Curtains for the living room. How to choose curtains in the living room: photos, design tips

When planning the design of a living room, we try to think through the nuances of the interior to the smallest detail: walls, floors, furniture, shelves, lamps, etc. But this harmony can be destroyed at one moment by improperly selected curtains. And let once they were invented solely as protection from the sun and other people's curiosity.

Everything changes, and today the curtains in the interior of the living room are designed to tie together all the elements of the situation.

Varieties of curtains

In order to choose exactly those that will successfully emphasize your sense of style from the limitless variety of modern curtains for the living room, you need to familiarize yourself with their main types. Curtains are usually divided according to several criteria:

The presence of a lambrequin

Lambrequin is a decorative detail that hides the cornice. This element visually raises the ceiling and changes the proportions of the windows.

Soft fabric lambrequin is usually used when decorating a living room in a romantic or classic style. For its manufacture, a curtain fabric is used, similar to the main one in structure, but of a different color.

A rigid lambrequin is attached to the wall above the cornice and visually changes the size of the window. It is more practical, as it will fit perfectly into any style.

If the ceilings in the room are high enough and the windows are proportional, there is no need for a lambrequin. Moreover, it will be successfully replaced by a stylish modern cornice.


Designers almost always advise hanging long curtains on the windows in the living room: they visually raise the ceiling, and, if positioned correctly, also push the space apart.

Short curtains in the living room are used in exceptional cases when the window sill functions as a table or the furniture is close to the window.

Eyelets or rings

Unlike the usual ring fasteners, the eyelet is inserted directly into the fabric of the curtain, and then threaded into the cornice, which makes it completely invisible. Curtains fixed on the grommets look weightless and elegant, flowing beautifully through the window. This innovation will decorate absolutely any style.

Bay window curtains

A bay window is an architectural refinement that allows you to expand the space of the room by several meters. Simply put, it's a ledge in the wall. A bay window in the shape of a trapezoid will be favorably emphasized by curtains sewn separately for each window, and a semicircular ledge allows you to hang one curtain along its entire radius.

Rules for choosing curtains in the living room with two windows

Often in the living room there is not one, but two windows (sometimes more). Then, when choosing a design for curtains in the living room, you should remember a few simple but very useful rules.

Both the fabric of both curtains and the methods of their attachment to the cornices must be the same. By the way, the cornices themselves should also be like twin brothers.

Windows located side by side on the same wall are decorated as one - with the center in the middle of the wall. If the windows are located far away, they are decorated separately, but in exactly the same way.

Curtains in the living room with a balcony

The choice of curtains for a living room with a balcony should be taken especially seriously, because they will be constantly shifted, opening the balcony door.

The ideal option is sliding curtains. It is easy to drape the entrance to the balcony with them, and if necessary, it will not be difficult to move such curtains either.

Oriental-style lifting curtains will allow you to divide the balcony and the window itself into separate zones.

The most practical solution is blinds. But practical does not mean the best. No matter how you play with the blinds in the interior, the feeling of office space will not disappear anywhere.

How to choose curtains for the style of the living room

Whatever fabric you choose and whatever length you choose, there is one golden rule for all curtains: they must fit into the style of the interior. After reading this article, you can easily choose the perfect curtains for your living room. So, let's look at the most popular styles for living rooms and curtain options for them.

Modern style

Curtains in the living room in a modern style are usually straight and plain, from any type of fabric. The color scheme is light, organically suited to the colors of the interior, or vice versa - contrasting, bright.

The classic style is characterized by curtains that combine thick heavy curtains with organza. They are universal: during the day, a light fabric lets in a sufficient amount of light, and in the evening you can isolate yourself from the whole world simply by closing the opaque curtains. In the classics, curtains have a special role - to be an accent detail of the interior. Therefore, the choice of colors must be taken responsibly.

This is a rustic style, which means that the curtains in it should be simple, with a simple pattern. The color should be in harmony with the blue range typical for this style.


The style implies light plain translucent curtains of an extremely simple cut. Drawings, sequins, decorations - all this is not here. Here, the curtains perform exclusively their main functions - they close the window opening and nothing more, as you can see in the next photo of the curtains in the living room.

East style

Japanese panel curtains are ideal for zoning rooms decorated in oriental style, as well as in hi-tech or eclectic style. They are very practical, and the laconic design visually expands the space.


