The colors of the fiesta in the house are a reflection of the Spanish style in the interior. Interior design in Spain Spanish motifs in modern apartments

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the Russian climate often does not please us. Winter lasts at best six months, and somewhere 9-10 months. Snow, cold wind, slush, dullness, rains are an integral part of the life of any Russian. But you really want bright colors, hot sun, blue sky, refreshing sea breeze, but it is not always possible to go to the southern countries. However, this is not a reason to be sad, because you can decorate the interior of your kitchen in a colorful Spanish style, and a piece of this passionate and temperamental country will settle in the house.

The main features and features of the Spanish style

In the view of the Spaniards, the kitchen is not just a place where food is prepared and eaten. This is a kind of soul of the house. The kitchen plays the role of a room for relaxation and rest. Traditional siestas are held here, and households communicate with each other. In order to recreate the spirit and atmosphere of real Spain in your apartment, you need to know what principles underlie this interior design trend.

So, the Spanish style in the interior of the kitchen is characterized by the following distinguishing features:

  • the presence of contrasting shades in the design of the room;
  • heavy, massive furniture;
  • proximity to the rustic style, simplicity;
  • a large number of forged and iron products;
  • individual elements of furniture are decorated with carvings;
  • obligatory use of natural materials for decorative finishes.

Natural materials are a very important point for creating the right entourage in the kitchen. Since Spain is very hot for most of the year, living quarters should provide life-saving coolness to the owners. Stone and wood are great for this purpose, maintaining a comfortable temperature for a person.

A large kitchen cabinet, an apron tiled with ornaments, a lot of dark wood, a spacious island table with a sink, a massive hood - a typical kitchen look in a Spanish house.

The use of artificial materials that are not able to "breathe" and let air through will create additional stuffiness in the kitchen.

Who is this style for?

Obviously, in order to choose a Spanish interior for your kitchen, you need to be in love with Spain, its culture, music, obstinate disposition, and original traditions. Pure, undiluted Spanish style - for temperamental, impulsive, even choleric people. So, if you feel an inner consonance with the enchanting sounds of flamenco or guitar, you can safely decorate your kitchen in accordance with the music of your soul.

Stonework on one of the walls clearly reflects the Spanish style in the interior of the kitchen

However, this style may also appeal to those who simply want the kitchen in their home to be a place for relaxed gatherings and warm friendly conversations. If you are hospitable and use the kitchen not only as a place to eat, but also as a room for relaxation and communication, this style will suit you too. It will be comfortable in such a kitchen for those who love rich, rich colors and their diversity, an abundance of warm shades, a large number of dark wood finishing materials, for those who prefer ethnic and folklore elements to modern glossy plastic solutions in the interior.

This style is not suitable for restrained, practical natures, for those for whom the kitchen is just a kitchen, and nothing more. Those who prefer to rest, socialize and relax in the living room. Those who feel comfortable in ultra-modern interiors with a lot of artificial materials, where there are a lot of shiny, smooth, polymeric surfaces and finishing elements.

It is better not to choose the Spanish style for those who prefer cool colors in the rooms - once in a typical Spanish interior, they will feel like they are in an oven due to the abundance of warm tones.

Interior Design

Let us consider in more detail what distinguishes the interior of a Spanish kitchen from a similar room in other countries, and what nuances should be taken into account during the repair.

Kitchen layout

A real Spanish kitchen should be spacious. A stove, dishwasher, refrigerator and other kitchen appliances are usually installed along one wall. Wall cabinets are also hung here. But the sink and work surface are located in the middle of the kitchen on a vast autonomous table-island. Under the tabletop there are many cabinets and shelves for various kitchen utensils and other needs. In general, the space is organized very ergonomically and conveniently so that the hostess can move quickly and spend a minimum of time on certain procedures.

