Make a children's house. DIY children's house: options, ideas and instructions

It is difficult to convey the joy of a family leaving on a warm summer day to relax in the country.

Doable work in the garden and flower garden, a pleasant rest in a shady deck chair and fragrant shish kebab own cooking- this is the ideal outdoor activity for adults.

Unfortunately, children do not “fit” into this scheme well, since the favorite activities of fathers and mothers are usually interesting to them for no more than 15 minutes, after which the kids do not know what to do with themselves.

To solve this problem to the mutual satisfaction of all family members will help children's house for giving- compact and beautiful structure that kids dream about.

Today, the creation of such structures are engaged in best designers, and in reality they are embodied by manufacturers of sports and gaming complexes.

Let's try to understand the proposed market abundance of options in order to select the most interesting of them.

Obviously, a house for children should not be limited to four walls and a roof, but should become the center of the play area. That's why Special attention when buying it, you need to pay attention to designs with the widest possible “functionality”.

The imagination of the child is limitless and the developers are trying to take this into account by equipping children's houses with door bells and lamps, equipping them with verandas, toy furniture and kitchen appliances. Very often, such a house is combined with a slide and a ladder. So it turns out a full-fledged playground in the country.

Children know how to appreciate care, so they will be delighted even with a simple wooden "hut" with one window and two benches. Everything else will be quickly added to it by children's imagination.

Plastic is a hygienic, lightweight and safety material that pleases the eye with inexhaustible wealth. colors. Today it is actively used to create playgrounds. A house made of such material will surely appeal to the little guests of your dacha.

In addition to the usual door, a special hole is sometimes made in it for those who like to crawl on their knees. A small counter in the window is all that is needed for complete happiness for girls who love to play “shop” or treat friends to shortbread “cakes”.

Considering ready-made options, take note of the most successful elements and solutions. They can be used when creating your own project.

Original designs of children's playhouses

The popularity of Tolkien's fantasy novels gave birth to a new direction in the design of children's houses, turning them into cozy homes for hobbits. Here is an example of one of the many fabulous options.

This is not a factory design, but a do-it-yourself building using a fair amount of imagination. Not only children, but even their parents will not refuse to play in such a house. The interior of such a building should correspond to the maximum with the atmosphere of the dwelling of the fabulous inhabitants of Middle-earth.

Anyone who is familiar with organic architecture will not hesitate for a long time when choosing the best option children's house. A simple mesh frame, a little work for its landscaping and your country masterpiece will be the envy of all family neighbors.

the beauty natural wood and its popularity in our open spaces made it possible to order a children's house made of logs. Such a cozy hut is a great place to play and read fairy tales.

Affordable price and solidity of a wooden structure are weighty arguments for buying.

Give the kids a little "sovereign republic" where no one will disturb them to play and play sports. Its capital can be a two-level wooden children's complex, on the lower tier of which there is a table and benches, and at the top there is a comfortable room for games.

You can climb there not only by the usual stairs, but also by a special inclined flooring, which trains dexterity and develops coordination of movements. A side support with a horizontal beam on which a swing is suspended is a good addition to a country entertainment complex.

How to build a children's house yourself?

There is no shortage of offers for playgrounds on the market today. For every taste and budget, you can find dozens of original options.

However, making a children's house on your own is much more interesting and useful for a child than buying one. finished structure. If your son is old enough, you can discuss the blueprint for the future play area with him and decide on a mutually acceptable solution. Such a construction will turn into an exciting game for him, from which he will be able to learn a lot of useful things for his future adult life.

If the children have not yet grown up to understand the basics of construction, they still need to discuss the drawing of the future house with them and get approval for their plan.

Most simple option self construction house is wooden frame lined with clapboard or block house. It is assembled easily and quickly using a screwdriver, hacksaw, tape measure and level.

It is not necessary to put such a structure directly on the ground. It is better to assemble the flooring on wooden frame installed on concrete columns. This will protect the wood from moisture and decay.

The layout of the house should include not only a playroom, but also small open veranda where children can play. The size of the building in terms of it is desirable to make at least 2.5x1.5 meters.

It is easy to build a playhouse for children when its base is a frame made of timber. Having installed all the racks, crossbars and calibrated their position with a level, it remains only to fix the wall cladding evenly and tightly. To do this, you can use OSB board, wooden or PVC lining.

The place for games should not look like a doghouse, so use translucent cellular polycarbonate for the roof and make at least two windows in the walls, decorating them carved frame. It is best to paint such a structure using bright rich colors, as well as stencils with drawings of cartoon characters.

Can be built wooden house ik in the form of a two-level hut. To do this, an inclined frame made of bars with a section of 50x80 mm is mounted on a wooden frame, which is then sheathed with an OSB board.

