We decorate the kitchen. DIY kitchen design: photos, non-standard ideas, design solutions DIY kitchen accessories

A stylishly designed kitchen is the pride of the hostess, because women spend a lot of time there. From how conveniently the furniture is located, kitchen appliances, dishes and equipment, the mood of the hostess depends. Therefore, the design of this room should be given special attention, even if the kitchen is very tiny. It is more pleasant to come up with and make a kitchen design with your own hands, but first you should decide on the scale of the repair, the placement of furniture, and the possibilities to fit old furniture into a new design. Detailed planning is the key to success, it will allow you not to worry about the details already in the process of working on a new image of the room.

Create uncomplicated design do-it-yourself kitchens for everyone. To do this, you need to put in order the windows, doors, ceiling, walls and floor.

What style can you choose for the kitchen?

When planning a kitchen renovation, any image can be entered into the smallest area, but the likelihood of replacing furniture must be taken into account. If this is not possible, then you should not be limited in ideas and imagination - you can tie the design of the kitchen to the existing furniture, make additions to the decoration of the old one with your own hands kitchen set. The decision to buy a new, stylish and comfortable furniture makes you think carefully about the model and design of each item for the kitchen, mentally arrange them in a small space and design your proposals. Then find out in the store the exact dimensions of the future purchase and make sure that the layout project is correct, the furniture elements will easily fit in the designated places. To choose a kitchen design, do it yourself small project for the most necessary room in the family, you need to have a little basic knowledge about existing styles interior.

In what order should repairs be carried out?

The refurbishment of this building starts with preparatory work. To do this, you need to completely empty the kitchen - remove everything except gas stove and sinks. Then it is recommended to clean the surfaces of the walls, ceiling from paint, whitewash, old wallpaper or other coatings, carefully repair all cracks and irregularities and proceed to phased finishing. If replacement of a window and a door is planned, then it is recommended to carry out it in the course of preparation for finishing.

The next stage of work will be the ceiling. For decorating the kitchen ceiling modern technologies offer painting with inexpensive latex, water-based paints which allow it to be washed later. If the surface of the ceiling with large drops and irregularities, you can do it yourself suspended ceiling from drywall. But practice shows that it is better to level the ceiling with the help of modern ones. It is not difficult to do this in a small area. The main thing is not to rush.

Do-it-yourself kitchen wall design can be done using painting, vinyl wallpaper that is suitable for this room in terms of its consumer qualities, or tiles. Vinyl wallpapers perfectly glued on a special glue, perfectly compensate for the unevenness of the walls, washable, do not react to high temperatures. Tiling in in full visually reduces the space, so it is better to lay out working wall. Tiles are preferred small sizes or mosaic.

To decorate the floor in the kitchen, tiles, linoleum, laminate are used, since for small kitchen any material will be appropriate, but the easiest way is to use high-quality linoleum. It remains to paint, if necessary, doors and windows. But do not forget about originality.

Traditions of the classics

Are characterized rational use space and thoughtfulness of the appointment of small details, so this style never goes out of fashion. Light paint or tiles are used to finish the walls, the ceiling is usually made white, the floor is laid with wood, parquet, laminate or linoleum with wood decor in light or brown shades.

The interior uses furniture made of natural solid light or dark wood or laminated natural boards with a wood texture, without decor, with frosted glass, which allows you to visually enlarge the space. The upholstery of chairs or a sofa can be made of artificial or natural leather, light, discreet furniture fabrics. Recommended for windows roller blinds from natural materials or vertical - to match the wall decoration. Light Correct geometric shape without decor, it will perfectly complement the classic solution.

Eternal modern

Modern kitchens are stained glass, small forged parts, softness of corners, lack of symmetry, rounded niches, natural or fake diamond, mosaic tiles, wooden decor. To create a design with your own hands in the Art Nouveau style, you need to emphasize the brilliance of the surfaces. The ceiling should be decorated with a small mosaic or made white, but supplemented with a mosaic lamp. When finishing, it is better to paint the walls in natural colors with acrylic, enamel paint, varnish and film materials. Persian lilac, May grass, autumn leaves, oak bark, sky blue can be elegantly combined in design. It is also appropriate to decorate the ceiling with stucco or mosaics. Any flooring can be used, including carpet. This style allows you to use vintage furniture in combination with shiny coatings modern technology that will decorate the interior. Instead of curtains, you can use a wide range of blinds that would be more appropriate in a small kitchen.

