Swimming breaststroke crawl in dog butterfly oto. Swimming styles

Nowadays, butterfly swimming technique plays a rather important role. Compared to other types of swimming, in this style it is impossible to achieve high speed only with the help of great physical strength. Here it is simply necessary to have an accurate knowledge of all existing rules, the most difficult of which is the return of the hands and body at the same time to the starting position, taking into account correct breathing.

What is the butterfly style of swimming?

The word "butterfly" in translation from English means "butterfly". In fact, this name is justified, because with this style of swimming, if you look at a floating person from above, his hands look like a butterfly flapping its wings.

In terms of technical characteristics, this style is one of the most difficult and tedious compared to others. When using it, all muscle groups work because of the symmetrical movements that are carried out by the left and right parts of the body at the same time.

As for the differences from other styles, the butterfly, whose technique puts a lot of stress on the muscles, is primarily effective due to uncoordinated movements. As a result, the muscles on the chest, arms, shoulders, buttocks, thighs, abs, and legs are corrected. In addition, there is a proper stretching of the ligaments and burning of subcutaneous fat. For example, breaststroke is considered a more simplified type of swimming.

Butterfly style features

Butterfly (style of swimming) is rightfully considered not only the most difficult and energy-intensive, but also one of the fastest. All human movements are like one continuous wave, and this can very well strengthen muscle tone and improve physical fitness. Therefore, the butterfly style of swimming is considered one of the most difficult to master, but at the same time it is also the youngest.

Swimmers, while observing the butterfly style technique, perform wide powerful strokes with both hands, while they raise the top of the body above the water. At the same time, circular symmetrical and wave-like striking movements are made with the legs (directly from the pelvis).

In general, the butterfly swimming technique is extremely energy-intensive and heavy. When it is performed, high endurance and maximum competent swimming technique are required. Untrained swimmers will not be able to do the exercises and not break the existing rules.

The history of the butterfly stroke

The butterfly swimming style appeared, the technique of which adopted certain innovations after the improvement of the breaststroke, in 1933. A man named Henry

Myers used a similar style at competitions in Brooklyn, where David Armbruster (swimming coach) saw his non-standard technique. Then he slightly changed the movements of his hands when using this style. Thus, a completely new type of swimming appeared, called the "butterfly".

Since 1953, this variety has been used in the Olympic Games. Thus, a completely independent style of swimming appeared, which was recognized all over the world.

The complexity and exactingness of the butterfly style

Butterfly is the most difficult and fastest style of all. Its application requires the presence of significant skills, knowledge and great efforts from a person. Without any preliminary exercises, training and a special course of study, it is simply impossible to competently swim even a not too long segment using this style.

As a rule, the butterfly significantly loads all the muscles of the human body, due to which there is a significant muscle training, and calories are also intensively consumed.

Training Rules

Before you begin to master the butterfly swimming technique, you need to hone small elements, and then gradually move on to even more difficult ones.

It is best to start classes after doing small warm-ups off the water lasting about ten or fifteen minutes. After the style has been fully learned, it is necessary to begin to eliminate errors and directly improve the technique at the start and turns. Butterfly swimming consists in characteristic synchronous, simultaneous and symmetrical movements of body parts (arms and legs), as well as in observing proper breathing.

Hand movement technique

Arm movements in this style of swimming are the main force. Absolutely all of them are conditionally divided into three main directions: towards oneself, directly away from oneself and towards return. At the very initial stage, the arms are in a position stretched forward, the legs are shoulder-width apart and are in the water. In this case, the palms are turned down and on the surface. Then hands make divorces on the sides and strokes are carried out.

At the next stage, spreading arms to the sides and bending at the elbows are performed. In this case, the angles should reach ninety degrees. The brushes move down and reach the thigh. The level of speed and strength of the arm movements increases up to this point, the elbows begin to straighten, and the arms are almost completely pressed to the body. Therefore, as already mentioned, the butterfly is a swimming style that requires good physical shape.

