Pruning peach in the spring - the right scheme and the right result! How to properly prune peach in autumn and spring - instructions for beginners.

Due to the key features of the movement of nutrients, you need to cut the peach so that it looks like a bush. This will enable all the shoots to also receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, and therefore it is not worth growing near the garden, because the peach is not like that.

In the spring, the main pruning of the tree is carried out, but in the summer or autumn - an additional one. Separately, it is worth dwelling on the benefits of pruning your trees:

  • The main task is to extend the period of productivity and decorativeness of the tree;
  • Maintenance of shrubs and trees in a healthy state;
  • In some cases, pruning results in early flowering and fruiting;
  • Bringing the root system and shoots to balance.

Carrying out the work pay great attention to the number of fruiting shoots. So, if there are a lot of them, the skeletal branches will be overloaded, leaves and buds will begin to fall off. It is best to cut the shoots so that two or three “eyes” remain on them, and the topmost shoot is left without a top, which will lead to the growth of side branches.

Pay attention to the nature of fruiting, because the number of mixed branches depends on this indicator.

If the peach produces good fruits, about 80 branches are left on the tree, if there are few fruits, more can be left - about 150 shoots.

What types of pruning exist: which is preferable?

Peach should be pruned from the first year after planting. However, it should be noted that on different stages growing up procedure may be different. For example, in an annual seedling, all shoots must be removed, except for the 4 main ones, which are located at the bottom of the trunk, the remains of the shoots along with the conductor should be removed. In the second year, you need to select several shoots, cut them off by 25-30%, the next season they will grow about six new branches suitable for fruiting.

Shoots growing in the middle of the bush should either be removed or severely cut off, which will allow the sun's rays to better flow to the center of the plant. Shoots are also completely cut out, the growth of which is carried out horizontally. Tools used (hacksaw, saw or gardening scissors for young shoots) must be cleaned and sharpened before work.

In the future, these works are divided into several types, which you should also know everything about:

  • Pruning fruit-bearing shrubs. A peach "lays" a lot of color buds: about a thousand peaches can be collected from one tree, but they will be small and not juicy. It is better if you collect about 300 fruits, but they are of high quality and tasty. If we are dealing with a fruit-bearing tree, then we need to thin out and shorten the shoots, removing those branches that darken the crown. In addition, this will lead to an increase in the lower part, due to which the level of tree exposure will decrease, and the fruits will not shift to the upper part of the crown;
  • : replacement scheme. Some branches with flower "eyes" need to be shortened by 30% of their total length, and growth shoots are removed almost "at the root": about 3 buds should remain on them. In the next season, new shoots grow from them, one of which “goes” for replacement, the second for fruiting;
  • Rejuvenating work. Normal fruiting is observed in the first ten years after planting, then the productivity of the tree slowly decreases.. But it can be returned if work is carried out to "rejuvenate" the peach. So, you need to remove all the old shoots, drying out and diseased branches, but the young branches are left - it is they who will begin to bear fruit in the future;
  • "Treatment" of diseased and damaged peach trees. It is very important that every spring you check every tree in your garden, removing shoots damaged after winter frosts. In the same period, dry branches are cut, one-year shoots are also cut short enough - up to the first three buds. In summer, you can see if the trees have died. If so, they, sadly, will have to be uprooted.

How to prune a peach in spring: working with a young tree

By the way, working with young trees is much more difficult, because there is a high probability of accidentally removing fruit-bearing branches. And if the “surgical procedure” is carried out correctly, you can increase the yield by the next season.

But for this you need to follow some important rules:

  • If a young seedling has new shoots (up to 10 pieces), safely remove the central conductor;
  • When planting a tree in the ground, we leave a maximum of four shoots that grow at the bottom of the trunk - the rest of the shoots are cut off;
  • All branches located in the center of the tree should be cut short after the third year.

You should also take as a basis enough important nuance: horizontal branches are removed, because they will not bear fruit, while the central shoots should be located at an angle of 45 ° to the ground. Knowing how to prune a peach in the spring, you can not only make all the trees in the garden the same shape, but also increase fruiting several times.

One of the obligatory methods of tree care is peach pruning in spring, summer and autumn. The tree needs maximum light, but grows the ground part intensively. As a result, the crown thickens due to branches without a crop, there is not enough light. Pruning regulates the shape of the tree and removes the fattening undergrowth. The forces of the tree are directed to the formation of the crop.