Its height is 2.5 meters, so one slab can block two floors at once. The first one will playroom, and on the second - an improvised couch.

The stairs on the other side of the hut can be supplemented with a slide along which children can slide down to the ground. It is easy to build it from a pair of planed boards, upholstered in smooth plastic and provided with sloping side walls.

Looks great house, built in the form of a boat with a steering wheel, masts and rope ladders. Its design is more complicated than the construction of a conventional straight frame, but all the construction efforts fully justify the original appearance and joy of the child.

While adults are busy caring for the garden and landscaping the garden, the kids should not be bored: let them be carried away by a fun game nearby. Comprehensively thought-out children's houses for summer cottages made of wood can become the center of attention for children, because their infrastructure meets all the needs of the younger generation. To ensure that a localized playground always causes a stir, it can be designed as an illustration of the interests of the child - in the form of a ship for a young navigator, a palace for a princess, a scientific laboratory for an enthusiastic researcher. In general, if you wish, you can implement any project of a children's house for a summer residence, the main thing is to arm yourself with imagination.

Children's house made of wood, stylized as a ship

But you can not start solely from aesthetic considerations: the building must be safe and comfortable. Professional intervention will help in this aspect - experts will tell you what materials will be appropriate, use ergonomic zoning techniques, and make sure that all technical and sanitary standards are observed during construction.

Choice of location and optimal material

To build a children's wooden house, you should find a site that will be equally well visible from the entire territory of the property - then parents will be able to continuously monitor the child. It is not recommended to plant trees, shrubs around the perimeter, break flower beds: due to inevitable watering, soil moisture will increase, which is fraught with fungal and mold damage to wood. Fountains and artificial reservoirs pose the same danger.

If there is already a barbecue area on the site, the game hut cannot be placed nearby: the combination of open fire and gusty wind can lead to fire, and the abundant smoke from the barbecue will not benefit the young body.

All wooden structures need careful impregnation with fire-fighting compounds.

Most often, children's houses are installed on a flat area, away from other outbuildings.

Why is wood recommended as a basic building material? The secret is in natural origin and minimal risk of provoking allergic reactions. Wood, as opposed to plastic metal surfaces, does not heat up, does not emit hazardous chemical components into the air (provided that all coatings and impregnations have been selected with great care). Accessories can be made of a similar material, plastic, metal.

The unique texture, pleasant color and natural pattern are the key to the aesthetics of the finished building, it does not need additional decoration, it is enough to indicate the application of several layers of protective varnish in the work plan. If, on the contrary, you want to create a bright composition, the tree can be easily painted in any range.

How to order a wooden house: models from plywood, boards, logs

These are eco-friendly materials, easy to assemble and process, which is why they are taken as the basis for the construction of structures intended for the leisure of kids.

It is easy to make a full-fledged playground near the house

plywood construction

To build a children's house from plywood, craftsmen trace life-size templates of parts on sheets and cut blanks out of them. Usually, a material resistant to moisture is used. Next, the prepared "semi-finished products" are fixed on a frame made of thick bars using self-tapping screws. All these manipulations are preceded by the assembly of a support belt buried in the soil from a large beam or the laying of a full-fledged foundation.

A plywood house is also another reason to do coloring with a child.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Simple wooden hut

All parts are pre-impregnated antiseptic formulations protecting wood from rotting, damage by fungi, mold. The thickness of the boards must exceed 40 mm, of which the parts are cut according to the template. The frame, as in the previous case, is equipped with thick beams, it is sheathed, observing the window and door openings noted in the project.

For the construction of a gable roof, the same brand of boards can be used, it is additionally strengthened with the help of rolled or siding roofing materials, tiles.

In such a "hut" you can play Snow White and three little pigs

Fairytale log cabin

A simple project of a wooden children's house can turn into a fabulous hut. In this case, the complexity of construction is comparable to laying a log house for a full-fledged dwelling: as a result, a small, strong, stable building is formed. interior fitted on three sides window openings, here you can provide full-fledged shutters.

The entrance area can also be with a “zest”: a mini-terrace or a porch without elevation is enclosed under the same roof as the house, patterned railings are assembled, chairs and a compact tabletop are placed. This impromptu summer kitchen easy to turn into an area for drawing or board games.

Just a little imagination and "visiting a fairy tale" is not just a TV show

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Country house on a tree

Every child will be delighted with such a project, even adults will enthusiastically participate in children's games. A logical link in this category is one sprawling old or several nearby trees, on which a house is “built up” with minimal damage to nature. Playground it can be closed, that is, having a full roof (and in some cases walls), or open, equipped with high railings.

