How to clean the kitchen set glossy plastic. How to wash a glossy kitchen set

For the production of furniture fronts with a glossy surface, four main methods are often used. It can be plastic, paint, PVC film or acrylic coating.

In the manufacture of glossy surfaces for furniture facades, 4 main methods are used

Kitchens with plastic coating are economical options. Chipboard boards or MDF are not usually used for this type of coating. On the front side of an inexpensive facade is applied plastic sheet. It is usually glued by postforming, under pressure and under the influence of high temperature.

Such a coating must be washed with non-aggressive detergents. Unfortunately, if any damage is caused to it during operation, it is almost impossible to fix it. The only option left is to completely re-glue it.

Such an economical option as a kitchen with a plastic coating must be washed with gentle detergents

When washing the plastic coating, you can not be afraid that it may get wet. This material completely waterproof. It has a fairly high strength, so this kitchen can serve you for a very long time.

However, glossy plastic tends to lose color brightness, so be careful when choosing detergents. It is very important to first try a new product on the least visible area. If everything is in order with the color, then feel free to remove them all kitchen set.

The most versatile tool that can be used for cleaning is the usual laundry soap shabby on a grater into the water. Such a solution is able to remove most contaminants and does not damage the surface at all. After the cleaning is completed, it is necessary to wipe the coatings dry to a shine. You can use glass rags available at most hardware stores. They easily remove stains on a glossy surface.

Laundry soap diluted in water will help to wash the plastic surface, without unnecessary damage.

Coloring is most often MDF boards. First applied to them desired color and then several coats of varnish on top to achieve a glossy effect. The application technology is rather complicated. Each layer must be carefully sanded, primed, sanded and dried. But in the end you get an absolutely flat, perfect surface.

Small defects during operation on a painted surface can be corrected, unlike plastic. But still, you need to try to avoid scratches to the maximum. To wash such facades, non-abrasive detergents can be used. At the end of cleaning, it is necessary to wipe them with a dry microfiber cloth in order to eliminate unnecessary stains.

For painted glossy facades, it is good to use a glass cleaner

For painted facades, a soapy solution can also be used. Also very a good remedy according to the reviews of the hostesses, it is a common remedy for glasses. It is especially indispensable for dark surfaces, on which stains are more visible. It is recommended to apply the product on the facades and wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

vacuum pressing on MDF facades a glossy PVC film is glued. Such kitchens, like plastic ones, are economical options. This surface can be washed with non-abrasive detergents. After all, such a film is quite resistant to damage and discoloration. The only thing is that such facades can fade under the influence of direct sunlight. PVC film should never be washed with a very damp cloth. Otherwise, it may peel off the facade.

To prevent peeling of the film from the facade, try to wipe the surface with a not too damp cloth.

Since the film is loyal to most detergents, it can also be washed with soapy water and glass cleaner. Also very efficient and fast method stains on the facades are ordinary household wet wipes. They do not leave streaks on the surface and effectively cope with pollution.

For such facades, MDF boards are taken and acrylic plastic is glued to them. For this, a special polyurethane adhesive is used. Pollution from such a surface is removed quite simply. These facades, when defects appear on them, can be polished. But in no case should they be washed with aggressive detergents, as you can lose the shine of the glossy facade.

To wash the surface with an acrylic facade, use non-abrasive detergents.

All previous stain control methods apply to acrylic surfaces. You can use soapy water, glass cleaner, cleaning wipes, and any other non-abrasive cleaner.

The advantages of glossy facades are many. They look very impressive and beautiful, due to the reflection of light visually increase the space of the kitchen. However, such a kitchen, unfortunately, requires constant cleaning. After all, stains from finger touches, from water, from oil and other stains instantly appear on it. This is most likely the most basic disadvantage of glossy surfaces. In order for such spots to be less noticeable, it is better to purchase not a monochromatic gloss, but with some inclusions. It can be, for example, gold, silver chips or any other color.

