Features of the selection and operation of aluminum stairs. Do-it-yourself ladder from a profile pipe Structural requirements for ladders of the attached type

A simple solution for the repair of a sliding ladder - stepladder is considered. The presence of modern polymorphus superplastic material made it possible to fully restore the functionality and safety of damaged equipment. This method of repair and restoration is also suitable for other similar cases, as well as for self-production of seals at the points of contact of metal parts with a protected surface.

How to fix a step ladder with your own hands

The loss of seal legs on stairs is fraught with two troubles. First trouble. Metal feet damage the floor, whether it is wood or linoleum, stone floors may show small scuffs or chips or traces of metal. Second trouble. the stability of the stairs is violated, and this is fraught with injuries.

But it is not always possible to restore the seal to the proper level, and as a rule this is a short-lived solution. The leg is still destroyed by external factors and heavy load at the installation site. However, there is a solution. It's superplastic Polymorphus. Plastic has a remarkable property, it becomes soft like plasticine when heated above a temperature of +65º. Human skin begins to feel pain when heated above 70º C. The plastic comes in the form of white granules, which soften and become transparent when heated. When cooled, the plastic acquires the strength of a plastic product and can be sawn or drilled.

The master tried to use the material to repair the ladder. The restoration work was carried out in several steps. Strictly follow the instructions and you too will succeed. See photos and videos.

Step 1. Pour into a glass or metal dish (do not use plastic) the required amount of plastic granules. If you need to get the plastic of the desired color, add a few dye granules. The supplied dyes are very juicy and saturated. We clean the place of repair of the stairs from pollution.

Step 2. Pour boiling water into the bowl and, stirring occasionally, wait for the plastic to melt (it will become transparent).

Step 3. We remove the polymorphus lump from the water and knead it vigorously in order to uniformly color and remove water.

Step 4. Put the mashed lump back into hot water. For a better repair effect, I highly recommend warming up the metal of the legs of the stairs, for example, with a hairdryer.

Step 5. We extract a lump from the water, we introduce up to half the volume of plastic into the leg, and from the rest we form a support in a shape similar to that preserved on the second leg. You have to work hard and accurately. It is required to have time to do everything before the curing process begins.

Step 6. We wait for the complete curing of the plastic or speed up the process with cold water. Before curing, DO NOT STAND THE LADDER on its leg!

Polymorphus leg

The home master should be able to make a straight ladder, which is indispensable in the household. The design must meet the main requirements - safety and reliability. To create a solid staircase, you need to correctly select the components, get acquainted with the technology, develop a drawing and assemble. The stages of manufacturing an attached structure are described in the article.

Ladder - an indispensable thing on the plot

In the country or backyard territory, a ladder will be needed when performing work carried out at height. Seasonal pruning of fruit and park trees, tinting window frames, harvesting and other activities are not complete without garden tools. Ladders are characterized by mobility, light weight and simple design. In fact, these are two support beams fastened together by crossbars.

In hardware stores and construction markets, a wide range of modifications of ladders from different materials is presented. Buying a high-quality large-sized model is quite expensive, and the reliability of cheap stairs raises certain doubts. Therefore, many home craftsmen often raise the question: “How to make a ladder with your own hands?”.

The expediency of an independent construction is fully justified, since the scope of use of the ladder is quite multifaceted:

  • performance of repair and construction facade works;
  • repair of electrical wiring in a private house;
  • installation of electric meters, monthly readings;
  • washing of window glasses on the first and second floors;
  • decoration of the facade of the house;
  • cleaning of drainpipes, storm drains;
  • minor repairs to roofing materials.

Despite significant advantages, the mobile ladder has some disadvantages:

  • low load capacity - structures are not designed for loads of more than 200 kg;
  • the narrow area of ​​​​the support reduces the stability of the stairs;
  • not very convenient operation due to the lack of railings, steep climb and thin steps.

The most durable and durable are metal stairs. A simple model is quite possible to make yourself. To perform the work, it is desirable to have welding skills.

