How to protect the "dollar tree" from pests and diseases. Zamioculcas - leaves turn yellow and lose their rich green color

Zamioculcas - unpretentious plant, not requiring special care. But, despite this, novice flower growers encounter difficulties in growing it.

Often this "", the leaves of which should be lush and green, suddenly begins to turn yellow. Its leaves die off, and soon the plant loses its decorative effect.

There can be several reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the plant. These are: waterlogging, too dry air, a sharp change in temperature and an attack by pests.

In the article, you will learn why the leaves of the zamiokulkas (dollar tree) turn yellow and what to do, depending on the reason.

All possible causes and their likelihood

Yellowing of zamiokulkas leaves most often occurs due to improper care. The most likely causes of leaf problems in this plant are:

  • Wrong watering regime;
  • Low air humidity.

Zamioculcas should be watered abundantly, but not often.. Any stagnant water in the pot can cause root rot, which is accompanied by yellowing of the leaves.

A common mistake flower growers make is that they water this flower too often, as a result of which the earth does not have time to dry out. It should not be forgotten that this plant retains a large number of moisture in its leaves, so it does not need too frequent watering.

But Zamioculcas does not like the strong drying of the soil. At the same time, its leaves often begin to turn yellow. Complete drying of the earthen coma can lead to its death.

Therefore, watering should be carried out regularly so that the soil in the pot is always moist. You can not fill the plant, and then wait for the earth to dry long time. This mode of watering is unacceptable for a flower.

Dry air too common cause yellowing of plant leaves. This flower requires constant air humidification. Therefore, caring for him is quite complicated in a city apartment.

A sharp increase or decrease in temperature can also cause the plant to turn yellow. But in room conditions if you do not keep the flower in a draft or under an air conditioner, you can not be afraid of this.

Diseases and pests affect the appearance of the plant very rarely. If zamiokulkas cannot be taken out in the summer for open air, you can not be afraid of harmful insects. Fungal diseases that this flower can suffer from, with properly cultivated soil, also occur extremely rarely.

Waterlogging as a result of abundant watering

Zamioculcas is quite drought-resistant and does not need abundant watering. Moistening the soil in which it grows should be regular, but moderate.

If the plant is watered too intensively or due to poor drainage, water stagnates in the soil, its rhizome begins to rot.

Root rot - fungal disease . It is accompanied by damage to the root system and yellowing of the leaves. At its initial stage, it is enough to reduce watering.

If reducing watering does not help, you need to urgently transplant the plant into new soil. by removing all the rotten parts of the root. When transplanting, it is necessary to lay a good drainage layer in the pot.

Dry air and dry soil

Severe drying of the soil can also adversely affect the appearance of the plant. If a clod of earth regularly dries up, it lacks moisture. In this case, its leaves begin to turn yellow, and some of the roots die.

How to reanimate zamiokulkas - you need to increase watering. To restore the root system, you can use special preparations for rooting.

Also, the cause of yellowing can be very dry air and high temperature in the apartment. AT summer heat so that the leaves do not turn yellow and dry out, you need to humidify the air in the room where the zamiokulkas is located. Spraying with water or rubbing the leaves with a damp sponge gives good results.

Sharp jumps in temperature

The plant does not respond well to a sudden increase or decrease in temperature. It is thermophilic and afraid of the cold, but a sharp warming in the room must necessarily be accompanied by air humidification. Otherwise, the leaves of Zamioculcas will turn yellow.

It also tolerates a sharp cold snap. At the same time, its leaves can not only turn yellow, but also begin to wither and die.

When growing Zamioculcas, a stable indoor air temperature is crucial.

This plant is afraid of cold drafts. Therefore, it must be placed away from opening window sashes and balcony doors. And when airing the room, it is advisable to take this flower to another room. It is also best not to grow it in an air-conditioned room. But if there is no other place for the plant, it should not be placed close to a working air conditioner.

In winter, remove the plant from radiators. During this period, it is necessary to moisten the air especially carefully to avoid yellowing of the leaves.

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Harmful insects

If no mistakes were made in caring for the plant, and the leaves turn yellow anyway, you need to carefully examine it for presence. The flower may strike red spider mite and shield.

The tick settles on the reverse side of the leaves, braiding them with a thin cobweb. This is a very small pest, which, nevertheless, can bring big trouble.