Option for a small apartment

It is unlikely that it will be possible to reproduce the Spanish design with 100% accuracy in a standard city apartment, so some details will have to be replaced or simplified. For example, to install a countertop-island with a sink in the center of the kitchen is an idea that is clearly impossible in Khrushchev, Stalinka, and apartments of a different layout too. But you also need to put somewhere a dining table for the whole family. Therefore, the sink, like the desktop, should be placed close to the wall, not far from the stove and dishwasher. Hanging a massive hood is also not always possible, so a more simplified design is often created. However, you can give the kitchen unique features of the Spanish style with the help of many other elements: forged lamps, candelabra, tiles, characteristic flooring, colors, ceiling finishes, etc.

If your kitchen is small in size, do not despair - it is always possible to embody a piece of your favorite Spain in any area.

Color spectrum

The color palette of a Spanish-style kitchen is a combination of light and dark, bright and muted shades, but such a kitchen is always very warm. Passionate, irrepressible Spanish temperament is emphasized by a contrasting combination of colors. For example, if it is decided to make the walls light, then the furniture must certainly be dark enough, and vice versa. You can add contrast to the room due to the difference in shades of floor tiles and backsplash tiles on the wall near the kitchen unit. Part of the walls can be laid out with bright tiles.

An obligatory element in the traditional Spanish school of design is the use of red - it can be either one of the main indoors or used as an accent.

Photo gallery of colors for kitchens

Mosaic motifs, colorful tiles on the wall, rich red walls - very Spanish The combination of two primary colors - red and yellow fills the kitchen with a truly Spanish flavor. This kitchen is dominated by light colors. A more modern version of the Spanish interior in the kitchen: the contrast of white and black colors, modern finishing materials The traditional combination of warm brown tones with the addition of green and white


For wall decoration, ivory plaster is most often used. But this is not the only possible option, the choice of color scheme is mostly a matter of taste. The kitchen will still be made in the best Spanish traditions if you choose green or olive, dark cherry or pale pink, beige or light for the walls. -yellow, brown of any shades or white tones.

As for the flooring, the Spaniards appreciate the floor, which is very pleasant to walk barefoot during the hot hours of the afternoon siesta. Therefore, the floors are made of stone. In modern urban conditions, instead of natural stone, you can use marble tiles or specially aged tiles. The tile should look rough, bumps, scuffs, roughness are welcome. From the colors for the floor, shades of sand and brick, terracotta, ivory, beige, various brown options are selected.

Since in Russian latitudes one does not have to wait for the floor to be warmed up by the rays of the Mediterranean sun, the “warm floor” system will help to make the flooring comfortable.

Ceiling decoration should not be too complicated. It will be enough just to plaster and whitewash it. If this option seems boring, you can decorate the ceiling with wood beams. They should be dark and create a contrast with the whitewashed surface. You can also highlight the work area above the island table in a darker or lighter color than the rest of the ceiling.

Arched structures are widely used in the interior of Spanish houses. Thus, you can decorate the front door to the room, a window, or you can make a niche with an arch, where to install shelves on which kitchen utensils will stand. If the kitchen is spacious enough, the arch can divide the space into a working and dining area.

An arch above the stove, beams on a light ceiling, a dark wood floor, massive handles by the kitchen unit, lamps with wrought iron details, contrasting window frames - the epitome of Spanish style

Windows are another element that draws attention to itself. To do this, the frames must contrast with the color of the walls: if the walls are light, then the frames must be made of dark wood, and vice versa. Also a great option would be wooden shutters, decorated with carvings.

If the ceiling beams and frames are the same shade, this will create a single composition and complete the kitchen.


Lighting can be designed in different ways, but the main condition is the abundance of light, both natural, which enters the kitchen from the street, and artificial, created with the help of lamps. Spanish dwellings are characterized by large windows, often two or three adjacent windows in one room. The kitchen harmoniously combines central and peripheral lighting.

Large windows that let in maximum light are common in Spain

Usually, the role of central lighting is played by a chandelier of impressive size, installed above the worktop. Traditionally, such a chandelier will descend from the ceiling on chains, while it itself must certainly have elements of forged "lace". Lamps play a supporting role, highlighting areas near the stove, hanging cabinets, refrigerators, etc. The appearance of lamps should not be very modern. Again, the wrought iron details and the overall vintage look will add authenticity to your kitchen.

