Calculation of the angle of the roof. We determine the optimal angle of inclination of the roof How many degrees of roof slope

The reliability of any building, as well as the comfort of living in it, depend mainly on how well its roof is arranged.

And one of the criteria for the quality of the roof is its slope.

Since the amount of roofing material also depends on its size, the choice of the angle of inclination and its preliminary calculations are made before the purchase of the selected roofing material begins.

What influences it

Depending on the magnitude of the slope of the roof slopes, the peculiarity of its operation depends.

It is customary to distinguish 4 types of roofs:

  • high, with an angle of 45-60 degrees;
  • pitched, with a slope of 30 to 45 degrees;
  • gentle, the slope angle of which is 10-30 degrees;
  • flat. A slope of 10 degrees or less.

The choice of the value of this parameter is influenced, first of all, by natural factors that are typical for the area.

Strong wind exerts the greatest pressure on high roofs.

Because such roofs, due to the large angle of inclination, have a very large area.

A large surface area has a very high windage.

Accordingly, the load on the entire structure is very high. truss system.

And if you decide to arrange a high roof with a very large slope, then you should take care of a very solid foundation.

However, in areas dominated by strong winds, unsafe to arrange and the roofs are flat.

With this type of roof, the lower part of the slope will be high blood pressure with strong wind.

And if the roof fastening is weakened, the entire structure may fail.

Therefore, in areas where strong winds are frequent, it is recommended to arrange pitched roofs with a slope of 25 - 30 degrees.

If the wind force is small, then the slope of the roof can be 30-45 degrees.

If in the area where the house is being built, during the cold season there is heavy snowfall, then a roof with a large slope angle should be built.

In this case, the high roof is out of competition.

On roofs with a large slope, snow does not linger.

It is for this reason that in all northern countries roofs on buildings are very high (Sweden, Finland, Norway, etc.).

The smaller the angle of the roof slope, the longer the fallen snow will be on the slopes.

The more weight will affect the entire structure.

If the design of the truss system is made with a large margin of safety, then some layer of snow on the roof is not bad.

It provides a little extra insulation.

However, if the design of the truss system of the structure is not designed for a large load, then there may be big problems.

Choosing a slope depending on the roofing material used

Gone are the days when only two types of roofing materials were used for covering: tiles and slate.

There are a lot of roofing materials today!

Each material has its own individual specifications and this must be taken into account when calculating the required value of the angle of inclination.

After all, it may happen that the material you like in terms of its parameters simply does not fit.

Minimum Tilt Angle

There is a concept of the minimum value of this parameter.

For each of the materials, this parameter is different.

And if the angle of inclination obtained as a result of your calculations turns out to be less than the minimum value for the roofing material you have chosen, then you cannot use it for roofing.

In the future, a lot of problems can arise if you violate this rule:

  • for any piece of stacked roofing materials, such as tiles or slate, the minimum slope is 22 degrees. It is with this value that moisture does not accumulate at the joints and moisture does not seep inside the roof;
  • the angle of inclination for rolled materials (roofing felt, bicrost, etc.) depends on how many layers you plan to lay. If there are three layers, then the slope can be 2-5 degrees. If there are two layers, then it needs to be increased to 15 degrees;
  • corrugated board manufacturers recommend that when constructing a roof from this material, arrange a slope angle of 12 degrees. Decking can also be used at lower values, but in this case it is necessary to glue the joints of the sheets with a sealant;
  • for metal tiles the value of this parameter is 14;
  • for ondulin - this is a value of 6 degrees;
  • the minimum slope for soft tiles is 11 degrees. But at the same time, a prerequisite is a continuous crate;
  • for membrane roofing there are no strict requirements for the minimum value of this parameter.

It's about the minimum values.

My advice is to stick to these rules.

So that in the middle of winter you do not have to re-roof the entire roof.

Now about the optimal values

If it rains and snows often in the region, then the roof will be optimal, the angle of inclination of the slopes of which will be 45 - 60 degrees.