The ladder can be screw, attached (if desired, the child will lift it up), stationary, a special training net stretched over the frame looks interesting. In the free space under the floor, you can hang rope simulators and attractions, a bungee and a swing with one crossbar will be relevant. In large-scale projects, two or more sites are connected by a bridge system.

After the construction of such a house, you can visit the child

House on poles for children with a sandbox

This solution fits perfectly into small summer cottages, since the sandbox is located on the first floor - directly under the bottom of the hut. In addition to the ladder, a miniature climbing wall, wall bars can lead upstairs. A swing and a slide are attached to the house. It is recommended to equip the sandbox with a box for toys and benches.

When developing all models placed at a height, special attention is paid to elements that level the injury factor. Having ordered such a house from professionals, you can be sure of its stability, thoughtfulness and comprehensive safety for the child.

Such a house can easily replace a full-fledged sports ground for a child.

Drawing up a plan and determining the future dimensions of a wooden children's house

When developing a project for a children's house for a summer residence, several factors must be taken into account:

    foundation significantly extend the life of the building. It will protect the wood from constant contact with wet soil, which will prevent premature destruction of the material;

    building type. Huts can be closed or open; in the first case, at least 2 windows and a door should be included in the plan. Open structures look like mini-arbors, the roof is supported by vertical supports, fences are being introduced along the lower edge;

    dimensions set depending on the parameters of free space on adjoining territory;

    mobility. The design can be transferred from place to place, if you initially adhere to the collapsible design.

To reduce the risk of injury, experts suggest paying attention to a single or gable roof design: sooner or later, direct horizontal variations of the roof become an object of children's interest - they climb on them, try to jump off.

Gable roofs will allow stationary structures to naturally free themselves from snow during wintering.

Such a roof is very beautiful, but few children do not want to climb on it.

Concerning openings, specific boundaries are established:

    the height of the door should exceed the height of the child by at least 25-30 cm;

    windows should be located at a height of at least 50-55 cm from the floor.

The final dimensions of the huts, equipped directly on the foundation, are determined by the operational needs and capabilities of the site. As for the houses on trees, columns, the height of their floor relative to the ground level should exceed 1.2 m, the height of the residential part to the top of the roof - from 1.6 m. Taking into account slides, stairs, attractions, you need to free up a site of at least 4x4 m. This space will be enough for kids to play. preschool age, for older children, all parameters need to be increased by about 1.5 times.

Stages of building a wooden house for children

Based on the drawing of the children's house, the builders calculate required amount materials and after their delivery to the customer's territory, assembly begins.

Key steps:

    Foundation formation brick or deck board. On request, the masonry can be supplemented with a strapping of timber. The specifics of the structure does not imply the pouring of a full-scale concrete base.

Children's house on a columnar foundation

    Floor create according to the classical scenario: they knock together logs, sheathe them with a floorboard. In some cases, it is acceptable to use plywood in several layers with offset seams.

    frame looks like bars dug into the corners of the foundation, which have undergone preliminary antiseptic and water-repellent treatment. In areas where openings will be located in the future, additional supports are installed. Metal corners provide frame stability.

    Walls made of plywood, boards.

    Gable roof based on gables - triangles of thick timber, fixed on two opposite walls. If a large structure is planned, it will not hurt to install additional gables between the main ones. The structure is stuffed with timber and sheathed with roofing material - boards, straw, shingles, roofing material, etc., depending on the budget of the event.

    Finishing in the very simple form consists in carefully sanding all surfaces that children will touch, coating the wood with protective compounds.

Careful finishing and painting is the key to the safety of the structure

The latter are necessary to prevent the processes of decay and damage by insects. Next, the tree is opened with varnish, stain, if necessary, painted. Furniture, which will be placed both inside and outside, is made from the remnants of the material and is also processed.

Building a treehouse begins with finding the right piece of hardwood. Professionals note that the shape of the tree will change in proportion to its natural growth, so they design models located mainly on the lower branches.

The supports and the floor are mounted at the selected location, while the pre-assembly of the walls and roof is carried out on the ground, then the workpieces are lifted and fixed. The safest and simple staircase- wooden with a railing to spur children's interest, you can also provide a rope for a quick descent.

Video description

And a few more beautiful children's houses clearly in the following video:

Choosing a project together

So that visiting the dacha always delights the child, let him also take part in drawing up the sketch. In this case, the children's wooden house will become a favorite playground and a starting point for developing the creative abilities of the younger generation. Further, the joint family developments are transferred to professionals who will calculate the project taking into account the aesthetic and operational needs of the customer, make an estimate, bring the material and begin construction.

