Breathalyzer online accurate calculation calculator. Permissible level of alcohol while driving in ppm

male feminine

Body mass:

(40-150 kg)

You entered incorrect data

Fortress (volume %)

(10-5000 ml)

Drink 1:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Drink 2:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Drink 3:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Stomach fullness:

empty full

Counting in progress...

Enter the initial data on the left

Maximum concentration

(Corresponding mg/l in exhaled air)

The specified concentration corresponds to

Excretion time from the body

On this page, you can take an alcohol test online and find out if you can drive, and if not, how long should it take for your blood alcohol level to be normal.

The test is based on a person's physiological data - gender and weight, types of alcoholic beverages and the time that has passed since drinking.

The program automatically calculates the amount of alcohol in drinks, how much a man or woman with a certain weight needs to make sure that the body can cope with alcohol, and according to the time that has passed since drinking - is it possible to drive already, or how much more time is needed, what If the breathalyzer showed the alcohol content is normal.

Why do you need to know the alcohol content before leaving?

It is difficult for a person after drinking strong drinks to determine whether he is really sober or not.

In addition, it is difficult to predict the readings of a breathalyzer, and most likely there will not be such a device at home. Depending on the amount and tolerance of alcohol by a particular person, his condition may be outwardly indistinguishable from sober.

If we do not take into account the state when intoxication is noticeable to the naked eye and a person looks sober, even a small amount of alcohol affects the ability to perceive information - the driver begins to lose measure, he overestimates himself and underestimates the traffic situation.

In addition, the reaction speed slows down in case of unforeseen situations. For example, 100 grams of pure alcohol slows down the reaction rate by 2-4 times. Therefore, even a small amount of alcohol makes the driver dangerous to others.

While driving, the following signs can give out a drunk person behind the wheel: sudden braking, overly self-confident or overly cautious movement, ignoring prohibitory signals, leaving traffic lights late, unnatural trajectories of movement - a combination of such signs can cause the car to stop for a subsequent check of the driver for sobriety.

During communication with the inspector - the smell of alcohol from the mouth, it is difficult for a person to express himself, the pupils do not react to light, a red face, or vice versa - pallor, inadequate condition, difficulty in movement and impaired coordination. One of the listed conditions is enough to receive an offer to be tested for alcohol content in the body.

Passing an alcohol test with breathalyzers

Alcohol testing can be done on site, with mobile devices and in the laboratory.

For a quick test that will allow you to immediately decide on the likelihood of the presence of alcohol in the blood, a breathalyzer is a device that determines the concentration of alcohol in a person's exhaled air.

Breathalyzers are:

  1. household, for individual self-control;
  2. special, for more frequent use than household;
  3. professional, designed for a large number of measurements per day.

Household ones can rarely be used in small businesses to make sure that an employee can be put behind the wheel. This tester is designed for infrequent use. Special ones are more often used at enterprises before the release of drivers on a flight or route, as well as at enterprises where work is carried out with increased danger.

Special testers in some countries are used by the traffic police, may have a certificate that they are a medical product. Such devices are designed for an average of 30-50 applications per day.

Professional breathalyzers are designed for multiple use throughout the day. These tests are most often used by the traffic police to determine the content of ppm in the body, they can be connected to a printer to print out the results of the analysis.

Special and professional testers are periodically verified and calibrated for accuracy

If the inspector offers you to take a breathalyzer test, you need to remember that you must first show the device itself and advise on how to pass the test correctly. Everyone can demand to show the license and certificate of the device.

Examination for alcohol content must take place at the place where the vehicle stops, the presence of two witnesses is a prerequisite. If the alcohol level is less than 0.2 ppm, then the driver is no longer detained. If more, then a protocol is drawn up where the test indicators are indicated.

Upon agreement with the indicators, the driver is released, and the protocol and other related documents are submitted to the court. If the person who was tested does not agree with the results, a second test is carried out in the laboratory (first-aid post).

The driver has the right to refuse to undergo a breathalyzer test, in which case the examination will take place in the laboratory.

Only a qualified doctor has the right to conduct an examination in a medical institution

The examination includes checking the pulse, pressure, pupil reaction to light, psychophysiological check. It is carried out twice, the second time - after 20 minutes after the first.

Biological samples are collected - blood, urine and saliva are taken in duplicate - one is used immediately for research, the second sample is stored for 90 days in case the driver during the trial wants to re-examine. The results of the survey are issued in triplicate - one for the driver, one for the inspector and one for the doctor.

If today you need to be driving, and the day before you drank alcohol, then you need to make sure that there is no alcohol left in the body. If the number of ppm cannot be checked with a breathalyzer before departure, we suggest using an online test. It does not require a store purchase, periodic calibrations and expiration dates.

Specify the minimum required parameters in the test, and the program will calculate the amount of ppm and how much more time alcohol needs to make your indicators in order.

Body weight (in kg):

Strength (in%):

Quantity (in ml):

Time (in hours):


Alcohol in the blood

sober time

Time to drive

Recently, the blood alcohol calculator is not just an opportunity to find out about the state of your health after a big holiday, but also the ability to control your condition when driving a car.

The permissible rate of alcohol is unlikely to bring you inconvenience if you go home from a noisy party or home feast, as this rate assumes an adequate state of the car owner and a reduction in the risk of accidents.

When attending corporate parties, or just relaxing with friends, it is important to know , how to remove alcohol from the blood in order to avoid possible consequences, accidents, or simply return to normal.

This question is asked not only by motorists. Today, a blood test for alcohol is also taken when you get into a traffic accident, and when you are hospitalized after injuries, and when you are suspected of committing crimes. The calculation of ppm can be carried out by both traffic police officers and medical personnel, and the blood alcohol content can significantly affect both the fate of a person and his further treatment after incidents.

That is why every person should be aware of the time of disintegration of alcohol in and after how long does it disappear from the body?


To understand how much alcohol is kept in the blood and to calculate ppm can only be done by knowing how the symptoms of intoxication manifest themselves and how they affect the human body. While alcoholic beverages have an effect on the body, signs of intoxication are present not only in terms of laboratory tests, but also on a visual level.

The following characteristic symptoms may appear:

  • noticeable nervous excitement or severe drowsiness;
  • aggressive reactions to what is happening or inhibition of actions;
  • decrease in reflex activity and reactions;
  • violation of coordination of movements and balance;
  • memory problems, incoherent speech;
  • problems with vision and attention.

A blood test for alcohol can show the exact amount of an alcohol-containing substance in the body, while alcohol leaves the body gradually, and its elements can stay in the body for days.

Toxic substances contained in alcoholic beverages change the composition of the blood, due to which a deep one can lead to serious consequences, such as stupor and coma, serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver and other important organs.

Note! The time of disintegration of alcohol in the blood is quite long, because alcohol strongly affects the central nervous system, other important organs, providing a permanent toxic effect until the substance is excreted.

