The project of a corner bath with a wooden terrace. Bath projects with a relaxation room

The importance of bathing procedures is difficult to overestimate. regular bath can prevent many diseases. A visit to the steam room normalizes metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins, relieves colds. In addition, it is an excellent relaxing and tonic agent that helps relieve stress after a hard day's work. And how wonderful it is to go outside after the steam room, enjoy the birds singing and cool fresh air, cool down a little and relax.

Bath with a terrace - a rational and economical idea

The project of a bath with a terrace gives a lot of advantages and new opportunities, perfectly complements and decorates the site. Do you want to ensure a complete rest? In this case, you can arrange a place for a barbecue on the terrace. A large terrace with a 6x6 sauna will become a favorite place for many. Having placed chairs and a table, it is pleasant to receive guests here, relax, listen to music, and in the evenings, after steam and a broom, drink tea and treat yourself to barbecue with smoke. A bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace is equally good and comfortable for both summer and winter pastime.

Projects of baths with a terrace can be either miniature, compact or large enough. General form these buildings are just amazing. They look very attractive on the site. Interesting projects there are enough baths with a terrace on our website so that everyone can choose the option to their liking. And if suddenly the submitted projects cannot satisfy your wishes, we will develop a project from scratch especially for you. Then it will definitely meet all your requirements and bring a lot of pleasure!

Territories summer cottages do not always allow to realize all the dreams of the owner, so you have to save both space and materials. Therefore, the combined projects of country cottages, baths, summer kitchens are becoming more and more popular. Today we will look at a few combined projects baths and find out all their features.

Benefits of barbecue bath projects

The dacha has become not so much a place for the realization of one's agricultural talents as a place for recreation. It is to ensure maximum comfort that such as a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue are created, the photo project of which we presented on the page. The combination of several objects at once in one not only saves the space of the site, but also makes the use of the bath more comfortable.

There are a great many projects of such a complex, and each of them can have different sizes and configuration. The optimal area for a terrace with a barbecue is 8-10 squares. This is enough for receiving guests, and for big family this terrace is perfect. On several projects listed on the page, implemented interesting solutions on the use of the terrace area and the bath itself:

Terrace decoration with BBQ

The terrace can have a lot of design options and be either completely open or have sliding or removable screens made of fabric, glass, polycarbonate. This option of temporary glazing of the terrace will allow you to use the bath complex almost all year round. It all depends on the degree of insulation of the terrace. But as a rule, removable elements are removed for the winter in the house. Also interesting option a multi-level extension can be obtained if the bath has a second floor or a full attic.

In the photo of such projects, the terrace looks simply luxurious, especially if you decorate it with flowers and glaze it. It turns out real winter Garden or greenhouse. A two-level bath with a terrace is also good because it can be used as guest house. The second floor or attic in this case is designed as a living space with a guest room, while on the first floor there is a steam room, a relaxation room and a terrace with a barbecue, which can also serve as a summer kitchen.

The price of bath projects with a terrace

Bath projects with a terrace and a barbecue can be both budget and not too cheap. It all depends on the type of building. The most inexpensive bath projects involve construction using frame-panel technology. But that doesn't mean that frame bath cannot be two-level or it will be less functional. The price of such a turnkey project is about half a million rubles.

More expensive projects already involve the construction of timber or log cabins from logs. The cost of such a bath with a terrace without attic floor- about 800 thousand rubles. Two-story bath with an attic and a terrace will cost from 1,200,000 turnkey rubles. Naturally, the price of the final object will be influenced by the materials and equipment used, as well as engineering solutions that can help combine the foundation of the bathhouse and the terrace, which will somewhat reduce the cost of construction.

You can always save money due to the design of the stove, by equipping the bath itself, but the very fact of the presence of such a bath complex in a summer cottage is already a reason for pride. Hours spent in silence after a good bath cannot be measured by any money, so the project of a sauna with a terrace and a barbecue is an excellent investment for the future.

In Russia, baths have existed since ancient times. And if earlier in Russia the task of the bath was to maintain cleanliness, now it is not only a facility for hygienic purposes, but also a wonderful place to relax, as well as a way to emphasize one’s viability, since not everyone can afford a bath. This building is now being built soundly from quality materials so that it is reliable, warm and practical. Modern bath can be a whole complex containing everything that can be in ordinary house: this is a pool, and a relaxation room, and an open one, and the steam room itself.

