Decorative willow whole-leaved hakuro nishiki. Whole-leaved willow hakuro-nishiki on a trunk Japanese willow bush preparation for winter

Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is a sprawling bush or small tree with a fluffy crown. These plants have only recently begun to be used in landscape design. This variety of willow looks great both as a single planting and when forming hedges. Recently, they have begun to be used not only for decorating surfaces around artificially created reservoirs, but also for landscaping park areas and squares.

When planted in groups, this Japanese willow perfectly sets off other plants that are distinguished by dark green foliage. When growing such a tree on a trunk and regular shearing, it can take the form of a huge blossoming dandelion. There are other methods of crown formation. This gives great opportunities for using this plant in landscape design.

General characteristics of the variety

It should be noted that the willow Salix Integra Hakuro Nishiki was bred in Japan, but successfully acclimatized in central Russia. This plant is considered the smallest among the members of its family. This variety differs from others not only in the shape of the crown, but also in the unusual color of the foliage and the possibility of flowering. The kidneys are usually purple or yellow-green in color. They are highly plastic. As a rule, young willow leaves of this variety usually have a pale light green color. At first they are solid, but later on they show characteristic stripes and small circles of cream-raspberry color. As the temperature rises in summer period leaf color may become paler. By autumn, they again become saturated green color without pronounced strokes.

Usually, only after 2 years of growth in one place, the tree begins to lay earrings. The branches of a young plant are very long and can stretch upwards. Older willows of this variety are distinguished by curving branches, due to which they acquire a spherical shape, even if the bush is not trimmed properly. At favorable conditions willow of this variety can reach about 3 m in height, but in most cases the tree does not exceed 1.5 m. In diameter, it reaches about the same size. Due to this structure of the crown, this plant usually resembles a bush. The standard variant is usually a tree. It resembles a crown of a rounded ball, located on a rather thin trunk.

Planting willow Hakuro Nishiki in open ground

This plant is moisture-loving, but it grows better in open areas flooded with sunlight. It is not recommended to plant this willow in shady places, as it will lead to the fact that the leaves do not acquire a delicate pink hue. They will remain pale and uniform throughout the year. In addition, this can cause the willow shoots to stretch. Correct fit and caring for the plant allows you to ensure that it will look as impressive as possible throughout the spring-summer season. There are many subtleties in this matter. Planting willow Hakuro Nishiki is best done in April or early May, that is, before bud formation. In order for a tree to take root well, the following conditions must be met:

  • hole should be small size about 60X60cm;
  • the bottom must be filled with compost or humus;
  • make drainage from pebbles or sand.

If there is heavy clay soil on the site, it is advisable to replace it with sand and peat. Given the ability of this plant to grow in width and height, the distance between the bushes should be at least 1-2 m. After planting, it is imperative to water the plant for at least 3 weeks. This will keep it from drying out. It is best to immediately mulch the area around the trunk with dry grass. This will prevent too rapid loss of moisture.

Willow care Hakuro Nishiki

This ornamental plant is extremely unpretentious. If the conditions for it are initially optimal, in the future additional care may not be required at all. However, if the willow of Hakuro Nishiki was planted as essential element landscape design, some efforts to maintain her beauty will still have to be made.

During the dry season, this plant requires additional good watering. With insufficient soil moisture, the leaves may begin to curl, and the top quickly fades, which is why the shrub loses its decorative appearance. The most important point is and correct pruning and you. The procedure should be carried out in late autumn or winter. At this time, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary and broken shoots. Earlier in the spring, a final formative haircut is carried out, which can stimulate the active growth of new shoots.

The willows of Hakuro Nishiki are extremely difficult to endure the absence required amount nutrients. To avoid the death of the shrub, it is necessary to feed at least 3 times a year. Usually contribute mineral fertilizers recommended in summer, spring and early autumn. The best effect is given by nutritional supplements in the form of granules, which are distinguished by a long-term effect. It is necessary to purchase fertilizers specifically designed for garden shrubs. Also in the summer to maintain the beautiful decorative look plants are recommended to carry out foliar top dressing of the leaf mass.