You can not destroy the tick by rubbing the leaves and washing with water. Harmful insects still remain and continue to multiply. And this eventually ends with the death of the plant.

Against ticks, insecticidal preparations are used that completely destroy pests.

Adult scale insects look like small spots on leaves and stems.. The pest sucks the juice of the plant, from which the leaves turn yellow. The scale insect is destroyed with special preparations that kill the larvae. Adult insects must be collected and destroyed.

Zamioculcas diseases

At proper care Zamioculcas rarely gets sick. But mistakes in agricultural technology can provoke a number of fungal diseases that will quickly affect the appearance of the flower.

Common diseases affecting the flower are various rots. Distinguish:

  • root rot;
  • stem rot;
  • Rotting plant leaves.

Root rot affects the plant with frequent stagnation of water in the pot. If watering is too frequent and plentiful, the roots of the plant may begin to rot, which will affect the condition of the foliage. Too heavy soil composition and poor drainage can also lead to this.

At the first suspicion of root rot, the flower must be transplanted into a new soil. At the same time, a thick drainage layer is laid in the pot. The roots of the plant are freed from the old soil and inspected, all damaged and diseased parts are removed. As a rule, an emergency transplant at the beginning of the disease saves the plant from root rot.

Due to excessive soil moisture and very high humidity, the ground part of the plant may suffer. The stems become covered with dark spots and rot, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off. This is a stem rot that can only be controlled with fungicidal preparations. They treat the ground part of the plant until the signs of the disease disappear. Before applying the fungicide, all affected areas of the plant are removed.

Leaf rot can occur due to frequent contact with water as a result of spraying.. At the same time, the leaves appear dark spots with a yellow halo. Helps fight disease systemic fungicide. It is also recommended to spray the plant so that water does not fall on the leaves less and does not accumulate on them.

Now that you know why the zamiokulkas leaves turned yellow and what to do in this situation.

Zamioculcas care basics

When growing Zamioculcas, it is necessary to maintain a stable temperature in the room. In summer, it should be within 22-25ºС, in winter it can be slightly reduced - up to 17-19ºС.

Lighting should be bright but diffused. The flower does not tolerate direct sunlight, burns can form on its leaves. You should not keep the plant in the shade - from a lack of light, its leaves turn yellow and die.

Required to maintain high humidity air. It is desirable that when spraying less water falls on the leaves of the plant. It is good to replace spraying with a wet wiping of the foliage.

Water the plant should be plentiful. Between waterings upper layer the soil must dry out. In winter, when low temperature watering is reduced, but the earth in the pot should always remain slightly moist.

For successful cultivation fertilizing the plant is necessary from mid-April to the end of August. Can be used liquid fertilizers for succulents that need to be applied to the soil twice a month.

Young plants need to be transplanted annually, old ones - every 2-3 years. Transplantation is carried out in the spring in a pot a little bigger size. The plant needs good drainage, the drainage holes in the pot should be of sufficient size to drain excess moisture.

What to do if the leaves of the Zamioculcas plant turn yellow and the tips dry, what are the reasons? This question is asked by many flower growers. An exotic green pet from hot Africa settled on the windowsills of our compatriots relatively recently. In the shortest possible time, he gained great popularity due to unpretentiousness and ease of care. The pet is very hardy and resistant to various ailments. Despite this, growing it is not always easy.

The conditions in which the plant lives at home can be called Spartan. But this does not mean that room existence is given to him so simply. Many flower growers notice that the foliage suddenly begins to turn yellow in a green pet. However, no other symptoms of the disease are observed. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out why zamiokulkas turns yellow.

If the leaves of a pet turn yellow, this does not always mean that he does not feel well. It also happens that a change in the color of the foliage is associated with a completely normal and natural cause- growth. The marvelous exotic guest is one of the indoor plants which grow very, very slowly. In the process of development, new leaves appear. And the old ones turn yellow, then dry up and fall off. This is absolutely natural, in the wild everything happens just like that. At home, the decorative effect of the flower suffers because of this, which becomes a cause of concern for caring flower growers. But you shouldn't worry. If the foliage has turned yellow, but the plant still produces new shoots, then everything is in order with it.