Standard project one-story bath with living quarters

Nowadays, a bathhouse can have a residential floor, which significantly saves space if the site is small. There may also be a veranda that can be protected from annoying insects and spent there summer evenings in cool cozy place. On the sauna terrace there is an opportunity to put a barbecue oven. Such a platform will be a great place to relax and receive guests. The dimensions of such an extension, of course, depend on the capabilities of the site, but you can make it as large as possible or miniature, and when choosing a bath project with a terrace, you should focus on the size of the territory and the location of other objects on it.

Sauna with a large terrace made of glued laminated timber with a block house finish

If you want to profitably allocate space, then a bathhouse or a house with a terrace is the most smart decision. You will have an additional area for recreation, protected from rain and sun, while filled with fresh air. In terms of construction costs, it is not very expensive. The most popular terrace projects are structures under the same roof with the house, as well as under open sky or with glass walls. If you decide to build a bath with a terrace, then this right choice, since such construction will cost much less than a separate construction of a bathhouse and a separate gazebo.

Bath with a glass veranda

Bath with a covered veranda

Classic options

If you are just going to build a bath, and you have a large enough plot, then you can choose a 6x9 bath project with a terrace: such a bath will be very convenient for big company or family, and the terrace will have a common foundation with a bath. The building itself will allow you to place inside not only a steam room, but also other attributes home comfort and comfort, and on the second floor of the bath you can arrange a guest room, which will have large area. Bath 6 × 9 can be made of a log house, rounded logs or glued beams, as well as stone materials. It is best to build it from chopped logs, which are more durable and retain heat better. Such projects of houses with a terrace, a photo of one of which is posted below, are quite popular, although they are more expensive. You can see an overview of a bath from a bar here:

Construction of a log cabin bath 6 × 9 with a veranda

If you want to expand living space at home, you can complete the bath, which can be either a separate building or adjacent to the house.

For such a case, a 6x6 bath project with a terrace is perfect, which will optimally enlarge your house and add a cozy platform for summer holidays. Now in the heat you can be outside and enjoy the fresh air and birdsong. Increasing the space of the house will be done quite competently, since a bath of this size will fit neatly in any area and goes well with any cottage.

Bath project with terrace 6×6

Corner buildings

In addition to standard buildings, the project is becoming very common. corner bath with a terrace, which is considered a fairly new find in construction. This building has a unique shape. Such a bath will take much less space on the site, while due to its angular shape it will be quite spacious inside. Such a bath should be built with a terrace, then it harmoniously fits into the design of the entire building as a whole. It can be built from almost any material: the choice is mainly due to the financial capabilities of the owner, as well as compatibility finished look baths with other buildings and a house.

Model and project of a corner bath

Corner baths are often erected when it is necessary that the building be close to the cottage. Terraces adjacent to the house can also be of a standard shape - rectangular, square. However, it corner design differs, first of all, in convenient and ergonomic placement, thanks to which the layout of the site becomes the most logical and beautiful. In addition, such a solution will help not only to correctly distribute the free area on the site, but also to put in order the territory adjacent to the house. It is pleasant to relax on the terrace in warm weather, and now even the rain will not prevent you from enjoying the warm summer days. There are terrace projects corner type They come in a variety of sizes and prices, making it easy to choose the right one for you.

Bath adjacent to the house

Modern projects of verandas and terraces are suitable not only for country houses and baths, but also for shops, cottages and other objects to which it is technically possible to attach a terrace.

Two-storey residential options

Everything becomes more relevant rational use territories land plot on which the residential building is located. The plots are usually small, and the owners often want not only to live in a cozy big house, but also to place in your yard a summer house, a gazebo and, if possible, some other objects for your convenience. This is especially true if construction is just beginning.

If there is still no house on the site, but you plan to build a residential building in the future, then it is smartest to start construction from a bath, as it will serve after completion construction works. At first, the bath can serve as summer house, and it can be used for intended purpose or even store some tools in it. After the house is completed, the bathhouse will fit in perfectly and will be a great place for you to relax with friends or family. If you start construction with the construction or delivery of the finished construction trailer, then after it is no longer needed, the question arises of how to remove it from the site, and this is an extra and completely unnecessary problem. Therefore, it is better if a bath first appears on the site. Two-story projects with a terrace are the most relevant; if you are planning further construction, you want to get another extra room, in which it will be possible to relax or accommodate guests, if you want to save the usable space of the site, then this design is ideal.

Wooden two-story bath

Bath cottages with terraces

A cottage with a large terrace and indoor sauna facilities is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. On the terrace you can organize a gazebo for cooking barbecue and other dishes that require open air for cooking. This extension in the house can be both a playground for a child, and a great place for dancing and gathering guests. You can read or relax there even in bad weather, since the terrace is usually protected from rain and sun. You can hang mosquito nets or make decorative curtains that will keep out wind and flies.