It should be borne in mind that usually adult willow shrubs of this variety are quite frost-resistant. In very cold winters, some shoots may die. They must be removed in the spring. Vaccination sites are considered the most vulnerable. Young trees are desirable winter period wrap with agrofibre to avoid damage.

In the spring, you can propagate the Hakuro Nishiki willow by cuttings or grafting an off-brand willow onto a bole. The bush form is much easier to obtain. Usually in early spring harvested during pruning a large number of cuttings, which, before the appearance of buds, are dried at the point of cut, and then immediately planted in the ground. They root very quickly, making them easy to grow. Young willows obtained in this way bloom for 2-3 years.

This plant is highly resistant to many diseases and pests. However, as part of the prevention of fungal leaf damage, it is necessary to treat the crown with fungicidal agents 2 times in the spring. For young willows of this variety, beetle larvae are of particular danger. In order to prevent damage to the roots, before planting the seedling, it should be treated with a preparation containing imidacloprid. After about 40-50 days, the procedure must be repeated.

Willow Hakuro Nishiki is fundamentally different from the usual wild weeping relative, but belongs to the same family. She is a low perennial shrub with branches pointing upwards. Many designers prefer this variety because of its relative unpretentiousness and the ability to form an unusual crown on the tree. In addition, the leaves of the willow of Hakuro Nishiki are painted not only in green, but also in other colors and shades.

Hakuro Nishiki is originally from Japan but can grow in temperate climate.

Description and features of the variety

Bushes have a rounded shape. mature plant can reach 2-3 meters in height and the same in diameter. For comparison, the weeping willow grows up to 25 m. The branches are vertical, but as the willow grows, they fall apart in the form of a fan or fountain, forming a ball.

The bark of the whole-leaved willow of Hakuro Nishiki is gray-green in color, and with time it turns gray. Shoots are brown, with a red tint. The leaves are oblong, painted in pale pink color. Over time, they acquire a light green hue, turn yellow in the fall and fall off.

Landing and care rules

Even a novice gardener can handle planting and caring for Hakuro Nishiki willow. It's pretty unpretentious variety which can be transplanted into adulthood. The main thing is to choose the right place for planting young bushes, and they will feel good and grow quickly. In addition, it is necessary to prune the willow of Hakuro Nishiki in order to form correct crown round shape.

For growing at home, you can buy ready-made bushes.

Preparation of seedlings and planting them in open ground

Willow is originally from Japan, but it has adapted perfectly to a temperate climate with temperature differences in winter and summer. Like other varieties of willow, this variety prefers moist soil. The optimal place for planting seedlings is the banks of natural or artificial reservoirs. Otherwise, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of soil moisture and prevent the bushes from drying out.

Reproduction of the willow Hakuro Nishiki occurs in two ways:

  • cuttings - they are harvested in early spring, after which they can immediately be planted in open ground;
  • grafting onto other trees is the main technology for creating willows by Hakuro Nishiki on a bole.

The main method of propagation of willow at home is cuttings. Cuttings are segments of branches that are taken from adult bushes in early spring. The most important thing is to have time to get them before the start of the growing season, so as not to harm mother plant. Cuttings do not need preliminary preparation: it is enough to slightly dry the place of the cut and lower it into the soil. During the warm period, the seedling will take root and begin to grow. Bushes begin to bloom approximately in the third year of life.

Some experts keep cuttings in hot water within a few hours - this way they grow faster, and in the first year they can add up to 90 cm.