Try to choose a kitchen set in such a way as to facilitate the cleaning process.

In order to minimize cleaning, you can purchase only glossy wall cabinets, and pick up the bottom of the kitchen with some other, for example, matte surface. It is also important to choose correct color. On a dark gloss, pollution will be more noticeable, and on light ones, respectively, less.

Maintenance of glossy facades

In order for the facades to always look attractive, they need proper care. It is very important that the kitchen is kept dry. Otherwise, shelves and facades can swell from excessive moisture and even become moldy. Then the PVC film or plastic coating may peel off. It is important to install the kitchen in such a way that sunlight did not fall directly on the glossy facade. This will help to preserve the brightness of the color of the kitchen for a long time.

If you purchased a detergent concentrate, then you must definitely dilute it before using it to wash glossy facades. It is ideal to buy a special paste or wax to care for the kitchen. It is also possible to do without chemicals if your home has a steam cleaner.

On sale now you can find universal gels for degreasing surfaces. It can even be an ordinary dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy, Sorti, Persil and others. You will need a microfiber cloth for cleaning. Apply the composition to all facades, then simply wipe with a damp cloth with a little water. Next, wipe the facades dry. It is best to use disposable rags for this purpose, which are sold in large skeins. This will completely avoid divorce. With daily wiping of surfaces, your furniture will always look neat and beautiful.

When buying detergents, you need to pay attention to the composition. Use soft cloths and non-abrasive liquids without aggressive ingredients. Make sure that the products do not have a dissolving and corrosive effect. Otherwise, they may cause the facades to become cloudy or streaked. It will be impossible to get rid of it.

The range of detergents is now simply huge, so it is important to know how to wash a glossy kitchen set so as not to spoil it. As has been said many times, in no case do not buy abrasive products for washing facades. This refers to such as Comet, Pemo Lux and most other powdered products. From the first time they will not scratch the glossy surface, but over time it will become cloudy and stop reflecting light. Sponges should not be hard for the same reason. Use the softest rags designed for gloss or glass.

Do not use powdered cleaners and hard sponges, which can damage the glossy surface of the fronts.

You should not buy washing liquids with chlorine, such as Domestos, Cilit bang, Toilet duck and the like. Even if there is a need to get rid of greasy spots. Such products discolor the facades and make them untidy.

Also, the composition should not contain wax. It is usually used to care for wooden furniture. If you apply a wax composition to the gloss, then it will become sticky and will attract pollution, and not repel them. Washing the facade in this case will be very difficult.

Please note that the detergent does not contain alcohol, as it will contribute to the fact that the facades will begin to fade.

Avoid using products containing chlorine, alcohol and wax

It is strictly forbidden to wash kitchen surfaces with microwave cleaners, hobs, ovens and plumbing. Usually they contain very aggressive substances that will make the surface cloudy.

How to wash glossy kitchen facades

The basic rule for keeping glossy facades clean is regular cleaning. Cleaning old stains requires more strong means and hard sponges. This requires more time from the hostess, and at the same time can damage the surface of the gloss. Therefore, the most correct thing is to wipe the furniture daily, after each cooking.

Use soft cloths and microfiber cloths

If you do not have a specialized product for a glossy surface, then you can prepare it yourself. Dilute the warm soapy solution and take a soft cloth. So simple and available remedy absolutely will not damage the glossy surface. To do this, you can use ordinary soap or dishwashing gel. The latter is able to dissolve fats and even wash old stains of oils. Typically, these gels are non-abrasive and do not contain chlorine.

In the household department of the store can be found now special means, which can reduce the number of stains on glossy surfaces. These are such as, for example, VuPlex, Ultra Gloss, Amway and many others. They have a special composition that creates a barrier film on the facade. Usually such a tool is able to protect furniture for a whole year. Next, you just need to repeat the procedure. Experts also advise applying antistatic agents to the facades, which will repel dust and microparticles. You can buy, for example, Barfin brands.