It is also worth thinking about placing a house in which the baby can enjoy the game and constantly fantasize. You can make it from different materials, which remained after repair or construction. If you live in an apartment, then you can always find a corner in it that will fit a small structure. It is not difficult to build a children's house with your own hands. This will be discussed in the article.

Undoubtedly, the choice of materials for the manufacture of the house is quite large. Almost everything is suitable for making a simple design. The most common types of playhouses are:

  • wood;
  • cardboard;
  • fabric (like a wigwam);
  • drywall.

Because we are talking about a house in miniature, then it should be arranged in accordance with all the rules. At a minimum, pillows, boxes with toys and a table should be placed here. If the place allows, and the imagination of the parents has no limits, then the resulting children's housing is decorated and decorated not only inside, but also outside. This will only add interest and intrigue the baby. Wanting to make a site with a house in the country, it is worth considering the impact of atmospheric phenomena.

If the child is old enough (from a year old), then it is worth involving him in the process. Thus, the baby will be able to learn simple skills and develop fine motor skills through the game.

Before drawing up a drawing of a future building, it is necessary to think over several main points, namely the type and type of house, as well as its dimensions. To do everything correctly, you should define the following parameters:

  1. Type: open or closed.
  2. Dimensions: total area and height.
  3. Placement: on the ground or on a tree.
  4. Material for manufacturing.
  5. Inclusion in the design of windows and doors.
  6. Additional elements: outbuildings, fencing, slide, stairs, sandbox and others.
  7. Interior design.

Also, when developing a building plan, a few more points should be taken into account:

  • mobility or stationarity;
  • the height of the doors should be under the ceiling;
  • exclude places of injury (corners and protruding nails);
  • the roof should not be flat so that the child cannot climb on it.

The drawn up scheme will allow you to assemble the structure exactly according to the specified parameters, which means that the result will be excellent. If there is no time to develop a sketch, then you can use the ready-made drawings that are given in the article.

Windows and doors that are provided in the children's house should face the house so that parents can constantly monitor the child.

Since a wooden house is one of the most common for outdoor placement, we will consider it in more detail. The list of its advantages should include: practicality, strength, durability and safety, which is important. To make a children's house out of wood, you need to follow the following stages of work.

First of all, you need to decide on the place where the house will be built. This point is especially important when it comes to stationary construction. Undoubtedly, every child's biggest dream is to have their own playhouse in a treehouse, but this, in turn, increases the possibility of injury, so we will focus on a hut built on the ground. If desired, it can be supplemented with other children's elements for the game.

When choosing a place, focus on the area where there will be a shadow after lunch. In such a house it will not be hot, and the child will be able to play throughout the day. Also, do not forget that there should be no obstacles nearby, since a kid who is keen on playing will not notice flower beds, garden beds or building materials. It will also provide a high level of security.

Separate the children's play area with a low curb, for example, from car tires.

All dimensions are chosen arbitrarily depending on the wishes and available material. If we are talking about a small playhouse, then the following sizes will be enough:

  • width - 160 cm;
  • height - 150 cm.

The first step is to prepare the foundation. Despite the fact that we are talking about a simple design, so that it lasts at least 5 years, it is worth considering the presence of an elementary foundation layer. So, as a base, it will be enough to fill the site with a small layer of rubble or compact the soil well with sand.

When decorating the floor of the house, you can choose one of the common options:

  1. Support bars are laid on the prepared and rammed base and the floor is covered.
  2. Supports from cellular concrete placed only at the corners of the house. The prepared floor frame is fixed only at the corners.

Don't forget about this important point, as a waterproofing, which can be a simple roofing material. Special mastics are also suitable, if any remain after construction. This stage will extend the life of the playhouse.

The basis of the floor will be simple wooden boards 3 cm thick. They are connected into a rectangular box and fixed with metal corners, which will add strength. For greater reliability, experts recommend installing additional cross bars. MDF or chipboard sheets will serve as a finishing material, you can even use wooden shields. After the floor is ready, it is necessary to process it protective equipment(antiseptics) and paint.

The presence of a small gap will allow air to circulate well and ventilate the house after rain or winter.

For the construction of the walls of the playhouse, it will be quite enough to use the bars from which the frame is mounted. After that, it is sewn up with clapboard or all the same shields. During installation, do not forget about windows and doors:

  1. Installed in all corners wooden bars section 6 × 4 cm and the required length (depending on the height of the building).
  2. Installation of bars under doors and windows. Nails or special corners can act as fasteners.
  3. Installation of additional spacers between the rafters (half height). This will add more strength to the base.
  4. Horizontal bars for windows and doors are prepared in advance: they cut off the required length (the calculation is made depending on the width of the sheathing material).
  5. For the roof frame, you need to take two bars and knock them together into a corner (the shape of an unfinished triangle, the wall will serve as the base). The free ends are fixed on the upper bars of the walls. Depending on the size of the house, such triangles are harvested from 2 to 4 pieces.

