nitrogen content are used for this purpose, and in autumn, mineral compounds. In the spring, you can use urea, mullein, ammonium nitrate, and in the fall - nitroammophoska: 1 Matchbox for 10 liters of water. For adult plants (10-20 years old), when feeding, up to 15 liters of solution will be needed.

Pruning the vesicle in autumn

To give the bush desired shape and encourage branching, careful pruning will be needed. At good conditions in just one year, the viburnum vesicle can add up to 40 cm, both in width and in height. The active growth and development of the bush depends on how correctly pruning was performed. All types of vesicles tolerate this process well - they do both sanitary and just molding pruning. Helpful Tips:

  • During sanitary pruning, damaged, broken branches are removed - it is done in the spring or as needed.
  • Form pruning is done after the end of the flowering period. Shoots are shortened by 1/2 or 1/3 of the crown size. In the second and subsequent crowns, strictly 2/3 of the size is pruned.
  • A hedge created from a viburnum vesicle needs to be cut 1-2 times throughout the growing season, but if necessary, it is carried out more often.
  • The first haircut is performed in April-May, while the buds have not yet fully blossomed. The rest as needed.
  • Sometimes pruning is performed in order to rejuvenate the plant. Old shoots for this are removed to the base, and the rest - to the place where the side shoot begins to depart.

Physocarpus opulifolius transplant

To improve the growing conditions, the viburnum is transplanted to a new place. In addition, such a need may arise provided that you decide to change the original landscape design of the site. Transplantation of an adult plant is performed in the fall after leaf fall or in the spring before the buds awaken. Carry out this process with big ball land with preliminary pruning of the bush. This is done in order to reduce the load on the root system, otherwise it will be difficult for her to feed at the same time. mature plant and adapt to the new place.

How to propagate

Some lovers landscape design they use the method of dividing the bush, but sometimes the vesicle is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Each of the methods has its own characteristics. At home, resort to vegetative propagation using layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. There is an order of magnitude more fuss with seeds - they need to be sown in spring or autumn, having previously subjected them to monthly stratification. True, grown seedlings rarely have the same bright color of foliage as the parent plant.


A good option is cuttings of the vesicle in the fall. To use it, you will need to cut green shoots about 10-20 cm long with 2-3 internodes before the bush begins to bloom. Then remove all the leaves from their bottom. The leaves at the top should be shortened by 1/2. After that, soak the cuttings in a solution of Kornevin or other agent that stimulates root formation, and plant them in a mixture of sand and peat. Water the cuttings regularly and ventilate, cover if necessary plastic wrap. Transplant to a permanent location in the spring.

Reproduction by layering

If you are interested in using the viburnum vesicle to decorate your site, then resort to propagating the bush using layering. This method is considered the simplest. In spring, choose a healthy and strong shoot, remove all leaves from it except for those that grow at the top, then lay it in a ditch previously made in the soil, the depth of which should be 12 cm. Pin the shoot with wooden brackets and fill the groove. In autumn, the layers should be separated from the mother bush to cover for the winter.

By dividing the bush

Another easy way to propagate this decorative lush plant consists in dividing the bush. You can resort to it in the spring or autumn season. If you have experience in digging and transplanting plants, then you can even divide the bush in summer. In such a process, speed of execution is very important, otherwise the plant removed from the soil may dry out. After transplanting to a new place, do not forget to water the plant, remove weeds around it, loosen the ground.

Diseases and pests

Even a novice gardener / flower grower can plant and care for a viburnum vesicle. In addition, this plant is characterized by good resistance to various pests, diseases, resulting in bright flowering bush practically unaffected by them. True, in some cases, due to poor nutrition, the plant may develop chlorosis, which is expressed in the drying of the apical shoots, yellowing of young leaves. You can restore health by adding iron to the diet by spraying the leaves / watering under the root with solutions of ferovit, ferrilen, antichlorosis.


Among the large number garden plants only a few can boast of absolute unpretentiousness and high decorativeness. These include and.