Length of stay of alcohol in the blood

The name of the drink and its concentration Human body weight alcohol withdrawal time
100 gr. 300 gr. 500 gr.
Low alcohol drinks (4%) Up to 60 kg 40 minutes 2h 3.5-4h
60-80kg 20 minutes 1.5-2h 2-3h
80 kg or more 20-30 minutes 1h 2h
Wine, champagne and others (9-11%) Up to 60 kg 1.5h 4-5h 7-8h
60-80kg 1h 3-4h 5-7h
80 kg or more 50min-1h 2.5-3.5h 5-6h
Liqueurs, tinctures (24-30%) Up to 60 kg 3.5-4.5h 10-13h 17-20h
60-80kg 2.5-3.5h 9-12h 16-18h
80 kg or more 2-3h 7-8h 10-13h
Cognac, vodka (40-42%) Up to 60 kg From 5-6h 18-20h 29-30h
60-80kg 4-6h 13-16h 24h
80 kg or more 3-4h 10-12h 18-22h


Drivers and ordinary citizens are wondering whether it is possible to drink alcohol before donating blood and whether it is possible to donate blood after alcohol. The answer to this question is unambiguously negative, since alcoholic beverages greatly change the structure of substances, affecting all important systems of the body. Signs of some serious diseases, the presence of which can be detected with the help of research, under the influence of alcohol may not appear or appear in insufficient quantities.

Therefore, if a person drank in the evening after the tests, he should reschedule the procedure the next day and deal with the delay time of alcoholic beverages in the body in order to obtain reliable research results.

It is important to understand that in the event of a traffic accident, getting the victim to the hospital with any disease or the fact of committing a crime, an online breathalyzer is an indispensable thing. Medical institutions conduct examinations regardless of the desire of a person, therefore everyone needs to control their condition. The breakdown of alcohol in the blood takes quite a long time, and it is quite simple to establish whether a person is the culprit of a crime and whether he committed it while intoxicated.


Alcohol leaves the blood gradually, much depends on the weight of the person, the amount and type of alcohol and the time that has passed since the moment of consumption. The period that the elements of alcohol are kept in the body depends on the following factors:

  1. The strength of the drink. If a person drank beer, the withdrawal of the substance will occur much faster than after drinking cognac or vodka.
  2. The composition of the drink itself can change the amount of ethyl alcohol in the body. For example, a beer diluted with additives and flavors will fade quickly, while a pure hoppy drink will last much longer.
  3. The amount drunk. A glass of beer will quickly dissolve and be excreted naturally, and a large amount of the drink can remain in the body for a long time.
  4. Many do not know that the time of drinking alcohol also plays a big role. Depending on how many hours the drink took place, the content of the substance changes. A glass of beer drunk in one gulp remains in the body much longer than a drink drunk slowly.
  5. The state of human health can also play a huge role - alcohol thins or thickens the blood, depending on the state of the body, concomitant diseases, so some people are strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. In the blood of a person suffering from serious diseases, the drink can produce unexpected reactions, leading up to death.
  6. The removal of alcohol from the blood is slowed down by liver disorders. At the same time, alcohol remains and can hold out for quite a long time, having a negative impact on all vital systems.
  7. The gender of the drinker also plays a big role. The content of alcohol in the blood in men decreases much faster than in women, this is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the body.
  8. Excretion of a substance depends on how often a person consumes alcohol. If a person takes drinks every other day or on weekends, the elimination of the substance will occur faster, but the concentration will increase significantly due to frequent receptions.


A drink that thins or thickens the blood is excreted from the body in different ways. Basically, it all depends on the composition of the blood and the presence of additional elements in it, as well as on the health of a person and his gender.

If a person has a thinning or thickening of the blood that exceeds the permissible norm, these symptoms indicate pathologies and problems that are not always caused by the use of alcohol-containing beverages. It is recommended that the examination be carried out after the complete removal of alcohol, as the drink can spoil the test results.

In most cases, the removal of alcohol from the body occurs naturally. After a noisy party or a feast, it is enough for a person to sleep well, and the toxin will gradually leave the body. Serious poisoning is also possible if the alcohol began to thicken the blood and unusual symptoms appeared. In this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Not everyone can give up alcohol forever. For some, this is a way to relax and spend time, someone likes noisy companies and parties, but remember that after drinking alcohol, you should never drive. An accurate calculation of the dose of the drink and control of your condition will make any holiday positive and eliminate all negative consequences.

The driver often becomes the cause of accidents, which often end in death. To prevent this, a law was passed in Russia that clearly indicates what the permissible rate of alcohol is while driving, and devices have been developed that measure the level of ethanol in the inhaled air. In addition, special alcohol tables were created for motorists, allowing you to find out the approximate time after which a person will be able to drive.

According to studies, even fifty grams of vodka, which is equal to seven to nine grams of ethanol in the blood, have a negative effect on the psyche, impair reaction, attention, reduce intelligence, and logical thinking. It is especially dangerous that in such a situation, under the influence of ethanol, a person ceases to adequately evaluate his actions. For example, the driver may feel that he is driving a car much better than before, carefully watching the road. This situation is extremely dangerous for a motorist and other people whose activities require maximum concentration, accuracy and ingenuity: any mistake can cost a life.

Such a dose of intoxication is usually invisible to others, and often to the driver himself, and therefore is often ignored: the first visible symptoms appear after drinking 20-30 g of ethanol (100-200 g of vodka). Also, many people forget about the residual alcohol content in the blood, when it seems to a person that he is absolutely sober: even a small dose of alcohol is excreted very slowly. Therefore, until the ethanol is completely out, you can not drive a car.

This should be especially taken into account after drinking, because after heavy drinking it often happens that you can’t drive not only today, but also during the day and even more. It depends not only on the dose of alcohol, but also on the following factors:

  • Human gender - ethanol is excreted from the female body twenty percent longer.
  • Weight - the lighter the person, the longer the time needed for.
  • The strength of the drink - the lower the proportion of ethanol in the drink, the faster it will be removed from the body.
  • The quality of alcohol - carbon dioxide accelerates the absorption of ethanol into the blood. Therefore, the speed and degree of intoxication in this case will be faster.
  • The health of internal organs, especially the liver, excretory system, lungs: about 90% of alcohol is processed in the liver, the remaining ten are excreted in a series of sweat, urine, breath (therefore, breathalyzers are able to determine the level of alcohol by exhaled air).
  • Whether the person drank alcohol on an empty stomach, or had a heavy meal.
  • The amount of food a person ate after drinking alcohol.
  • Snack quality.

All these factors must be taken into account when calculating the amount of ethanol in the blood. It is also advisable to use not only the table, but also to buy a breathalyzer: when calculating the level of alcohol, errors are possible, which the device, by showing the amount of ethanol of exhaled vapors in ppm, will help to avoid.


The level of alcohol in the exhaled air is usually measured in ppm. So called one thousandth of a share or one tenth of a percent. Therefore, if the device showed values ​​​​of 1.5‰, this means that one liter of blood contains one and a half milliliters of ethanol.

