Roof plan how to draw. How to draw a roof plan

In low-rise buildings, as a rule, attic pitched roofs on wooden rafters with a crate. bias roof is accepted depending on the material of the roof and the area of ​​construction. The minimum slopes of steel roofs are 14°, tiled roofs are 27°, corrugated asbestos-cement sheets are 18°. In areas with heavy snow cover, roof slopes of more than 30 ° should be taken.

The forms of attic roofs are determined by the outlines of the building in plan and the desire for architectural expressiveness. Roofs can be single-pitched, gable (the most commonly used), four-pitched (tent, hip, half-hip) and multi-pitched.

Drainage from the roof can be unorganized or organized. With an organized drain, the number of downpipes is taken at the rate of 1-1.5 cm 2 of the pipe section per 1 m 2 of the roof. Optimal Distance between drainpipes - 15-20 m. The removal of the roof cornice with an unorganized drain should be at least 500 mm, with an organized one - at least 300 mm.

The load-bearing structures of the roof consist of rafters made of logs, beams or boards. The choice of the scheme of roof rafters is made depending on the width of the building and the nature of the location of the internal walls (supports), in accordance with the roof plan.

If there are internal load-bearing walls in the building plan, apply layered rafters, the main bearing elements of which

- rafter legs - work like obliquely laid beams, with the upper end resting on the ridge run, and the lower end on the Mauerlat of the outer walls. The maximum length of the rafter legs is no more than 6.5 m. If there are no intermediate supports in the building, then apply hanging rafters, representing simplest form truss truss, where inclined rafter legs transfer thrust to horizontal tightening.

The section of the elements of the rafters is taken constructively, by analogy with typical parts and textbook data. In order to avoid condensation and freezing of the insulation on the attic floor, it is necessary to provide through ventilation of the attic through dormer windows. Particular attention should be paid to the location of Mauerlats, runs, racks, elaboration of nodes and linking interfaces individual elements roofs to each other.

Rice. 3.7. Roof structures of low-rise buildings: a - layered rafters (cross section); b - hanging rafters; in - the plan of the rafters; g - longitudinal section along the layered rafters

The pitch of the rafters is taken from 1000 to 1500 mm, depending on the weight of the roof and the material of the crate. On the plan of the rafters, Mauerlats, rafter legs, diagonal (slanting) ribs, girders, crossbars, filly, dormer windows are shown. If the slanting ribs have a span of more than 6 m, then sprengels are used to support them, which are also shown on the plan.

Elements of truss systems are given in fig. 3.7.

3.7. Development of drawings of sections of the building

Longitudinal and transverse sections are made on a scale of 1:100. Cut lines are drawn on the floor plan. Their marking is applied in the plan behind the dimension lines. The arrows indicate the direction of view.

Sections should pass through the most important elements of the building: staircase, basement, through window and door openings. To do this, sometimes the cut line is made broken, with the designation of the turn on the plan.

Drawing up a section drawing begins with drawing longitudinal centering axes and linking wall thicknesses to them. Then a horizontal line is drawn corresponding to the floor level of the first floor and taken as a "zero" mark. From this line, all vertical dimensions are counted up and down. Up from the "zero" mark lay the mark of the floor of the second floor (+2.800 or +3.000), and down - the mark of the ground surface level (at least -0.500). Then comes the detailed study of the section by structural elements. When drawing up cuts, it is necessary to clarify:

    main vertical marks: height to window sills, height of window and door openings, marks of floors and ceilings, cornices and roof ridges, etc.;

    the design and depth of foundations for internal and external walls, the type of basement, the floor structure of the first floor and blind areas;

    the design of the staircase in accordance with the layout drawing;

    the design of lintels above window and door openings that have fallen into the cut;

    support of floor elements (slabs, beams) and elements of the truss system on the walls;

    the design of the truss system and the pairing of individual elements with each other;

    access to the roof of ventilation ducts and chimneys and their height in relation to the ridge .

In this lesson, we will learn how to compose and rafter plan in AutoCAD (2010). According to current regulations, a roof plan must be drawn up for buildings with an internal drain. If the drain in the building is external and the building is not complex, then such a drawing is not required. Next, let's see how to draw a roof plan for a pitched and flat roof of an industrial and public building.

