How to assemble a wardrobe with your own hands. An easy way to make a do-it-yourself wardrobe from chipboard that will last a long time and look decent

    Having sorted out our drawings and understanding which part is from what, we begin the assembly.

    Having picked up the diameter of the drill for holes for comfort, pick up a drill, start drilling holes. Drill holes symmetrically so as not to spoil the appearance of the cabinet.

  1. Using a screwdriver, assemble the cabinet frame into comfortable formats.

  1. Next, you need to strengthen the doors with awnings (if the door system is conventional) or fasten the guides (if you have sliding doors).

  1. Then, in those places where there will be shelves and drawers, make markings for shelf supports and guides for drawers. The markings must be accurate so that the shelves and drawers are not awry, but run parallel.

  1. After marking, drill the appropriate holes and screw the shelf supports and drawer guides.

  1. After assembling the wardrobe, bring its appearance to the ideal. As you can see, there is not enough edge along the seams of chipboard. Grab an iron and a towel. Gently attach the edge to the chipboard and glue it with an iron through a towel.

  1. Having pasted the edge, take a sharp knife in your hands and carefully, slowly, start cutting off the excess edge.

  1. Finally, put the plugs on the comforts.

Now you can be congratulated! You have become the owner of a beautiful wardrobe made by yourself.

Using these instructions and your imagination, you can make a cabinet with lighting inside, with built-in lights, or with a regular mirror on the doors. Having gathered courage, you are able to create a wardrobe of any design and complexity. There is nothing difficult, as you can see, in this!


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A closet is always something big and solid. Along with the bed, it should be installed in any living room. If you can still put up with the lack of, for example, a TV, a microwave oven or a spare towel, then a closet is simply vital. Wardrobe items scattered around the apartment are not the most presentable sight. Yes, and it is at least inconvenient. Prices in various furniture stores are sometimes overpriced by 300% or more of the cost of the product, so it is much more interesting and profitable to figure out how to make a cabinet with your own hands. You don't have to reinvent the wheel - everything has already been done for you. It remains only to understand the manufacturing technology and adjust the product to the desired dimensions. As an example, a medium-sized wardrobe will be considered. This option is quite simple to assemble, convenient and very functional.

Detailing a homemade wardrobe

The following dimensions are determined based on the use of laminated chipboard. Board thickness - 18 mm. A self-adhesive 0.5 mm melamine edge is also used. For facades, a standard sliding system can be used. It can be bought in specialized stores ready-made or ordered according to your size. Facade system as a result is several times cheaper than a finished cabinet. As an example, we will consider how to make a do-it-yourself cabinet with a height of 2284 mm and a width of 1164 mm. These are the dimensions of the clean opening under the door. you can adjust the dimensions to suit your needs.

Drawers are mounted on the so-called. full roll-out guides from a trusted manufacturer.

It is impossible to use roller guides for the inner drawers of a home-made cabinet, because. they take up a lot of space and do not withstand heavy loads.

Before starting work, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and requirements, even those that, on the surface, may seem insignificant. It is important to do everything right, because. it will take a lot of time, effort and nerves to remake.

The photo shows a two-tone wardrobe made by hand. The purchase of two types of boards is justified when a set of cabinet furniture is made, however, when assembling one product, different trimmings remain. Choose the color scheme of your choice.

You will need the following materials:

  • 2 boards 240x65 cm for the sidewalls of a homemade cabinet. It is better to prepare a sample for the plinth in advance, so that the finished cabinet will fit right up to the wall.
  • 1 board 228.4x55 cm for the partition. Immediately mark the right and left sides on it;
  • 1 board 120x75 cm for the top cover. This board should be rounded and protrude forward 10 cm in relation to the sidewalls - it’s more beautiful;
  • 1 board 116.4x65 cm for the bottom;
  • 2 boards 116.4x10 cm - plinths;
  • 3 boards 50x55 cm for the left shelves from the side of the drawers;
  • 3 boards 64.6x55 cm for the right shelves;
  • 2 boards 49.5x20 cm for drawer fronts;
  • 4 boards 50x15 cm for the sides of the boxes;
  • 4 boards 43.8x15 cm for the back and front walls of the drawers.

You will also need hardboard blanks:

  • 231.5x119.5 cm for the back wall;
  • 2 parts 47.2x50 cm for the bottom of the boxes.

Before starting work, prepare the following tools:

  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowel;
  • hacksaw for metal and wood.