Planting a whole-leaved willow of Hakuro Nishiki and caring for it is possible at home. Another way to get unusual trees- it's stamping. A stem is a tree with a strong, even trunk, on top of which a Japanese willow is grafted. Most often, goat willow is used for this purpose, which has a tree-like straight trunk.

tree care

Planting and caring for the Japanese willow Hakuro Nishiki does not take much time. It grows well without additional fertilizers and daily watering, if you choose right place for planting shrubs. There are some rules, thanks to which the willow will grow tall and healthy:

  • the plant tolerates stagnant moisture better than drying out of the soil, so it should be watered constantly;
  • for landing it is better to choose a place with high level groundwater;
  • for top dressing, you can use - compost or humus;
  • to prevent fungal diseases, the leaves are sprayed with fungicidal agents:
  • it is better to take seedlings from bushes in the region in which they are planned to be planted - this way they quickly adapt to climatic conditions.

The willow variety Hakuro Nishiki, like other representatives of the willow family, prefers well-lit areas. It can also grow in partially dark places, if they are exposed to bright light during the day. sunlight. In the dark, it grows slowly and its leaves seem weak. Willow is unpretentious to the type of soil. However, if planted on clay soil, sand or peat should be added to it for better moisture conductivity.

Japanese willow is resistant to temperature changes and calmly tolerates winter frosts. If the frost is severe, some shoots may freeze slightly, but this does not harm the entire bush. Such branches just need to be cut during the first spring haircut.

Freeze sensitive only standard trees, namely the place of inoculation of Hakuro Nishiki to another variety. This area is covered for the winter special materials- agrofibre or lutarsil.

crown pruning

Since this willow variety is a bush with long, even branches, their growth can be adjusted. With proper and timely pruning, the plant looks thick and lush. This process also has its own characteristics:

  • the first formative pruning is carried out in the spring, before the start of the growing season;
  • do not be afraid to cut off extra shoots - the bush quickly restores its shape due to the growth of new ones;
  • in the first year, no more than 4-6 buds are left, every year adding 1 bud to this length;
  • at the end of autumn, the last haircut is carried out, for which dry or diseased branches are cut.

As a result competent work with the shape of the crown, the willow becomes like a ball. If it grows on a trunk, the tree resembles a huge dandelion. It is also necessary to cut off excess shoots along the trunk of a standard tree.

Japanese willow in landscape design

Photos of willow Hakuro Nishiki in landscape design are neat, low plants with a rounded crown. These bushes are bred specifically for decorative purposes, they are planted in the courtyard of the house, as well as in parks and recreation areas. They can be planted alone or in combination with other plants. in great demand standard Japanese willows are used.

There are several options decorative use Hakuro Nishiki:

  • several bushes planted in a row form an unusual one;
  • single bushes or standard trees are best planted against the background of green mass, so they will stand out favorably;
  • willow looks good and grows quickly around small artificial ponds;
  • it is often planted together with another member of the willow family, the Matsudana willow.

Since this plant immediately catches the eye due to its unusual shade, it will look harmoniously in any garden. In addition, even in winter, it will be distinguished by red shoots. The main rule is to choose well-freshened areas as a landing site. Near tall trees with a wide crown, the Japanese willow will not grow healthy, as they will block it from the sun's rays.

In the photo, the willow of Hakuro Nishiki looks like a spherical bush different shades pink, green and gray colors. The main purpose of its breeding is landscape design, decoration of gardens, parks and recreation areas. It is quite unpretentious - despite the fact that Japan is its homeland, it is adapted to live in a temperate climate and tolerates frost well. Especially quickly it will increase in growth if the soil under it is constantly wet. Even a novice gardener will cope with the cultivation of this variety of willow - it is very easy to care for it and form a crown.

The formation of the crown of Hakuro Nishiki - video

Willow Hakuro Nishiki is fundamentally different from the usual wild weeping relative, but belongs to the same family. It is a low perennial shrub with branches pointing upwards. Many designers prefer this variety because of its relative unpretentiousness and the ability to form an unusual crown on the tree. In addition, the leaves of the willow of Hakuro Nishiki are painted not only in green, but also in other colors and shades.

Hakuro Nishiki is native to Japan but can grow in temperate climates as well.

Description and features of the variety

Bushes have a rounded shape. An adult plant can reach 2-3 meters in height and the same in diameter. For comparison, the weeping willow grows up to 25 m. The branches are vertical, but as the willow grows, they fall apart in the form of a fan or fountain, forming a ball.