An additional source of lighting (if there is enough space) can be a real or artificial fireplace.

Furniture and household appliances

Furniture for the kitchen has certain features that allow you to immediately say with confidence in what style this interior is designed:

  • naturalness of materials;
  • solidity, massive structures;
  • specially made abrasions;
  • ornate carving (handmade is especially appreciated);
  • forged and metal decorative elements.

Ideally, if the kitchen set looks voluminous and also rude. As for the color scheme, all items included in the set do not have to be in the same color. You can choose light-colored furniture with decorative inserts or wood trim in darker tones. Another good option would be to purchase tables and cabinets in different shades, but united by a single style, which will help revive the interior.

Heavy, solid, massive furniture, often made of dark wood, is very popular in the Spanish interior.

Open shelves lined with bottles of oils, jars of spices, or simply utensils are ubiquitous in Mediterranean cuisines, and Spain is no exception.

Chairs and a table should also be massive and bulky. It is not forbidden if the seats of the chairs are covered with beautiful bright upholstery. If the dimensions of the kitchen allow, you can place a soft sofa, next to which you can put a low table like a coffee table, and if the room is already very spacious, then you can fit a fireplace. This is what traditional Spanish food looks like. This sofa serves as a favorite place where households like to spend their siesta hours.

Countertops are usually made of porcelain stoneware, marble or ceramic tiles and are often painted with national Spanish patterns. The hood is usually massive, dome-shaped, decorated with carvings, tiles, stucco or multi-colored tiles.

Household appliances traditionally should not be in sight. Usually it is masked by covering the doors of floor or wall cabinets so that nothing disturbs the atmosphere of a real Spanish house. The sink and faucet are preferably copper or brass with a vintage look. The stone sink is also quite consistent with the Spanish tradition of kitchen design. However, if the technique is made in a style that is in harmony with the surrounding space, then in this case there is no need to hide it.

This may well be household appliances in Spanish cuisine

Stainless steel looks neutral in the Spanish interior - household appliances made of such material do not require mandatory masking, do not catch the eye and do not violate the integrity of the composition.

Decor, curtains, dishes

Spain is a sunny country, and this is expressed in the use of rich colors. Textiles, ornaments, cushions on chairs, dishes and other elements should bring notes of passion and unbridled energy into the interior.

The decoration of the kitchen will be items such as metal candlesticks, forged candelabra, lanterns suspended on chains, lamps, individual pieces of furniture. As in any other ethnic style, in Spanish cuisine it is customary to decorate a room with jars and bottles placed on the shelves with a variety of fragrant, loose and viscous contents (spices, salt, oils, etc.). Beautiful plates, pots, pans, placed in open places and hanging along the walls, also serve as decorations.

Wrought iron structure with open shelves where dishes, spice containers, wicker baskets with herbs are arranged, as well as two small fruit baskets on the table demonstrate the Spanish style.

Do not forget about wicker baskets filled with fruit - two large baskets can stand on the floor, and a smaller product will completely replace a fruit bowl on the table.

Paintings and tapestries with Spanish landscapes or images of girls dancing flamenco will help to emphasize the color and create the right mood even more. Capes on chairs decorated with elegant national ornaments are welcome, and multi-colored rugs, rugs or rugs will transform the floor.

In such a kitchen, you can "settle" a couple of cacti or any plants with thick massive leaves.

As for textiles, fabrics made from natural materials are preferred here. Curtains need to choose light, summer colors. Laconic Roman, warm shades are also suitable. However, often in Spanish kitchens, the windows are completely open and not obscured by anything.

Spanish style in the interior always loudly declares itself. Residents of the country of hot summers and hot bullfights know a lot about not only fun fiestas, but also surrounded by such things that create unprecedented warmth and comfort. The hot blood of the Spaniards is reflected in their love for bright color accents, the elegant curves of arches and decorative wrought iron are reminiscent of sultry Spanish women with their chiseled figures swirling in colorful skirts to the rhythms of flamenco. The abundance of artistic techniques, such as: painting, carved wooden ornaments, facing tiles creates an indescribable spirit of the Renaissance, inspires harmony and causes genuine admiration.