The modesty of constructivism

The basis of this style is nothing superfluous, which is very convenient for small spaces. Constructivism simplifies the design of the kitchen; it is simple and inexpensive to reproduce this direction with your own hands. Brick and glass in the design, smooth surfaces, a clear range of colors from white, black, red in the base and green, blue, yellow in the details form a huge different time days. The fashion trend of today - the use of glass panels, skinalia, aprons and glass doors for furniture very well supports this style, making it brilliantly irresistible, just like in a design textbook. It is worth ordering the simplest blinds for windows, made in the main colors of the style or metallized. And instead of accessories, kitchen appliances and dishes with a shiny or transparent heat-resistant coating are perfect. Asymmetry in the image of such a kitchen looks natural and harmonious.

Hi-tech: style and economy

High-tech design differs from constructivism in a set of palettes and paired use of contrasting colors. The interiors just overflow metal structures, and furniture often looks like a variety of shelves made of glass, plastic and metal. In the decoration of walls, floors, ceilings, obligatory pairs of the main color - gray or metallic silver - and its contrasting pair, which can be standard, saturated colors- black, blue, green, yellow. One or more lamps suggest custom solution, nose correct geometry or unreal, cosmic forms. For chairs or stools, artificial or Genuine Leather, plastic, glass or metal. On windows, in addition to a huge variety of blinds, you can use film curtains. As floor covering you can use bulk polymers - they are practical and modern. With the help of hi-tech, you can transform the design of a small kitchen, creating a personal vision of style with your own hands.

Ethnics for originals

lovers original styles you will like ethnic motifs, among which the popular kitchen design stands out, created with your own hands from the bright compositions of Scandinavia, the stiffness and conservatism of England, the colorful confusion of India or Morocco, the aesthetic asceticism of Japan or China, the exactingness and sophistication of Europe. The main thing in choosing a topic is to correctly identify character traits leading traditions and culture of the people, which will make the design individual. rural style different peoples can also be created as part of a standard repair, using specific small items as an accent - these are pillows, napkins, curtains, lamps and other details, including clay or such decoration can be done using paints. For example, painting the surfaces of walls and furniture in bright hues will give rise to the creation scandinavian cuisine, if you enhance the overall impression necessary accessories. Glass panels or fabric shutters with a sakura branch instead of doors on hanging cabinets and windows will provide the kitchen with a recognizable Japanese style. With this choice, you can combine styles, fantasize and with one small detail turn a faceless normal repair into a catchy, author's decision.

Experiments in the interior

Do not be afraid to do a kitchen renovation with your own hands, the design can be thought out so that the whole family is comfortable. Stylish, expensive, but uncomfortable image of the room will quickly get bored. But if it happened, you didn’t like the fashionable renovation, you should use the modern range of paints and materials for furniture, original accessories. Cabinets, chairs, tables are beautifully painted, and ready-made stencils and various textural possibilities of paints can easily turn furniture into malachite or marble, decorate it with a whole rainbow palette. To allocate free space from a small space, you need to conjure with the arrangement - furniture can be placed at an angle, a small high island or raised to the ceiling. When buying new furniture, you need to pay attention to small-sized options, because they have less depth and retractable cutting surfaces - this will save square meters. To order, kitchen sets are made taking into account the configuration of the room, and this will help to place it in the most incredible places. Therefore, a small kitchen is not a problem, but a real testing ground for design experiments.

Kitchen decor hostesses pay a lot of attention, because it so happened that it is in this room that women spend quite a lot of time, so I want to decorate it in a special way, bring some of their individuality. We will share with you best ideas by, which can be brought to life with one's own hand.

Original ideas for kitchen decor

Often, beauty can be created on the basis of quite ordinary things that can be found in every kitchenette.

In the photo collage below, you can see what kind of miracles can be created based on ordinary cutlery - knives, spoons and forks.

So, a great solution would be to make neon tips, in this case, ordinary metal cutlery will look extraordinarily bright, adding color to the room.

If you decide to start a small garden on the windowsill with herbs, then you can use the same spoons and forks as decorative markers, you just need to write “mint” or “coriander” on the surface with a marker and you can stick it in a box or pot of greens. It will look quite original and will delight all guests.

If the care indoor plants you are not very attracted, then try your hand at cutting. In the photos below you can see step by step process turning napkins into unusual hot coasters. For work, you will need only scissors and nothing more.