Structural requirements for ladders of added type

The main requirement for attached models, as well as for other types of stairs, is safety. When planning the design of the stairs and performing calculations, a number of basic rules should be followed:

  1. The maximum length of a ladder of this modification is 5 m. However, this limitation is relevant for wooden models. Metal stairs can be higher due to the strength of the material.
  2. In the manufacture of stairs, it is desirable to provide for the installation of special nozzles: cap hooks, steel pins and rubber pads. These elements improve the stability of the structure.
  3. The optimal step for placing steps is 30-35 cm, the minimum distance is 25 cm.
  4. Span width - not less than 40 cm.
  5. Structural parts should not have sharp raw edges and metal burrs.
  6. In the manufacture of ladders and retractable ladder modifications, special locking joints are used that prevent spontaneous opening / closing of the structure.
  7. For the convenience of moving large-sized models, wheels are installed on the "support legs". In this case, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a blocker so that during operation the ladder does not go out from under the feet.

Important! According to safety regulations, the strength characteristics of the ladder should be checked annually. The design is installed to the wall at an angle of about 70°, and then a weight of at least 100-120 kg is alternately placed on the steps.

Types of constructions of ladders

There are several types of ladders, each of which has design and operational features.

Rectilinear simple stairs with fixed dimensions. A simple model of two support beams and attached steps. It is very easy to make such a ladder with your own hands. Folding and sliding models are more functional and reliable.

Folding ladders (ladders) consist of several parts connected by hinges. The main advantage of the model is its compactness and the possibility of storage in a compact room. Stepladders with a platform are more convenient to use than straight designs. For the manufacture of a folding ladder with their own hands, aluminum alloys are usually used, which reduces the weight of the ladder.

Folding models most in demand in the arrangement of attic spaces. The staircase saves the space of the lower floor - just pull the lower step or a special handle and the structure will completely straighten out.

Disadvantages of folding modifications:

  • complexity of design, assembly and installation;
  • the need to use expensive components;
  • low strength of the structure, consisting of several elements.

Retractable ladder with adjustable height. Models consist of two or three sections, fasteners, guides, rollers and height clamps. So that the ladder does not fail at the right time, the working mechanisms must be regularly lubricated.

The choice of material for the manufacture of stairs

Straight stairs today are made mainly of metal, and traditional wooden structures are becoming less in demand.

Distinctive features of metal ladders:

  • for self-manufacturing, aluminum, stainless steel or metal alloys are usually used;
  • high strength, resistance to moisture and mechanical damage;
  • aluminum does not corrode, and structures made of other metal need to be treated with protective agents;
  • high load capacity;
  • practicality and durability;
  • for the manufacture of a metal ladder by hand, experience in welding will be required.

A wooden staircase is easy to manufacture, but demanding on storage and operation conditions. When the air is too dry, the wood shrinks, the material weakens, and cracks may appear. Under the influence of high humidity, the wooden staircase rots. To reduce the risk of structural failure, it is necessary to regularly treat wood with protective agents.

Important! Wooden ladders can withstand loads up to 150 kg.

When carrying out electrical work, fiberglass sliding ladders are often used - the material protects against electric shock.

Do-it-yourself ladder from a profile pipe

Drawings of ladders

Making ladders with your own hands begins with the development of a drawing. It is necessary to schematically display the main parameters of the ladder structure:

  • height and width;
  • parameters of the material used (diameter/section of metal, etc.);
  • stair step;
  • fastening type;
  • support type.

As an example, available schemes from the Internet are suitable for creating a sketch.

Do-it-yourself attached metal ladder: drawings of various modifications.

Attic ladders by hand: drawings and diagrams. Video

Necessary tools and materials

To create a simple metal staircase, you will need the following materials:

  • profile pipe - two cuts of 2.5 m each, diameter - 4 * 4 cm;
  • cuts from a profile pipe with a length equal to the width of the ladder (30-35 cm) - 10 pcs.;
  • square metal plates measuring 4 * 4 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • steel corners - 20 pcs.;
  • primer for processing metal surfaces;
  • dye.