After all, it is necessary to remove the load from water and snow from the roof as soon as possible.

Because the strength of the truss system is not unlimited.

And thanks to the large slope of the roof, rain and snow will descend as quickly as possible.

If in the region where the house is built, there are constantly strong winds, then the roof is treated differently.

With a smaller slope, its windage decreases.

And there are no excessive loads on roofing material and rafters.

Also, the roof will not tear off during sudden gusts of wind.

In this case, the optimal angle of the roof slope is 9 - 20 degrees.

Very often in the region there is both snow and wind.

For example, the Orenburg region.

In this case, choose the average value of the angle of inclination.

As a rule, its value is in the range of 20 - 45 degrees.

If you pay attention, most pitched roofs have exactly this meaning.

We calculate its value

For lean-to

Insofar as shed roof rests on walls of different heights, then the formation given angle tilt is produced by simply raising one of the walls.

We draw a perpendicular L sd along the wall, originating at the point where the short wall ends and resting on the wall with the maximum length.

The result is a right triangle.

If the length of the wall L cd is 10 meters, then in order to obtain a slope angle of 45 degrees, the length of the wall L bc must be equal to 14.08 meters.

For gable

Calculation principle for gable roof similar to the previous principle.

Consider an example

Leg C is half the width of the building.

Leg a is the height from the ceiling to the ridge.

The hypotenuse is the length of the slope.

If we know any two parameters, then the value of the angle of inclination can be easily calculated using a calculator.

If the width is 8 and the height is 10 meters, then the formula should be used:

cos A = c+b

Width c = 8/2 = 4 meters.

As a result, the formula looks like this:

cos A = 4/10 = 0.4

According to the Bradis tables, we find the value of the angle to which the given cosine value corresponds.

It equals 66 degrees.

For a four-slope

And again, you can not do without roulette and Bradis tables.

Knowing several parameters, you can easily calculate others.

Including the angle of inclination of the hipped roof.

It should be remembered that all dimensions must be taken as accurately as possible.

And to measure the slope of an already built roof, a special tool will help - an inclinometer.

After all, if you make a mistake, then the angles of inclination, length and area may not be correct.

This means that you will make a mistake in the amount of material required or the strength of the roof will be lower than planned.

Watch a video about the slope of the ramps.

Sergey Novozhilov - roofing materials expert with 9 years of experience practical work in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

A well-designed staircase should not only have a respectable appearance, organically fit into the design of the room, but also be ergonomic, comfortable, and safe to climb. Whether it is a marching or screw structure, it must have correct angle slope, which, like any other parameters, is calculated at the design stage of the building. But what if the house has already been built, and after a while there was an urgent need to build stairs, and there is no way to involve a specialist in the calculations? In this case, the angle at which the ladder must pass is determined independently, using the relevant regulatory documentation.

How to make stairs comfortable and safe?

The safety and convenience of the stairs directly depends on its angle of inclination. This value can be calculated as the ratio between the height of the step and the width of its step (the vertical part of the rise, on which the human foot rests).
It was experimentally found that the width of the step of an adult moving along a horizontal plane lies in the range of 60 cm-63 cm. This value decreases when a person makes an ascent. So, the length of his step in a strictly vertical plane is equal to 31.5 cm. In this case, when rising, a person applies the maximum amount of effort to make a step and experiences discomfort. The task of an experienced designer who is developing the design of the stairs is to find out the angle of elevation at which a person, climbing to the second floor, will experience minimal discomfort, make a minimum of effort, but at the same time move between floors in a private or high-rise building. According to normative documentation the width of the step should be equal to 30 cm, and its height 15 cm, slope flight of stairs should lie in the range from 30 ° to 45 °, when it comes to lifting to the second floor in a private house. However, in practice, not everything is so simple.

We make a staircase in a private house

Stairs in the house can lead not only to the second floor. In this case, there are constructions of the following types:

  • outdoor: for climbing to the roof, for going to the attic, descending to the basement or garage, for climbing to the porch;
  • internal: movement between floors, descent to the basement.