What determines the choice of crown shape

Peach is a thermophilic tree. With the help of breeding achievements, varieties have been obtained that have advanced in middle lane Russia and the Trans-Urals. However, the tree cannot withstand stable frosts without shelter - the branches freeze over, the roots are affected. If the tree is covered early, the bark will support. During the moments of winter thaws, sap flow can begin in the middle of winter.

It depends on the climatic features how to properly cut a peach, what crown shape to choose:

  1. The cup-shaped tiered crown is used in areas with a warm climate and mild winters.
  2. The formation of a "fruit link" creates a creeping trunk of two skeletal branches that bear fruit alternately. The landing is thickened, it is called in another way "meadow garden", it is used in cold climates under cover.
  3. The shape of the bush represents some of the most developed shoots from the ground, which are cut out after they bear fruit. This form of peach is often used in the Moscow region.

The timing of peach pruning in spring depends on the climatic features of the region. In cold winters, when there is a danger of frostbite, the first pruning from spring is transferred to the time when the leaves have blossomed - it becomes clear how much the affected branches need to be cut.

Tree formation tasks

Pruning is carried out to increase the yield of the tree and extend the productive lifespan. Nutrients extracted from the soil by the roots are evenly distributed along the trunk. At the same time, branches without fruits grow faster, thickening the crown. The tree inside is exposed, and the yield is minimal. If young branches do not grow, fruiting will stop.

Pruning is done in order to:

  • improve lighting and ventilation of the tree;
  • facilitate harvesting;
  • stimulate the formation of fruitful shoots;
  • remove old branches, rejuvenating the tree;
  • give the desired shape to the crown.

There are several types of trimming, each of which is performed in certain time. The ground part is formed from several types of growth: growth generative and annual bouquet branches. Mixed and tops are also branches, but you can’t wait for the harvest from them.

Pruning peaches in the spring forms a bole from a seedling desired shape before fruiting and in subsequent years. Throughout growing season carry out sanitary pruning - removal of frost-beaten or broken branches. Thinning belongs to the same type. peach tree, removal of fattening branches. forms the crown of a young tree and shortens some of the fruitful twigs so that new shoots develop on them. This care is called shaping pruning.

Pruning peach in the spring for beginner gardeners is the most crucial period. You can not be late, with a strong sap flow, the operation is not performed. It is necessary to form a tree according to the scheme, thinning out, but leaving fruitful shoots with buds. Of course, vertical branches growing on skeletal branches at a distance of 1 meter from the tree trunk should be removed to the ring. It happens that with a very sparse lower tier, such branches are rejected by gradual pruning on the outer eye. The effect is complemented by pulling the branch down with a rope.

If old branches give little growth, they are removed with anti-aging pruning. It is important that rejuvenation is carried out over several years, gradually. It is impossible to cut a lot of wood at the same time, the tree will die.

The sequence of formation of various types of crown

Pruning is carried out in dry weather. At the same time, root shoots are removed.

The scheme of cutting a peach with a bowl is typical for giving a sprawling shape, with an adjustable growth upwards.

When planting a seedling, all branches on the trunk are removed 50 cm from the ground. Leave 3-4 branches, which will be skeletal for the lower tier. Pinch off the top growing point. next spring grown shoots are shortened by a third, branches of the second order are formed on them. In the third year, on this tier, all branches growing in depth, or horizontally, are removed.

As they grow, they form a second tier of 5 skeletal branches, but the top is constantly cut to limit growth. But she is left with 2 kidneys. A properly formed tree after 5 years has 2 fruit tiers, sparse branches and growth of no more than 3 meters.

When the crown is formed by a bush, there is no central conductor. The design of the bush is carried out from the 4 lower branches immediately, as soon as the seedling is placed in place. This planting guarantees quick recovery, even if part of the wood freezes. The bush has enough light, as there are few branches. In summer, such twigs are pinched by 30-40 cm to create a new wave of growth of young shoots for next year's harvest.

The formation of the fruit link is a creeping form, the branches are easy to cover for the winter. Peaches are planted densely - 2x0.5 m, so that no more than 15 fruits can be obtained from each tree. The first year the peach is allowed to grow and gain strength. In the spring, the seedling is pruned, leaving 2 branches close to the ground. One branch will produce a crop, the second - safety. They are changed every year.