Among all the variations of the Mediterranean interior, the Spanish style deserves special attention.

The uniqueness of the Spanish style is determined by bold combinations: elegance coexists with relaxedness, simplicity with functionality, and bright elements coexist with the tranquility of wooden facades. We highlight three nuances by which it is easy to recognize the Spanish style:

  1. The predominance of bright, colorful shades in the design of walls and ceilings.
  2. The presence of natural and natural materials in the interior.
  3. A catchy combination of luxury and simplicity.

Spanish style is difficult to confuse with other areas.

It is thanks to the indescribable color that the Spanish style in the interior is suitable for the design of any premises. A bold decision and a bold combination of bright colors make the interior fresh and attractive for a large number of people who are thinking about changes in the house, from the kitchen to the bedroom.

The undoubted advantage of the Spanish style in the interior is the moment of recreating the festive atmosphere in the house. Light walls reflecting the sunlight pouring from the windows, bright accents that delight the eye on cloudy days and rainy evenings, luxurious massive furniture that serves both comfort and functionality.

Large windows are typical for rooms - the room should literally bathe in the sun

The direction is in many ways similar to the colonial style

However, the drawback of the interior follows from the above: an endless holiday, a fiesta without end and edges can “blur” the eye, and feelings of joy and fun will be replaced by irritation. Bright color spots in the bedroom can make it difficult to tune in to a calm, peaceful sleep, and bulky furniture in a small living room will only visually reduce the space and add absurdity instead of luxury.

Color accents in the interior

Do not forget that the Spanish interior is not an abundance of multi-colored spots, it is a competent combination of neutral pastel shades with separate bright elements. The color decor mainly consists of a palette of warm shades: yellow, red, orange, coffee, terracotta, wheat.

The Spanish setting uses a combination of light backgrounds and bright accents.

The walls are usually plastered and painted white.

Accent zones are made out mainly in natural natural tones.

In order not to overload the interior, you need to correctly distribute the contrasts, the simplicity of the basic Spanish style should emphasize colorful motifs, and not look bare against the backdrop of a riot of colors. In the bedroom it is better to give preference to a discreet holiday, but in the kitchen you can safely use contrasts and bright elements.

Floor and ceiling

A special place in the Spanish style is occupied by the design of the floor and ceiling. Preference is given to a floor made of wood, as it harmonizes pleasantly with the rest of the interior and literally radiates warmth and comfort. A small colorful carpet will be an excellent addition, which will emphasize the luxury of the wood floor and the overall decoration of the room.

Colored carpets are very popular in Spanish style.

Warm wooden floor in a spacious bedroom

Another good solution is ceramic or clay tiles, which add a certain charm to the room. If you make a warm floor in the house, then it will be pleasant to walk barefoot on such tiles, imagining a warm sandy beach. Especially the tiled floor will look good in the kitchen.

Durable ceramic floor in the kitchen-dining room

The bathroom is almost always finished with ceramic tiles or multi-colored mosaics. Such bright walls charge with positive energy in the morning, and in the evening they are pleasantly pleasing to the eye.

Spacious bathroom with classic wooden furniture

To decorate the ceiling, wooden beams are used, the passages between the rooms are given an arched shape. Quite often, there is a bizarre painting on the walls along the perimeter of the ceiling, emphasizing the local flavor, and frescoes are additionally used in the kitchen.

Smooth plastered surfaces between wooden beams - a typical ceiling finish

Spanish style living room

The Spaniards are hospitable hosts, so the largest and brightest room in the house stands out for their living room, which is filled with a cheerful holiday atmosphere. The living room is not just a gathering room, it is the real heart of the house. Large upholstered sofas with luxurious upholstery in pearl or champagne color, a massive wooden table and chairs decorated with intricate carvings are chosen as furniture here.

