The products are in great demand. Goods from China

Today, novice businessmen are faced with difficult questions: “What is interesting to the consumer? In what direction to start to act? Really, modern market ready to offer "everything and a little more." To entrepreneurial activity brought not only pleasure, but also profit, you need to know what people will always need, regardless of the financial situation. Demanded goods in Russia in 2017 is the topic of our article, because it is they that affect economic structure countries.

What is the most demanded product in Russia

To begin with, you should pay attention to food - here is the product that will always be bought:

    meat, fish, sausage;

    milk and products from it;

  • "pasta";

    vegetables and fruits.

In addition, demanded goods in Russia are personal hygiene items and household chemicals. They are needed in any case, no matter what this moment economic situation in the country. Whatever income buyers have, they will always allocate funds for the purchase of:

    toothpaste, shampoo and soap;

    washing powder, detergent and cleaning products;

    creams and cosmetics.

Products, chemicals and hygiene products are always included in the consumer basket, so experts recommend that novice entrepreneurs start with them, by contacting Special attention to the grocery line.

Thinking about what goods are in demand in Russia, you should not discount alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Considerable profit can be obtained from the manufacture or sale of seasonal goods: clothing and footwear, ice cream, etc.

When working on your business model, don't forget about the so-called impulse products: candies, chewing gum and chocolates. Quite often, buyers do not perceive such a trifle as a significant acquisition - this is a fairly large advantage that can turn into a good profit.

Analyzing last year, which, by the way, was quite difficult in economic terms, we can determine the most popular goods in Russia in 2016, and this list will not be limited to one or two points. So, there was a good demand for the following products:

    Technique and electronics. Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, digital video cameras took the lead in Internet sales in the crisis year of 2016. Of course, to work with such a product, certain financial resources and knowledge will be required.

    Products. Opening grocery store in a good place it can bring a good regular income to its owner.

    Clothing and footwear. Pay attention to the combination of price and quality. Make bulk purchases of good inexpensive products and sell at retail at affordable prices.

    Stationery. At the beginning school year this is the most popular product.

    Goods for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Today we can safely say that these are demanded goods in Russia, since now more and more people are leaning towards healthy lifestyle life and purchase simulators, sport equipment and clothes.

    fabrics. In times of crisis, many people began to replenish their wardrobe with things sewn on their own. Naturally, the demand for quality fabrics has increased.

    Flowers. No crisis is able to cancel the celebration of weddings, anniversaries and other festive events, which, according to the established tradition, are accompanied by the presentation of a bouquet of flowers. Quite often, the price of a bouquet is much higher than the cost of its components (flowers and decor items), so this business is able to provide a comfortable existence for its owner.

    Goods for children. As a rule, parents want to give their children everything they need, try to satisfy their desires. Therefore, diapers, toys, strollers, cribs and other products for children bring a stable and fairly decent income.

In order to understand which product is the most in demand in Russia, it is necessary to carry out some analytical work, paying attention to several important factors,capable of influencing the demand for the product:

    Price. Agree, this is usually the first thing a buyer is interested in. In case of coincidence of quality and price indicators, the purchase is carried out. To form the “correct” price, the following must be taken into account: the cost and purchase price of the goods, the pricing strategy and the markup percentage. In order to pay attention to the uniqueness of the products offered, you can start selling at the highest possible cost and get a solid profit, but after that you will need to set a price that matches the market. This step is applicable only if you are completely sure that this product is in demand. In addition, you can reduce the price as much as possible. But this should be done with some caution. Such a move requires explanation, for example: "I sell cheaply to attract a buyer and give an opportunity to be convinced of the high quality of the goods."

    Competitors' prices. One of the key factors influencing demand. Customers do not trust "price extremes". And it doesn't matter if it's too expensive or too cheap - both are suspicious. Therefore, it is essential to define golden mean, which will require knowledge of the market, familiarity with the experience and pricing strategy of competitors.

    Potential customer preferences. To begin with, it is important to find out the products that are in demand in Russia during a period of economic stability, to understand what products are “hot” directly on the territory of your region (if they prefer and buy beef well, then it makes no sense to offer pork or lamb). Only then can the consumer demand be properly formed.

So what is the most demanded product in Russia

The leading place in the Russian commodity market was occupied by Chinese-made products that imitate clothing and footwear from popular global manufacturers.