The optimal angle of inclination for each type of ladder should be as follows:

  • up to 30 ° - external rises, it is more expedient to organize ramps;
  • from 30 ° to 45 ° - stairs inside the house (to the second floor) or other household lifts;
  • from 45° to 75° - side structures;
  • over 75 ° - evacuation marches.

For each specific case, its own angle of inclination is set, at the same time, the usable space is taken into account, which can be painlessly spent for the design of the house on the organization of the stairs.

Without resorting to complex calculations, using ordinary graph paper, knowing the height of the required rise and the length of the room that is allocated for the flight of stairs, you can experimentally determine the slope. So, on a scale of 1:10 on paper, horizontally we set aside the length of the room that is reserved for the march. Vertically - the height of the future rise (this is the distance from the floor of the premises of the first floor to the horizontal ceiling of the second floor). The two lines must run strictly at right angles to each other. It turns out a right triangle. The length of its hypotenuse will be equal to the length of the flight of stairs. The angle between the hypotenuse and the horizontal leg indicates the slope of the march. If it lies within the “comfortable rise” angle for a given type of staircase, then the number of future steps can be calculated. If the climb is too steep, then you need to think about organizing flights on the stairs.

March slope and step height

Having decided on the angle of inclination for the march, you need to determine the length and width of the step. For this, the formula is used: 2A + B \u003d 60-64, where:

  • A - riser height, cm;
  • B - the width of the step (tread), cm,
  • 60-64 value in cm for the average step length of a woman and a man.

Regulatory documentation indicates the optimal step height A = 15 cm, but this value can vary between 14-17 cm. Which value to choose will tell the angle of inclination of the structure. Let's say A \u003d 15 cm. Then, using the above formula, it is easy to calculate the value of B.

B \u003d (60 - (15 * 2) - 64 - (15 * 2)) \u003d 30 cm or 34 cm,

Next, you need to calculate required amount steps. To do this, we divide the height of the floor H (this is the distance between the ceilings of the first and second floors) by the height of one rise, that is, A. For example, the height of the floor H is 270 cm, then H / A \u003d 270/15 \u003d 18 steps. But what to do when the floor height is not a multiple of three, for example 260 cm, then the number of steps will not be an integer. In this case, there are two options:

  • make the last step of a non-standard size;
  • change the angle of inclination of the structure.

Here they also resort to experimental methods and put on a scale of 1:10 on millimeter paper: in the form of a strictly vertical line, the height of the floor H. From the upper point of this segment, lower right amount steps standard sizes. This will be the hypotenuse right triangle. A line is drawn from the lower point of the hypotenuse to the base of the vertical leg. This will be a horizontal leg, that is, the length of the future flight of stairs, and the angle between the hypotenuse and the leg is the slope of the stairs. It is determined by the protractor.

Roof slope

Having dealt with the staircase to the top floor of the house, it is easy to calculate the slope of the roof. This indicator of the roof depends on its structural material and on the purpose for which the attic space will be used, for example, the organization of the roof is associated with the construction of an attic (as an additional floor of the house).

The slope of the roof is determined by the formula H ridge \u003d L pr. * tg A, where:

  • H skate is the height of the future attic space roofs;
  • L pr. - half the length of the span of the house;
  • tg A is the tangent of the desired indicator, that is, the desired slope of the roof.

For example, project documentation indicates that the additional floor of the house in the attic should have a height of 1.8 m. We measure the width of the pediment using a tape measure, allowed 6 m. L pr \u003d 3 m.

So, the article describes in detail how to experimentally set the angle of inclination, an example of theoretical calculations of the angle of inclination of the roof of a house is given. The material was compiled by master builders and all formulas were confirmed by successful practice. If the reader has any questions, our experts will be happy to answer them. We are waiting for your comments and will be happy to help you deal with the construction.