Arch in the interior of the Spanish style living room

Bright Spanish living room interior

Living room with beautiful marble floor

Of the decor elements, long-legged floor lamps, painted floor vases are used, the walls are decorated with paintings in gilded frames. Comfortable armchairs are sure to be arranged for guests. It would be wise to complement the Spanish style with large full-length mirrors in massive frames, so the room will seem larger and brighter.

luxury bedroom

For a Spanish bedroom interior, it is best to choose pastel, soft colors that will soothe and set you up for relaxation. A light palette is used in shades of gray, beige, pearl, caramel, muted emerald.

When decorating the bedroom, pleasant muted shades are used.

A comfortable and spacious bed takes center stage in the Spanish bedroom

The central place in the bedroom belongs to the bed. It must be spacious and made of dark natural wood. A sophisticated wrought-iron headboard will add aristocracy and cold aesthetics. If desired, the bed can be equipped with a royally luxurious canopy - it will be very Spanish in style.

The atmosphere of the bedroom contributes to good rest and good sleep.

A fireplace will add coziness and warmth to a beautiful bedroom.

You should not abuse bright elements in the bedroom. It is better to get by with wicker chairs and plain furniture, and paintings depicting seascapes or still lifes, embroidered intricate tapestries on the walls, elegant floor lamps on the sides of the bed and gilded jewelry on the dressing table will help to dilute the atmosphere.

Spanish style kitchen

The kitchen for the Spaniards is a place in the house where you can take out all the riot of colors. Here they do not just cook food, here they rest their souls and relax after a long day. To recreate the Spanish style, contrasts are played in the kitchen - light walls are opposed to a dark set, and large bright windows are framed by massive bright curtains. Stone, painted tiles and mosaic elements on the walls will serve as ideal finishing materials.

White cabinets pair well with warm wood details.

Spanish kitchens should have wooden furniture

Copper sink will be the highlight of the kitchen interior

Kitchen utensils also become an interior object. Wicker baskets with fresh pastries or fruit, antique-painted dishes and ceramic pots perfectly complement the overall Spanish style. A wrought iron chandelier and matching sconces can be a wonderful accent in the kitchen.

Decorated hood can become the center of the interior

Iron lamps and arched openings are perfect

Thus, the Spanish style in the interior is not limited to any area in the house, it is multifunctional and luxurious, it is not difficult to bring it to life, both in the living room and in the kitchen, and it will delight with its comfort and nobility for many years.

Cozy and comfortable Spanish interior is quite easy to perform

Video: Spanish-style small kitchen design

Photo: 50 examples of luxurious Spanish interiors

Cheerful Spaniards, accustomed to enjoying every moment, appreciating comfort combined with beauty and elegance, transferred these characteristics to the design of their houses and apartments. The Spanish style in the interior is distinguished by simplicity in execution, organic design, but at the same time attention to detail. In their homes, the Spaniards create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth through the skillful choice of materials and accessories.

The most famous Spanish designers who have earned recognition not only in their homeland but also abroad are Pascua Ortega, Lázaro Rosa-Violán, Luis García Fraile, Jaime Hayón o Pablo Paniagua. They participated in the design and decoration of museums, restaurants, residences in Spain, Milan, Paris, London, New York and Hong Kong. Many of the mentioned masters are adherents of traditional Spanish design with elements of modernism.

Spanish home design

The traditional Spanish style in the interior is distinguished by lightness and abundance of light, the use of natural materials in decoration, attention to detail, but at the same time, the absence of excessive workload.

The formation of Spanish design was influenced by the culture and landscapes of the Mediterranean. Spanish-style interior designs are dominated by light colors, as well as brown, terracotta red, orange and mustard shades in the decoration of floors and roofs. Elements made of stone, wood and ceramics are very common in the Spanish style; also in the design of Spanish houses, wrought iron products are used as accessories: candlesticks, sconces, chandeliers, grates on the fireplace, furniture details. To create comfort in the interior of Spain, various decorative pillows made of natural materials, as well as decorative candles are used.

Spaniards attach a lot of importance to their family and its history. Therefore, in interior design in Spain you can find antique furniture with leather trim and carved wooden details, antique clocks, figurines, dishes, as well as paintings and family photos on the walls.