How to draw a roof plan

General information about the construction of drawings of roof plans for industrial and public buildings: to build a drawing, the plan is divided into rectangles, according to the building plan. Inside the rectangles, lines are drawn that will indicate skates and valleys - external and internal junctions of slopes. These lines are projections of the main elements of the walls, so the roof model will better represent in volume. Part of the rectangles will be located outside the walls. This is a prerequisite for a properly executed roof (roof) plan, since they must have an overhang.

The roof plan of a pitched roof is distinguished by the presence more projection lines of skates and valleys, since the slopes have a large slope, in addition, such roofs are often made complex shape. The roof plan of a flat roof is often limited to just a few lines.

The construction of front or side views is carried out taking into account the slopes of the roof (roof) slopes. The slope of the roof is set at the stage and is determined by the purpose of the building, its type, the selected roofing material, etc.

3 rules for drawing a pitched (flat) roof (roof) plan:

  • the intersection of two slopes forms a ridge (valley). Its projection on the plan divides the corner of the rectangle into equal parts;
  • if the overhang lines are parallel, then the ridge line will be parallel to them ... its projection will be in the middle, unless otherwise determines the type of roof (for example, if the slopes are not equal);
  • when two lines of intersection converge at a point, then a third will most likely pass through it.

Suggested order of work in drawing programs:

  • circle the existing plan of the house with a polyline;
  • copy it, as well as the contours of the main walls, to the drawing with the roof (roof) plan;
  • mark with a line the projection of the upper ridge of the house;
  • draw the remaining skates and valleys, using the three rules above;
  • place ventilation and smoke ducts on the roof (roof) plan;
  • place skylights(if any);
  • directions of drains, slopes of slopes, marks;
  • indicate the dimensions on the plan (along the axes and contours).

After reading this lesson, you should not have any questions about how to draw a roof plan - a house plan, agree that the whole drawing is just a few lines! However, the question: how to draw a rafter plan has not yet been resolved.

How to draw a rafter plan

The rafter plan is a designation of the elements of a pitched roof, which is omitted from the roof drawing. Rafters are positioned taking into account roofing material, because for various materials a different background is needed. In the case of metal tiles, it is necessary to leave a space of 450 cm between the rafters. The order of drawing in the AutoCAD program:

  • copying the roof plan or mirroring half of the roof, if these drawings must be combined;
  • assigning smaller thicknesses to roof lines;

  • parallel offset from the ridges and valleys of the lines by half from the rafters (if the rafters are 15 cm each, then the offset in the program must be indicated as 75 mm);

  • after that, the main frame is ready (see for more details: the rafter system of the house), then you need to move on to the rafters of the slopes, it is recommended to draw them from the middle of the roof, especially if the building is symmetrical (it is better to place two lines at once on opposite sides of the line of symmetry and move from them) .

  • the distance for placing the rafters is selected individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the roof of the house, in my work it was up to 800 mm, in the places where the chimneys pass, the distance was reduced to 600.

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The roof plan is part of a full-fledged project of a house under construction, which shows what, how and in what order needs to be done. Thanks to the availability of such documentation, time is saved, the process of work is simplified and the costs of building materials are calculated in advance. The article discusses what information should be in the roof plan, depending on the type of roof used.

What is a roof plan and why is it needed

The roof plan is binding document required during the construction of the building. It is on him that all work on the construction of the roof on the house is carried out. The roof plan is a drawing drawing of the building, made in the projection "from above". Compose it in accordance with all the requirements of GOST.

Thanks to this document, the builders have an idea of ​​what shape the building will have, where all the elements of the roof that protrude should be located, where the downpipe should be installed. In most cases, the drawings are made at a scale of 1:200 or 1:500.

The roof on the building has several types:






To cover it, different roofing materials are used:

Thanks to the roof plan, you can determine right amount materials, as well as determine which work to do first and which next. In the documents, the drawing of the roof is made in several projections, and all available layers are also indicated. It should be noted that there should be several such drawings. And each of them refers to a certain stage of the work.