This plant is grown because of its spectacular appearance: a spherical dense crown of spreading drooping branches with large corrugated leaves looks magnificent from top to bottom.

The plant is shade tolerant, but the color of the leaves fades over time when shading, so it is advisable to plant this shrub in an open and sunny place. There are only two conditions for the soil - lack of lime and presence of drainage. Of course, the vesicle will have a more magnificent appearance on fertile, loose and fresh soil, but also on a poor substrate. nutrients, it will also look good. Another advantage of this plant can be considered its resistance to air pollution, so it can be safely planted next to the roads.

It is advisable not to use seeds for planting a vesicle, since the plant transmits its original leaf color only to parts of the offspring. It is best for the initial planting to purchase plants with a closed root system in nurseries or garden centers, that is, grown in special containers.

Such bushes can be planted at any time during the growing season (spring, summer or autumn). For planting, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth and a diameter of 50 cm, to the bottom of which peat-based garden soil is added or.

AT further hive the vesicle is carefully removed from the container (the main thing is not to damage the root ball and not straighten it) and put it in the prepared planting hole. Then the pit is covered with fertile soil, and it is desirable to deepen the plant itself to 5 cm - this procedure will help give the vesicle additional shoots from sleeping buds.

After that, we abundantly water the bush with water and Kornevin's solution, as soon as the water is absorbed, the near-stem circle (even simple dry earth is suitable for this). With this treatment, the surface crust is not formed and the roots of the vesicle will be able to get the amount of air they need.

Reproduction of the vesicle

You can propagate the vesicle by dividing the bush, layering or.

Reproduction of the vesicle by layering

Laying layering as a way to propagate the vesicle gives very good results. For layering, you must choose a healthy and strong shoot, directed outward. Almost all leaves are removed from it, leaving only those at the top. Then we put the prepared shoot into a groove (the depth of the groove is up to 15 cm) and pin it to the ground (wooden staples are perfect for this purpose).

This procedure should be carried out at the beginning of the spring season, so that the layering has time to take root in the remaining time before winter. It is important to moisten the soil in time during dry periods - without moisture, fragile roots of the layering may die. At the end of the autumn season, young vesicle bushes are separated from the mother plant and take cover for the winter.

Reproduction of the vesicle by cuttings

To propagate the vesicle by cuttings, it is necessary to use green shoots that have grown in the current year. Separated shoots must be soaked in any root formation stimulator (for example, in a solution of the same Kornevin) and planted in a sand substrate with peat or in river sand.

After planting, water the cuttings, then cover them with polyethylene. If there are few cuttings, then you can cover each of them separately. plastic bottles with cut neck. Subsequent care until the winter season consists in systematic moistening and ventilation. With the onset of winter, we cover the rooted cuttings, and in the spring we plant the shoots of the vesicle in its permanent place.

Caring for the vesicle

The vesicle is an unpretentious plant in care, although some features should be taken into account. The shrub itself lives up to a quarter of a century and develops rapidly during the vegetative period. Under good conditions, in one year of time, the vesicle is able to add up to 40 cm both in height and in width. Therefore, to give the bush the shape you need and stimulate branching, you need a thorough one.

The plant tolerates the procedure itself steadfastly and painlessly, and in the future it quickly grows into young shoots. A big plus of the shrub is excellent winter hardiness, in middle lane it hibernates without shelter, and only when severe frosts shoot tips may be damaged.


Pruning the vesicle needs both sanitary and bush-forming. Sanitary pruning is carried out in spring period and consists of pruning broken and frozen branches. Well, forming pruning is necessary so that the bush does not play pranks and grows as you need :) It is also carried out in spring (before buds open on the bush) or in autumn, after the end of the vegetative period.

Since most varieties of the viburnum vesicle look like a fountain, with the correct formative pruning, the upper buds of the plant wake up and grow. Therefore, there are two main options for shaping pruning. To get a powerful and wide bush with a large number of trunks, we cut at a height of 40-50 cm. And to give the bush a more pronounced fountain-like shape, it is necessary to cut out all the thin shoots at the base of the bush, while leaving up to 5 of the strongest and most powerful, which, for growth stimulation, also additionally cut at a height of 1.5 m.