The bark of the whole-leaved willow of Hakuro Nishiki is gray-green in color, and with time it turns gray. Shoots are brown, with a red tint. The leaves are oblong in shape, painted in a pale pink color. Over time, they acquire a light green hue, turn yellow in the fall and fall off.

Landing and care rules

Even a novice gardener can handle planting and caring for Hakuro Nishiki willow. This is a fairly unpretentious variety that can be transplanted in adulthood. The main thing is to choose the right place for planting young bushes, and they will feel good and grow quickly. In addition, it is necessary to prune the willow of Hakuro Nishiki in order to form the correct rounded crown.

For growing at home, you can buy ready-made bushes.

Preparation of seedlings and planting them in open ground

Willow is originally from Japan, but it has adapted perfectly to a temperate climate with temperature differences in winter and summer. Like other varieties of willow, this variety prefers moist soil. The optimal place for planting seedlings is the banks of natural or artificial reservoirs. Otherwise, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of soil moisture and prevent the bushes from drying out.

Reproduction of the willow Hakuro Nishiki occurs in two ways:

  • cuttings - they are harvested in early spring, after which they can immediately be planted in open ground;
  • grafting onto other trees is the main technology for creating willows by Hakuro Nishiki on a bole.

The main method of propagation of willow at home is cuttings. Cuttings are segments of branches that are taken from adult bushes in early spring. The most important thing is to have time to get them before the start of the growing season, so as not to harm the mother plant. The cuttings do not need preliminary preparation: it is enough to slightly dry the place of the cut and lower it into the soil. During the warm period, the seedling will take root and begin to grow. Bushes begin to bloom approximately in the third year of life.

Some experts keep the cuttings in hot water for several hours - this way they grow faster, and in the first year they can add up to 90 cm.

Planting a whole-leaved willow of Hakuro Nishiki and caring for it is possible at home. Another way to get unusual trees is stamping. A stem is a tree with a strong, even trunk, on top of which a Japanese willow is grafted. Most often, goat willow is used for this purpose, which has a tree-like straight trunk.

tree care

Planting and caring for the Japanese willow Hakuro Nishiki does not take much time. It grows well without additional fertilizers and daily watering, if you choose the right place for planting bushes. There are some rules, thanks to which the willow will grow tall and healthy:

  • the plant tolerates stagnant moisture better than drying out of the soil, so it should be watered constantly;
  • for planting it is better to choose a place with a high level of groundwater;
  • for top dressing, you can use organic fertilizers - compost or humus;
  • to prevent fungal diseases, the leaves are sprayed with fungicidal agents:
  • it is better to take seedlings from bushes in the region in which they are planned to be planted - this way they quickly adapt to climatic conditions.

The willow variety Hakuro Nishiki, like other representatives of the willow family, prefers well-lit areas. It can also grow in partially shaded areas if they are exposed to bright sunlight during the day. In the dark, it grows slowly and its leaves seem weak. Willow is unpretentious to the type of soil. However, if planted on clay soil, sand or peat should be added to it for better moisture conductivity.

Japanese willow is resistant to temperature changes and calmly tolerates winter frosts. If the frost is severe, some shoots may freeze slightly, but this does not harm the entire bush. Such branches just need to be cut during the first spring haircut.

Only standard trees are sensitive to frost, namely, the place where Hakuro Nishiki was grafted onto another variety. This area is wrapped with special materials for the winter - agrofiber or lutarsil.

crown pruning

Since this willow variety is a bush with long, even branches, their growth can be adjusted. With proper and timely pruning, the plant looks thick and lush. This process also has its own characteristics:

  • the first formative pruning is carried out in the spring, before the start of the growing season;
  • do not be afraid to cut off extra shoots - the bush quickly restores its shape due to the growth of new ones;
  • in the first year, no more than 4-6 buds are left, every year adding 1 bud to this length;
  • at the end of autumn, the last haircut is carried out, for which dry or diseased branches are cut.