At the final or final stage of the return, the hands are relaxed and begin to be carried over the water in such a way that the elbows are first visible, and then the hands themselves, which are located near the hips, are directly visible. After that, the arms are pushed forward with the help of quick movements, and at this moment they are completely relaxed and in a straight state. Then they are immersed in water at the level of the width of the shoulders and return to their original position. The hands should touch the water first, and then the elbows.

Technique of movements of the legs and torso

When the butterfly stroke technique is used, the legs perform characteristic movements very similar to other types of swimming. Leg and body movements are

wavy character - smoothly, starting from the shoulders and ending with the feet. In this case, the legs move in parallel and symmetrically, which causes the involvement of a significant number of muscles.

At that moment, when the feet hit hard on the water, the back of a person appears on the surface. And when the legs go up, the head comes to the surface for the swimmer to take a breath. In this case, it is forbidden to spread the legs to the sides, during the whole procedure they fit snugly against each other.

Proper swimming technique. Breathing Features

The breathing technique when using the butterfly style of swimming (butterfly), as a rule, fully corresponds to the movement of the human hands. The best option is to inhale at the moment when the hands are above the water, and the torso has a comfortable position. Moreover, the breath is usually short and is done through the mouth. Typically, it has a duration of about a quarter of a second. As for the exhalation, it should be long and done very slowly during the time it takes to complete the entire stroke.

The butterfly start is performed in the traditional way from the nightstand. When a person is immersed in water, he seems to slide and perform various wave-like movements with his torso and legs, without the participation of hands. On turns, he touches the side with his hands (in turn), and then with his feet. At this stage, the human body is completely immersed in water. With the help of a push with his feet, he swims away from the side and continues to swim in the opposite direction.

Butterfly swimming rules

As a general rule, the most common swimmers' mistakes when using this style of swimming technique are related to the coordination of movements. This needs to be given enough attention. The most effective way is to use two kicks. When the hands enter the water and grab it, the first hit occurs with the top of the foot.

The next kick of the foot is performed at the same time as the end of the stroke with the help of the hands.

Today, there are other options for swimming in the butterfly style. So, for example, the correct technique is that the arms and legs move at the same time, or in turn. In addition, only one kick is performed, strokes are done with only one hand (same as the crawl technique), and the other hand is extended forward. In this case, there may be an alternation of such variations.

Butterfly swimming mistakes

The most common mistakes when swimming with the butterfly technique are:

the following:

  • hands in the process of entering the water are too close or far from one another, but should be shoulder-width apart;
  • their close position to the body, which does not allow the capture to be made correctly, while the person’s shoulders are deep under water;
  • the wide position of the hands greatly slows down swimming due to the fact that there is a lot of water resistance, as a result of which the grip efficiency is reduced;
  • short strokes, which are obtained when a person starts the third phase of arm movements early, taking them out of the water - this leads to a large bending of the body and a reduction in stroke strength;
  • the speed of the hands when the phase from oneself is performed is rather small in order to achieve the desired result;
  • legs come to the surface of the water, and part of the movements carried out in the air, as a rule, is lost (here all leg exercises should be performed exclusively under water);
  • the time at which you need to take a breath is incorrectly chosen, this can lead to rhythm disturbances and slow down movements;
  • not quite correct implementation of the kick or not simultaneous execution of some movements significantly reduces the speed of swimming, because coordinated exercises are considered the basis of this style.

Despite the fact that the butterfly style of swimming is quite difficult for beginner swimmers to master, it is still worth learning. Of course, breaststroke (swimming technique) is not inferior to him, but the first type can significantly strengthen muscles and free the body from excess body fat. In addition, it allows the swimmer to move quite quickly and glide through the water like a dolphin.