Currently, according to Russian legislation, the permissible rate of alcohol while driving should not exceed 0.34 ppm or 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Such an amount of ethanol is acceptable given that breathalyzers may show an error, and also because a slight increase in ethanol in the blood is possible in the following situations:

  • the person drank some juices, kvass, kefir;
  • used medicines that contain alcohol;
  • with diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • toothpaste.

The level of ethanol, although in these cases, rises, but slightly and not for long, so after a few minutes the device will show that the amount of ppm has fallen. Because of this, any excess of the norm in the driver’s blood is unacceptable, and if the traffic police device detects a state of intoxication during the check, there will be a fine. Ideally, the amount of ethanol in the air exhaled by a motorist should be zero, since alcohol affects the reaction of a motorist even in very small quantities.

For example, if the device shows that the ethanol content ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 ppm, this means that it is difficult for the driver to assess the speed at which the light sources are moving, as well as their size, due to a decrease in concentration and attention. With a higher amount of alcohol, from 0.5 to 0.8 ppm (this dose is equal to 1 liter of beer or 150 g of vodka), he begins to judge distance poorly, his eyes switch to different light sources worse, react poorly to red, there is a loss balance.

If the device for determining alcohol in the blood shows that the number of ppm ranges from 0.8 to 1.2, this means that the person has a narrowed angle of vision.

With this degree of intoxication, the driver's peripheral vision deteriorates, due to which he significantly loses the ability to see with peripheral vision, and is unable to assess the situation. If the dose that the breathalyzer showed is 1.2 ppm (1.5 liters of beer or 500 g of vodka), this indicates a high degree of intoxication, when the driver is no longer able to drive the car. When the determination of the amount of alcohol in the blood showed 4 ppm, the person may die.

How to calculate the withdrawal of ethanol from the body

You can find out the approximate time when alcohol is completely out of the body, if a man drank 100 grams of alcohol, you can from the following table (for women, these figures must be multiplied by 20%):

Human weight 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% 0 h 34 0 h 31 0 h 27 0 h 25 0 h 20
Beer 6% 0 h 51 0 h 46 0 h 40 0 h 36 0 h 30
Gin tonic 9% 1 h 19 1 h 08 1 hour 0 h 50 0 h 50
Champagne 11% 1 hour 35 1 hour 23 1 hour 15 1 h 05 1 hour
Port wine 18% 2 hours 38 2 hours 15 2 hours 1 hour 45 1 hour 35
Tincture 24% 3 hours 28 3 h 2 hours 40 2 hours 20 2 h 06
Liquor 30% 4 hours 20 3 hours 45 3 hours 15 2 hours 55 2 hours 40
Vodka 40% 5 hours 50 5 o'clock 4 hours 20 3 hours 55 3 hours 30
Cognac 42% 6 o'clock 07 5 hours 15 4 hours 35 4 hours 3 hours 40

Leaving the table, it is obvious that beer is not such a harmless drink as many believe it to be. It takes more than half an hour for a man weighing 60 kg to remove half a glass of a drink from the body, and even more for a woman. This is explained by the fact that in a liter of drunk beer there is the same amount of ethanol as in 100 g of vodka or 400 g of wine.

If a person drank 500 g of alcohol, much more will be required. In this case, you can make an approximate calculation of the time when it is allowed to drive, from the table below. It is worth noting that time is kept from the last dose of alcohol taken, so if a person has been drinking for some time, the period may be less:

Human weight 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% 2 hours 55 2 hours 30 2 hours 10 2 h 1 hour 45
Beer 6% 4 hours 20 3 hours 45 3 hours 17. 2 hours 55 2 hours 40
Gin tonic 9% 6 h 30 5 hours 40 4 hours 55 4 hours 20 4 hours
Champagne 11% 8 o'clock 6 h 52 6 o'clock 5 o'clock 20 4 hours 50
Port wine 18% 14 o'clock 11 o'clock 10 9 h. 50 8 hours 45 7 hours 55
Tincture 24% 5:30 p.m. 14h57 13 o'clock 11:40 a.m. 10:30
Liquor 30% 21h 46 18h40 4 pm 20 14h35 13 o'clock
Vodka 40% 29 hours 24 h 55 21 h. 46. 19:25 5:25 p.m.
Cognac 42% 30 h. 30. 26h05 22 h 51 20 hours 20 18h20

If a person drank more than one hundred grams, but less than five hundred, you can make calculations by calculating the average value. For example, if 300 g of vodka was drunk, then in a person whose weight is 60 kg, alcohol will come out of the blood after 17 hours and 24 minutes. For a fatter man, weighing 100 kg, the calculation shows a shorter period: 10 hours 26 minutes. In any case, such a calculation means that it is better not to drive today.

It should be noted that the submitted data are conditional, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, to be sure, in order not to be fined by the traffic police, and also not to provoke an accident, putting your life and other people at unnecessary risk, when making a calculation, it is better to throw in two to three hours. A more correct option to determine the degree of intoxication would be to purchase a breathalyzer, and after the time indicated in the table, take a test. If the device shows that everything is in order, you can go without fear of being fined by the traffic police.

Why You Shouldn't Shorten Your Waiting Time

When calculating, it should be borne in mind that if strong alcohol is diluted with water or juice, this does not reduce the effect of ethanol on the body, since the amount of alcohol drunk has not changed. It is impossible to avoid alcohol intoxication if you eat well before drinking. A full stomach will only mitigate the negative impact of alcohol on the body, reducing the load on the liver, and intoxication will come later.

Also, do not think that a cold shower, strong coffee, a walk in the fresh air will affect the rate of ethanol excretion from the body and reduce the degree (although they can relieve hangover symptoms). Even if a person feels normal, you need to get behind the wheel no earlier than the time indicated in the table that has passed since the last time you took alcohol. If the traffic police during the inspection finds that there is no permissible level of alcohol in the blood, the fine for violating the law of Russia is 30 thousand rubles, and the offender loses his license for a period of one and a half to two years.

After drinking a small amount of beer, a driver's blood test can show the allowable alcohol limit. Alcohol abuse is a pressing problem in society. Many drivers after drinking alcoholic beverages feel free to drive. If a driver has indicators that are different from the permissible norm, the traffic police inspector has every right to detain.

How much can you drink while driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous. Ethyl alcohol has a destructive effect on the human body, disrupts vital processes. The driver, by simple calculations, can independently determine how much you can drink while driving and save yourself from punishment. Most beers contain 3-6% alcohol.

In a man weighing 75 kg, when drinking 100 g of beer, the alcohol content is 0.08 ppm (he received 0.08 g of alcohol per 1 kg of weight). This amount is 4 times less than the permissible norm of alcohol. The average man can consume no more than 400 grams of beer before driving. You can’t deceive your body: a bottle of beer shows the presence of alcohol above the norm. Ethyl alcohol neutralizes the liver, it does this at a rate of 0.1 ppm per hour for men and 0.085 for women. With a simple arithmetic trick, you can calculate when it will be completely neutralized.

What is the legal limit for alcohol

It is known that the permissible rate of alcohol is the amount per mille that can be contained in the blood of the driver or in the air exhaled by him. The numerical expression of this was shown as follows: 0.35 - the permissible content of alcohol in the blood, 0.16 - the permissible level of alcohol in the exhaled air. These indicators are determined using special devices. The allowable value is determined taking into account the possible error.