As a result of competent work with the shape of the crown, the willow becomes like a ball. If it grows on a trunk, the tree resembles a huge dandelion. It is also necessary to cut off excess shoots along the trunk of a standard tree.

Japanese willow in landscape design

Photos of willow Hakuro Nishiki in landscape design are neat, low plants with a rounded crown. These bushes are bred specifically for decorative purposes, they are planted in the courtyard of the house, as well as in parks and recreation areas. They can be planted alone or in combination with other plants. Standard Japanese willows are in great demand.

There are several decorative uses for Hakuro Nishiki:

  • several bushes planted in a row form an unusual hedge;
  • single bushes or standard trees are best planted against the background of green mass, so they will stand out favorably;
  • willow looks good and grows quickly around small artificial ponds;
  • it is often planted together with another member of the willow family, the Matsudana willow.

Since this plant immediately catches the eye due to its unusual shade, it will look harmoniously in any garden. In addition, even in winter, it will be distinguished by red shoots. The main rule is to choose well-freshened areas as a landing site. Next to tall trees with a wide crown, the Japanese willow will not grow healthy, as they will block it from the sun's rays.

In the photo, the willow of Hakuro Nishiki looks like a spherical bush of different shades of pink, green and gray. The main purpose of its breeding is landscape design, decoration of gardens, parks and recreation areas. It is quite unpretentious - despite the fact that Japan is its homeland, it is adapted to live in a temperate climate and tolerates frost well. Especially quickly it will increase in growth if the soil under it is constantly wet. Even a novice gardener will cope with the cultivation of this variety of willow - it is very easy to care for it and form a crown.

Formation of the crown of Hakuro Nishiki - video

Whole-leaved willow is a member of the willow family. In nature, it can be found in Primorye, Japan and on the coast of the Korean Peninsula, where the whole-leaved willow grows in damp places along the banks of rivers.

In addition to growing in the form of a bush, this type of willow is grown in the form of a small tree.

The most famous and popular variety is Hacuro-nishiki, in the form of a tree it does not exceed 2 meters, the crown is formed by gracefully hanging thin shoots. The leaves of this variety have pink and white spots at a young age, then the pink color disappears and only white remains. In the form of a bush, the height reaches only 1.5 meters, but it is more resistant to weather conditions Middle lane, when in very coldy young branches can be damaged to the level of snow. In such cases, the bush form recovers faster.

Characteristics of willow whole-leaved:

  • Plant height ranges from 1 to 3 meters.
  • The branches of the shrub are rather sprawling, predominantly of the same length, which gives it correct form.
  • The color of mature branches may be yellow or red, the bark is shiny.
  • The leaves are long, narrow, no more than 2 cm wide, they can reach 7 cm in length. The top of the leaves is dark green in color, smooth. The bottom of the leaves has a bluish color. Young leaves may be reddish, giving the tree a spring period even more decorative.
  • comes in May, before the leaves begin to bloom. The flowers are earrings about 1.5 cm long. The flowers are fragrant, the smell resembles hyacinth.

For planting whole-leaved willow, as well as for all other species, you need to choose a place with sufficiently moist soil, for a good and rapid development of the seedling.

The planting site should also be well lit, which is especially important for varieties with colored leaves. In the shadows they will lose theirs decorative coloring and they will simply become green, and the shoots will stretch out, and the tree or bush will lose its attractive crown shape, which will become sloppy and sparse.

The best time for planting willow is spring, late April - May.

For this, planting pits are prepared, in which humus or other organic fertilizers are laid, excluding fresh manure. Be sure to make drainage from sand or broken bricks.

If the soil is heavy, then before returning it to landing pit it is mixed with peat, sand or humus. In order for the seedling to take root well and start growing within a few weeks after planting, it must be watered abundantly, you can even cover the near-trunk circle with grass or, for less evaporation of moisture.