Dolphin - the main variety of butterfly

Previously, the swimming technique using the classic butterfly was described. Its main high-speed species is considered to be "dolphin". When using this variation of the butterfly style of swimming, in order to reduce water resistance and save strength, it is necessary to make certain movements with the legs pressed together in the up and down direction.

During their work, the muscles of the body are very actively involved, so such leg movements resemble the tail of a dolphin. It is for this reason that the name of the style arose, which has become quite popular at the present time. Its basic speed performance can be second only to such a style as crawl (backstroke technique).

Today, in many butterfly competitions, absolutely all participating swimmers use dolphin moves, and existing rules freely allow this, since such a method is considered the main variety of butterfly. Therefore, the dolphin swimming technique is considered one of the most popular in modern competitions.

Swimming, as such, has been around for a very long time. This is evidenced by ancient drawings and pictures that date back to periods before our era. At the end of the 19th century, this sport entered the Olympic program and still occupies an important place there.

Swimming styles

  • Butterfly, he's a dolphin. This method of swimming is considered the most technically difficult and tiring. This is due to the fact that the swimmer needs to synchronize the movements of the arms and legs, while breathing correctly. Due to the strong stroke with the hands, the athlete's body rises above the water, while the pelvis needs to make wave-like movements. This style of swimming is very fast and takes second place after the front crawl;
  • The back crawl is technically similar to the front crawl. The athlete must alternately make strokes with his hands, while simultaneously working his legs along an up and down trajectory. In this case, the swimmer's body slides on the surface of the water. The back of the head is submerged in water. The main feature of this style is a low start, straight out of the water. Swimming on the back is inferior in speed to the crawl and butterfly;
  • Freestyle - swimming style (or front crawl); This means that the athlete can overcome the distance in any style convenient for him and even change it along the distance. Over the many years of competition, American athletes have managed to improve crawl swimming technique so much that it was this style that replaced the rest during freestyle swims;
  • Breaststroke is one of the main swimming styles in which symmetrical movements of the arms and legs are performed parallel to the surface of the water. When this style first appeared, the head was always on the surface of the water. Later it was noted that if you immerse your head in water during strokes, the speed increases significantly. Thus, in a modern brace, it is necessary to raise your head only to inhale.

There are no light or heavy strokes in swimming. In order to achieve results in each of the styles of swimming, you need to master the technique. Only in this case the speed will become high. It takes an average of two to three years of active training with a coach to establish the correct swimming and breathing technique, and then work on the result begins. It is necessary to develop endurance, hone movements to automatism and work on speed.

Basic swimming methods

  • Crawl on the chest
  • Crawl on the back
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly (dolphin)

The listed four styles are the main swimming methods that are included in the Olympic program of competitions, as well as the World and European Championships.

Swimming is a very useful sport, since almost all muscle groups are involved in any style. Swimmers-athletes have excellent figures.

You can start swimming from childhood, but it is better to start serious training in the pool no earlier than 6.5-7 years. This is due to the fact that a younger child is distracted by the water, cannot concentrate on the learning process, and also, he cannot stay in the cool water in the pool for a long time.

A person who follows the instructions of the coach, conscientiously practices and has natural swimming abilities can repeat and break the records of such famous swimmers as Michael Phelps, Ian Thorp, Yana Klochkova, Alexander Popov and many others.

A swimming pool is a place where a person can get acquainted with a special element - water. For us, it is unusual, but it is interesting to know it. In water, the human body feels completely different than on land: weightlessness appears, all movements are easier. Thanks to this effect, in the water you can perfectly train all muscle groups, putting not so much effort. Such training in the water is suitable even for those people for whom such loads in the air are contraindicated. Various workouts develop speed, strength, train endurance. And what do you want to achieve?