From the tools at hand you need to have:

  • hacksaw for metal or grinder;
  • square;
  • grinder or sandpaper;
  • a wide, durable table for laying out construction details.

Ladder assembly procedure

Consider step by step how to make a ladder with your own hands. The assembly scheme is as follows:

  1. Lay metal supports on the table. Check that the elements are parallel to each other at a distance of 30 cm (stairs width).
  2. Make marks for the installation of steps in increments of 25 cm.
  3. Weld metal corners according to the marks - they will additionally fix the crossbars.
  4. Two cuts of 30 cm are welded to the supports from below and from above. The result should be a rectangular frame.
  5. Lay the crossbeams sequentially on the corners and weld with a double welding seam.
  6. Weld metal plates to the ends of the supports above and below. This measure will prevent soil, debris and water from entering the supports.
  7. Clean welding seams with a grinder.
  8. Prime the ladder and leave the metal to dry completely.
  9. Coat the structure with paint, and after complete drying, apply a second layer of paintwork.

How to make an attached wooden ladder with your own hands: expert advice

When creating a straight staircase or ladder made of wood, the following points must be considered:

  1. For work it is better to use coniferous wood. It is unacceptable to make stairs from wooden beams if they have transverse or longitudinal cracks. Bars with signs of decay, large knots are rejected.
  2. The choice of the minimum section of the support beams depends on the height of the structure being erected.
  3. Before assembly, all wooden parts are treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Structural elements are fastened together in one of the following ways:
    • overhead method - the steps are fixed to the supports with the help of nails and self-tapping screws; this option is considered the simplest, but not reliable enough;
    • insertion of crossbeams - steps are installed in samples prepared in advance in the support beams;
    • spike connection - grooves are made in the bowstrings, and protrusions are made along the edges of the crossbars; fixation can be performed at an angle.

Advice. Spike connection in wooden structures is the most durable. Prepare a nest and a spike with a chisel, mallet or electric drill in a stand.

Safety precautions when working on a ladder

Attached models are not equipped with self-support, so knowing the basics of safety will help prevent falls and injury.

  1. Long-term work at a height of more than 1.5 m must be carried out with a safety belt.
  2. The ladder cannot be installed on boxes, tables and other items to increase its height. It is better to “join” two separate ladders with metal clamps. Before work, the structure must be checked with a load of 150 kg.
  3. The safest installation angle is 60°. When placing a ladder at 75 ° and above, it is desirable to fix it from above.
  4. To prevent slipping when lifting, the steps must be equipped with rubber pads.

On the ladder it is prohibited:

  • lift heavy objects;
  • pull electrical wires;
  • use overall welding machines and electrical equipment;
  • move around without holding on to the stairs;
  • climb more than 1 person at the same time.

Compliance with the technology of designing and operating a ladder is the key to the safe performance of various works at height.

Making a ladder from metal profiles: video

Item #2: The choice of staircase design - spiral or mid-flight.

marching stairs easy to use but takes up a lot of space. Spiral staircase has a beautiful view, saves space, however, is inconvenient when descending, especially for structures with a diameter of less than 140 cm.

Item #3: Stair safety.

Ladder safety depends on the ratio of the height of the rise and the width of the tread, as well as on the method of installing the first and last steps - the most vulnerable places for injuries on stairs. To ensure the safety of children, the distance between the balusters in the fences should be at least 10 - 12 cm.

How do you know which ladder you need? When is the best time to use scaffolding? Is a ladder suitable for finishing work? We will answer all these questions and tell you what to look for in order not to make a mistake with the choice.
It seemed to be an ordinary staircase. But have you ever wondered how many different designs there are? Some are used in everyday life, others are intended for repairs, others are for construction and roofing. And each is unique in its own way.