What affects the angle of the roof

The construction of the roof is the last stage in the construction of the house. But no less important than building walls. After all, the roof protects our housing from bad weather, and the aesthetic side of our home depends a lot on the type of roof.

It just so happened, but flat roofs in our country can only be found near high-rise buildings. Cottages and private houses are crowned with pitched roofs. And one of the main design indicators in the construction of a house, builders consider the angle of inclination of the roof. Let's look at how to correctly calculate this indicator, what it depends on and how it affects the construction of the roof as a whole.

Types of roofs and their dependence on the angle of inclination

Depending on the device of the roof, there are several types of roofs:

  1. Single roof. The roof is an inclined plane that rests on the walls different heights. For such a roof, any material is suitable.
  2. Gable roof. This is a fairly reliable and easy to install roof. Consists of two slopes. You can also choose absolutely any material for the roof.
  3. Shaft cover. The roof is a structure in which several isosceles triangles close at one point with their vertices. The rafter system of such a roof is quite complicated, but Supplies it needs a minimum.
  4. Hip roof. It has four slopes (two triangular and two trapezoidal). The tops of the roof have been cut off. By their design, the roofs are very complex, but very economical in terms of material consumption.
  5. Vaulted cover. Such roofs are made only of brick or stone. And since they are very heavy, today they are almost never used in individual construction
  6. Multi-gable roofs. A very complex but beautiful configuration of many junctions and edges.

So, the roof is considered pitched if the angle of inclination of the roof exceeds 10 degrees.

Allocate exploited and non-exploited roofing.

An unused roof is when there is almost no space between the roof itself and the upper ceiling, or this space is intended for technical purposes. Such roofs can be flat roofs with a slope angle of 2 to 7 degrees. In such roofs, the height of the space between the roof and the ceiling is not more than one and a half meters.

Building flat roofs is profitable. Minimum cost for materials and labor. The wind won't blow. Again, you can equip extra bed for relax. Recently, it is very popular to lay green roofs on such roofs. But precipitation can ruin such a roof. Therefore, it is unprofitable to make completely flat roofs. Precipitation in puddles will accumulate on the surface of the roof and destroy it.

In order to create a natural outflow of water, a layer of ceramite is poured onto flat roofs under a certain slope.

Pitched roofs allow you to use the space under the roof for household needs - an attic, an attic, or even equip them with careful insulation and living rooms.

Factors on which the angle of inclination of the roof most depends

The main factors affecting the slope of the roof include:

  • natural factors. The slope of the roof depends on the climate of the area where the construction will take place. The wind puts a huge strain on roofing roofs and on the truss system as a whole. A slight increase in the slope angle (by about 30 degrees) increases the wind load by almost 5 times. But even a slight angle can also play into the hands of the elements. So it will be easier for him to get into the roof through the joints of the coating and easily tear off the roof. Precipitation can also be detrimental to roof performance. But with the help of a well-chosen bias, you can avoid these troubles.

Remember that the maximum snow load on the roof of the roof is achieved by observing the angle of the roof slope of 30 degrees. And at 45 degrees, snow and rain do not linger on the roof at all.

Thus, it is obvious that if you are going to build a house in a region where rainfall is very frequent, then a roof slope of 45 degrees is just right. But if there is not so much precipitation, but the wind blows all year round, then best option– Roof with a slope of 30 degrees.

How to calculate slope angle

How to determine the roof slope that will be optimal for your new home?

Remember that the greater the angle of the roof, the more costs you will incur for construction work.

The slope is calculated as the ratio of the size of the ridge to half the width of the building and multiplied by 100. professional builders in the case of calculating the roof slope indicators, there are instructions and calculations. Most of them use calculation matrices and special charts. You can find them on the World Wide Web.

The influence of the slope of the roof on the choice of roofing material (and not only)

An ideal roof that would suit all regions and roofing materials has not yet been invented.

So, the slope was calculated. Now we select the roofing material. Slate and shingles are suitable for roofs with an angle of more than 20 degrees. If the slope is smaller, then water will run into the joints, snow will clog, which means that the life of the roof itself will decrease.