In summer, one branch is covered with young fruit twigs, which will give a harvest. On the second branches are cut. On each of the branches, 2 branches are left closest to the trunk to continue the development of the tree. After harvesting, the old branch is cut off. During this time, replacement branches have grown. It turns out a creeping bush.

Shaping peach care in summer

Summer is a period when weekly care with pinching, pinching or removing 10 cm of shoots can reduce pruning injury in autumn and spring.

Pruning a peach in summer is the most gentle operation. Only in summer you can see if there are frostbitten branches on the tree. It is necessary to remove them, the wood is no longer able to support sap flow. In summer, young shoots that grow inside the crown are harvested. When the fruitlets are poured up to 1 cm in cross section, it is necessary to remove the extra ovaries. It is considered correct if mature tree has 80 abundantly fruiting branches or 200 infertile. The fewer fruits on the tree, the larger and sweeter they will be. Summer peach pruning regulates the harvest, prevents the tree from thickening.

autumn tree pruning

After harvesting, they begin to prepare for rest. Until November, the tree gradually reduces sap flow. After harvesting, it is necessary to remove broken branches, shortening part of the fruit-bearing branches. At this time, the movement of juice is less, the wounds do not become wet, and the tree does not receive severe stress.

Pruning peach in the fall is from September to October 15th. It is not worth tightening, each pruning weakens the tree. He needs to go into the winter strong.

Only peach care throughout the growing season forms correct crown with the least stress. Each pruning is a surgical operation associated with the introduction of diseases into an open wound.

A new way to prune peach in summer - video

Peach pruning in autumn, summer and spring, carried out by those gardeners who care about their health personal plot. It is difficult to meet a person who does not like peach compote. In order for a peach from a tree branch to become the basis for home preservation, the summer resident will have to work hard. Peach is a very capricious horticultural crop. Therefore, for juicy and sweet fruits, the tree requires careful care from a person. Pruning makes up the lion's share of all the procedures with which you can take care of this demanding plant. How to properly prune, when is the best time to do it and about the features of the procedure at different times of the year, you will learn by reading this article.

Purpose of pruning

Peach pruning is carried out in order to extend the life of the plant and increase its yield. Any person who is even a little familiar with biology knows that trees get nutrients from the soil. These substances pass through the trunk of the tree and are distributed evenly between the branches.

In peach, these processes are much faster than in other plants. At the same time, the plant spends a lot of nutrients on the formation of vertically growing branches.

If you do not pay attention to this feature, the crown of the tree will quickly thicken. This will cause the branches located in the center to become bare and stop bearing fruit. 'Cause they won't get sunlight in sufficient quantities. The fruits will be tied only on the peripheral branches, which will significantly reduce the yield of the plant.

These problems can be avoided by regularly pruning incorrectly growing branches. In addition, a properly formed crown helps to improve the ventilation of the tree and greatly facilitate harvesting. And finally, it is much more pleasant for any summer resident to see neatly cut trees on his site, and not a chaotic pile of branches.

Features of spring peach pruning

Spring peach pruning is carried out in order to form a crown. Peach loves to create forks on the branches. This leads to the fact that such branches break from strong gusts of wind.

In the cold season, frost forms on such forks, which leads to frostbite of the branches. In order to avoid such problems in winter, it is necessary to prune the plant regularly in the spring.

Pruning in the spring is carried out when the buds are already swollen on the tree, but the flowers have not yet begun to bloom. This usually happens from mid-March until about April 20th.

It is worth noting the fact that the peach reacts very strongly to any interference in its life. Therefore, all cuts must be sharpened garden tool. It is recommended to disinfect the pruner or hacksaw before starting work. When working with pruners, try to remove branches in one motion. Sections with a diameter of more than one centimeter must be processed.

As already mentioned, the crown of the plant is formed in the spring. Long time it was believed that a cupped crown was better suited for this garden culture. As practice has shown, this is not always true.

The bowl-shaped version of the peach crown is suitable only for owners of large household plots. This form of tree takes up too much space and significantly reduces the number of trees in the garden. The pyramidal crown is better suited, it is more practical.

  • as the lower tier of branches, leave 4 frame branches;
  • the second tier is formed from 5 branches;
  • all branches are cut to about 1/3 of the part;
  • the height of the tree is adjusted so that by the fifth year after planting, its height does not exceed 3 meters;
  • naturally, all diseased and frozen branches are removed.