For everyday affairs

Of course, in order to reach something located high, you can build a rickety structure by placing a stool on the table. But is it safe?
A strong and stable stepladder is much better suited to replace a burnt out light bulb, put something away on the mezzanine or take a book from the top shelf. It consists of four supports, connected in pairs by crossbars - steps.
The plastic or rubber shoes that such stairs are equipped with make them stable: even if you install the structure on tiles, tiles or linoleum, it will not slip. When folded, the stepladder does not take up much space, so it can be removed behind a curtain, in a closet or in a pantry, it will definitely not interfere with you. That's what makes it so popular - it's easy to store, assemble and use.
Traditionally, there are two types of such stairs - unilateral and bilateral(there are steps on one or two supports). The first ones usually weigh little (from 2.5 kg), but they have to be constantly moved, turned to the right side. If you plan to use the ladder rarely enough, it will not tire you, so you can safely take one - it costs less. If you often need a ladder, it is better to choose a double-sided one - it is a little more expensive, but you can climb it from either side. In addition, it is very convenient that two people can do their work on it at the same time, for example, mount or decorate a tall Christmas tree.

For home renovation

If the upcoming serious and lengthy work on the transformation of the house prompted you to buy a ladder, scaffolding for wall decoration will be the best option. This is the best option when you need to repaint the facade of a building or plaster a room. Why? Their main design feature is the presence of a wide platform, which rests on stable legs. It is comfortable to stand on it, it is impossible to slip (because it is made of non-slip materials). Next to you, you can put cans of paint, put a tool - the scaffolding will withstand everything.
By the way, we note that moving such a ladder from place to place is not difficult. Many models are equipped with rollers, so it will be enough just to lift one side of the supports to transport the structure.

The most popular are the following types.

Attention! If the scaffold will be used mainly outside the building, please note whether it is covered with a special anti-corrosion compound. Models protected from rust can be left outside overnight - the metal will not oxidize under the influence of humidity.
We told you about the most popular staircases among users. But besides them, there are several other types of such equipment, less well-known. They are also designed for different tasks:
View Design Scope of application
Ladder Two guides that are interconnected by crossbeams (steps) Repair of a large-sized object (for example, pumping or compressor stations).
Domestic use (gardening)
coasters Platform designed for 1 person, fixed on a low support (usually up to 50 cm) To reach an object from a small height
Two-section and three-section stairs Two (three) ladders connected to each other, on hinges Professional construction and renovation
Tower tours Similar in design to scaffolding, but have a lower height (usually up to 22 m) professional construction

What to look for when buying?

So, what do you need to know about stairs in order to choose the most suitable one? Firstly, specify what it is made of, and secondly, study its characteristics.
Structures are made from different materials:
  • aluminum stairs are the most popular. Many manufacturers additionally anodize this metal to protect it from oxidation. Such stairs are very light and durable, they can be used in rooms with a high level of humidity, as well as on the street;
  • fiberglass - from a mixture of fiberglass and polymers. These ladders are non-conductive, making them ideal for wiring work.
The most important parameter when buying a ladder is its working height. It is calculated very simply: to the height of the platform or the highest step on which you can work, add the average height of an adult with an outstretched arm (usually 2 m).
If you plan to use the ladder only in the apartment, you will not need a very high ladder. A working height of 3 m will be sufficient.
For exterior decoration, a four- or five-meter scaffold is suitable.
From step spacing depends on how comfortable you will climb. The closer the crossbars are to each other, the better. It is optimal if this distance is 22 - 25 cm.
We must not forget about workload. This characteristic shows how much weight the structure can withstand. On average, aluminum and fiberglass ladders are designed for 150 kg. But the stronger platform remains stable even when there is a load of 200 kg on the platform.

We've told you everything you need to know about stairs. We hope that now it will be very easy for you to choose the right one!

The article will tell you how to responsibly approach the choice of a reliable folding ladder, which is colloquially called a stepladder. You will learn how they differ in features and design features, as well as in purpose. The article will help to distinguish a professional ladder from a household one.

The triangle is the most rigid geometric figure. The two most common examples of its reliability are gable roofs and step ladders. However, in the second case, the elements of the figure are a movable mechanism, the choice of which should be approached with special attention.

ladder classification

The ladder consists of two conditionally rigid frames connected by a hinge. The ladder got its name from the safety connection - soft (tape, cable) or hard (metal strip) - which is called the "stirrup".