Roll materials based on bitumen are used when covering flat roofs or the angle of inclination of the roof, which exceeds 30 degrees. At high level heating such roofs by the sun and with a greater slope, the roof can simply slide off.

Metal profiles and metal tiles are used on roofs with a slope of at least 10 degrees.

And here is a list of the most common roofing materials:

  1. Tiling. Today it is almost wildly popular. Exist a large number of varieties of this material. These roofs are easy to repair. But to give finance for given material will have a lot But this material is very durable. Its service life can be calculated not only in decades, but also in centuries.
  2. Roof panels. Such panels are made directly at factories and in the final form they represent almost finished roof. The panels immediately contain several layers - both thermal insulation and vapor barrier and the plate itself. Installing these boards is very easy. No special equipment needed. The panels are attached to each other with a special tape. But such material is very expensive.
  3. Metal profile. Galvanized steel sheets. Relatively light and durable material. Rust resistant and environmentally friendly. Today you can choose any color and size and direction of the waves. Manufacturers give a guarantee for this material for a period of 75 years.
  4. Piece materials from wood, such as shingles, shavings and shingles. Typically, such materials modern construction no one is using it anymore. This material is not durable, can rot, micro-organisms multiply and is easily flammable.
  5. Slate. This material is now long time remains reliable in operation, easy to install and inexpensive to purchase. Moisture-resistant, frost-resistant, fireproof. Yes and appearance today manufacturers have improved. You can choose a slate of any desired color.

When choosing a roofing material, remember that the denser its structure, the smaller the roof slope should be.

When using sheets of metal profiles and metal tiles on sloping roofs, it is recommended to pass the joints with a moisture-resistant and frost-resistant sealant. As well as the size of the overlap of the sheets during the installation of the roof of these materials also depends on the angle of the roof. The steeper the roof, the less overlap. This also applies to slate.

When installing the roof, do not forget about the ventilation of the space under it. Pitched roofs also need to be equipped with a drainage system.

Thus, we can conclude that the angle of the roof is a very important indicator. Not only the quality of work depends on it, but also the life of the roof itself. The main thing is to correctly calculate the value, choose the desired roof structure, high-quality roofing material and a good team of workers. And, of course, not all of this will require some voluminous budget. Good luck with your building!

Projects country houses must meet many requirements, wishes and even whims of each owner. But in most cases, they are united by one feature - no building can do without a reliable roof. In this case, not only the architectural concept of the building is put in the forefront, but also the specific requirements for the indicator of the angle of the roof.

Roof design features

Roof structure design- this is a rather difficult process that requires a lot of responsibility from the owner, especially this applies to the complex configuration of buildings. It would be best to entrust such a job to a master who is experienced and skilled in such matters, he has the appropriate programs and tools with which he can produce more accurate calculations. But the owner of the house may also be interested in some aspects of installing slopes, from a theoretical point of view. For example, it is very important to know exactly how to calculate the total angle of the roof slope on your own, at least approximately to begin with.

This will help you immediately design the result of work you need, which will correspond to the real conditions of the region, according to the design of the roof itself, according to the planned material, and also according to the purpose of the attic. To some extent, the indicator of the angle of the roof slope will help to carry out estimation all parameters and the number of lumber for the truss system and total area roofs.

Why do you need roof space

Before calculating the angle of the roof, it is very important to determine exactly for what purposes the attic will be used in the house. If you want to make it a residential type, then the angle of inclination will need to be large - so that the room is more spacious and also high. The second way out is to carry out a broken installation - mansard roof. In most cases given type the roof is created gable, but there can be four slopes in the structure. In the second case, the option is considered more complicated, so it will be impossible to do without an experienced designer, but many people prefer to carry out such a procedure on their own.