The bars for the hangers are sawn off from a single product with a diameter of 22 mm. This product can be purchased at a store specializing in the sale of furniture fittings. The same store sells end fasteners for rods. A single rod is cut into parts, the length of which should be 1 mm less than the width of the shelves, i.e. specifically in this case, 645 and 499 mm. This gap is needed for greater ease of installation.

Drawer handles can also be bought at a store that sells furniture fittings. Choose beautiful handles that will fit well into the interior of the room.

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Part preparation

To saw off all the necessary details with the required accuracy, you need, first of all, a circular saw equipped with a disc with victorious soldering. If you do not have this tool, the best option is to order sawing in some hardware store specializing in the sale of hardboard and chipboard, or in companies that manufacture custom-made cabinet furniture - this is very inexpensive.

And on gluing the edges, you can save a lot by doing everything yourself. The edge is very cheap and is quite simply attached to the surface with an iron.

Turn on the iron to ¾ of its highest power and follow the instructions. Attach the edge of the selected color with the adhesive side to the end, then iron it. Repeat several times. Then iron the edge with a soft, dry cloth, trying to press the edges as tightly as possible, and cut off the excess with a dull knife. It is advisable to use a blunt knife - this will reduce the risk of damaging the laminate. For roughness, use fine-grained sandpaper wrapped around, for example, a small wooden block or any other similar object.

Any wardrobe, and especially one that is made by hand, must be durable and reliable. However, at the same time, fasteners accessible to ordinary people should be used for work. The best solution is confirmations. The size of confirmations may differ, in the case of this cabinet, products with a length of 7 cm and a diameter of 0.5 cm are suitable. How fasteners are made is shown in the following image: Fig. 2.

Through holes are made into the plane, into the end - to a depth of about 60 mm. In this case, the diameter of the holes should be 8 mm and 5 mm, respectively.

The boxes are assembled as shown in the following image: Fig. 3.

It is most reliable to make all the shelves of the cabinet stationary. If desired, several shelves can be made removable by arranging them on the shelves. However, in this case, as practice shows, you have to drill new holes almost every time you need to shift something in the closet.

Sliding wardrobes presented on the furniture market in a huge assortment can be assembled independently. What are their varieties and what are their features?



Depending on the characteristics and their combinations, all wardrobes can be divided into several categories. First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between case and built-in models. As the name implies, the distinguishing feature of the first is a separate case, while the built-in ones are integral with the walls and ceiling of the room. In this category, one can still distinguish semi-built-in and three-leaf cabinets: they differ from fully built-in cabinets by the presence of separate body elements - bottom, roof or walls.


The form

Sliding wardrobes can have a different shape. So, a straight cabinet, made in the shape of a rectangle, is considered traditional. Such models can be both cabinet and built-in, and are sold in a wide range. There are other, more original forms: for example, angular L-shaped (installed at the junction of two walls), triangular (connect two walls diagonally, forming a triangle), trapezoid and radius. The latter are distinguished by a non-standard original design and the complexity of installation, while maintaining spaciousness and functionality.

Regardless of belonging to a particular type, the wardrobe must meet the requirements of the buyer, which, in turn, are determined by the type of room. The sliding wardrobe is a universal subject of an interior; properly selected, it will fit in the living room, and in the bedroom, and in the hallway. Sometimes narrow straight wardrobes are installed on balconies and loggias.


Design features

Regardless of the shape, design and purpose, the wardrobe has some design features. First of all, these are, of course, doors: sliding systems are always used, which consist in the use of rails along which the doors move. They are a distinctive element of the wardrobe, distinguishing it from other models of wardrobes, wardrobes and wardrobes. In addition, most of the models have in their design several compartments of different capacities, drawers, hangers and clothes bars.

The sliding wardrobe is usually selected with an eye to its subsequent placement. One of the most popular places for installation is a niche (if there is one in the room). A direct wardrobe - both cabinet and built-in - installed in a niche is a real find, for example, in the hallway, where spaciousness plays a big role in a limited space. There are, of course, more overall models - some can be installed in the entire wall, thereby forming a common visual component of the interior.