The advantage of pruning at this time of year is that when the buds swell, you can see which of the branches will bear fruit more abundantly. These branches should be given more attention, and it is recommended to shorten the remaining branches or remove them altogether.

Features of peach pruning in summer

Summer peach pruning is not as popular with gardeners. But it also has its own goals and therefore is a mandatory event. This procedure is carried out, as a rule, in the first half of summer. The period from June 15 to mid-July is considered optimal. That is, when the fruits begin to form bones.

Work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • dried and weak branches are removed. They only draw nutrients from the tree, without bringing any practical benefit;
  • unfruitful branches can be thinned out. But you should not get carried away too much, branches that do not have fruits are usually abundantly covered with foliage. And these are, as you know, light trees. Therefore, during the period of active vegetation, they allow the plant to receive more oxygen and nutrients;
  • it is recommended to cut to the base all the shoots that begin to grow deep into the crown. Thus, the illumination of the tree improves, which positively affects the taste and color of the fruit;
  • if the fruitful branches are literally dotted with fruit ovaries, it makes sense to shorten them slightly. Otherwise, under the weight of the crop, the branches may break off. Accordingly, on next year there can be no question of the fruitfulness of the plant, the tree will need treatment.

Thus, in the summer, formative and sanitary pruning is carried out.. Some novice gardeners neglect summer pruning, limiting themselves to events held in spring and autumn. This is not exactly the right approach to peach pruning. If you remove and shorten unnecessary branches in the summer, the fruits grow larger and juicier.

Features of autumn peach pruning

Autumn peach pruning is carried out in order to prepare the tree for winter. Of course, peach grows mainly in southern regions countries where winters are relatively mild. But this fruit crop differs from others garden plants with its warmth. Therefore, in order for the tree to overwinter well, it must be properly prepared.

The scheme of work looks like this:

  • shorten all fruitful branches, both frame and branches;
  • the number of branches on a tree should not exceed 80 pieces;
  • if you live in a region where a lot of snow falls in winter, it is recommended to remove all fragile branches;
  • summer, this is the time of the year when pathogenic bacteria feel very comfortable. Therefore, if you notice branches affected by any disease, they must be removed to the ground;
  • all branches cut in autumn are recommended to be burned.

In autumn, peach pruning is done after harvest. Work can be scheduled until October 15.

The advantage of peach pruning at this time of year is that the growing season ends at this time. And even such a touchy as a peach, calmly endures all the manipulations carried out with its branches.

  1. It is noted that all fruit-bearing branches grow at an angle of about 45 degrees. Therefore, when pruning, consider this nuance.
  2. When shortening peach branches, it is necessary to leave at least two buds on each.
  3. In order to rejuvenate the peach and restore its lost fruitfulness, it is recommended to completely remove all branches whose age is more than four years.
  4. After planting the tree in the ground, it is recommended to leave no more than four lower shoots on it. They will serve as the basis for the formation of the crown. Other
  5. branches are removed.
  6. For the formation of a cupped crown, it is worth giving preference to spring pruning.

Proper peach care is not only troublesome, but also responsible. Do not forget to trim the plant regularly, you guarantee its fruitfulness and longevity.

An important step in the care of a peach is its pruning. This is fruit tree does not forgive mistakes, so you need to spend some time watching videos for beginners and read the reviews of experienced professionals. It would seem that it could be easier than taking a pruner or a sharp knife and removing extra branches that, in your opinion, interfere with the tree. But not everything is so simple. You need to know exactly when and how to prune a tree. After all, this procedure is carried out in spring, summer and autumn. It all depends on what goals you are pursuing.

Shoot varieties

Before you start pruning a tree, you need to deal with the varieties of peach shoots, and he has 6 types of them.

spring pruning

Spring pruning is carried out in order to form a crown: branches for various purposes are removed or left. The result will be a high yield of the tree and an increase in the size of the fruit.

Spring pruning stimulates the active fruiting of the crop

It is best to prune the tree between the start of bud swelling and flowering. The interval is on average three weeks. A good period is the appearance of pinkish buds and the blooming of flowers. It lasts about seven days, and the probability of peach infection with cytosporosis through sections is reduced to zero.