Why do the leaves of Zamioculcas turn yellow during growth? Everything is extremely simple: brand new young leaves are more active and adapted to life. They quickly take all the necessary nutrients from the soil. At the same time, the old foliage lacks useful elements, which is why it gradually falls off.

Often, in the process of active growth, dark spots appear on the stems and leaves. If they are dry, this should not scare flower growers either, the process is quite natural, the plant is healthy. You just need to wait until the foliage is completely dry, and remove it. Flower care should be the same.

care mistakes

Zamioculcas is one of the unpretentious plants. However, if you take care of him incorrectly, he can get sick. One of the symptoms of the disease is yellowing of the leaves. How to take care of a pet so that this does not happen?

  1. 1 The most common reason why Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow is improper watering. An African inhabitant can exist without moisture for quite a long time. Therefore, the lack of moisture for him is less destructive than over watering. The abundance of liquid causes rotting of the roots, which invariably leads to yellowing of the leaves, and later to the death of the entire tree. Most actual problem overflow becomes in winter period. During cold weather, the green pet's need for water is significantly reduced, it does not need to be watered often. Moisturizing is only necessary if the soil is dry.
  2. 2 The plant, which is native to hot countries, is a fan of moderate lighting. With a long stay in the sun, yellowness appears on the leaves. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the flower is not under direct rays for too long. The optimal daily time is 5-6 hours. If this period is exceeded, zamiokulkas gets burned and turns yellow. In the hot season, it is better to expose the flower to the sun until 11 am, or after 3-4 pm, when solar activity is weaker.
  3. 3 Rotting of the root system and, as a result, a change in the color of the foliage provokes an excess of fertilizer. Wanting to accelerate the growth of indoor plants, flower growers often overdo it with top dressing. But it is worth remembering that zamiokulkas grows rather slowly, even an abundance of fertilizers will not be able to speed up this process. Excessive enrichment of the soil causes no less harm than too much watering. From spring to autumn, no more than 1 top dressing should be carried out. In winter, it is better to refuse to fertilize at all.
  4. 4 Gentle pet does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. If the pet turned yellow, it is likely that he stood in a draft for a long time or was close to working heaters.
  5. 5 The situation when the plant turns yellow due to lack of moisture is extremely rare. However, do not forget that this is also possible. Therefore, do not bring to the point that the soil in the pot begins to crack.

Now you know why zamiokulkas turns yellow in most cases. Now let's discuss how to help your pet in all these situations.

How to bring a houseplant back to life?

If the window sill resident changes color due to natural growth, nothing needs to be done. Over time, the plant itself will return to normal. If yellowing is caused by improper care, appropriate rescue measures should be taken immediately.

  1. 1 If the yellowing of the pet began due to excessive watering, it is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and gently shake the soil from the roots. After you need to carefully examine the root system from all sides and remove rotten areas. The places of cuts are sprinkled with crushed coal. To prevent the decay process from affecting healthy roots, it is recommended to treat them with a fungicide. After this, the pet is transplanted into a new soil.
  2. 2 If the pet dries up, it is necessary to remove it from the ground and carefully examine it. Healthy roots should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which the zamiokulkas is planted in a new soil. If you water it in time, young shoots will soon appear.
  3. 3 What to do if " Money Tree"Yellowed from excess lighting? Everything is simple here: you just need to rearrange the plant to a new place. The same should be done if the leaves are a little frozen due to being on a cold window for a long time in winter. However, do not forget that sudden changes in temperature no less dangerous.So do not put the pot very close to a heat source.
  4. 4 If the yellowing of the foliage provoked abundant top dressing, you need to do the same as with waterlogging. The tree is taken out of the pot, treated with a disinfectant and transplanted to a new place of residence.

Remember that the yellowing of the leaves is not yet a reason to take the flower to the trash. In most cases, Zamiokulkas manages to help.

Problem after transplant

Often, flower growers notice that an absolutely healthy plant begins to turn yellow after transplantation. Most likely, this is due to the fact that during the transfer of the flower from one pot to another, the storage tuber was injured. To help a green pet, you need to get it out of the pot and carefully examine it. In most cases, injured places begin to spit. They must be carefully removed, and the cut points should be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. After that, the plant must be left to dry, and then planted back in the pot.