The sliding wardrobe can be assembled and installed independently, this task is quite within the power of a medium-sized home master, you can even make it from your own pantry. This approach will save money and get a model that most closely matches the individual request. However, with self-assembly, it is best to focus on direct-type models - they are the simplest in design and installation.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Spaciousness. One of the most significant useful qualities. Practicality and a large space for arranging everything you need allow such cabinets to perfectly cope with their original task - storing things.
  2. Functionality. The internal arrangement of most models involves the presence of several compartments, shelves and drawers. This is undoubtedly convenient, as it makes the closet suitable for accommodating a wide variety of items.
  3. Reliability. In fact, the only weak point in the design of the wardrobe are the doors. But even this sliding structure, consisting directly of the doors themselves, wheels and guides, does not need special care - it is enough just to check its condition from time to time. But with self-assembly, special attention should be paid to these elements. Well chosen, they can last a long time.
  4. Versatility. The sliding wardrobe has long been no longer considered exclusively as a practical option that allows you to save square meters and is designed for installation in the hallway. On the contrary, a place for it is in the interior of almost every modern apartment. Sliding wardrobes, depending on the shape, dimensions and design, can be installed in the bedroom, and in the living room, and in the office, and the huge range offered by manufacturers will satisfy any request.

Assembling it at home is by no means something fantastic. Moreover, a self-assembled wardrobe will fully comply with the characteristics of the room and personal requirements. The only alternative way to achieve the same result is to order a model individually in a furniture company, but this will cost the buyer a considerable amount of money.


Advantages of self-assembly

Possibility of choice

Individual layout

The internal filling of the cabinet is determined independently. The number of compartments, drawers, the presence or absence of rods and / or retractable clothes hangers is selected in accordance with individual requirements.

Despite the widest range of models on the furniture market, it is not always possible to find the ideal option that fully meets the requirements. Self-assembly solves this problem.

The ability to take into account the features of the room / hide flaws

Wall irregularities, protruding communications, a non-standard niche - all these features are taken into account when drawing up an individual project and allow more rational use of the space of the room.

Saving money

Obviously, the purchase of materials, self-assembly and installation will cost a much smaller amount than the purchase of ready-made furniture or, moreover, making it to order.

So, self-assembly has its undeniable advantages. Despite this, there are certain difficulties that may arise in the process of work and complicate it.

To understand in detail such nuances, it is necessary to study the very design of the wardrobe. You can make a unique individual project, according to which it will be possible to assemble the original model. Good help can be programs that allow you to create a virtual layout of the future cabinet - for example, "Pro100" or "Bazis-furniture maker".

When the required type of model is selected, measurements are made and a project is drawn up, it is necessary to proceed with the selection of materials.


Materials and tools

Wood and lining

Wood is a traditional material used in the manufacture of furniture. Noble in appearance, strong and reliable... Perfect? Far from it.

The tree is sensitive to changes in humidity. If the wardrobe is installed in a niche (and this is very common), then when the doors are opened, a difference in humidity levels appears, which has an extremely negative effect on the wood. If it was decided to nevertheless make a cabinet out of wood, then the material must undergo careful processing.

The lining does not require special processing, but the door frames should still be made of wood. At the same time, wood for them requires very careful preparation and is still sensitive to changes in humidity.


Easy to work, but extremely fragile material. The difficulty in the manufacture of a drywall wardrobe lies in the need to install a metal support structure: this is a laborious work, the result of which does not always live up to expectations. By itself, drywall cannot be used as a supporting structure. It cannot be said unequivocally that GKL is definitely a losing option for use as a material for a wardrobe, but its use is advisable only in some cases.

Laminate, MDF, fiberboard

For the manufacture of wardrobes, these materials are considered the best for a number of reasons. Firstly, they have the useful properties of wood, are durable and strong. Secondly, they are insensitive to changes in humidity, unlike wood. However, it is important to consider that these materials tend to absorb moisture, so furniture made from them requires careful and careful handling.

Plywood and chipboard

We should also highlight products made of plywood and chipboard (chipboard). The main difference between chipboard and fibreboard (MDF) is the structure of the fiber itself. The advantage of chipboard is an affordable price, but at the same time, this material does not hold fasteners well - screws and nails and is environmentally unsafe.

You can also assemble a direct cabinet wardrobe from improvised materials - this minimizes costs - but to achieve the best quality, it is better to invest in good materials. It is also not a good idea to make cabinet elements from old waste materials. After that, it is necessary to purchase accessories for the doors: guides, vertical racks that act as handles, a set of wheel rollers and door clamps.

Doors can be made from furniture panels. They are usually made from quality woods and are widely sold in online stores.