All ladders differ in basic features.

By appointment

Household or amateur. Lightweight models on relatively weak connections, without reinforcements. In their manufacture, cheap materials are used and they are designed for periodic use at home. They can have a complex structure (transformer) and can withstand a maximum weight of up to 100 kg.

Among the options that are popular today are the combination of anodized aluminum (bearing elements), wooden steps and glass railings.

For repairs, construction work or household chores, a stepladder is needed. On the stairs it is convenient to carry out whitewashing, cut leaves from trees, and it is also indispensable for climbing to the attic or roof.

Today, the construction market has a wide range of devices and tools for various work at heights, sliding aluminum ladders deserve special attention - light, durable, easy to transport and store, and also very easy to operate. The price varies from one and a half thousand rubles to eight.

The sliding ladder has a special design, thanks to which it can be used as a sliding, attached and double-sided. The parts that slide out are secured with special ties that prevent disclosure. To prevent the stepladder from sliding on the surface, special plastic inserts are provided, which are attached to the base of the racks.

Products are often used in large supermarkets and libraries, with the help of them you can get to the top racks, as well as in the household: your own house, cottage or garden.

Height - is the main advantage of a sliding aluminum ladder. It is much larger than ordinary ladders, thanks to this, work is carried out at the height of the facades of houses, buildings and roofs. From two and a half to eleven meters the distance from the floor to the highest step varies. Working with construction ladders that fold at the base is justified if it is not possible to install scaffolding near the building, and it is difficult to use winch structures.

Aluminum products are used in garden plots - if there is a need to repair the roof or harvest from the upper branches of trees. In the field of repair and installation (ventilation equipment, air conditioners), sliding aluminum ladders are much more convenient to use than all other ways to get to the required height. They are very easy to transport (if the structure is folded, it is compact enough and can be carried in a car and stored (very little space is needed to install this model). Why aluminum products?

  • They are lightweight. The weight of an aluminum folding ladder is less than steel, but it is no less durable, reliable and safe. It is much more convenient to use, store and transport.
  • They are affordable. The price of sliding aluminum ladders is slightly higher than steel ladders, but it is more favorable than the price of ladders made of new materials. This is a good and budget purchase. For a low price, you can buy a durable and durable product.
  • Aluminum products are durable. The design does not have an expiration date. Ladders can last more than one decade with proper and careful operation. An alloy of magnesium and aluminum, which is used in the production, does not darken, does not rust or oxidize. Mechanisms that are very strong do not need special maintenance.
  • Durable aluminum ladders. The metal, which is very durable, guarantees safety during work that will take place at height. Construction ladders have seamless profile posts, and the ties, which are professional, will not allow accidental folding of the ladder.

The three-section aluminum sliding ladder is a universal model. It performs the function of a retractable and double-sided ladder, a telescopic ladder. This type is multifunctional, they have the following advantages:

  1. It is possible to adjust the working height.
  2. Time is saved significantly.
  3. The dimensions are compact.
  4. Safety and reliability.

Sustainability is achieved through:

  • rubber tips;
  • spacer belts;
  • Cross traverses;
  • non-slip steps;
  • Wide corrugated crossbars.

The advantages include the strength of aluminum and its lightness, as well as the low cost of aluminum products. The only and main disadvantage is the poor tolerance of high and low air temperatures.

In order to avoid difficulties, the following must be observed operating rules:

  • The ladder must be installed on a firm and level surface;
  • The tool must always be clean;
  • You need to transport the tool in a case and it must be folded;
  • Use the ladder only in an upright position.
  • Elderly people and children should not be allowed to use the stairs.

So that it does not break and lasts for a long time, it is necessary to remove all contaminants before starting work and after it. It is recommended to store the product in a dry place, where there is no temperature difference. It is also necessary sometimes to check whether everything is in order in the places where the connections responsible for strength are installed.

Before starting each work, it is necessary to visually inspect the stairs and make sure that there are no irregularities. Personal safety directly depends on these actions. If any malfunctions are found, it is recommended to take it to a specialist, because self-troubleshooting can lead to the fact that the owner of the tool can be seriously injured.