The frequency of watering the vesicle bushes depends on the type of soil, the climatic zone where the shrub grows and its age. If high temperatures are possible in the area where the plant grows in summer and the bush is planted on light loamy soils, then it is necessary to water the plant from the end of the spring season until the onset of autumn.

At the same time, watering is done regularly (at least 2 times a week), pouring up to 40 liters of water under an adult plant. When a vesicle bush grows on lawns or on heavy clay soil, another danger is possible - overflow. With excessive moisture, the vesicle bush is easily affected by powdery mildew, and this can lead to the death of the plant.

top dressing

Top dressing of the vesicle is carried out in spring and autumn period s: in early spring, and in autumn. In the spring, mullein, urea and ammonium nitrate are used (based on 10 liters of water, we take a half-liter jar of mullein, a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and urea).

In autumn, you can use nitroammophoska (1 matchbox per 10 liters of water). Adult plants (10-20 years old) will need up to 15 liters of solution when feeding.

Varieties of vesicle

For decorative decoration of the site, several varieties of viburnum vesicle are used ( Physocarpus opulifolius), which are usually combined into two groups of varieties: red-leaved and yellow-leaved.

You can in our catalog, which contains the offers of the largest online stores.

Vesicle Kalinolistny Red Baron 299 rub LOOK

Vesicle Kalinolistny Little Angel 299 rub LOOK

Vesicle viburnum Schuch 350 rub LOOK

Vesicle viburnum Little Devil 350 rub LOOK

The following varieties belong to the red-leaved:

Vesicle viburnum "Diablo"

It grows up to 3 m in height, the leaves are glossy, purple-red. When planted in a shady spot, the foliage turns green with a slight purple tint.

Vesicle viburnum, cultivar "Diablo"

Vesicle viburnum "Red Baron"

The most common yellow-leaved varieties include the following:

Vesicle viburnum "Luteus"

At the vesicle "Luteus" the height of the bushes is up to 3 m, the leaves are in the shade of a green-yellow color, on open sunny places yellow tint.

Vesicle viburnum "Luteu" s

Vesicle viburnum "Dart" s Gold"

The bushes of this variety grow up to 1.5 m, the leaves are orange-yellow when blooming, green in summer, and yellow-bronze in autumn.

Vesicle viburnum "Dart" s Gold". Photo from

The vesicle can perfectly solo or be used in. A vesicle hedge looks very decorative, but requires constant pruning and care. But it will delight you with changing shades of foliage depending on the season, beautiful flowers in spring and red berries in autumn.

The most common type is vesicle Kalinolistny ( Physocarpus opulifolius) . This is a shrub up to 3 m high with a dense crown. In early summer, the plant is abundantly covered with white or pink flowers, collected in inflorescences. The Luteus form is golden, especially bright at the beginning of the growing season. And in the Darts Gold variety, the golden color is permanently preserved. The form Aureomarginata has leaves with a golden border. The Diabolo cultivar is notable for its deep purple leaves. Varieties of the vesicle are more compact compared to the species plant. There is also a dwarf form of Nanus - up to 1 m high.

What does a vesicle shrub look like

The vesicle is winter-hardy, shade-tolerant, resistant to adverse conditions. He does not like only stagnant water in the soil. Easily propagated by cuttings. decorative forms perfectly combined with each other, thanks to this, the vesicle in landscape design is used very actively. A good hedge is obtained from a species plant, including a sheared one. Look at the photo how the vesicle looks like, luxuriously blooming against the background of other plantings:

The appearance of the vesicle depends on its type and variety, but usually it is a shrub with spreading branches that form spherical crown. The bark peels off in wide strips. The plant reaches a height of up to 2.5 m. The leaves are 3 or 5 lobed, evenly distributed along the branches, which makes the bush look lush from top to bottom. The flowers are white or pinkish, with numerous stamens in the center, grouped into inflorescences (they resemble hemispheres in shape) with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm. The fruits also look spectacular, they are swollen, bubble-shaped leaflets that turn red when ripe. The plant got its name just because of the characteristic shape of the fruit. How successfully the vesicle shrub is combined with other plantings, look at the photo:

To the description of the vesicle, one can add the fact that it grows very quickly, adding up to 40 cm in diameter per season. Its life span is 30 to 40 years. Among gardeners, he is famous for maintaining his decorative look almost the entire season. After reading a generalized description of the vesicle, look at the photo - it shows what this wonderful representative looks like flora:

Types and varieties of vesicle: photo and description

The main two types of vesicle are considered - Amur and Kalinolistny.

Amur located singly or in small groups among thickets of various kinds of bushes, on mountain slopes. It is a protected plant in nature reserves. It is a shrub up to 2.5 m tall. On adult specimens, the bark peels off in uniform stripes. The trunks of young bushes are smooth, usually dark in color. The leaves are about 10 cm long, green above and gray below. The flowers are white, about 1.5 cm in diameter, arranged in semicircle inflorescences. Rate the beauty of this type of vesicle in the photo presented below:

Amur vesicles bloom for up to 20 days, the fruits turn red when ripe, giving the shrub a bright, colorful appearance. It is also worth noting that this type of plant tolerates winter well, as the branches are completely woody. All known forms and varieties of this type of vesicle are actively used in the design of household plots, parks, and city squares.

Kalinolistny look- This is a shrub about 2.5 m high with wide, sprawling branches. Shoots form a dense spherical crown. We offer to evaluate the vesicle of this type - look at the photo that successfully conveys its advantages:

The leaves are approximately 5 cm in diameter, greenish above and lighter below, serrated along the edges, slightly drooping. Flowers about 1.2 cm in size, white or pink in color, with villi in the center. The fruits look very elegant, as they ripen, they change their color (from green to red). Decorative varieties:

Darts Gold

Red Baron

And others serve as an excellent "material" for the work of landscape designers. You can see the above described types and varieties of the vesicle in the photo below:

Check out short description varieties of vesicle (the most famous samples are considered):

It grows up to 3-3.5 m in height, up to 2 m in width. The leaves are glossy and change color from deep purple to yellow in autumn. In this case, the bush looks even more impressive. The flowers are arranged in inflorescences, shaped like semicircles.

Differs in white flowers, small leaves of greenish color. This dwarf form can reach no more than 1 m. The plant is best planted near the hedge, as well as in flower beds - among herbaceous annuals or perennials.

summer wine

The shrub has medium parameters. The branches with their bend resemble placers of fireworks. White-pink flowers are located along the entire length of the branches. The plant blooms in spring. Leaves are deep red. This variety is characterized by high frost resistance, unpretentiousness to the area.

The bushes grow up to 2.5-3 m high. In the spring there is a yellow color of the foliage, by the summer the crown becomes green. The flowers are snow-white, collected in semicircular inflorescences. The shrub is notable for the fact that its branches form a spherical dome.

Darts Gold

The shrub changes the "summer" bright yellow color of its leaves to an orange scale in the autumn period of time. Such seasonal metamorphoses look very original. The flowers of the plant are often white, but sometimes there is a cream color.

Red Baron

Grows up to 1.5 m in height. This variety is distinguished by corrugated leaves. The flowers are of a pinkish hue, they are distributed evenly throughout the bush.


Massive specimen with spreading branches. It has an unusual color - green leaves with a dark or golden border.

It has thick stems directed upwards.