Basic information contained in the roof plan

The plan specifies:

    The scheme that needs install each structural element: beams, rafters, lathing beams;

    Base constructions;

    The scheme that will be laid hydro- and heat-insulating layers;

    The diagram that shows how to place cover;

    Places where it happens fastening: downpipes, ventilation system, chimney;

    Diagrams that indicate the places where docking: dormer windows, valleys;

    Diagram indicating the place roof threshold positions.

It is important! If the roof plan is drawn up in all details, then during its construction the budget expenditure on materials will be significantly reduced.

For flat roof the plan is just as important, because it needs to determine the amount of materials needed to complete the work. For the construction of this type of roof, a flat roof plan is required, which will indicate:


    funnels for a drain;

    ventilation channels;

    parapet dimensions;

    a place where you can climb to the roof.

The plan is created exclusively by specialists who have the knowledge and practice for this.

Features of preparing drawings for a roof plan

On the correct drawings all necessary information about all dimensions of the elements to be used in the construction process should be indicated. Namely: length, width and section. In addition, this also includes fasteners, how to disassemble them and other parts that are necessary for work.

For example, a drawing of the roof of a house for a pitched version includes dimensions from the eaves to the ridge, the length of the wall, and the characteristics of the rafters are taken into account. In addition, the slope is determined depending on which roofing material will be used:

    Roof covered profiled metal sheets must have a minimum slope of 8 degrees.

The slope of the roofs is done primarily to reduce the amount of accumulating snow.

    Metal roof will be securely installed at an angle of 30 degrees.

    Coverage such as ruberoid laid at an angle of 5 degrees.

    Wavy slate put at an angle of 20 or even 30 degrees.

Looking at the roof plan of a flat roof, you can see that there is also a slight slope here, due to which rainwater has the ability to independently drain to the funnels of the drainpipes.

Choosing the type of roof - the main differences between a flat roof and a pitched one

Many people think that they have sketched out a plan for the roof of a flat roof, a drawing has been drawn and can be built. But everything is not as simple as it seems. In parallel, you need to take care of the schemes, which will indicate the recommended materials for steam, heat, and waterproofing. In addition, you need to decide on the roofing material. Only then can you shop.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer the service. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Features of pitched roofs

A pitched roof is a structure that consists of many important details, such as rafters, ridge, mauerlat, strut, crate.

At the heart of such a roof are most often wooden frames. Metal is rarely used. The frame cover is multi-layered, but different roofing materials are used. In addition, the advantage of a pitched roof is that in the spring, melted snow slides off freely.

The greater the slope angle, the less snow will accumulate on the roof, but the windage must be taken into account in the calculations.

Very often, builders prefer gable roofs. The fact is that this particular species was used from the grandfather-great-grandfather and is considered the most reliable. But in modern construction several types of roofs are used, and at the same time successfully.

The main types of roofs are as follows:

    Shed roof. In this case, it all depends on the slope. The larger the angle, the higher one of the sides of the building is built. This type of coating is used quite often for buildings for household purposes.

    gable. This type of roof remains the most popular. Especially this option can be found in the villages. Here, thanks to the gable roof above the house, a attic space, which is sometimes equipped under extra room, but most often used as a repository of old things.

    Mnogoskatnaya. This type of roof is very difficult to design, as it includes the creation of several valleys and skates. In most cases, this definition fits many structures that are difficult to describe and at the same time generally accepted standards are not observed during construction.

    hip roof . This type is intended for large houses, as it is created as a hipped roof.

    Half hip. This is a kind of hip, with the difference that the end planes are much shorter. Thus, this coating resembles a gable roof.

A complicated version of a semi-hip roof - taking into account the placement of an attic floor under it

    Multi-forceps. Several types of roofs fall under this definition. It is used in particular for those buildings that are built in a square or polygonal shape.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most - from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Features of flat roofs

They are considered the easiest to make. Them long time they did not recognize it, since the roofing materials used several decades ago could not guarantee the safety of the roof for more than 2-3 seasons. But today the situation has changed significantly and European countries were the first to appreciate all the charms of this type of roof.