Living room design in vintage style is a great opportunity to adopt the experience of past years in window design. Heavy flowing fabrics will add romance to the interior. It is important to remember that the pattern of such curtains should match the style of the entire room. Decor in the form of pompoms or fringes is welcome.

This is an extraordinary style for creative people, creating a sense of a peculiarly ordered chaos (however wild it may sound). Here your imagination has every right to unlimited freedom without regard to any design conventions. And therefore - turn on your imagination and create!

Photo of new beautiful curtains in the interior of the living room

Curtains in the interior both emphasize the dignity of the room, complement it, and show flaws if the color or design of the curtains is chosen incorrectly and the overall style is not respected. There are not as many requirements for living room curtains as there are for kitchen ones, but they must be resistant to fading if the room is located on the sunny side.

The choice of curtains for the style of the living room

Curtains on the windows in the living room create their own atmosphere, protect from sunlight and prying eyes. With their identical functionality, they are very different and, with the right selection, fit into the interior of a living room of different styles.

  • , as a rule, straight and without sticking in a light shade of beige and white, as well as in pastel shades of green, red, purple. The fabric of modern curtains for the living room can be either natural or made using modernized technologies, the main thing is that it is plain or with large geometry.

  • combine light tulle and heavy thick curtains. On the one hand, weightless organza lets in daylight, and on the other hand, opaque curtains decorate the wall and protect from prying eyes in the evenings. This is a very practical solution, which is why many owners with invariable good taste turn to the design of curtains for a living room in a classic style. Any fabric material and texture is acceptable here.

  • create a feeling of nature and simplicity of the province. Colors should be fresh and juicy, but not bright. Preference should be given to the color of ocher and terracotta. Provence curtains in the interior of the living room should be made exclusively from natural fabrics: linen, cotton, chintz with floral embroidery, floral elements of bright colors, stripes and checks are allowed from patterns. To create Provence, ideally there should be a large window with retractable sashes.

Choosing curtains according to the color of the living room

When choosing the color of the curtains, it is necessary to build on the size of the room, the amount of light in it, the layout and the height of the ceiling.

  • emphasize the beauty and style of a neutral steel shade. White color in milky and yellow shades will complement the image. Pink, yellow orange and peach will become a bright shade and add light, comfort and softness to the living room interior. The most successful solution for a sunny room would be the choice of blue and lilac curtains in delicate tones, this will refresh the room, and decorative pillows in the color of the curtains will complete the look. A win-win option would be to choose a neutral beige, sand and coffee color of any tone.

  • should be milky and brown to complement the style of the room, or they can be turquoise, soft purple, fuchsia to create an expressive accent. Bright textures, satin and velvet will create a vintage style, while transparent and modern fabrics are suitable for modern style, minimalism and high-tech style.

  • Curtains in the white living room you can choose any, it depends on the style of the room. For a classic design, white thick curtains, tapestry with white tulle, brown and coffee curtains, beige and sand are suitable. This design will muffle the white walls and create coziness. Bright colors (pink, light green, lilac, blue, orange) draw attention to the window opening and make it the main one in the interior.

There are basic rules for choosing curtains in the living room by color:

  • choose the color and shade of curtains depending on the color and texture of the wallpaper (if you choose curtains in the same palette with wallpaper, they should be 2-4 tones lighter or darker than the walls);
  • the color can match the color of the furniture or the largest item in the interior (sofa or carpet);
  • the design of curtains and pillows with one fabric will create a unity of style;
  • cold shades (blue, green) are suitable for a small living room and make it visually wider, while warm ones (orange, red) are more suitable for large rooms (as well as a large pattern);
  • cold colors are suitable for rooms on the sunny side, and warm ones will fill the interior of the living room with light.

Create the effect of additional energy. In cherry and wine shades, they are suitable for a large living room, and complement a small living room in combination with light-colored fabrics.

They are combined with white and beige walls, but are forbidden for combination with blue and purple colors in different shades. Suitable for spacious rooms with large windows.

Suitable in a light shade or a combination of white and blue for a small room, and in a spacious living room you can combine velvet blue drapes with a gold garter cord.

Types of curtains in the living room: from tulle to lambrequin

  • let the sun's rays through and are decorated with beads, clips, hairpins and beads. Threads of different colors in combination create a composition and complement each other. For the living room, it is better to choose threads from linen and silk.