The main elements of Spanish interior design are quite varied.

  • In traditional Spanish design, the usual wallpapers and carpets are almost completely absent. They are replaced by light-colored walls, tiles or wood flooring.
  • The interior of houses and apartments in Spain is dominated by natural materials in decoration. For example, wooden beams on the ceiling are very popular.
  • As for places to store things and clothes, cabinets in special niches in the walls are very popular.
  • Choosing furniture for a Spanish-style design, preference is given to products of a simple design made of ebony, mahogany, walnut. A leather armchair and wooden chairs with straight backs will be a great purchase.
  • Family dinners in Spain - everyone's favorite tradition , therefore, an integral attribute of the living room is a large dining table, at which all households gather every evening.
  • Walls in Spain are decorated with paintings or photographs in wooden frames. Also, ceramic dishes and figurines, decorative vases and candles are used as accessories in the Spanish style.
  • The originality and brightness of the interior is added by hand-painted ceramic tiles, which are used for decoration and decoration.

Spanish kitchen design

Separately, it is worth mentioning the design of Spanish cuisines. Traditional kitchen in the Spanish style - a large spacious room with a massive full-wall suite and a wooden or stone countertop. At the same time, if space permits, in the center of the room there is a table - a bar counter for cooking, as well as a small dining table.

The kitchen has many shelves and cabinets for storing spices and olive oil. The Spanish style in the interior of the kitchen also involves a lot of ceramic details: dishes, decorative painted tiles. Traditional motifs in the design of Spanish cuisine are very popular - household items, jugs, figurines.

As for the design, the Spanish-style kitchen is characterized by several interesting details.

  • The plastered walls are in warm light tones, ocher shades predominate.
  • One of the walls of the Spanish-style kitchen can be decorated with ceramic tiles with a traditional pattern.
  • The floor is tiled with ceramic or granite tiles.
  • Preference is given to wooden furniture: a massive wooden table of a rectangular or square shape, wooden chairs with straight backs.

Interiors in Spain in different regions

One of the features of interior design in Spain is its versatility and the presence in it of the cultural characteristics of each region. Traveling to different parts of Spain, you can see that the further south the region is, the brighter the interior, the more colors are used in the design, the more open space in houses and apartments.


Temperamental and emotional Andalusians prefer brightness and dynamism in interior design. A distinctive feature of Spanish design in Andalusia is its colorfulness: the design is dominated by mosaics, ornaments, colored ceramics , yellow, red and black colors.


Interior design in Catalonia is more restrained. The design is dominated by light neutral tones and dark accents in furniture and accessories.

One of the popular interior design trends in Catalonia is stone walls. This is due to the fact that many buildings have retained their original brickwork, which is a historical monument, a source of pride for the homeowner, as well as an interesting interior solution.

In the houses of the Catalans, you can find traditional ceramics: painted plates and jugs with bizarre patterns.

Basque country

The geographical location and climatic features of the northern region of Spain determined the distinctive features of its interior.

  • The interior design of Spanish houses in the Basque Country is distinguished by small windows with wooden shutters, which serve as a reliable protection from the wind.
  • Furniture and decorative elements are made of wood or iron, walls are made of brick or wood.
  • Most houses have a fireplace or stove.
  • The interior design is dominated by dark red tones.

Modern interior style trends in Spain

One of the interesting novelties in the Spanish interior style, which can be taken into account by lovers of unusual and economical things, is the rejection of chandeliers in the interior and the use of large vintage light bulbs for lighting. At the same time, Spanish designers urge to abandon bulky shades that take away part of the world and use ordinary lamps. As a decor item, there are many options for pendants for the lamp.

Another interesting invention of designers is the so-called furniture made from recycled materials. These are nothing more than wooden storage boxes that have found their way into the Spanish interior as tables, shelves, armchairs and sofas.

You can learn about the latest trends in Spanish interior design by visiting special exhibitions.