The benefits of swimming

The water element is available to absolutely everyone. Anyone can learn to swim: from the smallest child to a pensioner. Various swimming methods have a great effect on the circulatory system, cardiac activity, respiratory system, spine, bone tissue, and even treat some diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. You need to visit the pool at least 2 times, and the workout should last about 45 minutes. Experts consider this time to be optimal for our body. The number of visits can be increased to 4, but do not be too zealous. Remember that swimming is the same workout, a way to train the muscles of the whole body, and they also need rest. For children, training should be limited to 2 times for 30-40 minutes or 45 minutes, but with a break of 5 minutes.

Existing Styles

To begin with, it is worth understanding what the concept of style means. It can be defined as the coordinated work of the arms and legs, thanks to which the swimmer actively moves in the water in the direction he needs. Some of the most popular are:

  • Freestyle;
  • Butterfly;
  • Crawl.


This way of swimming is called so because it does not have clear rules and requirements.

An athlete can create his own execution technique and successfully use it.
This is the only type of competitive swimming that has only one indication: the athlete cannot completely immerse himself in the pool during strokes and kicks. This moment is valid only during the start and each turn. Since the very beginning of this style, many athletes have used the breaststroke to successfully overcome distances. The name "breaststroke" means a fairly wide spread of hands. It is performed on the chest, and is also suitable as a freestyle. The swimmer performs simultaneous and symmetrical, powerful strokes with his hands and at the same time active kicks with his legs, which are underwater in a horizontal position. Breaststroke is not characterized by speed - this is the slowest variant of movement. Breaststroke is still used today for those who wish to swim a fairly long distance with the least energy costs and almost silently. This way of swimming is a great option for those who are just learning the basics of swimming. This is a great way to understand exactly what movements of the arms and legs need to be performed in order to achieve the goal.


Butterfly is the youngest way of swimming, but today it is one of the most popular.
The name of this style is of English origin and literally means "butterfly". The name comes from the movement of swimmers, which they performed with their hands above the water. It is also worth noting that this style of swimming on the chest was officially recognized as independent. This is the fastest swimming style after the front crawl, but at the same time, the most energy-intensive. The butterfly stroke is based on powerful rowing with the hands, and the legs must make smooth movements. In addition, this style is constantly being improved.

"Dolphin" became a faster modernization of the butterfly. Its difference is the movements of the swimmer's legs under water: kicks in a vertical plane up and down. This is what distinguishes it from the butterfly, where the movement of the legs is adopted from the breaststroke.


In the classic version, crawl is a swimming style on the chest. As already mentioned, it is the fastest and most efficient way to swim. With it, you can effectively overcome both short and long distances. Due to what crawl allows you to develop such speed? It's all about the characteristic alternating movements of the hands, the swing of which is made above the water to carry out a powerful leap forward. Due to the fact that the hands at this moment are not immersed in the aquatic environment, they are not affected by the retarding force of water.

Swimming on the chest with the movement of the arms under water is much slower, since more time and effort is spent on the backswing. The special position of the hands was an advantage that allowed crawl to be added to the list of styles for competition. Swimming on the chest also involves the active participation of the legs. They should be fully extended and make powerful, quick springy movements so that the feet reach the surface of the water. Then the legs will provide active assistance to the hands, which are responsible for the driving force.

The “on the back” option is used in competitions as an opportunity to rest on a long distance.

Swimming on the back involves special movements of the legs - they make frequent movements-kicks from top to bottom and vice versa. The hands are also responsible for the speed of movement, which depends on the applied force. Fully extended arms alternately swing in the air on both sides and plunge into the water at a distance greater than the width of the shoulders. Bringing the palm closer to the water, it must be turned with an edge so that the little finger would be the first in the water. This position of the hand provides a faster and more efficient entry of the hand into the water.

Everyone can learn to swim in any of these styles. Freestyle swimming lessons will be provided by each professional coach or will advise you on other styles of swimming in the pool. Freestyle will become the basis for you, which will allow you to successfully develop in your chosen direction. All that is required of you is patience and perseverance, because hard work lies ahead of you. But the results you can achieve are definitely worth the effort.