With the development of new roofing materials, flat roofs are becoming more popular. They are very convenient for installing individual pools, recreation areas, workshops on them.

The main differences between a pitched roof and a flat roof are the following points:

    Flat roofs are divided into two types: operated and non-operated. At the same time, the difference between them is that the presence of people is allowed on the exploited ones, and heavy objects can also be here. At the same time, it is undesirable to put anything on non-exploited surfaces, and during maintenance, special equipment is used so that the load is evenly distributed over the largest area.

    flat roofs can be applied both industrial and residential buildings. In most cases, only such materials are used on such roofs that lay down in an even carpet, for example, bitumen, polymer, bitumen-polymer coatings or mastics.

    The flat roof is kind of pie, which consists of layers of steam, heat and waterproofing. The basis of such a roof can be concrete, metal, wood.

Flat roof - what you need to know to draw up a plan

People involved in construction understand that not a single mistake can be made in this matter. For this reason, before starting work, you must first create a drawing. When working on a plan, specialists break the object into several primitive figures, according to which all calculations are made.

IN old days, such documents were made by hand. But this method has sunk into oblivion and computer design has come in its place. This method is used by all bureaus specializing in design.

To draw a flat roof plan, the designer includes coordinate axes that are located on the main walls. Thus, he gets a visual picture of the building in space. This will help you make the correct calculations.

How to choose a flat roof plan

If the plan is drawn up according to all the rules, then the building in the future will not only look attractive, but all the planned functions will meet the requirements of the client. The plan should take into account how the drain channels and other nuances of the building arrangement will be installed.

Video description

An example of creating a flat roof plan in a computer program is shown in the video:

How a flat roof plan is created

When drawing up a plan for a flat roof, a specialist performs the following actions:

    all important details are indicated by bold lines;

    indicated on the drawing contours of the main walls;

    when dividing the building into separate figures, the roof must be drawn under each one;

    indicate the places where they will be located ventilation ducts and chimney.

The structure of inversion (exploited) flat roofs

If we consider the plan of inverted flat roofs, then it is worth noting their significant advantages - upper layer roofing is a protection against negative factors, including fires.

This drawing should include the following layers:

    reinforced concrete floor;

    slope layer;

    leveling sand-cement screed;

    waterproofing layer;



    ballast layer (for example, crushed stone).

During the construction of the operated roof, the following are used:

    reinforced concrete slabs;

    screed for slope;

    waterproofing layer;

    thermal insulation layer;

    precipitation removal system.

Gutter system on a flat roof

Among all the drawings that are created for the construction of a flat roof, there must be a diagram according to which the drainage system will be made. It is necessary in order to protect the surface from destruction by precipitation.

While working on the creation of the project, not only a slight slope of two, or even five degrees is provided, but also an internal scheme for mounting downpipes.

Pitched roof - what you need to know to draw up a plan

A pitched roof is a structure that is located at an angle to the main walls of the building. In most cases, they are divided into two groups:

    with an attic;

    no attic.

Gable roofs are installed on any buildings under construction. Most often they are used in summer cottages, individual country and village houses.

Shed roof in section is similar to right triangle, which lies on the leg and the rafter leg serves as the hypotenuse.

When making a drawing of the roof, the specialist must enter data on all sizes, cross-sections and the location of each part of the roof. Be sure to indicate how the fastening will be made, at what distance from the rafters the ridge is located, the angle of inclination and the dimensions of the beams.

Types of gable roof: drawings and design plans

Depending on the designer's imagination, a gable roof can be different shapes. But in architecture there are several typical types:

    Symmetrical gable roof- in this case, both slopes are identical in shape and size. The ridge of such a roof is located exactly in the center.

    Asymmetrical gable roofs. In such roofs, the ridge is significantly shifted in one direction or the other. In this case, the angle of inclination of one slope is always greater than the opposite.

    With broken slopes. Such roofs are used if an attic or attic is planned.

Sheathing for a double-pitched roof

The crate on a gable roof is installed depending on the type of roofing material and its brand. The distance from one transverse step of the covering sheet to another is also taken into account.