When increasing the roof slope, remember the following:

This does not mean at all that roofs with a slight slope are better. They are much cheaper than roofing materials, but they also have their drawbacks:

  1. Require the installation of snow retainers to prevent an avalanche of snow from occurring.
  2. In place of snow retainers, heating of the roof and downpipe should be installed - this will ensure snow melting and timely drainage of water from the roofs.
  3. With a slight slope, there is a high chance that moisture will begin to flow into the joints themselves. As a result, this will lead to the need for additional waterproofing.

Roofs with a slight slope are also not considered. good decision for home. The slope of the roof should be calculated in such a way as to find the general relationship between the appearance (the house should look beautiful and elegant), the practical side (if there is an attic used), and also the material (the cost of all work should be optimal).

Angle slope in degrees

oblique angle, like other figures according to geometric laws, measured in degrees. But in many documents, including SNIPs, such a value indicator will be reflected in percentages, which is why there is no need to impose too strict requirements in order to use only one common unit of measurement.

The degree conversion factor itself varies from 1.7 (for one degree) to 2 (up to 45 degrees). In the case when it is very important to use indicators expressed not as whole percentages, but as a digital image, ppm is used - hundredths of a%.

If you follow the theory, then the inclination indicator can vary from 60 to 70 degrees, but in reality it would not make sense to do this. Yes, and in appearance, such a design will look unattractive, of course, unless your house is located in a mountainous area.

Pitched and flat roof - features

Flat floors are an exclusively horizontal surface, no matter how strange the name may seem. The construction azimuth in this case also has a slope, although not so large - its minimum indicator should be up to three degrees.

When installing a flat surface, the owner must understand that in this case it is required to create a drainage funnel, the walls of which will be inclined by 1.5 degrees.

If we talk about the magnitude of a flat surface, then the slope in this type of roof should vary from 5 to 7 degrees. This is due to the fact that roofs with an angle exceeding 10 degrees are difficult to classify as flat. With all this, 12-15 degrees most often already refers to the minimum threshold for a pitched surface. The optimal value is considered to be quite widescreen.

Optimal slope for snow melting in this case will vary from 40 to 50 degrees.

For example, for a shed canopy, it is best to use a range of 20 to 30 degrees, and with gable structures the indicator rises to 45 degrees. This volume interval will show individual indicators and the type of roof.

With a small azimuth, the joints are treated with waterproof and frost-resistant sealants without fail. If the roof slope indicator reaches 15 degrees or exceeds it, then the laying of corrugated board should take place with an overlap of 200 millimeters, but if the roof slope is less than fifteen degrees, the overlap increases by several “waves” at once.

Minimum slope

Roofing is considered the main material when constructing the upper surface of the roof, it also requires compliance certain rules slope depending on its type.

  1. If an angle with an indicator of 12 degrees is used with corrugated board, then for a metal tile this indicator must be increased to fifteen degrees.
  2. Soft tiles can be laid on a roof with a slope of eleven degrees. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of continuous cladding.
  3. When laying ceramic tiles the tilt indicator should reach 22 degrees.
  4. You also need to take into account the fact that the truss system is loaded with a large load in the case of a slope with a slight inclination. To avoid overloading the ramp during construction, it is imperative to remember the recommended slope.
  5. The minimum roof slope of sandwich panels reaches five degrees, if there are windows in the structural panels in the future, then this figure increases to seven degrees.

Independent determination of the slope of the roof

To change the overall angle of the slope, you can use a special device that will help you not waste your free time. The name of this tool is inclinometer.

You can also use mechanical goniometer- more a budget option, but at the same time, a long hassle with such a device is not excluded, especially if the owner uses the tool for the first time.