  • are a popular window decoration because of the flowing lightweight fabric, which is easy to wash and attaches to any curtain rod, and the tulle on the grommets create even, identical folds.

  • will be the right choice for a living room with a balcony door, which will make it possible to frequently move the curtain back without deforming it.

  • it is better to choose a classic version to create minimalism, or cascading ones (with lush tails when opened) for a Provence-style interior and light design.

  • they are placed above each window with a separate canvas on a common cornice with limiter rings, curtains at the outer corners are common to the entire bay window. Lush curtains with an unusual finish are suitable for the living room.

  • Suitable for small and narrow rooms. They can be up to the windowsill or even shorter.

  • beautifully mask all the fastening loops and the wall. They can be both classical and Roman. Lambrequin gives solemnity to the interior, draped with tassels and ribbons, it can be plain or combined. Today, more and more often they use not soft, but hard frame lambrequin.

Photo of curtains in the interior of the living room

The photos below show examples of the use of various options for curtains in the interior of the living room.

Photo 1. Straight curtains 3 tones lighter than the walls and light tulle on the grommets complement the living room in a modern style.

Photo 2. White classic and roller blinds in a light gray design make the living room interior airy and concise.

Photo 3. Flowing silver fabric emphasizes the richness of the lilac tone, and the white sofa dilutes the riot of colors.

Photo 4. The living room in beige is complemented by classic-style curtains to match the color of upholstered furniture and create a unity of design.

Photo 5. In the interior of the living room, coffee velvet curtains 3 tones darker than the walls are complemented by the same fringed lambrequin and look harmonious with a weightless crown.

Photo 6. Plain Roman blinds in the bay window protect the room from excess sun and make the room larger due to the simplicity of the design.

Photo 7. Blue curtains dilute the classic beige living room, and French curtains neutralize the blue.

Photo 8

Photo 9. In the interior of the living room, the bay window is decorated with solid weightless organza and light beige curtains that refresh the black and white accent wall.

In interior design, as well as in fashion design, new fashion trends regularly appear and what was relevant today may be hopelessly outdated tomorrow. This does not mean that in pursuit of fashion, we have to change wallpaper and flooring every 2-3 years. To make the interior of the living room correspond to the spirit of the time, it is enough to buy new curtains. In this article, we will consider all the fashionable novelties of 2018 in the design of modern curtains for the living room and hall, as well as give a lot of illustrative photos with examples.

Draperies and tulle

Tulle and curtains have long been the most popular tandem decorating window openings in living rooms and halls.

In 2017, it is fashionable to hang two-color curtains. In fact, such curtains are simply sewn from matter in two different colors. Due to this method of tailoring, it seems that some curtains are layered on others. It looks nice and stylish.

The photo shows options for modern two-color curtains for the living room and hall.

Today it is fashionable to combine any models of curtains with lambrequins. Consider some modern ideas:

  • A lush classic lambrequin will give the appearance of curtains and curtains gloss and status.
  • A lambrequin in the form of a flip will soften and make the strict, even lines of Roman blinds and horizontal blinds less official.
  • A bandeau in the form of an elongated narrow rectangle will emphasize the smooth soft shapes of Austrian and French curtains.
  • An openwork lambrequin with a fancy ornament in combination with vertical fabric blinds will create the effect of perspective and depth of space outside the window.

For each type of curtains, you can find your own model of lambrequin. Together they will help create a unique and one of a kind interior.

Roman curtains

― a kind of lifting curtains. They have a simple rectangular shape; when assembled, they are assembled into even horizontal folds, which are obtained thanks to plastic and wooden slats sewn to their wrong side.

The photo shows an example of how you can combine Roman blinds and classic curtains so that they look beautiful in a modern interior.

Designers love Roman blinds for their versatility. They can be sewn from fabric of any texture and color. And this means that Roman blinds can be used both as curtains and as curtains, and you can find a suitable model for every situation.

Even if it does not fit too harmoniously into the interior, it can always be combined with another model of window curtains.

For a classic living room, representative dense fabrics are usually chosen, such as velvet, jacquard, brocade, tapestry. Roman curtains from them are combined with curtains made of tulle, voile, light silk or organza.

For a living room in a minimalist style, designers recommend Roman blinds made of plain or vertical striped fabric. The alternation of dark and light stripes looks especially impressive on wide windows.