As you can see, these are just a dozen ideas for improvement appearance your kitchen, be sure to try to implement at least a few of them.

Even the most thoughtful and designer kitchen needs an addition in the form interesting elements decor. Using simple arts and crafts techniques, you can create unique items with your own hands and update slightly worn furniture in the kitchen.

Any kitchen needs additional decoration.

Beautiful crafts you can do yourself

Any little thing can decorate the kitchen and create a pleasant atmosphere.

How to make crafts for the kitchen with your own hands? Decor ideas can always be gleaned from the work of experienced craftsmen. At the same time, perfect repetition is not required, you can bring a touch of individuality, taking as a basis the technique of decor execution.

Textile decor

To bring novelty into the interior, sometimes it is enough to sew new curtain or chair covers. You can make a unique kitchen atmosphere in a given style with your own hands using a needle, thread and fabric.

There are a lot of ideas for crafts, you can find examples on the Internet or give free rein to your imagination.

Jars decorated with textiles will bring novelty to the interior of the kitchen

The most common fabric products

DIY tablecloth

To make it, you need a piece of fabric, sewing machine and perseverance. You can decorate it by processing the edges with ribbons or lace.

Chair covers

You can complement the image with capes or pillows sewn from the same material.

DIY potholders

Their tailoring does not take much time and contributes to the creation of comfort in the kitchen. Often for their manufacture using the technique of patchwork.

Curtains on the windows

Making a set of curtains will take a lot of time, but will justify the costs. They can become the highlight of the interior or its integral part.

Panel in patchwork style

An original addition to the kitchen can be a picture of patches, assembled in a bizarre sequence. It will not only become an ornament, but also take an empty place on a plain wall.

It should be remembered that interior elements made of fabric will need to be washed quite often, so it is better to immediately take care of having several sets. For each season, you can sew your own unique set.

And also, as a decoration, you can make decorative birds from fabric. They will require trimmings from textiles. different colors and with different patterns, pattern, needle and thread.

According to the chosen pattern, two parts of the bird are cut out, which will subsequently be sewn together and stuffed with filler. Two wings per side, comb. All elements are sewn and a rope or ribbon is attached. Such birds can be seated on a tree branch, pre-painted in the desired shade.

This doll will perfectly complement the interior of the kitchen.

Any thing made by yourself will update the interior of the kitchen

Decorative elements made of fabric will have to be washed very often

wall decoration

The need for decoration on the walls may arise when they have one shade or there is a lot of empty space that creates an effect. non-residential premises. Wall decor can vary from stickers to paintings. dining area, from placing shelves to decorating with old crockery.

Fill in the empty space with an open shelf that can hold painted plates, homemade vases, or decorated bottles.

The apron between the countertop and the upper shelves can be updated by decoupage of the existing tiles. For a city apartment will be relevant modern motifs, and for country house you can use drawings with chickens - the keepers of the hearth.

And also on the empty space, painted plates that are hung randomly or in a certain order will look appropriate.

Stylized film stickers look good, which can be purchased at ready-made either cut necessary elements on one's own.

You can make a cup hanger out of wood

Wall decoration is necessary if it is completely empty

Decoration of furniture and appliances

If the kitchen has a small area or wallpaper with colorful patterns, then you can decorate the furniture. For these purposes, you can buy a film with a specific print or “decoupage” the facades of the kitchen set.

Since technology has become an integral part of our lives, it should also participate in the decoration process. The hood or refrigerator can be covered with a film or painted on your own.

You can sew beautiful capes on chairs

Painted plates on the apron at the stove will look very nice

A vase decorated with artificial flowers and chestnuts will perfectly complement the interior

Furniture restoration

Restoring old furniture that can still function but has a shabby appearance will require a significant investment of time and effort. But the result is worth it.

To give new life kitchen furniture you need to do the following.

  • Remove the doors and check the canopies for operation. Replace if necessary.
  • Clean the surface with sandpaper.
  • Paint all parts desired color. You can create the effect of artificial aging.
  • After the paint has dried, apply a layer of varnish (transparent, for baths and saunas), on which a napkin with the selected pattern or a special decoupage card is glued.
  • On top of the brush, the picture is covered with a diluted varnish with water (1: 1) and leveled along the way.
  • After the control opening with varnish and drying, the furniture is assembled and new handles are attached.

For the restoration of a kitchen set with your own hands, you can use painting with further gluing curly plaster elements.

Glasses can be replaced with mirrors. This will visually expand the space and fill the room with light. Or decorate them with stained glass paints.