The content of the article:

In order for the positive effects of swimming to be noticeable, you need to visit the pool three times a week. In addition, you need to follow the technique and alternate the swimming styles you use in the pool. You can find a lot of information about this on the net, but we will try to tell you about all the most important so as not to overload you with unnecessary knowledge.

What are the types of swimming?

People decide to start visiting the pool, guided by various goals. It is for this reason that there are different types of swimming, which we will now briefly describe. For some, swimming is just a way to improve health, while others may dream of climbing the Olympic podium. Here are the types of swimming that can be distinguished:

  • Sports- various sports on the water, in which it is necessary to overcome a certain distance in the shortest possible period of time.
  • Applied- here it is necessary to understand the ability to overcome various water obstacles, for example, saving a drowning person.
  • synchronous- performance of various technically complex elements in the water.
  • gaming- various sports as well as recreational activities held in the water, for example, water polo.
  • wellness- a complex of therapeutic and preventive procedures that allow to increase the tone of a person.
  • underwater- diving deep into natural reservoirs.
  • Diving is a sport in which athletes make difficult jumps into the water.
All these types of swimming can improve health and for this you need to adhere to a specific training program, which depends on your goals.

Swimming Contraindications

Although this sport is rightfully considered the safest, some contraindications still exist:
  1. Genetic diseases of the heart muscle.
  2. Serious stages of syphilis and tuberculosis.
  3. Problems with the work of internal organs, in which the risk of bleeding is high.
  4. Severe disorders of the intestinal tract.
  5. Damage to the elements of the articular-ligamentous apparatus.
  6. The presence of viral and infectious diseases.
  7. Certain diseases of the skin.
  8. Serious problems with the liver and kidneys.
  9. Epilepsy.
  10. Tendency to convulsions.
You probably noticed that this list mainly contains chronic diseases, as well as diseases accompanied by severe inflammatory processes and serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. In other words, if a person is diagnosed with a serious illness, then he should not be engaged in swimming.

Sailing history

A little lower we will talk about those styles of swimming in the pool that are most often used, and now a brief historical digression. Man learned to swim at the dawn of his history, as evidenced by evidence found by archaeologists. As one of the sports, swimming was first used in ancient Greece.

If we talk about the first swimming competition, then historians managed to find documents according to which it was held in Venice in 1515. It is quite obvious that swimming has its own history in our state. The Slavs have always swam well and actively used this skill for military purposes.

Even under Peter the Great, all military personnel had to undergo swimming training. Also, such a famous domestic commander as Suvorov paid great attention to this. In 1835, the first swimming school was established in St. Petersburg, and in 1891 the first swimming pool was built.

For the first time, swimmers established a sports organization in 1869, and this event took place on the territory of England. By the end of the 19th century, similar organizations were created in many states, including Russia. At the same time, swimming pools began to be built. The first artificial reservoir was created in 143 (Vienna). Swimming also appeared in the Olympic Games as a competitive sport in the late 19th century. Namely, in 1894.

Swimming styles in the pool: features

There are four swimming styles used by swimmers today in the pool, which have significant differences from a technical point of view. It should be said that under the technique of swimming it is necessary to understand the system of movements, thanks to which the motor abilities of a person can be transformed into high results.

The swimming technique implies the presence of a certain form, character, interaction of movements, as well as the ability of a person to use all the forces acting on the body to move forward. Swimming technique has been constantly improved and continues to evolve. Already in ancient Egypt, archaeologists have found drawings depicting swimmers using styles similar to the modern breaststroke and crawl. Let's look at the technical features of all swimming styles in the pool.

Freestyle (crawl)

In sports, the concept of "freestyle" means the ability of an athlete to use one or another style of swimming. Today this is the rabbit, but it was not always so. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, athletes were more likely to use the breaststroke, sidestroke, and trudge style. But already in the twenties, almost all swimmers switched to using crawl as the fastest swimming style in the pool. People have been using the crawl since time immemorial, but breaststroke was the most popular among athletes in the 19th century. This style has been the most popular for several centuries.