When installing the roof frame, first fix the front and rear element, and after that place the middle parts.

Now you can proceed to the direct sheathing of the frame of the playhouse. Common materials in this case are:

  • lining;
  • shields;
  • boards.

In the case of lining, the process is much simplified, since there is no need to adjust all the elements to the specified dimensions. They also connect easily with each other. In this case, the roof is covered with edged boards and protected with roofing material. If there are tiles or ondulin left, then they will do. Everything will depend on your imagination and possibilities.

Before you is a real and full-fledged playhouse. The final touch is the design and decoration. How to do it? This will also depend entirely on the materials available and desire. Enough to be guided simple advice and recommendations:

  • paint the building in bright and colorful colors;
  • involve children in the work;
  • on doors and windows you can buy the appropriate fittings;
  • a table and chairs are installed inside, which are also pre-painted.

Always remember safety. Everything that is inside the playhouse and the building itself should not have sharp elements.

A simpler design is the structure of plain sheets plywood. But, despite its simplicity, such a house will delight every child and allow him to expand his imagination for games every day. Such a construction has many advantages, but the main one is the expenditure of a minimum of time and effort.

As in the previous case, the plywood house should first be sketched on a piece of paper in order to know the result exactly. Consider the scale and calculate the required amount of materials. The construction site is being cleared and levelled.

You should also collect all the tools that will be needed during construction:

  • stationery knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • screwdriver

The list of materials must include:

  1. Sheets of plywood 8-12 mm thick.
  2. Wooden beam with a section of 5 × 5 cm.
  3. Soft tiles.
  4. Plexiglas for windows.
  5. Glazing beads.
  6. Fasteners: nails and self-tapping screws (prefer stainless steel elements).
  7. Hinges for doors and window shutters (if any).
  8. Paints and varnishes.

You should also take care of the funds in advance. personal protection: gloves, work clothes, goggles and a respirator.

Using a hacksaw, the timber is cut into pieces for mounting the frame. All elements are cleaned sandpaper and treated with antiseptics against the fungus.

  1. We cut plywood sheets with a saw or an electric jigsaw into elements according to the existing scheme. To be accurate, use a tape measure. The edges are also cleaned and treated with protective compounds. During operation there will be a lot of dust, which is removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. We select a place. The site must be absolutely dry, without high vegetation around. Ideally, if there is a specially designated children's area, where a sandbox, a slide and a swing are already equipped.
  3. We clean the selected area from grass by removing upper layer soil. A layer of sand or expanded clay is poured and compacted. For convenience, limits are set in the form wooden planks. In the role of a water barrier, rubber or foam is suitable. To completely limit the contact of the house with water, it is recommended to provide for the construction of a support.
  4. When building a frame, there should also be no difficulties. In the process, the width of the plywood elements is taken into account. A frame is being built with a certain step for the bars. Since the house is summer, there is no talk of warming.
  5. After the frame of the house is ready, you can proceed to the arrangement of the roof. A gable shape with a slope that a child cannot climb is best suited. flat roof make it much easier and faster, but in this case, the baby may be injured if he decides to climb on it.
  6. The roof frame is also made of beams, after which the crate is stuffed (the step corresponds to the width of the plywood sheet). When everything is ready, you should treat the surface with protective equipment from rain and snow. Among great variety roofing materials, it is best to give preference to soft models that do not emit harmful substances and pose no danger.
  7. Sheathing of the frame is carried out using a screwdriver or a hammer. In the latter option, care must be taken to ensure that the ends of the nails do not come out and injure the child. If this happens, then it is necessary to grind them off with a file. All cracks and holes are sealed mounting foam to avoid drafts.
  8. Before painting, the playhouse is carefully primed. Staining can be done in any of the ways that you prefer. Posters with images of children's favorite heroes will complement the decoration.

When developing a drawing, it is worth considering the age and height of the child. The first indicator will set the theme of the gaming house, and the second - the dimensions.

Do not forget that the final in the arrangement will be the installation of windows and fixing doors. Windows are cut out of plexiglass in accordance with the window opening. They are fixed with glazing beads and small nails. For greater strength and reliability, the edges should be treated with a sealant. Beautiful platbands will complement the picture, which will give more comfort.

A massive door in the playhouse is not needed. In most models, it is completely absent, but for a greater sense of usefulness, it is worth providing them. Only 1 layer of plywood is suitable for it, which is reinforced with transverse dies. Fix on door hinges and color.