The color is orange in spring, tends to turn red in summer. The bush grows up to 2 m. After reading the description of the varieties of the vesicle, look at the photos that show the most attractive options:

How to propagate the vesicle by cuttings, layering and division

The reproduction of the vesicle is carried out in several traditional ways, namely, with the help of layering, cuttings or dividing the bush. The following describes the technology of the most popular way of breeding the vesicle - propagation by cuttings:
  1. Cut off young branches up to 20 cm long, with several branches. In this case, it is necessary to cut off all the leaves from below, and shorten them by about half from above.
  2. Soak the cuttings in a rooting stimulator.
  3. Plant the blanks in a bed, previously supplied with a sand-peat mixture.
  4. Pour generously and cover with plastic wrap.
In the future, the vesicle cuttings need care: they should be ventilated and watered, covered for the winter. It is not difficult to figure out how to propagate a vesicle with cuttings, even a novice gardener can handle it. Growing a vesicle by the method of layering is also not fraught with difficulties. They take a strong shoot, cut off all the foliage from it, except top row, laid in a ditch made in advance (depth 10-12 cm). Pinned with a staple, sprinkled with soil. Do not forget about timely watering and removing weeds. By the fall, a separate layering will already be ready, with its own root system. It is cut off from the mother shrub, resulting in strong seedling vesicle, planting and caring for which in the future is carried out according to the general rules.

Next, we will talk about how to propagate the vesicle in the garden by dividing the bush. It is best to start the procedure in early spring or autumn. They dig a mature bush, cut the root apparatus into several segments, then immediately plant a vesicle (or rather, each new unit obtained in the division process).

How to plant a vesicle and how to care for it

Care and cultivation of the vesicle should begin with the choice of area for planting. The plant feels great both in the sun and in the shade. The site is better to choose open, without trees nearby. The specimen does not tolerate lime in the soil, stagnant water - this kind of soil will provoke rotting of the root system. The shrub is able to put up with a high concentration of carbon dioxide, so it is often planted as hedge near the road. Purchase a young seedling with closed roots from a trusted nursery or use planting material prepared by hand. young plant can not be planted in frosty weather. It is better to plant in the fall, as there is more conditions for successful survival, intensive growth. The following is a step-by-step instruction on how to plant a vesicle:
  1. Dig a hole, fill in a layer of fertile soil a few days before planting, so that the soil has time to settle. Determine the depth of the trench in such a way that after placing a layer of fertile soil, the top of the plant's roots is on the surface.
  2. When transferring the seedling to the planting ditch, do not remove the earth from the roots, so as not to harm the fragile plant. Fertilizers are usually not added at this stage.
  3. Fill the trench with soil mixture (fertile layer of soil + sand + turf + peat), water the plant abundantly.
  4. After the precipitation of the near-trunk circle, add more earth.
  5. Watch for a few days so that the ground around the seedling does not dry out.
If you want to make a dense hedge out of vesicle shrubs, plant young plants in 2 lanes. Leave a distance of 40 cm between rows, the space between plants within one strip should be 45 cm. In the future, the hedge is formed by pruning for every taste. Pay attention to how the vesicle is planted - the photo shows the procedure for transferring seedlings to the place of their stationary "habitat":

How you take care of the vesicle depends on its health and appearance. The plant is unpretentious, but this does not mean that after planting it can be forgotten. At necessary conditions a bush can grow up to 40 cm in a season. In the second year after planting, only flower cobs are laid, because of this, pruning and accurate crown formation are extremely important. The plant is frost-resistant, but in very severe colds the tops of the branches can freeze. You should take care of warming for the winter. Take a look at the photo - proper fit and leaving the vesicle will look just as gorgeous:

The vesicle is a deciduous shrub, readily grown by gardeners. The reason is not only high decorative qualities or healing properties: This representative of the Pink family is famous for its rapid growth and amazing unpretentiousness. Growing a spectacular bush on the site is quite simple, planting a vesicle is a simple process, caring for it does not take much time. Knowing some of the features of growing shrubs will certainly lead to a successful result.

Species and varieties

A characteristic feature of the vesicle is sprawling branches, slightly inclined to the ground under the weight of corrugated leaves, which gives the crown a resemblance to a fluffy ball. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 3 m, the diameter of the crown is usually approximately equal to the height.