Sauna house with a terrace

Inexpensive Options

Frame houses with a terrace are the most inexpensive compared to the rest. Benefits frame houses is that the house is much cheaper than an analogue from a block or brick, while not inferior to it in quality. An important advantage frame construction is also the fact that such a house is being built in an extremely short time, which is very important, for example, for suburban area or those people who do not want to delay construction for a long time. The advantage of such construction can be considered that after construction frame house there is little debris left. The project of a house with a large terrace is considered popular: such a design will visually increase the space of the house, but at the same time it will not steal much space from the yard.

Frame house with a terrace

If you love classics, you will surely be interested in projects wooden houses with a terrace. Wooden houses not only have an attractive appearance and do not need internal and outdoor decoration, which significantly saves the customer's money, but also fits perfectly into the landscape of the countryside. Such a house will look great next to a log cabin. Usually, wooden houses are built quickly enough, while they are unpretentious in operation, do not require heavy equipment for their construction and are built quickly enough.

Modern house projects with terraces can be used not only for private construction. For example, cafe projects with a terrace have long been popular. Photos can be seen below. They are operated mainly in the summer, and the extension allows you to expand the area and move some of the tables outside.

Summer terrace attached to the cafe

  • organization of a good rest - having taken a steam bath and relaxing after a bath, right on veranda, without leaving anywhere, you can cook barbecue or snacks on the fire
  • joint construction helps to accurately withstand the overall architectural style for all buildings on the site
  • if the bath in the country is planned to be used only during the season, then a spacious terrace with a barbecue can completely replace the rest room, which will help to significantly save on the construction of a bath
  • no need to link standalone objects paths, which allows you to further save usable space and reduce costs
  • grouping several objects under one roof will help to significantly reduce costs, because in this case, for example, the bath wall will act as a terrace wall

Material selection

The most popular and cost-effective material for building a bath with a terrace is wooden beam. On the one hand, it keeps heat well, so the bath does not require additional insulation. Moreover, the tree traditional material Russian bath, it allows you to create a unique "bath" atmosphere. An additional plus is that wood, as a “breathing” material, independently regulates humidity, but at the same time it will require additional protection against mold and fire.

Brick baths are more reliable in terms of fire safety, but they take longer to warm up, requiring more fuel. Besides, brick baths require the mandatory installation of a ventilation system, otherwise condensate will begin to accumulate inside the bath, provoking the development of mold and bacteria.

Foundation laying

Despite the often common roof, they lay under the terrace and the bath different foundation. The bath, of course, is heavier than the terrace, so for large areas and multi-storey buildings, a tape monolithic foundation, and for small baths you can get by with pile ones. If foam concrete or brick is used to build a bath, then a strip foundation is necessarily poured - the other simply cannot withstand the weight of the building.

For wooden terrace will be enough pile foundation. In cases where the terrace will be located on difficult ground, prone to freezing or shedding, on slopes, it is better to lay screw piles to increase reliability. At the same time, for wooden buildings it is very important to properly organize waterproofing between the tree and the foundation in order to avoid wood decay.

Advice! Since the soil under a heavier bath will shrink faster than under a lighter terrace, the foundations of the terrace and bath must be separated by a layer of insulation.

Terrace and barbecue: we plan correctly

When planning a terrace, first of all, it is necessary to take into account which direction of the wind is the main one, so that the task of the bath covers the terrace. In addition, this will allow you to properly place the barbecue so that the wind carries the smoke and heat away from the vacationers. If the terrace will serve as a shelter from the sun's rays on a hot summer day, then you should not place it from the south. Or vice versa - a terrace with a sun lounger can be a great place for a reception sunbathing- it all depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner. In addition, the choice of the location of the terrace is greatly influenced by the surrounding landscape - contemplation fence it is unlikely to add mood on vacation, where it is more pleasant to admire the forest, lake or landscaped landscape design.

The terrace can be placed frontally (i.e. along the facade of the bathhouse, Fig. 1), sideways (near one of the walls), it can be angular (along two adjoining walls) or encircling (along three camps, sometimes completely around the bathhouse, area permitting).

Rice. 1. The project of a bath with a frontal terrace

If you do not plan to invite a lot of people, then taking into account the installation of a barbecue (brazier), the minimum recommended terrace area is 7-8 m2. But it’s better to start with 9-10 m2, then in addition to tables and chairs on the terrace, you can put a deck chair, a couple of chairs, while the person standing at the barbecue will have enough free space to work, and vacationers will not be bothered by the heat from the stove and smoke .