The house on supports provides for the presence of a ladder or a small threshold. Its width should correspond to the doorway. The steps should be wide so that during active game don't fall.

Any children's building will not be able to cause difficulty for a person who knows how to handle a hammer. Enough to pick up correct scheme or compose it yourself, and then follow the specified parameters and data exactly. Do not limit your imagination, and also connect your baby, who himself will tell you what and how he will be more comfortable in his own playhouse.


This video shows an example of how you can do wooden house for a child:

Photo instruction

The photo instructions we have proposed show step by step how to make a playhouse:

A photo

Ideas different types houses for children:


These diagrams show how to make calculations for a children's house, which will allow you to quickly think through your project:

As children, each of us tried to build a separate housing for ourselves - toy house. Despite the simplicity of the design, it was the best shelter for games.

A shaky structure made of a box, cardboard or branches in the form of a hut bore the proud name of a house and seemed to be the best.

Having matured, we think about creating a more durable and functional house for children.

Most often, a children's playhouse is built from wood. The choice of material for the house is due to rational considerations - wood is an environmentally friendly and durable material. Small house made from conifers tree, will positively affect the health of the child. In addition, it will enable the child to feel independent. Having built a full-fledged developing house for the baby, you will provide him with his own play area where he can play in it in any weather.

For parents, the main thing is that it be safe, inexpensive and fit into general style dacha or suburban area. Another advantage of the house is that it can be used as an outbuilding, so to speak, a beautiful storage shed garden tools, unnecessary things or firewood.

How to make a children's house out of wood

This article will describe step-by-step instruction how to build a children's wooden house with your own hands.

1. Ideas for a children's house

First, think about how the house will look like, what type, type and dimensions will be. To do this, you need to define:

  • Type of. Open or closed;
  • Dimensions. Occupied area and height;
  • Place of installation / location. A house installed on the ground and on a tree have a different principle of constructive device;
  • The material from which the building will be made;
  • Availability of windows, doors and material for them;
  • The presence of additional components - extensions, a fence (fencing), a terrace, a slide, a sandbox, a swing, a ladder.
  • The presence of interior decoration.

Pictures of a house for children

The photo below shows how to make a children's wigwam for Indians, a hut for Robinsons and a yurt for nomads from wood, fabric, branches and shrubs.

Hut for fairytale heroes and forest dwellers.

A pirate frigate for young robbers and a sailing schooner for cheerful sailors.

When developing a plan for a house, it is worth considering the following:

  • mobility or stationarity. Both the size of the house and the technology of its construction will depend on this;
  • At least two windows are required. First, it's lighting. Secondly, the hut must be clearly visible for control;
  • the height of windows from the floor should be 500-600 mm;
  • door height. At 200-300 mm. taller than a child. But it is better to make them to the ceiling, because sooner or later you will be invited to the house;
  • walls. Should be smooth to avoid injury;
  • roof. In no case should it be flat. In order not to attract the child to climb on it.

You can sketch your own sketch or use ready-made drawings. The schematic drawings below show projects of children's houses that you can build with your own hands.

The scheme of the children's house with all the indicated dimensions will help to properly prepare materials for construction.

3. Tool and material for manufacturing


  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • metal corner;
  • building level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or hammer and nails;
  • sandpaper (for sanding wood);
  • brushes and paint for painting the house or any finishing material type of lining or siding.


  • beam for the manufacture of the frame. Recommended section 50x50;
  • lumber for sheathing. Boards or timber will create a beautiful house;
  • plywood (thickness not less than 8 mm) or OSB for sheathing. Cheaper but also less durable material requiring additional processing;
  • roofing material;
  • brick;
  • glass for windows (if necessary and only for children over 7 years old, and even then in doubt - it is better to exclude any presence of glass).

4. Building a wooden children's house with your own hands

4.1 Foundation

Of course, a strong foundation for a children's playhouse made of wood should not be poured. But here to take out the soil with a depth of 80-100 mm. and lay out a brick over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building does not fit. So the hut will last much longer.

As an option it can be used terrace board. But its acquisition is very costly.

most budget and fast option- make a foundation of several bricks and a strapping of timber installed on it. This approach to the foundation device is usually used in greenhouses.

4.2 Floor for the house

It is better to equip the floor according to all the rules of the genre. Namely, lay the logs and fill them floorboard. Or lay OSB or plywood in two layers, so that the next layer overlaps the seams of the previous one.