With the help of an old curtain and white enamel, you can apply an interesting cobweb pattern. A piece of fabric is attached to adhesive tape and stained over the surface of the glass, after which it is removed.

This lamp will fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen.

Such a flower basket will be an excellent option for decorating the kitchen.

Accessories and kitchen stuff

It is pleasant to create crafts for the interior of the kitchen with your own hands and they can be a great gift for relatives and friends. Little things that create comfort can be done by knitting or sewing, decorating dishes and bottles.

Old bowls or cut wine bottles can act as a new chandelier in the kitchen. Containers from strong drinks can be used as candlesticks, the decoration of which occurs with the help of flowing paraffin.

Textile, stylized toys can become towel racks if hooks are attached to them. Clothespins screwed to the wall are also useful for this purpose.

Flowers in the interior always carry positive energy

Covers can be embroidered for cups

Crafts for the kitchen can be done with a child, he will be very interested

Hot coasters can be made from wooden clothespins:

  1. first they are released from the spring;
  2. glued in pairs;
  3. a snowflake is laid out from the blanks and coated with glue.

And you can also create unique coasters from newspaper tubes.

  • Newspaper sheets are cut into strips 10 cm wide.
  • Screw on a skewer at an angle, fixing the edge with PVA glue.
  • The finished vine is twisted into a circle.
  • Each turn is coated with glue.
  • After drying, paint or decorate with a napkin.

Finished circles are covered with acrylic varnish and used.

Cutlery can be useful for making hangers or coasters for plates. Creating an impromptu hook, they are given bizarre shapes by bending the prongs of the forks in different directions.

A plate stand is made from a fork in a similar way, only the teeth are bent at right angles to its handle. Extreme, lift up, and she herself is bent by an arc.

Spoons from an old service can be screwed on instead of handles for kitchen shelves.

From cardboard you can make small copies of dishes

These coasters are sure to come in handy in the kitchen.

Photo in the bank

Do-it-yourself photography in a jar is easy to perform and looks good on open shelves. To create it, you need a jar of 0.5 liters, photo, sunflower oil. Liquid is poured into the container (to the limit), a picture (black and white) is placed and closed with a lid. A collection of photographs in oil will be a unique decoration that will surprise and delight guests.

Fresh flowers in a jar

To create an ever-living bouquet you will need:

  • a jar with a lid;
  • flower bud;
  • glycerol;
  • water.

Flowers in a jar are glued to the bottom, poured with a solution of boiled water with glycerin in a ratio of 1 to 2. Close the jar tightly. In this composition, the bouquet can live for more than six months. Flowers are best used with thick petals, as the liquid discolors the buds a little. If the solution becomes cloudy, it can be changed.

Reduced copies of fruits will perfectly decorate the dining table

On a textile napkin with the help of coffee beans, you can make just such a beauty

Such paintings will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen.

Decor from dishes: candlestick

As a candlestick, old cups are often used, into which melted wax is poured and a wick is placed in the center. For these purposes old crockery you can paint in advance or make a decor from threads with your own hands.

Glasses with jars can also be used as a candlestick. They are decorated with paintings, decoupage or wrapped with twine. After the decor, they are ready for use, it remains to put a candle-tablet inside.

Painted plates

Do-it-yourself dish decor can be done by painting old plates. From dishes of different diameters, you can create a unique collection of miniatures that will serve as decoration for empty walls or shelves. To make them you will need:

  • plates;
  • acrylic white paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • palette of multi-colored paints.

An impromptu canvas is painted in suitable shade. It can be achieved by adding paint certain color to the white base. Primed with glue and varnished. The selected pattern can be applied to the dried workpiece. Children can also be involved in the work.

Try to make crafts that match the style of the kitchen

There are a lot of options for crafts for the kitchen

Provence style for the kitchen

Do-it-yourself, French countryside decor is not impossible. To recreate such a design, it is not necessary to buy new furniture. You can restore an existing one.

For the Provence style, floral motifs and birds are relevant. Colors must be pastel shades. Wooden floor and aged white furniture, which has non-standard, rounded shapes. The design should be gentle. Actual use of textile products.

Making your own decor for the kitchen is not difficult. The main thing is that crafts in style and color fit the overall design of the room.