As already mentioned, the rag you use for cleaning is very important. Mark " White cat"offers huge selection rags for glossy surfaces. Usually their price is several times higher than those sold in a regular hardware store. But when used, the difference is really obvious. If you are against chemical cleaning products, then you should definitely consider this option. If you apply all of the above recommendations, then the kitchen set will be able to please its owners for a long time.

Reading time: 1 minute

How to wash a kitchen set - secrets proper brushing and timely care will make not only a first-class environment in the kitchen, but also return the appearance of new furniture to the facades. As a care, not only professional products will help, but also homemade secret ingredients. And to make it easier for you to pick up correct method impact on dirt and grease stains, we recommend watching the video,

as well as valuable collections of materials in our article.

As a rule, before cleaning, it is always necessary to analyze the materials from which the kitchen is made. They are divided into several types, so each has its own principle of exposure and washing. Divide kitchen sets into several types:

  • What is it made from?
  • Color scheme during production;
  • The structure of tissues;
  • Material compatibility.

The main attention is paid, of course, to the characteristics of all furniture. Much depends on the design and layout, as some styles cannot be made from a glossy or wood surface. The most common types are:

Chipboard Laminated chipboard
MDF wood
Glass Plastic

Each material requires special care. The moisture absorption rate of wood is higher than that of paper. But plastic and glass are not at all afraid of water. With other bases, you need to be careful. LKM as part of the basic bases can affect the degree of resistance to the effects of external chemical factors. Sometimes, from contact with fats or dirt, not just spots may appear, but cavities from the corroded reaction of the vapors of combustion products. From this, the question arises, how and with what to wash the kitchen set?

Important! For surfaces that are not afraid of moisture, are used simple means- salt, soda, acids and alkalis. From aggressive components, the glass tarnishes. Remember this. But professional chemistry is necessary for cleaning capricious surfaces.


The wooden facade of the kitchen is the most expensive set, and depending on the manufacturer, brand and brand, the price can vary from a few hundred to thousands of dollars per running meter. Next, we will tell you in detail how to wash a kitchen set made of real wood.

Any dry dirt should be removed with wet wipes soaked in polish. Other simple cleaning products are not recommended. If there is no professional chemistry, use dry sponges, without harsh materials. Foam and melamine is better to exclude.

How to wash the kitchen set from grease if the tree does not tolerate moisture? There are options, but remember that wood is used in classic, empire, classicism and baroque. Fats settle on the surface without penetrating into the thread. With artificial components - otherwise, the surface is smooth. To remove greasy stains, use soft sponges, without abrasive. Processing is possible only with steam, which will be ventilated by the hood.

All small parts must be treated with an antiseptic solution. It does not contain alcohols, it cleans the surface well inside at the place of fastenings. If the handles are metal or plastic, use a soapy solution by spot application.

Tip: If the kitchen is made of cherry, be careful with removable mechanisms. The tree is very soft, does not lend itself to " treatment". Any mechanical damage can be a reason to buy a new part.

Combined materials

If you buy an MDF kitchen, then you need to wash it thoroughly. Such a " filling” will become an excellent breeding ground for dirt. Above may be wooden coverings but they are too thin and it is very easy to damage them. The tree array can also have inside chipboard material, which is very capricious in care. For such kitchen sets, gentle but effective cleaning methods are used.

Soap solutions
Household chemicals for MDF From fat for PVC facade
For caring for solid wood Steam cleaner for combi kitchens

By the way, paneled facades cannot have solid wood, as the materials are difficult to combine with each other. They are used for modern style, sometimes for milling facade elements. Sometimes a kitchen may require several cleaning steps, which are carried out in strict sequence.

Painted facades

Painted facades include all the bases of MDF, on top of which paint with enamel is applied. Sometimes they can diversify plastic panel. Glitter was achieved by the method of multi-layer application of enamel paint, which is sanded and varnished. Due to the variety of colors, it is customary to produce only modern style, but all areas of modernity are very expensive. Bright colors quickly fade in the sun, unstable to aggressive substances. Therefore, care should be careful, and the use of synthetic products is not recommended.