The target audience is young people who follow fashion trends and want to look in accordance with its trends. Quite often, guys and girls are simply not able to shell out a significant amount for original thing, therefore Chinese analogues are the most demanded goods in Russia. Moreover, the range of products is so wide that everyone will be able to find what he likes and can afford.

Market analysis showed that Nike Air Max sneakers made in Chinese workshops are especially popular in Russia. In addition, the following goods from the Celestial Empire became in demand:

  • Louboutin - women's shoes with a red sole with a high stiletto heel.
  • Converse is a very popular sneaker, both for men and women. This product has been in the TOP-10 for more than one season.
  • Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors - women's bags (naturally, "almost" original production).
  • T-shirts with Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste logos (mainly men's).
  • Christian Dior sneakers - very comfortable women's shoes, which quickly found its customers in Russia. The originality, convenience and beauty of the model allowed it to become one of the most sought after in the 2015-2016 season.

Please note that China is different from China. Many branded imitations can be quite decent quality. It all depends on the material and accessories used by the manufacturers of the "brand".

An accurately imitated product made from quality material will have a higher purchase price.

Low-quality copies will not only cost less, but also differ greatly from their original (appearance, inscription, etc.).

No less popular in the domestic market are goods for children. And this applies not only to clothes and shoes. Demanded goods in Russia are children's hygiene products, strollers, tables, and much more.

The third place is rightfully given to small household appliances: electric kettles, vacuum cleaners, coffee machines and irons, along with curling irons and straightener combs, have firmly established themselves in Russian market. Typically, these devices have a price that is quite acceptable for the average consumer, so they the target audience quite extensive, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to attract enough a large number of buyers.

Below we will tell you in more detail about the goods in demand on the Russian market in 2017. Working with them, it is quite possible to successfully organize and successfully develop your business.

The most popular Chinese goods in Russia

High-margin goods are goods that are bought low and sold high. It is no secret that this approach is the basis of trading profits. Chinese products are the most striking example of this.

We would like to present you the TOP of demanded goods in Russia, imported in order to obtain the highest profit or do not lose their popularity among consumers.

    Disposable items - the most popular goods in Russia in 2017. We put this type of product in first place, because if we take a closer look at the market for Chinese retail small things: disposable tableware, hygiene products, kitchen utensils, stationery and much more, you will see that they can be bought in bulk at 10 or even 1000 times cheaper. The wholesale price of the goods is simply “penny”, and there will definitely be income from it.

    Food. A product that is always up to date. Bulk products that are packaged in small bags are quite in demand in Russia. These include dried squid and other seafood, nuts, dried fruits and other snacks, which the Chinese sell in containers at very favorable prices for wholesalers. After packaging, the cost of products increases many times, so that the profit is guaranteed.

    Car accessories. Electronics for cars, auto and motorcycle parts, tuning elements have become quite popular among Russians. Demand for this segment of the market is increasing with enviable constancy. DVRs and rear view cameras, radios, lights - that's far from complete list goods with which a domestic manufacturer cannot yet compete (if we exclude Chinese products manufactured under a Russian brand). If you continue the list, supplementing it with various little things that can personalize a car (stickers, chrome, etc.), then it will become clear to you why car accessories occupy such a high place in our TOP.

    Electronics. Here we mean not a cheap Chinese fake, but electronics that have occupied a worthy niche of Hi-Fi and Hi-End, as a rule, this refers to analogues of goods from leading world manufacturers. Photo and video accessories, plasma panels, projectors, mobile communications, printers and much more - this is not a complete list of this market segment. It can be continued with products that are accessories for products of well-known brands (headphones, protective glasses and films, etc.). In China, they are 3-40 times cheaper than in Russia. Agree, quite a wide scope of activity.

    Fur - demanded goods in Russia, especially since there are many popular trademarks relocated their factories to China. clothing High Quality It is not cheap, but it can be sold many times more expensive.

    Furniture. For China, furniture is a significant commodity. Especially if a local solid wood is used in production (it is much less in Russia). Despite the rather high cost of furniture in the Chinese market, it is profitable to purchase it - it is still cheaper than furniture from a Russian manufacturer. Naturally, the "furniture" business is becoming more and more popular.