For a living room in Japanese or ecological styles, Roman blinds made of bamboo or straw can be an excellent solution. And to soften their strict forms, they can be supplemented with a light colorless tulle suspended from a ceiling string cornice.

Rustic interiors, such as English shabby chic, French Provence and American country, will be decorated with Roman curtains with floral prints or checks made of linen or thick cotton. True, this season a small print is not welcome, so it is better to choose larger flowers and a cage. Due to the fact that the folds on Roman curtains are even and rare, they do not distort the pattern.

For a small living room in which there is little daylight, Roman blinds are best suited, made of light and light plain fabric. They will not visually burden a small room and will not attract undue attention to themselves. If you add such light curtains with transparent curtains, the room will look even more fresh and airy.

Thus, for any interior you can find "their" Roman blinds. But since their shape remains unchanged, experimenting with it will not work. Therefore, you can harmoniously fit them into the environment only by choosing models from fabrics of different textures and colors.

Austrian curtains

The only model of lifting curtains with a romantic character, emphasized by elegant draperies. The exception is French awnings. But still, their classic version implies static, and they began to be equipped with lifting control only recently.

"Austrian women" are draped only in the lower part of the paintings, so the folds on them do not look lush and pompous. This season they are sewn mainly from soft natural fabrics of delicate colors with a floral print: thin linen, chintz, tulle, organza in delicate pastel colors and decorated with bows, braid, lace, curtain hairpins in the form of flowers and butterflies.

Austrian models can also be sewn from a delicate veil or organza and combined with classic long curtains. And can be used as the main curtains.

It is unequivocal to say that Austrian curtains are not suitable for any interior. Their naïve "peisan" character fits best with classic rustic styles:

  • For English shabby chic, Austrians made of plain cotton or silk in whitish pastel shades are suitable.
  • For French Provence, it is better to sew them from thick cotton or linen with delicate pink or blue flowers.
  • For Austrian curtains in an American country-style room, choose satin or cotton in small checks or stripes.

The shading that such fabrics create is usually enough for living rooms. Therefore, it is possible, but not necessary, to combine curtains from them with other curtains.

Japanese fabric panels

― the sliding curtains consisting of the rectangular, rigidly stretched fabric cloths. Outwardly, they resemble wardrobe doors and move in a horizontal plane according to the same principle. The tension of the canvases is provided by a weighting bar threaded through the drawstring in their lower part.

Despite the ascetic appearance, Japanese curtains are able to create no less cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the living room than curtains with lush draperies. At the same time, their length can be both up to the window sill and up to the floor. The latter option for the living room and hall is preferable.

The light-shielding properties of Japanese curtains depend on their density. At the same time, you can choose any fabric for them: natural, synthetic, dense, transparent, colored, plain, with photo printing. The choice depends on what role you give them in the interior. Whether your room needs full shading or curtains are enough for it, which only soften the daylight slightly, will they be its main accent or their purpose is to create a backdrop for the decor.

The fashion trends of the season for Japanese curtains in the hall and living room are as follows:

  • A combination of fabrics of different densities on one cornice, for example, from translucent and dense silk. At the same time, dense panels play the role of curtains, and translucent curtains.
  • If the size of the window allows, then up to 10 canvases of different colors and textures can be placed in front of it. By moving them along the cornice, arranging them in a row, one after another or with an overlap, you can endlessly play with light, shadow and color.
  • One of the latest fashion trends is photo curtains. Since Japanese models are shaped like a canvas stretched over a frame, they are ideal for photo printing. You can apply any image on them and create a unique, individual interior in the living room.

When decorating the living room and hall with Japanese curtains, do not forget that they are best suited for minimalist interiors, such as Japanese, hi-tech, minimalism, modern classics. In order to harmoniously fit laconic fabric panels into lush and romantic interiors, they will have to be combined with curtains, tulle or muslin.

Roller blinds

Recently, modern curtains in the hall have been replenished with another interesting and practical variety - or roller shutters. Such a curtain is a piece of fabric that is wound on a shaft installed in a window opening or directly on the window sashes. In the first case, when lowered, it closes the window completely along with the window sill, and in the second, only glass.

Such curtains are especially suitable for people who love conciseness in the interior. Initially, they decorated windows mainly in the kitchen and bathroom, and for the rest of the rooms they were considered too simple. But today, when non-standard solutions and traditional curtains are in fashion for many people, they are already fed up with the order, roller blinds are used in all living quarters. And to make the appearance of roller blinds less official, they are combined with other types of curtains.