How to wash a plastic kitchen set and not damage the surface? Brittle enamels can crack and chip, so do-it-yourself cleaning should be careful.

The plastic on the MDF panel is not afraid of scratches, so difficult and problematic spots can be rubbed well. But from the solutions you need to choose soapy, not alkaline.

Film coating on plastic is a reliable protection for the kitchen. The film covers unreliable panels, joints and painting. Such a kitchen is subject to rough cleaning. A metallized coating can be ordered for any color of the facade, and additionally, you can purchase a few tablets for washing plastic.

This material, like MDF, best takes the forms of the required bends. As a rule, the material can be steam cleaned, but the veneer is too dry inside, unreliable. Can crack easily, but " face» The façade will withstand high temperatures over a long distance.

An alternative would be a framed façade with aluminum profile. As a rule, metal is combined with frosted glass. The bottom is made of plastic work table- completely made of glass enamel. Such directions are popular in high-tech styles. They are minimalistic and occupy visually less space. Now you have information on how to wash grease stains from a kitchen set.

If the instruction was useful to you, we offer not only photo illustrations, but also a video in this article.

You can also contact furniture sales consultants with similar questions or ask them directly to the manufacturer.

Kitchen furniture inevitably gets dirty with grease. It settles both on open surfaces - cutting tables, doors, decorative surfaces, and in closed cabinets, clogs in cracks. And if the headset is made of wood, wash old fat in order not to spoil the surface, it can be quite difficult.

Depending on the manufacturing technology and material, furniture in the kitchen can be sensitive to one or another type of cleaning.

In particular, wooden surfaces may be irreparably damaged:

  • mechanical processing;
  • exposure to acids and alkalis;
  • plenty of water;
  • excessive dryness;
  • high temperatures.

Among other things, wood is a material with a porous structure. So if you don't wash regularly wooden kitchen, over time, fat penetrates into its thickness and is difficult to remove.

We must not forget that fat deposits tend to polymerize. Wash off such contaminants without special professional tools almost impossible.

Universal kitchen cleaner (video)

Gentle cleaner for wooden surfaces

A mixture will help wash grease from wooden furniture vegetable oil with soda. This tool cleans countertops, doors, shelves, frames, dishes.

To prepare such a remedy:

  1. Take a soda and sunflower oil in ratios of 2:1.
  2. Blend ingredients until creamy.
  3. Apply the resulting scrub with a cloth from soft tissue onto a wooden surface.
  4. With light movements, without effort, rub the stains of fat.
  5. Then the entire furniture is wiped with the same composition.

After such a procedure, the tree is transformed, looks newer and brighter. This cleansing and nourishing scrub is used to treat furniture once every 2-3 weeks.

The mixture not only cleans furniture from grease, but also protects against high humidity in the kitchen or overdrying from high temperatures.

Unusual detergents

Housewives sometimes use the most unexpected means to clean wooden surfaces.

Let's get to know these in original ways furniture washing:

  • Clay. Ordinary clay is diluted with table vinegar to a state of soft slurry. The composition is applied to the surface and left on them until dry, and then washed off with warm water. Clay perfectly absorbs fat.
  • Ammonia. An aqueous solution of ammonia perfectly fights against persistent greasy stains on a tree. They are also advised to wipe working area for disinfection.
  • Salt. Exposed wooden surfaces are advised to wipe with salt. This removes fatty deposits and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. Once a week, facades and countertops are treated with salt water.

Aromatic furniture cleaner

This universal remedy use not only for cleaning wooden furniture. It is also suitable for fighting limescale on metal surfaces. They can wash ceramics and plastics.