Plans and drawings of a gable roof

Before you start planning gable roof, you need to find out the number of drainpipes, take into account communications, ventilation system, window. Then all calculations are made necessary materials. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that the purchase should be made with a margin, since due to some aspects, they may not be enough. First of all, it depends on the quality.

Types of construction of mansard roofs

The attic is an attic space that has become popular thanks to French designers and architects.

Mansard roofs may look different, but in any case they look spectacular.

It was they who suggested using the space under the roof as a living floor, and not just leaving an empty attic space. Depending on the project of the house, the attic can be placed under any type of roof - single and gable, broken, hip and semi-hip.


There is a lot of information on how to make a roof drawing, but this does not mean that the matter is simple and within the power of every person. Therefore, it is best to turn to specialists who have knowledge, as well as rich experience. Moreover, it must be taken into account that, according to the current legislation, the house must be built according to a project created by a professional architect in compliance with all requirements.

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IN modern Russia Flat roof house designs are not very popular. Such buildings are rather exceptions. For some reason, among our compatriots, the belief has taken root that buildings with roofs without a slope are unreliable and inconvenient to use. In addition, it is believed that such houses are exclusive and expensive. Although this is not entirely true. Without a doubt, each project has its advantages and disadvantages, and they need to be understood.

The first and most important advantage of buildings with a flat roof is the ability to use the roof as a platform for a small pool, sun lounger or winter garden.

Before placing any objects on the roof, make sure that the supporting structures are designed for such loads.

A flat roof guarantees your home a modern and stylish look. appearance. It will appeal to people who follow the latest European trends.

Among other things, flat roof house designs are cheaper to design and install.

Cons of flat roofs

Ordinary pitched roofs there is an under-roof space that provides good thermal insulation, but flat roofs do not have it. That is why the attic must be made very warm. That is, it will be necessary to carry out heat and waterproofing using modern and expensive materials.

Installation of a flat roof should be carried out only by specialists in compliance with all strict requirements. Otherwise, you can get a leaking roof that cannot withstand even a small snowfall.

A serious drawback is the accumulation of snow, which will have to be cleaned manually. Of course, you can fight snow drifts more modern methods, for example, by means of a warm cable (the snow will constantly melt, and the water itself will drain from the roof).

Development of a roof plan

When constructing a building, a flat roof plan is required. Is the drawing universal or not? Many people ask this question. The unequivocal answer is no! What works well for one home may not work at all for another.

The roof plan is simply mandatory for buildings with internal drain, regardless of the complexity and shape of the building. In buildings with an external drain, a roof plan is developed only with a complex configuration, and when there are superstructures, ventilation, etc. on the roof.

When planning the roof, the building plan is divided into a series of rectangles. These rectangles must necessarily go on top of each other, and each of their sides completely or partially go beyond the outer contours of the plan. Then, images of the roof are built over each rectangle, starting with the wider one.

If the plum lines lie on different levels, then the roof plan must be built taking into account the shape of the facade.

The roof plan must be marked coordination axes passing in the most characteristic places. Without this, it will be difficult to correctly orient the building. Among other things, fire escapes should be marked on the roof plan, metal fences, parapet slabs and knots.

As you can see, in order to build a correct plan, you need to have a lot of knowledge in the field of construction and engineering. So, to develop a competent plan, it is better to contact qualified specialists. After all, home safety is paramount!

Flat roof plan:features of design and arrangement

Important to remember next feature flat roofs: the minimum slope should be in any case. Usually it is 5 - 15 degrees. If this condition is not met, precipitation will constantly accumulate on your roof. This is at least unpleasant, and at the maximum it can lead to costly repairs to the roof.

Projects of cottages with a flat roof do not always provide for the required slope angle. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out a slope: to give the roof the desired slope for good drainage using polystyrene plates or bulk materials with concrete screed.

Flat roof house designs come in two varieties:

  • with a lightweight roof;
  • with roof in use.

The first type of roof is equipped according to the following plan:

  • On the bearing walls or on an already fixed Mauerlat (a log laid on top around the perimeter outer wall) lay the main beams. Ideal for this purpose wooden bars having a cross section of 100x100 or 150x200 mm, which are placed every 0.5 - 1 m and fixed with anchor studs.