Sometimes it also happens that when dividing zamiokulkas on a small tuber, too many branches with leaves remain. It simply cannot cope with the load, which is why it begins to turn yellow and wither away. It is impossible to help the tree. The process will stop on its own immediately after the balance between the above and below ground is restored.

Dangerous pests

Zamioculcas may suffer from pest invasion. However, unlike less resistant indoor plants, with timely treatment, it does not cause severe damage.

The most common pests:

  • aphids settle on tender leaves and cover them with a dark slimy coating;
  • scale insect leads to the formation of dark spots on the leaves, and if there are a lot of pests, defects also appear on the stems;
  • spider mite weaves on back side small cobwebs of leaves, the oppressed appearance of the plant also indicates the defeat.

To combat the insidious conquerors, experts recommend using several effective means:

  1. 1 Treatment with soapy water allows you to simply wash insects off the plant. To prepare the composition, 30 g of grated laundry soap dilute in 1 liter clean water. When performing the procedure, it is important to ensure that the solution does not fall on the ground. You can first wipe the leaves with a sponge dipped in the composition, and then place the flower under a warm shower for a few minutes.
  2. 2 Garlic infusion is also highly effective in pest control. To prepare it, 1 chopped head is poured into 1 liter of boiling water. The composition is infused for 7 days, after which it is used for spraying.
  3. 3 If the above methods did not bring the desired result, it is necessary to apply chemicals insect control. For example, experts recommend Aktara, Aktellik, Intavir and others. Preparations are sold in all specialized stores. They are bred according to the instructions and used for spraying. To increase efficiency, you can completely place the plant in a polyethylene bag after processing.

Timely measures taken will save the plant from dangerous pests. It will not be superfluous and prevention against their appearance.

Indoor ornamental leafy plant called "zamiokulkas" in last years became especially popular with flower growers, due to its unpretentiousness and decent appearance. Zamioculcas belongs to the aroid family, so it must be handled with care, as the stems, leaves, and roots are poisonous.

It blooms very rarely, being already quite "adult". Inconspicuous flowers are cobs wrapped in a pale green hood. The homeland of the plant is the arid plains of Africa, so it does not need frequent or abundant watering, but it does require very light soil with excellent drainage - the same as for cacti and other succulents.

It is better to plant a flower in clay pot because thick, moisture-laden roots can tear plastic container. Zamioculcas does not like full shade as well as direct sunlight - the best conditions for him there will be partial shade and a fairly high air temperature - at least 15-18 degrees.

There are several reasons why the plant's foliage has acquired yellow. The actions to "resuscitate" the flower also depend on them.

  • Old, obsolete leaf plates dry out and change color. If fresh shoots and young leaves develop normally, and the lower ones fall off, you should not worry - this is a natural renewal process.
  • Most often, the cause of the death of the crown and roots of Zamioculcas is excessive watering and unsuitable soil. It is necessary to moisten the earthen lump of a flower only when it is completely dry. It’s not scary to be even a little late - the plant is accustomed to dry conditions. But excess water leads to decay and death of the root system, resulting in the death of foliage. Heavy clay soil does not allow enough oxygen to pass through, which also negatively affects Zamioculcas. He does not tolerate too generous top dressing.

What to do in this case? You need to take the flower out of the pot and inspect the roots. After cleaning them from rotting parts, treat them with ash and root-restoring preparations, plant them in soil suitable for plant growth. Follow the rules of care.

Why do zamiokulkas leaves turn yellow and what to do about it?

Zamioculcas is an ornamental leaf plant that is undemanding to care. The main indicator of flower problems is a change in the color of the green parts of Zamioculcas. Why do leaves turn yellow?

Problems in care

Do not worry if the appearance of yellow plates is not massive and occurs at long intervals. The reason for this behavior of Zamioculcas is natural aging. Most probable cause yellowed leaves - the presence of errors in the care of zamiokulkas:

  • in air temperature;
  • in lighting;
  • in watering.

Only observation and analysis of the place chosen for the flower will allow to determine the exact cause of yellowing. Zamioculcas grows well in diffused light. Placing the plant on a windowsill (especially south facing) in the front rows will cause the green part to burn and turn yellow. Damaged leaves must be cut out. The flower should be shaded from direct sun, removed deep into the room.