European athletes again began to return to the use of crawl after the competition in the capital of England, which took place in 1844. Then the English swimmers were quite easily bypassed by the American Indians, who used the crawl.

Note that the modern crawl did not appear immediately and its prototype was the trend style. The main difference between these swimming styles in the pool was the movement of the legs, which moved in a horizontal plane. The modern crawl appeared in the late twenties thanks to the efforts of American athletes and completely replaced other styles.

During crawl swimming, the athlete makes wide rowing alternating movements with his hands, and his legs simultaneously move in a vertical plane. The face at the time of swimming is mainly in the water. Only periodically the head turns to the side so that the athlete takes a breath.


At first, European athletes used the so-called inverted breaststroke. This continued until 1912, when the American athlete Hebner used an inverted crawl. Swimming on the back involves making alternating rowing movements with the arms and simultaneous work of the legs in a vertical plane. Since the athlete is on his back, the face is located above the water most of the time. This is not the fastest swimming style in the pool, however, you can develop a higher speed compared to the breaststroke.


The breaststroke technique consists in performing simultaneous symmetrical movements of the arms and legs in a horizontal plane. Among all swimming styles, breaststroke is the slowest. At the same time, this is the least energy-consuming way of swimming, which allows you to swim a long distance.


This style of swimming involves making simultaneous symmetrical movements of the right and left halves of the body. Making a powerful stroke with both hands, the athlete's chest rises above the water. At the same time, wave-like symmetrical movements of the legs are performed. In terms of movement speed, the butterfly is second only to the crawl. Also note that this is the most energy-intensive swimming style in the pool.

Swimming in the pool and losing weight

With regular swimming lessons, you can quickly get rid of excess weight. But this is not the only advantage of this sport, as you have the opportunity to tighten all the muscles of the body, which will make the figure even more attractive. It should also be remembered that water is able to remove the load from the spinal column, which is also extremely beneficial for health. However, for weight loss, certain rules must be followed, and simply floundering in water for a dozen or a little more minutes will not be enough.

At that moment, when a person is simply trying to keep the body on the water. About 300 calories are burned in an hour. But this is more typical of swimming in natural deep waters. But sea water, due to its higher density, is able to independently keep the body afloat, which is completely useless in terms of losing weight.

Let's find out how to swim to get rid of fat. First of all, you should achieve a heart rate of 130 to 160 beats per minute. Only in this case, lipolysis processes are activated, and you can get rid of 600 calories in 60 minutes.

This is an average value, and the exact amount of energy expended depends on several factors, such as swimming style in the pool, speed and body weight. The more muscle mass you have. The more energy is used. Also, you should alternate between different styles while maintaining the desired heart rate.

You can, say, swim in different styles for five minutes, and the total duration of the lesson should be at least half an hour. Note that each style of swimming involves the maximum work of certain muscles. This is another argument in favor of changing styles, which will allow you to perfectly tighten all the muscles of the body.

A detailed analysis of each style of swimming in the following story:

Swimming is one of the oldest sports that allows you to get in shape and strengthen muscles, improve blood flow and relax.

There are several sports swimming styles, but the most famous of them is the breaststroke.

They radically differ in execution technology, involve different muscle groups, and are also used for different purposes. What to choose for swimming - crawl or breaststroke?

Consider these techniques and try to answer this question.

Crawl is the fastest way to swim, because due to the technique of its execution, the water resistance is felt by the swimmer to a minimum, and the uniform work of the right and left sides of the body allows you to increase speed as quickly as possible.

Currently, in almost all freestyle competitions, athletes choose crawl.