Benefits of pruning in spring:

  1. Increase in the duration of fruiting.
  2. Decorative tree.
  3. Maintaining the balance of the root system and crown.
  4. Earlier flowering and faster fruit set.

Attention! The peach is very sensitive to cuts, so use a sharp and well-sanitized tool. Do not cut the branches, they must be cut in one motion, and the place of removal should be greased with garden broth.

How to prune branches correctly in the spring will help you training video.

Tree pruning in summer

Pruning a peach in the summer is not so popular among gardeners. However, it also has its purpose. She is also called sanitary pruning. The best period for carrying out manipulations in the summer is from mid-June to mid-July, because it is at this time that the bones are laid.

Summer branch removal scheme:

  • pruning dry and unviable branches;
  • thinning of barren branches;
  • cutting deep into growing shoots;
  • shortening of weak fruitful branches.

result summer pruning will improve the quality of the fruit.

Pruning in autumn

Autumn pruning peach is preparing it for wintering. The tree is thermophilic and grows exclusively in the southern regions. But despite this, it needs careful care. All manipulations are carried out after harvest, but no later than mid-October. During this period, the growing season ends, and the tree can easily endure pruning.

Pruning a tree for winter is as follows:

  1. Pruning all branches.
  2. Removal of fragile and diseased branches.

Advice. No more than 80 branches should remain on the peach.

A capricious fruit tree requires careful care. Pruning is no exception. By following the subtleties of the procedure, you can improve the yield of the tree and the quality of the fruit. In spring, peach is pruned to increase fruiting and crown formation, in summer - to improve taste characteristics fruits, and in the fall - in order to prepare for the winter.

Read also about the rules for pruning apricot, pear and apple trees.

Be patient and your garden will not be left in debt!

Pruning a two-year-old peach: video

Peach pruning: photo

peach pruning in spring - this is a guarantee of a rich harvest and strengthening immunity. Thanks to this procedure, the peach will actively develop and grow. This tree is very generous, and can bear a lot of fruit. But not all fruits have enough nutrients, so they become small and crumble quickly. Such a phenomenon for several years can severely damage the tree. To avoid these troubles, you should thin out the branches and trim the peach.

What are the types of peach cuts?

There are several main types of peach pruning in the spring, which are used in various situations and on different years tree life. They should be considered in detail.

Cutting method:

1. Thinning - the entire branch is removed by one ring. Cut off old and diseased branches, which in the future will not bring any benefit to the tree. The procedure does not affect the yield, and rejuvenates the tree as a whole. If this type of pruning is carried out annually, then the peach will delight you with a rich and tasty harvest.

2. Shortening. It is divided into three types: weak, moderate and strong. The weak point is that the branches are removed, but the number of pruned shoots does not exceed 5% of all peach branches. Moderate shortening does not exceed 10%, and strong shortening does not exceed 20%.

According to the purpose of trimming, they distinguish:

1. Economic - infected and old branches are removed. This type is often combined with contouring and anti-aging.

2. Rejuvenating - branches aged 3-5 years are removed (40-40 centimeters from the trunk). But their number should not be more than 15%, since the peach may not be rehabilitated in the future, even if it has excellent care.

3. Contour - a crown of the required volume is formed. It should be carried out every year, external branches are cut, limiting the boundaries of the tree.

4. Differentiated- thinned out top part, stimulates the growth of the lower part. Used from 5 to 8 years of peach life. The lower branches are slightly reduced.

5. Detailed. Pruning concerns absolutely the entire tree (all branches, without exception). They are removed by this algorithm: cut off half of the old branches (about 50-60%), others are cut moderately. Used for 9 year old peach.

6. Recovery- used after frost has damaged the crown of the tree. The surviving branches are severely pruned.

7. Recovery-forming- is carried out a year after anti-aging pruning, with its help form skeletal and overgrowing branches. Conductor annual shoots are reduced by about 1/4 of their length.

Benefits of rejuvenating peach pruning

An 8-10 year old tree simply needs to be pruned for rejuvenation, otherwise the peach will bring little harvest. At the same time, dry and infected branches must be removed, and old knots are shortened to 5-year-old wood.

Peach pruning in the spring for restoration is carried out for very damaged trees after frost. For rejuvenation, several strong branches are left, which are reduced by 1/3. And the strongest shoot is formed from the root. It is also shortened a bit. After a couple of years, the old trunk is simply cut off and a new peach is grown.