  • Cevisama in Valencia. The fair presents new ideas for the design of kitchens, bathrooms in the Spanish style, novelties in the production of ceramics, as well as general trends in the development of the Spanish style in the design of houses and apartments (February 20-24, 2017).
  • Feria Habitat Valencia: furniture, electrical appliances, apartment lighting ideas (the exhibition has been held in February for three years in a row, but there are no dates yet for 2017).
  • Beyond Building Barcelona. At the exhibition, you can learn about new trends in interior design (May 23-26, 2017).
  • Visiting FunerMostra in Valencia, you can look at the latest Spanish-style furniture (May 24-26, 2017).

Exposed wooden beams that decorate the ceiling, arched windows with shutters and wrought iron are a theme throughout the house - in the form of fences, handrails, lighting fixtures, window bars. Timeless elegance reigns in such a house. Handmade furniture with a rich finish flaunts inlays, carved ornaments and even paintings. Painted facing tiles can also play an important role in the overall surroundings. Moreover, with the help of tiles, you can emphasize the involvement in the Spanish Renaissance period, which will only enhance the atmosphere of this charming, despite its elegance, interior.

Transformed with colorful, textured, incredibly lively Spanish-inspired ornaments, the interior exudes energy and positive vibes more than any other. This style exudes warmth, romance and serenity, making it ideal for any home, office or commercial setting.

Pictured is a Spanish-style interior

#one. Interior elements in the Spanish style


To revive the walls, finishing materials should be selected according to the style. Heavy finishing solutions are best suited for this: plaster, gypsum, in combination with a neutral soft glaze. The color you choose will create a grander effect if applied to a rough wall surface. This adds the effect of depth and profile. Consider painting the wall in the form of a tapestry ornament, which will also enhance the volume, color and add liveliness.

Spanish interior - walls


Floors are best made from solid broadleaf wood so that it echoes the warmth of the rest of the interior. Floor tiles are also a good option, both ceramic and clay - both fit well into the interior. Choose a small rug that matches the color of the other elements.

Spanish interior - floors


The view of the windows from the inside should also display the Spanish style. Window decoration can be very different depending on the environment. The most requested option is wooden shutters, which have been popular for centuries and still remain attractive today. However, there are many other options, and all of them can be custom-made and according to your taste. Consider also hanging curtains. They will also enhance the relief and color.

Spanish interior - windows


Use fixtures with fixtures made of wrought iron, copper or even pewter and lavishly painted with glass or ceramic lampshades. Wall sconces, table lamps, candlesticks and chandeliers should match the decor of the room. The unique charm of the room will give a fireplace, with which you can also create a special lighting and atmosphere.

Spanish interior - lighting


Various Spanish-style accessories throughout the home will give it a twist and focus attention. Authentic Spanish decor, such as pottery and faience ornaments, should be intertwined with the theme of the basic elements of clay and other ceramics, iron and copper. To give color to the walls and the whole interior to give the spirit of Spain, artistic design elements must play an outstanding role in it. Use ornate wooden or antique frames.

Spanish interior - accessories

Many Spanish designers equate the Spanish style with the Mediterranean. Both are similar in romance and earthly charm. However, other elements may also be present. If your goal is to make a stunning effect and create a captivating atmosphere that will reign in your Latin-influenced home, it is worth choosing a peculiar Spanish style for this, and you will have to hear “Bienvenidos a casa” (“Welcome”) in no time.

#2. Examples of interiors in the Spanish style

Spanish bedroom interior - photo

Anyone who has at least once visited the homeland of passionate flamenco, hot bullfighting and fragrant paella will surely agree that the Spaniards know a lot about not only food and magical spectacles, but also in decorating their homes. The bright and original furnishings of the Spanish village villas radiate energy and positive emotions, arouse delight and admiration. Filled with warmth, harmony and comfort, the Spanish style in the interior is very popular among modern designers who are not afraid of bold decisions and strive to recreate the magical atmosphere of the country of orange trees in the house. The Dream House will tell about the features of this style and the principles of designing various rooms with its help today.