The necessary tools for the manufacture of a wardrobe include a hacksaw, a screwdriver, a knife, a spatula, spatulas, a trowel and measuring instruments: a level (plumb line), a square, a tape measure. This is a basic kit for the assembly and installation of furniture.

How to do it yourself: step by step instructions

What is the advantage of a homemade wardrobe over a ready-made one, was explained in the previous sections. Now we will talk directly about the assembly process itself.

First stage: design

As mentioned above, at this stage it is necessary to take measurements and draw up a visual model of the future cabinet. You can make a regular drawing, but a 3D virtual model is the best option.

In parallel with this, measurements are made of the room in which the cabinet itself will be installed and all necessary calculations are carried out. The dimensions of the built-in wardrobe must be calculated according to the dimensions of the niche, after which the internal compartments are calculated.

Design is a very serious and important stage of assembly. It is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of the room and achieve the correct ratio with them of the dimensions of the future cabinet. If the assembly will be carried out on the floor, it is necessary to take into account a ten-centimeter margin between the top of the frame and the ceiling of the room, otherwise the cabinet cannot be installed.

Among the finished projects, you can find models of different sizes, but the average values ​​are usually as follows: height - 2400 ml, depth 40-45 cm, width - 1600 ml. In order to correctly calculate the dimensions, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the cabinet: what kind of things will be stored in it? Based on this, you need to make calculations.

The internal filling of the cabinet also depends on the dimensions. So, for example, the standard depth value suitable for installing rods is 50 centimeters; for narrower models, it is advisable to place retractable hangers.

Having decided on the dimensions of the frame, compartments and shelves, you need to pay attention to calculating the dimensions of the doors. They are made based on the internal dimensions of the cabinet. For example, if the designed cabinet has a standard width of 1600 millimeters and is made of chipboard 16 millimeters thick, then the width of the doors will be 1600-2 * 16 = 1568. The height values ​​​​are calculated in the same way, only the base should also be taken into account.

Step two: frame assembly

First of all, you need to assemble the frame of the future cabinet. To begin with, a plinth is going to be assembled, it is also a podium. The bottom of the cabinet is marked in such a way that a uniform load falls on the legs. The plinth is mounted with dowels. To ensure stability, you need it to fit snugly against the back wall.

Then the side panels are assembled. The ends can be sanded so that they fit snugly against the back wall. In general, when assembling, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the reliability of the future cabinet. At this stage, you need to use a level to evenly place the side panels.

After that, shelves, drawers and other sliding elements are installed, rods are mounted, and the latter must be fixed first. When installing the boxes, the guides are first mounted, then the response mechanisms, then the facades.

Third stage: installation of doors

In principle, doors can be made independently from wood or chipboard / fiberboard, but it is better to order furniture boards.

Installing doors is a responsible and important stage at which some nuances must be taken into account. In particular, the doors should not be too large and heavy. If the width is more than 700-800 millimeters, then if possible, consider installing three doors instead of three, since doors that are too heavy create a large load on the guides, reducing their durability and making it difficult to move. The overlap of the doors is acceptable within 5-7 centimeters. Finally, you need to choose a door suspension system.

There are three most common options:

  1. The bottom rail is the simplest, most convenient and reliable. The doors move strictly along the guides, without colliding with each other. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of high-quality wheels, since it is on them that the main load falls.
  2. Monorail involves the use of a separate guide for each door and two pairs of wheels in each carriage. However, despite the fact that the structure is attached to the ceiling, the use of a lower rail is necessary in most cases.
  3. Top rail. The weight of the door leaf rests on the guide, which is attached to the ceiling, which makes this method not the most reliable.

First, the guides are mounted, then the stoppers, after that the wheels are adjusted and fixed. Everything, the door is installed!

The final stage

The final stage of assembly includes the installation of fittings: hooks and door handles. After that, you can devote time to design. Mirrored glass is often used in door trim, but if there is no desire or opportunity to install it, you can simply paint it. Another advantage of self-assembly is the ability to choose the color and design in accordance with individual requirements.

Design examples

The big advantage of self-assembling a wardrobe is carte blanche to choose a design. Despite the fact that the furniture market has the widest selection of models, there are situations when serious individualization is necessary. And if you need to decide on the shape and dimensions at the stage of designing and drawing up a drawing, then you can start thinking about how to decorate it after installation. Change the color, add or remove decorative elements, adjust the appearance of the model to your desires - this becomes possible with self-production.