Of the 14 known species, domestic gardeners often grow two, but they are represented by a wide variety of varieties.

The height of shrubs of this species is usually about 3 m, the crown is sprawling, spherical in shape. A distinctive feature is the very smooth red-brown bark of young shoots. 10-centimeter leaves are smooth, green on top, on the wrong side - grayish, pubescent. Small, up to one and a half centimeters white flowers are collected in inflorescences of 10-15 pieces. The flowering period is about 3 weeks, after which the branches of the bushes decorate the fruits, which turn red with the approach of autumn.

The advantage of the Amur vesicle is frost resistance. No less attractive is its ability to develop well in group plantings.

In urban landscaping and decoration summer cottages the following varieties are popular.

  1. Vesicle Luteus - different bright yellow leaves(in sunny places), bronzing with the approach of autumn.
  2. Aureomarginata vesicle - impresses with golden edging of leaves.
  3. Bubble Nana is a dwarf form with plain leaves.

The maximum height of shrubs of this species is 3 m, the leaves are serrated, similar to viburnum leaves. The flowers are small, up to 12 mm, color - from white to pale pink. Frost-resistant.

The most popular are 2 varieties of the red-leaved vesicle.

  1. The diablo vesicle is the owner of leaves painted in purple or dark red. It is noteworthy that in the shade the color of the leaves becomes green color with a slight purple tint. For greater decorativeness, a variety is planted in sunny areas.
  2. Bubblegum Red Baron is the most favorite variety of gardeners. The height of the bush is up to 2 m, narrow 7-centimeter leaves are dark red in color. pink flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, red fruits are tied.

Landing Rules

For planting shrubs choose a well-lit place. The vesicle tolerates shading, but loses the exotic color of the leaves. Neither wind nor polluted air interferes with it. Therefore, the plant is often used as a hedge in the city.

The soil requires loose, neutral or slightly acidic, with good drainage. Fertility is an optional condition, the vesicle feels quite normal on depleted substrates, but its decorative effect is reduced.

It is important to know that the close occurrence of groundwater, especially in combination with alkaline soil, provokes the development of chlorosis or rotting of the root system, which leads to the death of the bush.

The vesicle is planted with seedlings purchased from a nursery or prepared from layering or cuttings. Seed propagation is unpromising, since only an insignificant part of the seeds inherits the parental qualities of the shrub.

Boarding times:

  • seedlings with an open root system - in spring or autumn;
  • seedlings with a closed root system (in containers) - during the entire growing season.

A landing hole is dug with dimensions of 50x50x50 cm. The bottom is laid out with a drainage layer. The extracted soil is diluted with a small amount of humus or peat. Drainage is covered with prepared substrate by 5-6 cm.

The seedling is carefully removed from the container, preserving the integrity of the earthen coma as much as possible, and set in a hole (no need to straighten the roots). root collar placed at ground level, then topped up with soil.

After planting, the seedling is abundantly shed with water with the addition of "Kornevin" or another root formation stimulant. When the moisture is completely absorbed, the trunk circle is mulched with any material, even dry earth can be used. The coating will not allow the formation of a surface crust, which will ensure aeration of the roots.

When planting seedlings with an open root system, follow the general rules:

  • inspection of the root system;
  • removal of dry, broken and with signs of diseases of the roots;
  • straighten the roots in the hole.

The scheme of planting a vesicle in a hedge is two-row, in a checkerboard pattern. The interval between rows is 35-40 cm, between plants in a row is 45-50 cm. In group plantings, the distance between seedlings is kept from one and a half meters.

Caring for the vesicle

Living in one place up to 20-25 years, the vesicle practically does not need additional trouble. But, quickly gaining vegetative mass - up to 40 cm in the first year - it still requires care.


The rapid growth of the vesicle shoots puts this procedure at the top of the list of care activities. The neat appearance of the shrub emphasizes its decorative effect.

Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring - branches frozen and broken during the winter are removed. At the same time, shoots are cut out that grow inside the bush, thickening its middle.