    Shoes and accessories. Just like outerwear enterprises, shoe factories and workshops moved to China. Now Chinese shoes are not only affordable, but also completely repeat all the features of the branded counterpart. The same can be said about accessories (belts, bags, gloves), which are cheap, but incredibly popular.

    Goods for children - clothes and shoes, toys and hygiene products, slings and backpacks for carrying children and much more (there is where to “turn around”).

    Household products - incredibly popular goods in Russia. Moreover, the list is simply huge, ranging from bedspreads and curtains to air conditioners and gas stoves. However, despite the vastness of the range, the demand for products is unstable.

    Machine tools and equipment Chinese-made, of course, cannot be compared with European, Japanese or American in quality, but their price is appropriate. And, as a result, enterprises that are just starting their operations or are modernizing acquire analogues made in China. Of course, the service life of such equipment, as a rule, is limited to two or three years, but during this time it is quite possible to earn enough to afford to replace machines and equipment with high-quality units or, at least, to repair broken devices.

To identify the most in-demand products, the organization needs to large volume information about the market, which she often does not have. Therefore, it is worth turning to professionals. Our information and analytical company "VVS" is one of those that stood at the origins of the business of processing and adapting market statistics collected by federal agencies. The company has 19 years of experience in providing commodity market statistics as information for strategic decisions that reveal market demand. Main client categories: exporters, importers, manufacturers, participants in commodity markets and B2B business services.

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Online shopping is convenient and fast way get the thing you want without leaving your home or office. We became interested in what women buy most often via the Internet. Based on Yandex.Market research, we found out which products are especially popular among network users.

Daily service Yandex. The market is used simultaneously by about 900 thousand people, and in just a day - about 2 million. It's no secret that women love shopping much more than men, including online. However, contrary to popular belief, girls are not ready to spend money on unnecessary trinkets. From several mass categories Yandex. We chose the market for one of the most popular things. And on our list were extremely necessary purchases!


In chapter " Appliances» The leader in popularity was the WaterPik WP-100 Ultra irrigator, the average price of which is about 6,000 rubles. It is used to clean teeth, gums and tongue, and to treat implants and crowns. This gadget is important for maintaining oral and dental health. Xiaomi floor scales and Ballu convector also entered the top three of the goods most bought by women.

Irrigator waterpik WP-100 Ultra

Everything for the office

According to our mini-study, women don't spend too much on office tools. The most bought thing from this category was ... a multimedia projector! Moreover, two gadgets shared the first place at once - the Unic portable projector for 5,000 rubles and its more expensive analogue BenQ for 40,000 rubles.

Multimedia projector unic UC40

Children's products

As for products for babies, the Philips Avent digital baby monitor was recognized as the most popular purchase among female users (average price - 5000 rubles). However, do not think that women spend money exclusively on useful gadgets. Hundreds of mothers a month are ready to pamper their child with a super-sophisticated and very cool electromechanical designer from Lego! Who said only dads can make cool gifts?

Philips avent digital baby monitor SCD505/00

Leisure and entertainment

And 200 years ago, and today, music is of great importance in the development of the personality of each of us. To one degree or another, of course. Therefore, the presence of the Casio digital piano (22,900 rubles) in the list of the most popular orders on Yandex.Market did not surprise us at all. The top three also included similar musical instruments by Yamaha. By the way, the most expensive such gadget costs about half a million rubles!

Synthesizer yamaha CVP-709

Computer technology

The stereotype that a woman is a complete layman in everything related to computers and technology has no basis for a long time! We are able to independently buy the essentials for working at home, based, for example, on reviews on Yandex.Market. Proof of this is the black and white HP LaserJet printer, which topped the list of women's most popular purchases online. Among the girls' favorite computer gadgets, you can also find quite a decent external one. HDD from Toshiba and Wi-Fi router from Xiaomi.

hp LaserJet Pro P1102 Black and White Printer

beauty and health

Girls love to buy cosmetics in online stores, but other beauty and health products, for some reason, are not so in demand. As for gadgets, only one was included in the number of women's favorites - a tonometer. The most popular model was the Citizen blood pressure monitor, which, due to its excellent characteristics, quite often disappears from the market.

omron M3 Expert blood pressure monitor

Gifts and flowers

What do women usually give to men? According to our research, the most popular gift in recent times has been wrist watch. Topping the list of ladies' favorites is the Casio digital watch, made in best traditions 90s style. Honestly, this accessory would look quite harmonious not only on a man's wrist, but also on a woman's!