The traditional place for installing a wardrobe is the hallway. To save space, a cabinet is usually installed in a niche, where it occupies the entire space from floor to ceiling. In a narrow hallway, double-leaf or three-leaf wardrobes with mirrored doors are usually installed, which allows you to visually expand the space. In addition, the internal structure of the closet usually involves the use of a large number of shelves and additional compartments for storing a large number of clothes and shoes.

In modern apartments, frame wardrobes can be located in the bedroom, and in the living room, and in the office, and even on the loggia or balcony. The features of the decor in each case are set by the general style in which the interior is designed. Sometimes wardrobes can even be used as a partition that separates two rooms or one room into zones.

Sliding wardrobes fit well into the interior of small rooms like an attic or dressing room. In the event that the room is not sufficiently lit, it is possible to install the backlight directly in the cabinet itself.

The design of a homemade wardrobe is determined only by the creator's imagination, but it should be remembered that it does not stand out from the interior and forms a harmonious furniture ensemble.

Currently, many rural residents cannot afford to buy new furniture for their home. And city apartments do not always have a large area where it would be possible to place household items. But, despite this, the people still learned to cope with these problems on their own. To do this, you can make a wooden cabinet with your own hands, without the services of specialists. It is not particularly difficult to carry out such a design at home, but in order for the furniture to have a long service life, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the sequence and nuances of the work in advance.

Today, the consumer market provides a variety of wooden materials for the manufacture of household items. Therefore, before proceeding to consider such a question as how to make a cabinet yourself, you first need to decide what material it will be made of. According to experts, the best products for these works are:

  • plywood - this multilayer material has high wear resistance and strength. In addition, due to environmental friendliness, it is absolutely harmless to human health. Plywood is produced in solid slabs, which simplifies the process of assembling household items;
  • Chipboards - chipboard sheets are considered the most popular products for creating home furniture. This is due to the fact that they combine good quality at an affordable price. These products are resistant to changes in temperature and moisture, do not deform under the influence of an aggressive environment and are characterized by increased strength;
  • solid wooden boards - the material from the boards is sawn from different types of wood. They are produced in different sizes, certain types of processing and the quality of carpentry. For the construction of furniture, boards from pine, birch and oak are mainly selected. These rocks are endowed with high strength and resistance to changes in temperature and humidity.

Do-it-yourself installation of pine household items is a laborious process, since the rock is not hard enough. But when choosing this material, it will be possible to create an extravagant design in any room.

wooden boards

So, having considered the options for the materials that will be needed for the manufacture of furniture, you should also familiarize yourself with the tools for performing the work. The production of cabinets is carried out by the following equipment:

  • hand saw for sawing wood;
  • grinder, for polishing the surface of wood;
  • goniometer, for measuring the angle of inclination;
  • ruler or meter tape, for measuring sizes;
  • wooden dowels, for fastening the product and filling;
  • metal corners, for fastening the furniture structure;
  • joiner's plate, for the manufacture of racks;
  • mastic, for sealing the structure.

In addition, in order to revive a household item with the desired shade, you will need to purchase water-based acrylic paint.

The nuances of work, taking into account the type of construction

There are several ways to build a wooden wardrobe with your own hands.


As you can see from the photo, cabinet furniture consists of several constituent elements, so it is also commonly called modular. A feature of such a cabinet is that the owners, at will, can supplement it with various internal and external elements. Initially, the design of the product is developed so that all the details are combined with each other and the body. To build a hull, you will need elements such as a roof, bottom, back and side walls. All these elements can be made in the form of removable straight shelves on which things will be located. It will also be possible to additionally build a retractable shoe cabinet.

Preparation of grooves for fastening shelves

It is better to assemble the structure in a horizontal position

Vertical face pads


A distinctive feature of the built-in wardrobe is that it can be made from improvised materials. The fact is that it is mainly installed in the niches of the room or in those places where it is not possible to place standard furniture. A one-piece body is not required to build a cabinet. It may be missing one or more walls, which are replaced by the floor, ceiling, or walls of the building. Filling elements, as a rule, can be made in the same way as for cabinet furniture. But having constructed such a cabinet with their own hands from improvised materials, the consumer must be prepared for the fact that, unlike a cabinet product, this furniture cannot be moved to another place.

The design of each cabinet requires not only the presence of a body and internal filling, but also a front part. Doors are the main element of the facade.