It takes ~3 minutes to read

The kitchen is the place where the whole family comes together. Therefore, it should be warm and cozy for each member of the family and comfortable for the hostess. It is these factors that should be considered when planning repairs. Today, a do-it-yourself kitchen is far from an innovation. Often the template interior design ideas of experienced craftsmen do not suit creative and demanding customers, then they try to bring individual ideas into the already finished project or create your own style and interior from scratch.

Beautiful layout of the premises in a private house from scratch

If the scale of the kitchen or the layout of the entire apartment allows, then you can visually create it unique and non-standard. This can be done using drywall, podium, multilevel ceilings And spot lighting. Such repairs, of course, are easily soiled and long, but in the end you get a cozy kitchenette that you don’t want to leave. It is also a great option to create a kitchen-studio or combine it with a balcony, loggia. If this private house(more details on the design were written in the article), and from the dining room there is access to the terrace, making a beautiful massive glass door, several problems can be solved at once:

  1. Increase the amount of light in a natural, economical way.
  2. Move the dining area to the terrace (more details), which is possible in the warm season.
  3. Arrange cabinets and working area on the terrace.


Small corner dining room


Layout option


Option with yellow tones


Option with a terrace

The idea of ​​custom wall decor at home

Also important element kitchen spaces are partitioned. Many psychologists claim that the right shades, color and pattern in the interior design of the kitchen can influence a person both positively and negatively. So, bright and catchy tones of flowers awaken an appetite in a person, but at the same time, with a long stay in such a room, a person quickly gets tired and experiences excessive nervousness. But gentle pastel shades on the contrary, they calm down. Therefore, for the harmony of the inner world, these colors are best combined. There are many options for creating a kitchen design and a headset, among the most successful are:

  • stickers, they can be pasted on walls or ceramic tiles (read also), you can pick up a series of drawings and create a whole story;
  • ornaments drawn through stencils (this is the most inexpensive way, because stencils can be made by yourself by downloading a drawing from the Internet);
  • paintings, panels, plaques and photographs;
  • painting.

You can buy ready-made wallpapers for the kitchen with a pattern (considered in the article) that you like, or you can paint the walls in a monotonous shade (they considered color advice) and insert with a pattern, as in the photo:


A photo of the whole family or even a whole collage will add home warmth. You can decorate such a portrait as you like. The internet is full of ideas.

If there are small children in the house, and repairs are simply inevitable, you can use the IdeaPaint wall. You simply glue special wallpaper on the wall and draw on it with a special marker that can be easily erased. Such an undertaking will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults who will be able to write down the information they need, a reminder or interesting recipe right on the kitchen wall. It's not only useful thing but also an interesting design.


Decorating furniture with your own hands, or how to create an inexpensive design (photo)

After finishing the renovation in the dining room, putting in a new set, it often seems boring and simple. To give standard furniture exclusivity, use the following techniques:

  • decoupage;
  • painting;
  • plastic, foam pads that look like threads (great for giving classical style conventional kitchen set);
  • special film: it can look like any natural material, made in any shade you need, or with any pattern;
  • non-standard fittings.


Walls in orange


cartoon kitchen set


Mosaic tile apron


Apron option above the stove


Classic style


Italian décor

The kitchen interior and its design will help to dilute handmade textile decorations. On the Internet you can find many such master classes from experienced handmade masters. To give old technology a new look, it can simply be painted or pasted over with a film. In the case of painting, it is better to use paint in spray cans, it lays down in an even and thin layer.

There is a special film for decorating countertops and facades, it is easily glued, you can choose any pattern or “material”: leather, metal, marble, granite and wood.
If bright colors and massive decorations are chosen as decor, then it is better to give preference to either walls, or furniture, or appliances. Decorating everything at once will make the room overloaded, and it will become difficult to be in it.

Make furniture for the kitchen with your own hands

There is nothing better than conveniently furnishing a space in the kitchen that can save space in the room and accommodate as many utensils as possible. Often, finished furniture in the interior of the kitchen is rather impractical. That's why experienced craftsmen assemble your own or remake an already finished one. Important criterion is functionality, practicality, space saving and, of course, external characteristics.


Table with drawers


Drawers for dishes


Do-it-yourself washing


Country style


A good solution can be called secret cabinets for large dishes, spices and cereals, cans with preservation and other things.


Hidden dish drawer


Spacious closet


Spacious cupboard for dishes


Corner kitchen cabinet

DIY interior textiles

A cozy interior in the kitchen can be created using individually decorated textile items. So, curtains, potholders, towels and even pillows will become not just helpers in the kitchen, but also decor. Elements made from the same fabric will look harmonious. It is better to use natural linen and thick cotton for such purposes. These fabrics are not very easily soiled, absorb moisture well and are heat resistant.