Permissible level of alcohol while driving in ppm

Assumes the permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm, the minimum amount of alcohol that does not cause deviations in the mental and physiological state. Driving a vehicle requires concentration, redistribution of attention, reaction speed, general stable emotional state and well-being. A drunk driver is a serious danger on the road. An indicator of 0.35 is an acceptable ppm rate that does not violate physiology and mental processes.

What is the legal limit for alcohol while driving?

Since 2013, the legal limit for alcohol while driving has been increased in the Russian Federation. This does not mean that the permitted ppm allow you to completely freely drive a vehicle while slightly intoxicated. The revision of the indicator (previously it corresponded to zero) is associated with the peculiarities of the digestion of certain foods and drinks, this list included:

  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • bread kvass;
  • sweet yeast baked goods;
  • fermented milk products (for example, kefir and yogurt);
  • orange and other fruit juices;
  • overripe bananas;
  • chocolate.

This group includes drugs (for example, alcohol tinctures), tobacco products. After taking these products, drugs, a small amount of ethanol enters the bloodstream, which is easily determined by a breathalyzer. Many drivers have been fined just because of their culinary preferences. For this reason, the allowable standards have been revised.

What is ppm

To calculate fractions of a whole, it is not always convenient to use percentages, because sometimes there is a need to operate, for example, with thousandths. The physical meaning of 1 ppm is a tenth of a percent. A ppm is a small, precise unit of measure for evaluating impurities in liquids, in thousandths. When determining alcohol in the blood, 1% is a very large indicator, therefore, smaller units are used to determine the degree of intoxication.

How to count ppm

Any driver needs to be able to correctly count ppm, especially after drinking alcohol, even if the feast took place the day before. The rate of alcohol neutralization depends on the strength of the drink, its volume, human body weight, the amount of fluid in the body, gender, individual characteristics of the body, and the physiological state of the liver.

0.1 ppm corresponds to 0.045 mg of alcohol per 1 liter, this may seem like a negligible numerical value, but it accurately determines the degree of intoxication. Drivers do not take into account the time indicator of "weathering" of ethanol and get behind the wheel. A glass of beer 6% (200 ml) will be completely neutralized by a human body weighing 80 kg only after 1 hour 57 minutes. This is important to know for any person who plans to drive after drinking alcohol.

In the absence of ready-made tables at hand, we learn to solve a simple problem: “The mass of a man is 82 kg. He drank 50 ml of vodka, the strength of which is 40% and plans to drive. The proportion of water in the body of men is about 70%. How many ppm will the device for determining the degree of intoxication show?

  1. We determine the mass of water using the proportion: 82 kg * 70%: 100% \u003d 57.4 kg.
  2. We consider the amount of pure ethanol: 500 ml * 0.4 = 200 ml. In grams, this is 200 ml * 0.79 = 158 g (0.79 is the density of pure ethanol). 100% alcohol content 158 ​​g - 10% = 142.2 g.
  3. 142.2/57.4 = 2.48. The indicator is far from the norm. It can mean deprivation of a driver's license and a trial.

Degrees of intoxication in ppm

Going on a trip while intoxicated is dangerous, because even the allowable amount of alcohol does not guarantee safety while driving. Three degrees of intoxication in ppm are generally accepted:

  1. From 0.8 to 1.2 - corresponds to the initial stage, there is a violation of the perception of distance, the angle of side vision is distorted, when the headlights are switched to high beam, the effect of temporary blindness is pronounced.
  2. From 1.3 to 2.4 - for a drunk person it is considered deep intoxication, the feeling of fear is dulled, attention is scattered, vision deteriorates, and the perception of reality changes.
  3. From 4 to 5 - severe intoxication of the body occurs, breathing is disturbed, loss of consciousness occurs, coma may develop.

At how many ppm are deprived of rights

The law defines the figure 0.35 as the permissible dose of alcohol. It is designed for drivers who take alcohol-containing drugs, taking into account the error of the breathalyzer. When converted to specific alcoholic beverages (male, weight 80 kg, measured in an hour), this is:

  • 50 g of vodka;
  • 200 g dry red wine;
  • 500 g of beer.

For traffic police officers, a driver with an indicator of 0.2 is considered sober. In the event of initial detention and an excess of the permissible norm is detected, an administrative penalty (a fine) is imposed, a ban on driving a vehicle for up to 2 years is introduced. They deprive the rights for 3 years, impose a fine of 50,000 rubles in the event of a repeated determination of exceeding the permissible norm for a drunk driver.

At the time of detention, the violator's alcohol content is determined. Produced exhalation into the breathalyzer provides such an opportunity. The inspector must draw up a protocol and record the established fact. According to the results of a medical examination, the driver may be threatened with the seizure of the vehicle, its temporary confiscation, deprivation of rights.

Permissible blood alcohol level in different countries

The legal blood alcohol limit is defined differently in different countries:

  • in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, a driver is still considered sober only at a zero mark;
  • Albania allows 0.1;
  • in Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Poland, the permissible minimum is 0.2;
  • Russia, Moldova - 0.3;
  • Lithuania - 0.4;
  • Belarus, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Greece consider a driver sober at an indicator of 0.5;
  • 0.8 allow UK, Luxembourg, Malta, Ireland.

Video: How much ppm is allowed while driving

Using this blood alcohol calculator, you can quickly determine the approximate number of ppm and understand for yourself whether it is worth driving a car or it is better to be without a car for a day, because this is a very serious traffic violation - drunk driving.

Worst of all is the fact that drunk driving (not even drunk but with a small amount of alcohol in the blood) worsens the reaction and there is a high chance of getting into a car accident.

In our opinion, this calculator most accurately determines the degree of intoxication than others that we tested. It works great on both computers and mobile phones, making it handy in any situation. All you need is a browser and internet access.

Bookmark this page so that you don’t have to search all over the Internet for the much-needed alcohol calculator at the right time

For those who could not figure out how to use this alkokalculator on their own, below we provide detailed instructions on how to use it to calculate the concentration of alcohol in the blood.

How to calculate the concentration of alcohol in the blood on an alcohol calculator

To calculate the concentration of alcohol in the blood on the calculator and find out when it will be possible to drive a car after drinking alcohol, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Select your gender in the top line of the breathalyzer (M - male, F - female).
  2. Enter your approximate weight below (see example in the picture above).
  3. Try to remember how much, what and when you drank, and fill in the appropriate fields of the alcohol calculator.
  4. After entering the data, click the "Calculate!" button.
  5. Then our alcohol calculator will calculate the estimated blood alcohol content, give you a “diagnosis” and write whether you can drive a car in this state.

Thus, by experimenting with the amount and type of alcohol that you have already taken “on your chest” (or maybe you are just about to do it), it is easy to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow much alcohol is acceptable to drink so that you can safely drive in the morning. Just in case, we recall that traffic police fines for drunk driving should be viewed here.