It is described in detail in a separate article. In a nutshell, it is as follows:

  • Man lying on his chest rowing alternately with the right, then with the left hand and at the same time works with his legs, raising and lowering them.
  • During swimming, the swimmer's face is turned down, but at the same time as one of the strokes with his hands, he turns his head towards the "working" hand and inhales.
  • As for - you always need to release air only into the water, and inhale - at the moment when the hand just starts the stroke, that is, it rises above the surface from the side of the pelvis. You can inhale both at each stroke, and after 1.3, 5, etc. It is important to always start inhaling on one side so as not to disturb the respiratory rhythm.

Outwardly, it looks like this:

There is also such a thing as back crawl or backstroke - in this case, a person performs all the same movements, but lying on his back, in addition, strokes are carried out with straight arms, not bent arms, and much less attention is paid to breath control. In this case, the main work is performed by the pectoral muscles, the latissimus dorsi, the deltoid muscle of the shoulder and the calf muscles.

Brief description of the technique "Brass"

Breaststroke is another style of competitive swimming in which the swimmer works with arms and legs parallel to the plane of the water, and does so symmetrically rather than alternately. Breaststroke is also floated on the chest, but it is the slowest style.

The execution technique is as follows:

  • The person is on his chest, his hands are lowered into the water, divorced from each other (each in his own direction) and perform simultaneous stroke, after which they bend at the elbows, almost press against the body and return to their original position - in front of them.
  • At the moment of leg stroke start to pull up, and then, almost simultaneously with the return of the hands to the position in front of you, make a push.
  • When swimming with a breaststroke, you should breathe at the stage of completing the stroke with your hands, when bent elbows move towards the body, at this moment it is most convenient and effective to raise your head and take in air. It is recommended to inhale with each stroke, but you can do it less often, but be sure to maintain the pace (always after 1 stroke, always after 2, etc.).

It looks like this:

What is the difference?

Between these two styles is only one similarity - they are both performed on the stomach, in everything else they are very different, ranging from the technique of execution to the involvement of different muscle groups.

The crawl technique involves the constant work of the muscles in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the water, which allows you to develop the highest possible speeds.

In the breaststroke, on the contrary, almost all movements occur in the water, the swimmer has to constantly overcome the additional resistance of its molecules, which is why he will not be able to move as fast.

You can also notice that those who swim crawl, moving continuously, constantly generating acceleration.

With breaststroke, the cycle of movements takes a certain time, after which the person slides on the surface of the water on the acceleration obtained from the stroke with the hands and the push with the legs. This allows you to compensate for the energy spent on overcoming the resistance of the water, and ultimately the swimmer is not overloaded.

Important difference It also consists in the involved muscle groups: when swimming with a crawl, the main working tool is the muscles of the shoulders, arms and back, and with the breaststroke - the shoulders, chest and legs.

Rabbit Benefits

Front crawl is the fastest swimming style, so if you want to become a professional swimmer, it is definitely better to master it.

Despite the fact that it is more difficult to learn (read more about training), thanks to additional tools (for example, swimming boards), you can quickly understand the process.

Training in this technique is also endurance training., since the cycle of movements is continuous, but also because of this, as well as the peculiarities of its execution, it is very difficult for them to move underwater. allow you to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle, rectus and lateral broad muscles of the thighs.

breaststroke benefits

Breaststroke is considered to be an easier style in terms of physical activity. which is suitable for both sports and everyday swimming.

If you do not dream of a career as an Olympic champion and do not set yourself goals for the time being, then this style will be the best choice. An interesting fact is that only breaststroke is intuitive, and even children who are just learning to swim quickly begin to move the way they need to, and therefore get results.

The technical correctness of execution here has a slightly less important role than in crawl - only the correct movements of the neck of the head during breathing are important (it is important to always lower the head back into the water after inhalation, so as not to keep the cervical spine in constant tension).

The breaststroke allows not only to move long distances with minimal effort, but also to swim freely under water. No other style can dive as effectively.