Although the terrace in the classical sense is an open area, for greater comfort it has a roof to protect it from rain and sun. This may be a continuation of the roof of the bath and be made of a similar roofing material, or you can cover the terrace with translucent polycarbonate. In addition, an opaque canopy will create twilight in the bath itself, so you will have to turn on the light earlier.

Advice! Polycarbonate coating is especially justified for large terraces - there is no need to build a massive base, lightweight metal structure will not clutter up the space, remaining almost invisible.

Ideal for patio flooring wooden plank or decking. Of course, you can put a sidewalk or ceramic tiles, but the tree will look cozier. Natural stone used as a covering on a large terrace

To install a barbecue, it is necessary to lay the foundation separately, and for construction use a special refractory brick, while the base is made about 70 cm high from the floor level.

Advice! To improve fire safety, it is better to put stone (tile) tiles around the barbecue instead of wood flooring- even if a spark falls on it, it will not cause a fire.

A rectangular niche is made in the front wall, in which it will be possible to store a small supply of firewood. To remove smoke for a barbecue, a separate chimney is made, which in height should ensure effective removal of smoke from the bath.

Designing a bath with a terrace and a barbecue oven

The design of the bath, regardless of the type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish) should provide for the presence of at least three rooms:

  • dressing room - dressing room with a minimum size of 1.2 × 3 m, but it should be noted that according to the standards, 1.3 m2 should be per person
  • shower room - minimum size 2x2m
  • steam room - its size is a compromise between ease of placement and the need to maintain the required temperature at low cost fuels (electricity). Minimum size a steam room for 2-3 people will be 1.3 × 1.8 m.

If you have a spacious terrace for a seasonal bath, you can refuse a rest room. The planning of the rest of the premises, of course, depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner.

Let's take a closer look at some projects.

A corner bath with a terrace and a barbecue (Fig. 2) allows you to effectively use the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site if you place it in one of the corners.

Rice. 2. Corner bath with terrace and barbecue

The space is used very functionally - in the spacious shower there is a font with cold water. A fairly spacious steam room - it will be quite comfortable to heat the stove in it, while it is shifted closer to the corner, away from front door- so safer, because the eyes after bright lighting the shower room needs to get used to the subdued light of the steam room. If brick is chosen as the material for the bath, then the stove can be cut into the walls. If you make the steam room a little smaller, then with this arrangement of the stove, you can heat it from the shower. There are two entrances to the common vestibule - one directly from the street, the second - from the terrace.

The project of a bath-guest house (Fig. 3) with a veranda and a barbecue, a fairly large area - 98 m2. Therefore, if it is intended to be used year-round, a heating system will be required. Inside there is a spacious living room and separate kitchen. The terrace is located on the side, in terms of area - it is actually half of the building. Entrance from two sides - from the street through the vestibule (winter entrance) and from the terrace.

Rice. 3 Banya - a guest house with a barbecue and a terrace

Figures 4 and 5 show two more projects of a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Rice. 4. The project of a bath-guest house with a terrace and a barbecue

Rice. 5. Sauna with terrace and barbecue

On fig. 6 drawing of a bath with a terrace and a barbecue, on which you should pay attention to front door to the rest room - it is located at the maximum distance from the barbecue in order to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the room.

Rice. 6. Drawing of a bath with a terrace and a barbecue

Sauna from a bar with a veranda and a barbecue in the traditional Russian style - watch the video presentation:

Washing in your own bath cannot be classified as a banal hygiene procedure. This is a real pleasure, which is accompanied by a pleasant feast in the company of friends and a leisurely conversation. Therefore, when planning to build a small bathhouse on your site, do not miss the chance to make it truly comfortable and convenient.

In the warm season, after a hot steam room, I want to go out to Fresh air, get settled in easy chair and freeze in sweet languor.

Your vacation will not be overshadowed by weather vagaries if a sauna with a terrace under one roof is built on the site.

What should be its layout in order to water procedures optimally combined with rest, board games and cooking homemade meals, we will consider in more detail.

Bath layout options

It is advantageous to build a terrace (veranda) not as a separate structure, but under the same roof with a bathhouse. Therefore, at least one size (length or width) must be the same for them. The easiest way to implement this idea is as follows: the gable roof of the bath with one side rests on the main wall, and the other lies on the racks (columns) of the terrace.

The second step is to define usable area terraces. It directly depends on the number of people visiting the bath at the same time. For a family of 4 people, 8 m2 is enough for comfortable seating at the table. If the company is more representative (6-8 people), then lay in the project at least 14 m2. Having determined the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe veranda, you can finally decide on which side of the bath it is best placed.