Three-section models are essentially the same ladders, but with more features. The advantages of this model:

  • Large load capacity, can withstand up to one hundred and fifty kilograms;
  • The ratio of the weight of the product and its length is ideal;
  • Increased stability and an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport due to the traverse - a long transverse bar with "shod supports";
  • The system on which the sections are attached has increased strength and reliability, the same system is installed on fire escapes;
  • Aluminum in all products is presented in the form of an alloy, there is also an anti-corrosion coating, this reduces to zero additional costs for processing or the purchase of special protective mixtures.

There are also downsides in this model:

  • The price is above average, but it is justified;
  • Long arrow. The support withstands it, however, under the weight of an adult, the ladder sometimes bends slightly. It may give the impression that the product is not reliable, this is a mistake, the design is quite stable and reliable.

Features of three-section models:

  1. You can turn the product into a hut. This is very convenient when working with ceilings, for example, fixing a chandelier or changing wiring;
  2. The model is extended. With its help, you can reach both the roof and the tops of the trees;
  3. The arrow is one. This model is no different from a simple attached ladder. It is easier to assemble such a ladder, it has less weight;
  4. A combination of a three-section ladder. You can remove one section and use it as an independent product as an attachment. Thus, there will be both an attached ladder and a folding one.

Today aluminum products are the most demanded and they have practically no competitors in the market.

The article was prepared with the participation of KRAUSE specialists

The ladder is an indispensable assistant in the construction of a country house and the operation of a cottage. Mount or clean gutters, install a satellite dish, climb onto the roof or repair the facade - everywhere you need a ladder. Because the modern market offers many types of stairs, in a different price range, beginner developers have questions about how to choose the best option. Therefore, in this article, with the help of an expert, we will tell you:

  • What is the difference between a universal three-section ladder and a transformer ladder.
  • How to choose a quality ladder.
  • What kind of work are these ladders intended for?
  • What additional accessories expand the functionality of stairs.
  • How to work safely on stairs.

Features of a universal three-section aluminum ladder and a transforming hinged ladder

Before you buy a ladder for a country house, you need to decide on the type of work for which it is purchased. It depends on its type and design features.

Chapolonka Member of FORUMHOUSE

I have a plot with a small house. The house needs to be renovated. Therefore, I thought about which staircase to choose for working outside and inside. What should be the height of the stairs, features.


I want to buy a ladder-transformer. I have not worked with them before and therefore I want to know what to look for.

For an informed choice, you need to figure out how it differs from a hinged one.

Kalmykov DmitryKRAUSE specialist

Universal aluminum three-section ladders are necessary if you need to work at a distance from the ground from 3 to 8 meters and above. Most often, these ladders are purchased for outdoor work. They consist of a folding step-ladder (two sections) and an attached part (one section) that can be pulled up. In the assembled state, all three sections are fixed in the same plane. Depending on the type of work, the ladder can be placed on a secure support, expanded to its full length and attached to the wall. Use as a ladder or extend the third section as a console.

With the help of such a ladder, you can reach the ridge of the roof, paint the facade or clean the drain, as the user of the portal wants. Semyon Udalov, at a height of 6 meters or more.


I chose a high-quality and reliable three-section ladder for myself. This will definitely fit everywhere. Steps 30x30 sidewall 95x25 mm. Metal fasteners. There are plastic inserts for easy sliding. The legs are rubber.

To transport a three-section ladder, a car roof rack is required.

so-called. transformers are more compact and versatile. They have smaller dimensions than three-section ones, and consist of several sections (usually 4), connected to each other by hinged mechanisms with locks and locking mechanisms.

The configuration of the transformer ladder is designated as 4x3, 4x4, 4x5, etc., where the first digit is the number of sections, and the second is the number of steps.

Depending on the type of work, the transformer can be turned into a regular ladder.


Staircase with a cantilever run-out in the shape of the letter G.



I have a two-story house, and I bought a transformer ladder to reach the roof. The ladder is lightweight, has a bunch of transformation modes, compact, when folded, it easily fits into the trunk of a car, which simplifies its transportation.