Wrist watch casio A-168WA-1

Sports and recreation

Bicycles and scooters had to give way on the sidewalk to unicycles and hoverboards, which have recently become a real trend. Thanks to hundreds of customers who have chosen the Smart Balance Wheel (23,890 rubles), it has topped the list of the most popular purchases in the Sports and Leisure section. Bright, fast and maneuverable - it's a pity that summer is not coming soon!

Hoverboard smart balance Wheel SUV 10


Women take care of themselves appearance and health, not only buying bathroom scales and reviewing the diet. The most popular purchase of the ten Yandex categories we have listed. The market has become a fitness bracelet from Xiaomi - Mi Band 2. It costs only 2000 rubles, but is equipped with the most necessary things in order to maintain health and physical activity.

Now let's continue with this matter. After all, shops are shops, but what goods to buy. Many people are interested in such a question as most popular products on the internet. What, in fact, is the best and most sought after by people. This is what will be discussed in this thread. The experts conducted a survey of people, read a lot of reviews, consulted with many online stores. From all this, this list came out. So this is the rating. best-selling and popular products on the Internet in 2018. By the way, for each product, we give a link below under the description where you can buy it at the lowest prices.

Adlens glasses

Adlens glasses with adjustable diopters can replace three pairs of ordinary glasses. They use Stanford's patented ClearGlass technology. It allows you to adjust each diopter individually. Now you don't need to carry a bunch of glasses with you.
Adlens are completely safe and suitable for everyone. The glasses have a unique two-piece lens. Case and frame emphasize their uniqueness! Now you are your own oculist! Adjust the diopters for yourself, and enjoy life.

Waist training corsets

Waist training - a special corset for waist reduction. Using this corset will instantly give you a sexy figure and waist. Long-term use of Waist training along with a healthy diet and exercise will make your waist more attractive and refined. This is no ordinary corset from the store! Waist training are made from a rare latex material that "finds and destroys" excess fat and eliminates other shortcomings of the female figure.

Cerebro slim

This drug will allow you to lose weight by using previously unused areas of the brain. This miracle drug is called Cerebro Slim. It does wonders for your body and can normalize healthy sleep, improve appetite, speed up brain activity, activate fat burning. Scientists have studied the drug and came to the conclusion that its composition does not harm human body. Cerebro Slim will allow you to lose about twenty-four kilograms in four weeks. Be healthy!


Spacious and stylish men's purse Armani will emphasize your status! A lot of things can fit in this wallet: mobile phone, up to 12 plastic cards, money, coins, keys to an apartment or car, certificates and a passport. You must buy this wallet if:
You want to be stylish and always stay in trend. You want to look more attractive. You value quality and practicality. You love comfortable things. You want to look 100% in the eyes of others. Honorably takes its place in the list best selling products on the internet 2018 among the CIS countries.

Electric Hair Styling Comb

The device will carefully style your hair of any length. An excellent choice for women who value their time. An electric brush will help you create a stylish hairstyle without harming your hair. There are two built-in temperature conditions. The comb will create the styling of your dreams. It will help to create sexy curls and curls. The coating of the device will protect the hair from any damage, as well as save them from static electricity. Let all the girls around you envy your hairstyle. Feel like a queen!

Orthopedic patches

"ZB PAIN RELIEF" is healing orthopedic patches for the spine! They relieve you of pain in the vertebrae. The effect of their use can last for several days.
A little about patches:
Excellent adherence to the skin. Do not harm the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
They are inexpensive. The plaster will last for seventy-two hours, as they provide a long-term effect due to the continuous supply of medicinal substances. There are GMP and ISO certificates. They do not interfere with movement and do not harm the human body. Side effects missing. And they rightfully occupy a place in the ranking the most popular products on the Internet 2016.

HD Smart DVR

This DVR records everything that happens in front of your car and can serve as evidence in car setups and traffic accidents. Video surveillance will help you insure yourself and your car against scammers, quickly resolve the issue with those who like to cut cars or film the work of police officers. With the swivel mount, you can freely rotate the device in the right direction. Protect yourself with this device!