When making a built-in wardrobe, it is important to correctly mark the place for future shelves.

Shelves must be securely attached

Special lags are required for fastening doors

Door fixing

Today, the consumer market offers various systems for fastening furniture doors. Each element has its own specific purpose, which depends on how the cabinet is opened.


Swing doors are the most common type of furniture design. It consists of a wooden canvas and hardware for fasteners. The number of canvases for the cabinet depends on the number of internal sections. As a rule, if the cabinet has one common section, two doors will be required. If the furniture will consist of one narrow and one wide section, three doors will be required, respectively. Door fastening is carried out on the side walls of the cabinet using the following hinges:

  • detachable - such a mount is installed on the inside of the cabinet wall;
  • universal - these products can be installed regardless of the sides of the cabinet. Hinges are attached simultaneously to the body and doors of the furniture.

After the hinges are fixed on the product box, doors are hung on them.

Hole preparation

Alignment and installation of loops


Compartment doors are a sliding system where, when the cabinet is opened, one door overlaps another. The installation of such a design requires certain knowledge and skills, therefore, before you mount a sliding plywood cabinet with your own hands, you first need to familiarize yourself with the name of the components and their location.

Hardware set includes:

  • special wheels for moving doors, installed in their upper and lower parts;
  • upper suspension structure, for guiding the canvases;
  • the lower guide structure along which the door wheels will move in the grooves;
  • cassettes for installing a wooden canvas;
  • locks and door closer for easy opening of doors.

This design is intended for cabinet furniture with a threshold. If a built-in wardrobe is to be mounted, it will be possible not to install the lower guide elements on the floor.

Markup and drawings

Before you make a cabinet from a lining with your own hands, you first need to mark up its location in the room and draw up a design drawing. Such preliminary procedures will help to quickly assemble cabinet or built-in furniture.

In the layout of the cabinet, it is necessary to take into account its width and height. To do this, first measure the intended location of its installation with a tape measure. When carrying out measuring work, it is important to take into account the distance from skirting boards, window sills, pipelines and connectors for connecting electrical appliances. If you lose sight of these points, the wooden cabinet may not fit in the allotted place, or in the future there may be obstacles when opening the doors or approaching the power source.

For a do-it-yourself cabinet, drawings can be created using an automated CAD program or by hand. In the first case, the cabinet layout is compiled by a special computer system; in the second case, do-it-yourself cabinet drawings are made. As practice has shown, the second option is simpler, so it is chosen more often. To create a freehand drawing, you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Next, sketches of the cabinet are drawn on the sheet.

Description of drawing up a drawing of a wooden product:

  • front view of the cabinet - this sketch includes the width and height of the furniture, the height of the plinth, the size of the sections, the distance between the shelves from each other. When drawing up a drawing, it is important to take into account the thickness of the walls of the furniture and its content. You also need to specify the attachment points for shelves and doors;
  • top and side view - in this case, the depth of furniture and shelves is applied to a sheet of paper. When drawing filling depths, it is important to take into account the fastening of the doors. So that the shelves do not interfere with the installation of mounting hardware, they should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the front wall of the furniture. Also on this sketch, you need to specify the rounding of the shelves with a radius - R.

In addition to the indicated values ​​​​of the furniture body, on a sheet of paper you need to draw the dimensions of the filling elements. Shelves can be made in different configurations and thicknesses, but they must be of the appropriate size.

Parts manufacturing

Having made a drawing of the design of the cabinet with your own hands and having prepared the appropriate equipment, you can begin to manufacture its parts. To do this, the dimensions of the furniture elements are transferred to a sheet of chipboard using a meter and a pencil:

  • the upper part of the cabinet in the amount - 1 pc;
  • side walls in the amount - 2 pcs;
  • bottom in quantity - 1 pc;
  • rear wall in quantity - 1 pc;
  • furniture shelves in the amount of individual preference of the consumer.

Next, with the help of a saw along the marked lines, a phased cutting of parts begins. When performing these works, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the saw itself, otherwise the furniture elements after sawing will be smaller.

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Personal control of all important stages of production allows you to create furniture with unique characteristics at no extra cost. This article talks about how to make a wardrobe with your own hands. Drawings, detailed instructions, photos and videos will help you realize your own plans quickly and efficiently.

Even a complex project can be successfully implemented on its own after proper preparation.