Formative pruning gives the vesicle a beautiful spherical shape. Two options apply.

  1. Pruning shoots to 40-50 cm forms a sprawling bush, consisting of several strong trunks.
  2. A fountain bush is obtained by cutting thin shoots at the base. Leave a few of the strongest branches, which are also cut, but at a height of about 1.5 m, to stimulate further growth.

Bushes begin to form from the age of three.

If it is desirable to give the bush a compact shape, young shoots are shortened 2 or 3 times during the season.

Rejuvenating pruning is performed every 5-6 years: all shoots are cut under the stump, followed by treatment with garden pitch.

Watering and fertilizing

The bubble is quite moisture-loving, so in dry summers it is watered twice a week - about 4 buckets of water per adult bush.

Watering rules:

  • the right time is morning or evening;
  • exclude the ingress of water drops on inflorescences, fruits and leaves;
  • after each watering, mulching or loosening the soil, removing weeds is carried out.

Bushes growing on clay soils are watered more moderately to avoid stagnant moisture with subsequent rotting of the roots.

Fertilizers under the bushes are applied twice per season.

  1. In the spring, during the opening of the kidneys - 250 g of mullein, 1 tbsp. l. saltpeter, 1 tbsp. l. urea per 10 liters of water. The need for one adult plant is 15 liters.
  2. In autumn - 2 tbsp. l. nitroamofoski per 10 liters of water. Consumption ready solution- 15l / bush.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

The unpretentiousness of the vesicle is accompanied by a rare resistance to possible diseases. The most real threat is caused by underfeeding or waterlogging, in which case chlorosis may develop. Its symptoms are excessive yellowing of the leaves, especially on young shoots, followed by drying of the entire bush. At the first signs of the disease, the bushes are treated with iron-containing preparations (Ferovit, Ferrilen, iron chelate are suitable). Processing is carried out by spraying or watering under the root.

Pests bypass the vesicle side.

Reproduction methods

The vesicle is propagated in the usual ways for shrubs: rooting cuttings, forming layering, dividing the bush.

  • cuttings

Suitable for cuttings are young shoots of adult bushes, cut before flowering. The length of the handle is from 10 to 20 cm, each segment should be with 2-3 internodes. The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are cut in half. Rooted on a special bed in a mixture of peat and sand. The cuttings are treated with "Kornevin", planted in a garden bed, watered and covered with a film.

Caring for cuttings is simple - regular moistening of the substrate and airing. For the winter, the bed is covered with spruce branches or agrofiber. In the spring, with the onset of warm days, rooted cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

  • layering

The formation of layering begins in the spring.

  1. Choose the shoots closest to the ground.
  2. Leaves are removed, except for the apical ones.
  3. They bend down.
  4. They are fixed in a groove 10-12 cm deep with garden staples.
  5. They fall asleep with earth.

They take care of the future seedling in the same way as the mother bush - they water, feed, loosen the soil. In autumn, the layers are separated and transplanted to the chosen place.

  • The division of the bush

Most fast way get a new copy in a short time. The bush is dug out of the ground, divided into several parts, each of which is planted in pre-prepared landing pits. At the same time, speed is important - drying of the roots is highly undesirable, since it will make it difficult for the bushes to take root in a new place.

Reproduction by seeds

The method is applicable to seeds purchased from reputable sellers, or specific vesicles. It only fits for patient gardeners: a shrub grown from seeds begins to bloom in the 4th or 5th year.

Seeds can be sown in autumn and spring (after stratification).

Sowing technology:

  1. prepare a bed by adding sand and peat to the soil;
  2. seeds are deepened by 2-3 cm;
  3. crops are covered with a film;
  4. picking seedlings is carried out when 2-3 true leaves are formed.

Vesicle retaining decorative effect all year round(red-brown shoot bark visibly revitalizes winter Garden), is a godsend for gardeners suffering from a lack of time. Ease of planting, minimal care, strong immunity are the undeniable advantages of a plant that adorns the garden with an extraordinary leaf color and bush shape.