CAR DVR MIRROR is a car DVR mounted on the rearview mirror. Its front camera records videos in high definition. A high-quality matrix does not distort the image. The motion sensor saves space as nothing is recorded if there is no motion. Automatically adjustable brightness monitor saves you from constantly adjusting it. The anti-glare function saves from glare.
Even a housewife can attach and connect! Since the registrar is mounted on top of the mirror, it will not be necessary to hide it constantly from thieves.

Electric bikes

The most popular and best-selling product on the Internet in 2018
. You won’t surprise anyone with an electric bike now. This is not just a toy, but reliability and quality proven by many years of experience. The classic electric bike perfectly combines a conventional bike and fast driving motorcycle. On such a device, you can freely move around the city at a speed of 30-45 km / h on any surface and under any circumstances. Forget about gas and gas prices public transport, insurance, inspections! Feel free!


As you may have guessed, commodities are the most "traded" in the world. Below are the 10 most common products that are making big deals. This is the top 10 The most popular and best-selling products in the world.

No. 10. Cotton

A soft, downy plant that grows in a pod or capsule around the seed. The plant is over 7000 years old. Its application is not limited to the production of clothing, coffee filters and paper. It is also used to produce fishing nets, fire hoses, oil, cosmetics, medicines. It is the most commonly used natural fiber in the world.

  • The largest producers are China (26%), India (22%), USA, Pakistan, Brazil.
  • The largest exporters are the USA, Australia, Brazil.
  • Delivery month futures - March, May, July, October and December

No. 9. Wheat

It is the staple food among grain crops. She is rich in proteins. In addition, its role in the history of mankind is great - it is considered one of the first cultures that could be easily grown on a huge scale. It is the third largest cereal crop in the world. And ninth most.

  • The largest producers are China, India, USA
  • The largest exporters are the USA, France, Canada

No. 8. Corn

Corn (maize) is one of the oldest crops in the world due to its ability to survive in various climatic conditions. It is the largest cultivated cereal in the world after rice. There are two main types: corn used for feed and chemical purposes, and sweet corn, which is used for human consumption.

  • The largest producers are the USA, China, Brazil
  • The largest exporters are the USA, Argentina, China
  • Delivery Month Futures - January, April, July

No. 7. Sugar

Mainly extracted from sugar cane and sugar beet. It is able to bring not only sweetness into our lives, but also sweet profits into the portfolios of brokers and stock market players.

  • The largest producers are Brazil, India, China
  • The largest exporters are Brazil, India, China

No. 6. Silver

Silver is a metallic chemical element that exists in its pure form in natural environment. Mainly used for making jewelry, tableware and currency. But besides these household uses, silver is widely used in industry: electrical conductors, mirrors, chemical industry, photographic films, etc. It is valued as a precious metal and has been used since ancient times.

  • The largest producers are Mexico, Peru, China
  • The largest exporters are Peru, China, India

No. 5. Copper

Copper - other chemical metal widely used for trading purposes. In fact, one of the oldest used in trade of all time. It has been used for thousands of years in its pure form, as well as in the form of alloys. It is the third most widely used metal in the world after iron and aluminium. And the fifth most popular and selling item.

  • The largest producers are Chile, USA, Peru
  • The largest exporters are Chile, USA, Peru

No. 4. Gold

A metal characterized by a soft, shiny, very ductile texture. This is a pure potpourri of beauty, rarity and invincibility. Since ancient times, gold has been used as a currency.

  • The largest producers are China, Australia, USA
  • The largest exporters are China, Australia, USA

No. 3. Natural gas

Natural gas is one of the most important sources of energy, mainly used for heating and electrification purposes. 25% of the energy consumed in the US is natural gas. The basis of the gas mixture is methane, CO 2 and nitrogen. Natural gas is usually found in close proximity to crude oil, which is the world's most traded commodity.

  • The largest producers are Russia, USA, Canada
  • The largest exporters are Russia, Canada, Norway

No. 2. Coffee

One of ancient cultures humanity - green cereal. It is grown in more than 70 countries (the main part falls on latin america, Southeast Asia).

  • The largest producers are Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, India
  • The largest exporters are Brazil, Germany, Colombia
  • Delivery Month Futures - March, May, July, September, December

No. 1. Crude oil

It is a fossil fuel and is considered one of the most expensive commodities due to the high demand for final products derived from oil. Crude oil is the most traded and tradable world commodity.