Before starting a measurement, it is necessary to understand the general device specifics:

  1. The standard type of protractor without electronic functions looks like a rail with a fixed frame. At the junction of the planks there is an axis on which the pendulum is fixed. Its kit includes a pair of rings, a weight, a pointer, and a plate. In addition to such a device, there is a scale with divisions, which is located on the inside of the cutout. If you position the rail horizontally, then the pointer will coincide with the zero division of the scale.
  2. Now we should consider main process measurement for which the instrument was designed. To begin with, the goniometer rail should be set perpendicular to the ridge. After that, the desired value in degrees will be indicated on the pendulum scale.
  3. The method, which is based on independent calculation building to change the slope through the use of mathematical calculations is not as effective. To measure the slope of the roof yourself, first you need to determine the length of the legs and hypotenuse. If we talk about measuring the slope of the roof, then in this case the straight slope will become the hypotenuse.
  4. After that, the length of the opposite and adjacent legs is calculated. The first leg is the distance that separates the ridge and the ceiling, and the size of the second must be taken as the distance between the middle of the ceiling and the cornice overhang on one of the slopes.
  5. In this case, after obtaining two values, the trigonometry rule is used to find the third. As a result, knowing the sine, cosine or tangent (everything will depend on the size of the components), a numerical indicator of the roof slope is calculated through an engineering calculator as a percentage.

The roof slope calculation algorithm itself can be divided into four steps. To begin with, you need to take into account all natural features, which will affect the future surface, we check our building plans with the price of the right materials in the online store, determine the type of material used in the work and continue to find more useful information about construction work and, if possible, ask all the questions of interest to the experts.

In terms of load, it is best not to select the minimum slope rating, as this may adversely affect the new roof. If the roof is flat, and it will not work to change it, then it is necessary to use fortifying redoubts.

In the overall price calculation, do not forget about the mass of the overall structure of the house and keep in mind the load from precipitation - this will help to identify not only the right, but also the most economical method for you and your budget.

If the slope of the slope reaches 10 degrees, then gravel finishing is best, up to 20 degrees - slate, as well as corrugated board. Steel and copper sheets are best used in large structures where the top bearing ranges from 50 to 60 degrees.

The magnitude of the loads of the external environment

one more an important factor in this case, the value of the angle of inclination of the roof is considered when it is exposed to external loads that fall on the roof structure.

In this case, you can see a certain connection. You can pre-compute everything linear dimensions and corners, but in the end you still have to do the detailing. It is necessary to clearly define what material the nodes of the truss system and parts will be created from, what is the length of their section, the spacing, as well as the maximum length between two points of support, the method of fastening the elements and their installation on bearing walls Houses. In addition to its own weight, the slope is greatly influenced by the impact from the external environment.

Choosing an ergonomic and comfortable angle of inclination is one of the main tasks when designing stairs. You can make a marching staircase or, conversely, very compact and elegant spiral staircase- everything will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and the height of its ceilings. Create beautiful design numerous photos on the Internet will help you, but in order to design it correctly, you will have to remember your school years and do math.

When calculating the angle of inclination of the stairs, you need to take into account many nuances - you will learn about them from the article

As a rule, almost all stairs have a slope of 45˚. The width of the step should correspond to the 45th leg size, but not less than 30 cm, so that the person does not fall down. Please note that if you make too wide steps, then you will lose your step, and if the width is excessively reduced, it will make it difficult for you to descend.

In principle, the angle of rise is not so difficult to calculate, knowing the height of the ceilings and the length of the sole of the stairs. There are several ways:

  • Take all necessary measurements. Just measure with a tape measure the distance between the contact of the ceiling with the wall and the location of the bottom step.
  • Make a special calculation. Represent the length and height of the triangle as the legs of a right triangle, and the length of the stairway will be the computed hypotenuse.

In the photo - a variant of the stairs with quite comfortable angles of inclination. Despite the fact that the staircase looks unusual, climbing to the second floor is not difficult.

Max Tilt Angle

In order to understand what is the maximum angle a staircase can have, we will divide all their available types into groups with their characteristic angle of inclination:

  • Household stairs designed for residential premises - the angle of inclination is from 30˚ to 45˚;
  • Ramps, gentle stairs - the maximum slope is 30 degrees;
  • Side, steep stairs - from 45˚ to 75˚;
  • Evacuation, utility stairs have an angle of inclination over 75˚.