To figure out how to make a closet yourself, you need to clarify the purpose of the furniture. It will be useful to carefully study the following facts:

  • A significant internal volume implies the possibility of placing clothes and shoes, household appliances, New Year's toys, bed linen and other things. For each position, it is necessary to provide an optimal storage mode that is convenient for users.
  • With a large facade, aesthetic parameters are essential. A beautiful front surface will have a significant impact on the overall perception of the corresponding interior.
  • The choice of basic materials is the most important task. Not only the cost, but also the ease of assembly and the durability of the structure largely depend on the right decision.

Do-it-yourself wardrobe manufacturing steps

Measurements of the room and calculation of the dimensions of the closet

This tool will simultaneously allow you to refine the accuracy of horizontal and vertical elements of building structures. The easiest way to take measurements for cabinet furniture. In this case, it is enough to take the minimum dimensions and subtract a few centimeters to make a small margin.

It is much more difficult to accurately fit the built-in wardrobe. With your own hands, you must make at least three measurements for each meter of length (height). If excessive defects are found, the surfaces must first be leveled.

Important! In any case, the free opening of the nearest window (door) blocks is checked. If necessary, install sash limiters. You should make sure that the cabinet will not close the only light switch in the room, will not be too close to the ceiling or wall light.

Preparation of design documentation for the creation of a do-it-yourself cabinet or built-in wardrobe

These programs are available on the official websites of trade enterprises. They can be used completely free of charge. Anyone can insert their own measurements. Guides are selected automatically, designed for loads determined by the size of the canvas and the material.

With its help, you can make a quality project even without previous design experience. Even a beginner will quickly master this tool using the following simple algorithm:

Drawings of parts can be given to a specialized workshop, or used to make individual parts of the wardrobe with your own hands. The electronic project is convenient for inspection from different points. In it, you can quickly make various changes, taking into account additional requirements. The generated list is used to purchase the necessary components and parts.

Important! Quite large scraps from chipboard sheets and other materials remain in the workshop. It is better to take them with you to make it easier to correct errors during the installation process and perform repair operations in the future.

Choice for wardrobe rollers, materials, equipment and other components

The drawing shows the main components of a typical design:

  • The lower and upper guides for the wardrobe are attached to the floor and ceiling of the room (the bottom and the cover of the furniture, respectively).
  • In this example, the main load is on the lower rollers. But there are also models with a hanging canvas.
  • The side profile "C" additionally functions as a handle.
  • The sealing elements are made of silicone, which ensures a secure fixing of the glass.
  • The middle transverse elements strengthen the power frame, separate the individual elements of the canvas from different materials.

Do-it-yourself compartment door adjustment and other assembly features

A photoAdjusting wardrobe doors: description of technological operations with comments
During the first installation and during operation, the following typical problems arise: loose fitting of the valves, lack of fixation in the closed position.
To prevent the canvas from moving back after hitting the side of the structure, a special locking element is installed inside the guide. It can be used to determine which door needs to be adjusted from a certain side.
First, the shlegel (6÷8 cm) is separated to free access to the adjusting screw. The top hole is used during the assembly process for tightening fasteners.
A hex wrench is used to adjust the position of the roller. In this example, the master uses #4.
Clockwise rotation raises the door. In the opposite direction - lowers.
These procedures are performed so that when closed, the canvas fits without gaps in the lower and upper parts. After obtaining the desired result, proceed to the next stage.
The photo shows a locking element made of reliable sheet steel with an arrow. When the roller moves to the middle part, the spring rises up, preventing it from moving backward. If this part is shifted to the central axis of the wardrobe, a gap is formed.
Moving an element is not easy. This is prevented by the ends of the springs, which rest against the bottom of the guide rails. They select a suitable piece of plastic, a board.
With such a device, press the stopper. Then move the node in the desired direction.
A torn off brush can be tucked into the bottom hole, or glue can be used for a hard mount.

Do-it-yourself direct installation of a direct or corner cabinet is no different from assembling standard furniture. In the same way, the bottom, walls, and lid are first installed. Then, internal and external shelves are attached to the power frame.

For your information! It is convenient to order a sliding system for a sliding wardrobe after the installation of the case. In this case, it will be possible to make an accurate measurement.

The appearance of a modern wardrobe, photo with good examples

The use of stained glass technology

sandblast drawings

Vinyl stickers

It should not be forgotten that they have limited strength. They can be damaged during the cleaning of contaminants using aggressive chemicals.