To prepare the composition:

  1. Take half a glass of vodka, the same amount of vinegar, add 0.5 teaspoon of orange essential oil and a few drops of eucalyptus. Vodka can be replaced with alcohol diluted with water.
  2. Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Shake well before use and spray onto desired area.
  4. Wash off the composition with a damp sponge after a quarter of an hour.

How to wash a wooden kitchen from fat (video)

Here are some simple tips that will help in caring for wooden furniture and cleaning surfaces from grease. The tools are simple and inexpensive, but very effective.

Glossy surface gives chic to cabinet furniture and creates the illusion of expanding space. Particularly popular glossy surfaces used by children who cover them with their handprints and paint with markers.

A kitchen with a glossy facade looks very aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

The unsightly picture is complemented by cooking stains, defects and unpleasant odors arising from improper care. All together it does not look aesthetically pleasing. Arm yourself with patience, our advice and glossy furniture will shine with its original brilliance.

Caring for such a headset requires a lot of time and effort.

The surface of glossy facades afraid of scratches and sudden changes in temperature. In order not to damage it, stick to simple rules care:

  • P Use microfiber, flannel, or softcotton cloths;

    It is strongly not recommended to clean the surfaces with hard sponges because of the risk of scratches on the gloss.

  • H do not use products with abrasive additives;

    In no case should you wash with aggressive detergents, as you can lose the gloss of the glossy facade.

  • B protect the gloss from direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation;

    It is important to install the kitchen in such a way that sunlight does not fall directly on the glossy facade. This will help to preserve the brightness of the color of the kitchen for a long time.

  • H do not install nearby heating devices, incandescent lamps and do not allow heating above 70 ° C;

    Many glossy materials are resistant to temperature effects, as well as to fading.

  • At become good kitchen hood– regular use forced ventilation eliminate excess moisture from the air of the room and pungent odors that occur after the use of certain substances.

    If you want to provide maximum fresh air in a kitchen without fumes, grease and odors, you will need a quality hood.

ATTENTION! Abrasiveand rigid woven materials are taboo for any glossy surface.

Make sure that the products do not have a dissolving and corrosive effect.

Remember that almost all coatings glossy facades contraindicated:

  • R solvents - white spirit, turpentine, acetone;
  • H itroglycerin;
  • Alcohol;
  • A mmiac;
  • P polymeric resins;
  • B grandmother's recipes based on soda and salt.

The range of detergents is now simply huge, so it is important to know how to wash a glossy kitchen set so as not to spoil it.

Use the melamine sponge with great care. It perfectly removes marks from felt-tip pens and markers, but is completely unsuitable for acrylic and varnish. surfaces.

If you decide to use it, then wet it and squeeze it properly before use.

Wipe the contaminated area with light pressure. Vigorous rubbing of a defect can lead to scratches and destruction of the sponge. After completion, wipe it with a slightly damp clean rag.

Use the softest sponges designed for gloss or glass.

IMPORTANT! Melamine particles that enter the body provoke the development of urolithiasis.

Care rules glossy facades depend on the materials from which they are made.

PVC film

She is afraid of everything - high temperatures and humidity, rough mechanical and chemical effects and abrasive additives.

PVC film should never be washed with a very damp cloth.

Also, the formation of cracks and peeling of the film can be caused by:

  • D the action of bright lighting devices;
  • T temperatures below -15°C.

To prevent peeling of the film from the facade, try to wipe the surface with a not very damp cloth.

Decorative plastic (DBSP)

Waterproof and resistant to mechanical stress.

Kitchen with plastic coating, it is necessary to wash with gentle detergents.

But defenseless against the action of chemically active substances:

  • IN chlorine-based substances “wash out” the color from such a material;
  • IN wax polishes turn into a sticky film that is difficult to remove;
  • ABOUT tons of trains per alcohol based gloss becomes dull;
  • Detergents , which have acids in their composition, form dirty indelible spots and stains - therefore, no “domestos”, “comet” and “silita”.