I have a transformer with 4 sections of 3 steps. Very comfortable and versatile design. In order not to carry it in my hands, I drive it around the house on a cart.

To expand the functionality of stairs, both articulated and three-section, as well as to increase the convenience of work, you can use additional components.

It could be:

  • transverse traverse - used to compensate for height differences up to 17 cm on flights of stairs / platforms, etc .;

  • sidewall extension - allows you to install the ladder vertically on an uneven surface, for example, on flights of stairs, sidewalk edges, etc.;

  • footrest-shelf, it is used as a platform on which it is convenient to stand, or as a tool tray;

  • pins additionally fix the ladder from tipping over on soft ground.

sculptor FORUMHOUSE User

I have a three-section ladder with a maximum working height of 9.6 m. I bought pins for fixing it in the ground so that the ladder would not move back, and a platform for the feet. Now I can’t even imagine how without it you can work normally at a height.

Spacers that allow you to work in hard-to-reach places at a short distance from the wall, for example, on wall ledges, roof ledges, etc.

Crosshead levelers. Provides safe installation of the traverse on flights of stairs / platforms and uneven surfaces.

A platform for turning a transforming ladder into a convenient working platform and shelves for inventory.

Important: each ladder is selected according to the level of heights at which it is planned to work. The value of the optimal working heights and options for unfolding the ladder are given in the instructions for its operation.

Criteria for choosing a quality staircase

Any person who has worked at height will say that the quality of the work performed largely depends on the reliability of the ladder and its safety. Agree that painting a facade or installing a drain at a distance of 5-7 meters from the ground on a shaky, swaying and unreliable structure is unpleasant. When the head is occupied with thoughts “the ladder will fold or not,” it is easy to allow marriage. In addition, an emergency situation can also arise when choosing a ladder that is not suitable for certain types of work, and non-compliance with the rules for its operation.

alexru_ FORUMHOUSE User

I have a three-section universal aluminum ladder with 18 steps. The folded length is about 5 m, the maximum unfolded length is 13.5 m. If used as a stepladder, the height is a little more than 9 m. I tried to work with it, but I only climbed up to the tenth step. Then it became scary, the stairs began to stagger under me. Construction - the staircase is primitive, flimsy and unreliable. Now I think which manufacturer is better to take and how many steps.

Alexey+ Member of FORUMHOUSE

I have been working with a three-section ladder for several years now. The ladder is good, but one day, out of forgetfulness, I climbed up and did not fix the transverse aluminum stabilizers. As a result, seven of the eight rivets securing the galvanized locks were cut off, and the ladder collapsed under me. I fell from a height of more than 5 meters and miraculously survived and did not break anything.

Conclusion: if a ladder collapsed under someone, or a person fell, this does not mean that the design is bad. Safety precautions must be followed when working at heights.

So, when choosing a staircase for your home, you need to consider two factors - the quality of the product and compliance with safety regulations.

Kalmykov Dmitry

The ladder, regardless of its purpose, must provide a safe ascent and descent, as well as the convenience and comfort of work. These indicators depend on the thoughtfulness of the design, technical characteristics, maximum allowable loads and materials used in the manufacture. Not all manufacturers, in fact, have stairs that look like the photos on the Internet. Savings on the thickness of the profile, the reliability of the nodes, the absence of external and internal flaring of the rungs of the steps lead to a decrease in the strength of the ladder and a decrease in its service life.

A high-quality staircase is designed taking into account the safety factor. Those. during testing, the ladder is subjected to greater loads than those permitted in the operating instructions. In Europe, any ladder in laboratory tests must withstand a load of 270 kg in order to officially receive a load tolerance of 150 kg. But in Russia there are no such criteria, so for most manufacturers it is enough that their ladder can withstand 150 kg.

For example, it is believed that the weakest point of transformer ladders is the hinge mechanism. It must be strong, and the levers of the hinge drives must be easily accessible. This directly affects the simplicity and convenience of folding and unfolding the stairs.