A small terrace is optimally arranged along the narrow end wall. If you want to make a more spacious room, then it is better to make an open canopy along the wide side of the bath.

Another interesting layout option is the placement of a terrace between the bath and residential building. In this case, you do not have to look for a place to cook food or wait for the end of the downpour. Only in this case it is better to attach a bath with a veranda to the deaf side of the house so that the smoke from the stove pipe (when using solid fuel) did not fall into the windows of residential premises.

When considering the project of a bath with a terrace in terms of its internal layout, one must proceed from the external dimensions of the building. It is within this framework that you will have to “fit” all the premises: a dressing room, a bathroom, a shower, a steam room, a rest room and a terrace. You can save usable space by abandoning the rest room and shifting its functions to the veranda. However, in this case, in the cold season, you will have nowhere to relax after washing in the bath. Therefore, reserve at least 6-7 m2 for it.

If your plans do not include the construction of a full-length bath measuring 6 by 6 meters as in the figure above, then you can do otherwise: remove the rest room from the layout, glaze the terrace and make a barbecue oven in it.

For the autumn and spring seasons, the heat from such a hearth will be enough to create comfortable temperature. The external dimensions of the bath with a veranda in this case can be reduced to a minimum (4 by 4 meters), without losing in comfort and ease of use.

Options for adding rooms

In addition to the considered solutions with a relaxation room, a glazed veranda with a barbecue, the idea of ​​​​adding a bathhouse with an attic deserves attention. It significantly expands the usable area and makes it possible to equip a guest room, a small fireplace room or a billiard room under one roof.

To implement such a profitable idea, you need to provide a place for installing a narrow and not too steep staircase. It is not difficult to find him. It is enough to slightly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway (waiting room).

On the second floor near the bath, you can design a spacious balcony. To do this, the attic roof must be extended so that it covers the veranda.

The slope of the roof will take away part of the usable area from the second floor. Despite this, in attic room there will be enough space for a recreation room with a billiard table. If desired, a light open fireplace with an exhaust hood can be installed here.

Photos of different options for baths

Having gained an understanding of the external layout and interior layout baths with terraces, you should look at their visual embodiment. This will help us more accurately determine the material for the new building.

In photo No. 1 we see a classic bathhouse made of rounded logs, covered with a gable roof made of metal. The roof covers not only the bathhouse, but also the terrace and balcony of the second floor.

Beautiful knitting of crowns serves as the main decoration of the facade. The only remark is the irrational use of the attic space. Gable roof takes away a lot of usable space from the premises of the second level. In this respect, a broken roof is more profitable.

Photo number 2 shows an inexpensive and compact bath from a bar with a terrace. Nothing superfluous - the life credo of the owner of such a structure. inexpensive and quite sufficient for mounting walls made of wooden beam. Under the terrace, a strip foundation is not needed at all. Three concrete posts under the support pillars of the roof and a frame made of timber - the most reasonable solution.

You can not cover the veranda with a common roof with a bath, but protect it with an ordinary flat canopy. Photo No. 3 shows the exterior of a 6 by 4 meter building with a veranda located along a long wall. As we can see, there is enough space for dining table and a small barbecue grill.

When planning to build a bath with a veranda, you can not invent complex options, but simply block it with the usual garden gazebo as in photo #4.

A polycarbonate roof will not only reliably protect you from rain, but will also create a pleasant penumbra.

The bath can become the central building for the entire recreation area of ​​a country estate. In this case, the terrace should be really spacious and comfortable. To do this, it should be made as wide as possible or extended by unfolding it in the form of the letter "G".

In the far corner of the main log canopy, a summer oven with a compartment for frying shish kebabs and steaks is conveniently located.

Construction materials

Wood is the most popular material for building a bath with a terrace. Moreover, it can be not only an expensive profiled beam, but also an affordable rounded log.

Excellent bathing characteristics are achievable and inexpensive, provided that ecowool is used as a heater, and not polystyrene.

And aerated concrete is well suited for bath construction. These materials qualitatively solve the problem of insulation and do not require expensive finishing. Important condition durability of such a structure good protection walls from moisture (deeply penetrating waterproofing and high-quality putty).

Brick is almost never used as the main material for walls today. But it is indispensable for the front decoration of the facade and looks good as a decorative fence of the terrace.

A lover of the original can be advised to build a round bath with a terrace. Two dump trucks of firewood, one truck of clay and a wagon of hay - that's all the materials needed to build a unique and environmentally friendly structure.