Whole-leaved willow propagates vegetatively, mainly using . For this:

  • They take young branches before the beginning and blooming of leaves, around April, in the southern regions it is possible even earlier.
  • Rooting occurs either in the ground, or simply in a container of water. With both methods, the roots appear quickly enough, within 2-3 weeks.
  • After the appeared white roots reach a size of 2-3 cm, they can be planted on permanent place or a separate bed for growing.
  • A seedling grown from a cutting will reach its maximum dimensions and will bloom in about 3-4 years.

Willow care is quite simple, it consists in carrying out the following activities:

  • one of the most important events for the care of whole-leaved willow, especially if it is planted in an insufficiently moistened place. Young plants are watered regularly throughout the summer, if there is a drought, older plants can be watered less often, but more abundantly. If the weather is hot and dry, then you can sprinkle the crown, but not in the bright sun, so as not to burn the leaves. Willows feel very good in the heat near water bodies, where the air is still more humid. When planting, give preference to damper places, since the whole-leaved willow can withstand short-term flooding better than constant drought.
  • . Whole-leaved willow, like all its relatives, tolerates pruning well. Early spring pruning has a good effect on the formation of a bush, which becomes more dense. Formative pruning can be done throughout the summer, especially for standard species, on which the crown is maintained in a certain shape. The fact is that some varieties of whole-leaved willow give a large seasonal increase, reaching 30 cm per year, and if regular pruning is neglected, then by the end of the season the crown will be overgrown. In addition to the loss of an aesthetic appearance, this also threatens to damage it during heavy snowfalls in winter. Sanitary pruning carried out in the spring. It consists in removing all frozen and damaged branches.
  • Top dressing is carried out 1-2 times per season with organic or, on fertile soils feeding can be reduced to one time.
  • The trunk circle is cleaned of and loosened, you can also apply, or plant undersized plants to keep the soil from drying out too much.
  • . Although the whole-leaved willow is quite resistant to frost, nevertheless, in the most frosty winters, it can freeze to the level of snow cover. Therefore, young plants in the first years of life can be covered with any breathable material, or covered with leaves and sawdust. With standard forms, they sometimes do the same as with standard roses, in several steps they tilt to the ground and cover.

It is also worth paying attention that the place where the willow was planted would not be in a place open to the north winds, which are more terrible for it than frost, since young branches completely dry out.

Whole-leaved willow is quite rarely affected by diseases and pests.

But sometimes her root system can damage the larvae of the beetle, which are able to leave young plant completely without roots, which, as a rule, leads to his death.

To prevent this pest, the trunk circle is treated with any drug in the composition, which contains imidacloprid.

It is also good, at least once a year, in spring, to treat the tree crown with any fungicide in order to prevent the appearance of various fungal diseases.

The use of whole-leaved willow in landscape design is quite wide. It is mainly used:

  • as a solitary plant near ponds
  • in group plantings
  • to create a hedge

Standard species look very good as a tapeworm. Since the whole-leaved willow tolerates a haircut well, it is possible to give the crown of the tree the correct shape. For example, if you regularly remove large branches, then growing young shoots will create a dense ball resembling a dandelion, especially this similarity will be noticeable if the leaves of the variety have white spots on the leaves.

A well-formed bush will also look good on the shore of a small artificial pond.

In group plantings, mainly bush forms are used. In order for adult plants not to shade each other during planting, they maintain a distance of 1-2 meters wide, depending on the purpose of planting. That is, if you plan to create a hedge, then make a distance of about 1 meter. In order to form a dense hedge, it is better to plant plants in two rows in a checkerboard pattern. Although for growing hedges, the whole-leaved willow is still more suitable for the southern regions.

In any case, the whole-leaved willow will be a wonderful decoration of the garden; by its nature, it fits very organically into any composition, especially where there is a pond. Easy care, will make it an indispensable resident of any garden, giving elegance to any style. Even if the garden is small, you can find a place to plant a small tree on the trunk.

More information can be found in the video:

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscaping of the site

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We are engaged landscaping personal plots, dachas, suburban and urban areas. Our task is integrated approach to gardening. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but also to deliver them and plant them.

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