How many hours can I drive after drinking alcohol?

How soon can you drive after drinking alcohol? Imagine such a situation - you are a driver and drank 2 liters of beer. When will it be possible to drive?

The procedure for checking on our online breathalyzer will be approximately the same as described in the instructions above: set the gender, body weight, drink (beer), the amount drunk (2 liters), and click the "Calculate!" button. The calculator will calculate the concentration of alcohol in the blood and the time when it will be possible to drive.

  • At the same time, it must be remembered that no alcohol calculator, even the best one, can give a 100% accurate result on the level of alcohol in the blood after drinking alcohol.
  • The team of our site advises, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, after drinking alcohol, in general, for some time, use exclusively public transport or taxi services.
  • In the video below, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the results of the experiment, which you will not receive on any alcohol calculator on the Internet: measurement readings of a real breathalyzer after drinking a bottle of kvass and non-alcoholic beer.

Breathalyzer: is it possible to drive after kvass and non-alcoholic beer?

Calculate the amount of alcohol online on the calculator

According to the results of statistical studies, 30% of traffic accidents are caused by drunk drivers. In order not to be among them, it is enough to use this to control your state.

He will quickly show online how many ppm in the blood and when you can drive. Especially now, when the level of alcohol in the blood should be zero and it is very easy to lose your license. So our calculator can be used as alcohol calculator for drivers.

  • Alcohol calculator(or alcohol calculator) can be useful to determine alcohol weathering time.
  • By entering your weight and height, as well as the amount of alcohol drunk and its strength, and indicating whether the drinks were drunk on a full or empty stomach, you can find out after what time there will be no traces of alcohol in the blood.
  • It is possible to specify up to 5 different drinks. Exact formulas allow you to determine, .
  • Moreover, the calculator will show ppm in the blood after drinking, as well as time to remove alcohol from the blood(minimum - for people who are able to quickly process alcohol, medium - for most people and maximum for people who have low alcohol withdrawal rate).

The allowed blood alcohol level varies from country to country. Find out the allowed alcohol in the blood.

Breathalyzer readings

Blood alcohol level depends on the state in which the person was when taking alcohol - depends on the degree of filling of the stomach.

wedding alcohol calculator

  • And this question will help answer alcohol calculator.
  • It is enough to know to what state the guests want to get drunk and how many guests will celebrate.
  • Having calculated the required amount of alcohol in the blood for one guest, we can easily find out how much alcohol do you need for a wedding.
  • At the same time, do not overdo it - for fun, the amount of alcohol in the blood should not be raised above 3 ppm.
  • Well, motorists can easily determine blood alcohol level.

How many ppm is allowed

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 23, 2013 N 196-FZ "On Amending the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and Article 28 of the Federal Law" On Road Safety "from September 1, 2013, the content of alcohol in the driver's blood is allowed

  • 0.16 ppm in exhaled air
  • 0.35 ppm in blood

Our calculator also takes this change into account, now you will find out not only the time for the complete elimination of alcohol from the body, but also the time for elimination to acceptable values. Thus, our online calculator will now easily answer the question how many ppm is allowed in 2013. In this regard, we are the first to offer a calculator that takes into account the new norms of 2013.

  • Do you smoke? Check out our smoker calculator. There will be something to think about. And if you own a car, then calculate the transport tax or try to calculate the customs clearance of a car.
  • Warning: Alcohol calculator able to calculate how much alcohol disappears from blood.
  • But the data obtained is not an evidence base and can only be used for personal purposes. You use the received data at your own peril and risk.
  • The author of the site is categorically against driving while intoxicated and is not responsible for the results of the calculations and their use.

Alcohol calculator: diluting alcohol with water

Determines the amount of water that must be added to obtain alcohol in advance of a given strength.

In many cases of preparing tinctures, we need alcohol of a certain concentration, for example, 45% alcohol is suitable for cherry tincture, but freshly made moonshine is available, with an alcohol content of 75%. How to be? Forget complicated formulas, use the alcohol dilution calculator online!

It is necessary to indicate the desired strength, the available volume of alcohol (in milliliters) and the available strength, click on the "Calculate" button. Use with pleasure!

Permissible alcohol limit while driving

The permissible level of alcohol while driving in ppm in Russia is 0.336‰(ppm) or 0.16 mg/g ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air (for more details, see the alcohol elimination table).

If you are a vigilant driver who wishes to limit communication with law enforcement about "alcohol" violations, then alcohol calculator you just need. This electronic online tool serves to independently determine the amount of alcohol that has entered the bloodstream, based on the quality and quantity of alcoholic beverages taken.

Regardless of the reasons for taking alcohol, it is very important to remember that the abuse of cheerful drinks very often leads to sad irreversible consequences, however alcohol calculator can come to your aid. It is useful in the following cases:

  • - when you want to calculate for yourself the maximum possible alcohol dose;
  • - when, after a strong feast, you should drive;
  • - when you want to know when the effect of alcohol will become safe, and you will be able to drive without fear.

  • Having information about the current concentration of pure alcohol in your blood, which will show alcohol intoxication calculator without much difficulty, you can determine the time until sobering up and decide whether to drive a car for now.
  • It will not be superfluous to remind you that drunk drivers are the cause of every third accident. The state, starting from August 2010, tightened the requirements for the permissible level of pure alcohol (in other words, ethanol) in exhaled air and blood.
  • From now on, the concentration of alcohol in the blood and air must be equal to zero. Therefore, for drivers it is simply an indispensable tool. After all, if you do not want to lose your driver's license for 1.5 or even 2 years without passing the humiliating breathalyzer test, you need to worry about your alcoholic blood filler now.

Driver blood alcohol table

Do you want to create an individual table of alcohol removal from the body for your data (sex, height, weight)? Use our program, which works on the algorithm of a professional calculator.

Drunk driving law

  • Statistics show that about a third of all traffic accidents occur due to drivers who are in a state of intoxication. Not surprisingly, the country has a law prohibiting driving while intoxicated.
  • Until 2010, there were restrictions on the permissible level of ethanol in the blood and exhaled air. So, in the blood, the maximum possible level of alcohol was 0.3 ppm, and in the exhaled air - 0.15 mg / l. Thus, one could fearlessly drive, for example, after a bottle of weak beer.
  • Starting from August 6, 2010, the requirements became tougher. Now the concentration of alcohol in the blood and in the exhaled air should be zero. If a drunk driver nevertheless dares to drive a car, then he is threatened with deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one and a half to two years (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.8). The same punishment is provided for in the event that the driver transferred control of the car to a person in a state of intoxication.
  • It is important to understand that the driver is now recognized as drunk only according to the testimony of a special device - a breathalyzer. A breathalyzer is a special technical device that is used to determine the concentration of ethanol in the exhaled air.

Using the calculator

Even if you, as a driver, do not consume alcohol at all, then alcohol calculator online you'll still need it. Remember that a seemingly insignificant amount of pure alcohol is found in many products. So, even a slightly overripe banana and a cigarette contain 0.2 ppm, juice - 0.4 ppm, mouth freshener spray - up to 0.5 ppm. Both yeast kvass and fermented yogurt, kefir or yogurt can prevent a positive outcome of the breathalyzer test.