Various grip options


Aprons and tablecloths


Table in gray tones

Cozy little things

In any home you can see a cute little thing, completely useless, but it is she who creates a special home atmosphere. Among these little things you can use:

  • magnets. Today, probably, there is not a single apartment on the refrigerator of which there are no magnets. They can be bought on vacation or made by hand. The materials for such magnets are varied: salty dough, cereals, coffee, tea, textiles, cold porcelain, flowers and other improvised means;
  • vases and dishes. original vase for every little thing you can create from twine, or threads of different colors, glue and a ball. It can also be dishes made of clay or gypsum;
  • souvenirs and boxes. Any materials are suitable for their manufacture: paper, plaster, cold porcelain, clay, wood. Needlework masters make boxes even from what an ordinary housewife simply throws out after use: a scotch tape reel, a toilet paper base;
  • hooks. Non-standard hooks can be made from cutlery, tree branches;
  • non-standard organizers;
  • pots various forms, in which there can be both flowers and healthy greens.


Spices in a frame


Cereal decoration in a bottle


Can decor


flower plants

The main place in the house is the kitchen. It is a non-residential room where all household members spend most of their time. Basically, all guests are invited to the kitchen to celebrate the holiday or just chat over a cup of tea.

Therefore, an integral part is a beautiful and modern kitchen decor. A cozy and warm atmosphere will make any gatherings with friends and family dinners especially pleasant.

It is not worth paying a lot of money for updating the interior. It is enough just to turn on your imagination or look at a photo of the kitchen decor from needlewomen or an experienced specialist.

Making an exclusive interior that will be not only original, but also especially cozy, you can spend a little money.

With a little effort, and with the tools at hand, you can create a masterpiece from your kitchen. You can get kitchen decor ideas from everywhere: from magazines, the Internet, peep from your friends, or turn on your personality and do everything to your taste.

How to decorate the kitchen: simple ideas

Now there are a lot of ideas and opportunities on how to update the wall decor in the kitchen or furniture. World designers have come up with simple tricks that will breathe new life into your kitchen:

  • various plates and panels;
  • stencil ornaments;
  • hand-painted;
  • stickers with different themes for ceramic tiles and walls.

All this will give a unique and original decor kitchens. The main thing to remember is that it is better to choose small decorations for decorating a small kitchen, and if you have a large kitchen and want to decorate an empty wall, then the best option there will be large items.

If you have ideas for DIY kitchen decor, you can use everything that is at hand:

  • old forks and spoons;
  • wine corks and burlap;
  • antique or original plates;
  • cereals and coffee beans;
  • shells and sea stones.

Give free rein to your imagination. For example, to decorate an apron in the kitchen, you can use old CDs or broken dishes.

Decorating the kitchen with your own hands.

Any housewife will be able to update the interior of her kitchen. If you are an excellent seamstress, then it will not be difficult for you to sew new curtains or decorative pillows. It is these details that will make your kitchen exclusive and unique.

For the decor of a white kitchen, warm, pastel colors are more suitable. Then your kitchen will be airy and tender. If you have bright kitchen, then, the emphasis can be placed on flowers: add bright decorations.

Last fashion trend for decoration modern kitchen it became, everything is sewn from the same fabric:

  • tablecloth;
  • curtains;
  • tacks;
  • towels;
  • chair cushions.

Fabric for decoration is best suited for natural and non-marking colors, especially if there are small children in the house. Linen or cotton is best for towels. Such material perfectly absorbs water.

Cute little things you can create cozy atmosphere. It is enough to arrange vases, souvenirs, magnets, plates that are suitable in style and color.

You can put artificial or fresh flowers in beautiful pots. You can make a panel of coffee beans, cereals with your own hands, bay leaf and dried slices of orange or lemon.

Transparent jars look beautiful, into which spices, cereals or dried red peppers can be poured. On the decorative plates put fruits fresh or artificial.

For wall decor in the kitchen, it is best to hang pictures or original plates.

Will create a cosiness and unique style of a candle. They can also be decorated with your own hands with ribbons, coffee beans or shells.

Don't be afraid to experiment. your creativity and creativity will be able to create a unique design in the kitchen. Your kitchen will become cozy, where large companies of relatives and friends will gather in the evenings.

Kitchen decor photo