Since this style relies heavily on inertial movement after pushing with the legs, the main muscles that will work here are the muscles of the legs (the rectus and quadriceps femoris, adductors, glutes and calves). When working with your hands, the deltoid muscles of the shoulder girdle and pectoral muscles are also involved.

What is more useful?

Medicine and sports science do not have a clear answer to this question.

Medically the same both of these swimming styles are useful, but they can be recommended in accordance with the goals and wishes of the patient, as well as medical diagnoses.

For example, it is important for a person with scoliosis to strengthen the back muscles, which means that he should devote as much time as possible to crawl, backstroke or butterfly.

The crawl is especially good because the almost straight position of the body minimizes stress on the spine, but at the same time allows you to train nearby muscles.

If we consider the breaststroke through the prism of medical opinion, then it is ideal for both beginner swimmers and people with underdeveloped limbs (the elderly or people with disabilities or the consequences of injuries) and pregnant women. Intense leg movements not only develop the muscles of the lower half of the body, but also stimulate the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Simply put, choosing a priority swimming style directly depends on the physical fitness of a person and his goals It is impossible to make an unambiguous choice without analyzing the whole situation. But there are a number of expert theories and opinions that the program of any sport should be balanced for the individual.

Thus, there will be less benefit from using only one swimming style than from using several at once in combination.

If we take the muscles of the legs as an example, then for maximum usefulness in everyday life, it is better to develop both the hips and lower legs, this will allow you to walk long distances and perform endurance exercises with repetitions.

The same applies to all other muscles - it is always better to develop them together than to perform exercises for only one group. This approach allows you to develop the whole body at the same time, without overloading it. When it comes to swimming, this means that the optimal approach is to alternate swimming styles in each session.

Focusing on one style can be justified by high sporting goals - for example, breaking the world record for freestyle in a hundred meters, but for most people this is not the case, while training only one style can easily overwork or stretch muscles.

Turning from one style to another

As we have already understood, it is the alternation of styles that will bring the most effective result, but few people know that you can change one for another not only starting a new swim from the side.

You can change one style to another right in the middle of the “path” of the pool - this is usually done to relax when the muscles are tired from the same type of work.

How to transition from front crawl to breaststroke: complete the stroke and position yourself so that your body is in a straight line and your arms are in front. From it you can start breaststroke movements - a stroke with your hands and a push with your feet.

If you want, on the contrary, to make a breaststroke turn on the crawl, then after a whole cycle of movements (stroke with your arms, inhale and push with your legs), you need to take the same straight pose with your hands in front of you and begin the transition to the front crawl with a stroke with your arm.

Crawl with breast stroke

There is also a mixed style of swimming in which arms make a stroke breaststroke, a legs work in the crawl style.

This way of swimming is sometimes also called “applied breaststroke”.

This is one of the possible options for teaching children to swim, especially preschool children.

The point is that it is still difficult for young children to master crawl with its difficult breathing, but, on the other hand, it is no less difficult to master breaststroke kicks, which are technically difficult for adults as well.

'Cause the kids first with the swim board teach to work with crawl legs, and then, when the child floats on the water and can swim with an “arrow” due to his legs - his learn to stroke breaststroke.

Swimming training for adults can be built according to a similar scheme.

At the same time, this style should still be considered not as an independent style of swimming, but as intermediate step on the way to full crawl and breaststroke.


Swimming is one of the most comfortable and useful sports, as it stimulates the muscles, normalizes breathing, but at the same time, the likelihood of injury or sprain and, moreover, a bruise or fracture, is close to zero here. Thanks to this, swimming is not only a sport, but also an excellent therapy for many diseases of the muscles and joints, as well as problems with blood supply.

Swimming can be equally beneficial for both adults and children, but you need to remember that if you have serious health problems, you should consult a specialist before going to the pool.

If you don’t know how to swim and are afraid of water, then any sports complex has its own personal trainers who will help you stop being afraid, as well as teach you the basics of swimming, after which you can already practice on your own.