Worth using online alcohol calculator to check the alcohol content in the blood after taking certain drugs, including valerian, motherwort tincture, calendula, corvalol and others. All these<опасные>drugs and products increase the concentration of alcohol in the blood after taking, however, for a short time. But how to insure yourself against inspection by the traffic police?

Calculates blood ratio

How does it work alcohol content calculator online?

  • You will need to indicate in the program window: your weight and height (the higher the figures, the more alcohol you need to get drunk), gender (women generally get drunk many times faster than men), the alcohol content in each of the drinks consumed and their amount.
  • In the program, you also have to indicate whether alcohol was taken on a full or empty stomach, since alcohol drunk on an empty stomach will intoxicate you faster and stay in the blood longer.
  • The program will also prompt you to enter the rate of alcohol removal from the blood (ppm per hour).
  • You may not make any changes to blood alcohol calculator if these parameters are not clear to you, the result in this case will be 99% reliable.
  • It is worth noting that the rate of excretion is largely dependent on the metabolic rate and on genes, since sensitivity to alcohol can also be inherited.

The withdrawal of alcohol from the body

It is important to remember that, as mentioned above, in a single person, alcohol can linger in the blood for an unequal time, therefore alcohol weathering calculator may produce non-judgmental results. However, the average blood alcohol concentration is calculable. So, with different effects, in the body of an 80-kilogram man there will be 0.3 ppm of alcohol after taking two hundred grams of dry wine, or half a liter of beer, or fifty grams of vodka.

Enter in the form fields alcohol yield calculator the required information and get a reliable result of the maximum content of alcohol in your body, corresponding to a certain degree of intoxication, and the time of its complete elimination from the blood. As a result of the work of our online breathalyzer, you will receive a verdict: is it possible for you to drive a car or is it better to use a taxi.

  • The level of alcohol in the blood is determined during various kinds of examinations, when it is necessary to establish the fact and degree of alcohol intoxication.
  • To indicate the concentration of alcohol in the blood, the unit of measure is ppm. The name comes from the Latin “pro mille”, which means “for a thousand”.
  • This unit is similar to the percentage, only the percentage is one hundredth of the whole, and ppm is one thousandth. It is designated ppm as follows - ‰.
  • Promille shows how much ethanol is contained in 1 liter of blood.
  • For example, with a blood alcohol level of 1.5 ppm, we can say that 1000 ml of human blood with ethanol dissolved in it contains 1.5 ml of pure ethanol, and the remaining 998.5 ml are pure blood.

Calculation of the time of onset of "sobriety" By calculating the concentration of alcohol in the blood at a certain point in time, it is possible to determine the time for the removal of ethanol from the body, which is important for driving vehicles and working with machinery. The average amount of ethanol that is excreted from the body in 1 hour is 0.15‰ (this figure can vary between 0.1-1.5‰). These data help to roughly calculate when the blood is completely cleared of alcohol. So, with a blood alcohol level of 1.5‰, its complete elimination will take place in 10 hours.

With an alcohol level of 3‰, it will be completely eliminated from the body after 20 hours, etc. How can you calculate the amount of ethanol in your blood after all the alcohol you drink? An approximate calculation is carried out on the total amount of fluid in the body.

Average number

It is known that the average amount of fluid in the body is 70%. Suppose your weight is 90 kg, then the mass of fluid in your body is 70% of 90, i.e. 63 kg. 0.5 liters of beer with a strength of 5% contains 18 grams of alcohol. It is necessary to divide the amount of alcohol by the mass of liquid (18 divided by 63 and we get 0.3). It turns out that for 1 kg of liquid there are 0.3 grams of pure ethanol, that is, 0.3‰.

The effect of not too high concentrations of alcohol in the blood more often manifests itself during work that requires attention and speed of reactions, for example, when driving a vehicle. Therefore, in the examples below, we will often mention the state of the drivers.

  • 1 half-liter bottle of beer with a strength of 5% will lead to an ethanol concentration in the blood in the amount of 0.2-0.5‰.
  • This generally small dose can already lead to a decrease in some indicators of the reaction. The first to suffer is the perception of moving objects.
  • This is especially noticeable among vehicle drivers.
  • They have difficulty determining the distance to the vehicle ahead or towards them.
  • It is especially difficult to navigate at dusk.

1 liter of beer with a strength of 5% - the concentration of ethanol in the blood is already between 0.5 and 0.8‰. Here, drivers and even pedestrians may have difficulty recognizing the color signals of traffic lights. Orientation in space worsens with a sharp change in the level of illumination, it becomes even more difficult to determine the distance to moving objects. Often there are problems with determining the distance to objects that are stationary.

At an ethanol level of 0.8-1.2‰, a feeling of euphoria arises, criticism of one's own actions decreases. It is badly possible to calculate the distance and attention is reduced. This concentration of alcohol in the blood is most often found in drivers in emergency situations.

Concentration over 1.2-1.5‰

Concentration above 1.2-1.5‰ already leads to impaired coordination of movements, gait, sensitivity to pain and temperature decreases. After some time, symptoms of intoxication are noted - headaches, thirst, weakness.

At an alcohol concentration of more than 2.5‰, it is possible to turn off consciousness, develop epileptic seizures, involuntary defecation and urination. Memory for events is usually impaired. At an ethanol concentration of 3‰, severe alcohol poisoning develops.

The use of high doses of alcohol often leads to the development of intoxication. In such situations, only a specialist can provide full assistance to the patient, so you need to contact a narcologist, or call a narcologist at home. An alcohol level of up to 0.2 ppm is considered to have no pathological effects.

  • However, the effect of the same dose of alcohol on different people, as well as on the same person in different periods of time and in different circumstances, is different.
  • Therefore, the above ppm are averages.
  • The individual concentration of alcohol in the blood depends on the time elapsed after drinking alcohol, body weight, time of day, gender, the composition of the food that was consumed with alcohol, race and the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (an enzyme that breaks down ethanol) and can be more or less average scores.

What do the statistics say?

Some drink alcohol in order to relax and forget about problems. Whatever the reasons for drinking alcohol, one should not forget about their harmful effects on the body and internal organs. The use of alcohol contributes to the destruction of the psyche and disorder of the nervous system, it entails discord in the family, trouble at work. Alcohol accompanies poverty throughout life. Therefore, before drinking alcohol, you should think about whether you need it at all and how long it takes to disappear? If it is impossible to get away from this problem, think about the amount of alcohol you drink and try to take it under your own control, because this is not very good for the body.

It is especially necessary to be vigilant in this matter for those who are the driver. When driving while intoxicated, they risk the lives of not only their own, but also those of their passengers.

According to statistical studies, a third of accidents on the roads are associated with excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages by drivers.

The alcohol calculator is useful in the following cases:

  1. When driving a car after a wild party.
  2. If there is a need to calculate the permissible level of alcohol in the blood.
  3. In case of fear to sit down at the steering wheel in a drunken state and the desire to calculate the time when the blood will have an acceptable rate.