The desired section of the beams is selected based on the estimated weight of the entire roof.

  • On top of the main beams, a solid type crate is mounted, made of edged board with a thickness of about 2-5 cm or OSB boards with comparable strength. Holes or gaps in the crate should not be present!
  • A waterproofing membrane is placed immediately on the crate. Waterproofing should be laid in several layers, and all joints of the material should be carefully glued with construction tape or special glue.
  • 4. Followed with extruded styrofoam, mineral wool and other similar materials are thermally insulated. The insulation must be placed very tightly over the waterproofing, since even a small gap can cause coolness in the house.

Do not forget about the arrangement of ventilation vents. Without them, condensation will accumulate on the insulation, which will lead to its excessive moisture.

roof project one-story house may include expanded clay as a heater, but its layer must be at least 10 cm.

  • At the last stage of arranging the roof, another layer of waterproofing is laid.

On the roof, erected according to the above plan, additional objects cannot be placed. She just can't take that kind of pressure. Don't forget about it!

If you are serious about improving your roof, be prepared to put in some effort. Below we consider options for the construction of roofs with a solid roof.

flat roof planwith exploitable surface

The first and easiest way is concrete slabs used as floors. Such supporting structures must necessarily have an appropriate margin of safety. When using this construction method, you will not be able to attract heavy equipment.

Solid roofing using concrete slabs requires insulation, which can only be equipped from the inside of the building.

Roof floors can be created using metal support beams. In this case, T-shaped (made in the form of the letter T) are used, I-beams, channel (No. 14 - 16). A plank flooring with a minimum thickness of 22 mm is laid on top of the beams. Expanded clay (150 mm) is poured in the next layer and a concrete screed is made.

A flat roofing drawing may also include the installation of a roofing membrane that will provide the necessary waterproofing.

Most modern way arrangement of a solid roof - the use of ceramic roofing blocks. These blocks provide excellent strength to the roof and good heat and sound insulation. They are laid directly on the support beams. Among other things, such a roof will be absolutely resistant to moisture.

In this case, the screed can be made without expanded clay backfill.

The chosen method must be provided for in advance by the roof plan of a flat roof. The drawing will greatly depend on the future coverage.

It is worth noting that the last given method is the most expensive, but also the most reliable.

If you still decide to build a house with a flat roof, carefully develop a roof project for a one-story house or any other. Remember that such a roof is especially sensitive to external conditions and requires excellent waterproofing. Follow all the conditions for the construction of such a roof correctly, and the result will certainly please you!

The roof plan, the geometric construction drawing must be drawn up in accordance with the uniform rules for the implementation of architectural and construction working drawings in accordance with GOST 21.503-93.

According to this document, apply:
coordinate axes
designations of slopes and their magnitude
schematic cross profile or marks
element positions
element grades
expansion joints
fencing elements
deflectors, funnels
ventilation shafts
ladders (firemen)
other elements and devices

The figures show examples of various roof plans.

Roof structures come in the following versions:

Flat roof structures, consider those that have a slope of up to 2.5%.

Pitched roof structures have several planes that intersect each other forming dihedral angles:
1. Rib- the line of intersection of several slopes (planes) of the roof.
2. Skate- upper rib (horizontal).
3. Valley (groove)- the angle between the planes directed downward, obtained by their intersection.
4. Drain line- a small part that is located above the eaves of the roof.
5. Valma- a roof element having the shape of a triangle, located above the end walls.

The roof plan is different kinds roofs. You can do it yourself, while using computer programs or order this work on the side. When constructing a drawing, it is necessary to represent the structure in volume, that is, to build its 3D model. The constructed model will determine the position in space of all structural elements of the roof, which are easily transferred to the drawing plane.

Advice: break the roof plan into conditional rectangles so that they correspond to the building plan; inside the resulting sectors, draw lines that will indicate the structural elements of the roof (skates, valleys, etc.); for better perception, draw several views (left, right, front, back), make cuts if necessary.

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