Modern ideas in the field of interior design make it possible to use roller blinds in any interior style:

  • In a high-tech living room, roller shutters look great in the color of wet asphalt, as well as black or white.
  • Roller blinds in pale shades, with only a hint of color, are suitable for the minimalist style.
  • For a Japanese-style living room, curtains are chosen from fabrics of natural colors, brown, green, and bamboo.
  • In avant-garde interior styles, such as modern and pop art, blinds of bright colors will best fit in. The main thing is not to forget, to support them with other elements of the same color: upholstery on furniture, decorative pillows.
  • For classic interiors, roller shutters alone will not be enough. Thick roller blinds will have to be supplemented with tulle, and transparent fabric roller blinds with curtains.

They are especially popular, which differ from ordinary roller blinds in their ability to dose the natural light entering the room. Curtains "day-night" are made of two layers of diversified fabric, consisting of alternating dense and transparent stripes. In the closed position, they look like a single canvas, and in the open they form gaps and let the sun's rays through.

Kisei or thread curtains

― curtains from dense ranks of threads or tapes. They are very decorative, plastic, easy to drape, look great as an independent window decor and are also easily combined with other types of curtains.

Despite the airy structure, the curtains of the thread are quite capable of creating shading that is quite sufficient for rooms that do not need one hundred percent protection from sunlight. Therefore, it is not surprising that when decorating halls and living rooms, designers are increasingly taking them into service.

The word Kisei hides a huge number of curtains very different in color and texture, but they can be conditionally divided into two types: simple and with solid decorative elements.

A simple muslin consists of twisted cotton, chenille or silk threads, plain or multi-colored. Kisei with solid decorative elements are the same simple threads, but decorated with glass beads, beads, sequins, shells, artificial butterflies or flowers.

Every time new decor options for kisei appear, and it is impossible to list all the modern ideas for decorating the living room and hall with these non-trivial curtains. Here are just a few of them:

  • In oriental Arab interiors, from which filament curtains came to us, muslin of saturated bright colors with the addition of gold and silver threads looks best.
  • In a high-tech living room, muslin with a metallic sheen is appropriate, as well as black, white and the colors of wet asphalt.
  • For halls in the style of Provence and shabby chic, a delicate snow-white muslin, decorated with glass beads or artificial flowers, is suitable.
  • For a Mediterranean living room, you can choose a muslin decorated with shells.
  • For classic interiors, muslin of delicate pastel shades, which plays the role of curtains, is best suited.

In addition, thread curtains hung over long curtains and beautifully draped look very impressive in almost all interiors.

  1. 1 Curtains for the hall and living room can be of any model, the main thing is that they are in harmony with the rest of the situation.
  2. 2 Today it is important to combine diverse curtains on one window: tulle and blinds, porters and Roman curtains, roller blinds and curtains.
  3. 3 Curtains should not merge with the walls. Under plain wallpaper choose curtains of a contrasting or darker color, plain or with a pattern. And, on the contrary, only plain curtains are chosen for colorful wallpapers.
  4. 4 When you go shopping for curtain fabric, take a piece of wallpaper with you. If the walls are painted, you can take a picture of them with your mobile device. This will help you navigate the color of the fabric.
  5. 5 The fabric looks different on the counter than on the windows. Therefore, before buying, consider it to the light.
  6. 6 Everything natural is in fashion this season. This applies not only to the quality of the fabric for curtains, but also to its colors. The most popular colors are green, blue, brown, cherry, mustard. They should be rich and muted, reminiscent of thick gouache paints.
  7. 7 Large prints are in fashion. Curtains with photo printing are very relevant. Depending on the image, they can be chosen for any interior.

The living room and the hall are rooms where guests are received and by which the owners are judged. And if, while decorating other premises, we first of all try to make them comfortable, then the hall and living room, by their status, simply must be fashionable and beautiful. The possibilities of modern curtains in this regard are endless. You can always find among them a beautiful, practical and appropriate model for the interior.

Today, the role of curtains in the hall is not only the protection of the room from the bright sun and prying eyes. In addition, curtains are a significant component of the design solution of the room. They link all the interior details, which are sometimes designed in different styles, to each other. In addition, it is the curtains that create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the living room to a greater extent.