Only by being sure of the correct concentration of alcohol in the blood will you be able to make the right decision regarding driving and understand how much to drink.

Why do you need this calculator if it's not accurate?

Until 2010, the maximum blood alcohol level was 0.3 ppm. This suggests that the driver can drink a bottle of light beer and calmly sit down at the steering wheel. Later, the requirements for driving behind the wheel became a little tougher, the permissible level of alcohol and the air exhaled by the driver had to be zero.

  • Driving in a drunken state threatens the driver with administrative responsibility, the punishment of which is deprivation of rights. So the alcohol calculator is the best solution, it will show how much you can drink.
  • All drivers should be aware that the recognition of the degree of intoxication is official only after it has been measured with a breathalyzer.
  • In order not to be among such drivers, online control is needed. At present, it is easier than ever to determine the dose of intoxication using an online alcohol calculator. In a matter of seconds, it will show the amount of ppm in the blood and determine the degree of your intoxication, after which you yourself decide whether to sit down at the steering wheel or not.
  • According to the rules of the road, the alcohol level must be zero, otherwise the driver risks losing his driver's license. How much the calculator will show is another question.

According to what has been said, the following conclusion can be drawn: such a calculator is necessary to determine the amount of alcohol concentration, depending on how much and what alcohol-containing drinks a person has consumed. The excretion of ethyl from the body can then be calculated.

How to use

Using the alcohol calculator is quite simple, because you just need to enter the following data:

  1. Height and weight of the driver.
  2. The dose of the drunk and the strength of the alcoholic beverage.
  3. Indication of the degree of fullness of the stomach.

Only 5 types of alcoholic beverages can be entered in this calculator. If you have really taken a walk and abused alcohol, you can not count on the veracity of his data, no matter how hard you try.

Having entered all the data correctly, after a short period of time the calculator will show the concentration of alcohol and after what time this concentration will be acceptable for driving, i.e. time, how many hours it takes to remove alcohol. Naturally, for people with a good metabolism and excellent food processing, this level will be minimal. In fact, practice shows that most people are people with a low level of alcohol withdrawal from the body.

  • This calculator is convenient to use not only while driving, but also when holding festive events, such as weddings. Applying it at weddings, some began to call it a wedding calculator.
  • To calculate the degree of “drunkenness” of guests, you need to know the number of guests, their approximate weight and strength of alcohol. In this way, you can calculate the amount of alcoholic beverages that is needed for an ideal wedding feast.
  • In this case, you should not overdo it too much. The best indicator of the concentration of alcohol in the blood is 3 ppm and not a bit more.
  • The addition of 2013 and its role, because the Russian government made some changes, and allowed the content of ethyl in the blood to 0.35 ppm in the blood.

Products that increase the amount of ppm in the blood.

It happens that the driver did not drink alcohol-containing drinks at all, and there is an alcohol content in the blood. What is the reason?

If you are going on the road, then you should be aware that you need to be careful with snacks, since some foods contain ethanol in their composition. These include products whose production process requires the use of yeast, or fermentation occurs as a result of production.

These include:

  1. Kefir.
  2. Kvass.
  3. There are a number of fruits containing ethanol in their composition. The main ones are bananas and oranges.

Among the sweets it is worth noting the following: chocolate, cakes, pastries.

Also, on the road, you should not abuse alcohol-containing medicines: tinctures of motherwort, valerian, barboval, corvalol.

How long is the effect of alcohol?

At present, there are no specific indicators, since it depends on many factors and the individual properties of the human body separately.

Each person is different in personality, he has his own digestibility of food and his own metabolic rate of the body.

Consider some of the reasons that contribute to slowing down or increasing this process:

  • Height and weight. The higher and more, the more serious the dosage for the degree of intoxication will be required.
  • gender criterion. In this case, the female sex is more prone to intoxication than the male.
  • Genetics. There are people who are genetically predisposed to drinking alcohol.
  • General physical condition. On a full stomach, a person gets drunk less than on a hungry one.

One way or another, some indicators can be calculated. For example, a man with a weight of 80 kg for a blood concentration of 0.3 ppm must drink:

  • half a glass of vodka;
  • 200g of wine;
  • 0.5 beer (weak).

The maximum of alcohol in the blood lasts from half an hour to an hour, then the concentration of alcohol is slowly reduced to nothing.

Therefore, even if you are confident in your abilities, do not neglect the alcohol calculator. It is better to always have a tablet and the Internet with you in order to react in time and check the maximum level of concentration of alcohol in the blood recommended by the state. It is possible to use the calculator online.

Vigilance has never been superfluous. Using the alcohol calculator, you will protect yourself and your loved ones, and you will feel like a king behind the wheel.

Alcohol calculator "RIA"

One of the best alcohol calculators is an interactive alcohol calculator from the guys from RIA-Novosti - it is very simple and very convenient. It is enough to choose your gender and weight, as well as what kind of alcohol and how much you drank.

Alcohol calculator "In the Rating"

Below is the alcohol calculator we developed - it is more functional and more accurate, based on the formula of the Swedish researcher Eric Widmark, which allows you to determine the content of alcohol in the blood (in ppm), as well as the time for the complete withdrawal of this alcohol from the body. In our alcohol calculator, in addition to the usual parameters - a person’s gender, their weight and the amount and strength of alcoholic beverages they drink, the following are also taken into account: a person’s height and he drank this alcohol on an empty or full stomach.

In the calculator, the calculation of the amount of alcohol in the blood is based on the world-renowned formula of the Swedish chemist Eric Widmark. For greater accuracy, an additional coefficient (k) has been introduced into the formula, taking into account the height of a person. It should be noted that the received answer in ppm is theoretically the maximum possible concentration of ethanol in the blood.

  • C - the maximum possible concentration of ethyl alcohol in human blood, ‰ (ppm);
  • A - the volume of the drunk drink, ml;
  • s is the strength of the drink,%;
  • m - body weight, kg;
  • k - human height, cm;
  • r is the Widmark distribution coefficient (0.70 for men, 0.60 for women).

The classic Widmark formula takes into account the amount of ethyl alcohol drunk. For ease of calculation, an additional coefficient (s) was introduced into the formula, taking into account the strength of the drink.

Dependence of coefficient k on growth:

Height, cm k value
120-140 1,0
140-160 0,9
160-180 0,8
180 and above 0,75

Note: do not confuse the amount of ethanol in the blood and in the exhaled air, these values ​​may differ. Our calculator calculates the blood alcohol content.

Degrees of intoxication

  • 0.5-1.5 ppm - a slight degree of intoxication. With such a concentration of alcohol in the blood, the muscles of the whole body relax a little and the mood improves, excessive sociability and activity appear.
  • 1.5-2.5 ppm - the average degree of intoxication. In this state, a person’s speech becomes slurred and movement coordination is disturbed, and very often there is excessive irritability and aggression towards others.
  • 2.5-3.0 ppm - a strong degree of intoxication. This condition is accompanied by a complete loss of coordination and often loss of consciousness and partial loss of memory.
  • 3.0-5.0 ppm - a state of alcohol poisoning. A person loses the ability to perceive the surrounding reality and respond to all sorts of irritations. In addition to the detrimental effects on the body, a person in this state may develop an alcoholic coma.
  • Above 5.0 ppm is a lethal dose. High probability of death.