Spanish style in the interior

Features of the Spanish style in the interior

Created in one of the brightest countries in the Mediterranean, the Spanish interior style has absorbed the features of Moroccan, French and Tuscan architectural styles. The Spanish interior is unique: liberated, comfortable and functional, it is a mixture of simplicity, elegance and brightness of colors. The Spanish style is fully consistent with the original culture of hot and passionate Spaniards, it is characterized by:

  • the dominance of contrasting shades in the design of walls, floors and ceilings;
  • the use of massive furniture made of natural materials with elements of artistic forging;
  • the predominance of natural materials in the design of walls, floors and ceilings;
  • an abundance of ornamental decorative details.

Another feature of the Spanish-style interior is that it is versatile. This style, in which the luxury of royal castles, simplicity and functionality are combined in the most successful way, is perfect for decorating the interiors of any room in the house - from the kitchen to the bedroom.

Spanish style interior photo

Spanish style kitchen

In a Spanish home, the kitchen is of particular importance. It was created not only for cooking, the Spaniards consider it a real paradise where you can relax and unwind on a hot day. Recreating the Spanish style in the interior of the kitchen is quite simple: for this it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials, the main thing is to place the right accents correctly. For example, when creating a kitchen interior, you can emphasize the bright and dynamic Spanish style with the help of contrasts, decorating the walls in light colors and choosing a kitchen set in dark colors.

In Spanish cuisine, the floor should bring pleasant coolness on a hot and sultry day. Therefore, stone, tile or marble will be an ideal material for decorating floors. And in order to keep the kitchen warm in the cold season, you can always install under the tiles.

For a Spanish-style kitchen, you can choose a kitchen set of any color, the main condition is that it should be massive and a little rough. Open shelves will perfectly fit into such a kitchen, which will not only emphasize the Spanish interior, but also allow you to keep everything at hand.

You can decorate the kitchen in a Spanish house with traditional rustic dishes (ceramic pots, plates), wicker baskets with vegetables and fruits, or forged lamps. Containers and bags with spices, glass bottles with olive oil will look unusual and interesting in such a kitchen.

Spanish style in the interior of the kitchen

A feature of the Spanish style is the fact that the dining area is often separated from the working kitchen. Here you can rarely find a dining table right in the kitchen, it must certainly be separated from it.

luxury living room in spanish style

Since ancient times, the Spaniards have been famous for their hospitality, which is why the living room in their home is always of paramount importance. The Spaniards are convinced that the living room should be cozy and beautiful, cheerful and spacious.

Traditionally, living rooms in a Spanish house are finished with rich materials. To emphasize the richness and luxury of the living room, you can use precious woods in dark shades in combination with dark colors typical of the Spanish style. But it will help to fill the room with warmth and comfort.

The Spanish-style living room interior cannot be imagined without decorative elements such as ornamental carpets, ceramics, hunting trophies and other works of art. Add grace and elegance to the Spanish interior of the living room will help decorative arched openings, massive, internal balconies, decorated with elegant, tapestries on the walls.

A special place in the Spanish living room is occupied by furniture. It should be not only comfortable and functional, but also rich. Soft sofas, antique tables and massive chairs upholstered with rich materials and decorated with beautiful patterns and lion heads look very nice in the Spanish interior.

Spanish style in the interior of the living room

Spanish style living room interior

Spanish style bedroom

Like other rooms in the house, a Spanish-style bedroom should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable. Traditionally, light colors are chosen for decorating Spanish bedrooms - from a muted green tint to a noble beige color. However, it is not at all necessary to use wallpaper for wall decoration, it can be rough textured plaster or paint.

The main element of the Spanish-style bedroom is the bed. Massive and made of natural wood in gloomy shades, the bed can be decorated with artistic forging and which will remind you of the royal luxury of ancient Spanish castles.

Spanish style does not tolerate minimalism. Therefore, in a bedroom decorated in this style, the use of a variety of decorative elements is welcome - from figured and gilded candlesticks to ceramic ones. It is also impossible to imagine a Spanish bedroom without a colorful carpet, which will perfectly emphasize the national flavor of the style.