How to choose the right curtains depending on the style direction

The final moment in the arrangement of any living room is the choice of curtains. Properly selected curtains should be in harmony with the style of the room, giving it a cozy and warm atmosphere.

For each style decision, its own kind of curtains is appropriate. It is necessary to understand this well so that the design of the window frame for the living room does not stand out from the general design of the hall.

Below we consider curtains in a setting of various styles.

Modern design

This direction combines elements of hi-tech, minimalism and eclecticism. This is a way to express yourself, your originality, show your preferences and understanding of comfort. The characteristics of such a style are ease of perception, a muted palette, and ease of operation.

Curtains in modern style are usually straight. Fastening occurs with the help of loops or eyelets. The colors can be combined with other shades of the decor, but must be light colors: sand, cappuccino, alabaster. Contrasting colors will also be acceptable, for example, red, purple, cornflower blue, green.

Speaking about the material for curtains, it can be very different: natural, artificial, textured, etc. Both a plain fabric and a fabric with a geometric pattern will be appropriate.

Classic trend in design

Classic is out of fashion. She will always be popular. Classic curtains for the windows in the living room are usually represented by a combination of heavy, opaque material and light tulle. Their distinguishing feature is multifunctionality: opaque curtains protect the room from the sun's rays and prying eyes, and the airy organza does not prevent light from penetrating inside.

In the classical style, it is appropriate to use a variety of types of material for curtains. The texture and print can also be different. Such decorative details as lambrequins, braid, laces are acceptable.

In the classics, the main thing is that the color of the curtains and their texture do not stand out from the color scheme of the situation as a whole. Otherwise, the room will look extremely unattractive, because it is on the curtains that the main emphasis is placed in the classic interior.

High tech

This is a reflection of modern existence in the era of industrial development. High-tech furnishings are characterized by minimalism, conciseness, and the absence of unnecessary details. Today, this direction is increasingly used for the design of living rooms, although it was originally created for the office.

Window framing must be functional and practical, no decorative frills. Usually curtains are represented by strict translucent canvases of simple cut with a metallic sheen.

The type of material plays an important role here. Matter must be of high quality and manufactured using the latest modern technologies, a metal thread and laser cutting are appropriate. The color of the curtains is predominantly metallic.

Provence style

This style brings people closer to nature. We can say that Provence is a country with a French flavor. No wonder it got its name from the province of the same name in the south of France. This style is a reflection of rural life. His characteristic features are modesty and unpretentiousness.

Only natural materials are allowed in the setting. Curtains should be simple cut for the entire window. By the way, the classics of Provence involves a floor-to-ceiling window opening.

Curtain fabric can have an unpretentious pattern in the form of flowers and bouquets of the most sizes and shades, white-red or white-blue checks, stripes. As for the material, linen, chintz and even openwork curtains will be appropriate.

When choosing curtains in the Provence style, you need to take into account that the situation, designed in this style, contains blue-blue tones, so the window decoration must be in harmony with this shade.

Minimalistic design

Curtains in this design carry an exclusively functional load. The absence of decorative elements, the clarity of lines, simplicity are the features of this style. Therefore, the choice of material for modern minimalist curtains in the living room requires a serious approach. Matter must be a muted color of the same tone and pass the sun's rays well.

Eastern style direction

Beautiful curtains in oriental (Japanese) style will fit perfectly into any room. Their advantages are lightness, compatibility with many modern design trends, the ability to zone and visually enlarge the space.

Japanese curtains are several canvases. These are one-of-a-kind curtains that allow you to systematically change the living room environment - they can be moved and positioned in different ways. The fabric and print can be used in a variety of ways - it all depends on the imagination of the designer.


This design implies a combination of incongruous. It is chosen by creative individuals seeking to show their individual characteristics. There are no prohibitions regarding the material, color, ornament for curtains of this style.

The photo of the curtains in the living room shows that ribbons, feathers, glass beads, small stones, dry flowers, lace can act as decorations for them.


For sewing curtains, brocade, silk, satin, velvet fabrics are suitable. A good option would be tulle curtains with gold embroidery. The main rule is that the curtain fabric must be heavy and flow beautifully.

Let's say a pattern of printed, tapestry or jacquard type. As decorative elements, you can use fringe, ribbons, tassels.