There are 4 things to note here:

  • Each organism is very individual and small errors can be both in one direction and in the other.
  • We rarely drink without a snack, however, if you take alcohol on an empty stomach, then on average the time to remove alcohol will increase by half an hour - an hour.
  • The legislation provides for the maximum allowable alcohol standards for drivers (more on them below), so it seems like it’s not necessary for alcohol to disappear completely, but our standards are so small that it’s better to attribute them to small errors again.
  • The alcohol withdrawal time is individual for each person, so the time obtained using this calculator cannot be used as evidence in court or to challenge breathalyzer measurements. The owner of the site and the developers of the calculator disclaim any liability associated with the use of this alcohol calculator.

The online calculator calculates the degree of intoxication based on the amount of ppm obtained using the above formula. In the table below you can see how the degree of intoxication depends on ppm:

Measuring the time of alcohol removal from the body

The calculator calculates the time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the human body using a special formula. To do this, the maximum allowable content of ethyl alcohol in the blood (C) is divided by 0.15 (the average rate of elimination of ethanol per hour).

It is worth noting that the time obtained using the calculator does not mean that during this period there will be a complete breakdown of alcohol in the blood. It will only decrease to the norm allowed by law, when the driver can drive. Permitted norms for the content of a substance in the body:

  • 0.32 ‰ - in Russia;
  • 0.3 ‰ - in the Republic of Belarus;
  • 0.2 ‰ - in Ukraine.

This does NOT mean that the driver can drink a little. In Russia and Ukraine, by law, after taking any dose of alcohol, it is forbidden to drive. The norm is indicated rather formally, because. the human body can contain a small amount of ethanol without the use of alcoholic beverages.

Table for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body to the level of 0 ‰:

  • Our alcohol calculator was created exclusively for a visual demonstration of the dependence of the ethanol content in the blood on various factors.
  • The value of ppm and the timing of the removal of alcohol from the blood depend on many other factors, including the physiological characteristics of the body, nutrition, and much more.
  • We do not recommend using it for scientific work or educational purposes.
  • Try to drink alcohol less often, be healthy and live long!

State duration

Unfortunately, there are simply no universal indicators of the time of content of one or another portion of alcohol in the blood. Each person is unique, the rate of absorption of alcohol is different for everyone. We list some factors that affect the speed of this process:

  • Height, weight of a person. The higher these figures, the larger portion a person needs for intoxication;
  • Floor. In most cases, women get drunk faster than men;
  • genetic predisposition. Sensitivity to alcohol is inherited;
  • General condition of the body. For example, a dose of alcohol drunk on an empty stomach will intoxicate faster and, accordingly, will remain in the blood longer.

Since even for one person the toxic effect of alcohol can take a different time, you should not take the readings of the calculator literally.
However, the average concentration of alcohol in the human body is quite possible to calculate. It is known that different drinks intoxicate differently. For example, the concentration of alcohol in the body of a man weighing 80 kg will be 0.3 ppm (this is the term for the unit of measurement of alcohol) if you drink:

  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • Or 200 grams of dry wine;
  • Or 500 grams of beer.

The maximum concentration of alcohol in the human body lasts from 30 minutes to several hours after drinking, then gradually disappears.

In order for you to calculate the amount of alcohol in your blood yourself, you need to enter data about your gender, weight, indicate whether you have drunk drinks on an empty stomach or not, and also mark all types of drinks you have drunk and indicate their portion.

Permissible alcohol limits for car drivers

On September 1, 2013, Russia abolished "zero ppm" and set the maximum allowable alcohol limit in 0.16 ppm in exhaled air and 0.35 ppm in blood.

I must say that these are not the most democratic norms, but at the same time not the most strict. So, for example, the norm in the UK is 0.8 ppm, in Spain, Italy, France and Germany - 0.5 ppm, at the same time in the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia - 0 ppm.

Permissible norms for blood alcohol content in Ukraine are 0.2 ppm, and in the Republic of Belarus - 0.3 ppm.

Theoretically, it turns out that half a bottle of beer, or a glass of champagne, or half a glass of vodka (50g) should not exceed the norm of 0.35 ppm in the blood, and you can immediately drive after drinking this amount of alcohol.

But it’s better not to risk much with this, since, firstly, many food products that seem to contain no alcohol nevertheless increase its content in the blood (kefir, chocolates, juices, drugs, again), and secondly , you must also take into account the error of breathalyzers, which are often not of the highest quality.

How long does it take on average to remove one or another amount of alcohol

In fact, the time for removing alcohol from the body is individual for each person and depends on a number of factors:

  • The weight. The greater the weight of a person, the faster he processes the alcohol he has drunk.
  • Growth. The higher the person, the shorter the time for the complete withdrawal of alcohol from his body.
  • Floor. In men, alcohol is excreted approximately 15% faster than in women.
  • Availability of snacks. The less a person "ate", the longer alcohol will be removed from his body.
  • Reaction to alcohol. Usually, if a person gets drunk quickly, then he will sober up much faster.
  • The presence of diseases. Some diseases lead to a slowdown in metabolism in humans, and thereby increase the time of alcohol withdrawal.

However, if we take the average person, then we get the following average values ​​​​for the complete weathering of alcohol from the body:

  • A bottle of weak beer will take 5-6 hours, and two bottles (1 liter) will take 8-9 hours.
  • A jar of alcoholic cocktail - about 10 hours.
  • A couple of glasses of champagne or weak wine - about 8-10 hours, and a sentenced bottle (0.7 -0.75 l) - already about 15-20 hours.
  • A couple of glasses of vodka (200 gr.) - 16-19 hours, but a whole bottle of vodka will be displayed from 25 to 40 hours.

What speeds up and what slows down the withdrawal of alcohol

Well, at the end of the article I would like to indicate what contributes and what, on the contrary, does not contribute to the removal of alcohol from the body.

Foods and drinks that increase ppm

Even if the driver does not drink alcoholic beverages at all, he still should not lose his vigilance, because a certain amount of ppm is found in various other products. For example, yeast kvass contains from 0.1 to 0.6 ppm, and 0.2 ppm in kefir and ayran.
A small amount of ethanol is also released in many fruits: oranges, bananas. Among the ingredients, alcohol can be found in chocolate, cakes, pastries. Also, alcohol-containing drugs can affect the readings of the breathalyzer. Among such drugs are motherwort, corvalol, valerian, calendula, etc.

What accelerates the withdrawal of alcohol:

  • Tight bite
  • Walking, dancing, having sex and other activities
  • Fresh air
  • Plentiful drink
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Fruits and fruit juices (preferably orange or grapefruit)

What slows down the withdrawal of alcohol:

  • Tonic drinks (tea, coffee)
  • Fatty and heavy food