4.3 Walls and frame of the children's house

Holes are dug in the corners of the foundation for the installation of timber. This is a wall support. Before placing the timber in the ground, it must be processed. Additionally, a bar is also installed in the places where windows and doors are installed. For rigidity, the frame bars can be fastened together with a metal corner. Next, the frame is sewn up with boards or plywood.

A wooden children's house, the drawing of which is given below, can only be built with the installation of supports.

For an ordinary house, there is an easier option - knock down the shields from the boards. And fill a bar along their perimeter. Then knock down wooden shields among themselves.

The material was prepared for the site

4.4 Roof for a children's house

The roof device begins with the manufacture of gables. For them, the same timber is used as for the frame. Two triangles are installed on opposite walls. If necessary, several more are installed between them.

A beam is stuffed between them. One or more depends on what the roof will be covered with.

Or we knock them into a shield, which will then be attached to the gables.

The bottom line is the difference in ease of use. One slope or two, the main thing is that the roof is not used by the child as a playground. If the boards fit well, it is enough to treat them with an antiseptic and paint.

5. Finishing a children's house made of wood

In order to please you with a wooden house for children made with your own hands, you need to take care of protecting the wood for as long as possible. To do this, it must be treated with solutions against bugs and decay. And then open with stain, varnish or paint.

Install benches inside the house or make a table and chairs of appropriate sizes.

6. Baby house safety

Separately, I want to focus on how to make the house safe. For this you need:

  • choose a flat area for the installation of the house. Or a reliable tree;
  • check the quality of wood processing. Mechanical to prevent splinters from entering. And antiseptic - wood should be environmentally friendly;
  • screw the screws correctly;
  • for roofing it is better to use soft materials or polycarbonate. Because, for example, metal tiles have sharp edges and can cause injury.

Treehouse for kids

If you have already grown from a small children's house on the ground, then it's time to move higher, for example, to the crown of a tree (canopy, uvei, i.e. the upper / middle branched part of the tree). In addition, we will describe how to make a tree house for children with your own hands.

1. Tree selection

Pay attention to the crown of the tree, the trunk, the location of the branches, the age of the tree and its size. Coniferous trees are not very suitable for this kind of construction, since the needles let in little light.

In addition, it is important to remember that as it grows, the tree will change its shape. Therefore, build on the lower branches or try to take this fact into account.

2. Choice of design option (shape)

It is necessary to work out the idea, again, taking into account the configuration of the tree.

A schematic drawing with dimensions will help you develop your project and imagine what the finished product will look like.

4. Installation of the house

All work on the construction of the walls and roof of the house is best done on the ground. But, the device of the floor - supports, belongs to the category of high-altitude work.

To make a floor in a house on branches, you need to install a platform that will be the basis of the whole structure. It can be supported by additional supports placed on the ground, or by supports placed on the trunk of a tree.

Fixing the platform on the trunk will allow you to adjust its height over time.

5. Finishing work

Installing a ladder is a mandatory step in building a treehouse. The ladder can be wooden or rope. The first one is more reliable. In addition to the stairs for the house, you can fix a rope along which the descent will be faster.

6. Security

  • comfortable stairs (straight, spiral), preferably with railings;
  • the optimal height of the house. Preferably up to 3 meters;
  • a reliable platform, necessarily fenced with walls or handrails;
  • the technology for building a children's wooden treehouse does not provide for nailing. It is safer to use bolts and nuts;
  • In addition, the wood and all connections of the house must be periodically checked and tightened.


As you can see, making a wooden house for children with your own hands is not special work. In fact, according to the same principle of modules, wooden houses for a playground are made, and even cardboard houses for playing in an apartment.

Wooden children's houses - photos and pictures for ideas

Do-it-yourself children's house at their summer cottage - great gift kids. It can be built from different materials, and the dimensions can be different. You can create something like this design (photo No. 1), and if there is space, the structure can be built much large sizes. Consider several options for building houses.

How to build a house for children

A do-it-yourself children's playhouse can have dimensions of 160x160x140 cm with a roof 90 cm high. To create it, you need to prepare:

  • foundation blocks - 4 pieces;
  • metal fastening corners;
  • bars for making the floor - 11 pcs.;
  • floorboards - 4 pcs.;
  • lining;
  • platbands;
  • furniture shield;
  • dye;
  • bars for the roof - 5 pcs.;
  • ondulin;
  • edged boards;
  • screws, nails;
  • beam holders.

The work itself is carried out in several stages.