But the slope is less than 23˚ for stairs domestic use not even discussed, since no one will spend meters of living space on the "laying of the lying" stairs. It is even difficult to imagine how long it should be with such a small slope to climb to the next floor, with a ceiling height of 3 meters.

Comfortable tilt angle

The most comfortable angle of inclination is considered to be 40 - 45˚, however, this design is very cumbersome, so it is usually used in large rooms.

A ladder with a slope angle of 30 - 36˚ is quite compact, but not so comfortable. Climbing such a ladder structure will be convenient, but the descent is quite dangerous, so it is better to do it backwards.

Before you start building stairs, you need to "scan" all the space available in your home. Each room should be used to the maximum, so you need to make calculations and choose an option in which the stairs will not take up much space.

It is imperative to install a railing if there are more than three steps in your design. The width of the steps should be about 0.28 - 0.30 meters, and the height - 0.15 - 0.18 meters. When all the steps are the same size, this increases the safety of its use.

Standard tilt angle

As mentioned earlier, the standard and most optimal angle of inclination ladder construction considered 40 - 45˚. But since such a staircase is very large and takes up a lot of space, many people neglect these recommendations. We give you expert advice on the slope of the march and the size of the steps.

Ideal angle

The span angle, in most cases, is from 20˚ to 50˚. The most ideal is the slope, which ranges from 30 - 45˚. But, unfortunately, not every person has a lot of space to mark out such a convenient staircase.

Notice what less value angle, the more dangerous it will be to move around, and the larger the angle, the more cumbersome it will be.

Important! A comfortable step when climbing stairs with an inclination of more than 45 degrees is almost impossible, but you can safely descend it only with your back forward. Probably not worth it, and talking about children who cannot climb such a ladder.

How to calculate the angle of the stairs

You can calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs by one indicator - the length of the step when calmly walking on a horizontal surface by an adult. The slope of certain marches is calculated separately depending on the number and height of the steps. if you have finished project, then the angle of the stairs is determined incredibly simply.

The height of the steps will be ideal at a value of 150 - 180 mm, width - 280 - 300 mm. Adhering to such standards, the angle of inclination can be calculated by the formula: 2x + y \u003d 580/660 mm, where x is the height of the steps, and y is the width. With a step size of less than 145 mm, you need to use a different formula: x + y.

The above formulas use a width that is equal to the average size of a person's foot and a height that is equal to the step size. From this we can conclude that the lower the step, the wider it should be, and vice versa.

The angle of inclination of the stairs according to GOST

When thinking about building stairs in your home, you need to remember that they must be made in accordance with GOST and SNIP, the main provisions of which speak of:

  • If the house has more than two floors, then the stairs should have one span;
  • The width of the structure, for the passage of one person, must be at least 80 cm, and for the passage of 2 people - at least 1 meter;
  • Marches must have at least 3 and no more than 18 steps;
  • Interesting fact! It is better to make the number of steps in the march odd, since it is more comfortable for people to start and complete the ascent or descent of the stairs with the same foot.

  • The slope of the ladder structure should be no more than 1:1 (the angle of elevation should be 45 °) and not less than 1:2 (the angle of elevation - 26 ° and 40 ′). When climbing a slope of more than 50˚, use stairs attached type, for climbing a slope less than 5˚ - use ramps. The most convenient are stair structures with a slope of 26 ° 7 '/30 °.

Ladder angle

The attached ladder structure rests against the floor and against the wall with bowstrings so as to fully maintain stability and at the same time provide an opportunity to climb to a hard-to-reach place.

The angle of inclination of the attached ladder structure is about 60 - 75˚, so the ascent and descent of such a structure is quite difficult, and the transfer of any cargo is generally impossible.


From the video you will learn how to properly mount the stairs to the attic, as well as various subtleties that must be considered during installation.

There is nothing difficult in designing stairs. The main thing is to follow the formulas and established rules, correctly calculate the width and length of the structure in general, as well as the number of feet and the angle of inclination. A well-designed and well-installed staircase will serve you for many years.