In winter, careless airing of the room in which Zamioculcas grows can cause hypothermia. The leaves of the flower turn yellow with frostbite. Damaged parts are removed. With a weak hypothermia, damage is done only to the above-ground parts, with a strong one, they can be damaged root system.

Advice. You should not leave a flower on the windowsill during airing, be sure to remove it away from the destructive cold.

Flaw minerals- also the reason that the leaves turn yellow. Fertilizers are applied when watering no more than 1 time in 10-15 days. Feeding consumption is determined according to the recommendations in the instructions attached to the preparation.

Watering mode

Since Zamioculcas belongs to succulent plants (as its fleshy shoots can tell), the irrigation regime inherent in it should be observed. Yellowing of zamiokulkas may be due to:

  1. With overflow. In the absence of holes at the bottom of the pot, drainage, with excessive frequent watering rotting of the root system of the flower occurs.
  2. With drought. The lack of moisture also negatively affects the plant. A short-term lack of water is easily tolerated by them due to the redistribution of moisture in the aerial part. A long drought leads to exhaustion sheet plate and her death.

Advice. Proper watering produced as the earthen coma dries up, excess moisture should freely leave the limits of the pot.

insect pests

The dense hard parts of zamiokulkas are not a delicacy for pests. However, the plant is under attack:

  • aphids - greenish active insects living in colonies;
  • scale insects - small armored immobile insects located on the petiole and leaf;
  • spider mites - microscopic pests that are difficult to see. A thin white cobweb signals their appearance.

At the first signs of infection, it is better to use folk remedies:

  • decoctions and infusions of essential oil crops for spraying;
  • laundry soap or vodka for wiping the vegetative part.

For severe infection greatest effect give chemical means - insecticides.

When the leaves turn yellow, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the color change (errors in care or the appearance of pests) and proceed with treatment. Timely assistance will preserve the decorative and healthy appearance of Zamioculcas.

Zamioculcas: video

What if the leaves of Zamioculcas turn yellow and the trunk turns black? The reasons may be natural or arise from mistakes in the care process. Despite the fact that the plant is quite undemanding to care for, growing it indoors is not always easy. Let's see what to do in such a situation.

The main symptoms that characterize the disease are yellowed leaves and dried tips. In most cases, this is what begins to bother novice flower growers.

Flower signaling danger primarily appearance. Therefore, you should take good care of your pets.

Yellow does not always indicate flower health problems.

If you notice that Zamioculcas is languishing, pay attention to external signs diseases.

If the leaves turn yellow


If you notice yellow leaves, this is not necessary talking about illness. Perhaps Zamioculcas is just growing. The plant is characterized by slow growth.

The yellowness of the leaves haunts different flowers. We have repeatedly considered plant ailments. For example, .


Young leaves are formed, and the old ones turn yellow and gradually fall off. AT vivo growth is exactly what happens. At room conditions, caring owners begin to worry, because decorative properties suffer.

If Zamioculcas continues to produce new shoots and leaves, nothing to worry about. The flower is absolutely healthy.

What is the reason for yellowing during growth? The fact is that the young leaves of Zamioculcas are more adapted to life than the old ones. They take the lion's share nutrients from the soil. And the lower ones do not have enough food and they gradually die off.

As you can see, the lower shoots change color, while the rest remain green.

In this case, no rescue measures need to be taken.

Mistakes in care

Much more often, the reasons for the deterioration in the well-being of a flower lie in improper care.

There are several of them:

  1. The most common reason why Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow is improper organization of watering. Your pet can go without water for several days, but he will not forgive you for excess moisture.

Negatively refers to the stagnation of moisture in the soil. This leads to rotting of the root system, which in turn leads to yellowing of the leaves. In the future, this can provoke the death of a pet.

Watering should be especially careful in winter. During this period, Zamioculcas slows down its growth, that is, it needs less watering. It is better to wait for the substrate to dry, and only then moisten.

  1. Zamioculcas - a resident of hot African countries. In this regard, he prefers moderate lighting. When exposed to direct sunlight, quite long time, the plant can get sunburn.

At the same time, its leaves turn yellow and dry. Optimal time stay of a flower open sun should be no more than 5-6 hours.

  1. In case of an overabundance of fertilizers, the root system can also rot. Often, for more intensive growth, flower growers prefer to feed it with fertilizers.

Zamioculkas, thanks to his natural features, grows slowly. And no fertilizer will change that. And here can destroy.