  • Stage 1. We make the floor frame. For it, you need to mount the base, aligning it diagonally. After alignment, the design is reinforced with corners.
  • Stage 2. We choose a place for construction. The place must be level. The finished frame is laid on the ground, the points of attachment of the foundation are marked.
  • Stage 3. Giving stability to a children's wood product. In the marked places, they dig recesses and stack them foundation blocks. They are buried to the depth of the spade bayonet. They must lie flat. This is checked by the level. On the upper part blocks need to be waterproofed so that moisture does not get on the floor.
  • Stage 4. We build the floor. To do this, the entire frame is sewn up with boards. The floor must be level and free from roughness.
  • Stage 5. The floor needs to be processed. This is done from the side of the ground. A layer is applied with a brush or roller that protects the wood from fungus and mold.
  • Stage 6. Creating racks and rafters. Bars are attached to the finished floor and reinforced with corners (photo No. 2). Roof rafters (3 pieces) are attached to the racks. They are leveled or plumb and secured with metal holders.
  • Stage 7. Frame sheathing. The finished frame is sheathed with a blockhouse or clapboard (photo No. 3). You can sheathe a structure for children in the country house from the outside and from the inside. Lay slabs between layers of wood mineral wool for building insulation.
  • Stage 8. Creating a roof. The roof is covered with ondulin. This material is good to cut with a grinder. For decoration, many craftsmen use a carved board. The same board can sheathe the corners of the constructed building. It would be nice to decorate doors and windows with do-it-yourself platbands (photo No. 4).
  • Stage 9. Do-it-yourself home-made benches and a table are installed inside the house for children. play house ready for children to give with their own hands. It remains only to paint it in various bright colors.

Do-it-yourself children's playhouse (video)

Other options for building a house

How to make a children's house for a child and his friends at their summer cottage? Ideas can be very different. Here is some of them:

  1. The house for the child can be placed on a natural elevation. Solid wood is used instead of the foundation. Curtains can be hung on the windows. This will make it possible to hide the room from prying eyes.
  2. Windows can be glazed, and doors can be made quite tight. The house can be given the appearance of a real home. But this will require a special approach to its creation.
  3. A massive do-it-yourself wooden children's house can be made with a spacious room located on the second floor. The usual entrance to it can be supplemented by a slide. To climb this hill, you need to make a ladder with a railing. This design is sure to please your child. A wooden house for young children in the country is easily equipped with a sandbox below, which is arranged under the house.
  4. A wooden house for children in the country with their own hands can be painted in pink color. Girls will appreciate it. To him you need to build a small veranda on which to place flowers.
  5. A plywood house will look bright in the landscape if it is painted blue. Spacious porch and walkway paving slabs complement the building.

There may be other ideas. Wooden houses for children in the country are completely panel board assembled very quickly and stand for many years. Not in vain, after all, any Kindergarten equipped with such structures.

Non-traditional play houses

You can make a wooden children's house not only in the country, but also right in the main dwelling. Any tent can become a personal fortress for a child. How to build playhouses indoors? Again, there are different ideas. The wooden house is very good. But inside a residential building it is better to use cardboard or cloth. Home tent that stretches over the table - perfect solution. To make it, you need to measure the length, width and height of the table. The fabric is better to choose dense. The windows in the house are made of polyethylene film. Instead of a door, a zipper or other fastener is inserted. On the walls you can draw cartoon characters. The fabric house can be easily disassembled and does not take up space.

A play area for children is also made of cardboard. For its construction, the skills that a wooden house requires are not needed. It is enough to have the required amount of cardboard, paint and simple tools. Window and door openings are cut out in cardboard with a sharp clerical knife. With a sufficient amount of material, the final result depends only on the imagination of the manufacturer. You can come up with your own schemes for manufacturing and internal equipment of the house. In any case, it will bring joy to your child.

How to make a children's house (video)

Conclusion on the topic

Country cottage area is intended for growing vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, as well as for the recreation of adults and children. Swimming pools and alpine slides with dry streams. With a sufficient area of ​​the site, many also build children's playhouses. They have different designs and are built using various materials. You can build a children's house in the country from wooden boards, from plywood, lining and timber, brick and concrete are spent on its arrangement. You can make such a structure from fabric, cardboard boxes and other materials. The construction of a building in the country does not take much time and is mostly quite cheap. The best place for its placement - between the trees, on a hill. You can lead a path to it.

Of the tools you may need: a hacksaw, a jigsaw, a screwdriver, glue gun, drill, wrenches and screwdrivers, chisels, level, plumb line, tape measure. All work is best done by two people. First, the frame is assembled on the foundation, then the walls are sheathed and the roof is erected. The playhouse can be equipped with furniture, curtains, electric bells and lights. Used for lighting and led strip. Children will be delighted with such a building.

The product can also be built in a residential area. For this, cardboard and fabric are used. The frame is made of PVC pipes, wooden parts. Even an ordinary table can become a frame. The kids love this play area too.