Glossy plastic tends to lose color brightness, so be careful when choosing detergents.

acrylic plastic

well tolerated wet cleaning and it can be polished. It does not fade in the sun, does not fade and is resistant to mechanical stress.

Pollution from such a surface is removed quite simply. These facades, when defects appear on them, can be polished.

However, it is also sensitive to chemical composition cleaning products.

In no case should they be washed with aggressive detergents, as you can lose the shine of the glossy facade.

Painted MDF under varnish

Well made multi-layered lacquer coating, applied over enamel paint, does not flake off, does not leak moisture and does not fade from bright daylight.

Small defects during operation on a painted surface can be corrected, unlike plastic.

scratched surface easily restored. Does not tolerate melamine sponge and high temperatures.

But still, you need to try to avoid scratches to the maximum.

So that the furniture shines with cleanliness, and you - with delight

For gentle and effective cleaning kitchen set from grease and dirt, use ordinary laundry soap. Grate it on a fine grater and dilute in warm water until a soapy solution is formed.

To wash the plastic surface, without unnecessary damage, laundry soap diluted in water will help.

Clean up in three steps:

  • FROM start applying the solution on it;
  • W then wipe first with a wrung out wet and then dry cloth;
  • ABOUT Be sure to ventilate the room.

Soap solution is the most harmless for glossy finishes of kitchen sets, but does not always give a good result.

For effective cleaning of facades, many housewives quite successfully use:

  • Cleaning products for glasses (without ammonia);
  • FROM special sprays for a glossy finish;
  • Detergents for shower cabins;
  • W ampoules and liquid soap;
  • Facilities for dish washing;
  • B wax polishes;
  • P heresy of hydrogen.

To clean surfaces with a glossy facade, use non-abrasive detergents.

If you find a fresh grease stain or dirty streaks on facade , then try to erase them by lightly pressing the flannel rags moistened with glass cleaner.

For painted glossy facades, it is good to use a glass cleaner.

IMPORTANT!Carry out such cleaning as often as possible - and you will not have to heroically remove chronic defects.

In the kitchen, the enemy of every surface is a coating of fat and dust that has settled on it, and soot and lime are added to all this, for example, on furniture that is installed near the sink and stove. If you wipe the kitchen set daily with a damp cloth soaked in dishwashing detergent, and then remove everything with a clean cloth, you can prevent problems in the future. If you do not have time for daily care of kitchen cabinets, then the question immediately arises of how to wash kitchen furniture from grease, but in a way that does not harm it.

Furniture preservation rules

From the arsenal for cleaning, all washcloths and sponges that have a hard and metal surface. This is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of scratches when cleaning fat, which, in addition to spoiled appearance, can contribute to the strong penetration of dirt into the damaged surface. To avoid stains, it is worth holding the rag up and down, and not to carry out circular and chaotic movements. In the presence of complex design furniture wiping should be according to the configuration. It should be noted that you should not use any tool that comes to hand. So, for example, what helps with the enamel coating of the bathtub often leaves whitish spots on the surface of plastic or wood, especially painted. The use of products with ammonia or acid is unacceptable, as kitchen furniture is immune to this. Aggressive components and powder cleaners have a negative effect, and this is unacceptable for furniture in the kitchen.

Any product that is chosen to clean cabinets from grease should be left on the surface for some time after application. This is required in order to corrode the established dirt and grease. After the product has been applied, do not waste energy cleaning the surface. Sponge should be rubbed 20 minutes after. If there is no effect, it is worth treating the surface again, although this already puts the furniture to some test. If the tool is used for the first time, then first try to clean the kitchen set on a small surface so that if there is an undesirable effect, there will be no great upset. It is better to do it in the most inconspicuous places. It should be noted that the steam cleaner should not be used for MDF and other wood-film surfaces.

You can wash the kitchen from fat only with the help of soft sponges and cloth. An excellent option is microfiber, cloth or flannel.

It should be noted that metal brushes are not used to clean the grease in the kitchen, even if the grease is too thick.