  1. The leaves may also turn yellow from temperature changes. The pet does not tolerate drafts. It can also lead to flower disease.
  2. Very rare, but yellowing from lack of moisture is still possible. Excessive drying of the substrate should not be allowed, especially the appearance of cracks on the surface or a gap between the walls of the pot and the soil.


  1. If the cause of yellowing was excessive watering, you need to dry the roots. To do this, you need to remove the flower from the pot, free the roots from the wet soil.

Carefully inspect the roots, remove damaged or rotten parts. Sections must be treated with charcoal.

Now you can transplant into new soil and adjust watering.

After drying the roots, you can plant the pet in a new soil
  1. In case the reason yellow leaves became overdrying, proceed as follows. Zamioculcas is taken out of the pot, freed from the soil.

It is necessary to carefully examine the roots - remove all weak and dry roots, treat the remaining ones with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Transplant your pet into a new substrate, don't forget to water on time!

  1. If the flower has suffered from excessive lighting, simply move it to another window sill or shade it in its original place.
  2. If the leaves turn yellow under the influence of drafts or temperature changes, you need to remove the flower from the window. When airing the room, take the zamiokulkas to another room.
  1. If the flower has received an excessive dose of fertilizer, you need to do as in the first case. Remove from the pot, treat with a solution of potassium permanganate and transplant into fresh soil.

Darkens trunk


To answer the question "why it gets dark" and "what to do", you need determine the nature of the darkening stem.

  1. Dark spots appeared on the trunk. Pay attention to the condition of the plant. If there are no weeping spots, rot, pests, then everything is in order with your flower.

As with yellowing, it is important to determine the source of the problem when the trunk darkens.

Takova decorative feature Zamioculcas. You can see on its stem not only various spots, but also dark stripes. This does not mean that the plant is suffering.

  1. If the stem darkens from the root Most likely your pet is sick. This phenomenon leads to rotting of the trunk and death. Most often the cause is excessive watering or low temperature.

If the room is cold, the soil does not dry out well. As a result, it leads to stagnation of water in the pot and rotting of the roots and tubers of the flower.

What to do

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the conditions of detention. Adjust watering. Zamioculcas will have to be transplanted into a new pot with fresh soil.

If you can't save, cut off the top. Rooting it, get a new young plant.

Zamiokulkas diseases

Consider what to do if the leaves:

small with dry ends The reason is the lack of light. Move to a lighter window sill
fall off from the top Occurs from excessive or insufficient watering. Adjust your watering schedule
turn black together with flower tubers The reason, unequivocally, lies in decay with excessive moisture and low temperature.

It is necessary to transplant the plant into a new substrate, having treated it with a fungicide, to establish watering

With dark spots The reason lies in excessively abundant watering, low temperatures content.

Move the pot to warm place and adjust watering


Zamioculcas is rarely exposed to pests. But there are exceptions, especially if it is weakened by improper care.

Aphid. The pest attacks if the flower is often take out into the open air. Black dots can be seen on the leaves. If you do not start treatment, the foliage curls, dries and crumbles.

To control these insects, finished preparations, such as Intavir, Fitoverm, etc.

spider mite. If the plant is kept in conditions of dry and warm air, there is a high risk of infection with this pest. If the flower is affected by these insects, a white cobweb appears on it. Mostly it is located in the internodes.

If you do not help the plant in a timely manner, then it turns yellow, becomes lethargic and sheds foliage. To destroy pests, the leaves of the flower are wiped with soapy water.

After sprinkled with tobacco, after half an hour, the plant is rinsed warm water. You can also use insecticides, the choice of which is now great.

Shchitovka. When exposed to an insect, dark spots appear on the plant. Pests multiply very quickly, so you need to start fighting them right away. The methods of struggle are the same as with the spider mite.

Mealybug. The pest also loves dry air. When a plant is damaged, a sticky coating forms on its leaves. It makes it difficult for air to reach the leaves.

Over time, the plant withers and throws off the leaves. To control insects, it is recommended to wash off pests with soapy water.

With inefficiency this method chemicals should be used.

Thus, even such an unpretentious plant as zamiokulkas, needs care and attention. The main thing is to notice the warning signs in a timely manner and help your pet cope with the disease as soon as possible.