  • Major manufacturers - Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA
  • The largest exporters are Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran
  • The largest consumers are the USA, China, Japan.

Good day, blog visitors! Do you want to start an online business and are thinking about what niche to choose for trading? In connection with today's love of mankind for world wide web the number of online purchases has increased. And so it will be interesting for you to know what is most often bought on the Internet. The answers are inside the article. Reading!

Some statistics about online shopping

Buying goods in the open spaces of online stores is gaining momentum every year. Online shopping is in demand for several reasons:

  • It is convenient to choose goods by flipping through catalogs with photos and text descriptions;
  • Cheaper than market value;
  • You can make a purchase without even leaving your home. After all, thanks to courier service the order is brought directly to the home address;
  • There is an opportunity to purchase exclusive products or those that are not available in your city or even country (49% of respondents think so);
  • It is available to pay in a convenient way for you - cash on delivery or bank transfer;
  • You can get it free shipping from another country. 51% of surveyed consumers value this factor.

The following statistical indicators speak of the attractiveness of purchases from foreign Internet services: 42% appreciate receiving Russian-language customer support, 43% appreciate the translation of product descriptions, 50% appreciate the safety of purchases.

For these and other reasons, interest in online shopping began to grow in geometric progression. If we talk about the general statistics of online shopping in Russian Federation, then in 2015, according to sociological surveys, the following figures were recorded: 6% prefer to buy in foreign online stores, 52% of respondents choose both domestic and foreign online goods, and 63% of respondents recognize the fact that for Last year at least once bought using the Internet.

The current year 2016 for e-commerce promises to be even more promising than the previous one. Based on the results of the survey, the following forecasts became known: 20% of Russian online shoppers want to master the purchase of products from abroad, and 21% want to get acquainted with the offers of the Russian online market. Interesting novelties of 2016 for earnings on the Internet here.

Among the countries that are in the greatest demand among consumers are the following:

  • China - 44%;
  • United States of America - 20%;
  • Germany - 12%;
  • Hong Kong - 12%;
  • Italy, UK - 6%;
  • Turkey, France - 5%.

Respondents admitted that they plan to spend much more (from 10 to 17%) on online shopping. At the same time, social surveys also showed a cautious, suspicious attitude towards online shopping for the following reasons:

  • The risk of not receiving the ordered product (52%);
  • "Pig in a poke" - receiving products that are very different from the description (51%);
  • Waste for the delivery of the order (45%);
  • Delivery takes too long (46%);
  • Getting a fake instead of the original (45%).

The most frequent types of online shopping

Popularity online shopping led to the fact that today they buy almost any goods on the Internet - from cotton swabs to residential property. However, not all products are equally popular. Therefore, I will try to answer the question “What do people buy most often on the Internet?”

Here are the most popular categories among Russian Internet consumers:

  1. Fashion industry - "Shoes / clothes / accessories". There are 56 percent of shoppers who prefer to buy fashion items through the World Wide Web. After all, there are online stores that sell exclusive, branded clothes and shoes. Having picked up their size from a special table, fashionistas receive purchases that are suitable for their figure / leg;

  1. Electronic equipment - "Computers / phones / tablets". 40% of Russians surveyed trust online shopping when choosing gadgets. They appreciate the fact that they can get an interesting device at an attractive price;

  1. Home Goods - Leisure/Toy Products. 35% of network users buy. A review of the catalogs of various stores allows you to choose a rare, unusual product for children or adult entertainment;

  1. Cosmetic products. 31% of respondents prefer to buy face and body care products online. Foreign brands (for example, Korean ones) are especially popular;

  1. Appliances. 23% of respondents make purchases of vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, floor lamps and other goods online;

  1. Entertainment products - 18%;
  1. Automotive Accessories - "Spare Parts/Accessories". 15% of Internet users like to visit online stores to buy parts, equipment for their vehicles;

  1. Sports goods (bicycles, balls, etc.) - 13%.

I hope the above data will help you decide in which area to start working, where to invest money. There is no doubt that internet marketing will flourish!

Rate this article? Subscribe to my blog and tell your friends from social networks about it! Until we meet again, friends!
And here's another helpful information-> Clothing Store Affiliate Program

Sincerely, Ivan Balashov!