It is better to leave it for soaking along with the applied product, so that later there are no problems with high-quality cleaning and high labor costs.

Buying cleaning products is very important occupation. Apply to wash the kitchen from fat, you need only liquids and gels. Powdered detergents can scratch the surface, creating abrasions. On the jar, it is worth studying the annotation of the product in order to avoid damage to the headset: what kitchen surfaces it is suitable for, whether there are aggressive components, etc.

household products

Cleaning a kitchen set with household chemicals is the fastest and most popular method. Regardless of the type of dirt and surface, you can find a kitchen cleaner, for example, Silit Bang, Santry, Mr. Muscle and others. The range is very large. There are quite a few manufacturers. In addition, there are liquids for washing kitchen cabinets, which perfectly dissolve fats and clean any type of soiled surface. All of them have their own individual effectiveness, you need to choose only the most suitable option.

When cleaning kitchen cabinets with household chemicals, you should follow these steps:

  1. 1 The place of contamination is washed (with warm water).
  2. 2 Detergent is applied.
  3. 3 It is left to soak for half an hour until the plaque is dissolved.
  4. 4 Wipe with a sponge or brush.
  5. 5 Cleaning agent residue is removed.
  6. 6 Washed with a damp sponge until the required cleanliness is achieved.
  7. 7 Repeat the process if necessary.

You need to clearly know that there are products for cleaning metal, glass, tile and furniture surfaces. Each tool has instructions that must be followed exactly.

MDF-based kitchen set, which is finished with film or plastic, can only be washed with cleaning products without chlorine and abrasive. It is better to use special detergents for furniture. Cleaning with a small amount of neutral detergent solution is recommended.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the steam cleaner. It helps to fight greasy stains, so that the furniture becomes like new. However, if such equipment is available, then the logical question arises of how to remove fat from kitchen furniture. To do this, simply follow the instructions for use.

Folk remedies, which cleaned the accumulated dirt of the grandmother, also help get rid of fat in the kitchen. Few people know that sunflower oil helps to get rid of traces of fat in the kitchen. For this you need:

  1. 1 Mix a spoonful of soda with the same amount of vegetable oil.
  2. 2 This composition is applied to the most contaminated areas.
  3. 3 Half an hour later, wash everything with a sponge.

If necessary, the procedure is repeated until the desired effect is achieved. If in doubt about adding oil, only soda can be used. A small amount of soda is poured onto a damp sponge or rag and you can start cleaning. A substance that has a slight abrasive effect can easily clean the cabinet. It is only necessary to note that it will take a long time to rub.

Vinegar also has a good effect. A rag is soaked in a simple table vinegar, and she wipes the closet. We'll have to try, since cleaning the surface of fat in the kitchen is a very difficult undertaking. In this case, it is better to use a hard sponge.

If the case is sufficiently neglected, then the surface of the cabinet is pre-treated with a soap solution or other ordinary detergent. When the dirt becomes sour, it is easier to process with vinegar.

After the end of the cleansing of fat, the products are washed off clean water and the surface of the cabinet is wiped dry. In the case when the furniture requires polishing, you need to carefully wipe it with a polish.

A few words about security

Don't forget to use gloves when cleaning grease off the kitchen surface, as the harsh chemicals can be very toxic. It is worth cherishing your own hands and observing safety rules when working with chemicals. In case of allergies or bronchial diseases, do not use aggressive agents. In addition, after work it is better to ventilate the room well.

Helpful notes

Undoubtedly, important point is to carry out daily cleaning: cleaning the table, stove, dishes, tiles. However, it also happens that it is very difficult to notice that the cabinet in the kitchen, which is regularly cleaned of dust, has begun to become covered with a greasy film or oil droplets have become more noticeable, even though you regularly looked after the furniture. Even the most tidy housewives have such moments. It is very important not to postpone cleaning indefinitely: when you see droplets of fat, try to start cleaning immediately so as not to complicate your task in the future.