It is important to remember that the more colorful the curtains, the less decor is needed. Multilayer curtains made of fabrics that are different in texture and light transmission will be appropriate.

New curtains in the living room in 2017 are:

  • Curtains that combine mismatched fabrics.
  • Minimalistic models in terms of colors, decorative details and patterns.
  • Curtains decorated with threads of beads, pebbles, beads.
  • Panels in Japanese style.
  • Products decorated with embroidery, ornaments, appliqué.
  • Cotton, linen curtains.

When choosing window decoration, do not forget that the curtains must meet your preferences and be functional. Only then will you feel comfortable being in your living room.

Photo of curtains in the living room

The modern design of curtains in the design of living room windows pleases with its diversity. You will not surprise anyone with their classic combination of a straight cut complete with curtains. Now there are so many variations of curtains that undergo changes and additions in decorative elements every year.

To select the current directions of their design this year, you need to familiarize yourself with the important nuances of their acquisition.

No matter how the fashion for textile decoration of windows changes, there are several main rules that should be followed:

The modern style in the design of curtains came at the beginning of the last century, but many still choose it because of the sophistication of performance. With it, too heavy materials for curtains are not used, as well as too bright colors in the ban.

Important! For the most part, the modern style is more in line with minimalism, the curtains chosen for it should have practicality, beauty and reliability.

They can be: straight, sliding or lifting, each of their varieties is selected according to the style of housing.

Curtains for the living room in different styles

The main features of the modern style of curtains in the living room are light and smooth lines, ease of execution and classic or light shades. They should not have tacks, for the most part they go on eyelets or loops. Any material for curtains in a modern style can be used: natural or synthetic with metallic threads or multilayer patterns.

Curtains in a classic style

They should have a straight cut or soft folds freely falling down. It is allowed to tie open curtains with laces or bows, which are selected in the same color as the main window decor. As a lambrequin, they use an ordinary straight strip of fabric.

Curtains for this style are suitable from transparent tulle or organza. Despite the severity of the classical style, it can be significantly transformed by applying it in conjunction with styles similar to it: baroque or Victorian.

High-tech curtains

This ultra-modern style with elements of metal and leather brings practicality and elegance to the room. It dictates the aesthetic appearance of window openings, moreover, they must be functional.

Hi-tech denies any curtain decorations, the presence of ruffles and folds. Only clear lines and geometric shapes should be present, it is unacceptable to use material with monograms or floral motifs.

For this style, plain fabric blinds or roller blinds are best suited. It is forbidden to use curtains and tulle, there should be no deviations from the old days and a hint of other styles. It is acceptable to decorate windows with thick curtains in dark colors, even black, if they complement the decor in the room. In general, the color scheme of the paintings can vary from gray and platinum to brown.

The material for high-tech curtains can be non-woven variations, in which metallized threads or a Teflon coating may be present.

Art Nouveau curtains

They should bring dynamism to the room with them, have a streamlined shape, as it were. This style does not tolerate dense canvases and boring colors, everything should be sustained, but with a claim to elegance.

For the Art Nouveau style, various variations of patterns are suitable, among them you should choose:

  • Curved or wavy lines.
  • geometric motifs.
  • Contrasting patterns and patterns.
  • Image of fantasy patterns and mythical animals.

For modern, it is better to choose light fabrics in light colors, they can come with different draperies and lambrequins in combination with ties, the main requirement is asymmetry.

Provence style curtains

This style, like other rustic styles, has absorbed all the charms of natural elements and shades. Modesty and simplicity are inherent in it, curtains on the windows can go in a box, polka dots or stripes. Curtains are sewn from natural materials, various motifs can be embroidered as decorations or crocheted openwork patterns at the bottom of the curtains.

Important! This style is especially often used in private houses or apartments in which the kitchen is combined with the living room.

It is worth considering that its main palette is all kinds of shades of blue and brown. Curtains in it clearly fulfill their role - decorating the window and protecting the room from excess sunlight.

The canvas for curtains can be plain or contain small flowers or floral motifs in its field. Saturated or contrasting edging is welcome.

Curtains in the style of minimalism

They are subject to the same requirements as for the high-tech style, they carry a functional feature. They can not have any decorations and frills, they have conciseness and clarity of lines. With the help of such curtains, the illumination of the entire room is regulated; plain and thin canvases are used as materials for them.
